OSB - what is it? What is OSB - definition, characteristics, sizes and features How OSB stands for plywood

Oriented strand board (OSB, OSB, OSB - an abbreviation for the English expression oriented strand board) is a modern structural and finishing material that used for various jobs.

OSB was conceived as inexpensive alternative plywood and, because the ability to use non-commercial wood for the manufacture of chips reduces the cost of finished products.

  • what is OSB;
  • what types of oriented strand boards are;
  • what regulatory documents regulate the quality and characteristics of OSB boards;
  • what sizes are chipboard OSB, and whether their price depends on it;
  • how much does this material cost;
  • advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other structural and finishing materials;
  • What is OSB used for?

As part of the OSB - multiple layers thin (0.5–1.5 mm) of various shapes and sizes, oriented within each layer. Wood shavings for OSB are 1–20 cm long and 1–50 mm wide. You can read more about how chips are produced.

clear orientation in the longitudinal or transverse direction No, however, most of all large wood chips are oriented in the right direction with a tolerance of up to 60 degrees (in most cases, the rotation relative to the orientation does not exceed 30 degrees).

Due to the fact that most large chips are oriented in one direction, layer becomes enlarged transverse or longitudinal rigidity and strength.

All layers are bonded together with a mixture of various natural and synthetic adhesives, with each manufacturer using their own recipe and keeping it secret.

As a result all layers, united in a single carpet, jointly respond to any bending or twisting an effort, which provides high rigidity and strength compared to chipboard.

At the same time, oriented strand board is inferior to plywood in these parameters, because in plywood each layer consists of a whole sheet, so its strength and rigidity are much higher. All sheets correspond to the size accepted at the enterprise.


In the Russian Federation, the characteristics of the OSB regulates GOST 32567-2013, which you can see at this link.

The basis of this document was the international standard EN 300:2006 "Oriented Strand Boards (OSB) - Definitions, classification and specifications". Therefore, plates that comply with GOST will also comply with the international standard.

The document applies only to the characteristics of the finished product, allowing the manufacturer to independently choose the most appropriate technology. We talked about general technological aspects in the article.

Types of oriented strand sheets

GOST 32567-2013 and the international standard EN 300:2006 divide oriented strand boards (OSB shown in the photo) into strength classes:

  1. OSB-1 (OSB-1).
  2. OSB-2 (OSB-2).
  3. OSB-3 (OSB-3).
  4. OSB-4 (OSB-4).

In addition, all types of plates divide on appearance of the front:

  • unpolished;
  • polished,

as well as by release into the air (emission) of formaldehyde:

  1. E0.5.

Strength and water resistance classes and application features

The OSB-1 class includes material that is unsuitable for creating load-bearing structures and has minimal moisture resistance. It is used for finishing inside dry rooms, cladding of various panels. In addition, it applies for making furniture.

In terms of rigidity, OSB-1 is inferior to GKL and DSP, therefore, it is necessary to reduce the distance between the details of the crate, otherwise the skin will be pressed through.

The OSB-2 class includes more rigid and durable plates, which can act as load-bearing elements.

For example, due to the low price, OSB-2 of different thicknesses is often used for laying on a subfloor.

However, they also not suitable for high humidity applications, therefore, they are not used to make the outer skin of buildings or SIP panels.

The OSB-3 class includes plates that differ in their technical characteristics - durable and moisture-resistant elements that have found application as structural. OSB-3 of different sizes is often used as a subfloor, because they successfully replace the floorboard, and their price is much lower.

In terms of strength, OSB-2 and OSB-3 chipboards are comparable, therefore the main difference is in the minimum ability to absorb moisture, due to which the expansion as a result of swelling is also minimal.

Moisture-resistant oriented strand boards of class OSB-4 of all sizes are distinguished by the highest price, maximum rigidity and strength, therefore they are used only as structural, and in the areas with maximum load.

In addition, OSB-4 have a minimal ability to absorb water, thanks to these characteristics they are distinguished by the most positive reviews and are used in the production of SIP panels, as well as as the outer skin of frame houses.

Type of front surface and ends

The first experience of using oriented strand boards of different sizes - moisture-resistant OSB for outdoor work and ordinary for interior decoration, showed their high efficiency and significant superiority over other materials in terms of price / quality ratio.

As a result, there was a demand for better products, with a flat and relatively smooth surface.

This is how the first appeared polished plates. Grinding preserves the unique surface pattern, but eliminates all major irregularities. In addition, the thickness tolerance for sanded products is much lower at 0.3 mm, while for unpolished products, a deviation of 0.8 mm is acceptable.

Most slabs have flat ends, but OSB, designed to create a continuous flooring, locks are cut at the ends which allow sheets to be laid without gaps.

Such oriented strand boards are called grooved. You can read more about grooved boards.

Manufacturers also offer polished plates, varnished or laminated.

The front side of the first is impregnated with a waterproof and wear-resistant varnish, while the second has a thin wear-resistant film deposited on the front side. Typically, such coatings are applied to material intended for flooring and exterior waterproofing.

3 formaldehyde emission classes and environmental friendliness

To reduce costs and increase the strength of OSB, manufacturers forced to use adhesives containing formaldehyde. After hardening and polymerization, such adhesives have a fairly high resistance to water and good strength.

The use of adhesives that do not contain formaldehyde either does not provide the required strength, or greatly increases the cost of the finished product, depriving it of its main advantage - low price compared to plywood.

Therefore, it was necessary to divide the OSB into classes according to formaldehyde emission. Minimum class E0.5 allows content up to 4 mg/100 grams OSB. Wherein the content of a poisonous drug in the air during any time should not exceed 0.08 mg / m 3.

For class E1 formaldehyde content should not exceed 8 mg/100 grams, and the maximum allowable the content in the air is 0.124 mg / m 3.

For class E2 the formaldehyde content in 100 grams of OSB should not exceed 30 mg, and the emission should not exceed 1.25 mg / m 3.

At the same time, the average daily concentration of formaldehyde in residential premises should not exceed 0.01 mg / m3, as stated in Appendix 2 of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises”.

You can read this document by clicking on the link. Even the conditionally safe class E0.5 emits an amount of this toxic substance exceeding the standards, so the OSP can not use for interior decoration living quarters without ventilation, since it can still be harmful to the human body without observing these safety measures.

Dimensions and weight

single standard, i.e. standard OSB sizes does not exist, but most manufacturers adhere to the following parameters for length and width in mm:

  • 1250x2500;
  • 1200x2400;
  • 590x2440.

There are other sizes of OSB-1, OSB-2, OSB-3 and OSB-4. If you prefer custom-made instead of purchasing finished products, then you can make any size, up to a length of 7 meters.

Sheet thickness ranges from 6mm to 25mm in 2 or 3mm increments. However the most popular slabs with a thickness of 8–16 mm are considered. Also quite often on the Russian market there are OSBs with a thickness of 9 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm and 15 mm, their cost usually increases according to the increase in their parameters.

The mass of a sheet depends on its thickness and dimensions, because the average density of a plate of any type is the same and amounts to 600–700 kg / m 3. Therefore, the weight of OSB with dimensions of 1220x2440 mm is 12.5 kg with a thickness of 6 mm, with a thickness of 9 mm and 12 mm it will be, respectively, more, and with a thickness of 22 mm it will be 42.5 kg.


The general principle of labeling OSB issued in Russia and abroad is the same. On one side indicate:

  • grade;
  • dimensions (length, width, thickness);
  • formaldehyde emission class;
  • front surface type;
  • manufacturer's name.

If you are purchasing an OSB, intended for sale in America and Europe, then you need to be aware of the differences in labeling. The variety may be specified in a manner other than that specified in EN 300:2006, but according to CSA O325, that is:

  • W - oriented strand board for cladding the internal walls of dry rooms;
  • 1F - rough flooring;
  • 2F - OSB for fine flooring;
  • 1R - material for roof lathing without creating support at the edges;
  • 2R - the same, but with support at the edges.

In addition, a two-digit number is indicated after the letter, which means the maximum allowable distance between the supports in inches, for example, 1F18.

If the OSB is suitable for different applications, then all tolerances are listed, for example, 1F18/2R20. Moisture resistance with this marking is also indicate separately:

  1. Interior- an analogue of OSP-1, with its technical characteristics, it is suitable for use only in dry rooms.
  2. Esposure Type Binder- a plate with medium moisture resistance. It can be used in rooms with a slightly increased level of humidity, and after treatment with protective preparations, it can also be used for outdoor decoration.
  3. Exterior Bond- material with maximum moisture resistance, suitable for any application even without additional treatment with hydrophobic agents.

Besides, may occur and other inscriptions:

  1. SHEATHING SPAN- the distance between the axes of the lag in inches, if the numbers are indicated through a fraction, then the first value refers to the roof lags, the second to the lags of the interfloor overlap. If the second value is 0, then oriented strand board is only suitable for use on the roof and cannot be laid on floors.
  2. THIS SIDE DOWN- label on the underside. On the outside of the OSB with this inscription, small grooves are made to drain water, so improper installation will lead to the fact that during rain the water will be drained inefficiently, and the plate will begin to swell.
  3. STRENGTH AXIS THIS DIRECTION- this inscription is always accompanied by an arrow that indicates the direction perpendicular to the lags. In other words, OSB with such an inscription must be laid so that the arrow is rotated 90 degrees relative to the lag.

The marking of laminated and varnished boards is not prescribed in generally accepted documents, so each manufacturer designates this type of material in its own way.

The same applies to wood-oriented boards with end locks.


Plate price depends on:

  • classes of strength, water resistance and formaldehyde emission;
  • dimensions (length, width, thickness);
  • grinding, varnishing, laminating or locking on the ends;
  • manufacturer.
Brand Dimensions (thickness, width, length in mm) Manufacturer Cost, rubles per sheet
OSB-1 E1 Unsanded6x1250x2500Egger (Romania)500
OSB-1 E1 Unsanded12x1250x2500Egger (Romania)650
OSB-2 E1 Unsanded9x2440x1220Kalevala (Russia)530
OSB-3 E1 Lacquered18x1250x2500Glunz (Germany)2150
OSB-3 E1 Grooved Unsanded12x1250x2500Bolderaja (Latvia)900
OSB-3 Laminated E118x1220x2440Baumak (Russia)1500
OSB-3 E1 Sanded12x1220x2440Kalevala (Russia)700
OSB-3 E1 Unsanded22x1220x2440Kronspan (Russia)1350
OSB-3 E1 Unsanded12x1250x2500Egger (Austria)1180
OSB-3 E1 Unsanded22x1220x2440Egger (Germany)1350
OSB-4 E1 Unsanded12x1250x2500Kronspan (Belarus)820

The most popular strength class OSB-3 and emission class E1 - it is quite difficult to find OSB chipboards of other emission classes, therefore Most often they are made to order., so the price is discussed individually.

It is also worth noting that with the same length and width parameters, but with different OSB thicknesses - for example, 9mm, 12mm, 15 or 18mm, the price for them will also differ.

Specifications and comparison with other finishing materials

Here main competitors oriented strand boards:

  • plywood (No. 1);
  • Chipboard (No. 2) (link to chipboard);
  • Fiberboard (No. 3);
  • GKL (No. 4);
  • glass magnesite sheet (No. 5);
  • smooth slate (No. 6);
  • DSP (No. 7).

In parentheses are the numbers assigned to them, in the order in which we have included them in a table where you can compare main parameters and specifications, that is:

  • density;
  • the possibility of using it as a structural element, that is, subflooring, roofing, etc.;
  • thermal conductivity;
  • vapor permeability;
  • combustibility (ability to sustain combustion);
  • toxicity under normal conditions/in case of fire.
Options materials
OSB1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Density kg / m 3500–600 500–900 600–700 500–700 500–900 800–1300 900–1500 350–1500
Possibility of use as a structural element, i.e. subflooring, roofing, etc.YesYesYesNotNotYesNotYes for boards with density over 1100 kg/m3
Thermal conductivity0,14 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,15 0,21 0,28 0,07
Vapor permeability0,004 0,02 0,08 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,4
Combustibility high, medium, low (B, C, H)ATATATATFROMHHH
Toxicity under normal conditions/in fire, high, medium, low (B, C, H)I/OI/OS/VN/SN/NN/NH/LN/N

Density finishing material affects the weight of the sheet and can make it difficult to climb to the upper floors and installation. Therefore, the low density of OSB is a serious advantage, which is further enhanced when considering the possibility of using oriented strand boards as a structural material.

At a low OSB density has high strength, so from it you can do:

  • draft and finishing floors in residential premises;
  • roof decks;
  • steps on stairs;
  • removable formwork;
  • SIP panels;
  • various fences.

By thermal conductivity OSB is comparable to plywood and outperforms most finishing materials, second only to DSP and fiberboard. However, in such an important parameter as vapor permeability, it is inferior to most competitors.

Because of this, in houses sheathed with OSB, it is necessary to take special measures to remove moisture and protect against condensation. Read more about the effect of vapor permeability on the humidity in the house and the condition of the walls in the article (Using OSB).

Oriented strand board belong to the class of combustible fire hazardous materials.

Manufacturers are trying to reduce the level of flammability with the help of pyrophobic drugs, but even such boards are superior in this parameter to plywood and wood.

In addition, high strength finished slabs manage to get only using formaldehyde-based adhesives, which is a strong poison, and therefore OSBs are not environmentally friendly.

Therefore, sheathing the internal space with OSB sheets, although inexpensive, leads to an excess of the maximum permissible concentration of this substance, which negatively affects well-being and health.

However, all the significant disadvantages of this material can be neutralized by proper application. After all, even in class E2 boards, the rate of formaldehyde release is so low that any ventilation or periodically opened window can easily cope with it.

But still you need to know - during a fire OSB emits not only carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, but also many toxic substances posing a threat to health.

Installing fire safety systems, including smoke detectors, is useful in any home. Indeed, during a fire, the main danger is not toxic substances, but smoke, which makes it difficult to leave the room.

In addition, many pieces of furniture and household appliances release toxic substances in large volumes during a fire. That's why with a small fire OSB sheathing does not pose a threat if the fire safety systems operate normally and extinguish the fire. If the systems do not work and the fire gains strength, then there will be enough smoke and toxic substances in houses without such cladding.

Related videos

Briefly and concisely about the main properties, advantages and disadvantages, benefits and possible harms of OSB in the presented video:


OSB boards are a good and modern structural and finishing material with both advantages and disadvantages. However, all the disadvantages are compensated by the correct use of the boards, and the advantages make OSB more attractive than other materials.

After reading the article, you learned:

  • what is OSB, and how to decipher this abbreviation;
  • about the characteristics and properties of OSB boards;
  • what is the difference, for example, between OSB-2 and OSB-3 and other types of oriented strand boards;
  • about the price of chipboard OSB;
  • about the features of their application and other parameters.

In contact with

Construction companies, as well as furniture manufacturers, often list OSB boards or simply OSB as the materials used. This abbreviation usually does not mean anything to the average consumer. So, OSB - what is it, what is it used for, what are its advantages or disadvantages?

The name OSB stands for simply - these are the initial letters of the words orient strand board, which translates as oriented strand board. Also, boards can be called OSB panels, OSB sheets, or simply OSB or OSB.

Boards are made from flat wood shavings or chips. For the production of OSB boards, softwood raw materials are most suitable, but aspen, poplar, etc. are also used. Unlike other particle boards (chipboard, for example), chips are laid in OSB in a given direction. That is why such particle boards are called oriented. Since OSB boards consist of several (usually three) layers, the direction of the chips in the layers alternates, making these boards more durable.

To connect the chips to each other, resins are used, consisting of urea, melamine, waxes and other substances. The resin content in the composition is less than 10%, which makes OSB panels a conditionally natural material. Panels can be laminated or varnished for added protection.

OSB boards have found wide application in house building. In particular, they are part of the material used for.

OSB plate - these are sheets about 2.5 by 1.25 m in size. The thickness of the plates is different, it varies from 6 to 38 mm. For ease of installation, the plates can have machined ends according to the “groove-comb” principle.

Types of OSB

There are 4 types of OSB, they are all divided by strength and water resistance:

Pros and cons of OSB

The advantages of oriented strand boards include the following properties:

  • price;
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of processing;
  • no bundles;
  • excellent holding capacity - fasteners in OSB hold an order of magnitude better than in chipboard.

What about security? There are misconceptions about human health. Someone says that it is a toxic material, that it cannot be used indoors, that OSB emits formaldehyde, etc. The vast majority of such misconceptions are complete fiction, which has nothing to do with the true state of affairs. First, all panels are certified. An international standard E1 has been developed for materials used in housing construction. OSB boards with the appropriate marking are safe for humans. Secondly, conventional priming and painting completely blocks the release of any substances from the boards. Thus, they are as safe as possible for health and there are no obstacles to their use indoors.

There are completely safe OSB boards. The binders used in the production of EUROSTRAND® OSB 3 E0 boards from Egger do not contain formaldehyde at all. The binding element is not phenol-formaldehyde resin, but paraffin-wax emulsion and polyurethane resin.

The process of laying OSB chips

Comparison of OSB and plywood

OSB boards can be compared with other materials and, above all, with plywood. They are similar in their qualities, but if there is a choice, plywood or OSB, then you should pay attention to the following facts:

  • for the manufacture of OSB, shavings of fast-growing species are used; for plywood, more “noble” raw materials are needed - as a result, the cost of OSB is lower due to the price of raw materials;
  • OSB boards do not delaminate;
  • OSB has a more uniform structure and at the cut, the tensile strength of OSB is higher than that of plywood;
  • the strength of plywood and OSB is approximately the same, but for OSB, the strength characteristics do not depend on humidity;
  • OSB sheets can be produced in any size, the manufacturing process is easy to customize for specific needs;
  • OSB boards are easily processed with any tools;
  • in terms of weight and strength, OSB boards are more profitable than plywood.

So, OSB is a lightweight and durable building material that surpasses such eminent competitors as plywood in many respects. At the same time, the cost of OSB is lower, which makes this material the most promising on the market.

OSB board is one of the most popular materials for the construction market. Let's figure out what this material is, how it happens and where it is used.

When studying building materials, we often come across such a name as OSB plate - also OSB, OSB. This abbreviation stands for odirected strand board, or oriented strand board.

OSB has a moderate price, good technical characteristics - and is used both in external and internal decoration during construction. But what exactly is this material?

OSB is made from natural wood shavings and consists of three main layers. Thin wood chips are treated with an adhesive composition and stacked in a longitudinal order on the bottom layer, in a transverse order on the inner layer, and again in a longitudinal order on the upper outer layer. After that, the finished plate is pressed at a very high temperature, and as a result, the adhesive hardens, turning the material into a thin and dense uniform surface.

Oriented strand board was invented in America several decades ago, when, during the mass construction of frame housing, it became clear that neither ordinary wood nor chipboard made it possible to build inexpensive, but high-quality houses.

It fits perfectly on that coating, which combines the advantages of ceramics and linoleum.

OSB has become a successful intermediate option between conventional wood-based board and chipboard. Oriented strand material has high strength, but a moderate price, and at the same time retains a fairly good resistance to deformation - due to its transverse-longitudinal structure.

  • At the moment, there are many varieties of OSB, which differ, including in appearance. Laminated, lacquered, corrugated - the material is convenient for exterior decoration and beautiful enough to create a budget interior.
  • OSB weighs little, serves for a long time, it is very easy to work with it - the material is easily cut and drilled, paint, wallpaper, tile and plaster fit well on its surface.
  • The OSB board remains quite resistant to temperature effects and high humidity, and also reduces the noise level in the premises and retains heat.

And of course, all these advantages are complemented by the main advantage of the OSB plate - it is inexpensive. There are both very cheap and more expensive options on the market - but even "luxury" material remains affordable from a financial point of view.

Types of OSB and technical characteristics

Boards made by pressing wood chips are divided into several varieties. They differ in their characteristics - and the main parameters are strength, moisture resistance and thickness.

There are four types in total - from OSB-1 to OSB-4. Let's briefly consider the characteristics of each of them.

  • OSB-1. This is the least durable variety, which is practically not used in construction and interior decoration. It has a low level of strength and moisture resistance. When immersed in water for twenty-four hours, the coefficient of its swelling is 25%. The strength index for longitudinal bending is 2500 N per millimeter square, for transverse - 1200 N per millimeter square.
  • OSB-2. The next type of particle board is slightly stronger - 3500 and 1400 N per square millimeter with longitudinal and transverse forces, respectively. However, the resistance of the material to moisture remains low - the level of swelling is 20%.
  • OSB-3. This variety belongs to a higher class. Its strength indicators are the same as those of the previous variety - however, moisture resistance is much higher. With constant contact with water, the material swells only by 15%. OSB-3 is the most popular type of chipboard among buyers, since, with good performance, the material retains an affordable price.
  • OSB-4. This is the highest quality of oriented strand boards - it can be used even when creating load-bearing structures. It has a strength of 4800 and 1800 N per millimeter square at longitudinal and transverse pressure; during the day of contact with water, its swelling is only 12%. True, the price of such material is almost twice the cost of the previous OSB plate.

In addition to strength and moisture resistance, thickness is of great importance. It can be from 8 to 26 millimeters. Usually, the thickness indicator directly depends on the class, the stronger the plate, the thicker it is in diameter.

Another important parameter is the OSB flammability index. Unfortunately, oriented strand boards belong to the G-4 class - that is, they are a highly combustible material. This is not surprising - because they consist of natural wood chips. To give the material greater fire resistance, manufacturers treat the plates with special compounds and impregnations. However, it must be understood that in the event of a fire, OSB will ignite one way or another - and even the highest quality material cannot be completely non-combustible.

Is the material harmful to health?

OSB boards are used not only for external, but also for interior decoration. There is still debate about how harmful the material is to health. Opponents of oriented strand boards argue their position by the fact that manufacturers use formaldehyde impregnations in the manufacture of the material. Therefore, during operation, fumes dangerous to human health must inevitably be released. But is it really so?

In general, we can say that everything depends on the specific manufacturer and his approach to the environmental friendliness of products. OSB boards can have four options for environmental labeling: E0, E1, E2, E3. Despite the fact that E3 class boards contain up to 30 milligrams of formaldehyde emissions per 100 grams of material, and E0 class boards - only up to 6.5 milligrams, the maximum permissible standards for harmful fumes do not exceed any variety.

In addition, most manufacturers - especially Western ones - are trying to further reduce the presence of formaldehyde in their materials, replacing toxic impregnations with safe polymer compounds. Many varieties of OSB are recommended for use in interior decoration - if their toxicity was a health hazard, the material could only be "approved" for exterior work.

And finally, the environmental safety of OSB is confirmed

When erecting various buildings and structures, there is often a need for an inexpensive, but high-quality material, with which you can quickly cover a large area with an even and durable layer, which allows you to immediately carry out finishing.

Recently, OSB board has become increasingly popular for this kind of work, the use of which is in the construction of walls, floors, internal partitions and other elements of building structures.

What is OSB board

This abbreviation is a transliteration of the English name of the OSB board, the decoding of which, when translated into Russian, sounds like “oriented strand board” (you can learn more about its characteristics).

It would be more correct to call the product "OSB board", although manufacturers and sellers use both terms, meaning the same thing by them.

For the production of this material, wood chips of various types of wood (most often pine, aspen or poplar) are used, which are located in several layers (oriented), as a rule, in mutually perpendicular directions.

Then it is glued together with resins and binders with the addition of special additives that provide moisture resistance and strength. Usually three-layer plates are produced for domestic use.

The correct use of OSB is impossible without understanding what types they are divided into depending on their properties, due to the method of production:

  • OSB-1– material for use in conditions of low humidity, for example, for the manufacture of furniture, containers, internal partitions in dry rooms, etc.
  • OSB-2- it is more durable and is used for the device of load-bearing structures in the absence of the possibility of moisture penetration.
  • OSB-3- has an increased moisture resistance and is therefore recommended for the construction of various structures operating in conditions that allow the appearance of dampness and small amounts of water.
  • OSB-4- in addition to the properties of the OSB-3 class, it provides very high strength and stability, sufficient to work under high loads.

It should be noted that plates of the third class are in the greatest demand due to their versatility and suitability for solving the vast majority of tasks. That is why up to 90% of OSB boards produced today are labeled OSB-3.

The use of OSB boards in construction

Ease of installation, strength and moisture resistance, as well as an absolutely flat surface and low weight of the plate at a relatively low cost provide this material with ever-growing popularity.

It is used both for the renovation of apartments and office premises, and for low-rise construction. Many townspeople, having bought land for a summer cottage, begin to equip it, constructing a utility block, a temporary residential building or a shed from OSB, because it is fast, convenient and inexpensive.

The main areas of application of OSB in construction include the following types of work:

  • Floor device. OSB plates are a perfectly flat, smooth and, at the same time, durable and strong surface. They can be laid directly on or used in country houses both as a subfloor located directly above the open ground, and for building the main floor covering. can be further covered with any material, for example, tiles, linoleum and even varnish.
  • The device of external partitions. The construction of houses from OSB involves the use of only OSB-3 panels, the surface of which must be carefully sealed and primed. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the most vulnerable part of the coating under such conditions is the edges of the slab, so they must be processed most carefully, and the expansion gap between them should be filled with soft acrylic sealant, preventing the appearance of pores and untreated areas. After that, the plate can be painted (read how to do it correctly) or coated with any material intended for exterior decoration.
  • . They can also be made from OSB. Depending on the conditions in the room, both an OSB-2 class plate and a more moisture resistant one can be used for this. The use of a coating that is more resistant to various liquids allows further finishing with water-based paints and varnishes, which provide better vapor transmission, while maintaining a comfortable microclimate inside.
  • Construction of frame houses from sandwich panels. This is one of the most modern technologies that allows you to build various buildings from prefabricated blocks, which are used as OSB sandwich panels.

    They are a solid monolithic structure consisting of two OSB sheets, between which one of the insulation materials (polystyrene foam, polyurethane, etc.) is tightly pressed. This solution allows to significantly reduce the time and reduce the cost of construction through the use of simple and convenient material.

Thus, almost all structures necessary for individual construction can be made from OSB. Therefore, often instead of a traditional timber or log structure, many owners of suburban areas order a country house from OSB, while saving money and time.

Other applications of OSB

Above we have listed the most popular areas of OSB use. But their use is not limited to this. They are in demand wherever there is a need to quickly and inexpensively obtain a solid, even surface of a sufficiently large area. In particular, the use of OSB boards gives excellent results for the manufacture of the following products:

OSB is a compressed three-layer material made from elongated coniferous wood chips - the so-called wood wool, the length of the chips is 60-90 millimeters.

The main feature of the material, as a rule, aspen and pine are the material for the manufacture of boards, is the different orientation of the wood chips in its layers.

In the middle they are located at right angles to the covering layers, and in the lower and upper layers - along the length of the entire slab.

The excellent mechanical strength of the material, which significantly exceeds the strength of DPS and plywood, is due precisely to this multidirectionality of the fibers.

It should be noted that the flexibility of the plate remains the same.

Three layers of the board are pressed under high temperature and pressure, impregnated with waterproof resins and waxes. Phenolic and formaldehyde resins are used as a binder.

The use of modern equipment and advanced manufacturing technologies ensure the uniformity of the plate in all directions - it does not have chips, cracks and voids.

An important difference between the plates is the ability to withstand heavy loads, not due to the use of a binder material, but due to the fact that long chips cope with the load perfectly, forming a structure without unnecessary overvoltages.

It has an optimal combination of high mechanical strength and elasticity.

  • OSB-1 - used at low humidity;
  • OSB-2 - used in dry rooms in the production of load-bearing structures;
  • OSB-3 - to create load-bearing structures at high humidity;
  • OSB-4 - are used if the structure is subjected to significant mechanical stress and is operated at high humidity.

Comparative characteristics and properties of plates

Plates are classified according to the European standard EN-300. Different connecting elements of the plates determine the scope of their application.

moisture resistance

To determine which media properties each type of slab can be used in, the thickness swell parameter is used.

To do this, the plate, after measuring the initial thickness, is placed in a liquid for a day, and then the magnitude of its swelling is measured.

In accordance with the standards, there are extreme permissible values ​​for the swelling of the boards.

The following table shows this clearly:

Thus, OSB-4 and OSB-3 boards have the same strength characteristics, however, if moisture resistance is taken into account, then the third type is more preferable.

Compared to OSB-4, OSB-3 does not look as convincing, but it should be borne in mind that the characteristics of OSB-3 boards are quite enough for construction. And the cost of such a plate is much less.

The size

Modern technologies can ensure the production of any boards, but there are certain sizes of OSB boards:

  • 1220×2440 mm.
  • 1220×3660 mm.
  • 1250×6000 mm.
  • 1250×2500 mm.
  • 1250×3700 mm.

The weight

Due to their light weight, OSB boards are widely used in construction.

Environmental friendliness of OSB board material

OSB boards are made exclusively from high-quality chips. Spruce is mainly used, but sometimes pine is also used.

Is OSB harmful?

OSB boards use formaldehyde-free polyurethane resin binders. Thus, the content of harmful substances in the plate does not exceed the permissible level.

OSB have excellent fire, physical, chemical and biological safety.

QSB boards

Separately, it is worth highlighting QSB plates. Compared to OSB, they have some advantages:

  • excellent bonding of the layers is achieved due to the fine chip size. This allows you to use the QSB board on a par with OSB;
  • the smallest swelling coefficient among OSB boards - about 12%;
  • internal communication coefficient is increased by 30% in comparison with OSB-3;
  • the boards have a high resistance against pulling screws and also have good nail stability at the edges;
  • QSB edges are perfectly smooth;
  • plates have strength, uniformity and rigidity;
  • simplified installation due to a small number of connections;
  • since the plate has a high density - it can be processed in different ways (sawing, drilling, milling) and not be afraid that it will be damaged;
  • the use of QSB plates allows for many types of structural connections;
  • boards are suitable for use in a humid environment of the second class.

QSB boards are used as load-bearing structural elements of the interior, as well as the main material for roofing.

They are used in the production of packaging and containers, for interior decoration.

The use of OSB boards

Due to the extremely increased demand for OBS boards, there are currently many product options on the market that differ in the previously described parameters and technical characteristics.

OSB flooring boards

What should I pay attention to when choosing OSB boards for laying on the floor?

  1. Pay attention to North American and European products - they are usually of higher quality.

Products are manufactured in full compliance with all world standards and technologies, including the E1 standard, which determines the environmental safety of the product;

  1. Flooring can be carried out on wooden logs or concrete screed, depending on the room.

In the case of a screed, plates with a thickness of no more than a centimeter are needed, and if you lay on wooden logs, then the plates are needed more massive - up to two centimeters;

  1. OSB-3 boards are the leader in flooring.

They are the most popular on sale, provide structural reliability, are waterproof and high-density;

  1. To calculate the required number of plates, it is necessary to determine at what location there will be the least waste.

If necessary, cutting the slab with a circular saw is not difficult.

You should not use a jigsaw when cutting plates, because when working with this tool it is difficult to ensure a flat side surface.

OSB-slab on a concrete screed

OPS slabs are an excellent base for finishing coatings (tiles, parquet boards, laminate, linoleum) when replacing floors in rooms with a concrete coating.

Height differences and various defects are not uncommon on a concrete floor. OSB laying is able to make the surface perfectly flat, suitable for installing any type of coating.

The plate is made multi-layered and dense, which provides good.

The natural OSB base retains heat well. Typically, the slabs are laid on wooden bars and the surface is smoothed with a concrete screed.

If you want to ensure maximum resistance to deformation and rigidity - use two layers of plates.

Lay them with an offset, fasten the edges to each other with special glue, ring and spiral nails. A similar masonry in two layers is used for.

Maintaining small gaps between the boards will compensate for the expansion due to the absorption of moisture from the environment.

Draft and finishing OSB floor

In rooms that stand on a columnar or flood foundation, the floors are usually laid on multilayer boards or wooden logs from a bar. In this case, OSB floors can be used as a finishing or subfloor.

The base of the finished floor is laid in a maximum of two layers:

  • The first of them is mounted with a joint on the logs. Fastening to the lags is carried out with self-tapping screws with a pitch of about thirty centimeters.
  • With the help of spiral nails, the layers are connected, and if necessary, to ensure a more reliable fixation, glue is used.

The draft floor is installed on the underside of the log:

  • The surface that faces the ground is treated with a special coating, for example, bituminous mastic.
  • In the space between the lags, on the subfloor, insulation is laid and covered from above with a layer of material (glassine is suitable) for protection.

Some features of plate processing for different types of coatings

The unique properties of OSB boards make it possible to use them not only as an independent coating material, but also for preparing the base of various types of coatings.

  • Installation of OSB boards under the laminate. There are no special requirements here, except for ensuring the evenness of the surface at the junction points.
  • Laying under carpet or linoleum. To ensure the most even transition at the joints of the material, it is necessary to use the thinnest plates treated with sealants. Provided that a single seam is formed during installation, expansion gaps are made from the side of the wall.
  • Clean finish. Tile wear protection required. This can be ensured by applying several layers of varnish, after cleaning the plate.
  • Laying tiles on OSB board. To install ceramic tiles, the OSB base must be immovable. To do this, you need to carefully fix the plates on the logs, and install the logs themselves more often.

Prices for OSB boards

The cost of OSB boards depends on several factors. First of all, this is the country of manufacture.

Plates made in America and Western Europe are more expensive than their domestic counterparts. The brand of the plate, the thickness of the plate and, in general, its main characteristics also affect the cost.

In the table, we can observe the dependence of the price of the plate on the country of manufacture and the geometry of the product

For a successful purchase of OSB boards, you must carefully study the characteristics of each of them and choose the material, first of all, based on this.

As a rule, OBS-3 slabs, due to their characteristics, are the most popular in the market. Although, perhaps, simpler models will be quite enough for you.

It is not necessary to shell out extra money for material properties that you will not need at all after. Do not rush - be prepared that it will take some time to find the best option.