Self-hypnosis methods are simple and effective psychotechnics. The power of self-hypnosis: life stories with comments by a psychologist

Self-hypnosis is the process of suggesting to oneself the existence of facts that do not yet exist in order to bring them to life. Oddly enough, this is a very powerful force and weapon in the fight against their fears and shortcomings. Psychologists have developed a huge number of self-hypnosis techniques with which they managed to defeat more than one spiritual and physical illness of their clients, for example:

  • visualization,
  • meditation,
  • affirmations, etc.

However, one must be careful in everything, otherwise an overdose or misuse of this soul medicine can turn into poison.

In hospitals, you can often hear recommendations for patients to tune in to recovery and think only about the good. All these are not empty words spoken with the aim of only encouraging a person. Doctors have long known that a positive attitude helps patients to get out of the most difficult diseases. There are a huge number of such examples from life.

When thoughts are focused on a particular action or fact, it becomes much easier for people to turn them into reality. The subconscious notices more opportunities for the fulfillment of certain desires. This is what explains the power of self-hypnosis.

With the help of this power, you can not only achieve your goal or acquire useful qualities character, such as self-confidence, self-sufficiency, but also to recover from a variety of mental and physical illnesses. History knows many such examples, and on their basis self-hypnosis treatment is now being carried out.

The negative side of self-hypnosis

Any power can serve as a destructive weapon if it is misused. People very often create serious problems for themselves by self-hypnosis, without even realizing it.

Absolutely all complexes appear from the fact that a person concentrates on some of his shortcomings and instead of getting rid of him, only aggravates his situation.

Self-hypnosis can not only bury your talents in the ground, miss opportunities and chances, destroy yourself psychologically, but also acquire a serious illness.

life example

An example is an accident that really happened to two people in life. Completely unfamiliar to each other, a man and a woman had the same surname and initials. At the polyclinic, the doctors had the imprudence to confuse the results of their tests, and as a result, the woman received the news that she was sick with tuberculosis.

We all trust laboratories and doctors' conclusions, therefore, naturally, we begin to believe the information that is presented to us, and this woman is no exception. Soon she developed all the typical symptoms of tuberculosis, and only upon re-examination did it become clear that she did not need treatment.

To prevent such cases from happening to you, check any information. What you believe is what you will receive. Do not listen to people who try to humiliate you and point out your vices. Self-hypnosis should be used only in order to improve one's character and state. Give yourself only positive attitudes and never part with them, and soon you will see how your life will begin to change for the better.

The power of self-hypnosis is used by people every day. Without noticing it, they program themselves with words for victory or defeat, recovery or illness.

You can not believe in self-hypnosis, calling it optimism or pessimism, an invention of psychiatrists, an obsessive mania. Nothing will change from this. This tremendous power exists and continues to manifest itself in people's lives.

What it is

Self-hypnosis is the work of a person's consciousness directed at himself, supported by visual images. Thanks to this work, a subconscious attitude to a certain action is formed. In this state, one of the areas of the cerebral cortex is dominant, while the action of other areas is inhibited. For self-hypnosis, it is not necessary to plunge into a trance state. Enough calm, secluded environment, full concentration on the goal, while relaxing or a strong emotional shock. Repeating a certain setting many times triggers the programming mechanism and brings your settings to life.

Do not confuse self-hypnosis and willpower. Willpower is the conscious effort to do something. Like any effort, it meets the opposition of our inner nature. Self-hypnosis acts through feelings, emotions, imagination, penetrating deep into the consciousness and manifesting itself already at the physical level by certain abilities, sensations, actions.

What can be used for

The possibilities of self-hypnosis are enormous and are like the powerful action of the wind, water element or fire. Directed in the right direction, these opportunities can work wonders, improve the character of a person, heal, cheer up and achieve goals. But applied unconsciously in Everyday life, verbal programming most often acts negatively.

The words of other people are capable of launching the mechanisms of self-hypnosis in your mind, which they often use without asking for consent. These mechanisms can be both creative and destructive. You cannot blame other people for your failures, because without your inner consent, other people's negative attitudes are not realized in life. Run from preachers who tell you that you are worthless, that you will achieve nothing, that you will learn nothing. They inspire you that your desires are unfulfillable, there are no conditions for forgiveness, you yourself are to blame for all the problems, thereby starting the process of negative programming of your personality. By the way, you can get rid of negative attitudes using this system.

With the help of self-hypnosis, you can protect yourself from aggressive external environment and control your life. Your life is precious, unique, unique. Give it to yourself. You are worthy of love, forgiveness and mercy. You can give yourself any emotional condition, ability, purpose. Your body will complete the task within its capabilities, but it will definitely do it. Do not allow even a shadow of doubt to arise in your head during self-hypnosis. It is the truth of aspirations that plays a decisive role. The formulations of work with consciousness do not reflect reality, but only the desired result, but necessarily in the present tense. Because for consciousness there is no such thing as tomorrow or yesterday, only here and now.

Unconscious and conscious self-hypnosis

Most people use negative self-hypnosis unconsciously. Having learned some unpleasant facts or read about terrible events, they unwittingly program themselves to repeat them in their lives. Recognizing the symptoms various diseases, find them at home and, in fact, soon fall ill. A person can even convince himself that he is terminally ill, and soon die.

The harmless word pessimism is usually called the conscious programming of failures and troubles in own life. When it's really hard for you, try to say to yourself: "All the worst is behind, only good is ahead, everything is working out well for me." Your subconscious mind will greedily grab onto a simple childish hope and give strength to overcome stress and trouble. But if everything has gone far and hopelessly, try this technique. It has a very beneficial effect on the psyche and life in general (which, in fact, is logical, because we build our reality with our thoughts - order inside = order outside).

In addition to unconscious negative programming, there is conscious self-hypnosis. It deserves attention and respect. It can be used for healing, personal growth, the formation of the necessary result in achieving the goal, protection from negative attitudes of others.

Various techniques

An effective method of self-hypnosis was proposed at the beginning of the last century by Emile Coue. He had his own clinic in Nantes. Of great interest are the examples of formulas he developed for working with consciousness. He began his research by noticing that many patients recovered by taking drugs they believed were effective. But in fact, the composition of drugs that determines them medicinal properties could not heal these sick people.

Coue's technique is not the only one. There are a number of others:

  • meditation;
  • auto-training;
  • self-regulation;
  • Edmund Jacobson relaxation, etc.

For each person, according to his consciousness and personality, his own method is suitable. It is worth noting that in a trance and meditative state, the power of suggestion increases.

Is self-hypnosis effective?

The effectiveness of self-hypnosis will depend on the overall consistency of all parts of your consciousness. For example, you want to convince yourself that you are a rich, confident and calm person. But it is logical to assume that you do not have these resources, which means that all your experience will rebel against and will say the opposite, i.e. sabotage all efforts. It's like coming to a new team and saying: “So, guys, now we will act as follows ...” - You probably guessed about the reaction of the team. This is the same with our beliefs, which are rooted and guide our actions. The psyche is formed and before you bring something in, you need to make room for it. Is it logical?

Many people underestimate the power of self-hypnosis, even though it can help you get what you want. Our recommendations will help you properly program yourself for success and the fulfillment of your cherished desires.

Psychologists have proven that with the help of self-hypnosis, a person can completely control his condition and even set himself up to achieve his goals. Each of you can succeed and fulfill your desires, you just need to properly manage your thoughts and concentrate on the tasks at hand..

Many people often use self-hypnosis in order to get a promotion, get rid of unrequited feelings, and even heal from physical and mental ailments. In such cases, a person gives himself a setting and continues to adhere to it until he fulfills his intentions. A person focuses his attention on the task at hand and sends signals to the Universe, which allows him to get what he really wants. Thus, we begin to manage our state, thoughts and emotions and thereby program ourselves to achieve our goals.

Many people use positive attitudes or affirmations to program themselves for success. However, we offer you another proven method of self-hypnosis, thanks to which you can not only become more successful, but also fulfill your dreams.

Self-hypnosis technique: a program for the fulfillment of the plan

To begin with, you need to choose the most secluded place in the house so that extraneous sounds and the presence of other people do not distract you from the process of self-hypnosis.

After that, close your eyes and start repeating your goals and desires out loud until you yourself believe in their feasibility. Try to formulate phrases in such a way that they do not contain the “not” particle. Otherwise, thoughts may perceive your words as a denial, which means that the effect of self-hypnosis will be the opposite.

Don't be afraid to limit yourself to time limits. The most important thing in self-hypnosis is to give yourself precise tasks.

For example, if you want to achieve career development, no need to program yourself that this will happen sometime in many years. Determine the exact date and imagine the moment when the boss calls you to his office and notifies you of the long-awaited promotion. Thus, a picture of what is happening is looming in front of you, which means that it will be much easier to believe that this will happen.

If you try to program yourself for success or fulfillment of a desire, but do not believe in the result, your expectations will not come true. Even if it takes longer than you planned to achieve your goals, there is no need to lose faith and hope for the worst. It is important to understand that self-belief is one of the most important elements of self-hypnosis. And without it, attempts to change your life will be meaningless.

Positive thinking is another effective method attract what you want. With it, you can radically change your life, improve your mood and achieve success. We wish you good luck and prosperity, and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.12.2018 03:29

Many people are unaware of what our thoughts are really capable of. If you set it up right...

Everyone wants to be beautiful, rich, successful, loved. Everyone desires material and spiritual benefits, but not ...


Self-hypnosis, the power of thought is greatest power which not everyone is aware of. Today, more and more scientists are conducting research, experimenting, revealing limitless influence on their destiny. The topic of using the power of self-hypnosis is especially relevant.

Types of self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis of a person is tuned to the channels of perception of the sense organs. Some people perceive information visually, others auditory.

Visualization is a method that helps you achieve your goal by visualizing that you have already achieved it. That the thing you wanted to have is in your hands, and you do with it what it is intended for. Or the fact that you are now where you wanted to be. Or that you are doing what you like. There are many examples - there is only one way to achieve it: visually imagine the accomplished fact of the goal achieved.

Affirmation is a method in which the goal is achieved by convincing yourself that you have already arrived at it. Talk about the end result, shout about it - the main thing is that you are convinced of yourself and the achievement of your goal.

Hypnosis is also a method of suggestion, although it is not self-hypnosis, with this method an outsider helps in achieving the goals. Hypnosis makes people better foreign languages, they cope with diseases, improve their personal qualities.

I wish I could find such a hypnotist and achieve my goals with the help of a kind of “magic” of suggestion, you might think. But self-hypnosis is also a kind of "magic" that does not require the presence of an outsider. All you need to do is to believe in yourself and understand that everything in your life depends on you, your desires and aspirations.

Example: thinking that nothing ever works out for you, you yourself set a certain installation for yourself and follow it. If you are sure that you are lucky all the time, you always succeed, and that's the way it goes. Verified by not a single century and not a single person.

What is the power of self-hypnosis?

An established fact: the power of self-hypnosis causes the necessary mental sensations at a certain moment, physical changes, the achievement of results and even putting oneself into a state of trance.

This phenomenon is called autohypnosis, autosuggestion, but the meaning remains the same - all this is self-hypnosis.

How to use autosuggestion correctly?

Our subconscious does not perceive the “not” particle, therefore, using this method in order to achieve the goal, in no case should it be used. Examples: “I will never get sick”, “I will not suffer” - these expressions lose the “not” particle during autosuggestion and thoughts materialize in a negative way. Tell yourself “I am healthy”, “I am successful”, “I am happy”.
Form an attitude in the present tense using verbs. Example: Not “I will achieve the desired result”, but “I have achieved the desired result”.
Form simple, clear and concise installations. Example: "I want some house somewhere outside the city" - this is an incorrect and indefinite attitude, consciousness is unable to cope with what it does not understand. "I bought (I have) two-storey house on the banks of the Volga River” is a correctly formulated appeal to one’s consciousness.
When setting yourself up, put meaning into it. Mechanical pronunciation is not self-suggestion, but memorization, you should feel yourself in the state you are striving for.

Self-hypnosis technique

To properly tune in and design the installation in the right direction, approach autosuggestion responsibly.

1. Relax. A calm environment, complete relaxation of the body will help you focus. perfect time for self-hypnosis is going to bed or waking up in the morning - the body is as relaxed as possible, no one interferes and nothing distracts.

If the situation in the past is serious and you can't handle it yourself, don't be afraid to contact a doctor who specializes in this activity, who can help you cope with negative self-hypnosis. It is better to accept help once than to suffer from an unfulfilled dream all your life.


By learning to use the powers of auto-suggestion, you will give orders to your body, create the right mood and perception for your brain.

Thinking about weaknesses, infirmities, illnesses, failures - you are programming yourself to deny yourself in your life. And, health, courage, mind - you attract positive sides life like a magnet.

Work on yourself and then the results will not keep you waiting. Good luck and victories.

March 2, 2014, 12:03

From childhood, a person is constantly influenced by the world around him. At first, a person does not engage in self-hypnosis, because he does not have motives, desires and goals for which he could do this. However, as a person becomes aware of himself, certain techniques and methods develop that are used automatically. Self-hypnosis can be treated, but you can harm yourself.

The Internet magazine site states that absolutely every person is engaged in self-hypnosis. This starts from childhood and continues throughout life. Often a person is not aware that this process is taking place, because his attention is focused on other aspects of life. However, if you observe the course of your thoughts, you can notice how a person says various motivating phrases to himself.

If you are interested in examples of self-hypnosis, then you can cite the following:

  1. When a person achieves success, he automatically says to himself: “Well done!”.
  2. When a woman faces setbacks in love, she may say to herself, “It’s her own fault. You deserve it."
  3. When a man fails to do something, he can say to himself: “My hands are growing out of the wrong place.”

A feature of self-hypnosis is that a person periodically utters a phrase (often in a mental form) addressed to him, which conveys the same idea. A person can formulate it in different ways, but the essence remains the same. If a person constantly calls himself a loser, then in the end he lives unsuccessfully and unhappily.

From this we can conclude that a person lives exactly the life that corresponds to his thoughts! That is why the sages say that only the person who knows how to control his thoughts is happy. Why is that?

The problem of self-hypnosis lies in the fact that a person begins this process in childhood. Often the child begins to think about himself the same things that his parents tell him. If mom and dad say that the child is stupid, then the child will soon begin to talk to himself that he is stupid. This process happens unconsciously and uncontrollably. Many adults do not even notice how they program themselves for those failures and misfortunes that then happen to them.

Self-hypnosis is the programming of oneself in a certain way. This can be called a kind of motivation. But its focus depends on what exactly the person says about himself. If an individual considers himself a loser, then he will make just enough effort to achieve nothing. If a woman considers herself beautiful, then she will be motivated enough to make herself beautiful.

What is self-hypnosis?

Suggestion is the introduction into a person's head of a certain thought, idea or feeling by external factors or persons. Auto-suggestion is understood as a person suggesting to himself certain attitudes, beliefs, feelings and phrases. At the same time, a person perceives information uncritically and without evaluation, which should ultimately change his worldview.

Self-hypnosis usually occurs unconsciously. At first, a person hears certain phrases addressed to him, and then he begins to think so about himself. At first, a person is faced with certain situations that lead him to specific conclusions, and then he automatically tunes in to a similar outcome of events, because he is used to it.

The essence of self-hypnosis lies in the development of a certain impulse in oneself, which will soon become a motivating mechanism that pushes a person to certain actions, thoughts, attitudes, etc. If a person consciously engages in self-hypnosis, then he can significantly change his life. There are many psychological techniques, which allow you to influence yourself in order to develop a certain mood, emotional background, motives, etc.

When resorting to self-hypnosis methods, the following rules should be followed:

  1. It is necessary to say the phrase out loud or mentally many times over the next days until it takes root in the head and becomes a working tool.
  2. The phrase should be short so that it is easy to understand.
  3. The phrase should include the message that the brain should learn. The "not" particle is not used here. Formulate the phrase in a positive tone.
  4. Imagine what you are talking about (inspiring yourself).
  5. The body must be relaxed. Remember that a self-suggestive thought should not be judged or criticized. You should perceive it as if it is the most correct and true. Therefore, a relaxed body will contribute to this, since it should not resist this thought.
  6. There must be a great desire to make a particular thought one's own.

Many people face various hardships in their lives. They automatically call themselves fools, losers, incompetent, weaklings, etc. All this leads to the fact that they continue to live the way they lived before. If someone wants to change his life, then you need to start by changing your settings, which a person says to himself automatically:

  • "I can't do anything."
  • "I'm afraid".
  • “Before, I didn’t get anything.”
  • "I am not qualified in this field". etc.

As long as you feel bad about yourself, your life goes on as usual. In order to inspire yourself with new ideas that “I will succeed”, “I will do everything”, “if I don’t know, then I will learn”, etc., one should sincerely wish this and believe that it will be so .

Self-hypnosis methods

There are many techniques and methods of self-hypnosis that a person can use to influence himself. It should be understood that absolutely all people inspire something in themselves. This can be both a negative suggestion and a positive one. Sick people inspire themselves with something that spoils their health. Happy people inspire themselves with what brings them joy. A person lives in accordance with the thoughts that he speaks to himself, even if this happens unconsciously.

The most popular self-hypnosis techniques are:

  1. Affirmations - pronouncing to yourself a certain phrase of a positive plan that a person wants to introduce himself. This phrase should reflect the essence of what a person wants to achieve.
  2. - the mental movement of a person into that state or that life in which he wants to live. You should not dream about this life, but imagine that you are already living it. You have already achieved what you are trying to impress upon yourself. You already see, feel and hear all the fruits of your achievements. You can imagine in as much detail and vividly as possible what you want to instill in yourself.
  3. Mantras.
  4. . Meditation is rather a way of relaxing, observing, contemplating and understanding the essence of what is happening. A person achieves complete calm at the level of the body and thoughts, emotions and life position, after which he simply begins to observe, which can also affect a person’s thoughts.
  5. Recapping is an immersion of a person into a past event that he is still experiencing in order to relive it and lose it in a new aspect for himself. It is not uncommon for a person to get stuck in certain events that affect him emotionally. He continues to worry about them. It is worth living again in reality, and not just remembering what happened, losing only what was significant and painful, in order to look at the situation in a calm environment for yourself.
  6. Self-hypnosis. This technique involves putting oneself into a trance state in which certain thoughts will be instilled. To do this, first a person takes a comfortable position, then calms down with all parts of his body and mentally inspires himself that he is falling asleep. At the stage of deep withdrawal into the space of weightlessness, a person begins to inspire himself with certain thoughts.
  7. Autogenic training is self-hypnosis of a certain state or thought. Here it is necessary to achieve a relaxed state, which is possible when returning to those events that cause the necessary experiences. Then begin to pronounce or imagine what needs to be inspired.
  8. Shichko method. It involves writing a certain phrase with a pen on paper before going to bed, which, according to the author himself, is very effective method suggestion. Before going to bed, write a self-hypnotic phrase on a piece of paper, several times, and then go to bed and continue to pronounce it.

Self-hypnosis treatment

Many healers note that with the help of self-hypnosis, you can treat your body. When medicine is unable to help, people are ready to believe in the most incredible. And often those who practice therapeutic self-hypnosis recover to the surprise of doctors and other specialists.

The most important thing here is for a person to believe that his self-hypnosis works. If he doubts and constantly focuses on the fact that he is sick, has not yet recovered, then the result will not be achieved.

Here you can use both the method of affirmations and visualization. For example, a person can relax and suggest to his body that he is healthy. The mental appeal of the patient to the organ that is sick has a good effect on recovery. You can talk to him, suggest that he is healthy and feels good.

Of course, autosuggestion is not a panacea for all diseases. Here we are talking about the placebo technique, when a person believes that he heals himself with his thoughts, as it happens when a person simply takes pills, unconditionally believing that they help him.


A person engages in self-hypnosis all the time. His thoughts affect what mood he is in, how his body feels, what actions he performs, etc. stressful situations when a person does not control himself, he becomes what he thinks about himself. That's why a strong man can become a fearful child, and beautiful woman can act like a fool. It all depends not on how outwardly they seem, but on their own thoughts, which flash through their heads with lightning speed every time they encounter certain events.

You can influence your own thoughts. This will require a conscious approach, when you not only note what you said to yourself or how you evaluated yourself, but also when you change your thoughts, introduce new ideas and make them true for your brain, which begins to follow them and unconditionally believe.

Self-hypnosis is when a person himself controls what is going on in his head, since external suggestion constantly occurs on him, when the people around him and the whole world dictate to a person how to live, what to think about himself and what to be capable of.