It means seeing flowers in a dream. Withered flowers according to the dream book

Why do you dream about a flower?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing flowers in the garden in a dream foretells you pleasure and acquisition, if only the flowers are bright and fresh; white means sadness.

Withered and dried flowers promise trouble.

If a young lady receives a bouquet of the most different colors- this predicts that she will have many fans.

Seeing flowers growing on infertile land portends a sad event. However, the dream also promises that, thanks to your energy and optimism, you will be able to pave the way to a prominent position and happiness.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Freud's Dream Book

Flowers are female symbol. They symbolize women in general, female genital organs, virginity, etc.

White flowers - symbolize the depravity of a woman, her promiscuity in choosing sexual partners and their frequent change (possibly prostitution).

Red flowers symbolize innocence, or a woman’s lack of experience in sex. However, they can also symbolize the upcoming menstruation.

Picking or cutting flowers speaks of a desire for self-satisfaction.

If you give flowers to someone, you are seeking sexual contact with him.

If you trample flowers, including growing ones, during sexual contacts you are only interested in your sensations, and the sensations of your partner do not interest you; You may also be spurred on by manifestations of sadism towards your partner.

If you throw away fresh flowers- you are inclined to refuse upcoming sexual contact, even to the point of breaking up with your partner.

Withered flowers symbolize a woman’s sexual experience, her former sexual contacts.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Vanga's Dream Book

If in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet of them - in real life this dream means your introduction to knowledge and understanding of the world.

A dream in which you pricked your hand on the flowers given to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one.

If you dreamed that someone trampled flowers in your garden, this foreshadows the machinations of enemies who will do everything possible to prevent you from receiving the information you need.

In a dream you saw in your house large number indoor flowers - this symbolizes the secrecy of feelings.

You dreamed of a beautiful garden, incredibly full beautiful flowers- you inhale their wonderful aroma. This dream foreshadows an unusual, romantic meeting for you in reality.

Withered flowers in a dream predict health problems and separation.

A dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that in reality you will commit a noble and wise act.

If in a dream you see fans literally showering you with flowers, in real life this indicates that your mental loneliness may drag on. Your inflated claims will most likely remain unrealized.

In a dream, you are weaving a wreath of wildflowers for yourself - this dream indicates that you will soon meet your love and create a happy family.

A dream in which you receive a gift in indoor pot flower - means that you will receive news about a deceased person.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Beautiful flowers - joy in life; receive - they love you; knitting - soon there will be great joy; withered - disease.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Family dream book

A dream about bright flowers growing in a garden foreshadows various pleasures and acquisitions.

White flowers - dream of sadness.

Withered and withered - to trouble.

A girl who received a bouquet of different flowers in a dream will have many fans.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Flowers in a dream represent our feelings, as well as the hopes and plans associated with them.

A good dream - in which you dream of pleasant-looking flowers growing in the garden. Such dreams portend joy and indicate that your hopes are not in vain.

If at the same time the petals of a flower look fragile, like those of a poppy, tulip or rose hip, this is a sign of false illusions. Seeing similar dream, in reality you should not blindly trust your feelings.

Giving a bouquet of pleasant and strong-looking flowers in a dream or receiving such a bouquet from someone is a sign of mutual understanding and friendship. For lovers, such dreams foreshadow shared love.

At the same time, if the flowers in a dream have an overly strong aroma, like jasmine or bird cherry, then this is a sign of temptation and passion. The dream suggests that your feelings are ready to turn your head, and this threatens to turn into broken dreams and deep sadness.

Why do you dream about a flower?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

A flower is a pleasant purchase.

If the flowers are plucked or cut, it means illness.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Spring dream book

Fragrant flowers - for spring, for good things in your life.

Wax flowers - for the funeral of a friend or girlfriend.

An armful of flowers - to termination of pregnancy.

Picking flowers means treason.

Withered flowers - you will regret the passing of your youth.

Picking up an armful of flowers is a sign of joy.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Summer dream book

Seeing wax flowers in a dream means crying for a long time.

Seeing fragrant flowers in a dream and hearing their smell is a sign of a joyful event in your life.

An armful of flowers given to you in a dream means that you will celebrate your birthday with friends and receive many gifts.

Picking flowers - you will try to deceive someone using their trust, and maybe they will deceive you.

Withered flowers - all the bad things are behind you.

Picking up an armful of flowers means that you will never be fed up; everything will not be enough for you.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Autumn dream book

Smelling fragrant flowers means a date.

Seeing wax flowers in a dream means mourning.

An armful of flowers collected in a field is for a funeral.

To rip it off - to love success.

Withered flowers - you will be in a sad mood.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A flower bed or flower garden - a pleasant event will not be long in coming. Flower greenhouse - portends the acquisition of works of art. Wild or forest flowers are a sign of sadness and loss; households in pots and flowerpots - finding hope; unopened flowers in buds - soon to be completed cherished wish; flowers in bouquets - there will be no end to fans; wilted and crumbling flowers are a harbinger of illness. Picking flowers means well-being and contentment; smelling them means good news awaits you.

Seeing flowers in a greenhouse or pinned to a dress or hat is a frivolous pastime that will bring disappointment in the near future. Weave a wreath of flowers - an opportunity to get married will arise. If you pick off the petals, you will be privy to someone else’s secret.

An aster seen in a dream is a sign of unrealistic hopes. Cornflowers - a change in affairs for the better. Dahlias are auspicious in everything. Geranium is an addition to the family. Hyacinths - separation from a friend. Jasmine is a fleeting crush. Cactus flower - change the situation. Daisies are upsetting news. Narcissists are infidelity and betrayal. Forget-me-nots are a joy to the heart. Marigolds - (calendula) - successful completion of the task. Dandelion - strong family ties. Peony - you will find happiness in love. Sunflower - ardent feelings, hot passion. Primrose (primrose) - quarrels and scandals. Chrysanthemums - obstacles and losses.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

A wilted flower is a change for the better...

Why do you dream about a flower?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed of a bouquet of flowers, but you could not recognize them - in the near future you will be happy, and the larger the bouquet, the happier you will be.

If you dreamed of a withered bouquet - your happy days in the past.

In a dream, one of your friends or relatives gave you a bouquet of flowers - you will be happy with the efforts of this person.

If you dreamed that you gave one of your friends or relatives a bouquet of flowers, this person will be happy with your efforts.

Smelling flowers is a slight hobby.

If you dreamed that you were trampling flowers, you will have a slight infatuation with some lady (young man), but you yourself will break off all relationships.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Esoteric dream book

Collecting flowers, seeing them, getting them fresh means good luck and joy if they are in a bouquet or flowerbed.

Dried, faded - to boredom, devastation after joyful events.

Giving, giving - the same thing, but thanks to someone's obvious intervention.

Picking off petals means making yourself unhappy with your own hands, but giving free rein to your feelings.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing flowers in the garden in a dream portends pleasure and new acquisitions, an unusual, romantic meeting in reality (if the flowers are bright and fresh).

Withered and dried flowers promise troubles, health problems, separation.

White people bring sadness.

A dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that you will soon commit a noble and wise act.

If in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet of them, in reality you will begin to gain knowledge and understanding of the world.

In a dream, you weave yourself a wreath of wildflowers - you will soon meet your love and create a happy family.

A dream in which you pricked your hand with flowers given to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a person close to you.

If a girl receives a bouquet of various flowers in a dream, this means that she will have many fans.

On the contrary, if in a dream she sees fans literally showering her with flowers, in reality her spiritual loneliness may drag on.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Azar's Dream Book

Fresh flowers - the flowering of life, lucky days; yellow flowers- betrayal in love; basket of flowers - happiness in love; a cross decorated with flowers - happiness in the home; purple flowers- unrequited love; flowers - joy in life; blue flowers - unrequited love.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Flowers - sadness (if there are many bouquets), joy; white - for the wedding.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Modern dream book

Seeing flowers blooming in the garden in a dream promises pleasure and profit, if the flowers are fresh and bright.

White flowers are a symbol of sadness.

Dried and withered flowers will bring you disappointment and gloomy prospects.

A dream in which a young woman receives a bouquet of different flowers promises her many fans.

Seeing flowers blooming on barren soil, devoid of any vegetation, is a prediction of a sad life experience, but thanks to your energy and good spirits, you will overcome all difficulties and achieve fame and happiness.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Eastern dream book

Bright, fresh fresh flowers - dream of joy and pleasure.

White flowers, especially white chrysanthemums, mean death.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

a wilted flower means a change for the worse.

Why do you dream about a flower?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Flowers in general (especially white and red) are joy and fun.

Planting flowers in a garden bed is something unpleasant.

Smelling flowers means loss.

Collecting is a joy.

Pick a flower - find a friend / take a step towards intimacy, get a kiss, get a date, etc. / secret pleasure to deprive or lose your innocence.

Seeing flower buds is good.

Wilted flowers are a disease.

A lonely flower in a vase is a desirable girl and what happens to her is connected with her.

A bouquet of flowers - joy / happiness in love.

Making and collecting bouquets are pleasant joys.

Many bouquets - a pleasant circle of acquaintances.

A faded bouquet means coldness in love or marriage.

Seeing flying flowers means some kind of fantastic state caused by dreams, drugs / waking dreams are waiting for you.

Flowers sucking blood - deceit on the part of a loved one / danger from excessive joy.

Seeing or receiving artificial flowers is a sad event / danger to your life or life loved one.

To do them is to weave a lie.

Burning them means a desire to decisively break with previous relationships and start a new life.

Various plants and flowers in a dream:

Astra is a soul attracted to the mysterious, unearthly, otherworldly / something mystical.

Velvet flowers are a joy.

Black marigolds are a disappointment.

Belena is some kind of evil woman/witch.

Periwinkle – sincere love of friends / pure love.

Cornflower – a change in the soul.

Tearing it up means changes in business.

Blooming heather - the fulfillment of hopes.

Withered - life will demand from you great patience and excerpts.

Hyacinth - pure, unexpected joy/ happiness in love.

Datura thickets - you are being deceived.

Jasmine – happiness in love / love date / voluptuous desires.

Larkspur – loyalty of friends / marriage / gratitude.

Irises - a pampered person / languid causeless sadness.

To see a lot of irises, iris fields - communication with beauty, life in art.

Bathing suit – seduced and deceived female soul / woman’s revenge.

Nettle – danger from crafty friends/disease.

Tearing it means driving the enemy out of the house/trouble.

Eating nettles means misfortune.

Planting nettles means associating yourself with a company of scammers.

Clover is happiness.

Reeds are joy.

Cacti in pots - your spiritual callousness, alienation.

If you have a lot of prickly cacti - evil and bad thoughts prevent you from correctly perceiving reality.

Buttercups - treason / betrayal.

Collecting them means preparing treason / your thoughts and actions are secretly poisoned by the poison of vice.

Quinoa – compassion / poverty / mediocre life.

Burdocks - attention, love and affection from a person you dislike.

Lily of the valley - good feelings, affection.

Dry lily of the valley - you demand too much from life and from others and therefore you are always irritated and dissatisfied.

Dry lavender is the same as “dry lily of the valley.”

Picking mint means well-being.

Seeing poppy seeds, picking them, eating them is a joy.

Seeing moss means wealth, joy, success.

Forget-me-not is a romantic feeling.

To tear it down is a loss.

Narcissist – gossip / secret pleasures / proud person.

An orchid is something rare, amazing, unique.

Primrose – difficult circumstances in relationships with people, especially in love.

Sunflower is a great external success, which internally will seem insignificant.

Wormwood - sadness, crying.

Eating it means illness.

Peony - concentration, concentration on one’s condition, intoxication, and above all, intoxication with one’s love and happiness / a person too busy with himself.

To pick ferns, to decorate a room with them - to tempt someone, to seduce someone.

Fern thickets - gain secret power over a person.

Seeing it bloom is happiness, good luck, which imposes a huge responsibility on you.

Mignonette - something that has existed in your life for a long time will suddenly open up to you as something new.

Rhododendron is a new acquaintance that will quickly disappoint.

Chamomile – little joys that brighten up your everyday life / pay attention to your health.

Burdock is an obsessive person, he is a nuisance.

Lilac – erotic adventure / diseases associated with sexual life.

Seeing a tulip means damage from arrogance and swagger.

To have a tulip is to deal with an arrogant person / to fall in love without hope.

Picking a tulip means achieving a proud and beautiful woman.

Violets - fidelity in love / a modest girl / someone who deliberately hides his qualities / do not pass by events without attention.

Seeing a chrysanthemum means compassion, someone needs help.

Hops - profit, wealth.

Modern interpretation of dreams comes down to psychological aspects human life at a time when ancestors associated dreams with the search for “keys to the future.” It was believed that the soul of the sleeping person goes to travel to other world, which contains information about everything.

Probability of dreams coming true by day of the week

Do you want to know if your dream will come true? And how soon will this happen? Pay attention to the day of the week and always be ready to meet a joyful omen in reality.

Are the unlimited possibilities of a person in a dream a reality?

It is believed that a person lives in two worlds at the same time. He lives one life in his waking moments, and the second, more interesting and giving him unlimited possibilities, in his dreams. How are they different?

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book is one of the most effective dream books that has ever existed. How did a representative of the scientific world manage to achieve such precision in the interpretation of a world that is practically beyond scientific comprehension?

Why do you dream about Flowers?

Flowers in a modern dream book

If you saw a growing flower in a dream, expect good news soon. Perhaps you will soon have an unexpected meeting, or you will finally acquire the item of your dreams. But at the same time, the flower must be fresh and not show signs of wilting. But a withered or dried flower predicts some kind of loss, grief and strong feelings. Dreamed white flower– a symbol of sadness, melancholy and loneliness await you. But if you have such a dream on Thursday night, you will soon meet an interesting and very beautiful woman. If you dream of a sea of ​​flowers in which you are drowning, it means that you have been taken over strong feeling love. A young woman receiving a bouquet of different flowers can soon gain many admirers. If in a dream flowers grow on desert, barren soil, then you will have to gain sad life experience. Be energetic and cheerful in spirit, then you will not only overcome all difficulties, but also achieve happiness and glory.

Flowers in Miller's dream book

You see bright and fresh growing flowers, garden or indoors - expect some kind of property acquisition or great pleasure. But white flowers portend sadness, and dried or wilted flowers portend trouble. The bouquet of different flowers received by the young girl says that she will soon have many fans. If in a dream flowers grow on infertile land, some sad event may happen. But if you don’t lose heart and use all your energy and optimism, you can take a prominent social position and be a happy person.

Flowers in Vanga's dream book

If you see yourself picking flowers for a bouquet, then it’s time for you to join in understanding the world. If you were given flowers, and you pricked yourself about them, then soon a loved one or close person will cheat on you, because of which you will experience enormous mental suffering. If in your dream someone tramples flowers in your garden, it means that your ill-wishers will make every effort so that very important information. A large number of indoor flowers in your dream speaks of the secrecy of your feelings. A delightful garden with many beautiful flowers portends a romantic meeting for you. But withered flowers can speak of an upcoming separation or possible problems with health. If you plant flowers in your own garden, you will soon act wisely and nobly. If in a dream fans shower you with flowers, it means that your spiritual loneliness has dragged on and your ambitions will not come true. Weaving a wreath for yourself in a dream says that you will soon meet your true love, and you need to prepare for the wedding. What if you received it as a gift? indoor flower in a pot - receive news that someone has died.

Flowers in Freud's dream book

Flowers are a symbol of a woman and everything connected with her. White flowers speak of a woman’s depravity, that she is indiscriminate when choosing partners for sex and often changes them. Red flowers, on the contrary, speak of a woman’s innocence and inexperience in sex. But such a dream can also indicate the onset of menstruation. If you pick or cut flowers, it means you are striving for self-satisfaction. Giving flowers to someone means seeking sexual contact with that person. If in a dream you trample flowers, even growing ones, it means that during sex with your partner you think exclusively about your feelings, and what your partner feels is of no interest to you. And you also like to use elements of sadism towards him. If you throw away fresh flowers in a dream, this indicates your intention to refuse upcoming sex and even break up with your partner. Wilted flowers speak of a woman’s sexual experience and her former sexual encounters.

I love sleeping: it’s pleasant and completely safe for health.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream of Flowers in a dream?

Seeing a lot of flowers means beauty, the prime of life, a favorable period. A lot of wildflowers - to grief, a lot of artificial flowers - to sadness.

Why do you dream about many flowers - the hope for a new romantic relationship or a successful continuation of the old ones.

Lots of bright, fresh flowers - to the joys in life.

Seeing many flowers in a dream also means that you will make useful acquisitions.

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream of Flowers according to the dream book:

Flowers – Associations: sadness, mourning (funeral), parting, beauty, joy, holiday, meeting, love.

Children's dream book What does Flowers mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream of seeing Flowers in a dream - To worry, troubles, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why do you dream about Flowers according to the dream book:

  • Flowers - Seeing flowers in the garden in a dream foreshadows pleasure and new acquisitions, an unusual, romantic meeting in reality (if the flowers are bright and fresh).
  • Withered and dried flowers promise troubles, health problems, and separation.
  • White people bring sadness.
  • A dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that you will soon commit a noble and wise act.
  • If in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet of them, in reality you will begin to gain knowledge and understanding of the world.
  • In a dream, you weave yourself a wreath of wildflowers - you will soon meet your love and create a happy family.
  • A dream in which you pricked your hand with flowers given to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a person close to you.
  • If a girl receives a bouquet of various flowers in a dream, this means that she will have many fans.
  • On the contrary, if in a dream she sees fans literally showering her with flowers, in reality her spiritual loneliness may drag on.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of Flowers:

  • Flowers - For good, joy, wedding, acquaintance (for a girl), pregnancy, giving birth to a daughter // gossip, bad, sadness, death;
  • seeing flowers on a window in a dream means bad luck;
  • Seeing flowers in a dream at the wrong time means grief, illness, annoyance;
  • pick flowers - they will praise, good, joy, happiness // cry;
  • planting flowers is bad; watering - joy and happiness at home;
  • white flowers - fun, wedding, joy // gossip;
  • yellow flowers - difficulties, obstacles;
  • red flowers - wedding, success // difficulties, illness, death;
  • dried flowers - for worse;
  • wilted flowers - danger;
  • decorate your head with flowers - dance at a wedding, success in business // they will beat you;
  • to see someone in flowers - he will die;
  • flowers in a bouquet - a pleasant acquaintance, changes in life;
  • flowers and many bouquets - sadness;
  • receiving flowers - constancy in love;
  • seeing flowers in a dream as a fresh bouquet means joy, success;
  • withered flowers - betrayal in love;
  • putting flowers in a bouquet means good news;
  • flowers in dew - everything will end in trouble.

Symbolic dream book Dream book: Flowers if you dream

Flowers - They are a sign of events and relationships. Flowers symbolize holidays, funerals, meetings, partings, anniversaries, love relationship. Flowers in a dream symbolically communicate about the corresponding upcoming internal and external processes in the life of the sleeper himself. They talk about possible joy or sadness. Flowering (of bushes, trees) refers to prosperity and success in reality. Wildflowers – more often, to joy and good luck. Indoor flowers (blooming or fading flowers) mean corresponding family joys or sorrows. Wilting or artificial flowers in general definitely indicate a deterioration in human relationships or affairs.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream of Flowers:

Flowers - Tearing means great happiness; seeing, holding or smelling flowers at unusual times means grief, annoyance, and sometimes illness; at the right time, this dream means consolation, pleasure and joy; collecting and smelling wild flowers signifies grief, loss, weakness of body and mind; In general, about flowers it should be noted that white means innocence, sincerity and good morals; yellow ones signify difficulty and a small obstacle; and red ones almost always mean illness, and sometimes even death itself.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Flowers according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see in a dream? To see flowers in a dream - Flowers represent the blossoming of feelings or their fading. Withered flowers - old age, dead feelings. A broken flower is a sign of sadness, grief, a break in relationships. Mack - to fall under the “hypnosis” of someone’s persuasion; lily of the valley - the emergence of a new feeling; narcissist - a warning against excessive selfishness or the ecstasy of sacrifice; roses - happiness in love; chamomile - little joys, as the dream book says about this dream.

Seeing Flowers in a dream - Seeing flowers growing in the garden is a symbol of something new, most often pleasant (good news, a long-awaited purchase, an unexpected meeting with the person you would like to see). If the flowers are withering, drying up, falling off, this is a symbol of loss and grief. White flowers mean melancholy and loneliness, although on Thursdays and Tuesdays they foretell a meeting with a beautiful woman.

Erotic dream book Why do you dream of Flowers:

  • Flowers - Fresh flowers seen in a dream promise you the joy of love and prosperity in your home.
  • Faded - predict the end of a long romance.
  • If a girl in a dream receives a bouquet made up of different flowers, this promises her an abundance of fans.
  • Flowers growing on infertile soil foreshadow the sadness of unrequited love, which your will and optimism will help you cope with.
  • If you dream of blooming roses, you will experience a joyful event in life and the fidelity of a loved one.
  • If a girl dreams that she is cutting fresh roses, it means that she will soon be offered her hand and heart, and she will accept the offer.
  • Poppies in a dream represent tempting pleasures and a pleasant pastime, which, however, will bring you harm. Smelling the aroma of poppy in a dream means falling victim to a deceitful and corrupt person.
  • A dream of a meadow strewn with daisies promises you the love of an innocent creature.
  • A bouquet of white chrysanthemums means that you will sacrifice love because of pride.
  • A dream in which you walk along an alley lined with white and yellow chrysanthemums foreshadows nostalgia for an old love.
  • Lilies with lush foliage seen in a dream promise an early marriage and a quick subsequent separation associated with loss.
  • A dream in which a young woman collects lilies or admires them foreshadows the death of a seriously ill person she loves. Weaving a wreath of daisies in a dream means success in a relationship with a loved one.
  • If you dreamed of a bouquet of daisies, happiness awaits you in your personal life.
  • But if the flowers in the bouquet have withered, your hopes for happiness are in vain.
  • Most of the stories and fables, hopes and fears have long been associated with the snowdrop, which used to be called dream grass. The first spring flowers were brought home with the evening dew, dropped into a glass of cold water and waited for the full moon. As soon as the moon peeked out from behind the clouds, the flower was placed under the pillow: if a girl or boy, a child or a pet appears in a dream, it will be fortunate; if something terrible appears, it will be in trouble. It is dreams in which a person sees a flower that indicate his transition to a new, more troublesome and difficult, but at the same time interesting life. This dream also means mental anguish, dissatisfaction with oneself and life. The one who sees this dream wants to break out of real life and strive for perfection.
  • Sidhartha Gautama dreamed of a lotus flower, who later became Buddha (enlightened) - the deity of the Buddhist religion. Dream about unusual flower also often found in other legends.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: What do flowers mean?

Flowers - Sadness (if there are many bouquets), joy; white - for a wedding, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Flowers:

  • Flowers - Flowers bloom - for good.
  • As you dream of flowers, there will be some kind of joy for you; wedding.
  • White flowers are a great joy.
  • If you dream about a bunch (bouquet) of flowers, it means a change in life.
  • If a girl dreams of flowers, then she will meet gentlemen (flowers are a girl’s destiny).
  • If you dream of a clear flower, then it is good, but if you dream of a dark flower, then it is bad.
  • If the flowers are with dew, it will end in trouble; wilted flowers - warning of danger; dried flowers - bad luck.
  • The tickets are beautiful, but then they fall off - it’s not good, the children won’t be fed.
  • Dreaming about picking flowers is good, but dreaming about planting them is bad.
  • It’s the same with a tree: if it grows it’s good, if it falls it’s bad.
  • House flowers bloom - to death.
  • Picking flowers means crying.
  • Red flowers - before the wedding.
  • Someone gave, gave a bouquet of flowers - joy, acquaintance.
  • Watering flowers means joy and happiness at home.

Psychoanalytic dream book Why do you dream of Flowers:

  • Flowers - Life, beauty; the flowering of the individual, often through new relationships involving love and tenderness, as well as genitality (depending on the shape of the flower).
  • A distinction should be made between wild and cultivated flowers. Giving bouquets for food also exists in other great apes, so flowers may be associated with orality. In a man's dreams and creativity, he is his Anima.
  • Picking flowers. Losing virginity.
  • Blue flowers. Soul, mystery, romance.
  • Round flowers. Mandala or mother's womb.
  • Lay flowers, give them, especially to the dying or deceased. Antagonism, hidden death wish this person. Finding own life through donation to the deceased.
  • Clover. Trinity.
  • Lily. Innocence.
  • Red lily. Masculinity.
  • White lily. Femininity, free love.
  • Rose. Actually Anima, the mother's womb.
  • Rosebud. Virginity.
  • Rose with four petals. European lotus, Rosicrucian rose.
  • Lotus. Corresponds to the symbolism of the rose in Western culture. Birth and first appearance. Mystical center. Anima.
  • Flowers in a pot. Cultivation and desire to preserve love.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why do you dream of Flowers:

Flowers - If a girl dreams that she is picking flowers, then this is good and foretells a love meeting.

Why do you dream of Flowers? Especially white ones mean bad things. The girl may also dream about her betrothed.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Flowers - In general - feelings, moods, emotions of the sleeper and the events that cause them; the state of his relationships with others. A lot - sadness, separation, quarrel. One beautiful, not black - loyalty. Giving is an offer; parting. Flowers black, brown, yellow - mourning, misfortune; betrayal, divorce. Smelling means losses, troubles, but a pleasant, not pungent smell is a favorable sign. See Add. Smells.

Lunar dream book If you dream about Flowers:

Flowers - Pleasure.

Dream Interpretation Tarot If you dream about Flowers:

Flowers – Celebration, holiday

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream of Flowers in a dream:

Flowers - Seeing flowers in the garden in a dream foretells you pleasure and gain, if only the flowers are bright and fresh; white means sadness. Withered and dried flowers promise trouble. If a young lady receives a bouquet of various flowers in a dream, this predicts that she will have many admirers. Seeing flowers growing on infertile soil foreshadows a sad event. However, the dream also promises that, thanks to your energy and optimism, you will be able to pave the way to a prominent position and happiness.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream of Flowers according to the dream book:

Flowers – Flowers are a universal symbol of beauty. For an accurate interpretation, it is important to analyze the color of the flower. This especially applies to dreams in which flowers appear with uncharacteristic colors (for example, green roses). Don't be surprised if your boyfriend/girlfriend gives you green roses in a dream. This means that in real life you are either dating your boyfriend/girlfriend's crush, or they are jealous of your romantic affections. A certain experience with flowers has been recorded in your consciousness, which the SUBCONSCIOUSNESS is now trying to use to represent the situation. This particularly applies when you give flowers to someone or someone gives flowers to you. Do you have specific memories associated with certain flowers—for example, your favorite childhood flowers, the death of a loved one, a school date, or a love affair? Here are the interpretations for some of the colors appearing in dreams:

  • Lilac - poison, disease, death;
  • Daisy - indecision in feelings; the one who gives is the object of interest;
  • Orchid - sexuality, sensuality;
  • Rose - red - love, yellow - friendship, white - purity, black - death;
  • Lily - renewal, spring freshness, rebirth;
  • Narcissist is self-love, a reflection of one’s own Self.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu. Longo Dream Interpretation: Flowers

  • Flowers - The appearance of flowers in dreams foreshadows only good and joyful events. If you dreamed of a meadow strewn with flowers, then joyful events await you soon. Literally every day will be full of small joys, which, in fact, give us a feeling of happiness.
  • If in a dream, while in a flowering meadow, you decided to pick a bouquet and got down to business, then in reality you will make every effort to not only rejoice yourself, but also to bring joy to those around you. How long the idyll will last depends only on you. With a constant kind attitude towards your loved ones, life will turn on the bright side for a long time. For the sake of peace and mutual love You can try, because we all have plenty of difficulties.
  • Handing a bouquet of flowers to someone close to you - soon you will have the opportunity to show your feelings for these people and you will take full advantage of this. Presenting a bouquet to a stranger in a dream, and to a representative of the opposite sex, means a decisive meeting when you finally realize that you have found your other half. However, finding the only person is only half the battle; you need to confess your feelings to him. This may happen in the near future, and the sooner you gather your resolve and say the most important words, the more likely you will find happiness.
  • Put beautiful bouquet in a vase - a calm life without worries and worries awaits you. You will have the opportunity to spend more time with the people you care about. Do not skimp on your attention and love, and they will answer you in kind.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream about Flowers:

  • Flowers - if in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet of them, in real life this dream means your introduction to knowledge and understanding of the world.
  • A dream in which you pricked your hand on flowers given to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one.
  • If you dreamed that someone trampled flowers in your garden, this foreshadows the machinations of enemies who will do everything possible to prevent you from receiving the information you need.
  • In a dream, you saw a large number of indoor flowers in your house - this symbolizes the secrecy of feelings.
  • You dreamed of a beautiful garden full of unusually beautiful flowers, you inhale their wonderful aroma. This dream foreshadows an unusual, romantic meeting for you in reality. Withered flowers in a dream predict health problems and separation.
  • A dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that in reality you will perform a noble and wise act.
  • If in a dream you see fans literally showering you with flowers, in real life this indicates that your mental loneliness may drag on. Your inflated claims will most likely remain unrealized.
  • In a dream, you are weaving a wreath of wildflowers for yourself - this dream indicates that you will soon meet your love and create a happy family.
  • A dream in which you receive a flower as a gift in an indoor pot means that you will receive news about a deceased person.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Flowers in a Dream

Flowers - Beautiful - joy in life; receive - they love you; knitting - soon there will be great joy; withered - disease.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Flowers:

Flowers – Collect, see, receive: fresh for good luck and joy, if they are in a bouquet or flowerbed. See Decorate. Dried, withered to boredom, devastation after joyful events. Give, give the same, but thanks to someone’s obvious intervention. Picking petals with your own hands makes yourself unhappy, but gives free rein to your feelings.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Flowers in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream about Flowers - Pleasure - beautiful - joy in life - to receive - they love you - knitting - soon there will be great joy - withered - illness

Vedic dream book Dream book: Seeing flowers in a dream

Flowers – If you pick flowers in a dream, this is a harbinger of prosperity. You will be successful in all your endeavors.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing flowers in a dream

Why do you dream about natural flowers - the heyday of life, successful days

Pansies - Someone is persistently watching you, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family Why do you dream about Flowers:

Seeing pansies (violet) in a dream - Seeing a bouquet of these flowers in a dream is an unexpected meeting with a person whom you have not seen for a long time. Seeing these flowers in a flowerbed means you may be late for an appointment or miss someone you would really like to see. Picking pansies means a meeting with your beloved will take place soon. If you dreamed of pansies on the night of the weekend, then the meeting will not take place.

Fragrant flowers - For spring, for the good in your life.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Flowers according to the dream book:

Fragrant flowers - Smelling fragrant flowers means a date.

Summer dream book Why do you dream of Flowers according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see fragrant flowers in a dream - Seeing fragrant flowers in a dream and hearing their smell means a joyful event in your life.

Fresh flowers according to the dream book

A delicate, fragrant, so bright and beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers, presented on the occasion of a celebration, or simply seen in a store window, always evokes only positive emotions. But the appearance of such floral diversity in a dream is not always good. Why do you have such a dream? Interpretations of the dream book largely depend on both the color and the type of plants.

According to the women's dream book, what bright dreams mean blooming garden portends for young girls a wonderful romantic date with a fan who in the future may become a legal spouse. And for married woman such a picture in a dream is a harbinger of successful shopping, or enjoying some kind of celebration.

Bouquets of fresh flowers in a dream are an ambiguous symbol of the Small Velesov Dream Book. Many flower bunches promise the dreamer sadness and despondency, and one, but with buds of different types and colors, promises many admirers and admirers for the young lady.

But if the flowers are sluggish and lifeless, then the dreamer will face many love disappointments, or a sad end to her relationship with her lover. For a man, such a picture in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger of a series of failures in love affairs, and even a possible decrease in potency.

According to the theory of psychoanalysis, seeing fresh flowers in a dream is a sign of life, flourishing, and the emergence of qualitatively new feelings and emotions. Often such a dream is interpreted by Freud’s dream book as a new relationship, not devoid of tenderness, sexuality and affection.

For girls, this dream book predicts a transition in relationships to new level, or even losing her virginity if she picked buds in the garden. If there are too many flowers that even a glance is not enough to see them all, expect separation from your significant other, but not because of a conflict, but due to the current circumstances.

According to Loff’s dream book, to see living flowers in a dream - good sign. In general, flowering plants that evoke only admiration can be attributed to the universal image of charm and beauty. Every day you can get at least a drop of joy that will brighten up all the shortcomings of the past day.

What do actions with flowers and their color mean?

If in a dream the dreamer wanted to pick fresh flowers in a flowering meadow and collect them into a beautiful bouquet, there is no doubt about why such a plot is being dreamed about. In reality he will become the most a bright person for your loved ones, hastening to give joy and fun. According to Vanga’s dream book, such a picture in a dream is interpreted as an introduction to the mysteries of the world, comprehension of the unknown.

If you are given fresh flowers in a dream, then you can be sure of the meaning of such a plot - someone certainly loves you, but is still afraid to admit it not only to you, but also to himself. If there are an incredibly large number of flower branches, and you are literally bombarded with them, this symbolizes your isolation and loneliness.

The belonging of plants in a dream to a certain variety also plays an important role in the interpretation of the dream. For example, fresh rose flowers can be a reflection of your spiritual pain over the betrayal of your lover if you scratched your hand on them.

If these are ordinary daisies, then happiness and comfort await you in family life. And if you weave a wreath from them, then soon you will completely conquer your lover. Chrysanthemums are a symbol of pride, and it is because of it that you can lose true love.

Why do you dream about a lot of fresh flowers? If these are violets, then soon you will meet a long-forgotten person who will play a certain role in your life. A wonderful lotus bud, according to the interpretation of the dream book, foreshadows the emergence of a new life - the birth of a child, or a rethinking of true values.

Why do you dream of fresh flowers in pots? If you see them already planted at home, or on the windowsill, then this symbolizes your closedness and gloominess. But if you replanted them into pots yourself, then this is a sign from the dream book that you are a real keeper of family and comfort.

Why do you dream about picking flowers?

Flowers are a symbol of youth and blossoming. Almost all dream books unanimously interpret that picking flowers in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream brings joy, love, success. True, there is one condition: the flowers must be fresh, bright, healthy. Different types flowers predicted different meanings sleep. It's worth taking a closer look.

For girls in love and unmarried women, picking flowers in a dream and making a beautiful bouquet means a serious romance, a wedding. Meadow flowers bring small but numerous joys. Those who pick daffodils need to take less care of themselves and pay attention to their surroundings.

Otherwise, you might miss your soul mate. A small bouquet of violets is a dream for a date with a loved one. Picking tulips means there will be a meeting with a very important person. A collected bouquet of lilies symbolizes a pure, chaste relationship. Also, these flowers can mean something new, primordial.

Any fresh flowers in a dream bring good predictions. True, sometimes in real life you need to make some efforts to make a dream come true. But when a hint is given that happiness is nearby, you should direct your actions in the right direction and the blue bird is in your hands. Picking flowers in a dream is a happy signal to action.

But not all dreams with flowers are rosy. There is a small fly in the ointment in a big barrel of honey. It’s unpleasant when you dream about chrysanthemums. These flowers bring sadness and loss. A bouquet of primroses means unrequited love. Those who pick lilacs are at risk of illness and food poisoning.

Collecting flowers and making a bouquet of forget-me-nots means waiting for a break in the relationship. It’s bad when you dream of broken, wilted, disease-infected flowers. Such a dream foreshadows illness, loss, misfortune, dissatisfaction. If the bouquet is black or artificial flowers, this also means trouble, grief, and death.

If the picked flowers have only drooped slightly, this indicates that feelings are fading, but all is not lost, you can try to correct the situation and renew the relationship. Collecting flowers in large armfuls is a sign of great success in the fields of art and sports.

If you pick orchids, then something amazing and fabulous will happen in real life. Flowers picked early in the morning, with drops of dew glistening on them, can mean a profitable business and career success. In some cases, drops of dew on a bouquet may portend tears and sadness.

Flowers with a pleasant strong aroma bring great joy to dreams. It could be meetings with nice people, happy holidays, exciting trips. Accordingly, bouquets with a sharp unpleasant odor portend some kind of concern or trouble.

Understanding why you dream of picking flowers, you can draw a natural conclusion: no matter what the meaning of a flower dream portends, it is worth admitting that admiring flowers, collecting them in bouquets, feeling the aroma is already wonderful, even just in a dream.

Dream Interpretation: fresh flowers in a dream

Why do you dream about fresh flowers? Dream interpretation

Fresh flowers are a symbol of happiness, life satisfaction and joy. They often appear before a period of success and pleasure begins in your life. If in a dream you saw that you were plucking live ones, bright flowers With wonderful aroma, then in reality you will experience prosperity and a successful period. Good events and good luck in business are also promised by fresh flowers on graves. Not good good sign are fresh flowers that you pinned on your clothes. This is a harbinger of disappointments and problems, which will be caused by your frivolous actions. If you pick petals from fresh flowers, then in reality you will be initiated into someone’s secret, which must be preserved.

Bouquet of flowers according to the dream book

What a bouquet of flowers means in a dream largely depends on its appearance. If in a dream you saw beautiful fresh buds, then in reality you should expect good events. The dream book interprets a dream in which the cut flowers were withered not so optimistically.

Receive or give

A dream in which you were lucky enough to receive a bouquet of flowers promises fulfillment of desires, unexpected luck, and great joy. At the same time Universal dream book warns that the plot in which you are given a luxurious gift is one of the most deceptive, so it does not give any guarantees. To understand as accurately as possible what a bouquet of flowers is about in a dream, take a closer look at what plants it consists of. A dream in which you were presented with a bouquet of tulips or daffodils promises that soon your merits will be appreciated. If you dreamed of carnations, the interpreter secretly tells you that someone admires and even a little envies your talent and business qualities. If you dreamed that they were giving roses, this directly indicates that you find yourself in the very epicenter of someone’s romantic dreams. If you had to present a bouquet in a dream, then you will soon notice that the person to whom you gave the gift will begin to treat you much better.


A dream in which wildflowers are present promises positive changes V interpersonal relationships. Women's dream book promises an intensification of love feelings and complete understanding with the chosen one. Why such a plot is dreamed of is also described by the Universal Interpreter. A dream in which a bouquet of wildflowers appears is interpreted as an omen of the beginning of a new friendship, long-awaited recognition in an environment that is significant to you, and popularity. A similar dream also predicts a new acquaintance that will bring romance into your life.

Bud color

We woke up in the morning with the thought - why do you dream about a bouquet of red flowers? You can find out the answer by looking at the Eastern Dream Book. If the bouquet you dreamed of was without a single inclusion, it means that emotions covered you completely. A luxurious bouquet of white flowers seen in a dream foretells fun and attending festive events in real life. If the buds were withered, then you should mentally prepare for a period of life full of anxiety and excitement.

Various interpretations

For men, a dream about a bouquet of fresh flowers means the beginning of a new friendship; for women, it means the appearance of a new admirer. Grishina's dream book considers garden flowers as an omen of success, victory, and profit. Did you see in a dream an abundance of flowers arranged in bouquets? This plot should be considered a warning or reminder that you could provide help to someone you know who especially needs it. The modern dream book believes that many flower bouquets portend deep sadness or sorrow. Try to prevent trouble. If you happen to collect flowers in a bouquet, then this reflects the state of searching for like-minded people. He who seeks will certainly find, reminds the Universal Dream Book. Soon you will discover a new hobby, receive an unusual invitation, or find other ways to broaden your horizons. Hasse explains why this or that type of flowering plant is seen in dreams. Dreaming of lilies of the valley and snowdrops foretell the beginning of something new life period, roses - a storm of passions, chrysanthemums - awareness and decision-making, poppies - the charm of the first meeting.

Miller's Dream Book flowers

Why do you dream of flowers in a dream?

The interpretation of a dream about flowers largely depends on what color they are in the dream. So, seeing white flowers in a dream means future sadness, and flowers growing in the garden means pleasures and profitable acquisitions. However, if you see withered or dried flowers in a dream, such a dream promises trouble in the near future. For a young girl, a dream in which she receives a bouquet of flowers is considered very good: this dream foreshadows the appearance of many fans. If in a dream you see flowers growing on dry, infertile soil, get ready for the difficulties that will come your way - however, thanks to your energy and optimism, you will be able to cope with them and pave the way to happiness and a high position in society.

Dream interpretation of receiving flowers in a dream

Why do you dream about receiving flowers? Dream interpretation

Receiving flowers as a gift in a dream is an auspicious sign, symbolizing good luck, reward, admiration and respect from others. In this dream, it is important to remember who you received the flowers from. Depending on who it was and what flowers were given, you can understand the intentions of the giver and your relationship with him. If you got alive, beautiful flowers, the dream promises good luck and joy. It means you are loved and understood. It can also be a symbol of the fidelity of a loved one. If the flowers you receive are artificial, then be prepared for sad events. If a girl receives fresh flowers in her dream from young man, then soon she will meet the man of her dreams.

Flowers in a flowerbed according to the dream book

In real life, lovers often confess their feelings using the language of flowers. Almost every bud and every color has its own designation. You shouldn’t ignore the flowers you saw in a flowerbed in a dream. To understand why this or that plant is dreamed of, it is necessary to take a closer look at what it looked like, what color it was and in what condition. All these points are very important. Do you remember the whole dream in detail? Then, without delay, look into the dream book.

Varieties of flowers in a flower bed

If you dream of blooming tulips, then in reality get ready to meet a narcissistic and very proud person. It is possible that you will feel real love for him. Pluck in a dream blooming tulip- to gossip. Your excessive frivolity will not lead to any good! The modern dream book advises to be more careful.

Did you dream about blooming daisies? You will become nervous over trifles and feel upset. If the dreamed flower bed was covered with large daisies, then a difficult period awaits you. But, if you dream about such a plot, then the period of failures will not last long. Troubles will be resolved quickly enough and you will again feel like a happy person.


Watering fresh flowers in a flowerbed in a dream means investing money in some business. If you watered lush, dense vegetation, then the efforts made and expended cash will pay off with interest. The universal dream book prophesies the receipt of solid material profits.

If in a dream you watered a dried flower bed, then in reality you will suffer losses. If you dream about something like this, then refrain from making rash investments at the moment. Such forethought and caution will allow you to preserve your capital.

Explanations from Miller's dream book

If you dream that there are flowers in a flowerbed white, then expect difficulties in current affairs. They will happen due to your personal incompetence. Don't know what decision to make at work? Miller's Dream Book recommends seeking advice from a person who has sufficient experience in such a matter.

To dream that fresh flowers in a flowerbed have large bright red buds is a sign of success. The more luxurious you dream appearance these living plants, the greater luck awaits you.

If you dream that the buds were blooming before your eyes, then the people around you will appreciate your personality. Miller's dream book predicts recognition of all successes and merits.

See different stories

To more accurately find out the interpretation of a dream, you should turn to not one, but several dream books at once. They all give their own explanation of the same plot. Here are some more of the many interpretations of such a dream:

  • Seeing yourself trimming flowers means a tender relationship with your lover.
  • Picking buds with your hands means quick and not very honest profit.
  • In a dream, the garden area is dotted with asters - beware of cunning and deception.
  • Flowers growing in a flowerbed exude a pleasant aroma - you will experience sincere joy.

Why did you dream about Flowers (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • Why do you dream about flowers? Flowers are a harbinger of joy, happiness, good luck and advancement career ladder, but only if they are fresh and bright.
  • If you dream of withered or white buds, this is a sign of imminent troubles and severe sadness.
  • Seeing flowers on a grave is lucky.
  • Flowers on a dry tree mean good luck for you, your children and grandchildren.
  • Why do you dream of lilies on the water?- to a stormy feast.
  • If you smell roses, you will receive unexpected help in a seemingly hopeless case.
  • Giving flowers means irreversible separation.
  • Gather beautiful bouquets or watering flowerpots - to sudden family joy. The dream in which you find yourself in the middle of a fragrant, fragrant flower garden has the same meaning.

Why did you dream about the Flower (Psychiatric dream book)

  • Why do you dream of beautiful, fragrant, bright and fragrant flowers? You yourself understand that there is very little left until complete prosperity in your life. You just need to put in some effort, and the dream will really bring you success in any endeavor.
  • But withered petals symbolize your fears that something in your life may not go according to plan. You need a little self-confidence to prepare yourself to fight hard for your own success.
  • If you dreamed of artificial flowers, you are already ripe to abandon your old and unsuccessful life and enter a new stage full of energy and optimism.

Why do you dream about Flowers (Romantic dream book)

  • A bad sign is identified by rumpled flowers in a dream. This is an omen that your loved one is deliberately going to cheat on you.
  • You share a bouquet with your significant other - in reality you will have to endure a long separation, which will only strengthen your feelings.
  • A good symbol is huge flower garden. If you are watching it from the side or are in it, soon all your hopes for a happy personal life will come true.
  • If a girl dreams of holding several different bouquets, in her life she will have many fans, from whom it is difficult to choose true love.

Why do women dream of Flowers (according to Natalia Stepanova’s dream book)

  • Seeing flowers in the garden portends pleasure and new acquisitions, an unusual, romantic meeting in reality (if they are bright and fresh).
  • Withered and dried petals promise troubles, health problems, and separation.
  • White flowers- bring sadness.
  • Why do you dream of flowers? Planting flowers in your garden means that you will soon commit a noble and wise act.
  • You pick buds to make a bouquet from them - in reality you will begin to join in the knowledge and understanding of the world.
  • Against, if in a dream a woman sees fans literally showering her with flowers– in reality, her spiritual loneliness may drag on.

The meaning of the dream about the Smell of Buds (Gypsy Dream Book)

  • Picking flowers means great happiness.
  • Holding an armful of flowers in your hands or smelling them at an unusual time means grief, annoyance, and sometimes illness; at the right time, this dream means consolation, pleasure and joy.
  • You dream of field bouquets, you collect them and smell them - the dream signifies grief, loss, weakness of body and mind.
  • At all about flowers it should be noted that white means innocence, sincerity and good morals; yellow ones signify difficulty and a small obstacle; and red ones almost always mean illness, and sometimes even death itself.

To dream about a Flower, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

  • Dreaming of wilted flowers symbolize old age and dead feelings.
  • A broken flower in a dream portends sadness, grief, or a break in relationships.
  • I dreamed of red flowers and poppies - to fall under the “hypnosis” of someone’s persuasion.
  • Smelling the scent of flowers and roses is happiness in love.
  • A bouquet of wildflowers in a dream means little joys.

I had a dream about the scent of a Flower (we solve it from the Erotic Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream of fresh flowers - they promise you the joy of love and prosperity in the house.
  • I dream of withered buds- predict the end of a long romance.
  • If a girl receives a bouquet in a dream, this predicts an abundance of fans for her.
  • Flowers growing on infertile soil foreshadow the sadness of unrequited love, which your will and optimism will help you cope with.
  • If you dream of blooming roses, you will experience a joyful event in life and the fidelity of a loved one.
  • If a girl dreams that she is cutting fresh roses, it means that she will soon be offered her hand and heart, and she will accept the offer.
  • Poppies in a dream represent tempting pleasures and a pleasant pastime, which, however, will bring you harm. Smelling the aroma of poppy in a dream means falling victim to a deceitful and corrupt person.
  • – Seeing a meadow strewn with daisies in a dream promises you the love of an innocent creature.
  • Why do you dream about flowers? A bouquet of white chrysanthemums means that you will sacrifice love because of pride.
  • You are walking along an alley lined with white and yellow chrysanthemums, foreshadowing nostalgia for old love.
  • Dream of lilies with lush foliage- the image promises an early marriage and a quick subsequent separation associated with loss.
  • But if the flowers in the bouquet have withered, your hopes for happiness are in vain.
  • Most of the stories and fables, hopes and fears have long been associated with the snowdrop, which used to be called dream grass. First spring flowers They brought it home with the evening dew, put it in a glass of cold water and waited for the full moon. This dream also means mental anguish, dissatisfaction with oneself and life. The one who sees this dream wants to break out of real life and strive for perfection.
  • The lotus dreamed of Sidhartha Gautama, who later became Buddha (enlightened) - the deity of the Buddhist religion. The dream about an unusual flower is also often found in other legends.

What does the Bouquet symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

  • Life, beauty; the flowering of the individual, often through new relationships involving love and tenderness, as well as genitality (depending on the shape of the bud).
  • A distinction should be made between wild and cultivated flowers. Giving bouquets for food also exists in other higher primates, so the image may be associated with orality. In a man’s dreams and creativity – his Anima.
  • Picking flowers- Loss of virginity.
  • Blue flowers. Soul, mystery, romance.
  • Round flowers. Mandala or mother's womb.
  • Lay bouquets of flowers, give them, especially to the dying or dead. Antagonism, a hidden desire for the death of a given person. Finding your own life through giving to the deceased.
  • Clover. Trinity.
  • Lily. Innocence.
  • Red lily. Masculinity.
  • White lily. Femininity, free love.
  • Rose. Actually Anima, the mother's womb.
  • Rosebud- Virginity.
  • Rose with four petals. European lotus, Rosicrucian rose.
  • Lotus. Corresponds to the symbolism of the rose in Western culture. Birth and first appearance. Mystical center. Anima.
  • Flowers in a pot. Cultivation and desire to preserve love.

Why do you dream of Flowers (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Dreamed flowers symbolize the feelings, moods, emotions of the sleeper and the events that cause them.
  • Seeing many flowers in a dream means sadness, separation, quarrel.
  • I dreamed of giving a bouquet of flowers - a proposal; parting.
  • I dreamed of black, brown, yellow flowers - mourning, misfortune; betrayal, divorce.
  • Withered flowers promise trouble.

Psychological analysis of a dream where Flowers were dreamed (interpretation by psychologist D. Loff)

Flowers are a universal symbol of beauty. For an accurate interpretation, it is important to analyze the color here.

  • Lilac - poison, disease, death;
  • Daisy – indecision in feelings; the one who gives is the object of interest;
  • Dreaming of a blossoming orchid– sexuality, sensuality;
  • Rose - red - love, yellow - friendship, white - purity, black - death;
  • Lily – renewal, spring freshness, rebirth;
  • Narcissist is self-love, a reflection of one’s own Self.

If the dreamer dreamed of Flowers (interpretation by the magician Yuri Longo)

  • Why do you dream about flowers? The appearance of flowers in dreams foreshadows only good and joyful events. Literally every day will be full of small joys, which, in fact, give us a feeling of happiness.
  • If in a dream, while in a flowering meadow, you decided to pick a bouquet and got down to business, then in reality you will make every effort to not only rejoice yourself, but also to bring joy to those around you. How long the idyll will last depends only on you.
  • Putting a beautiful bouquet in a vase– a calm life without worries and worries awaits you. You will have the opportunity to spend more time with the people you care about. Do not skimp on your attention and love for them, and they will answer you in kind.

The meaning of a dream about inflorescences (Vanga’s Dream Book)

  • You pick flowers to make a bouquet of them - in reality, this dream means your introduction to knowledge and understanding of the world.
  • If you pricked your hand on the flowers given to you, it means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one.
  • You see fans literally showering you with petals- in reality, this indicates that your mental loneliness may drag on. li>
  • You receive a flower as a gift in an indoor pot, which means that you will receive news about a deceased person.

What does a dream with Flowers mean, taking into account the date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why do you dream of red flowers - for love, yellow adonis - for separation. In spring, why do you dream of flowers - for spring, for good things in your life. Picking flowers means treason.
  • In the summer, why did you dream about flowers - to recovery from a protracted illness. In some cases this dream is in hand; you need to check your heart. In the summer, what do you dream about flowers and smelling them means a joyful event in your life. Pick flowers - You will try to deceive someone using their trust, or maybe they will deceive you. Picking flowers means finding a friend, taking a step towards intimacy, towards a date. Pick a flower- to lose innocence.
  • In the fall, what do you dream about flowers for? It means illness. In the fall, why dream of smelling fragrant flowers - for a date. Picking flowers - For love success.
  • In winter, why do you dream of red flowers - for love, yellow adonis - for separation.

Flowering plants in a dream reflect current events or relationships, as well as the dreamer's feelings, emotions and mood. At the same time, dried flowers indicate various kinds of negativity that has crept into a certain area of ​​life. Popular dream books offer a number of interpretations that will help you determine exactly what this unpleasant plot is about in your dreams.

The solution to the image according to various interpreters

Mr. Miller's Dream Book I am convinced that dried flowers warn in a dream about major and minor troubles. If you dreamed of dried inflorescences, then Medea’s dream book prophesies: feelings will pass, and the relationship will soon end.

Why do you dream of dried flowers? Spouses Winter We are sure that problems and bad luck await you. Be vigilant and do not commit rash actions.

Baba Vanga advises you to pay attention to your health and anticipates a quick separation from your loved ones. Why do you dream about dried flowers? according to the dream book for the whole family? It is always a symbol of disappointment, loss and sadness. Esoteric interpreter promises boredom and devastation that will wash over you after joy and fun.

Did you happen to see dried flowers in a dream? Modern combined dream book believes that this is a sign of very gloomy prospects and emotional distress. But dream book of Simon Kananita on the contrary, I am sure that this image indicates imminent changes for the better.

What do you think about the vision? birthday dream interpreter? Seeing dried flowers in a dream is a sign of regret that youth is irretrievably gone. At the same time, this image symbolizes changes for the better.

Did you dream about dried plants? Women's dream book suspects that you will separate from your loved one or become ill. English dream book I completely agree with this opinion and adds that in some cases, the withering of flowers warns of the death of a close friend.

Why do you dream about dried flowers in a vase?

Did you dream that there was a dry bouquet in a vase? Your plans will not come true, and the cause of failure will be your own slowness and uncertainty. Seeing dried flowers literally crumble before your eyes is bad. This plot guarantees the termination of an engagement and even a wedding. In a dream, was there a dry bouquet in a vase? Be prepared for betrayal and subsequent breakup.

What do dried flowers in pots, indoors mean?

Why do you dream that flowers in pots suddenly dry up? To understand the image, you should know that everyone, without exception, indoor plants reflect the atmosphere prevailing in the family.

If you dreamed that in a dream indoor flowers died, expect serious troubles in your relationship with your significant other, up to and including complete divorce. If everything is in order in the house, then dried flowers in pots prophesy worries and anxiety about loved ones.

Dried flowers appeared to a girl, a woman

Why do you dream that someone gave you dry ikebana? Be careful, a very insidious person is trying to gain your trust. For an unmarried girl, the same plot in a dream means deception or betrayal of her chosen one. Did you dream that you were literally showered with dried flower petals? Alas, loneliness will drag on for a long period.

Dried flowers in a dream - how to interpret

To get a true interpretation, it is enough to remember the type of dry plants.

  • forest - ruined vacation
  • garden - lack of money
  • field - difficulties in relationships
  • meadow - parting
  • asters - pipe dreams
  • cornflowers - bad changes
  • dahlias - deterioration of affairs, elimination of danger
  • geranium - loss
  • hyacinth - meeting after separation
  • jasmine - unrequited love
  • daisies - bad news
  • daffodils – infidelity, withering
  • forget-me-nots - emotional melancholy, disappointment
  • calendula - business failure
  • dandelions – illusion, fantasy
  • peony - failure in love
  • sunflower - hot passion, reciprocal feelings
  • chrysanthemums - luck, acquisition
  • sage - honor, wisdom, success
  • thyme - a successful marriage
  • tearing is a useless exercise
  • making a bouquet - strange conclusions, mistakes
  • throw away - getting rid of sorrows

Did you dream about dried flowers of wormwood or another weed species? Contrary to the worst expectations, everything will turn out great.