Proper use of a pregnancy test. When can I do a pregnancy test. What is the best pregnancy test

Since pregnancy tests appeared in the public domain, the diagnosis of an interesting situation in the early stages has ceased to be fortune-telling on a chamomile “pregnant-not pregnant”. But in order to get an answer with a certainty of up to 97%, you need to know how to use a pregnancy test and how it looks.

How does a pregnancy test work?

There are several types of pregnancy tests for home use.

  1. Test strip (paper strip strip). This type of pregnancy test is disposable and is very popular with women because of its ease of use and low cost. The test looks like a strip of paper, half of which is soaked in reagent and has a light line showing how deep the test should be immersed in urine. The second half of the strip is for evaluating the result.

    When the test is immersed in urine, 1 strip always appears on it, which is a control and shows whether the test is working correctly. The second red strip parallel to the control appears only if pregnancy is determined.

  2. Tablet or cassette type test. A test of this form factor has two windows, one of which is filled with a few drops of urine using a pipette, and the second, based on the color of the indicator, is used to judge the result (positive or negative).
  3. Jet test. This option belongs to the third generation of pregnancy tests and, unlike the two previous varieties, contains a more sensitive reagent. To determine the presence or absence of pregnancy, it must be placed under the stream of urine and after a few minutes to see the result.
  4. Electronic test. This most modern test is available with various sensitivity indicators, including an ultra-sensitive version that can detect pregnancy even at the earliest stage (from 8-10 days from the moment of conception).

    Unlike other options, electronic tests show the results not by displaying strips, but by displaying the inscription “pregnant” (in case of pregnancy) or “not pregnant” (if pregnancy is not confirmed) on the scoreboard, which is much more convenient for perception.

All tests, regardless of their type, contain a substance that reacts to an increased concentration of the pregnancy hormone - human chorionic hormone (hCG). After conception, the precursor of the placenta (chorion) begins to form around the embryo, which releases hCG into the blood. Part of this hormone is filtered by the kidneys into the urine, in which it is determined by tests.

Before taking a pregnancy test, read the instructions that come with it. So, for example, testing using disposable test strips must be subject to certain requirements:

  • the optimal time of day to detect hCG is in the morning. To do this, you need to collect the first portion of morning urine in a clean glass, and immerse the test in it to the level indicated by the manufacturer;
  • you need to correctly withstand the time of immersion of the test in urine. It usually takes up to 5 minutes to evaluate the test. If you overdo it, then the probability of false answers increases;
  • to obtain the most truthful result, manufacturers recommend repeating the test after some time (the optimal time is after a week).

On what day of the cycle is it better to take the test?

Manufacturers advise using a pregnancy test from the first days of a missed period, which usually corresponds to 2-3 weeks after ovulation, or 4-5 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. An electronic test with a sensitivity of 20 mIU / ml can be used within a week (from day 8) from the moment of the intended conception.

If you need to check if pregnancy has occurred after IVF, you must wait 2 weeks after replanting, so that the embryos are implanted in the uterus and hCG begins to be produced.

Test diagnosis of pregnancy after insemination does not differ in time from the time of diagnosis of pregnancy as a result of normal intercourse, and should be performed no earlier than the date of the expected menstruation.

Is an incorrect result possible?

A pregnancy test performed at home can be false positive in cases where there is an increased level of hCG in the body for various "non-pregnant" reasons, for example:

  • after an abortion and a remote ectopic pregnancy, when there is no longer a fetal egg in the body, but elevated concentrations of the hormone still persist, although they tend to decrease;
  • when using a low-quality test;
  • in case of violation of the research procedure, for example, when the test strip is immersed to a great depth (far beyond the control line). In this case, a blurry second strip may appear in the absence of pregnancy;
  • when taking certain hormonal pills;
  • with hormone-producing tumors of the reproductive organs. This point applies to both women and men. There are many cases of early diagnosis of a malignant tumor of the testicles (choriocarcinoma), which was discovered during the comic use of a pregnancy test by a man of his girlfriend. In testicular cancer, a chorionic hormone, uncharacteristic for the male body, is released into the bloodstream, similar to the hormone to which pregnancy tests are sensitive.

A false negative result is also possible in the case of a poor-quality test, and if the study is carried out before the delay. At such a short time, the concentration of hCG is still so low that only supersensitive reagents can detect it. At the moment, expensive highly sensitive tests can already be found on the medical equipment market that can detect the slightest increase in the pregnancy hormone, so if it is necessary to determine pregnancy before the onset of a delay, it is better to use this option.

Is it possible to cheat or fake a pregnancy test?

Unfortunately, sometimes in human relationships, pregnancy becomes a bargaining chip. Sometimes not very conscientious ladies do their best to imitate a possible pregnancy in order to achieve their goals. In turn, men who want to protect themselves from dishonest girlfriends who wave a “striped” test in front of their noses are interested in the question: are there options for fake tests?

It is almost impossible to deceive the test (provided that it is of high quality and performed before your eyes), since hCG in the blood (and with it pregnancy) is either determined or not. If you are shown a finished test with two stripes, then there could be fraud.

There is a whole "science" on how to fake a pregnancy test. For example, you can carefully draw the missing strip, you can buy a “striped” test on the Internet (there is such a service on the Runet), you can give a pregnant friend a pee for the test. In the end, a man may be presented with a positive ovulation test, which does not visually differ much from a pregnancy test.

However, two lines on the ovulatory test only indicate that ovulation has occurred in the body, which is normal and physiological for a healthy woman. Therefore, if a positive pregnancy test presented by a girl raises doubts and you want to check your girlfriend, you need to take her by the hand to any diagnostic laboratory where they can perform a blood test for hCG.

Firstly, this study will give the most reliable result about the presence of the pregnancy hormone in the girl’s body, and secondly, if there is still a pregnancy, at the same time it will show the correct period (i.e. what is the week after conception).

In addition, it is still advisable to confirm the pregnancy detected by home tests with an ultrasound scan and a consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, which will help set the correct time and assess the correct development of the fetus in the uterus.

If a the cycle is regular, it makes no sense to do a test before the start of the delay. With each passing day, the reliability of the results will increase. However, it is better not to wait weeks or even months. In the first weeks of pregnancy, it will be easier for the doctor to help the mother and her unborn child avoid dangers.

If a menstrual periods are unstable, you will have to wait a period of time equivalent to the longest cycle of the year. For example, if it lasted 34 days, then it is better to count the same number of days from the beginning of the last menstruation, and then only buy a test. Do you know the day of ovulation? 2 weeks after it, it will already be possible to find out about your situation.

The situation largely depends on the type of test. For example, inkjet with a mark 10 mIU/ml able to determine a successful conception even 3 days before the expected menstruation. And products containing the inscription 25 mIU/ml, will be useless until the delay starts.

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test (hCG)?

HCG is a hormone whose presence indicates pregnancy. It becomes noticeable in the blood faster and better than in the urine. Therefore, a laboratory test shows a result earlier than most pharmacy ones.

Is the expected day of conception known? You can donate blood for analysis within a week after this date. If not, then the first day of the delay will be the best reason to go to the antenatal clinic.

If the test results are indeterminate, the gynecologist will recommend that you donate blood again after a few days. Want to know the answer for sure and the first time? Then it is advisable to donate blood for hCG approximately on the 3rd day of the delay. At this time, his concentration will become clearly noticeable.

Morning urine is considered optimal for delivery - it is the most concentrated. Therefore, it is better to do tests immediately after waking up, or at least before eating and drinking any drinks, including plain water. However, inkjet tests are highly sensitive to hCG, so they can recognize it even in daytime or evening urine.

In individual cases, you can take an analysis regardless of the time of day. He is more likely to show the truth if the woman at that moment feels:

  • pain in the chest and / or nipples;
  • cramps and / or pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea, weakness, dizziness;
  • a sudden strong desire to eat something specific.

These symptoms indicate an active change in the hormonal background. A test that “caught” such a moment will surely show the truth.

How to do a pregnancy test?

General rules

  • Make sure that your hands are clean and dry before the procedure.
  • Check the expiration date of the test.
  • Buy products only in pharmacies.
  • Adhere to the rules of storage and use described in the instructions for the purchased product.
  • Maintain cleanliness of the place where the test will lie during the period of manifestation of the results.


They are the cheapest and easiest to use. To begin with, morning urine is collected in a dry, clean container. It is desirable that it be small, but with high walls. The strip is dipped into the liquid to the indicated mark for 20 seconds. After that, it is better to put the test on a flat horizontal plane and wait a few minutes.


  • one strip - not pregnant;
  • two stripes - pregnant.


Similar to the previous view. The difference lies in the fact that a pipette is attached to the product, and the indicator line is located in the case itself.

A small amount of urine is collected with a pipette. It is better to take it again from the container. Then a few drops from the pipette are left on the indicator located in a small hole on the body. It remains only to wait.


  • one strip - not pregnant;
  • two stripes - pregnant.


Its main advantage is that it can show the approximate date of conception. Course of action:

  1. remove the cap from the test. At once proceed to the second step;
  2. substitute the object under the stream of urine for 5 seconds or lower its tip for 20 seconds into the container with urine;
  3. close the cap and place the product on a horizontal surface. You can also hold it in your hands, but make sure that the tip is pointing down, not up;
  4. wait until the final image appears on the screen.


  • “not pregnant”, “no” or “-” - no pregnancy;
  • “pregnant”, “yes” or “+” and the numbers indicate the pregnancy and the approximate period since the implantation of the embryo.


It is valued for its accuracy, good response to hCG, ease of use. After removing the cap, the tip is placed under the urine stream. It is recommended that it be tilted down. Often the result appears right in front of your eyes after half a minute. However, to be completely sure, it is better to postpone the test for 3-10 minutes.


  • one strip - not pregnant;
  • two stripes - pregnant.

How long does it take to take a pregnancy test after sex?

Fertilization of the egg occurs within 12 hours after successful intercourse. However, it is impossible to determine this moment with the help of tests. In addition, it will take a week or more for the embryo to move into the uterus and implant in its wall. As soon as this happens, the production of the hormone gonadotropin will begin. It is he who helps determine pregnancy.

So, hCG appears in the body on average 7-10 days after conception. Then its amount doubles every 2-3 days. In the second or third month of pregnancy, its concentration reaches a maximum.

Accordingly, the test is done no earlier than a week after sex.

What day of the delay to do the test?

If the cycle is regular, then you can buy tests already for 1-3 days of delay. If not, it is better to wait at least another 2-3 days or take the test several times with an interval of three days.

In cases where a woman does everything to get pregnant, she can try to find out the result even a couple of days before the expected menstruation. To do this, she will need an inkjet or electronic test, since other options are not sensitive enough for such a short period.

On the 7th day of delay, in the absence of specific diseases and proper use, any tests will reliably show whether a woman is pregnant or not.

When will the test show pregnancy?

The answer to this question is in the instructions, since each product is individual. As a rule, the waiting time does not exceed 20 minutes. Strips take longer, but inkjet, electronic and tablet wands are faster.

Another criterion is the gestational age. The smaller it is, the longer the result appears. In a test with poor sensitivity, daytime and evening urine may generally give a false negative response.

There is a separate category of test-strip cases that are misleading. The product may not detect pregnancy after the specified period of time. However, after an hour or even a day, a second strip will appear on it. It does not necessarily indicate a successful conception. It is better to play it safe and go through the procedure again or contact a gynecologist.

The test showed a weak second line - why?

Most likely a low hCG level. Exit: wait 3 days and repeat the procedure. The amount of the hormone will increase markedly, and the strip will become brighter.

If at the same time the test has poor sensitivity, it is better to buy another one with a mark of 10 mIU / ml. Buying several products of different brands and batches or taking tests at a antenatal clinic will also help clarify the situation.

It is quite difficult to decide among the huge range of tests. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages: somewhere the cost is unreasonably high, somewhere there are problems with the accuracy of the information, and some are simply inconvenient to use. So how to choose a pregnancy test, what nuances to consider when using in order to get a reliable result?

The essence of the pregnancy test

The easiest and fastest way to determine the "interesting position" without leaving home is a pregnancy test. Its action is based on the contact of a special reagent with the female hormone hCG, which begins to be actively produced only after the onset of conception.

The top of the test strip is coated with active dyes. When interacting with urine, hCG sets in motion, and, reaching the “positive reaction” level, the paint pigment comes out and shows the result. If the hormone responsible for pregnancy is not present in the urine, then the second line will not stain.

After fertilization, the egg is attached to the uterus and the active production of hCG begins, the level of which doubles every day. By about 9 days after conception, you can do a pregnancy test, because the concentration of the hormone has already reached 30 mIU / ml.

Interesting to know! In ancient Egypt, pregnancy was checked in the following way: the girl had to urinate on wheat or barley, and if the grains sprouted, then there was a pregnancy.

In 1963, scientists decided to test the theory. It turned out that in 75% of the pregnancy was confirmed!

Types of tests, advantages and disadvantages and instructions for use

The material of manufacture and the degree of reaction divide the test strips into several types.

Test strip. The most common and affordable type of testing.

Instructions for correct use:

  • collect urine in any container;
  • open the package and take out the test strip;
  • lower the strip into a container with urine to the indicator highlighted with paint and wait 10 seconds;
  • place the test on a flat surface and leave for five minutes;
  • see the result.

Varieties of strip tests on the market:

Frautest express- sensitivity 15 mIU / ml, reasonable price, fast results. The disadvantages include: not always a reliable result, despite the assurances of the manufacturers, as well as the need to use containers for collecting urine.

Double control from Frautest- the characteristics are absolutely the same, the only difference is the number of strips in the package (there are two of them).

Evitest is the most common strip test offered by manufacturers. It is sold not only in pharmacies, but also in ordinary stores, near the cash desks. The sensitivity is 20 mIU / ml, which allows it to be used from the first day of delay. The main disadvantage is the indistinctly colored second strip, which makes it difficult to evaluate the result.

How to do an Evitest pregnancy test:

  1. remove and lower one strip into a container with urine;
  2. check the result after 3 minutes;
  3. if there is a fuzzy second line, retest the next morning.

Tablet is a cassette with a built-in strip, sensitivity 15 mIU / ml. The kit includes a special pipette for urine.

Varieties on the market:

Frautest expert– high accuracy with a relatively small amount of urine used. The disadvantage is the high cost compared to the strip test.

Evitest prof. - a convenient cassette frame allows urine to be evenly distributed, and a recessed test window eliminates the possibility of unexpected contamination and change in the result. The disadvantages include the fact that you need to very clearly bring urine into a special hole.

How to do a tablet pregnancy test:

  • unpack the package, get the cassette and pipette;
  • drip a couple of drops of urine into a special window;
  • put the cassette on a flat surface;
  • see the result after 5 minutes.

The accuracy of absolutely all modern tests is 99%, but almost 25 percent of women do the testing incorrectly, which is reflected in the average statistics.

Inkjet - the reliability of the data obtained, high sensitivity (10mIU / ml), the possibility of using anywhere: at home, at work or school.

What types of inkjet tests does the current market provide?

Frautest comfort- there is no need to collect urine, the ability to tightly fix the cap to eliminate the possibility of a violation of the result. Among the shortcomings - the high cost, the ability to get dirty when urinating.

Frautest exclusive– The modern look of the case in pink color and similar features of the previous model allow you to achieve the desired result with ease and comfort.

Instructions for using an inkjet pregnancy test:

  1. unpack, get the case;
  2. during the emptying process, place the analyzer under the jet;
  3. put on a horizontal surface, wait 5 minutes;
  4. evaluate the received data.

Electronic - at the moment it is represented only by a single model from the Clear Blue company. In addition to high sensitivity, this manufacturer promises to reveal the estimated gestational age with an accuracy of up to a week. A significant disadvantage is the unreasonably high cost of the goods.

How to use:

  • the site for diagnosis can be lowered into a container with urine or substituted under a stream of urine;
  • tightly fix the cap, wait for the data to appear on the electronic display.

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

When to do a pregnancy test is determined by each woman independently. For an accurate result, you should take into account the menstrual cycle, its regularity.

With a 28 day cycle, ovulation occurs after 14 days. Plus, it takes about a week for a fertilized egg to overcome the path and attach to the wall of the uterus. Accordingly, already after the 22nd day of the cycle, testing with strips with a sensitivity of 10 mIU / ml can be applied. However, the probability of a negative result is still very high; you should wait and retest after 3-4 days.

Irregular menstrual cycle

The main thing here is to know and correctly determine the date of ovulation, and then add 12 days for the cell to attach to the uterus and hCG to grow.

When can you take a pregnancy test? None of the instructions say when it is best to test. It is believed that if a girl is pregnant, then, in any case, the test will show 2 stripes. However, gynecologists, all as one, argue that it is better to do this in the early morning, immediately after waking up. The concentration of urine in this case will be maximum, respectively, and the result is more accurate.

What to do if it is not possible to test in the morning, is it possible to do a pregnancy test in the evening? Yes, you can! To do this, a woman needs to refrain from taking liquids and urinating for 4-5 hours before testing. This applies to early periods, before the expected delay in menstruation. If the deadline is higher, you can test at any time of the day, without fear of getting the wrong result.

How to decipher the result

Any test contains two bands: control first, test second. The control strip allows you to check the pregnancy test. When interacting with any liquid, it acquires a reddish color, this is necessary in order to make sure that the test is not expired.

If, when evaluating the result, a woman sees one band, this means that the test was correct and she is not pregnant. If there are two stripes, the woman is pregnant. Often these stripes are not always the same color. Even a slight manifestation of the second band indicates the presence of a "new life" inside the young mother.

In the event that not a single strip appears on the test surface, you can be sure that the test is damaged or that the instructions for use were not followed correctly.

What are the next steps after receiving a positive result?

What to do next if the pregnancy test showed a positive result? Here the answer is simple - go to a specialist, confirm the result and get registered in the antenatal clinic. However, for some reason, not all women are in a hurry to visit the gynecologist, preferring to postpone everything until the last moment. This is absolutely unacceptable, because there is always a risk of an ectopic pregnancy or life-threatening complications.

Therefore, you must immediately make an appointment with your gynecologist, pass the necessary tests, undergo an ultrasound scan and start enjoying this wonderful time - the period of waiting for the baby.


A diverse selection of tests for determining pregnancy will help any woman find the answer to her question: “yes” or “no”. But no matter what the result is, it is important not to worry and not worry, because in the modern world everything can be fixed. The main thing - would be the desire!

How to use a pregnancy test correctly

10 popular questions about pregnancy tests

1. How does a pregnancy test work?

All pregnancy tests work on the same principle - they recognize in urine (tests for home use) or blood (laboratory tests) a special hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It is produced only during pregnancy. A non-pregnant woman simply cannot have it. The level of hCG in the body from the moment the fetal egg attaches to the uterine wall doubles approximately every 2-3 days and reaches a maximum by 7-12 weeks of pregnancy. Its presence in the blood and urine persists until approximately the third week after the birth of the child.

2. Can I take a pregnancy test during the day? What is the best time of day to do it?

Usually, morning urine is used to conduct a pregnancy test, as it is more concentrated. But there is a test that can be done both during the day and in the evening - the exact time does not matter. This is an inkjet test. They are especially sensitive (look for a mark on the package - 10 mIU / ml), and when using them, urine does not need to be collected anywhere - just substitute the test under the stream.

3. Are pregnancy tests wrong?

All instructions say that pregnancy tests are 95-99% accurate. So there is a chance that the result will be wrong. So, false negative the result (the test does not show pregnancy, although it is) is possible if:
you took the test too early and the level of hCG in the urine is still too low;
the test has expired (carefully study the packaging before buying a test);
you did the test incorrectly (read the instructions carefully, everything is extremely simple there);
Drinking too much fluid the day before the test can dilute your urine and lower your hCG levels.

The test can also show false positive result (no pregnancy, but the test says yes).
This happens if you take fertility drugs that include hCG (usually they are in the form of injections);
In the presence of malignant tumors;
A positive pregnancy test result may also mean that the remains of the fetal egg have been preserved in the uterus after premature birth or miscarriage.

4. On what day of the delay to do the test? Does it make sense to take a pregnancy test before a delay?

The sensitivity of pregnancy tests plays an important role. As a rule, most tests have a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU / ml (international units per ml). They are able to recognize pregnancy only from the first day of delayed menstruation. Whereas there are more sensitive (10 mIU / ml), but also more expensive tests that determine pregnancy before a delay - already after 7-10 days from the moment of the intended conception. And after a week of delay, pregnancy (if any) will show any tests. The level of hCG in the blood grows faster than in the urine, so pregnancy can be determined even before the expected menstruation (but not earlier than 7 days from the date of the intended conception) - using a blood test for hCG, which can be done in a antenatal clinic or in commercial laboratories.

5. How to use a pregnancy test correctly?

Pregnancy tests are different, and you need to use them in accordance with the instructions for each of them. For example:

Strip tests (test strips)
These are the simplest, cheapest and most common tests. The strip must be lowered for 10-20 seconds to a certain mark in a container with morning urine (it is the most concentrated). After that, the test should be placed on a horizontal surface and after a few minutes you can evaluate the result. One line - you are not pregnant, the test showed two lines - pregnancy has come.

Tablet tests
Arranged in the same way as strip tests. Only the paper strip is placed in a plastic case here. And pre-collected morning urine should be dropped into a special hole with a pipette attached to the test. One or two strips on the test will also tell about the result.

Inkjet tests
Their convenience is that urine does not need to be collected anywhere - it is enough to place the test under the stream. In this case, urine does not have to be morning. Inkjet pregnancy tests are usually more sensitive. And again, a positive test result is two stripes, and if only one strip appears, then the test showed a negative result.

Electronic tests
These tests have a special strip - a sample receiver, which can be optionally lowered into a container with urine or substituted under the stream. The result is read after 3 minutes. If “+” or “pregnant” appears on the test, you are pregnant, if “-” or “not pregnant” - no.

6. Why is there a weak second line?

Even if the test showed a weak second line, it still means that you are pregnant, just the level of hCG in the blood is not so high yet. If in doubt, retest after 3-4 days. The hCG level will become much higher, and then the strip will be much brighter.

7. The best pregnancy test - what is it?

The answer to this question may be different, depending on what you need. If you want to find out as early as possible whether you are pregnant, then it is best to donate blood in the laboratory (not earlier than 7 days after the intended conception). If convenience is important to you, then some people prefer inkjet tests that can be used during the day and for which you do not need to collect urine anywhere. For some, on the contrary, it seems laborious to put the test under the stream, and it is easier for them to collect urine in a special jar, and then lower the cheapest paper test (strip test) there.

8. Online pregnancy test - what is it?

At best, it's just a scam. At worst, it is a way to let scammers earn money (when, for example, to pass a test, you must first send an SMS to a specific number). These tests are different. Some suggest putting your finger on the blue square on the screen, and if it turns red within a few minutes, you are pregnant. However, even if you do not put your finger on the screen, the square will turn red by itself after a while. Other tests, before making a verdict, offer to answer a series of questions. For example, "Have you recently had unprotected intercourse?" and "Do you feel breast engorgement?"

9. Does the test show an ectopic pregnancy?

If the fertilized egg has attached outside the uterus, a regular pregnancy test will still be positive. True, if you do not intervene in time, the ectopic pregnancy will terminate itself at 7-8 weeks, and all this will be accompanied by significant blood loss, pain and serious problems for the woman's health. In order not to lead to this, it is better to detect early signs of ectopic pregnancy in advance and terminate such a pregnancy in a hospital. An ectopic pregnancy can be indicated, in particular, by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and spotting against the background of a positive pregnancy test. If you notice these symptoms in yourself, immediately go to the gynecologist. He will conduct an ultrasound, and if the pregnancy is ectopic, then there will be no fetal egg in the uterus, but there will be an overgrowth of the epithelium, as in a normal pregnancy. If you are at risk (adhesions, inflammation of the appendages, an ectopic pregnancy has already occurred), it is better to do a qualitative blood test in dynamics. With an ectopic pregnancy, the level of hCG in the blood is lower than with a normal one, and the test will immediately show this.

10. What is the gestational age of the test? Will the test show the week of pregnancy?

Neither the test strip, nor the tablet, nor the inkjet, nor the electronic tests will show you the gestational age. They are exclusively qualitative in nature - "yes" or "no". But you can still find out the approximate gestational age. If you do a quantitative blood test in the laboratory. He will determine the exact level of hCG in the blood, after which the doctor will be able to tell which week of pregnancy it corresponds to. To make such a test, in particular, is useful to recognize a missed pregnancy in the early stages. If the embryo freezes in development, the level of hCG stops growing, which will be seen in this analysis.


A pregnancy test determines the amount of the hormone hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) secreted by the placenta. The longer the period, the higher the concentration of the hormone. The most modern tests are able to determine what happened, almost from the first day. But for greater reliability of the results, you should wait a couple of weeks.

It is better to do a test that guarantees an almost 100% correct result in the first days of the delay. Absence is another confirmation that conception may have occurred.

When buying a test, check the expiration date. Tests for which it has expired may show an incorrect result.

You need to do the test in the morning, when the concentration of the hCG hormone is as high as possible. Open the test and dip it into the urine for ten to twenty seconds. This is how long it will take the strip to absorb enough liquid. You should not keep less - the result can be even with the onset of pregnancy.

Take the test out and wait three to five minutes. Check the result. If two lines appear or “yes” or “yes” is displayed in the window, the test is positive, you are pregnant. If there is one strip or the inscriptions “no” or “no”, then, perhaps, conception did not occur. But the test can also show such a result if the concentration of the hCG hormone is too low, which happens in the first few days of pregnancy. Therefore, it is worth waiting a week, if menstruation has not begun - do another test by which you can find out a more accurate result.

After twenty or more minutes, the second strip on the test may disappear. Therefore, do not delay with checking the result.

How to determine the gestational age

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces electronic tests that allow you to determine the approximate gestational age. They will help you understand how many weeks have passed since the alleged conception. The rules for using these tests are the same as for the usual ones - it is better to do them in the first days of the delay, in the morning. But the result is shown differently. Symbols are displayed on the digital display: "-", "1-2", "2-3", "3+". The first means a negative result, no pregnancy. The rest correspond to three - four, four - five, and five or more obstetric weeks of pregnancy. Because gynecologists consider the period not from the moment of conception, but from the date of the beginning of the last menstruation.