Wallpaper for walls: photo catalog of stylish and up-to-date solutions. Wallpaper for walls: a catalog of photos of stylish and up-to-date solutions Wall-paper with a large pattern

There are many types of different wallpapers, from ordinary and without any patterns, to wallpapers with pictures and inscriptions. This article will help to analyze all aspects of the selection of new wallpapers.

Wallpaper is an important part of the interior of the room. They create a general atmosphere and an idea of ​​the room, so their selection should be treated with special care. First, you need to determine the style in which the room will be executed. You also need to think about furniture and interior items, and start choosing wallpaper for them. If you do not combine furniture and interior items with each other, then the room will look untidy and tasteless.

Some people prefer classic wallpapers, while others try to buy photo wallpapers or paint walls with their own hands, creating a unique pattern. In any case, you need to approach this matter wisely, figure out what patterns and types of drawings exist, what kind of interior they are suitable for, etc.

Especially popular in our time is wallpaper without patterns, respectively, plain. They are pleasing to the eye, and with the right choice of color and its shade, they will perfectly complement the overall look of the room. Also, for those who want to paint their wallpaper themselves, there are special wallpapers for painting and stencils for painting on the walls, as well as stickers.

When is geometric wallpaper appropriate?

Wallpaper with a geometric pattern began to gain its popularity not so long ago. They are suitable for more modern styles and interiors. You can often find wallpaper with a graphic pattern, and they are also classified as geometric.

Before choosing a geometric wallpaper, you need to consult with a specialist designer who can suggest the most suitable patterns and colors. Choosing your own wallpaper in a geometric style is quite difficult, you can make a lot of mistakes, which you can later regret.

But, it must be said that it is difficult to deal with geometric wallpapers, there are rules for their application, and if they are not followed, then the room will seem unsightly.

First, it's best to avoid complex geometric designs, as they can make a room seem too crowded. Secondly, it is worth considering color combinations. Well, the final advice is that if the wallpaper is with a geometric pattern, then you need to choose more “soft” furniture that does not have sharp corners and outlines, otherwise the room will become uncomfortable, it will be unpleasant to stay in it for a long time.

The main types of patterns that can be found on geometric wallpapers:

  • Stripes of all types and sizes;
  • Various smooth geometric shapes;
  • Squares, rhombuses and other quadrilaterals;
  • Circles can also be considered a geometric ornament;

Wallpaper with a pattern and their role in the interior

Drawings on the wallpaper are completely different types. From wallpaper with an abstract pattern, to images of nature or night landscapes. First, you need, of course, to choose a pattern based on the overall style of the interior. Wallpapers with three-dimensional patterns are very popular now, although their price is somewhat higher. Also, there are a lot of wallpapers with words and inscriptions.

The most popular pattern at the moment is a stripe, which belongs to geometric ornaments.

Along with the stripes, there is a floral ornament, which is only becoming more popular every year. It can be used both in modern interiors and in decorating in a more traditional style.

Also, as many people know, oriental drawings, which depict oriental landscapes or hieroglyphs, are also quite popular. Most often they are bought if the room is decorated in an ethnic style. But, very often you can find such motifs in public places, such as oriental restaurants.

When decorating a room, you should use the rules that apply to wallpaper. All the most basic rules on this subject are given below.

Design Rules

  • If the main focus is on wallpaper and walls, then bright colors and large ones will be just right. They will be able to attract a lot of attention;
  • If the walls serve only as a background, and the main focus should be on furniture, then you need to choose wallpaper with a small pattern and pale, preferably pastel colors;
  • When choosing wallpaper begins, you should make a choice based on how much sun enters the room and the degree of its illumination;
  • For rooms such as a bedroom or an office, you need to choose a calmer wallpaper that will not distract attention and interfere with relaxation.

If the room is very small, then light wallpaper without a pattern will come in handy. Visually, they will make the room wider and more spacious. If you make the wrong choice and take a dark-colored wallpaper for a small room, then it will seem even smaller.

Nowadays, many people try to choose wallpapers that imitate wood, stone, as well as other natural materials. Most often, this is very important for summer cottages and garden plots. High-quality wallpaper with such a pattern can really give a feeling of completeness to the interior.

Wallpaper with a pattern (video)

Wallpaper with a large pattern and their application

Wallpaper with a large pattern is a very bold choice. In fact, it is very difficult to correctly select a picture, especially a large one. This requires serious knowledge in design and good taste. If the drawing is well chosen, then we can assume that the repair has already been a success. It is important to remember that it is better to take large drawings for large rooms, because small rooms due to a large ornament will seem even smaller than they really are.

Very often, wallpaper with a large pattern is used as such a design solution as the back of the wall with shelves.

Instead of bookcases, some people prefer just shelves. Usually, it looks mediocre and simple, but if the back of this part of the wall is decorated with wallpaper with a large pattern, it will be very attractive. True, first you need to choose wallpapers that will be in harmony with the main ones.

At minimal cost, wallpaper for painting will help to update the interior. Tips and personal example of professionals for you:

Such an ornament is most typical for large public spaces, such as cafes or bars. A large drawing in such establishments will attract a lot of attention and delight visitors. But, of course, first you need to choose the right picture.

Wallpaper with patterns - the highlight of the interior

There are many wallpapers with patterns. They are very unusual, but there are also very mediocre. Recently, southern patterns such as damask and paisley are gaining great popularity. Most often they are decorated with a silver or gold pattern, but there are white or other light inserts.

In an ordinary apartment, as mentioned earlier, canvases with a floral pattern will look advantageous. Wall floral patterns have always been a big trend that has continued to this day.

Below is a list of the most popular patterns at the moment:

  • Oriental pattern;
  • Floral pattern;
  • geometric pattern;
  • Wallpaper with a horizontal pattern;
  • Wallpaper with a small floral pattern.

Also, it is very fashionable to combine different types of wallpaper. In this case, they must match in style and color, although shades may be different. For example, you can take one roll of plain wallpaper, and the second roll with an ornament, and then combine them. This is a very fresh and modern solution that will be relevant for a long time.

Drawings on the wallpaper (video)

The decoration and overall design of the room largely depend on the wallpaper, so you need to be patient and carefully choose the future canvas for the walls. In fact, you need to take this seriously, because the wallpaper will serve for a very long time, and you don’t want them to stop pleasing their owners in a month.

Drawings on the wallpaper (photo)

The main criterion for choosing wallpaper with a pattern is the size of the image. It is noted that a large number of small details tire and bother very quickly, but canvases with bright and large images help to relax and give comfort. Today, at the height of fashion, there are wallpapers with a plain pattern, the outline of which barely shows through. Such wallpapers create a three-dimensional effect due to the play of light and various forms of contours.
For large rooms in the Art Nouveau or hi-tech style, canvases with abstract patterns are ideal. In addition, such wallpapers allow you to avoid the common problem that almost everyone who chooses wallpaper with a pattern faces - you will not have to follow the pattern when joining the canvases.

Another fashion trend of this season is wallpaper with geometric patterns. These are not only lines familiar to everyone, but also geometric shapes applied by embossing or 3D technology, due to which the canvases acquire additional volume and texture. Such materials are ideal for decorating rooms in a minimalist style. When gluing them, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of “broken” figures along the cuts of the canvases - in this case, it will be necessary to properly join the wallpaper. If the geometric shapes and patterns do not break at the edges, you can join the canvas as convenient.

To create comfort and warmth, wallpaper with images of flowers is most often used, when choosing which you need to remember 2 main points:

  • the closer the flowers are to each other, the smaller the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will seem;
  • small flowers are combined with any style and design of the room

Docking wallpaper also depends on the location of the picture. If the flowers on the canvases are large and arranged randomly, a clear docking in the pattern is not needed.

Such a different wallpaper with a pattern, but so beautiful!

The undeniable advantage of wallpaper with a pattern is the possibility of combining them with plain canvases. If you want to give your home an atmosphere of coziness and comfort, try combining canvases depicting flowers with striped wallpaper (the latter must be glued to the bottom of the wall).

  • A fashionable trend is to highlight one wall of the room with wallpaper with a pattern, and the rest of the walls are pasted over with plain canvases. In this case, you need to remember about the combination of colors and shades.
  • The combination of several variants of drawings also looks harmonious, however, while experimenting in this way, visualize the finished room and feel your attitude towards the result.
  • It would be useful to remember simple tricks, thanks to which the room can be made visually. bigger and warmer. So, for shaded rooms, light-colored wallpapers with warm pastel patterns are ideal, but for sunny rooms, you can choose cool-colored wallpapers with bright images.
  • If you chose wallpaper with a large pattern or pattern, designers do not recommend using wall decorations in such rooms: photo frames, paintings, etc.

How to calculate wallpaper with a pattern

The biggest difficulty faced by all those who started the repair - how to correctly calculate the required number of wallpaper with a pattern. The number of rolls depends on the need to adjust the pattern. If the pattern does not need to be customized, then it is enough to divide the perimeter of the room by the width of the selected wallpaper (the number of entire stripes). Next, the length of one roll of wallpaper must be divided by the height of the room, so we get the required number of canvases that we can cut from one roll. Divide the first indicator (the number of stripes) by the number of canvases from one roll, the resulting figure is the number of wallpaper rolls needed to cover the entire room.

When choosing wallpaper with pattern fitting, you need to remember about the stock. Experts recommend taking 1-2 rolls more (note that all wallpapers must be of the same batch, otherwise you may be in for an unpleasant surprise in the form of colors that differ by a tone or two).
When preparing wallpaper for gluing, make small stocks (10-15 cm each) - this will avoid gaps between the ceiling, floor and wall.

How to choose wallpaper with a pattern - photo in the interior

Now wallpaper with a pattern is back in fashion. Unlike monotonous, such wallpapers look more lively and atmospheric.

Thanks to a good combination with other elements of the design of the apartment, you can surprise guests with your taste and gain new impressions about the house.


Now the market offers a huge selection of wallpaper for walls with a pattern, the pattern of which can be divided into the following types:

Abstract. They are randomly placed spots, dots or stains. They are convenient because they are glued without the need to select a pattern. Also, abstraction is divided into flat and convex. Suitable for apartments in the style of minimalism or high-tech.

Geometric. As the name says, they consist of a systematic repetition of figures. Such patterns will require discreet colors in the room. The interior is desirable to choose from calm tones. Well suited to an apartment furnished in a modern style.

Striped. A series of stripes of different sizes. It is considered basic and goes well with geometric patterns. Ideal for an apartment with a classic style.

Vegetable. Flora is depicted on such wallpapers in different manifestations. It is desirable to have bright details in the design of the room.

Classic. Such a pattern requires selection, because. a single whole pattern is created. They will look organically with a strict interior.

Oriental. Drawings of such wallpapers are associated with oriental motifs. This also includes materials that depict quotes of great people or any other inscriptions in foreign languages. When using such wallpaper, it is important to observe the unobtrusiveness of interior elements.

Imitation. Repeat natural materials - stone, wood. You can also find imitation of leather or metal.

Using patterned wallpaper

If you need attention on the walls, you need to look at the wallpaper with large patterns. Otherwise, when you need to accentuate interior elements, choose a material with a small pattern.

You can visually enlarge the room with white wallpaper with a small pattern.

The entryway presents the first impression to the guests, which means that you can use sharp options here, for example, catchy patterns throughout the room.

In the bathroom, it is worth experimenting with incomplete wallpapering of the walls, filling the lower part with ceramics, and covering the remaining third with material.

The ceiling will look spectacular, covered with geometric wallpaper with a small pattern, framed by a frame.

Pattern fitting

The main thing in wallpapering with image fitting is not to rush. Calculate in advance how many rolls you will need in order to prevent a situation where a shortage is found during the gluing process. For a proper fit, use one of the following methods:

Selection by the previous part, i.e. the first roll is glued, and then, along it, others are leveled. Convenient, but there will be a big overrun of the wallpaper.

pre-fit. The necessary part is cut off, after the next strip coincides, it is cut off, etc.

The most difficult. Unfold the first roll and remove 30 cm, prepare a strip of the desired size. With the second roll, the same thing, just remove the excess from the bottom. The third roll is not shortened. Next, simply cut the desired strips from the roll.

The gluing process is as follows:

  • Clean the walls of dirt or old materials.
  • Level, if there are irregularities, the walls with plaster.
  • Prepare the glue following the instructions.
  • Cover the desired area with glue and place a strip of wallpaper on it.
  • Use a roller for leveling.

Professionals advise starting gluing from the window and further counterclockwise.

Here are the basic rules that will help in choosing wallpaper for walls with a pattern exclusively for the style of your apartment.

Wallpaper design photo with pattern

Canvases with large images are masterpieces for large spacious rooms or accent areas. After all, space is needed for the ornament to play and open up so that it can express itself. Coverings with a large image are the best solution for changing the spatial perception of a room, creating the required accents and decors, creating original backgrounds for other decorations. Most likely, such canvases will become the central element of the design and will be combined with more restrained materials. Of course, such a coating will dominate, but in order to avoid spatial "overload" it can be pasted over only one wall in the room - for example, highlight a fireplace area, a headboard or a dining table.

Black and white decoration in the living room

The range of large-pattern wallcoverings includes floral and geometric motifs, expressive patterns and sumptuous palace paintings, animal silhouettes or human portraits.

Designers recommend paying attention to the following interior ideas:

  • an ornament with a background in close color tones is an unobtrusive solution for a small area;
  • patterns with a vertical arrangement of figures or lines will help visually stretch the space;
  • wide stripes will look lively and at ease;
  • large flowers on all walls are appropriate only in a spacious room.