How to develop the Russian language. How and where to improve your Russian

Greetings, Dear friends! Pavel Yamb is in touch. Despite the fact that, according to statistics, Russia is one of the most literate countries in the world, since almost all of its citizens can read and write, I very often come across such words as “sympathetic”, “birthday” or “birthday”, etc. .

Do you agree that well-written articles are more pleasant to read than text teeming with errors? It seems that at school everyone had lessons in Russian literature and language, but the majority, it seems, either lost the acquired skills or did not listen to the teacher at all. So how do you refresh your memory? How to "raise" literacy for a great, powerful adult? After all, smart people achieve success faster!

Let's first take a sober look at the situation, at what level is our literacy. Not satisfied? Let's start enriching knowledge.

What and how to read?

One of the ways to become a Russian language guru, which we are constantly advised to do, is to read more. On the one hand, it’s right: when you read a lot, you remember more words and know how they are spelled. However, not all literature is equally useful. Most the best way for useful reading - this is a classic. A lot of interesting works were not included in the school curriculum, some we read in an abbreviated "demo" version, while others were forgotten, so pleasant emotions are guaranteed. For example, from textbooks, the only thing that I remember is The Master and Margarita.

There is such a technique as spelling reading. Its principle is that children are taught to read as it is written, and not as it is customary to say. Special attention give long and complex words that are pronounced syllable by syllable. In this case, auditory memory is connected to visual memory. This is how we quickly remember how words are spelled. Then, using the “like-dislike” method, you can intuitively determine how an unfamiliar word is spelled.

While reading, you will feel the style, see the compatibility of words, and vocabulary expand. What if not reading contributes to this?!

Desk book? Vocabulary!

Raising the level of literacy is not a matter of one day or even a few months. If you decide to thoroughly improve literacy, then your table book should become a dictionary of the Russian language. At the slightest uncertainty in the correct spelling, you must refer to it. Met an unfamiliar word? Also open the dictionary, learn the meaning and how to write. Another good way to improve your vocabulary.

Don't be afraid that voluminous volumes will fill the room. After all, electronic versions of all dictionaries are available on the Internet in free access. Here,

Modern people also have the opportunity to improve their literacy online with the help of special resources. For example, there is such a useful service -, with explanations, rules, reference materials. We go to the site, type a dubious word in a line, press Enter - and the correct answer is in front of our eyes. Conveniently! And this is not the only site of its kind.

Take a look at resources such as:

  • Total Dictation is a complete online school, everything is free;
  • "True Words"– mother tongue courses for children of primary and high school, linguistic games, online olympiads. The service is paid, but it is possible to try the free version;
  • "I can write"– Russian language lessons, paid, free courses, webinars, textbooks, tests;
  • "Education in Russian"– free interactive textbooks, online platforms for learning Russian as a foreign language;
  • "Write live"free course, which will help rid your texts of verbal garbage;
  • is an online magazine about the Russian language and literature.

We play and improve literacy

You can learn literacy easily and playfully. Do you like to solve crossword puzzles? Perfectly! So, learn new words and remember how they are spelled. Word puzzles, tests, anagrams, charades, rebuses also perfectly develop our intellectual abilities.

If a on your own if you can't get good results, take a literacy course. With the help of experts, things will go much faster. These courses are also available online.

There are also services-assistant to improve literacy, for example, Leave a request and study with a Russian language or literature tutor via Skype.

Compliance with the requirements of the Russian language is mandatory by default in any field. So, we remember or learn the rules. In the case when the work is checked before sending, why not ask him to report every violation of the language norms? Learned the rule - increased literacy. If you act like this all the time, you will be able to compete with the inspector.

But not everyone has a colleague proofreader. Then your salvation is textbooks. Don't be lazy, open them often, read the rules yourself!

Today - dictation

In my opinion, this is the best way to improve literacy in as soon as possible. Even assistants are not needed: there are enough interactive dictations for inserting missing punctuation marks and spellings on the net. The benefits are twofold: interesting and informative.


Write every day, so you will increase the level of literacy in the near future, develop the skill of recognizing mistakes at the level of intuition. Constantly, a lot, interesting! Not everyone can boast of innate literacy; you will have to work hard to get such a useful advantage. The more we write, the fewer mistakes we make. Proven in practice!

There is another way to increase the knowledge of the language as calligraphic writing. Calligraphic handwriting develops concentration, helps to fix the phrase in memory and even remember the rule! Write slowly - this method also works when typing on a computer. Think, not rush at full speed.

Interestingly, the original erroneous spelling sticks in memory. A persistent skill of writing with errors appears. To get rid of it, you have to write the word correctly at least a hundred times. After about a hundred repetitions at one time, I stopped writing “Hello” - I constantly skipped the letter “v” at the skill level.

You know, even without being super literate, you can make good money. The higher your knowledge of the language, the higher the earnings.


Are you familiar with the expression "a comma is asking here"? The logic of presentation, the rhythm of the sentence suggest that a punctuation mark is needed here. To feel this rhythm, listen to audiobooks, pay attention to the spoken phrases. So you will learn to determine in which places the “comma is asking for”.

Situations out of the ordinary

Unfortunately, or fortunately, the Russian language is actually very flexible. If a customer's keyword is found to be an error, don't rush to fix it. It is possible that this is a special requirement, that is, as it should be. The reason is simple. Search queries are typed with errors by most of the Internet users. When the number of misspelled requests increases noticeably, some webmasters use such words as keywords.

Some statistics

According to statistics, the Russian language consists of approximately 500,000 words. But in Everyday life we only use about 3000.

According to, a student's vocabulary is 2000 - 5000 words, an adult owns 5000 - 8000 thousand words, an adult who has received higher education has about 10,000 in reserve, and 50,000 are available to the erudite.

So, to summarize, how to quickly increase the level of literacy:

  1. Read a lot, especially classical literature.
  2. Look into the dictionary often, both in volumes and on the Internet.
  3. Let online resources like become your friends.
  4. Solve crosswords, charades, puzzles.
  5. If you cannot achieve results on your own, study with a tutor.
  6. Attend literacy courses.
  7. Write.
  8. Listen to audiobooks!

And for now you. Pavel Yamb was with you. Be literate, write comments on this article without errors :)

P.s. What words are you having trouble with?

And here's a cool tip for today's topic:

There is an opinion that spelling literacy is an innate trait. But in practice, it turns out that linguistic flair is characteristic of those who read a lot since childhood. Therefore, we can conclude that literacy is an acquired quality, it can be developed, and the easiest way to do this is from a young age. childhood. We will tell you how to improve the literacy of the Russian language in a child by grades 2-3.

In order to train the rules for writing words, the child uses three centers:
eyes - to see the written or printed word and visually memorize it;
ears - perceive the word by ear, pronounce it, listen to the sound;
hand - write down the word and fix it in memory.

If an environment has been created in the house in which the child constantly uses his native language and develops spelling vigilance, then the transition from children's cards signed in block letters “Mom, congratulations on the holidays!” before school dictations, written in "four" and "five", takes place in a gradual and relaxed manner. Several effective ways can help with this.


Doesn't exist too early age to start reading. Listening to poems and fairy tales, the baby perceives and copies the sounds of his native speech. Thanks to the alphabet with bright pictures, children develop visual associations with which letters certain words begin. Starting to read on their own, the child expands the vocabulary, sees the correct spelling of words many times and automatically remembers it, so sometimes in the future it will be enough to close your eyes and imagine the word printed on paper to make sure its spelling is correct. Therefore, the book should still be one of the best gifts for children.

Solving crosswords

Start with crossword puzzles in children's magazines, where pictures with numbers are drawn instead of word tasks. Nothing if at first the child will incorrectly enter unstressed vowels into the cells. Give him a “write-erase” pen and tell him how the right word is actually written.

Oral word games

On the road, in line, if necessary, waiting for a word game - interesting way pass the time, as well as an exciting speech training. Examples of such games are:

words (similar to the game of "cities");
name a word that begins with the syllable "pa", "lo", "tu" and so on;
make up a sentence from words that begin with the same letter, for example, "The fox catches the frog" or "The ball interferes with the sailor."

A lot of communication

Parental speech for children is the main set of rules mother tongue, therefore, it depends on the adults in the family how the child will emphasize the words “ringing” or “cakes”. If you notice that he makes the same speech error, carefully correct it in the response sentence.

- Mom, where do they put the forks?
- Forks are placed in the top drawer of the table.

If you use words correctly and communicate a lot in the family on various topics, then even the inevitable speech errors from others will not be passed on to your children.

Word games on paper

Snake - write down as long a chain of words as possible, where each subsequent word begins with the last letter of the previous one;
gallows or "Field of Miracles";
confusion - make words from mixed cards with letters;
making many small words out of one big one.

Entertainment using letters

Involve words and letters in joint games with children.

Draw small comics on a topic that this moment children are passionate (insects, Lego, fairies): homemade comics are often an incentive for independent reading;
invite the child to come up with and write a picture book and a little story together;
make collages with cutting out words from newspaper and magazine headlines;
make bracelets from wooden or plastic beads with letters;
make a home decoration with a word that describes your family - letters can be written, for example, on beautiful sea stones.

Posters on the wall

In a house where there are children, a poster with the alphabet often hangs on the wall so that the kids pay attention to it and learn the letters. In the same way, it is possible to ensure the visibility of the spelling of other words and terms. Bookstores offer a variety of posters on various topics: flowers and animals, transportation, sports, geometric shapes etc. Correlating the visual image with the spelling of the word, the child from childhood remembers how it is spelled.


The world-famous board game "Scrabble", as well as its Russian version - "Erudite", develop linguistic logic. Among other famous board games to compose words - "Boggle" and "Tick Tock Boom."

Mnemonic memorization of rules

Children do not like to learn the rules, but they are always interested in playing and joking. Mnemonics offers to facilitate the memorization of rules with the help of rhyme, associations, creation of visual and sound images. Notable mnemonic examples:

Not wonderful, not beautiful, but terrible and dangerous to write the letter t in vain;
Already married unbearable;
I put on clothes, I put on Nadezhda;
That, something, either, something - do not forget the hyphen.

Tell the children about these and other examples so that remembering some of the rules and exceptions does not seem boring and difficult for them.


A spelling dictionary is a necessary book in the home of every schoolchild. But in addition to referring to professional dictionaries, it is useful to have a personal dictionary for words that cause difficulties. By typing 7-10 of these words, children can:

Write little dictations with them;

Make a crossword puzzle out of them;
write especially hard word all the colors of the rainbow;
play "find the mistake" or "fill in the missing letter".

Cheating exercises, as well as morphological and phonetic analysis will be offered to children at school in in large numbers in native language classes. And at home, on the parental side, it is desirable to maintain a favorable atmosphere where reading, talking about literature and Mind games with words - a natural and beloved part of life.

”, designed to remind us of the existence of spelling and punctuation. On this occasion, in the new issue of the educational column “New Knowledge”, we, together with experts, are figuring out whether there is innate literacy and how to develop it if you are still unlucky from birth.

What is literacy? In my opinion, this story is not only about -tsya / -tsya
and no commas. This is the expressiveness of speech: appropriate style, understandable vocabulary, the ability to see the second (metaphorical) meaning of the text, work with the word as a tool, convey emotion and attitude. Literacy is a sign of education and a marker that determines the professional and social activities of a person.

But the degree of "innateness" directly depends on the love of literature and reading skills. To become literate, it is enough to be well-read: a lot, and most importantly, systematically read, expand vocabulary. Then together
with interest in the content, visual memory also works.

No one will become literate because he knows all the rules and does not read anything but textbooks. Even sophisticated training methods will not help here.
People write an “application” for a job not because “an unstressed vowel is in the root, we are looking for test words”, but because they have seen this word hundreds of times on forms and have written it more than once. The cause of the problem is the unnatural system of literacy education. It is heavy and boring for children and causes them only rejection.

Of course, the rules are also needed in order to understand the logic of spelling, but the very method of mastering them should be fundamentally different. For this, including mnemonic rhymes. How to remember the correct stress in the declension of the word "contracts"? They came up with a verse: "We are not crooks, not thieves, we signed contracts." For an adult, this is more than enough.

Since we most often work with the corporate sector, I see a big problem not in spelling with punctuation, but in the inability to formulate thoughts, to determine appropriate style communication, write in a living, human language, while remaining within the framework ethical standards specific environment. Common Mistakes a lot, and they concern not only spelling and punctuation, but also the style, the meaning of the words used and even the inappropriate use of capslock: “Good day”, “With the hope of understanding
and quick response”, “contracts”, “quarters”, “push”, “fuck” and so on.

Everywhere people consider oral and written speech without errors a sign of education. At the same time, everything in varying degrees tolerant. Some people believe that the main thing is to convey the idea, then you can forgive other mistakes. Others are sure that excessive emotionality, long letters and careless design are a clear sign of either disrespect or ignorance.

What to read

Marina Koroleva

"Pure Russian"

Almost a real textbook, only written in plain language. Journalist and philologist Marina Koroleva analyzes the words and expressions in which we most often make mistakes. She accompanies the rules with amusing stories from life, so that they can be remembered faster and easier.

Nora Gal

"Word alive and dead"

A book that has made a significant contribution to the struggle for the purity of the Russian language. Translator and editor Nora Gal breaks down the writing and speech mistakes we make without even thinking about it. Suitable for those who think they are right.

What to read and watch online

Preparing for the dictation

You can quickly fill in the gaps in knowledge on the Total Dictation website. For six video lessons, it is proposed to remember the rules of punctuation when homogeneous members and introductory words; rules for writing roots and prefixes, “not” particles with adjectives, as well as other points that participants most often stumble over. To consolidate the material after each lesson, there are several short tasks.

"10 myths about the Russian language"

A series of materials "Vocabulary"

Monthly columns of the popularizer of the Russian language Ksenia Turkova, in which she analyzes important phenomena and popular memes from the point of view of lexicology. For example, in latest releases you can learn how the word "kipezh" is spelled, as well as about the appearance of "kadyringa" and the phenomenon of the word "Charly".

Lecture by Irina Levontina
"Norm and Selectivity"

Another opportunity to improve your Russian is available lectures by experts on the intricacies of the language. At this meeting, linguist Irina Levontina talks about how differently people perceive words, how language norms change, and why the words “pickle”, “eat” or many diminutive forms are so annoying.

Where to study in Moscow


"Sustainable Literacy"

A complete course of 12 lessons that will help students improve their spelling and punctuation skills. The program includes two levels of difficulty depending on the results of the entrance test. Participants study according to textbooks and workbooks specially developed for the program, and take classes two or three times a week -
in general, everything is serious.

educational center "Intensiv"


24 000 rubles


"Russian without mistakes"

Education in the "Specialist" is mostly devoted to problematic issues in Russian grammar: the use of punctuation marks, the continuous and separate spelling of words, the construction of phrases and sentences, errors in management and gender of nouns. Listeners are promised to be taught not only literate writing but also in spoken language.

computer training center "Specialist"


3 900 rubles


"Ambulance in Russian"

For those who did not like Russian at school and are still not sure about the correct spelling -ts and -tsya, there is an intensive course at the Capable People school. In six hours, they promise to refresh your knowledge and walk along the most difficult cases Russian grammar.

Capable People School

5 000 rubles for one session


"Russian literacy"

Another solid program for those who have decided to take their literacy seriously. In two months, they promise to tell almost the entire school curriculum on spelling and punctuation, while simultaneously developing the students' linguistic flair.

network of schools foreign languages Alibra

1 600 rubles for one lesson

Between us speaking, any exercises that are done systematically will lead to results. To learn to write well b, you can buy a book to prepare for exams (there are a lot of them now) and methodically complete all the tasks from it. The old tried and true method. The result is guaranteed. The only question is that the books do not come with a harsh taskmaster who will force you to strain your brain and do difficult tasks every day. If this is about you, then take advantage of our tips.

We recommend that you do three simple, but very effective exercises which will take you only 10 minutes. But learning Russian in this way is a must every day. The exercises are so simple that even the laziest person can do them all the time. To learn to write correctly in Russian, it is not necessary to cram the rules, you can memorize the words themselves.

1. Write down in a notebook 8 - 12 phrases from the collection for cheating. Two files with specially selected phrases posted in our VKontakte group. Get started with this collection. Then you can write off phrases from collections of vocabulary dictations. This task will take you 2-3 minutes. Motor memory will help you remember how compound words are spelled. Some rules you grasp intuitively.

2. Take a fresh newspaper and work through one page. Your task is to highlight with a marker all the words in which you could make a mistake. Pay special attention to neologisms. If you come across unfamiliar words, google them and be sure to pay attention to the spelling. So you train your brain to pay attention to the spelling of words in the texts that you have to read. If you don't have big problems with reading technique, this task will take about three minutes.

3. From the same newspaper or any collection of dictations, and best of all, of course, from a collection of texts for spelling reading, read something for five minutes. It is necessary to read spelling, clearly pronouncing the syllables, aloud. So you train your brain to read by memorizing spelling. When this process is automated, in the future you will involuntarily perceive all the words that you meet, along with their spelling. Read more. To understand at what pace to read texts,.

Did you know that literacy is "a means of expanding personal freedoms and opportunities, as well as a tool for developing human potential"? It is with this definition that the RIA Novosti literacy test precedes.

The definition is still something, but you can hardly argue with it. An illiterate copywriter is in principle possible, although extremely rare.

However, literacy superheroes are also rare among copywriters. Rather, we can talk about authors who are more or less indifferent to literacy issues.

But not only copywriters should be literate. Despite the fact that videos, pictures, infographics are becoming more and more popular, active Internet users write something every day. And, of course, it will be better if what comes out from under your keyboard is understandable to everyone you are addressing.

Fortunately, there are very simple ways literacy. Choose from this magnificent seven the methods that suit you.

Method number 0. Write dictations, take courses

With the help of dictations, not only check the level of literacy, but also improve it. However, this method, like taking courses or classes with a tutor, for the most part causes rejection. Many will say: "We studied and studied at school, and now we also write dictations after school." Therefore, we believe that this method is zero and only professionals use it.

For example, the copywriters of our Bureau have already written the dictation, and repeated and consolidated the most difficult rules at the Intensive Russian Language Workshop, which took place in the summer.

Method number 1. Read books and look in dictionaries

Psychologists have long studied the relationship between reading and writing. One of their conclusions speaks in favor of the fact that reading is a must.

To write correctly, it is not enough to know the rules. It is necessary to constantly accumulate "images of words with traditional spellings." And this can only be done while reading.

Method #2: Write and Edit

One more hard rule literacy - learn the rules in the semantic context of speech. That is, it is better not to know the rules and write than to know all the rules by heart, but not to write.

What you write needs to be edited. But it is not necessary to edit only your texts. Searching for errors in "foreign" texts, in books and magazines increases spelling vigilance.

Method number 3. Spelling reading

Perhaps someone got sick of spelling while still at school. We were taught to speak aloud and to ourselves every word we read, to dictate to ourselves when you write.

If ordinary reading, in which we can not pronounce every word, helps to accumulate images of words through visual memory, then spelling reading also uses speech-motor memory for the same purpose: to save word images that correspond to the spelling norm.

Method number 4. Copy and rewrite

Regular copying also helps in improving the literacy of the letter. However, in order for this lesson to be meaningful, it is better to take notes.

Writing off gives greater efficiency if you arm yourself with a ballpoint pen and a notebook. But you can also transfer this lesson to a computer, especially when mastering the touch typing method.

If you wish, you can use the following algorithm:

1. Read the sentence.

2. Repeat it from memory.

3. Determine which spellings are found in the sentence.

4. Read it spelling and repeat from memory, pronouncing all the sounds.

5. Close the text and write down the sentence.

6. Test yourself on the text.

Method number 5. Maintain a style sheet

This method is offered by the American writer Jen Yager in her book "Writers are not born. How to write successful texts - from business letters to books and articles.

The style sheet helps improve the quality of writing. Its essence is quite simple. The page is divided into two columns. In the left column we write out all the words in which we often make mistakes. Everything related to grammar and the use of words falls into the right column.

Method number 6. Play word games and draw

To remember the spelling of a particular word / rule in which you constantly make a mistake, you can draw a word or rule. How you do it - depends only on your imagination.

To improve literacy, it is also useful to solve charades and puzzles, crosswords and anagrams.

There are a lot of word games. And for sure everyone played in them as a child.

Method number 7. Buy a textbook and do all the exercises

Another way that is reminiscent of school years and can cause dislike. But we couldn't help mentioning it. Because this method is one of the most effective.

It's one thing when you have to open a textbook and do some assignments almost every day. It is quite another thing when you perform the same exercises on your own initiative.

Some of them simply took Rosenthal's textbook and went through all the exercises from cover to cover.