Who is notch. Minecraft creator Markus "Notch" Persson is leaving Mojang. Farewell letter

Now there are many computer games, and millions more are being produced, aimed at various target audiences. But among all this abundance there is always a phenomenal project that manages to attract the attention of the whole world. One of these was Minecraft - a sandbox game made in 8 Bit retro style, in which the player takes control of the character and, without further instructions, must extricate himself from all the unforeseen situations that the virtual world is so rich in. Here you can build, extract resources, fight mobs, grow crops, keep livestock, fish - in a word, do absolutely everything to stay alive and enjoy the process. Naturally, behind every project there is someone who has implemented it. Incredibly, it was originally developed by actually one person. Let's find out the name of the creator of Minecraft and what kind of person is he?

God of the world "Minecraft"

Many gamers jokingly compare the developer of Minecraft with the creator of the world, since he did all the same, but only in electronic form. At first, almost no one knew the name of the creator of Minecraft - everyone only knew the fact of the existence of a certain mysterious person hiding behind the short and capacious nickname Notch. He himself was in no hurry to reveal himself to all users and, most likely, even enjoyed this note of mystery. However, with the growing popularity of his own creation, Notch had no choice but to become a public figure. It was then that the gaming community learned that behind the nickname Notch lies a very real person, the Swedish programmer Markus Persson. Now you know the name of the creator of Minecraft, it's time to find out what kind of person he is and what he has achieved.

Programmer since childhood

You can guess that the developer of such a great and inimitable game must be gifted. So it is - Markus was fond of programming from early childhood, already at the age of eight he wrote his first text-based game. In those days, almost no one had heard of graphic toys, so it was an incredible achievement. Now that everyone has learned the name of the creator of Minecraft, his biography on the Internet is constantly updated, as more and more interesting facts appear. From the very beginning, it was known that at about twenty-five years old, Notch got a job as a developer in a game company, and since then he has already accumulated quite a lot of interesting and intriguing projects. But, it goes without saying, it was Minecraft that became crowned for Marcus. The name of the creator of Minecraft will now forever be imprinted in the memory of all gamers, he will be remembered for a very long time.

How Minecraft was created

It is impossible to argue with the fact that Markus Persson reached the peak of his fame thanks to this world-famous sandbox. The creator of Minecraft must not have suspected that his brainchild would become so popular. The game is truly revolutionary, it actually opened up a new genre in which no one has yet managed to reach such heights. But initially only Notch himself worked on this project. Then he connected a few more people, which as a result affected the quality of the game. But the project reached its greatest success when Notch founded his own gaming company, which is now developing it.

The development of "Minecraft"

Now the main developer of Minecraft is Jens Bergensten, whom everyone briefly calls Jeb. It is with Notch and Jeb that "Minecraft" is associated in the first place. It is important to understand that this project is not complete and probably never will be - developers always find ways to improve the game, make it more interesting, impressive, attractive. After all, the original idea is quite primitive - get resources, build and craft, survive. But with the addition of various secondary chips, the game has acquired new colors and has become doubly exciting. Now gamers have access to the editor, or, as it is also called, the creator of skins for Minecraft, where you can download additional items, add new mobs and animals. In general, Minecraft has become brighter and more colorful, and the owners of the project are unlikely to stop there.

Notch Mystery

Even with the fact that Jeb is currently the lead developer, Notch remains in charge. More importantly, he remains the creator of Minecraft, the one who invented this world and brought it to life. Various mysterious stories are still associated with him, and he himself constantly adds fuel to the fire, leaving ambiguous and intriguing messages. Therefore, it can be assumed that Notch is unlikely to ever be forgotten - the gaming community honors the talented developer who created one of the greatest computer games of our time too much. Or maybe he will be able to repeat his success or even surpass it?

Silent, deadly and destructive... Creepers are perhaps the most terrible monsters in Minecraft. It is noteworthy that a rather complicated story is connected with the creation of this monster, which began during one of the earliest editions of the game.

The creeper is one of the oldest creatures in the game: it was the first hostile mob that was added to the survival test in 2009. However, no one planned to add such a monster to the game.

According to the creator - Markus Pearson (Notch), he was just trying to create a pig.

"The Creepers Were a Mistake," Notch recounted in a 2012 documentary Minecraft: Mojang Story. “I didn't have any 3D editors to create models, I just described them as code. And I accidentally made the model taller instead of longer. The result is something tall on four small legs. And so the creeper was born. Instead of a pig."

Inspired rather than frustrated by his mistake, Notch added a green texture to his creation and released an alpha version of the creeper to terrorize players for years.

From the very beginning, the explosive power of the creepers was much more fearsome. Creepers are always dangerous, unlike zombies, around which players can run in circles. In the game with increased difficulty, the creeper can kill the player with one explosion, even if he is protected by iron armor. The player wearing the diamond armor will survive the blast, but will only have two health hearts left.

An explosion can throw you into lava, into an abyss, or into the tenacious paws of other monsters. Creepers are silent until they get very close, making them especially dangerous for players who play silently or listen to music while playing.

For a while, it seemed that the creepers would be abandoned. They seemed to be some kind of temporary blank with a texture and behavior similar to zombies. But, perhaps due to the fact that so many unlucky players sacrificed their lives, loot and peace of mind to creepers, at one point they received a new texture, sound and unique behavior (here is a recording of old creeper sounds that are less scary than the current "pssss-boom") .

At first, creepers attacked players like zombies do, and exploded only after death. But Notch decided that wasn't crazy enough, and made the explosion their only and main attack method.

Well, fans of the game experienced dual feelings (love / hate) for this remarkable mob from the very beginning.

The meme “You have a great […] and it’s a pity if something happens to it”, perhaps the oldest meme associated with Minecraft.

They started using "sssSSSS" around the same time, but they did it a little less often.

Some of the early Minecraft videos showed the frustration and rage caused by creepers. Like for example the Minecraft Massacre video from Rocket Jump, although there have been attempts to understand the mental anguish of a creeper (as in the video “Why Creepers Are Afraid of Cats“).

Other than the enderman who (inconsistently) moves blocks, creepers remain the only mob that alters the playspace, making them particularly dangerous for survival builders.

It's funny that creepers could also deal damage to players in creative mode. It took the developer to release several fixes to pacify the creepers, but each time something new came out. For a while, creepers exploded when they fell, which meant that real green bombs would periodically fall on players from above.

After several updates, Mojang decided that creepers were too predictable and endowed them with the ability to become more destructive: when a creeper is hit by lightning, the creeper "charges" and explodes twice as powerful. And don't think that you can easily deal with such a creeper, because such things always happen unexpectedly. And in a rather creepy detail, mobs killed by a charged creeper drop their head, which can be used as a mask. Therefore, especially insane players, on the contrary, scour in search of these luminous monsters.

But despite cosmetic changes, creepers in general remain the same mobs that they were at the time of their appearance, but ironically, they were overgrown with stories about the destructive attitude not only to the players, but also to the game code. Creating a creeper, in terms of behavior and interaction, turned out to be quite a long time for the developers - they returned to it again and again. It was planned that other mobs should run away from creepers, but this caused very strange effects in the behavior of the AI, and the corresponding code was removed. Iron golems, which are supposed to protect the villagers from evil mobs, do not pay attention to creepers - otherwise there would be nothing left of the villages.

Most of these bugs are related to the Java version of Minecraft, but even the latest update minecraft pocket Edition came out with a delay because a bug was discovered, as a result of which creepers exploded even if the player was hiding from them behind the door.

The popularity of the creeper turned out to be such that in 2011, the Minecraft logo was supplemented by the recognizable “creeper face”, and remains so to this day.

Plush creepers were among the first minecraft accessories, and in 2016, t-shirts, toys, sweatshirts, and for some reason… bible covers were added to them.

At the same time, Notch treated his own "creation" rather dismissively. When asked to describe the creeper, he said that he always thought of it as something "crunchy, like dry leaves", but he didn't know why they explode either. I like to think that it comes from an excess of conflicting feelings towards its creator, although that would certainly be overkill.

So the next time a creeper blows a hole in your house or puts an end to a five-hour caving expedition, think of a poor creature, hurt by fate and hated by everyone, roaming the world of Minecraft and doing the only thing he knows how to ... Blow up ...

The two most used names among crafters are Notch and Jeb, who are they and how are they related to Minecraft? Who is Notch, I have already managed to tell you several times, but comrades, it's a shame not to know the one who created your favorite game.

But wait, who is Jeb? Jeb is the nickname of the lead developer of the Minecraft game. Real name: Jens Bergensten For a long time he has been helping Alexey Persson in his work on updates and additions minecraft games.

Recently, and even more so, it became known that Jens Bergensten will lead the development of the Minecraft game, since Persson is forced due to lack of personal time and additional work over other projects, step aside. Although Notch has promised that he will continue to be involved in the development of the game, it seems to me that Minecraft with the departure of Notch, the end will come ...

Now there is official confirmation from Notch that Jeb is becoming his successor, now he will become a Minecraft developer. Now Jeb decides everything that will change in Minecraft, only one thing pleases him, he likes that mods are made for the game and he is not against the fact that there is a pirate, he believes that everyone decides for himself that he needs to buy a license or download a pirate launcher Minecraft.

Aleksey Persson only made a couple of suggestions about his departure: “It was a difficult decision, but I feel like I’m doing the right thing… We worked at Jaebum for a long time and this is the person our company needs.”

In the near future, it is expected that Jeb will be able to develop the API for Minecraft, which for many months players around the world, as well as moderators, have been waiting for.

After his appointment, Jeb said: From now on, I will become the sole developer of Minecraft, so updates to the game will come out quite infrequently, because I am not omnipotent. Yes, and the mission entrusted to me is a little different, my main and primary task is to create an API interface. The API will make it very easy to install mods. All this will be done in such a way that there are no conflicts with Bukkit, MinecraftForge, and MinecraftCoderPack.

By the way, all Minecraft fans can contact Jeb via email: (jebmojang.com)

I would say this is an example career development After joining Mojang as an ordinary programmer, Jeb became more and more famous, and more and more responsible for the main parts of the game. By the way, here are some facts that you hardly knew, it was Jeb who worked on the creation of wolves, pistons and on the structures of the map (villages, strongholds and fortresses).

In conclusion, it remains to wish good luck in the development of the game and hope that it does not get worse ...

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Who is Notch?

This is probably the most desired mod for minecraft game. Notch prepared the game in a hurry, thereby making several mistakes in the rendering algorithm. What a notch looks like in Minecraft. Recipes Install Notch for Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.8.1. Size: 538 B. Want to meet the creator of your favorite game? Now it's possible! New mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.8.1 adds Notch to the game. 25 May 2014 How notch looks like in minecraft pocket editionimages how notch looks like in minecraft pocket edition - 10 How notch looks like in minecraft — minecraft.org minecraft.org Grigorii Panov. . how to build notch notch in minecraft — andrik740 89 184 views. Map Temple of Notch for Minecraft pocket edition minecraft How notch looks like in Minecraft. minecraft server 152 game - minecraft sky block - minecraft funny cookie spikelets don't you realize that you put the poor fellow in incredibly difficult portals in minecraft pocket edition? minecraft pocket Edition Minecraft What a notch looks like in Minecraft. minecraft server 152 game - minecraft sky block - minecraft funny cookie spikelets don't you realize that you put the poor fellow in incredibly difficult portals in minecraft pocket edition? How notch looks like in minecraft - video of spikelets for cookies Don't you realize that you put the poor fellow in an incredibly difficult portals in minecraft pocket edition? Game video » What does notch look like in Minecraft » can be Installed in mp4, x-flv, 3gpp formats, for this What does notch look like in Minecraft. Dance Lessons 2. On Notch's birthday on June 1st, a splash is shown in the Minecraft main menu all day long: "Happy Birthday, Notch!" 4. Minecraft: Pocket Edition was spotted in the latest iOS7 trailer. 29 sichnya 2016 Install Notch moba mod for Minecraft PE 0.8.1 modo v – minecraft .net Everything for Minecraft » Minecraft maps PE » Map Temple of Notch for Minecraft pocket edition . The screenshot here shows that this is a temple, but very unusual, which is dedicated to Notch, the creator of the Minecraft game, the map is called Temple of Notch Notch for Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.8.1 – Mods 0x1

social comments Cackle

Markus Persson is a Swedish programmer and game designer. Better known as Notch. Owns Mojang AB, which he co-founded with Carl Mannech and Jacob Porser in 2010. He is the creator of the popular computer game Minecraft. He created his first game at the age of 8 on a Commodore 128 home computer.


Persson was born on June 1, 1979 in Stockholm, Sweden. At first he lived in Denmark, and then moved with his parents to Sweden. Started programming at the age of 7 on a Commodore 128 home computer. Four and a half years (until 2009) he worked at King.com as a game developer.
Also participated in the development of jAlbum and Wurm Online. In May 2009, he founded Mojang Specifications.

On August 13, 2011, he married Elin Zetterstrand, but on August 15, 2012, Persson announced on Twitter that he was now single.

Personal life

Markus Persson lives in Stockholm.

He is a member of the Mensa organization, composes electronic music under the pseudonym "Markus Alexei". Criticizes large companies for their attitude towards piracy, is a member of the Pirate Party of Sweden.



Marcus's most popular game, which went into Beta on December 20, 2010 and then the release version. Sales That is, when she was still in Alpha, the game became very popular in the Internet environment. Jeb (since Marcus has retired) develops Minecraft, improving and changing the game while it's not yet finished.

Markus Persson

In early 2011, Mojang AB sold 1 million copies of the game, and 2 million more people bought the game online.

As of May 2013, over 10 million people have purchased the game. Minecraft uses low resolution textures and specific 8-bit console style graphics. The current version of the game is 1.6.2

Planned Secret Development Version 2.1

Breaking the Tower

The game was created within 48 hours. The game takes place on a small island where the player has to collect resources, build buildings and also train soldiers to destroy the big tower on the island.


Another game made in 48 hours as part of the Ludum Dare contest.

A 2D platformer with an original idea, in which the main character's weapon shoots little men who shoot real bullets. Another feature of the game is the protagonist's hat, which makes him invulnerable to bullets while he is wearing it, and which flies off when one bullet hits. Catching the hat, the hero becomes invulnerable again. In some play areas you can also pick up additional hats, the number of which will be counted at the end of the game.


Markus and Jakob Porser came up with the idea for the game Scrolls. The game seeks to combine elements from traditional card games and traditional board games into the genre of strategy. Marcus stated that he would not be actively involved in the development of the game, but Jakob would develop it.


Marcus' new project.

The plot unfolds when spaceships with people were launched, but the system crashed and the number 0x0000 0000 0000 0001 changed to 0x0001 0000 0000 0000, and people began to wake up only in 281 474 976 712 644. A distinctive feature of the game is the need to program in assembler for the fictional DCPU-16 processor.

On April 8, 2013, Markus put the development of the 0x10c space simulator on hold. According to the author, the game was not as exciting as he intended it to be.

Uber Catacomb Snatch

  • Markus Persson criticized Microsoft for trying to make the PC a closed platform in Windows 8. The company had previously approached him with a proposal to certify Minecraft for the app store built into Windows 8, to which Persson replied: “Let there be no better game at all on this OS, than indulge the ideas of Microsoft.
  • Has his own hat in Team fortress 2.

Other Popular Developers


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How Notch sold Minecraft

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General information about Minecraft

Articles about Minecraft - general information about Minecraft

What is Minecraft

Minecraft- a game written in java by Markus Persson is a world consisting of square blocks various types, which can be destroyed and installed in arbitrary places, creating structures according to the principle of the designer.

Minecraft game, from the very beginning was created as a clone of the game, Infiniminer

This is a game with almost unlimited possibilities. You can only be limited by your imagination.

Minecraft is the kind of game that you can get into with your head, where you can mine resources, build incredible buildings, have fun on servers with friends.

Not one game can boast such a large number of mods as Minecraft.

There are mods for almost everything, if it seems to you that the game is ugly and dull - install the mod on shaders and you will immediately see the result.

If you are a fan of RPG games, then there are mods for you that allow you to upgrade your character.

Minecraft is still evolving. The game doesn't stand still. In almost every version of the game, developers introduce innovations.

Main game modes: Gemple

  • Survival / Survival - Survival in the ordinary world. The main task is to survive in a world full of hostile mobs, hunger and lack (at first) of resources for construction, which you need to extract yourself.
  • Creative / Creative - free building with infinite resources and the ability to fly. Nothing needs to be mined, everything is in the inventory. Mode for complex buildings without the problems of collecting resources.
  • Hardcore / Hardcore - the same as in Survival mode, only life is given at a time. After the death of the player, the world is deleted.
  • Adventure / Adventure - the same as in Survival mode, but you can not break blocks. (Used in playthrough cards)

Read also Course how to survive in Minecraft

Minecraft mobs:

  • Spider is a hostile mob in the game. Does not burn out in the sun, like, for example, zombies. During the day it becomes dangerous. They can climb horizontal walls.
  • Skeleton is a hostile mob. Appears at night. Attacks the player with a bow and arrow.
  • Zombies - appear at night, run after the player and "bite" him, taking away hp.
  • Creeper - mob-meme/kamikaze minecraft. Runs after the player and explodes near him, destroying blocks around him like dynamite.
  • Sheep is a friendly mob. Sheep can be sheared and wool collected.
  • The pig is a friendly mob. When killed, it drops meat that can be fried.

More about mobs

Character control

To open the controls in Minecraft, you need to go to Settings / Controls. Here are the actions and buttons corresponding to them. Default button settings:

  • Button 1 (LMB) - Attack.
  • Button 2 (RMB) - Action / Use.
  • W - move forward.
  • S - backward movement.
  • A - movement to the left.
  • SPACE - jump.
  • LShift - sneak.
  • Q - throw an item.
  • E - open inventory.
  • T - open chat.
  • TAB - open the list of players.
  • Button 3 - Selecting a block from the inventory (Clicking on the middle mouse button)
  • Slash - open a chat, with "/" at the beginning.

Additional control

  • F3+F - Change the draw distance.
  • F1 - Hide Hood (Scope, Inventory, Hand)
  • F2 - Take a screenshot
  • F3 - Output debug data to the screen. (FPS, game version, RAM used, character coordinates, etc.)
  • F5 - Switch view.

    who is notch

    Both first and third person

  • F8 - Turn on / off the smooth movement of the camera.
  • F10 - Capture the cursor. Works only on Windows.
  • F11 - Enable / Disable full screen mode

Minecraft servers

Minecraft servers are an online world for a large number of players.

These servers are of different types:

Vanilla and Bukkit. Vanilla ones differ in that you cannot put plugins on them. And Bukkit is already an additional server core that allows you to improve the server with plugins.

There are also varieties of server cores, but going so deep into the structure of servers does not make sense for a simple player.

There are also PVP and PVE servers.

PVP servers are servers where you can fight other players.

And PVE servers are such servers where you can only fight against mobs (Zombies, Skeletons, Spiders) More about mobs

Also, the main division of servers is their version. Servers are divided into versions related to minecraft versions.

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Markus Persson
Markus Alexey Persson
Markus Persson at GDC
Markus Persson at GDC
Name at birth:

Markus Alexey Persson


Game developer, founder and former owner of Mojang

Date of Birth:

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Place of Birth:

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Date of death:

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Place of death:

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Elin Zetterstrand (2011-2012)


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Awards and prizes:

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Markus Persson was born June 1, 1979, in Stockholm, Sweden. At first he lived in Denmark, and then moved with his parents to Sweden. He started programming at the age of 8 on a Commodore 64 home computer. For four and a half years (until 2009) he worked at King.com as a game developer. Also participated in the development of jAlbum and Wurm Online. In May 2009, he founded Mojang Specifications.

On August 14, 2011, he married Elin Zetterstrand, but on August 15, 2012, Persson announced on Twitter that he was now single. Markus Persson lives in Stockholm. He is a member of the Mensa organization, composes electronic music under the pseudonym "Markus Alexei". Criticizes large companies for their attitude towards piracy, is a member of the Pirate Party of Sweden.

The success of Minecraft made Persson a millionaire - for example, in 2012 alone, he received 640 million SEK (about $ 100 million) in royalties from Minecraft sales. According to a comment Persson made on Reddit in early 2013, he doesn't know how to feel about his wealth: he grew up in a relatively poor family, but once he grew up and found a decent job, he stopped needing anything. Marcus' main hobbies are programming and computer games, and he has nothing to spend money on other than traveling. He expressed his intention to spend most of his fortune on charity.

On September 15, 2014, Markus Persson sold Mojang to Microsoft for $2.5 billion. After that, he left the Mojang team.



Persson's most famous game is a sandbox computer game with survival simulation elements and open world Minecraft, which was released on November 18, 2011. Persson stepped down as game designer to work on Minecraft. In early 2011, Mojang AB sold a million copies of the game, a few months later a second, and a few months later a third. Mojang hired several developers to the team Minecraft, after Persson handed over the post of chief developer to Jens Bergensten. A version for iOS and Android was released called Pocket Edition. Version Minecraft for Xbox was released on May 9, 2012. The Xbox version includes several updates, including the ability to learn and several skin packs. AT this moment you can play on the same server different devices thanks to versions for Windows 10, Pocket Edition (version 0.15.0 and later) and XBox One. They connect using XBox Live. Then you need to create a server on one of the devices and start playing. Marcus stopped development Minecraft after selling Mojang to Microsoft for $2.5 billion.

Breaking the Tower

The game was created within two weeks. The game takes place on a small island where the player has to collect resources, build buildings and also train soldiers to destroy the big tower on the island.


Another game created by Notch, made in 48 hours as part of the Ludum Dare competition. A 2D platformer with an original idea, in which the protagonist's weapon shoots little men who shoot real bullets. Another feature of the game is the protagonist's hat, which makes him invulnerable to bullets while he is wearing it, and which flies off when one bullet hits. Catching the hat, the hero becomes invulnerable again. Additional hats can also be picked up in some play areas, and will be counted at the end of the game.


Marcus and Jacob Porser came up with the idea for the game Scrolls. The game seeks to combine elements from traditional card games and traditional board games into a strategy genre. Marcus stated that he would not be actively involved in the development of the game, but that Jacob would develop it.


In March 2012, after the termination of participation in the development Minecraft, Persson began pre-development space game, which takes place in the distant future. On April Fool's Day, Mojang launched a satirical website mars effect(parody of mass effect), citing Bethesda as inspiration. Despite this, the game existed, and on April 4, Mojang revealed 0x10c as the name of the game. Persson stopped development in August 2013, but C418, the game's composer (he also composed music for Minecraft), released an album of soundtracks from the game.

Uber Catacomb Snatch

A game about miners in which you can build railways.


A game about a horse that rolls a ball across the field. Was created in 2 hours. Being free, it includes a donation system. The game page contains the address of the DogeCoin wallet.


Game for one or two players, 2D platformer


Drop - The game, the essence of which is sequential keystrokes.

Appeared on Notch's website with the description " It's a mystery to everyone." - "This is a secret for everyone."

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An excerpt characterizing Persson, Markus

“They might not have died…” the old man shook his head sadly. “There was no need for that.
- How could it not have happened? - the disheveled Stella immediately jumped up indignantly. “They were saving other good people!” They didn't have a choice!
– Forgive me, little one, but THERE IS ALWAYS THE CHOICE. It is only important to be able to choose correctly... Look, and the elder showed what Stella had shown him a minute ago.
“Your warrior friend tried to fight evil here just as he fought it on Earth. But this is already a different life, and the laws in it are completely different. Just like the other and the weapon... Only you two did it right. And your friends are wrong. They could live a long time... Of course, every person has the right to free choice, and everyone has the right to decide how to use his life. But this is when he knows how he could act, knows all possible ways. Your friends didn't know. Therefore, they made a mistake and paid the highest price. But they had beautiful and pure souls, so be proud of them. But now no one will ever be able to return them ...
Stella and I were completely limp, and apparently in order to somehow “cheer us up”, Anna said:
“Do you want me to try calling my mother so you can talk to her?” I think you would be interested.
I was immediately ignited with a new opportunity to find out what I wanted!.. Apparently, Anna managed to get to the core of me completely, since this really was the only means that could make me forget everything else for a while. My curiosity, as the witch girl rightly said, was my strength, but also my biggest weakness at the same time ...
- Do you think she will come? .. - I asked with hope for the impossible.
We won't know until we try, right? No one will be punished for this, - Anna answered, smiling at the effect.
She closed her eyes, and from her thin sparkling figure stretched somewhere into the unknown, a blue thread pulsing with gold. We waited with bated breath, afraid to move, so as not to inadvertently frighten something ... Several seconds passed - nothing happened. I was about to open my mouth to say that today, apparently, nothing would work out, when I suddenly saw a high transparent entity slowly approaching us through the blue channel. As she approached, the channel seemed to “roll up” behind her back, and the essence itself became more and more dense, becoming like all of us. Finally, everything around her completely curled up, and now a woman of absolutely incredible beauty stood before us! .. She was clearly once earthly, but at the same time, there was something in her that made her no longer one of us... already different - distant... And not because I knew that after her death she “left” to other worlds. She was just different.
- Hello, my relatives! – by touching right hand heart, the beauty greeted affectionately.
Anna beamed. And her grandfather, approaching us, glared at the stranger’s face with wet eyes, as if trying to “imprint” her amazing image into his memory, not missing a single smallest detail, as if he was afraid that he was seeing her for the last time ... He looked and looked without stopping, and seemed not even to breathe... And the beauty, unable to stand it any longer, threw herself into his warm arms, and, like a little child, she froze, absorbing the wonderful peace and goodness pouring from his loving , a tormented soul...
- Well, what are you, dear ... What are you, dear ... - cradling the stranger in her large warm hands whispered the old man.
And the woman stood there, hiding her face on his chest, childishly seeking protection and peace, forgetting about everyone else, and enjoying the moment that belonged only to the two of them ...
- Is that your mother? .. - Stella whispered stunned. - Why is she like this?
- You mean so beautiful? Anna asked proudly.
- Beautiful, of course, but I'm not talking about that ... She is different.
The essence and the truth was different. She was, as it were, woven from a shimmering mist, which either sprayed, making her completely transparent, or condensed, and then her perfect body became almost physically dense.
Her shiny, black as night, hair fell soft waves almost to the very feet and, just like the body, now condensed, now sprayed with a sparkling haze. Yellow, like a lynx, the stranger’s huge eyes shone with amber light, shimmering with thousands of unfamiliar golden hues and were deep and impenetrable, like eternity ... On her clear, high forehead, a pulsating energy star, as yellow as her unusual eyes, burned with gold . The air around the woman fluttered with golden sparks, and it seemed - a little more, and her light body would fly up to a height inaccessible to us, like an amazing golden bird ... She really was unusually beautiful, some kind of unprecedented, bewitching, unearthly beauty.
“Greetings to you, little ones,” the stranger greeted us calmly, turning to us. And already turning to Anna, she added: - What made you call me, dear? Did something happen?
Anna, smiling, affectionately hugged her mother by the shoulders and, pointing at us, whispered softly:
“I thought they needed to meet with you. You could help them where I can't. I think they are worth it. But forgive me if I'm wrong... - and already turning to us, she happily added: - Here, dear, and my mother! Her name is Isidora. She was the strongest Vidunya at that terrible time, which we have just talked about.
(She had an amazing name - From-and-to-Ra .... Coming out of light and knowledge, eternity and beauty, and always striving to achieve more ... But I realized this only now. And then I was simply shocked by his extraordinary sound - it was free, joyful and proud, golden and fiery, like the bright rising sun.)
Smiling thoughtfully, Isidora peered very carefully into our excited faces, and for some reason I suddenly really wanted to like her ... There were no special reasons for this, except for the fact that the story of this wonderful woman interested me wildly, and I really wanted to do what no matter how to know her. But I didn’t know their customs, I didn’t know how long they hadn’t seen each other, so I decided for myself to keep silent for now. But, apparently not wanting to torment me for a long time, Isidora herself started the conversation...
“What did you want to know, little ones?”
– I would like to ask you about your Earthly life, if it is possible, of course. And if it doesn't hurt too much for you to remember…” I immediately asked, a little embarrassed.
Deep in the golden eyes lit up such a terrible longing that I immediately wanted to take back my words. But Anna, as if understanding everything, immediately gently hugged me by the shoulders, as if saying that everything is in order, and everything is fine ...

Markus Persson- Swedish programmer and game designer. Better known as Notch. Owns Mojang AB, which he co-founded with Carl Mannech and Jacob Porser in 2010. He is the creator of the popular computer game Minecraft. He created his first game at the age of 8 on a Commodore 128 home computer.


Persson was born on June 1, 1979 in Stockholm, Sweden. At first he lived in Denmark, and then moved with his parents to Sweden. Started programming at the age of 7 on a Commodore 128 home computer. Four and a half years (until 2009) he worked at King.com as a game developer.
Also participated in the development of jAlbum and Wurm Online. In May 2009, he founded Mojang Specifications.

On August 13, 2011, he married Elin Zetterstrand, but on August 15, 2012, Persson announced on Twitter that he was now single.

Personal life

Markus Persson lives in Stockholm.

He is a member of the Mensa organization, composes electronic music under the pseudonym "Markus Alexei". Criticizes large companies for their attitude towards piracy, is a member of the Pirate Party of Sweden.



Marcus's most popular game, which went into Beta on December 20, 2010 and then the release version. Sales That is, when she was still in Alpha, the game became very popular in the Internet environment. Jeb (since Marcus has retired) develops Minecraft, improving and changing the game while it's not yet finished. In early 2011, Mojang AB sold 1 million copies of the game, and 2 million more people bought the game online.

As of May 2013, over 10 million people have purchased the game. Minecraft uses low resolution textures and specific 8-bit console style graphics. The current version of the game is 1.6.2

Planned Secret Development Version 2.1

Breaking the Tower

The game was created within 48 hours. The game takes place on a small island where the player has to collect resources, build buildings and also train soldiers to destroy the big tower on the island.


Another game made in 48 hours as part of the Ludum Dare contest. A 2D platformer with an original idea, in which the main character's weapon shoots little men who shoot real bullets. Another feature of the game is the protagonist's hat, which makes him invulnerable to bullets while he is wearing it, and which flies off when one bullet hits. Catching the hat, the hero becomes invulnerable again. Additional hats can also be picked up in some game zones, the number of which will be counted at the end of the game.


Markus and Jakob Porser came up with the idea for the game Scrolls. The game seeks to combine elements from traditional card games and traditional board games into a strategy genre. Marcus stated that he would not be actively involved in the development of the game, but Jakob would develop it.


Marcus' new project. The plot unfolds when spaceships with people were launched, but the system crashed and the number 0x0000 0000 0000 0001 changed to 0x0001 0000 0000 0000, and people began to wake up only in 281 474 976 712 644. A distinctive feature of the game is the need to program in assembler for the fictional DCPU-16 processor.

On April 8, 2013, Markus put the development of the 0x10c space simulator on hold. According to the author, the game was not as exciting as he intended it to be.

Uber Catacomb Snatch

  • Markus Persson criticized Microsoft for trying to make the PC a closed platform in Windows 8. The company had previously approached him with a proposal to certify Minecraft for the app store built into Windows 8, to which Persson replied: than indulge the ideas of Microsoft."
  • Has his own hat in Team fortress 2.