Interpretation of sleep lollipops in dream books. What is the dream of Lollipop in a dream book? Candy islamic dream book

Small Velesov dream book

Lollipop in a dream

Lollipop - Disease.

The meaning of sleep about Candy (Spring dream book)

Lollipop - Sucking a lollipop in a dream - to get short-term pleasure.

Montpensier - Gnawing in a dream - to a love adventure, which you will later remember with disgust.

Culinary dream book

Features of a dream about a Cockerel on a stick

Lollipops - If a woman dreamed that she was making lollipops, she would have many ardent admirers. If she ate candy, she would have one suitor and an early marriage. If she dreamed that a man gave a box of candy, she would receive an invitation to a party. For a man, there are lollipops in a dream - to anxiety and trouble.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Lollipop as an image in a dream

Lollipops - Eat - beware of friends.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Lollipop in a dream why dream

Lollipops - Eat - beware of friends

What does it mean to see Lollipop

Lollipops - Wait for the guests. Imagine that you really like the taste and aroma of candy. You have never eaten these!

Sucking lollipops is for well-being, but you lack determination. If you sucked on lollipops, you will get short-term pleasure. They sucked a cockerel on a stick - be careful, do not believe too rosy promises, you may be misled, but do not worry, friends will always come to the rescue. Seeing someone else sucking candy - friends will surprise you with an unexpected surprise or act. The dream book interprets lollipops received as a gift as a harbinger of the fact that in reality you will be invited to a party, celebration, banquet or reception. We fed you sweets in a dream - a lot of bright and unforgettable impressions await you. Treat someone with lollipops - give a person a lot of impressions.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why Lollipop dreamed in a dream?

To treat a child with lollipops has a double meaning: on the one hand, to do a good deed in reality and not ask for a fee for it; on the other hand, to attract, to lure an influential person to one's side is a candy as a bait. They gnawed at him - you will have to work hard or study, "nibble on the granite of science", so to speak. Buying candy is for unexpected guests whom you will be very happy about. Just do not fall for the flattery of the seller and do not buy more than you need, so that joy does not become a burden. Monpensier seen in metal boxes symbolize that you will be satisfied, gain hope for a brighter future. Selling candy - you will make promises to others, but not necessarily fulfill them.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Lollipop mean, taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why dream of gnawing candy in a dream - for a love adventure, which you will later remember with disgust.

In the summer, why dreamed of buying candy in a dream - to children's joy.

In the fall, why did you dream that you were buying candy - to the guests.

In winter, why dream of buying candies in tin boxes in a dream - to satisfaction. Sucking a lollipop in a dream means being indecisive in business.

Sweets promise in a dream joy, pleasure, satisfaction from life, some kind of holiday. But under the influence of the law of inversion, the interpretation of sleep can change exactly the opposite. Dream Interpretations will help you find the right answer.

Why dream of sweets according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are feasting on melted or soft candy - to love joys. A dream in which you make sweets with your own hands means you a pleasant change in material wealth due to your assertiveness and hard work.

Not sweet or rancid candy is a sign of irritability and chagrin. Also this dream means illness. If you are presented with sweets, it is a sign that you are being harassed by a stubborn and not sincere person.

If in a dream you yourself give sweets, then in reality you will make someone a constructive proposal of a personal or business nature, but it will not be successful, your hopes will not come true.

Candy in a dream - Vanga's dream book

A dream about chocolates means that in reality you are cooperating with fairly conscientious and serious partners who bring good profit to your work. Trying a lost or tasteless candy in a dream - to troubles and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A dream in which you savor chocolate treats means that you have a desire to change your life and make it easier. In addition, this dream suggests that you are perfectly adapted to self-development and during this period you will be incredibly lucky in everything.

Dreams about sweets - Women's dream book

If you get candy in a dream, it is a sign of great success and prosperity. To present a box of sweets yourself in a dream - in reality you can make a risky offer that can be rejected. Candy with fruit filling - promises a sleeping person erotic adventures.

What does it mean if you dreamed about sweets in a dream. Dream Interpretation of Medea

The candy symbolizes naive childish joy and carelessness. There are delicacies in a dream - to security. To see sweets is to comprehend hopes.

A delicacy in a bright and colorful wrapper symbolizes a meeting with a pleasant person for you. If you liked the taste of candy, then meeting this person will be fateful. If the candy is not tasty, you will be disappointed in your opponent.

For female half of the population to see sweets in a dream is a sign of popularity among assertive men who cannot always live up to expectations. Buy sweets - for the imminent arrival of close relatives. Chocolate confectionery are considered a symbol of receiving an impressive amount of money, and caramel is a trifle.

Family dream book - why candy is dreaming

A dream in which you eat chocolate delicacies is a sign that soon you will find mutual and sincere love. Tasting a sour candy is a disease.

To receive these sweets as a gift is a sign of speedy material well-being. A dream where you yourself give someone candy means that your plans will not come true.

Why dream of sweets - Dream Interpretation Hasse

Seeing in a dream a chocolate candy for a sleeping person means falling in love. Donated sweets indicate an imminent invitation to a pleasant celebration. Eating sweet candies - symbolizes love or light flirting.

What else can sweets dream of

  • chocolate treats - to a positive mood. In reality, they can come to you non-standard ideas, however, should not be ignored in the future;
  • buying sweets - for pleasant pleasures in real life;
  • a lot of sweets - means your indecisiveness in relations with your soulmate.
  • steal, steal sweets - to achieve their specific goals, thanks to diligent work;
  • sweets with nut filling - for intellectual reflection;
  • refuse sweets in a dream - to the possible development of diabetes;
  • treat, treat someone with sweets - to a pleasant conversation;
  • cook sweets - improvement in well-being;
  • try, suck lollipops in a dream - to pleasant and varied entertainment.

Why dream of candy. To do this, you need to read the dream book. Sweets represent childhood, joy and life in abundance. They are given as a gift to all holiday events. It is impossible to imagine a birthday, anniversary, other memorable dates without sweets. It's not just a meal. Candy is also given simply to express a good attitude towards a person and to give pleasure.

Night visions of candy portend mostly positive news. They report well-being, good meetings and acquaintances, joy. Unfavorable explanations are associated with the taste of sweets, if you felt it in a dream. For an accurate interpretation of sleep, you need to get acquainted with them in the proposed sources.

Interpretations of various dream books

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian

  • Chocolates - a great mood, a creative upsurge, Team work with serious employees.
  • Received them as a gift - to unfulfilled desires.
  • The sweets were unpleasant in taste - to a stomach ailment, a sad mood.

Women's dream book (explanations for women only)

  • To receive a package of sweets as a present promises well-being, luck.
  • Give yourself - your offer will be rejected.
  • Enjoyed a crispy candy - to a romantic relationship, enjoyment.
  • It tasted like something sour - to poor health, discontent, resentment.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Seeing them is good health, prosperity.
  • Monpensier dreamed - to a surprise from loved ones.

Interpretation of the sorceress Medea

  • Candy represents serenity and fun.
  • To see them - to expectation, to eat - to material well-being.

Explanation of psychologist G. Miller

  • To make them yourself is the growth of your well-being due to your diligence and perseverance.
  • Sour candy - to a probable illness.
  • A guy to receive boxes of chocolates as a present predicts false stubborn demands.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

They dream of pleasure, well-being.

French dream book

See them - beware of lies, pretense.

Big dream book

Lollipops - to an insult to a loved one. Chocolate broadcast about unexpected income.

Culinary dream book

  • Eat them - intimate life will give you pleasure.
  • Received them as a gift - fun days await you soon.

Love dream book

They gave them to someone. Marriage will not be happy for you. You will be completely disappointed family life and in her husband.

Azar's Bible Dream Book

To see - promises you guests.

Interpretation of medium Hasse

To receive them - to visit a festive feast, to eat - to a romantic relationship.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Feng Shui

What does it mean to feast on them and give in a dream.

  • There are them - fortune is on your side. Feel free to start any business. Complete them successfully.
  • Married women - you will attend the wedding as a guest.
  • For free girls, this portends marriage, a wealthy groom, a happy married life.
  • For sick people, this is a harbinger of a long illness.
  • Giving them - to success at work, career, salary increase.

Interpretation of dreams from the Astrological dream book

Such night visions are for pleasant events, well-being.

Explanation of psychologist Z. Freud

Sweets and their purchase is a warning about carelessness in intimate relationships. You don't think about their consequences. They can have disastrous results.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • Seeing them is a small joy.
  • Eating is a warning about your fatigue. Find time to rest. You need it so much right now.
  • Finding a candy in your pocket - to pleasant events, fun.
  • A box of chocolates dreams of a feast.
  • Candy wrapper - your expectations will not come true, to your displeasure.

Jewish dream book

Seeing them promises a meeting of guests.

Eastern female dream book

  • Treating yourself with candy is a wonderful pastime soon.
  • Sour sweets - predict illness, irritation, discontent.
  • Received them as a gift - to a prosperous life, prosperity.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing them portends getting rid of diseases, a long life.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  • For a girl to see them - romantic meetings with a young man who will eventually offer you a hand and heart.
  • He will receive a box of expensive sweets as a gift - you will be invited to a festive event.
  • They themselves made such a present - your declaration of love will not be reciprocated.
  • Buying them is a waste of money.
  • Eating is a positive sign. It portends success at work, a carefree life, fun.
  • There is mints- to discontent, annoyance.
  • Sweet - to income, sour - to illness, nervousness.
  • Caramel - to mutual understanding, lollipops - betrayal of imaginary friends.
  • Chocolate - you will meet people you have been looking for for a long time. All obstacles are behind, your undertakings will go uphill.

Collection of dream books

Seeing - to slander from a loved one, resentment and worries.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

  1. To see them - wait for the guests.
  2. Eating - to pleasant intimate meetings.
  3. Buy - disappointed in someone.
  4. Treat - loss of faith.
  5. Received as a gift - to well-being and pleasure in sexual relations.

Interpretations from other sources

  1. To receive a present in the form of a package of expensive sweets promises a presence at a festive evening.
  2. To give this yourself - you will be the first to confess your love. Unfortunately, you won't get reciprocity.
  3. Eating them in a dream - to well-being in the house and a happy love relationship.
  4. To use caramel - you are probably in love.
  5. Seeing them in a shop window speaks of your sentimental nature.

Sweets are a symbol of childhood, which is always filled with pleasures and joys. But in dreams, this delicacy is a far from unambiguous symbol. When interpreting night dreams in which sweets appeared, it is imperative to pay attention to all the nuances of sleep.

Dreams in which sweets appeared are of great variety. They may appear in dreams different amount, they can just be seen or there. It is very important to remember what kind of sweets you dreamed of, because in each case, interpretations may differ.

look at candy

If sweets appeared in night dreams, and you just look at them, then this portends the onset of joyful days in reality. Maybe the celebration of life will not be large-scale, but it will bring a lot of pleasant moments.

A lot of sweets - the interpretation of sleep

Very often, dreamers are interested in the question, why do they dream of a lot of sweets? If sweets in night dreams appeared in a huge variety, then this indicates that in reality the dreamer will have many pleasant and joyful events. A bright life streak with many surprises awaits you. Moreover, gifts from fate will appear in whole bundles, although, perhaps, they will not be global.

Candy in the window - why dream

If, according to the plot of the dream, you saw sweets in the window of a confectionery store, then this accentuates your daydreaming. Such a dream indicates that you should be more realistic about the events taking place around you. Of course, it is necessary to have a dream, but living in a world of dreams is not entirely correct.

Sweets in bright wrappers - dream book

It is very good if in night dreams you see sweets in bright wrappers. This is a symbol of the fact that a period of carefree joy and fun begins in life. One candy in a shiny wrapper portends a meeting with an interesting person.

Different types of sweets can dream of the following:

    Chocolates predict the receipt of a large amount of money in reality; Marmalade sweets predict good luck, but it is only important not to miss the chance; Caramel indicates that a calm period begins in life without quarrels and conflicts; Candy with fruit filling portends erotic adventures; Lollipops indicate small profit in the real life.

Why dream, there are sweets

Very often, dreamers at night in nightly sins regale themselves with sweets, so the question of what dreams of eating sweets is quite natural. If you eat a delicious crispy waffle candy in a dream, then this promises you a luxurious life filled with all sorts of pleasures. In reality, various social events await you, where you will shine. If you don’t like the taste of sweets, then this indicates that in reality someone is trying to deceive you. For a lonely person, eating candy in a dream means starting a new romantic relationship in real life.

making candy

Highly a good sign is a dream in which you yourself make sweets. Why such a pleasant dream? This means that in real life, thanks to your own diligence and hard work, you will be able to significantly improve your own well-being. And if you eat hand-made sweets in night dreams, then this indicates that your plans will be successfully implemented.

In addition, it is important to remember what kind of candy you tasted in your night dreams:

    If you eat chocolate and very sweet sweets, this is a great love, and sincere feelings will completely overwhelm you. Do not close your own heart from great love and get real pleasure. When you have to eat sour sweets, this indicates that in real life there are annoying factors. Such a dream advises not to splash out emotions, but to try to understand yourself. In addition, it is important to remember that you need to be more tolerant of people and only then it will be possible to build harmonious relations in society.

Also a dream in which you eat chocolate candies according to Vanga's dream book, it can symbolize that you have serious business partners with whom you manage to make good profits. Also, such dreams indicate that you are adapted to self-development and know how to achieve success in the most difficult situations.

Get candy as a gift

A very good sign is a dream in which you receive sweets as a gift. This symbolizes your prosperity in real life. Moreover, this may concern not only the material side, but also the spiritual. You can learn to give people joy and in this way you can enrich your inner world.

In addition, donated sweets in a dream predict that you may soon receive profitable offers. But if, upon waking up, you realized that you didn’t like the sweets, then in real life you can expect disappointment. The dream is noteworthy, in which the dreamer's attention is focused on the fact that he receives sweets as a gift from a representative of the opposite sex. This indicates that an invitation to a wedding or anniversary will soon be received in reality.

Find candy in your pocket

If you find in a dream a few sweets in the pockets of your own clothes, then this indicates that in the near future you can expect small, but very positive life changes.

Giving candy - the meaning of sleep

When you give sweets to someone in your night dreams, this indicates an excess of your hopes in reality. As a result, they may not be feasible. In this case, the dream advises a more realistic attitude to life, so as not to be upset later. But such a dream also indicates that you can make someone an offer of a business or personal nature, but at the same time it will not necessarily be successful.

The most common question is why one dreams of buying sweets. Such a dream is a good omen. This indicates that in reality you will be lucky. You need to take advantage of this and start implementing your most daring ideas.

Also, if you dream that you are buying sweets in a dream, this may mean in reality:
    The arrival of unexpected guests; Receiving a well-deserved reward.
If you buy very expensive sweets in your night dreams, then this may portend great pleasures in the near future associated with a wide variety of events. For businessmen and entrepreneurs, such a dream can mean concluding a profitable deal in reality. It is very bad if there are any negative emotions. For example, the dreamer feels that he does not have enough money to buy the sweets he likes. Such a dream can be a harbinger of the development of hidden diseases. With highly likely problems can arise with the organs of the digestive system.

Collect candy in the cemetery

A dream in which, according to the plot, you collect sweets in a cemetery speaks of you as a person who does not show compassion for loved ones. In addition, it may indicate that other people's misfortunes give you pleasure. It is imperative to overcome such a feeling, because this is ordinary envy, and, as you know, envious people have a hard time.

Treat with sweets

Treating someone in a dream with sweets is very good. Such a dream portends that in real life you will have a real friend. But if you give nice box sweets, this indicates that your offer is risky and, most likely, it will be rejected.

Sometimes people dream about things that are forbidden to them. Lollipops are no exception. But in some cases they appear in a dream completely unconditioned by anything happening in life. It is then that it is worth figuring out what sweets are dreaming of, because such dreams are considered an important hint of the future.

Interpretation in popular dream books

There are not many people in the world who remain indifferent to delicacies.

Most esotericists are inclined to believe that sweets in a dream are considered a symbol of childish joy and a carefree life.

At the same time, in many dream books, caramel can also have a negative meaning:

  1. In Vanga's dream book, candy is interpreted as a sign that soon there will be joyful events and holidays in the life of the sleeping person. At the same time, the dream promises a lot positive emotions from what is happening, as well as inspiration. In addition, a dream with chocolate treats portends the dreamer the opportunity to establish connections with important people, as well as get the support of an influential person. Also on this moment a person can make useful contacts in the field of business. When the treats in a dream turned out to be unpleasant in taste, then the vision may signal the presence of digestive problems.
  2. Miller believed that dreams with caramels portend the sleeper to improve his well-being through hard work and hard work. If the candy was crumbly and crispy, then you should expect a meeting with your loved one, but if the treat turned out to be sour inside, then illness and problems with friends can overtake the dreamer. Miller said that sweets in a box as a gift in a dream indicate the hypocrisy of one of the people around. In the case when you make a gift, then you will soon receive a profitable offer, accepting which you can be disappointed. In some cases, the meaning of sweets in dreams can be associated with a memorial service and death.
  3. The interpreter of Medea's dreams indicates that candy in visions personifies the wealth and security of a person. In addition, seeing these delicacies in night dreams is considered a good sign, which indicates the ability of the sleeper to achieve all goals. When in a dream the candy turned out to be in a bright multi-colored wrapper, you should prepare for a meeting with a good man. A dream about how the dreamer tasted caramels, the taste of which was very pleasant, confirms the importance of the meeting. A candy in a dream that had a disgusting taste portends disappointment in a relationship with a beloved young man. Women dream with these delicacies on the eve of serious courtship of men. For men, dreams with their participation promise a pleasant visit from relatives. Chocolates can symbolize a large sum of money.
  4. Miss Hasse, in her dream interpreter, says that dreams of chocolate sweets portend a new romantic relationship. In this case, love will come very quickly. If in a dream the dreamer is gladly given this delicacy, it means that he may soon be invited to some fun party. The process of eating caramels in a dream according to this dream book means being in love.

There are sweets in a dream

Many dream books believe that eating lollipops in a dream is a good omen. Most likely, the sleeper will have to find out the good news. In some cases, a dream in which sweets were in huge quantities represents the level of popularity among the opposite sex. However, on the other hand, a dream predicts problems with teeth. If you believe Family dream book, then eating sweets in dreams promises the dreamer a thrill, as well as the emergence of feelings for a very temperamental person. The Eastern interpreter of dreams considers this vision as an omen of entertainment.

Why dream of buying, stealing candy

It is important to take into account the dreams in which you had to buy or steal sweets:

  1. If you had to steal sweets in a dream, this suggests that you need to reconsider your relationship with your loved one, because he is not going to be with you and has long found his soul mate. In this case, sweets represent the desire to get the attention of your partner. However, such a vision may indicate the right path to achieve the intended goals.
  2. Buying sweets in a dream means that you are spending money inappropriately, which will cause minor difficulties with financial resources in the future. On the other hand, buying a treat promises a visit from relatives and friends. Such a vision is often dreamed on the eve of joyful events.

Dreamed of a lot of sweets

Night dreams in which the dreamer sees a large number of sweets, always dream on the eve of receiving a huge surprise.

Moreover, if you dreamed of a lot of sweets, most of which were small size, then the dream promises an immeasurable number of small gifts. In addition, this vision portends well-being. After what they saw, people often received good news, and they could also win the lottery. However, there is another version of the interpretation of sleep, which implies the indecision of the sleeper in relationships with his partner. This value makes sense only when the sweets were unwrapped. In this case, it is worth thinking about the future with this person.

chocolate sweets

In the case when a person constantly dreams of chocolates, visions predict him not only the resumption of a romantic relationship with a soulmate, but also an unexpected huge profit. If chocolate sweets were presented by one of the close relatives, the dream portends an invitation to a celebration that will remain in memory for a long time. Vanga believed that sweets symbolize the serious intentions of business partners. In this case, it is worth trusting people, as well as starting long-planned projects that were previously in doubt. Also, a dream signals a person’s readiness for development, the realization of his abilities.

Box of sweets

If the dreamer saw a huge box of sweets in a dream, the vision may symbolize a project that the dreamer has been working on for a long time and hard. If the sleeper has to give it to another person, the dream portends failure, and also indicates the risk of losing huge financial resources from this project. But if a gift is given to a sleeping person, then the vision predicts prosperity in all areas of activity. For a girl in a relationship, a box of candies promises disappointment in her lover.

With stuffing or nuts

An important point in the interpretation of a dream is the type of sweets:

  1. If they dreamed of stuffing inside, with caramel or condensed milk, the vision signals a desire to get sexual pleasure. Sweets with fruit filling portend a passionate night with a loved one.
  2. Candies with nuts in a dream promise a pleasant meeting with an interesting person. Acquaintance can develop into a real and strong friendship. If a person turned out to be of the opposite sex, then the emergence of new feelings is possible.

Collect candy in the cemetery

A dream about how the dreamer collected caramels for a long time in the cemetery may signal that he will have to learn the sad news in real life. At the same time, lollipops from the cemetery are also dreamed of on the eve of the reprisal against the dreamer's ill-wishers, which will bring satisfaction to the person.

Many esotericists agree that caramels dream of those who have not lost their childish spontaneity. At the same time, for them, a dream with candies portends joy and prosperity, while for serious people, a vision is a warning of a failure in business, as well as a harbinger of large financial losses. In any case, you need to be able to enjoy life, as well as let go of all possible fears of condemnation, because because of them you can miss a lot of pleasant events in life.