9 days can be remembered later. Days of Special Remembrance of the Deceased

Today's topic seems to be sad. Unfortunately, in our life there is always a place not only for joy, but also for sadness. Let's discuss what happens to a person's soul after death, how to properly see off and commemorate deceased loved ones.

After all, the ancestors said - “When a person is born, he cries, and everyone rejoices. When a person dies, he rejoices, but everyone weeps.”

What happens to the soul after death

Are you curious to know what happens to the soul after the death of a person? After all, our dense body, with which we identify our Self, is just one of the bodies, the most dense and visible in the wave spectrum of an ordinary person.

Thin human bodies

And there are also subtle human bodies. What we call an aura is the energy, so-called subtle bodies of a person, which perform their functions in the life of a person in his earthly life.

The earthly human body is a biological and 4 subtle bodies. The remaining three subtle bodies of a person are unchanged from the moment of the creation of the Soul and are relevant in the subtle worlds, when temporary memory blocks are removed from the matrix of the Soul, and it becomes possible to evaluate all incarnations and the quality of the accumulated experience.

For example, astral body"responsible" for our passions and desires.

mental body for our thoughts and intentions.

The connection between the dense and subtle bodies is carried out at the expense of energy centers, which are called chakras.

What happens at the time of death?

From the point of view of sacred knowledge on Earth, in a dense body, birth and death is only a transformation, the rebirth of an immortal Soul from a subtle to a dense state and vice versa.

Moreover, the stress of the birth of a baby is much stronger than the stress of death. Both of these processes require a huge amount of energy.

In the womb, the child remembers all his past lives and the task of incarnation, hears and understands everything that the mother says, feels and thinks, as well as her environment. There is a formation not only of the physical body of the child, but also of his subtle bodies, which are necessary for life on earth.

Dense, ethereal, astral, mental, causal bodies. This is the earth man.

The remaining three subtle human bodies are a constant component of the immortal soul on the path of evolution in incarnations and incarnations in the worlds (and not only on our mother Earth).

At the beginning of the birth process, the child experiences severe pain, the muscles of the uterus contract, suffocation, the apocalypse - his world collapses ...

At the same time, it is necessary to a large number of energy, which correct pregnancy and the correct behavior of the mother and her loved ones accumulated over 9 months - and in this case, the birth is easy and quick without complications.

The correct behavior of a pregnant woman is specified in great detail in the Vedas (and in all absolutely teachings from the beginning of time), and the ancestors knew what was desirable and what was forbidden.

That is why our progenitors gave birth on a haystack or in a forest (where they grab it), and then they returned with their legs with a baby and could easily go milk a cow, for example.

Natural required amount energy for childbirth was accumulated, the stress of the child is minimal, as they say - he didn’t have time to get scared, and he was already born.

In principle, they died in the same way, since death is a birth in the subtle. And the birth is in the subtle death ...

What happens to a person after death?

In the reverse transformation - death - a large amount of energy is also needed in order for the separation of subtle bodies from the physical and from each other in turn to take place without deviations and according to the laws of transition. How does the soul leave the body after death?

From childhood, ancestors brought up in their offspring a correct understanding of death - that's why no one was afraid of it ... At the feast (that is, at the wake), they recalled deeds, staged Battles in honor of the departed warrior.

The energy of death, its quality and quantity does not depend on old age or youth, health or illness, death in bed or in a catastrophe.

It depends on the quantity and quality of the energies that the soul of a person has accumulated on his life path ...

How does the soul leave the body after death?

I'm on simple example I will tell you how the soul leaves the body after death. The lower the energy vibration frequency, the “heavier” and longer the detachment of the subtle body takes place.

The soul, like a 4-stage rocket, loses its booster when it passes through each energy filter.

The astral body remains in the astral, the density of which does not allow it to penetrate into a finer mental filter.

In the mental layer of the Earth, the mental body will fall away. Only after losing all earthly bodies, from the biological in the grave to the mental in the mental sphere - the filter of the Earth - the soul has the opportunity to get into completely different spaces, where it was actually born and where the future will be decided.

Or returning to school on earth, perhaps in new class... Or in the second year ... Or a chance to become a first-year student of a higher HIERARCHY ... There are also a lot of their own problems ... You can fly out from the first session.

A person who lived according to conscience, accumulated energy, worked off old karmic tails, can literally fly through these layers, rapidly losing the spent bodies.

But today we're talking about ordinary people who lived ordinary life- and most of today's departing old people lived under militant atheism.

After the onset of biological death, the etheric body, the heaviest and densest of all the subtle ones, is the first to separate.

It is the etheric body, which different reasons"stuck" in the world of the living, we call a ghost. And quite often it can be seen as a translucent haze even in our light spectrum of vision.

Theoretically, the etheric body separates within 3 days, which is why the first commemoration is usually arranged before this time.

The speed of separation depends on the frequency of vibrations, on the accumulated spiritual experience, and therefore for someone it happens within a few hours, and for someone it takes 3 days.

How to properly see off the deceased

But also because the funeral earlier than 3 days and the burial of the body to the earth - can at the start disrupt the path of the human soul after death. In any case, the etheric body will exfoliate in 3 days maximum.

How to accompany the deceased? What accelerates the process of separation of the etheric body?

1. ablution while the body is still warm - the energy of water gives additional vibrations.

2. Prayers of relatives, and they have tantrums, panic, and an understanding of what is happening in reality.

3. More desirable give extra energy before breathing stops- in Tibet, a monk reads the Tibetan Book of the Dead, among Christians - communion and unction, among the Slavs - reading the texts of the Slavic Book of the Dead, someone even hired mourners for this or simply arranges a magnificent commemoration with all relatives, etc. ...

All religions, without exception, have their own rituals for sending off the soul and for a more comfortable separation of subtle bodies.

4. Lack of screams on the topic - "Who did you leave me for?" or "Take me with you." These are heavy and very low negative vibrations that cling to the etheric body as anchors. And he is far from sweet.

5. Candle fire gives the energy of fire - the more they burn, the better. But 2 candles at the head of the deceased and 2 at the feet are required.

At the time of death, a person may lose consciousness, but then "comes to himself."

Consciousness is preserved because I am the soul. And a person after physical death, not prepared for this kind of immortality, an atheist or an unbeliever Thomas experiences a certain shock.

It takes some time to REALIZE - yes, I'm dead!

But if Vanya died, then the etheric body is the same Vanya.

Only after throwing off all earthly bodies and getting into the higher layers, the blockage of deep memory is removed, and the Soul already knows all its incarnations, in what times and bodies it was, how it lived and took lessons, and the accumulated experience is analyzed and accepted.

The ethereal body flies through the tunnel towards the light. And after entering the Light, it can no longer return to the dense body. Resuscitation is not possible.

Why did the Slavs burn (cremate) the dead?

But this requires the separation of the etheric body and the breaking of the "silver" thread.

In the very ideal Is it cremation or cremation?

There is no mass - there is no reason to linger, nothing holds.

This is where Einstein's simple formula for the connection between energy and mass is ideal. And the coefficient of the speed of light squared is the very speed of thought.

That is, the faster we reduce the mass, the faster the energy will be released, and the energy of thought will allow us to slip through mental filters quickly and easily.

In so many cultures and religions, it was the burning of the dead body that was the burial. The ashes were either scattered over the water, or buried in the ground. But not the body - but the ashes.

What happens to the soul of a person after death during a quick burial up to three days after breathing stops?

But this is from the series buried alive. Consciousness of the Soul after death is preserved. Yes - ethereal, not dense - but compared to the astral and mental it is much heavier ...

And the path of ascent from under the thickness of the earth begins. Vanya needs a lot of energy, a lot.

Why doesn't grass grow on the grave?

Therefore, even his positive energy accumulations, instead of being reasonably spent when passing through the lower filters, go stupidly to crawl out of the grave, on which the groaning relatives still lay out marble slabs and erect heavy monuments.

You may have noticed in cemeteries that some graves are completely dry. Neither grass, nor flowers, nor trees grow. Even on abandoned and neglected graves, grass and weeds do not grow. And on the type of well-groomed - nothing takes root.

Although nearby is the same old and abandoned grave - but natural thistles are chest-high. They live and feed on useful biofertilizer.

And the birds do not fly nearby and do not sit on dry branches.

This is the so-called active grave, in addition to the current biomass, there is someone else in it that draws energy from wherever possible. From plants and stupid birds.

And especially from the people who sit near the neighboring grave and commemorate with vodka and Easter cakes. This is your Vanya, drenched in tears and buried according to the schedule of an expensive ritual office.

The process of the release of the etheric body under such conditions can last up to 300 years.

That is why it is important to know how the soul leaves the body after the death of a person, what happens to it, and how to see off the deceased loved ones correctly.

How to commemorate deceased relatives

Moreover, it is important not only to properly see off the deceased loved ones, but also to know how to properly commemorate deceased relatives.

Of course, the commemoration after burial, for 9 days, and a year after death, give their energy - but in theory this energy should help to pass astral passions (or ordeals, as they call the passage of the astral level in Christianity).

Of course, this is not a rule, but exceptions, but, alas, they do exist. And if relatives do not follow the elementary rules of seeing off the soul of a loved one, the consequences can be so disastrous for the soul.

So, how to commemorate the dead?

In no case should you take pictures of the deceased and the funeral, and even more so keep these photos in the house ...

Before the anniversary of death, it is impossible to put a photo of the deceased in a prominent place, and even more so to lament over it.

In the question of how to properly commemorate the deceased, it is important to know and understand that death is not the end, it is just a transformation of your loved one.

He is, and he continues to recognize himself as Vanya, as he did during his life next to you on the couch. And he needs help, perhaps even more than the obstetrician's obstetric care for you at the birth of your child.

He is also born, and it is not at all easy to throw off the accumulated bodies, because we do not know the laws, we live in dogmas, and we go to the temple to sanctify eggs and apiaries, not forgetting to attach them to the basket.

Your loved one, his Soul after death needs energy, and the more, the better. Therefore, prayers and magpies (or some other religious rituals in other faiths) are important.

Pray yourself, let him go, the soul, even without your whining, is attached to the house and earthly life, to children, grandchildren, and its habits. We need to help break these ties, not strengthen them.

While the body is still in the house - Entrance door should be open - no one knows at what point out of 3 days the silver thread broke and the ethereal Vanya came out.

The ancestors had a simple means of preserving the body - on the little finger right hand tied a thin copper wire, and its end was placed in a clay jar or pot of earth.

Such grounding did not allow the energy of the Soul to flow into the space of the house, because if a person is not prepared for death, his consciousness needs time to REALIZE the death of his biological jacket.

Therefore, for some time the ether can walk around you, learn to use its new state, and so on. This is a baby who has already been born, but is completely helpless.

That's why mirrors and all reflective surfaces are closed (and today we have set up - plasmas, monitors, etc., etc.)

For lovers mirrored walls and ceilings that cannot be covered - dilute with a saturated saline solution and wipe all mirrors that cannot be covered with a cloth. After drying, there will be a white salt film - the Soul will not see itself, and the salt reflects energy.

Why do people immediately fall into the tunnel when they are clinically dead? I just hear such a question or comment.

Because clinical death is stress, an emergency reboot of the Genesis program, the same can be said about people who die in accidents, disasters, etc. There, the energy of stress is so strong that the ether separates instantly and there is no need to wait 3 days.

All, in fact, the above applies to the standard death at home or in the hospital, from old age, from chronic diseases.

What and why not to do at the wake

Expanding the topic of how to properly commemorate deceased relatives, I would like to touch on the question of what and why should not be done at the commemoration.

The first commemoration immediately after the burial. All ancient rules are violated here.

The main task of those who commemorate is to give the Soul additional energy for the transition.

Therefore, the products of violence - meat, eggs, fish - everything that was killed cannot be eaten at the wake.

This is a trifle for the living, but for the Soul of a person after death, the energy of fear that accompanies the DEATH of a pig or a calf pulls down very strongly. He himself ... your Vanya ... fresh in fear of death.

Why can't you drink alcohol at funerals?

The second thing not to do at the wake is to drink alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are a complete taboo, especially this touching glass of bread for the SOUL. Why? This fogs the consciousness of both the living and the ether. Remember this if it is really important to you how to properly commemorate the deceased.

Let me remind you that consciousness is preserved. And the soul tastes the energy that the products radiate. Therefore, products that lower vibrations cannot be eaten by people and exhibited for the ethereal Vani.

It is impossible at the commemoration after a couple of glasses to start discussing earthly affairs.

Why can't this be done at the wake? Everything mundane pulls the Soul down with weights.

Vanya is completely fresh-born, and so far he is very interested in everything that happens in his former and understandable world.

And before the first filter - the astral plane, the first exam in the New World, there is still time up to 9 days. Therefore, conversations at the commemoration are a wish for the deceased to quickly find themselves in that world, well, and variations on the theme.

How to commemorate the deceased? You can’t indulge in obvious grief and, again, about sobbing - you need to control yourself and understand that Vanya is not dead. He is alive - he just went on a long business trip.

At the same time, nothing hurts him, he feels perfect, and the same ethereal Masha from the neighboring cemetery is already appearing near him. And soon they will go to the lower astral plane. To the ordeal.

What should you eat for a wake?

At the wake, the right food is kutya. I won’t repeat the recipes, everyone knows, but no one eats, everyone drinks vodka.

Pancakes are obligatory, and it is the first pancake, hot, that is broken by hands and placed on the window sill of the deceased.

Any porridge with butter, kissels and uzvars, bread and pies, and bread cannot be cut - only broken. A product cut with a knife The Soul cannot taste.

What to do with a memorial photo?

Well, yes, imagine the ubiquitous glass of vodka and a piece of sliced ​​bread for Vanechka. I took a sip of vodka, there was nothing to eat. Energy - minus ... eleven (or rather, a lot of energy will be released, but it leads such a soul rather not up, but down, as you understand, and the righteous soul will only be in the negative). And the astral plane and ordeals are ahead, 9 days have not come yet.

Borscht and soups - only vegetable. I understand that during the periods of the Soviet of Deputies and atheism, all real rules are forgotten, and the richer, the more prestigious.

At the wake after the burial, and on the 9th and 40th day, energy - help for the Soul - must be placed on the windowsill in front of the photo. A glass with an uzvar (this is a compote of dried fruits, always with honey) and broken pancakes or other pastries - just not cut with a knife.

After the wake, the photo must be removed. That is, a photo up to a year old should not be in a prominent place, especially if children run around the house. And at the commemoration - a photo is put, and in front of him is a treat for the soul.

If your Vanya is dear to you, then make a wake not in a cafe, bar, restaurant, but at home, with a couple of relatives and neighbors who were really close, and did not come to a free banquet - to drink, eat and discuss their earthly affairs.

A commemoration is when a lot of people gather, and they give energy to the freshly buried. And not a reason to get drunk, get drunk and take away from the Soul the energy that is so needed right now.

For me, than such a commemoration, it is better without them at all - the soul will be healthier. He won’t get energy, so at least they won’t drink the accumulated energy!

In the meantime, the process of disincarnation is going on. Or preparing for a new incarnation. Or birth in a new quality, these formulations - as your consciousness is more comfortable.

Any funeral today is reminiscent of a bunch of caterpillars that have lost a comrade-in-arms on their branch. The caterpillar has died and is mourned. Only a butterfly knows that it is alive, and even free, and even with wings. And the butterfly does not understand why her caterpillar neighbors are crying ...

After all, very soon they will die as caterpillars, and become butterflies, and the meeting will be in a flowering meadow.

Understanding what happens to the Soul after the death of a person, it will be easier for us to understand how to properly see off and commemorate the dead, what and why should not be done at the commemoration. After all, our task is to help the deceased relative calmly leave and be born in a new quality.

The next article will be about the astral passage of the Soul. Or, in Christian terms, ordeal.

Hello. I have a question: the 15th anniversary of my father's death is coming soon. Is it possible to commemorate him in advance, for one day (in connection with a business trip)? Is it necessary to go to the cemetery on this day? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Dear Vyacheslav!

Forgive me Lord for the sake of not answering you soon. All laziness - and even business comes. By writing I already owed almost the whole world. I strongly know how much I am guilty before you - my non-response. But for the Lord's sake, don't think that I have forgotten you. I always remember and remember.

Regarding the commemoration of the deceased, we can say that home prayers and commemorations in the temple should be performed on the very day of your father’s death, and the memorial table can be moved to another time.

After all, after death, a person can no longer pray for himself, we must do it for him. Prayer for the departed is the biggest and most important thing we can do for those who have passed away. By and large, the deceased does not need a coffin or a monument - all this is a tribute to traditions, albeit pious ones. But forever alive soul the deceased feels a great need for our constant prayer, because she herself cannot do good deeds with which she would be able to propitiate God.

That is why prayer at home for loved ones, prayer at the cemetery at the grave of the deceased is the duty of every Orthodox Christian. Commemoration in the Church provides special assistance to the deceased.

On the day of commemoration of the deceased, relatives and faithful friends close to him pray for him, thereby expressing the belief that the day of a person’s death is not a day of destruction, but a new birth for eternal life; the day of the transition of the immortal human soul to other conditions of life, where there is no longer any place for earthly diseases, sorrows and sighs.

There is such a purely worldly superstition - to arrange a memorial feast. In the Orthodox understanding, although it is possible, it has no independent meaning. Previously, such a memorial meal was served after everyone prayed together for the deceased in the church.

Wake means the prayer of relatives and close people for the repose of the deceased, so that through their prayers the Lord would have mercy on him and honor him with the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the main meaning of the commemoration. It must be taken into account that the meaning of the memorial table is to feed the poor, the sick, etc., that is, the creation of alms in memory of the deceased. It is better to remember her in the Church, to stand and pray for her soul. You can also visit the cemetery.

If desired, on this day you can read an akathist about the repose of the deceased. First of all, of course, you should come to the temple at the beginning of the service, submit a note with the name of the deceased for commemoration in the altar (best of all, if it is a commemoration at the proskomedia, when a piece is taken out of a special prosphora for the deceased, and then as a sign of washing his sins dipped into the Chalice with the Holy Gifts). You can order a magpie or another multi-day funeral commemoration.

After the liturgy, a memorial service should be served. Prayer will be more effective if the one who commemorates this day himself partakes of the Body and Blood of Christ.

On certain days of the year, the Church creates a commemoration of all fathers and brothers who have passed away from the age of faith, who have been honored with a Christian death, as well as those who were overtaken by sudden death, were not admonished in afterlife the prayers of the Church.

Every deceased Orthodox Christian should be commemorated annually on the days of his birth, death, on his name day. It is very useful on memorable days to donate to the church, to give alms to the poor with a request to pray for the departed.

Prayer for the Lost Christian

Remember, Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the life of your eternally reposed servant, our brother (name), and as Good and Humane, forgive sins, and consume iniquities, weaken, leave and forgive all his voluntary sins and involuntary, deliver him eternal torment and fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good, prepared for those who love You: if you sin, but do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your God in the Trinity glorified, faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until his last breath of confession. Be merciful to him the same, and faith, even in Thee instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as if Generous rest: there is no man who lives and does not sin. But Thou art One except for all sin, and Thy truth, truth forever, and Thou art the One God of mercies and generosity, and love of mankind, and to Thee we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

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The loss of loved ones is always a great sorrow. Relatives want to see a person on his last journey with all honors. After the funeral, it is customary for the Orthodox to hold a commemoration. In addition to the memorial table, you need to visit the church and order a prayer service. You can commemorate the deceased at any time, but according to church customs, the remembrance of the deceased should be carried out nine days, forty days, six months after death, a year.

Is it possible to make a commemoration earlier than the date of death, which commemoration to celebrate. Commemoration of the deceased according to the Charter Orthodox Church should not pass before the time of death. Therefore, it is impossible to remember in advance. There are days when it is obligatory to mark the memorial.

In addition to the days listed, you need to visit the temple during the year, read a prayer for repose, give alms, distribute food to those in need.

According to the church charter, every believer needs to know about the commemoration for 1 year and the rules for holding them. This is due to the fact that the soul must find a place and not rush between heaven and earth. If it is not possible to hold a commemoration on the date of death, then a late commemoration can be held. If this day fell on a Monday, you can move it to the next Sunday. There are other rules of commemoration.

The commemoration of the dead in Orthodoxy implies a constant remembrance of a person. It is especially good if the words are spoken aloud. Anyone can contact the church to order a prayer service, but it is better if close relatives do it: dad, mom or children.

When commemorating at dinner, you need to put a glass of water on the table, covered with bread. It's meant for the dead. Usually people are not invited to the commemoration, everyone comes own will. Anything you want can be on the table. But there must be kutia - church porridge, with which the commemoration begins. You can cook the food that the deceased loved.

When contacting church ministers, relatives of the deceased ask whether it is possible to commemorate the deceased on his birthday. You can commemorate, the term of commemoration is not limited. On your birthday, you can visit the grave, put flowers and candles. In the church, order a prayer for the repose of the soul.

How to remember an unbaptized person

After the birth of a child, usually on the 40th day of his life, a rite of baptism is performed. But it also happens that in childhood a child was not baptized, he himself did not make a decision about baptism in his life. In this case, the person has not united himself with the church, and everything remains at the discretion of the Lord. An unbaptized person is not commemorated in the church and they do not order mass for him. Funerals are held in the circle of relatives and friends. You can bring flowers, candles to the grave, but they don’t read a prayer here. The correct remembrance is a guarantee that the deceased in the next world will be fine.

Orthodox commemoration of the dead primarily involves prayer. And only after that the memorial table. Of course, the funeral itself, days 9 and 40, are no less significant events to which all relatives, close friends, just acquaintances and colleagues from work are invited. However, at 1 year old, you can not do this, but spend the day in prayer among the closest people in the family circle. Also, a year after the sad event, it is customary to visit the cemetery.

How to hold a wake for 1 year?

If a person was baptized during his lifetime, he is ordered a funeral commemoration at the Liturgy. Prayer is a huge help for people who have left this world. Indeed, by and large, the deceased does not need either a monument or a chic meal, the only thing he can do close person for his soul is to read prayers and remember his good deeds.

You can order the Liturgy in the church in the evening the day before the wake or in the morning on the same day. Among other things, they commemorate the deceased at the meal. On this day, it is customary to cook various dishes: this is necessarily soup, the second, and at the request of relatives, the favorite dishes of the deceased are prepared. Do not forget about pancakes, jelly and pastries.

On the day of commemoration of the death of the deceased, one should definitely visit his grave. If necessary, they put things in order there: they tint, plant flowers, needles (thuja takes root best of all, it does not grow in breadth and does not take root, but only grows upwards). If there was a temporary monument on the grave, then it is in the year after death that it is replaced with a permanent one.

Funeral meal at the wake for 1 year

Of course, the owners want to treat the invited people to taste better, but do not forget about Orthodox fasts. So, if the commemoration fell on the day of fasting, prohibited foods should be excluded and only those dishes that are allowed for a meal should be served on the table.

At the table, it is necessary to remember the deceased, his good deeds and character traits. You should not turn the memorial table into a "drunken gathering." After all, the word "commemoration" arose from the word "remember".

The first dish served on the funeral table is kutya. It is boiled rice or wheat groats with honey and raisins. While eating the dish, they think about the deceased. Such food is considered a symbol of resurrection; according to tradition, it can be sprinkled with holy water.

The following dishes on the memorial table, namely soup, the second, can be anything, depending on the taste preferences of the deceased or the owners. It can be a regular chicken noodle soup or rich borscht, goulash with pasta or jelly, stuffed pepper or plov, if only meat dishes were not prohibited by fasting. As a pastry, you can serve a pie with filling or pancakes.

It should be noted that the days of remembrance must be met in good location spirit, be in the mood and not be offended by the deceased for leaving this world. Moreover, it is considered correct to distribute alms and clothes or other things of the deceased to those in need at the wake.


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A wake is a fairly complex funeral tradition found in most cultures. On the day of the commemoration, refreshments take place, as a memory of the deceased, both on the day of the funeral and on certain days later.

Among some nationalities, sacrifices are placed on the grave, which are then used as food. Other customs speak of holding feasts (military amusements) on the spot. This tradition was common among the Slavic and Germanic tribes, among the ancients. In other places, the deceased was seen off with mourning processions and weeping.

We have a common Christian custom of holding. According to the Orthodox canon, it must be done three times: on the day of the funeral, on the ninth day, and also on the fortieth. They conclude in a memorial meal. The same custom is in many. The meaning of this ritual is very deep. Believing in the immortality of the soul, people approach the deceased to God, while at the same time paying tribute to him as good. No wonder it is customary to either speak well of the deceased, or not speak at all.

The process of commemoration also includes prayers for a person who has left the earthly world. In general, all actions at such rituals have a deep meaning, even the meal menu was not chosen by chance.

So how do you hold a memorial?

  1. Before the start of the meal, it is necessary to read the prayer "Our Father". This is necessary minimum, since it is desirable to make a lithium and sing the 90th psalm (for this they invite the so-called "singers"). In the process of commemoration, it is necessary to remember the deceased, and only him positive traits and actions, obscene, laughter, jokes, drunkenness are prohibited.

  2. The menu is undesirable to make saturated. On the contrary, modesty and simplicity are necessary, since the abundance of dishes does not benefit the very process of the ritual. The first dish, which is indispensable, is the so-called kutya - porridge made from whole grain millet, or rice, seasoned with honey and raisins. Moreover, it must be sprinkled with holy water, or

Every person comes into this world to fulfill their destiny. But there comes a time when you have to leave the earthly world and go to eternity. gives life, he also takes it away. In Orthodoxy, there are basic customs and traditions on how to commemorate the deceased on the anniversary of death.

Wake. The history of the rite

Such a ritual as a commemoration is carried out by the relatives of the deceased. It originated a very long time ago on the basis of Christianity. Moreover, he combined several ceremonies from several religions. However, this rite can only be performed with those who have been baptized. The Church does not pray for those who have taken their own lives, the unbaptized and people of other faiths.

Orthodox hold commemoration 3 times: on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day after death. The basis of this ritual is as follows:

  1. Relatives or friends prepare a memorial table.
  2. All who knew the deceased may come and take a seat at the table.
  3. They eat and commemorate the deceased with good words, tell interesting stories from his life.
  4. The remaining food is distributed to all guests so that they still think about the deceased.

For 40 days after death, the soul is in search and ignorance. For the first 3 days, she visits all her native and familiar places, being close to those who were close during her lifetime. Until the 9th day, he gets acquainted with places that are called paradise. And until the 40th day, he sees the suffering of people who are in hell.

On the 40th day, God's judgment renders a verdict on where the soul of man should find rest. The beginning of this eternal life is the anniversary of death.

The most dear people are invited to the anniversary. They try to call those whom the deceased would like to see during his lifetime. The preparation for the meal begins in advance.

How to prepare a funeral meal

First of all, you need to determine what day the anniversary of death falls on. If it is a fasting day, it is necessary to prepare lean meals. If it’s a normal day, you can include in the menu those dishes that the deceased loved. It is forbidden to put any alcoholic drinks on the table.

Be sure to cook kutya and consecrate it in the church. As a rule, the Orthodox prepare it from rice or wheat with raisins.

Much attention is paid to table setting. Everything should be modest, forks are not put on the table on the day of remembrance. They sit at the table even number guests, put the same number of appliances.

But the main point is the reading of prayers and kind words for the deceased. You need to light a candle or lamp, put a photo in a mourning frame.

For the deceased, a glass of water is placed on the table, which is covered with a piece of bread, a spoon and a small cup of salt are placed next to it.

Cemetery visit

Before you sit down at the table, you must visit the grave of the deceased. If for some reason this cannot be done on the day of the commemoration, you can come to the cemetery on another day. Just be sure to arrive at the burial place before noon.

You should take a candle with you, which you need to put and light in a special glass. Flowers will not be superfluous: live or artificial, depending on the season. According to pagan rituals, many people bring food with them, leave sweets on the grave or what the deceased loved: apples, cigarettes, pies.

True believers commemorate the deceased only with prayers and the laying of fresh flowers.

The Christian faith believes that commemoration can only be honored by prayers. In this case, even the most serious sins can be forgiven. Therefore, in the church you need to order a memorial service. You can also order Sorokoust about the deceased, which will be pronounced for 40 days, 6 months or a whole year.

Be sure to put a candle for the repose of the soul. You can invite a priest to the grave, who will read the akafest and make a litia.

Is the deceased remembered on his birthday?

In some families, it is customary to commemorate the deceased on the day when he had a birthday. Is it correct? According to ancient beliefs, the birthday of the deceased ceased to have any meaning, since now the date of death is the date of the birth of a new life. Therefore, our ancestors did not remember this day in any way and did not go to the cemetery.

The priests, on the other hand, believe that it is possible to commemorate at any time, including on the day of his birth on earth. Only this remembrance should take place in prayers and thoughts about the deceased.

How to commemorate the deceased on the anniversary of death, if he voluntarily passed away or was unbaptized? The answer can be found in the letter of the apostle Paul to the Colossians, which says that everyone is equal to God. Therefore, regardless of how a person died, at least close people should commemorate him on the anniversary. After all, only prayers will help him cleanse himself from the sins of worldly life.