Deadlift for girls: with dumbbells and with a barbell. Romanian deadlift: execution technique. The best exercise for the buttocks (video from Yaroslav Brin)

    Deadlift with dumbbells is an alternative variation of the most common exercise in all gyms. By working with dumbbells instead of a barbell, you increase your range of motion by a few precious inches and put more stress on your stabilizing muscles, resulting in improved athletic performance. With dumbbells, you can perform both classic and sumo-style variations or Romanian.

    How to do a deadlift with dumbbells, how the execution technique differs different types exercises, what are the benefits and why use it in your workouts - this will be discussed in our article.

    What muscles are working?

    Deadlift with dumbbells, along with squats, is the most basic exercise in the entire arsenal. Some experts call the figure 90% - it is this part of the muscle groups of our body that these exercises load. Of course, the load is mostly static in nature, but the fact remains that deadlift(with a barbell or dumbbells) is able to bring into tone and good physical shape almost all the muscles of a poorly trained or novice athlete.

    The emphasis on dynamic loading shifts depending on what kind of deadlift you are doing.

    • With the classic deadlift with dumbbells, most of the load falls on the quadriceps, gluteal muscles and extensors of the spine.
    • With the sumo deadlift with dumbbells, the load is accentuated more on the adductor muscles of the thigh, buttocks and quadriceps. The extensors of the spine are much less involved, the load on them is more static. The hamstring acts as a stabilizer.
    • With deadlift with dumbbells on straight legs (Romanian traction), the movement is performed due to the biceps of the thigh and gluteal muscles, the quadriceps are not involved in the movement. You can also do one-leg deadlifts with dumbbells, this will allow you to stretch the hamstrings even more in the first phase of the movement.

    In all varieties of exercises, the stabilizers are the abdominal muscles, calf muscles and top part back (the latissimus dorsi, rhomboid and trapezius muscles).

    Benefits and contraindications

    By working with dumbbells instead of a barbell, you increase the range of motion and include large quantity muscle fibres. In addition to this main advantage, the exercise has a number of positive aspects.

    The benefits of exercise

    Regular work with dumbbells helps athletes increase strength in the deadlift with a barbell.

    In addition, in the deadlift with dumbbells, the lion's share of the load falls on the stabilizing muscles, in particular, the muscles of the core. This makes our body more prepared for heavy strength work, and exercises such as barbell squats or tire towing are much easier for athletes.

    When performing a deadlift with dumbbells, you do not need to use a huge working weight, it is better to work in a high rep range (from 12 and above), concentrate on stretching and contracting the working muscles and adhere to the filigree technique of the exercise. This will strengthen the muscles of the legs and back and give the body an athletic silhouette. For this reason, the dumbbell deadlift is perfect for girls - it is extremely effective, fairly straightforward in terms of proper technique, and the risk of injury when performing it is minimal.


    But as in any basic exercise, there are a number of contraindications, and some athletes are strongly discouraged from performing this exercise. If you perform this exercise with an excessively large working weight, which many beginners sin, this will lead to a violation of the technique, and the lower back will be rounded at the bottom of the amplitude. The axial load on the spine at this moment is simply catastrophic, therefore deadlift with dumbbells is highly not recommended for people with the following diseases:

    • intervertebral hernia or protrusion in the lumbar spine;
    • scoliosis;
    • excessive kyphosis;
    • lordosis and others.

    Technique for performing varieties of exercises

    In this section, we will try to figure out how to properly do traction in its various variations. The technique for performing deadlifts with dumbbells for each type of exercise has its own nuances, so let's go through each type separately.

    Classic deadlift with dumbbells

    The classic deadlift with dumbbells is performed as follows:

  1. Take the dumbbells from the racks. We keep our back straight, look forward, legs are slightly narrower than shoulders, feet are parallel to each other, the pelvis is slightly laid back, we hold dumbbells along the body. For convenience, you can use wrist straps or hooks, so you will not be distracted by holding the projectile in your hands.
  2. Lean forward and begin to slowly lower the dumbbells down. Try to keep the dumbbells as close to the body as possible without letting them go forward. Lowering the projectile down is done while inhaling.
  3. After you have made a slight bend, start to squat down, straining the muscles of the legs.
  4. Continue to squat to the desired level. At the bottom, the hip line and the floor line should be almost parallel. Do not try to get the dumbbells to the floor at the bottom point - most likely, this will lead to a rounding of the lower back. Work in a comfortable range for yourself.
  5. Without pausing at the bottom point, return to the starting position, exhaling and not rounding your back.

Sumo deadlift with dumbbell

The technique for performing a sumo deadlift with dumbbells is as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells from the racks. We place our legs wider than shoulder level, turn our feet outward at 45-60 degrees. We hold the dumbbells a little narrower than shoulder width. The back is straight, the pelvis is laid back a little, the chest is raised, the gaze is directed forward.
  2. Taking a breath, we begin to let go down. The most important thing when lowering is to keep your knees and feet at the same level, without turning the knee inward - this is fraught with injury. The first part of the movement is carried out by tilting forward, then only the muscles of the legs work.
  3. We continue to let go down, feeling the stretch of the inner thigh. Here you can work on the same principle as in the classic deadlift with dumbbells, or you can put the dumbbells on the floor and do each repetition in full amplitude. Choose the option that best suits your goals. The first option is more suitable for gaining muscle mass, the second option for sumo deadlift with dumbbells is purely for men. It perfectly increases strength indicators in basic exercises.
  4. You do a sumo deadlift without a pause at the bottom point, immediately begin to get up due to the effort of the leg muscles and at the end fully straighten your back. If you are doing sumo deadlifts with a stop on the floor, the upward movement should be explosive. The first 60-70% of the amplitude should be overcome at maximum speed so that the muscles get used to speed-strength work, then the working weight in the deadlift with a barbell will increase with each workout. In both cases, the rise is carried out on exhalation.

Romanian deadlift with dumbbells

The technique for performing the Romanian deadlift with dumbbells (traction on straight legs) consists in the following algorithm:

  1. Take the dumbbells from the racks. The starting position is exactly the same as with the classic deadlift with dumbbells.
  2. Place the dumbbells slightly in front of you and, without bending your knees, pull back as far back as possible. Slowly start descending. The movement is not so much a forward lean as it is a recoil of the buttocks, so the amplitude of movement for different athletes may be different - it depends purely on your flexibility. At the same time, dumbbells should be kept as close to the body as possible and not brought forward - this will shift the load from the biceps of the thigh and buttocks to the extensors of the spine. This phase of movement is accompanied by inspiration.
  3. Lower yourself down until you feel a strong stretch in your buttocks and hamstrings. If you are not very good at this, and the desired burning sensation cannot be achieved, then the neuromuscular connection with the biceps femoris is not sufficiently developed. Try to do preliminary fatigue - 3-4 sets of flexion lying down and sitting in the simulators, after that you will be able to fully experience the biomechanics of this movement.
  4. Return to the starting position without relaxing the hamstrings. You do not need to fully straighten at the top point, it is better to leave a slight forward lean - this will keep the working muscles in constant voltage and increase the effectiveness of this exercise.

A more advanced variation of this exercise is the single-leg dumbbell deadlift. It is carried out according to the same technical principles, but requires much more concentration on the working muscles, otherwise you will simply lose your balance, and the whole set will go down the drain.

Typical beginner mistakes

Let's take a look at some of the most common mistakes newbies make when doing dumbbell deadlifts.

Incorrect back position

The most common mistake novice athletes make when doing this exercise is the wrong back position. Who happens in both classical and sumo deadlifts or Romanian deadlifts. The athlete tries to deadlift with heavy dumbbells, not realizing that if the correct technique is not observed, such exercises lose 99% of their effectiveness. The athlete hunches heavily and bends his back, which often leads to serious injuries.

Incorrect dumbbell position

Another common mistake is the wrong position of the dumbbells. Dumbbells should be located close to the body and not outweigh the athlete forward, then the movement will be synchronous and safe. If you bring too heavy dumbbells forward, the shoulder blades will drop down, the upper back will round out, and you will “pull with the hump”. On small scales, this is uncritical, although undesirable. But if you are already a trained athlete and work with really heavy dumbbells, sooner or later this will lead to injury.

Equipment abuse

Another common mistake is the abuse of equipment. This is especially true of the athletic belt, which is designed to protect us from the occurrence of an umbilical hernia, but in fact it only changes all our anatomical angles when performing a deadlift. It is better not to chase extreme weights in this exercise and work as “cleanly” as possible, then you will reduce the risk of injury to almost zero, and the need for a belt will disappear by itself.

Deflection of the spine

Another problem is not uncommon - a bend in the cervical spine. Especially often this error is manifested in stooped people. Deadlift is a basic exercise in which almost all muscle groups of our body take part, and the muscles of the neck are no exception. Incorrect position of the head and neck can lead to neuralgia of the cervical nerve or cervical spine.

Remember: in basic exercises, the gaze should be directed forward or slightly up, then the neck will be in correct position throughout the approach, which will avoid injury.

Features of the exercise for girls

This exercise is great for both men and women, and many of the fair sex consider it one of their favorites. And they have every reason to do so.

  1. Deadlift with dumbbells for girls opens up great opportunities in shaping the perfect body. For example, sumo-style traction, as well as Romanian, allow you to perfectly work out the gluteal muscles and rear surface hips. Muscles quickly come to tone, the subcutaneous fat layer gradually decreases, cellulite and stretch marks disappear, the hips gradually begin to take on a sporty look. Doing the same with a barbell is a little more difficult, as there are too many subtleties and pitfalls in the deadlift with a barbell that even many gym workers do not know about. But we should not forget about the development of the front of the thigh in order to avoid disproportion in the development of an athletic body.
  2. The classic deadlift with dumbbells allows you to strengthen all the muscles of the core and make a kind of power frame, which is simply necessary for full-fledged strength training with weights. We are talking about the extensors of the spine, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen and intercostal muscles. If a girl has these muscle groups not in good shape, there can be no talk of technically correct and productive performance of squats and lunges with a barbell or leg press in the simulator.
  3. The weight of the weights in the described exercises should be symbolic. For a girl, if she is not a professional athlete, there is not much point in chasing exorbitant weights, it is much more important to always follow the correct technique and not slow down the overall intensity of the workout - then sports results will not be long in coming.

Crossfit training complexes

Below are 4 functional complexes that you can try to include in your training program. The table is built on the principle "from simple to complex".

Some girls are chasing perfect body they train mainly only the most obvious and noticeable parts of the body - the ass and legs. Meanwhile, deadlift for girls is extremely useful, although it pumps mostly back muscles. For the health of the whole organism and a proportionally developed body, you should not miss a single muscle group. Moreover, a trained back gives the girls grace, no one forces you to sway to the size of the closet. If you wish, girls can do deadlifts by slightly changing the technique - then this exercise will also pump the gluteal muscles.

All types of deadlift involve more than just the back, like any other free weight exercise. Pulling has a very positive effect on the muscles of the legs - pay attention to how the girls perform a deadlift with a barbell, and how the hips tense up. However, not everyone can do this exercise. If you have had injuries and backs or have some kind of disease, consult with a trainer or doctor. With a sick spine, deadlift for girls will not bring benefits, but most likely will harm. Will have to replace it effective exercise for more benign options.

Classic deadlift

The classic deadlift is one of the most common variations of the exercise. In order to do the deadlift correctly, the girls need to first work on strengthening the muscles of the legs and back. If you haven't already, add bodyweight or weighted squats, pull-ups, and lunges into your workout routine. When you feel ready, start doing the deadlift for girls using this technique:

  • The back should be completely straightened, the lower back bent throughout the exercise.
  • Do not pull the bar towards you with your hands, they should just hold it. All the work will be done by the legs and back.
  • When lifting with the barbell, make sure that the shoulder blades converge and the chest protrudes forward.
  • Raise the bar in a vertical line, let it pass as close to the hips as possible.
  • In no case do not round your back, this can lead to injury. Tighten your abs and watch your shoulder blades.

This exercise is also called the Romanian deadlift and many girls will surely like it. The Romanian deadlift perfectly works out the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, while, like any traction, pumping the back. To do the deadlift correctly, the girls will have to thoroughly prepare. Depending on the recommendations of the trainer, enter hyperextension into the program or pump your legs on the simulators. Only when the muscles are ready for a more serious load, move on to the Romanian deadlift for girls:

  • Make sure your arms are slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • The back should be straight, the shoulder blades should touch each other.
  • Lean forward, pushing your buttocks back.
  • If the stretch is not enough, bend your legs slightly.
  • Lower the bar below your knees and rise - you do not need to fully set it.
  • Move smoothly, feel the work of the muscles.

On paper, the technique looks quite simple, but in order for the girls to do deadlifts, you will have to sweat and thoroughly prepare. Always focus on how tense the muscles are. If you do the exercise in jerks, you will not get half the benefit, and besides, you will probably earn a stretch.

Glad to welcome you dear readers sports blog sportivs. Alexander Bely is with you. I propose to discuss female forms today. It's no secret that all girls want to have good figure and toned ass and so we're going to talk about how you can achieve great results. We will find out why the Romanian deadlift for girls has become the main secret to achieving tightened buttocks and beautiful figure.

Basic concepts

Romanian traction is the prototype of the classical one. Its difference lies in the fact that it is performed on straight legs.

This type of traction is widely used among both men and girls. The back of the leg is being worked out - the biceps of the thigh. For girls, this exercise will serve great helper. In addition to the load on the gluteal muscles, there is tension in the back area. Thanks to this factor, you can perform this exercise both on the training day of the legs and back.

In order to achieve good results, it is necessary to adhere to the correct execution technique. Otherwise, it is fraught with the appearance of a lot of trouble - injuries, sprains.
To avoid damage, let's look at the main mistakes that are often made by beginners and athletes performing Romanian deadlifts.

Runtime errors

1. One of the most common mistakes is to perform an exercise with a rounded back. Primarily, given error present when there is excessive big weight. The body is unable to perform the barbell lift with proper technique, and turns on the back assist, which makes it a c-bend. Always watch your back, it should be straight.

2. The boom is too far away. Being too far away is fraught with incorrect technique, since the projectile goes too far from the legs.

3. Bend the arm at the elbow. This happens when the weight of the projectile is too large. When an athlete is trying with all his might to perform a barbell lift, it happens that the grip is weakening, and you want to correct the neck by bending your arms.

  • Shoes. It is recommended to wear sneakers that will fit snugly to the foot so that you can feel the floor during the exercise.
  • Miscellaneous. Used when projectile weight is too high.

You may have some problem in the form of a weakened grip while you are pulling with too much weight. To avoid this mistake, I recommend using straps.

Dear friends, I advise people who have back problems not to do such exercises. This can only make the situation worse. Before starting training, I recommend that you consult a doctor and coordinate with him all the exercises that can be performed without harming the body.

After we've covered the basic concepts and the most common mistakes that get in the way of good performance, let's talk about technique.

Correct technique

On the this moment There are about 8 varieties of deadlift. Most people simply confuse and do not understand which muscle groups are involved when performing this exercise.

Before this, and before other exercises, I strongly recommend that you Dear friends conduct a thorough warm-up that will warm up your body, tone your muscles, thereby you can protect yourself from unpleasant injuries and sprains.

1. Hang on the projectile desired weight, come to him. The legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are parallel.

2. Grasp the barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width.

3. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows, the back is constantly straight, the shoulder blades must be brought together. Bending your knees, at the maximum point you need to move the pelvis forward so that the spine is vertical.

4. The back is in a bent state, you need to move the pelvis back. As you lower the bar you should feel a strong stretch in the back of your leg. If this happens, then you are doing the exercise correctly. It is important to monitor the level of the back so that it is in a level position, you need to do the exercise with the muscles of the legs, and not with the back.

5. The bar rises strictly vertically. During the exercise, you need to feel how the muscles of the back of the thigh tighten, if you don’t feel it, then you are doing something wrong.

What can replace

Also have Alternative option Romanian deadlift - with dumbbells. An excellent plus is that the exercise can be performed both in the gym and at home. This variety is perfect for those who have wrist or forearm problems.

There is another alternative, it is an isolated exercise - Romanian traction with one arm. You need to grab the support with your hand, take a dumbbell in one hand, during the exercise it should slide along the leg. I recommend doing the exercise slowly, so you will feel the best pumping. Also, do not forget to monitor the level of the back, remember, it is always even!

To maximize the load on the biceps femoris, additionally strain it during each set.

Want to have an athletic body? Then classes in the gym will help you, where with the help of simulators and sports equipment you can not only improve your shape, but also pump up muscle mass. One of the main exercises for many athletes is the deadlift. At the same time, and the most "unloved". You ask: “why?” Because it is very difficult to perform it, and the risk of injury is very high. However, this is the most effective exercise for pumping up the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, lower back, arms and shoulders. If you want the exercise to bring the desired effect, then correct technique performing deadlifts will help you with this.

Performing this exercise requires a lot of concentration and tension from the athlete. Therefore, it is not recommended to perform it immediately without warming up. In order for everything to work out without injury, you should initially prepare the muscle groups that will be loaded.

The importance of the deadlift lies in the fact that it affects the largest muscle groups, which leads to a strong expenditure of energy. And in order to really feel the exercise, you should use an impressive weight, which will be an excellent stimulation for each individual muscle group. Therefore, trainers do not recommend using dumbbells, because they do not provide the necessary load. A bar with pancakes from 20 kilograms is best suited for this.

It is this weight and diameter that are optimal for performing deadlifts. Indeed, in this position, the neck is on required height. If you are not yet ready for such a weight, then you can take lighter pancakes, but use a special stand. The height of the bar plays an important role in the exercise. And if you follow all the rules, the risk of injury becomes minimal.

Technique for performing classic traction

There are several options for deadlift. Often beginners, not understanding the features, confuse them, which can lead to injury. Each of the types distributes the load in its own way. So, deadlift with dumbbells, which, due to its lightness, attracts girls, allows you to place the weight on the side, which greatly facilitates the work of the joints. Wherein this species pulling leads to a strong arch of the back, which can lead to injury. Therefore, it is better to perform traction with dumbbells (at least in the early stages) with a trainer. But when doing the sumo deadlift, the back and legs get a special load.

But back to classic version exercises. It involves working with a barbell that will be comfortable for you in terms of weight. The exercise is useful for both men and women who want to pump up the muscles of the lower back, abs, thighs and buttocks.

It is necessary to perform the classic deadlift in five phases.

Training. At this stage, you need to approach the projectile, place your feet on the floor correctly, grab the barbell and mentally tune in to the exercise. It is better to put the feet on the width of the hips, although there are options for performing the exercise with their placement shoulder-width apart or even wider (sumo deadlift). In this case, the feet should look a little to the side. The neck of the projectile is located in the center of the foot, and the bar itself should be as close to the leg as possible. The grip can be classic (palms look towards the body) or use a different grip (if it is difficult for you to hold a lot of weight).

Dynamic start. The correct start is very important in this exercise. To do this, you need to correctly position your body in order to find the optimal points of application of force. This can be achieved if you stand correctly in relation to the neck (the projection of the common center of mass passes through the middle of the foot), find the center of coincidence of the body weight and the gravity of the bar, the proximity to the bar will be minimal.

Thus, for the exercise you are best off:

  • take the bar with a different grip;
  • bring the shoulders over the bar line in the forward direction;
  • bend your arms at the elbow directly above the bar;
  • position the lower part of the body as close to the bar as possible.

Bar break. Remember to take the barbell off the platform in a smooth and controlled motion. You need to make the right effort so as not to disturb the equilibrium balance.

Lifting the bar ("lifting"). At this stage, it is important to achieve a slow rise of the barbell in a straight line. If it’s still difficult for you to lift such weight (and this applies not only to girls), then you can use a special simulator in which the barbell is fixed in racks. It is especially important to observe the “vertical” rule with a weight that exceeds the weight of an athlete by 2 times. If the weight of the projectile is less, you can lift it along an S-shaped trajectory. The most difficult thing is to overcome the location of the knees, so the bar must be moved very slowly to it.

Fixation. The culmination of the exercise is the full extension of the body and arms with the weight in them.

Basic Mistakes

In order to perform the exercise correctly and not get injured, it is very important to keep your back straight without bending it. This shortcoming is especially true for girls who often make such a mistake.

In order not to break your back, start lifting the weight with a “feet on the floor” movement and only then connect your back. When lowering the bar, bend your knees after the projectile has reached them. You don't have to do it before.

Too wide setting of the feet (not to be confused with the sumo deadlift) will greatly interfere with your exercise. Don't lean back too much when you've reached the top. This can be fraught with serious consequences.

Sometimes novice athletes (especially girls) like to watch themselves from the side using mirrors. When performing a deadlift, it is better not to do this. You will lose concentration and you may hurt yourself.

To warm up the muscles, before starting the exercise, you can do a warm-up for 10 minutes. A few simple exercises - and you are ready for accomplishments!

Shoes must be low-soled and non-foamy. This will allow you to stand on your feet more firmly during the exercise.

As a precaution, you can use a special athletic belt that is worn around the lower back. However, do not rely on it to protect you from many injuries. Its task is to facilitate the process and slightly unload the waist muscles.

To make it easier to hold the grip, be sure to use the chalk applied to the brushes. In rare cases, you can use belts, but they will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.

Locks are always put on the bar. After all, it can be difficult to keep a lot of weight in a strict horizontal position. And so that the pancakes do not come off the neck, they are fastened with special locks.

If possible, ask the coach for help. And be sure to follow his advice and recommendations. After all, even a theory learned by heart from the Internet or a book on athletics will not replace a look from the outside and practical experience masters.

This deadlift got its name "Romanian" because of the athlete from Romania, who was first noticed in the application of this technique. Over time, it has become in demand among men and especially girls, because it allows you to work out the biceps (back of the thigh).

As a result, we get an elastic and inflated "fifth point". Classic traction and exercises with dumbbells will not give you such an effect. In addition to the “butt”, the Romanian thrust gives a load to the calf, lumbar, gluteal and trapezius muscles.

As well as with the classic form of traction, it is important correct execution. Otherwise, instead of beautiful and pumped up muscles, you can get injured. First, watch your back. She always keeps perfectly straight during the entire process of performing the exercise. Rounding can lead to spinal injuries.

Romanian deadlift will be effective when the bar is next to the legs. Too much distance will create additional difficulties in execution.

Do not bend your elbows when you want to correct the position of the barbell. If the weight is heavy for you, it is better to take a lighter barbell or use belts.


  1. Prepare the bar by setting the desired weight. Get close to the projectile. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and place your feet parallel to each other.
  2. Now use your normal grip to grab the bar. Spread your arms slightly wider than your shoulders.
  3. Bend your arms slightly at the elbow joint, straighten your back, bring your shoulder blades together. Legs also slightly bend at the knee. Move your pelvis slightly forward to keep your spine upright.
  4. Now, with the shoulder blades brought together, push the pelvis back, bend your back. This is followed by a tilt and retraction of the buttocks. You lift the weight with your hips (biceps), not with your back. Raise the projectile to the middle of the thighs.
  5. The bar moves vertically, but the body should be moved back. The projectile rises due to the push of the floor with the feet. You should feel how your feet are connected to the floor. Fatigue of the biceps will indicate the correctness of the exercise.
  6. Then lower the bar to the floor, slightly bending your arms.

Hello everyone. Our article today will be devoted to the most famous exercise among all powerlifters and bodybuilders - deadlift. For girls, namely for you, we are writing this article, this is the most effective exercise that will help you tone and pump up the muscles of your legs and buttocks. Well, let's talk about everything in order.

Deadlift- This universal exercise, which works out a huge amount of muscle, and at the same time requires a minimum amount of equipment. When performing a deadlift, in addition to the legs and buttocks, the muscles of the back, arms and shoulders are included. To perform a deadlift, you need dumbbells or a barbell. Moreover, very small shells in weight are suitable for girls, since you don’t need to lift huge weights. Even doing a deadlift with dumbbells weighing 12 - 15 kilograms, you will perfectly load your muscles.

Deadlift is one of the main exercises, performing which your buttocks will become elastic and beautiful.

There are several types of deadlift performance: classical, sumo and on straight legs. Here we will consider the latter options, since it is this deadlift technique that involves the muscles of the legs and buttocks that girls need. In fact, there is no difference between a deadlift with a barbell or with dumbbells, but we will still talk in detail about the execution with both of them.

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Deadlift on straight legs with a barbell

So, to begin with, let's turn your attention to the most important points to which you must always pay attention. This is key points that will help you perform the deadlift correctly. After all, improper execution of thrust may not only not help you, but also make your condition worse.

The first and most important thing you should pay attention to is your posture. your back, throughout the exercise, should be perfectly flat. Imagine that instead of a spine you have a metal bar that cannot be bent.

Although the name of the exercise says “on straight legs”, you don’t need to take it literally, on the contrary, throughout the exercise, your legs should be slightly bent at the knees and only at the end of the exercise you need to straighten your legs.

« Look only ahead!”- this phrase sounds in my head every time I approach the bar. My coach always repeated these words to me. If you look forward all the time, this will allow you to easily keep your back straight, and as you already understood, a straight back is the key to a correct deadlift.

And most importantly, feel the work of your muscles. Do not do the exercise thoughtlessly, focus on the muscles of the legs, on the buttocks, imagine their contraction. It may sound crazy, but it really allows you to perform the exercise well.

Deadlift on straight legs for women

Now let's turn to the actual exercise itself. Stand straight with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart and grab a barbell (A). The weight of the bar should not be very large. Now lean down, do not forget about your posture and about the look "only forward" (B). Bend over until the barbell is just below your knees. At the same time, do not forget to slightly bend your knees (C). Then we return to the starting position (A).

Now let's look at the mistakes that you may have when performing a deadlift on straight legs:

1. So-called, podsed, that is, a strong lowering of the pelvis down. Remember that when doing a deadlift, your pelvis should only move back, neither up nor down, but only back. In any position, yours should be an extension of your back.

2. You transfer all the load to your heels while the socks are lifted off the floor. This is very blunder which you should never repeat. Remember: you should always lean on a full foot, as if you were glued to the floor.

Do you want to know ? Everything about training legs and buttocks at home in this article.

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Deadlift with dumbbells

Let's see if doing a deadlift with dumbbells is different from doing it with a barbell.

In fact, there is no difference, so if you don’t have a bar at home, but only dumbbells, then you can do the deadlift without any problems. Stand in the starting position, take dumbbells in your hands (A). Lean forward with your knees slightly bent (B). Lower the dumbbells to a point 5 to 6 centimeters below the knees and return to the starting position.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this exercise. Most importantly, remember all the tips that we have written for you in this article and train. By the way, about training. Perform deadlift 2-3 times per week. This exercise can be combined with other exercises for the legs and buttocks.

Deadlift video for girls