Floor in the corridor: how to create a practical and stylish design with your own hands (70 photo ideas). Floor in the hallway: choose the flooring What floors are best done in the hallway

The hallway is the calling card of any home. By its atmosphere, you can understand a lot about the owners of the house, learn their taste and well-being. Therefore, this room should be cozy and aesthetically attractive. An important factor in the interior composition is the flooring: it requires increased attention, as it is exposed to negative factors every day. Choosing a floor covering for the hallway.

Room Features

The entrance hall is a special room, which differs from others in high traffic. It is here that the floor requires frequent cleaning, it needs to be washed, wiped, removing daily dirt. If it is snowing or raining outside, the load on the floor increases. The specificity of the premises is such that it is a kind of passageway.

Therefore, it is extremely important that all pollution from the street cannot go outside the room. And here a lot depends on the floor: if the coating is bad, dirt can move to the shelves with shoes, along with raindrops, fall on the walls.

Repair of the hallway is done last, when the main rooms are ready. This allows you to save the premises from excess dust and dirt. However, if major changes are planned that require the removal of the old coating (for example, tiles), you will either have to cover other rooms with polyethylene, or remove the tiles at the same time as finishing other rooms. On the one hand, this may seem inconvenient, on the other hand, it will save you from unnecessary cleaning.

Given the characteristics of the room and the material, it is important not to forget: when choosing a coating, you should adhere to practicality and do not forget about lighting. The hallway rarely has windows through which it is filled with natural light. In most cases, it is illuminated by artificial light sources. It is extremely important that the floor covering does not hide the intensity of the glow. Therefore, shade is one of the important factors.

The color palette of different materials allows different options. There is no need to make the floor gloomy at all: there are many varieties of wood tones from light to saturated. Moreover, you can use a tricky trick by choosing a non-uniform texture with a color transition.

Floor coverings: pros and cons

Due to the wide variety of materials on the construction market, choosing a floor finish is not difficult. However, everyone has their own preferences. I want the lining to be flawless and reliable, while it is important that the option is budgetary, but durable. To understand what kind of material is needed, it is important to know the strengths and weaknesses of each.

In a large list of floor materials, there are several varieties that are in special demand. These include:

  1. parquet;
  2. parquet board;
  3. laminate;
  4. tile;
  5. porcelain stoneware;
  6. linoleum;
  7. bulk floor.


Parquet is a piece of boards of wood origin, laid in a specific pattern. The bars are produced mainly in the form of rectangular strips, although, if the design suggests, they can be triangular, square or patterned, which, together with other fragments, form a certain composition. Parquet is laid on a flat surface using a special mastic.

Such a coating is durable, but it does not endure prolonged contact with water at all, it is erased under the influence of an abrasive and needs constant varnishing of the surface.

The parquet board is an analogue of piece wood bars (oak, beech, birch, ash). It consists of three layers: the lower shock-absorbing layer of budget wood species (mainly coniferous), the middle stabilization layer and the upper layer of more expensive and valuable types of wood. Laying is carried out like a laminate, using special locking joints.

When choosing, it is important to keep in mind that the wood species must be dense.

The parquet board looks beautiful, can be varnished, but this coating is susceptible to dirt, water and household chemicals.


Finishing of this type is a multi-layer coating, which is based on high-density fiberboards. The middle (decorative) layer consists of durable paper, the top layer is protective. Laminate is an expensive type of flooring that is classified and suitable for laying in residential buildings and industrial premises. It is domestic and commercial.

Installation of the material is carried out on a leveling and soundproofing substrate. This coating provides for local repairs, adapts to any surface of natural wood and stone materials, leather, metal, it is quite easy to install, strong, stable under heavy weight loads, resistant to water and dirt.


Ceramic tile is a product of processing clay at high temperature. It differs in different shapes, sizes, thickness and colors. For the floor, a stronger and thicker tile material is used, since it is he who corresponds to the technical characteristics of the floor covering.

This raw material is an excellent option for floor cladding. The tile is durable, looks beautiful, easy to clean, has high wear resistance. However, with a lot of advantages, it makes the floor surface cold, and sometimes sliding.

Porcelain stoneware is an improved alternative to ceramic tiles, which, in addition to being molded, is pressed under high pressure. Outwardly, these are fragments of a square or rectangular shape, which, like tiles, are glued with tile adhesive to the leveled surface of the concrete floor. Porcelain stoneware is more expensive than its analogue, it is practical, resistant to household detergents, does not absorb moisture, and is hygienic.

However, it needs to be laid by an experienced craftsman: not everyone can put the fragments on the floor exactly. In addition, the material is expensive, so it is rarely used.


This finish is a budget alternative to laminate and parquet, although its properties are sometimes even better than them. It is divided into two varieties: rolled and fragmented. Raw materials are classified in three classes (household, semi-commercial and commercial), differ in the thickness of the protective layer and the variability in width.

It can be laid in a large sheet without joints, using it in the lining of the floor of the hallway and corridor. Linoleum is easy to install, so you can lay it with your own hands without involving a specialist.

Tiled linoleum resembles linoleum tiles, which are glued like ceramics.


The self-leveling floor is a monolithic finishing coating without joints, which is a liquid material made of polyurethane or epoxy resins, mineral fillers and decorative additives. It hardens within an hour after application to the surface and is up to 5 mm wide. Such a coating is durable, environmentally friendly, fireproof, completely sealed and resistant to repeated cleaning. The technology allows you to create a beautiful 3D drawing with a three-dimensional image. The disadvantage of raw materials is the high cost and the need for perfect floor leveling.


The combination of materials allows you to save the floor from boredom. Due to the large assortment of raw materials of different textures and thicknesses, it can be appropriately combined with each other. The techniques are different: it can be a coating of one type of modules or a mix of different raw materials, a contrast or different texture technique.

You can combine no more than two or three different facing materials, joining them with a nut or tightly laying butt, for example:

  • laminate and linoleum;
  • laminate and linoleum tiles;
  • artificial stone and laminate;
  • ceramic tiles and linoleum;
  • natural stone and parquet.

You can zone sections of the door and corridor, beat the poor durability of coatings by replacing them in certain areas.

It is not difficult to do this: many materials are easy to cut, giving the desired shape.

Warm floor

The "warm floor" system is a method of floor insulation using several technologies. These include electric cable, rod carbon, elastic infrared and water systems.

There is a relationship between the choice of flooring and this system. The choice of flooring depends on the method of floor insulation. The main ones are linoleum, parquet, laminate, tile, as well as coatings based on polymers and vinyl.

In addition to them, carpet is combined with the "warm floor" system.

This insulation has its own nuances: coatings must be selected according to strength, external characteristics, complexity of installation and level of thermal conductivity. For example, ceramic tiles would be a good solution: when heated, they will give off heat to the room.

  • Laminate more suitable for a water-heated floor: due to thermal resistance, it will not deform when heated.
  • With a water heating system, you can lay linoleum: it will evenly distribute warm air around the entire perimeter of the hallway.
  • parquet board not suitable for the water system, as it quickly loses its shape.

What else to cover?

In addition to the basic materials, the floor can be laid carpet. In fact, it is an alternative to carpeting, has a pile structure, perfectly absorbs noise and provides warmth to the floor. However, such a finish cannot be called practical. The floor in the hallway is cleaned daily, which cannot be done with carpet. Given the fact that the coating is laid over the entire area, the canvas cannot be shaken out, removed or washed.

An alternative to carpet are tracks. They are rectangular carpets, differ in a shorter pile, sometimes they do not have it at all (lint-free options) and can be located anywhere in the hallway, decorating the apartment. These are flooring additions. Unlike carpet, they are easy to care for, have bright colors and protect the surface of the finish from abrasion.

Color solutions and shapes

The color palette of the flooring is diverse and depends on the style of the room, the degree of its illumination, the total area, the number of interior items. In addition, the decisive factor is the taste of the owners of the house. Some believe that the color must necessarily be dark, others are sure of the opposite, assuring that aesthetics are important.

As a result, the choice of the first is classic (dark color, design in the form of boards, marble squares or tiled mosaics), the preferences of others are bold ideas (combinations of black and white, light colors in combination with dark contrast: original panels, arches, semi-arches, curly cutouts and waves).

The most sought-after shades of flooring are beige and brown tones, as well as the color of brick, marble, stone, neutral colors (light gray, diluted black). The design takes into account the naturalness of the color: this way the flooring looks solid without interrupting the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bstyle. You can choose other colors, this is appropriate in the case of self-leveling floors, linoleum mosaics.

It is better to pay attention to the texture: it can be the effect of aging, rough wood, embossed stone.

Criterias of choice

Having understood what the main types of finishes are, it remains to determine which one is better. There is no hard answer to this question: everyone chooses what suits his taste and budget. Hallway flooring is different from other types of flooring. It must meet the stated requirements of the specifics.

Comfort in the house is not only the right furniture. Floor design is important (including in the hallway). Among the popular types of materials, there are both budget and expensive options. What to make the floor in the hallway? Photo and review of materials - later in our article.


To date, the following types of coatings are used in the hallway:

  • Ceramic tile.
  • Linoleum.
  • Laminate.
  • Parquet.
  • Carpet.

Each of them has its own properties and advantages. To answer the question "which floor in the hallway will be better", we will consider in detail each of these types.

Natural ceramic tiles

This type of material is rarely used in the hallway, especially if it is an apartment. Among the advantages of natural ceramics are durability, strength and the possibility of choosing an exclusive finish. But what scares off buyers from choosing such a tile?

First of all, the price. The cheapest breeds of such a stone will cost from $ 200 per square meter. Exclusive colors will cost $1,000. Therefore, such a coating is used mainly in cottages and country houses.

Artificial tiles

If the repair budget is limited, but you have chosen tiles, you can make the floor of the hallway from artificial materials. One square meter costs about 15 dollars. Compared with natural ceramics, such ceramics are in great demand in the market. Its advantages include high wear resistance and impact resistance. Also, such a floor in the hallway is not afraid of moisture.

This is a significant plus. After all, it is in the hallway that we leave shoes that will not be dry on rainy or snowy days. Still such floor is not afraid of frequent damp cleanings. Reviews note that the most convenient to maintain is a glossy tile. As for the choice of style, ceramics with imitation of natural wood and stone are often chosen. A variety of design will allow it to fit into any interior style. However, one should not forget about the main drawback - such material is very cold. If you are not going to carry out a warm floor in the hallway, walking barefoot on such tiles will be extremely unpleasant. Glossy coatings are very slippery, even if there is no moisture on them. In this case, preference should be given to ribbed or matte surfaces. By the way, ceramics is a very frost-resistant material, so it is suitable not only for interior, but also for exterior decoration (for example, the porch of a country house).


Often the floor in the hallway is finished with linoleum. There are currently three types of materials:

  • artificial pvc.
  • Natural.
  • Tiled.

The most popular is the first type. Such a floor in the hallway looks no worse than finished Artificial linoleum is a multilayer material based on polyvinyl chloride.

The coating varies in terms of wear resistance. It all depends on the thickness of the top layer. It can be from 0.2 to 0.7 millimeters. There are three strength classes. The first is household. Such a floor in the hallway serves from 3 to 5 years. It is the cheapest - one square meter can be purchased for 10 US dollars. The next class is semi-commercial. It is the most optimal for apartments and private households, where there is an entrance hall. semi-commercial) serves about ten years. Its cost is not much different from the previous class (from 12 to 15 dollars). Therefore, it makes sense to overpay and make the floors in the hallway more durable and durable. Tiles and laminate are very popular materials. But no type of linoleum will last as long as ceramic tiles. The service life of the latter is 50 years. As for linoleum, the most durable PVC material is the commercial type. Its service life is 25 years. Its cost is an order of magnitude higher than artificial tiles - $ 20-25 per square meter. But you should not use it for home purposes. A coating of this class does not have good flexibility. It is thick and makes installation difficult. The most optimal - semi-commercial option. It has good flexibility and does not deform under the pressure of objects (be it a closet or a bed). The range of patterns, just like the tiles, is simply huge. You can choose a coating for any style of interior.

Tiled linoleum

If artificial is a conventional roll coating, then this option is significantly different. Tiled linoleum - these are separate modules that are installed in a room of different sizes and shapes. Consists of many layers. The first is a flexible vinyl backing. Its thickness is 0.5 millimeters. Next comes the fiberglass reinforced "base". Then - a stabilization layer of sand and vinyl and decorative (this is a durable textured paper). And, finally, a decorative layer that protects the same paper from abrasion and exposure to ultraviolet rays. Such linoleum is laid out on separate plates of small sizes. It is very pleasant to walk on such panels - due to their multilayeredness, they absorb pressure well. At the moment, there are many linoleum. It can be hexagonal, rectangular or classic, square. As for the surface itself, like ceramics, it can be of several types - matte, glossy and embossed. Also, this material is characterized by low heat transfer. It will not be as cold as ceramic tiles, even in the absence of a "warm floor" system.


This is a completely natural material. It is often made from cork and vegetable resins. Marmoleum also contains antiseptic additives. Thanks to them, the coating is resistant to household chemicals, moisture and temperature extremes. One square centimeter of natural linoleum can withstand up to 160 kilograms of pressure. It doesn't scratch though.

What are the disadvantages?

Among the shortcomings, it is necessary to highlight the high cost of the material (3-5 times higher than artificial) and the lack of design frills. Such a coating is very monotonous and monotonous. To somehow diversify, they acquire marmoleum of different colors and then combine them. The most common option is a black and white floor in the hallway.

The material will not settle on a curved surface. The floor is pre-levelled. But do not forget about the benefits. It is long service life and abrasion resistance. If artificial analogues are covered with a pattern only in the upper part, then marmoleum, if it is black, will be so until the very base. Produced in different colors.


This is another material that is used in the hallway. Laminate is a multi-layer coating, which is based on fiberboard. Above it is a decorative paper layer. The top is the protective layer. Linoleum has several wear classes. It is recommended to choose products of category 25-33. Considering that the floor in the hallway is subjected to constant loads, it is advisable to choose commercial and semi-commercial products. They differ not only in resistance to abrasion, but are also not afraid of moisture and water, which is especially important in the autumn-winter period. One square meter of linoleum can be purchased for $17-20. Also note that the material is very easy to install. Already from the factory, it has grooves and special spikes. For the hallway, you should choose especially moisture-resistant models. Linoleum is installed on a soundproof leveling substrate. A plinth is also needed to fix the edges of the material. Among other advantages - suitability for repair. In case of damage, the deformed section can be cut out and a new one inserted into the grooves. It is very comfortable. Many install it as an extension to the corridor. As for the range, you can choose a laminate with imitation wood grain finish. There are drawings from wenge to cut down oak. The material also has a ceramic texture. Such a “tile” in the hallway on the floor will be not only durable, but also soft.

For the most sophisticated fantasies, there is a metal finish and genuine leather.


There are artificial and natural materials. The first, due to its high cost, is suitable only for cottages. As for artificial parquet, it is a set of wooden blocks that fit in a certain order. It can be a Christmas tree or a square pattern.

Among the advantages it is worth noting the long service life of the parquet board. Among the shortcomings - high requirements for care. Over time, such material requires additional varnishing. This is required so that moisture does not come into contact with the tree. Otherwise, the floor will be deformed. As for the price, one square meter of natural parquet costs about 80 US dollars. Also, the material is demanding for installation. It is placed on a perfectly flat surface with a bottom layer of moisture-resistant plywood.

Artificial parquet and its features

As for the faux whiteboard, it can be purchased for $40. The material consists of several layers. The first is shock-absorbing, usually made from coniferous wood. Next comes the stabilization layer. The upper part is a veneer made of expensive wood species. It is worth noting that the material wears out heavily in the area of ​​​​contact with the door sill. Therefore, to increase its service life, moisture-absorbing mats are used. Or they combine several types of coatings, which requires additional costs during installation. The most popular option is ceramic tiles in the hallway, kitchen. The floor near the door is covered with tiles, and at the joints with wood, compensation inserts are used. They are needed for temperature changes so that the material does not deform.


If the ceramic tiles in the hallway on the floor seem cold to you, and you do not want to experiment with parquet, you should pay attention to the carpet. This coating is often used in small apartments. Sold in rolls. Like all previous ones, it can be artificial and natural. The last type is a mixture of fibers or pure wool. Made with jute.

However, unlike synthetic materials, it absorbs moisture well. And if you spill coffee or tea, the stains will remain for a long time. And it’s not a fact that the powder will bring them out. It repels buyers. Therefore, for the hallway it is recommended to use artificial materials, the threads of which are fixed with glue. This carpet is not only resistant to wear and moisture, but is not afraid of pollution. It is installed on a special substrate using double-sided tape. There are models with both large and small patterns. Regular options are also sold - one-color or with stripes. It is very pleasant to walk on it. It is soft and warm. Already from the hallway, a homely, cozy atmosphere is created. But in case of large pollution, it will not be possible to clean everything with a mop and a rag. Carpet cleaning takes a long time. This must be taken into account when choosing.


So, we examined what material options can be used in the hallway. As you can see, the most practical and convenient is artificial linoleum, laminate and carpet. Tile should be chosen only if you are not afraid of the cold. But, despite this drawback, artificial ceramics is the most unpretentious and easy to clean. With a limited budget, it is recommended to use it. Well, linoleum or laminate is suitable for the kitchen. Parquet in the hallway is the most expensive option, which not only absorbs moisture, but is also erased during operation. And in such a place the load will be unambiguous.

The homeowner must decide for himself which flooring suits him best, while taking into account all sorts of nuances, such as how many people live with him in the apartment, whether there are pets. In the latter case, it is better to choose porcelain tiles for finishing the floor: a small dog will have fun jumping up and down when meeting you from work, and will easily scratch any less durable materials.

Porcelain stoneware is not afraid of the sharp claws of a pet, the tile is highly resistant to abrasion and durable.

The main advantages of porcelain stoneware

Ceramics is resistant to various adverse factors such as dirt and moisture.

Look at the photo of the floor in the corridor: the floor covering made with ceramic tiles does not lose its beauty for a long time. Even if you came from the street in dirty shoes, the floors will not be damaged by friction.

Ceramic tiles are sold in hardware stores in a large assortment, it comes with different textures, dimensions and color schemes. Manufacturers produce collections that realistically imitate any natural materials: wood, brick or stone.

Other flooring options

If your family is small and there are no animals at home, then the need for porcelain stoneware disappears by itself, you can pay attention to other types of floors for the hallway.

The flooring will last you longer if you prepare a base for it, the floor must be leveled so that there are no depressions on its surface. Make a screed, then the coating will not be pressed through, and will not diverge at the joints.


Strong and durable oak parquet looks great, but it is expensive, and therefore it can be considered the best option only when financial possibilities allow.

There is an alternative solution - to purchase a budget option, an imitation of laminate serves as a beautiful floor covering.


If you choose this material for your apartment, you can make the floors yourself, and this is a significant cost savings.

Laminate is produced in a rich range of colors; it is not difficult to find a variety of woody shades if desired.

The modern finishing material is comparable in beauty to a natural board, the laminate has excellent performance characteristics: abrasion resistance, strength and long service life.

It is important to choose the right option for the hallway, pay attention to the class of material, the higher it is, the greater the resistance of the laminate to mechanical stress.

Laying laminate flooring yourself is not a difficult task, if you read the recommendations of experts:

After the purchase, it is left for 2 days in the room so that the material adapts to the microclimatic conditions of the room.

If the light falls on the floor in a direction parallel to the seams of the material, the joints of the boards are practically invisible.

In a corridor with dimensions of more than 8x12 m, do not forget, when calculating the length of the floor, to indent from walls and other stationary objects by 5 or 7 mm, they are fixed with wedges.

The panels should be laid with grooves against the wall, in the first row the last one is cut, it is important that its length is at least 30 cm.

The laying of the next row should start from the cut panel, in relation to it the first panel of the second row is placed at an angle, inserted into the lock and snapped into place.

The last board next to the wall is fixed with a clamp or staple.

Finishing is carried out with the help of skirting boards and thresholds, the colors of which are matched to the color of the floors and doors.

Laminate flooring is easy to care for with occasional wet cleaning.

The main thing is to squeeze the rag well, then water will not get into the panel seams, it is better to lay a small doormat in front of the door in the corridor. Often rearranged pieces of furniture on legs, put on soft heels so that they do not scratch the floors.


The floor covering, which has become a classic, is very popular in many countries of the world. The material with good wear resistance is easy to wash, and it is sold at an affordable price. On the market you can find different shades of linoleum, its installation is easy.

However, the material has disadvantages: under the pressure of furniture, it sags, this will not be a big problem if you are not going to move the cabinet to another place, but if you move it away, you will see unsightly dents on the surface from the legs.

parquet board

The parquet board, consisting of several layers with locks and spikes, is easy to assemble and lasts a long time. However, the lacquer coating is quickly erased due to abrasives, it turns yellow under the influence of detergents.

If you like the design of the parquet board and want to lay it in the hallway, you can buy this finishing material, but it needs constant treatment with special impregnations.


Synthetic or natural carpet can last at least 15 years if properly cared for.

It looks great in residential areas, but for a hallway this option cannot be called optimal, if visitors often come to you or you have a large family, the flooring is sensitive to heavy loads.

When 2 people live in an apartment without small children, you can lay carpet in the corridor, otherwise it is better to refuse such an undertaking. Of course, the design of the floor will be original, but the question is how long this beauty can last.

The finishing material quickly absorbs moisture, and it is difficult to clean it, so the best option for laying in the corridor is nylon carpet with a minimum pile and a density of 2000 g / m2.


Cork material is another not quite suitable option for the hallway. Such a coating does not have sufficient strength and is not intended for the corridor.

You can’t walk on stilettos on it, strong dents remain, but it’s nice to stand barefoot on the cork floor.

Photo of the floor in the hallway

Everyone knows that the entrance hall is the active zone of any house or apartment, where the most negative factors affecting the flooring are concentrated. Therefore, the question of which flooring for the hallway to choose is very relevant today.

The modern building materials market offers a wide range of floor textures that meet the requirements of modern operating conditions. But the question remains open, since most floor coverings are constantly changing, and their quality characteristics are changing for the better. And what is considered ideal today may lose its relevance tomorrow. Consider some of these materials and determine their quality.

Let's start with the requirements that consumers place on these materials:

  • High wear resistance.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Impact resistance.
  • Practicality.
  • Low potential for contamination.

There is another indicator, but it cannot be attributed to technical characteristics. Although consumers pay attention to it. This is the look. A variety of colors is one of the main selection criteria. So let's not lose sight of this indicator.

Parquet and parquet board

Piece parquet in the hallway is a rare case. Although made from solid blocks of high-strength wood and covered with a protective varnish, it will serve more than one generation of residents. Here it is important to properly lay the material and periodically scrape it and varnish it.

Parquet board is a multilayer material consisting of three mutually perpendicular layers:

  • The top lamel is an interline interval from valuable breeds of a tree.
  • The middle and bottom are coniferous boards.

At its core, a parquet board is a cheap version of parquet, although these materials belong to different categories.

The choice of material for finishing the hallway

What do experts say about these coatings? They claim that their wear resistance is quite low. Such a floor suffers greatly from dirty shoes, and scratches and bald patches quickly form on its surface. Yes, and you can’t often wash the floor with water, but it’s better to forget about chemistry altogether.

In addition, parquet is very expensive, so not every consumer can afford it. Yes, and the technology of laying it is not so simple, so with your own hands, if you are a non-specialist, you are unlikely to do it. The parquet board is cheaper and the method of laying it is easier, but even here you will have to sweat.

Conclusion - it is better not to use these two materials for hallways.


Laminate was invented as a cheap alternative to parquet. But remember that these are two completely different floor coverings. And if the parquet is made of wood, that is, it is a natural product, then the laminate is an artificial multilayer product. The simplest material is:

  • From the bottom layer - high-strength chipboard.
  • The middle layer is paper with a pattern.
  • The top layer is a transparent polymeric material.

It should be noted that the laminate is represented on the market by a fairly wide model range with samples of different strength and wear resistance. Hence the classification, which distinguishes 6 groups of material. Among them, 21, 22, 23 are homemade, 31, 32, 33 are commercial products. The guaranteed service life of the cheapest model is 5-7 years, and the most expensive - up to 15 years.

Combination of materials

Everything suggests that this material is an excellent covering for hallways. It is durable, has a good coefficient of wear resistance and copes with fairly large loads. And the installation process is simple. More recently, the laminate was laid on the adhesive composition. Today everything has changed, and glue is not used at all if the room is of normal size. To connect the panels, a special tongue-and-groove lock is used, which is a component of the laminate itself.

This connection allows without any problems, without dismantling the entire coating, to change failed panels without touching the rest. And this is a big plus. But the material also has its “sore points”, one of which is the joints. Water entering the joint during cleaning can damage the laminate.

Of course, manufacturers did not wait for complaints from consumers and offered several options for how to get around this problem:

  1. Treat the joints with special mastics based on wax or other protective materials.
  2. Use moisture resistant models made using special technologies. They do an excellent job not only with high humidity, but also with a lot of water. True, these models cost much more than conventional ones. Some are like parquet oak boards. So there is a choice.

Conclusion - it is possible to lay a laminate in the hallway, but for this it is better to use a material of a class of at least "31". It costs more, but the entrance hall is a small room, so the costs will not be burdensome.

There is one option using a laminate, which is a combined one. To do this, the area where shoes are removed should be finished with more durable finishing materials, for example, stone or ceramic tiles, and then a laminate should be installed. If you correctly combine the color scheme of the two zones, you get the original coating.


Spacious corridor

This roll carpet is divided into two groups - natural and artificial. The first is made from wool with the addition of other natural fibers. The basis of the substrate is jute. The second is an exclusively synthetic material, which includes fibers from polyamide, nylon, acrylic, polypropylene and other textures. At the heart of a substrate - synthetic jute. Guaranteed service life - up to 15 years.

Since we are talking about a hallway, this coating is suitable for it, you just need to choose the right material. Natural carpet cannot be used here. Firstly, it quickly absorbs moisture, begins to deteriorate from below and exude an unpleasant odor. Secondly, under the influence of loads, it quickly collapses and keeps dents for a very long time. And its price is much higher than that of an artificial counterpart.

Artificial carpet material has many advantages:

  • He doesn't hesitate.
  • It is easy to clean even with chemicals.
  • It does not contain insects.
  • It has a fairly long service life.

Of all the artificial carpets offered on the modern market, nylon is the most durable, but also the most expensive. It belongs to the textile category. There are also needle-punched options, but they are less durable. So pay attention to it.

And the last. The variety of color design of carpets is so huge that it will not be difficult to choose it for the necessary interior design.

Conclusion - carpet in the hallways can be used, but only an artificial option.


Parquet floor

We will not touch on natural linoleum, although this is a very durable and practical coating. Unfortunately, it is made to order in large quantities, it is expensive, so not every consumer can afford it.

PVC linoleum is the material that can be seen in all hardware stores. It is divided into three categories:

  1. Household - used for residential premises. Its shelf life is up to 5 years.
  2. Semi-commercial - used in public areas with low traffic. Service life - up to 10 years.
  3. Commercial - for premises with high traffic. The term of use is up to 25 years.

This flooring is common and traditional for hallways. Here, as a rule, either a household or a semi-commercial option fits. How do they differ from each other?

  • First, the price. The first is several times cheaper than the second.
  • Secondly, the household counterpart is softer and easier to bend. Semi-commercial is a hard and dense material. With moderate pressure, there are practically no dents on it, although this is also a well-flexible material.

Please note that both household linoleum and semi-commercial have a pattern only on the outside of the roll. The commercial drawing is full-fledged, that is, it is placed over the entire thickness of the material. It does not disappear even when the coating is completely abraded, and it is always clearly visible.

Cork flooring

What do the experts say? They advise using a semi-commercial or commercial version of the material in the hallways. But the latter is preferred. And here's the thing. It is finished with polyurethane, which is the most durable coating of flooring materials. It is he who creates a plane on the floor, which increases such indicators as strength and wear resistance.

True, even such linoleum must be monitored and properly cleaned. For this, special mastics are used, which polish the surface of the material, but first it must be washed well and cleaned of the previous layer of mastic. For this, manufacturers have released a liquid cleaner. Although some housewives calmly carry out the cleaning process with ordinary washing powder.

Conclusion - this is a great option for flooring in the hallway with one caveat. It is better to use a semi-commercial or commercial type of material.

Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles

Ceramic tiles are clay products that are fired at a certain temperature. They have a different shape, size, thickness and color. There is a wall and floor version. Moreover, the first one cannot be laid on the floor, since it has other technical characteristics.

Porcelain tile - the same ceramic tile, but only with improved production technology. It is not only molded, but also pressed under great pressure. They also have a different size and imitate mostly natural stone. The second sample is more expensive than the first one.

Practical coverage

In all respects, both options are the perfect flooring in the hallway. They are distinguished by:

  • High wear resistance.
  • High strength and reliability.
  • Zero moisture absorption.
  • Practicality - you can wash and clean the tiles without much effort with any household detergents.
  • High hygiene coverage.
  • Huge variety of looks.

But there is only one minus - it is a cold material. But if we talk about the hallway, then this in no way detracts from the merits of the tile. True, the process of laying material on the floor is not as simple as for linoleum or carpet. Experience and skills are required here, so not all home masters can do this operation.

But let's take into account another point, which concerns the price and the high pass rate. All this applies to porcelain stoneware. Does it make sense to put it in the hallway? Probably not. Firstly, in an apartment or house there is no such patency to use this flooring. Secondly, its price is several times higher than conventional floor tiles. So what's the point of acquiring it if an ordinary tile copes well with all these conditions?

Conclusion on the topic

How to make the floor in the hallway so that it meets the standards and requirements of our time? We simply list the suitable floor materials:

  • Class 31 laminate is a better waterproof option.
  • Artificial carpet.
  • Linoleum - better semi-commercial.
  • Ceramic tile.

It would seem that not so much. But, given that all these materials have a huge variety of design, it turns out quite a serious amount. So there is a choice.

Ruslan Vasiliev

It is worth noting that hallway. So, you need to pay attention to the strength, which is determined by classes from I to V. The most durable tile of the Vth class is used in public spaces with a huge cross-country traffic, and for the hallway material with strength III-IV is perfect. An important indicator will be the resistance of the material to chemical attack: according to this indicator, the tile is divided into classes A, C and D. AA tiles are the most resistant to chemicals, but at the same time quite expensive, and AC class material is best suited for the hallway. And one more requirement for tiles in the hallway is the most non-slip surface, so it is better to pay attention to products with a matte or corrugated surface.

Number 3. Porcelain stoneware

This material has become widespread relatively recently, and today, according to the totality of indicators, it is considered a unique way of finishing floors. In terms of most properties, it resembles ceramic tiles, but the peculiarities of manufacturing technology make it possible to obtain an even more durable material, which surpasses both tiles and even stone in terms of characteristics.

The main advantages of porcelain stoneware are:

Among the cons it is worth noting the cold surface and the high price. Porcelain stoneware will serve you faithfully for many years, and any impact in the hallway, whether it be dog paws or dirty shoes after walking in the rain, will be nothing to such a coating. On the other hand, some experts express their doubts about the advisability of using such an expensive and durable material in a residential area. The decision must be made in each specific situation, taking into account individual requirements and preferences.

No. 4. Laminate

No. 5. parquet board

If one person or a small family without animals and children lives in the apartment, then less durable materials can be used in the hallway, which include. This material consists of three layers: the bottom two are inexpensive wood, and the top one is made of valuable species, it determines the appearance of the coating. Exactly appearance is the main advantage, among its other advantages, it is worth noting naturalness, environmental friendliness, many styling options, due to which interesting solutions are achieved.

The three-layer structure of the material and the different direction of the fibers of the layers make it possible to increase resistance to moisture and temperature changes, and the protective coating and the varnish layer protect the parquet board from negative influences. On the other hand, the parquet board is not the cheapest material, it will require careful maintenance, which will not help if there are scratches from shoes, dirt and sand. several times, after which the coating will not be recoverable.

Block parquet has similar properties, but consists of solid wood. Hence the higher price, but also the ability to remove the top layer many times to renew the coating and give it an impeccable look.

With frequent contact with dirt, both parquet coatings quickly lose their appearance, so they are rarely used in hallways. If the hallway is not the best, and you want to create a cozy classic interior in it using wooden floors, then it will be durable if parquet combined with tiles near the threshold. Given the variety of these types of coatings, as well as the ability to find tiles that imitate parquet, difficulties should not arise.

No. 6. carpet

The artificial carpet does not wrinkle, it is easy to clean, insects will not live in it. This coating makes the hallway cozy and soft. For this purpose, it is better to choose the most dense carpet, while the height of the pile should be minimal. The best option for the hallwaynylon carpet, but analogs from polyester, acrylic and polypropylene also show themselves well. There are several ways to make carpet, and woven carpet is better suited for the hallway - it is the most reliable, but there are not so many of them on the market. Needle stitched carpet is inferior in performance, but is also not afraid of dirt and water.

No. 7. "Golden" tile

A material with a rather curious name appeared quite recently, and so far it is made only in South Korea. The material is unique in all its properties, and all its characteristics are explained by a six-layer structure: the base is PVC, and on top of it are layers of crushed natural stone with resin, fiberglass, a wear layer, the top layer is a protective film.

Among the main advantages of this material, it is worth noting:

  • durability;
  • wear resistance, which in the country of origin of this finishing material is determined by the number of steps. So, the “golden” tile will withstand 10 million steps, which means that the average family can walk on the material 24 hours a day for 10 years;
  • resistance to moisture and fire, to household chemicals;
  • comfortable to the touch and non-slippery surface;
  • ease of care;
  • the presence of a decent number of design solutions, up to the most accurate imitation of other finishing materials.

The price for such a finishing material is average, and the only negative is that it is not so easy to find it in stores yet.