How to properly install pvc blinds. Mounting blinds on windows: instructions with and without drilling. How to install horizontal blinds

After installing metal-plastic windows, you don’t want to spoil them by drilling holes for the headset. And it's not just about maintaining the integrity of the structure. Blinds for plastic windows without drilling it makes sense to put it because if you want to change the design, then new fasteners will be needed, and the window will be broken.

In addition to the aesthetic reason, there are other, more practical ones:

  1. The tightness is maintained. In winter, you do not have to seal the holes with putty.
  2. In case of marriage, the manufacturer replaces the window, but if it is broken, then this will not be possible.
  3. In the absence of professional tools install blinds on windows possible without them. The choice of devices on the market is large - both for heavy models and for light ones.
  4. Living in a rented apartment does not allow you to equip your home at your own discretion.

Vertical or placed in order to protect the room from prying eyes, excessively bright sunlight, reduce heating in the summer.

With the help of conventional fasteners, you can hang:

  • roll any models;
  • horizontal - plastic or aluminum;
  • accordion curtains - pleated.

It is quite possible to choose fasteners that can withstand the weight of the structure. You just need to consider all available options.

Types of fasteners without drilling

It should be noted that fixings without drilling less reliable than those fixed with self-tapping screws. If you cannot make holes in the frame, then you will have to adapt and look for reliable options from the available ones.

Weight plays a role blinds. When the purpose of the installation is to reduce the amount of light, and not just decorative, then it is better to choose a lighter model. People living in the apartment temporarily do not care what color the product is on the windows - as long as it does not shine in the eyes in the morning.

Blind mount, which does not need to be drilled, can be picked up at any building supermarket, because there are most of these types on sale. They are invisible, easy to install, but each type has nuances that you need to know.

Double sided tape

You can use tape attach blinds lightweight construction. To keep them longer, before gluing you need:

  • degrease surfaces with alcohol;
  • make sure that the frame is warm (in winter it is better to use a hair dryer during installation).

Important! The disadvantage of adhesive tape is that it will not withstand bulky products.

For three years it has been holding light models with plastic lamellae. If everything is done correctly, then the curtains will be replaced due to old age, and not because they fell and wrinkled.

You will have to carefully clean the plates, do not pull them by the bottom. For cleaning, use a weak vacuum cleaner mode or special brushes with a long soft bristle to remove dust on the windowsill, and from there with a rag.

When landing on double-sided tape, the lower part of the blinds touches objects on the windowsill - for example, flowers. If there is an animal in the apartment, it can catch on the hanging part and the blinds will fall. Cats love to sit on the windowsill, so the bottom of the product will also have to be strengthened.

Are there any marks left after removing the tape? Remain, but they can be removed with a cloth soaked in vegetable oil. If it doesn’t help, then there is a special solution designed to clean parts from rust, called WD-40. You can buy it in a car shop - craftsmen use it when disassembling machine components. He will cope with the marks on the plastic.

double sided tape prices

double sided tape

Double sided tape magnets

Neodymium magnets are used. They are 10 times more powerful than usual, therefore withstand any model of curtains. They are used for the upper and lower cornices.

If you install fasteners only on the reclining part of the window, then the lower one sags when opened, which is not very convenient when there are some objects on the windowsill.

The best option is to put the upper part on the cornices, and the lower part on magnets and adhesive tape. In this case, the lower part will last longer, as it will not sag and interfere with cleaning.


Brackets will pick up metal and plastic, depending on the severity of the blinds. This part is an L-shaped hook. The part is put on the upper part of the window in the open position. Holders are inserted into special grooves and blinds are hung on them. Fastening horizontal blinds to plastic windows with the help of plastic brackets it is possible with a small weight of the product. For larger models, metal parts are needed.

Advice! The price of metal brackets is higher, but they are more reliable.

If the fastener loosens over time, it can be tightened. Metal fasteners are visible on the white plastic window because they differ in color. But they are used constantly, changing only the blinds. For permanent use, it is recommended to sacrifice design for durability.

Blinds can fall off, fall and lose their attractive appearance. It is absolutely impossible to wash them. You will have to change, and this is an extra cost.

Often used universal bracket for PVC windows without drilling. The advantage of this part is that it can be screwed to the walls or ceiling without damaging the window plastic.

The wall is easier to repair, if necessary, covered with plaster and painted over. The part has 4 holes, two of which are used for the wall, two for the ceiling. If you don’t want to risk curtains and you can’t drill a window, then there is only one way out - a universal bracket.

Blind bracket prices

brackets for blinds

Instructions for installing blinds on windows

Fastening without drilling It is applied both on the reclining shutters of plastic windows, and on deaf ones. For flaps, a bracket is used, for deaf ones - double-sided tape. Every stage of work is important - from the assembly of the blinds themselves to the final installation of the magnets below.

How to attach blinds with tape

The algorithm of actions is as follows, if the sash is deaf:

  1. First install the adhesive tape correctly. Prepare the surface with acetone or alcohol, warm it up.
  2. Assemble the bracket. Detailed assembly instructions are usually included with the kit.
  3. They make markings in width so as not to peel it off the Velcro again, as this reduces the quality of the docking. Consequently, such a structure will hold on to half as much.
  4. Glue the brackets according to the markup and insert the top bar of the blinds.

The lower part may remain loose.

How to hang blinds on plastic brackets

You will need at least two plastic brackets to mount the curtains. Installing blinds on windows using plastic brackets is as follows:

  • marking is done with a tape measure in the place where the hooks will stand;
  • blinds are assembled according to the scheme in the instructions;
  • the brackets must not only be attached to the frame, but also fixed on adhesive tape; for this, the surfaces are wiped with an alcohol-containing liquid and dried;
  • then small pieces of adhesive tape are cut out, a protective coating is removed on one side;
  • the plastic bracket is connected to the holder;
  • a preliminary fitting is made where exactly the bracket will stand, the position of the curtain is determined;
  • the place is marked with a pencil;
  • the film is removed from the bracket and it is put on the window sash;
  • you need to press hard so that the tape sticks thoroughly;
  • snap the clamp to the extreme position;
  • the second side is mounted in a similar way;
  • after fixing on both sides, a chain mechanism is hung up and a roller with blinds is put on.

Fixing horizontal blinds

Horizontal blinds on plastic
windows can be made of any material - natural or synthetic. Can be customized for any design. The weight of the structures is different.

How to attach heavy model without drilling? One option is not to fasten without drilling, because it is unreliable, and the product can be damaged. Lightweight plastic or aluminum can be installed by already known methods - glued on adhesive tape or hung on a bracket.

Mounting roller blinds

Roller blinds most suitable for fastening without damage to the window. They are made of dense fabrics, so they are suitable for fastenings by weight. There is no doubt about the quality of roller blinds - they do not let in light, although you can choose transparent and translucent options. Another advantage is the presence of various impregnations - antistatic, antibacterial. To prevent the roller blinds from being deformed, clamps are provided along the edges.- guides. The edge of the fabric is inside, which creates a neat appearance of the product.

Important! Roll products for plastic windows have different colors, they can be combined with any interior, so as not to stand out, but create comfort in the room.

Roll copies can be mounted on brackets in the grooves, while additionally fixing the fastener detail on adhesive tape. How are they attached blinds - described above.

Useful video: installation of blinds without screws

Plastic windows can be successfully decorated with curtains without damaging the window frame by drilling. It is not difficult to choose a model that is suitable in terms of weight to the fasteners and is outwardly attractive. The choice of window blinds is huge, both in quality and in colors.

A few years ago, curtains began to be replaced everywhere with blinds. Now they can be found in offices and living spaces, in trading floors and on the windows of cafes and restaurants.

Features of installing blinds

In order for the blinds to serve for a long time, one must be extremely careful when installing them. Only a balanced, competent approach will ensure the normal functioning of this rather complex structure. But if you understand all the nuances, then you can install the blinds in place very quickly.

Useful information:

The main thing is not to forget about the features of each design and take everything into account in the assembly. The installation process is influenced by the walls, namely how smooth they are. Any deviation from the correct level both horizontally and vertically will lead to significant complications during operation. Therefore, if in your case there are obvious curvature of the walls, it is better to invite a specialist with experience in solving such issues.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to install the blinds on your own, you need to study the available information, delve into all the details, be patient.

The main ways to install blinds

The choice of installation method should be guided by your preferences. Which method is right for you, you can decide, focusing on the design of the window. In principle, blinds are installed on any windows, including dormer windows, just the mounting method will have its own characteristics. The sequence of actions in any case will be similar. Installation methods differ from each other only in some small details.

Sequence of actions when installing blinds

Locking is the first step

First you need to correctly measure the window opening. Each type of installation has its own nuances that must be observed when measuring. This must be done in order to navigate the dimensions of the blinds and determine the appropriate design.

Advice! 2 cm are subtracted from the resulting dimensions of the window opening if it is decided to mount the blinds directly into the window opening. This technique allows you to accurately determine the required size, therefore, in the future you will not have to deal with the problem of too long blinds that rest against the window sill and bend ugly.

If you decide to mount the blinds with an overlap, you need to add 5 cm on each side in width so that the window is completely closed. The length will depend on your preferences or the advice of the designer. It can only be a little lower than the windowsill, or it can reach the floor. If it is planned to mount the blinds on each window sash separately, then these parts of the window must be measured without taking into account the fittings. When measuring, you must try to be punctual. Only the correct measurement and ideal geometric proportions will give an impeccable appearance and uninterrupted functioning of the blinds in the future. If, during the measurement, the curvature of the window is revealed, the parameters should be tried to fit the correct figure.

Markup - step two

Before installation, mark the fasteners. Since the design of any blinds is geometrically verified, the markup must be accurate to the millimeter, symmetry is also of great importance. During the markup, you need to check how the light protection devices that you have prepared will work. Will it be possible to freely open and close the window after installing them. Having determined where the regulating cord will be, it is necessary to mark this place and make an additional fastening in this area. It is necessary because there will be more pressure on this area.

Installation - step three

Guided by the markings, it is necessary to attach all the available parts with the help of dowels, screws. They are screwed into the wall or into the ceiling. A cornice is hung on these screws. It is used to fix runners and lamellas, which are simply threaded into the prepared cornice. After completion of work, the functionality of the light protection device is checked.

Features of installing blinds on plastic windows

Quite often it is necessary to mount blinds on plastic windows. And it's not very easy. In this case, both the blinds themselves and the window can be rendered unusable quite quickly. To avoid unpleasant consequences, all manipulations must be carried out with the utmost care.

The main subtleties that must be considered when working with different types of blinds

Vertical blinds

The vertical version is the most popular. It is used in offices, public institutions and in the usual home environment. Color variations are endless, and the ability to combine colors and shapes gives scope for the most daring design ideas. To install vertical blinds, you need to prepare all the necessary elements:

  • cornice;
  • lamellas;
  • runners;
  • chain.

If the window has an unusual format, a chain of the appropriate length should be provided so that it looks appropriate and does not limit the functionality of the entire device. Vertical blinds can be mounted to the wall or ceiling. If you decide to mount the device on a wall, you can choose the area just above a window or right next to the ceiling. If you attach the cornice to the ceiling, then you need to choose a zone close to the wall surface at a distance slightly exceeding the width of the lamella.

When the blinds of the right size, color and quality are purchased, they mark up the fastening elements and mount them. When the brackets are installed, the cornice is attached to them. Runners are put on the eaves, lamellas are hung on them. When hanging the slats, you must follow the order in which they were in the package.

In the end, you should take care of the weights. This type of blinds cannot function without them. These weights are suspended at the bottom of the device on chains on both sides (inside and outside). All .

Horizontal blinds

This type of blinds has not lost its relevance for many years. Plastic devices are used everywhere, because they are so easy to match in color and size.

Their design features sometimes cause difficulties for beginners, and they cannot become this kind of window decoration.

Horizontal blinds are most often installed on the wall, sometimes they are attached directly to the window. They are mounted to the wall if it is necessary to complete the window opening. Fastening to the window implies mounting to the sashes, this option does not limit the functionality of the window itself. It can be easily opened and closed without any obstruction.

Self-installation of horizontal blinds includes the same steps as in the case of a vertical variety:

  • froze;
  • markup;
  • fastening the eaves;
  • blinds installation.

Before you drill a hole, you need to make sure that your markup is correct. For this, the fasteners are inserted into the eaves, pulled by the cord. To open the blinds all the way. Next, they bring them to the intended attachment point and visually assess whether the markings are applied correctly, whether the blinds will open evenly if they are mounted as planned. If there are distortions, it is necessary to apply more correct marks with a pencil. Then the brackets are removed from the cornice, brought to the marks and precisely put dots in the places where the self-tapping screw will be screwed.

Advice! It is better to drill holes first, and then bring the part to this place and attach it. This method guarantees the preservation of the integrity of the plastic. After all, screwing a self-tapping screw through a fastener often ends in the appearance of cracks.

When the holes are ready, brackets are screwed to them and a cornice is hung. It is inserted into the mounts, and then they are closed. Next, perform the following actions:

  • installation of a hook in the control mechanism;
  • installation of a cane in a hook;
  • the tip is attached to a cane;
  • installation of a bell, fastening with a knot;
  • blinds are lowered by a cord;
  • installation of the lower fixation with a self-tapping screw.

In general, blinds are easy to install. However, you must comply with all requirements, be careful and accurate. You can not ignore the instructions that are included with the purchased blinds.

Installation of blinds without drilling

Some types of modern brackets can be mounted on the frame without drilling. It is very comfortable. Similar systems of blinds fasten on brackets by usual snapping. In this case, they are not only easy to attach, but also easy to remove to wash the window or tidy up the lamellas themselves. To attach brackets without drilling, you need to purchase a special variety of these fasteners. L-shaped brackets are needed, they can be easily hooked onto the top of the window sash. They can also be easily removed if necessary. But such a bracket cannot be fixed on a blind sash, this is possible only with opening sashes.

Today, blinds have gained particular popularity, although they appeared on the market not so long ago. Some time ago, they could only be seen in shops, public institutions and office buildings. But over time, they began to be installed in apartments and country houses.

For plastic windows, sizes can vary both in length and in height. For this reason, it is important to determine the dimensions of the purchased blinds in advance. First of all, measure the window very accurately. Remember that the length and width must be large enough to noticeably part of the double-glazed window.

If you are planning an independent installation, and are afraid of errors in the calculations, consult with the store seller. It will help you do all the calculations. If the window is double-leaf, the lifting mechanism should be on both sides - on the right and left.

Blind window measurements

Marking the future installation site

First you need to unpack the blinds and carefully study the information provided on the package. After that, according to the instructions, it is necessary to accurately mark the location of the fasteners in order to securely hold the blinds container. Marking can be done with a pencil, tape measure and building level. Pay special attention to this process so that it does not skew. It is important to provide for the possibility of adjusting the container so that the slats do not go beyond the window.

Installation Features

Proper installation of blinds on plastic windows, the video instruction of the process of which is presented in the article, allows you to do the work correctly and efficiently. Installation will require special precision and accuracy from you. There are three main mounting options:

  • in the overlay;
  • into the window opening;
  • for each sash separately.

How are blinds attached? Attachment is carried out closely to create a harmonious solution. A plastic window can be drilled with a thin drill according to the marks made in advance. After that, the brackets are attached using self-tapping screws. Staples are installed with latches up. Then insert the container with blinds and close the latches. Check the accuracy and security of the fit.

After that, install the lower holders. To do the job correctly, release the shade and mark its position. It should not dangle, but remain taut. After that, holes are drilled in the same way. Then, with the help of screws, the holders are screwed. This allows you to securely fix the canvas with the slats. Make sure that when airing they do not lag behind the window.

The canvas must be pulled out of the holders located below. Then lift the curtain up. Thanks to the control cord, the curtain opens and closes. The container can be easily removed and installed back. They are successfully held on the window surface with a bracket. If you do not know how to remove the blinds from the window, the video presented in our article will come in handy for you.

Features of the choice of blinds

The specific choice is determined by the style of interior design. There are several basic designs:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • cassette;
  • and others.

The most purchased are still plastic blinds. They are easy to clean, last a long time and do not harm the health of people and pets. For this reason, they are often used for installation in apartments and country houses. Another interesting option is blinds with wooden slats. If the window is in a constant draft or is angular, the blinds are fixed at the bottom. Roller blinds in strong winds will dangle from side to side. They can sag, hit the profile and lose their original appearance.

Original window blinds

Mounting options

How to attach blinds directly to a window? Once you have chosen the right type of construction, you can order blinds from a reliable window manufacturer. The best option would be to contact the company where you bought the windows. To order, you will need the exact dimensions of the window and the dimensions of the future blinds that will be installed on top of the window opening. The production of blinds is fast, and the technology is as well developed as the production of the windows themselves. In addition, they differ in a fairly simple design.

Do-it-yourself cassette blinds for windows

Usually there are instructions in the package. It describes in detail the process of installing blinds. The process itself is easy. For this reason, you can do the work yourself. If you have the necessary tools and experience with a screwdriver, you can proceed with the installation without the help of a specialist. The following tools are required for work:

  • screwdriver;
  • ruler;
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil.

Let us consider in more detail the option of installing horizontal blinds separately for each sash or section. This process is somewhat complex, but the work is carried out in a similar way.

Wooden horizontal blinds for windows

Manufacturers put everything that is required for installation in the box. The main part is reeled not only by the fishing line, but also by the control chain. You will find additional elements and screws in the packages. How to hang blinds? Unwind the blinds carefully and remove the trim from the eaves. There are several options for attaching blinds to the sash, among which are the following:

  • screw installation,
  • bracket mounting,
  • drilling holes in the wall surface.

When installing on screws, holes must be made directly in the profile. This option is one of the most durable and reliable mounting options. The tightness of the profile will not be affected. But this option is not suitable for everyone, because it may be necessary to remove the blinds. As a result, holes will remain, which will become a large external disadvantage. To avoid this, use the installation on the brackets. They do not require the creation of additional holes.

Installation with plastic drilling

When using the drilling method, you will need screws. To do this, you will have to make accurate markings on the windows. It is important to outline the future position for the top bar. It will be attached directly to the surface of the window. The most simple and popular design is considered to be located in the upper part of the double-glazed window. She enters the window frame with grooves. Due to the strict binding to the top of the sash, it becomes possible to independently install the blinds, even if your calculations are not very accurate.

Installation of blinds on self-tapping screws

In the case of plastic windows, you can generally do without. Most roller shutters are equipped with screws for reliability. They are installed directly in the profile. The carrier is applied to the window directly under the top of the frame on the sash.

Please note that the mounting plate and the window may have different plane depths. Because of this, the mounting plates may not fit snugly against the window.

Use U-shaped spacers to secure the plates and eliminate possible play. One or more pads may be needed. They must close the gap completely. The position of the carrier is marked along the bottom edges of the plates. Then you can focus on them. As a result, you will be able to carry out a smooth installation of blinds.

Blinds on windows are also installed with screws directly into the profile. For this, a screwdriver is used. Screws easily go into plastic and hold well in it. It is necessary to pre-make the markup. Holes about 1.5 mm in size are drilled through it. This eliminates the possibility of screw displacement and eliminates the appearance of cracks in the profile. As for the last option, it's almost impossible on new windows. But this possibility exists with old plastic or wooden windows.

When the last screw is screwed in, you need to attach the fishing line. It allows you to securely hold the blinds on the sash if it is opened. To do this, holes are made on the sides of the lower glazing bead of the sash. They must be exactly in line with the exits of the fishing line to the supporting structural elements.

Installing horizontal blinds

You will need a 2.5mm drill bit. The fishing line must be threaded into special plugs that are included in the kit. Then a knot is tied on the fishing line. You just have to pass it through the holes of the plug and pull it on top. Make sure it doesn't sag or stretch too much.

You just have to put on the trim and check the result of the work done. In the right places, install the fasteners used for the control chain and flexible lever.

Installation without drilling

If you don't know how to fix blinds without drilling windows, brackets will do. They are attached directly to the surface of the frame. Carrier blinds will snap or screw directly onto them. Such a system is interesting in that you can easily remove the blinds not only for cleaning, but also completely remove them from the window opening. There will be no extra holes on the visible part of the window and the tightness of the windows will not be disturbed.

Do-it-yourself installation of blinds on windows

Brackets are attached with screws, but other options can be used:

  • mounting on double-sided tape;
  • hook on the upper part of the profile when installed on opening sashes.

The latter option allows you to make a removable structure, when even brackets can be removed from the window. You do not need to carry out additional work using a screwdriver and making holes. When using double tape, fastening is carried out in the same way as with screws. But instead of screwing, they use gluing on adhesive tape. To hold the fishing line, instead of holes, fasteners are used, which are installed on adhesive tape at the bottom of the frame.

Wall mounting features

A large number of different fasteners are sold on the modern market. But the most relevant is the installation using a drill. How this mounting option is carried out can be seen in the video. The masters from the videos do not spend much time and use a hammer. But it's better not to be lazy and make a couple of holes. This will increase the service life of the entire blinds structure.

Features of installation on wooden windows

Are you wondering how to fix blinds on wooden windows? This is the most difficult installation option. Blinds are fixed on each section of the window. The roller shutters themselves are installed in a similar way. All necessary parts are included with the purchased kit. They need to be taken out and unpacked. Remove the platbands from the eaves. Install the blinds to the window using screws and brackets.

If you use screws, the tightness of the window will remain. This is the most durable and reliable option. But if the blinds are removed from the installation site, visible holes will remain. The second option is not the most reliable. Brackets are attached to the frame itself without the use of holes. Therefore, when removing the blinds, there will be no defects on its surface.

Do-it-yourself cassette blinds for windows Measurements of windows for blinds Wooden horizontal blinds for windows Horizontal blinds for windows Original design of blinds for windows Cassette blinds for windows

Even 10-20 years ago there was no choice of window coverings - only massive curtains and curtains were hung on the windows. Progress does not stand still, and in recent years, new types of window curtains have appeared. The most popular now are blinds. In apartments, you can often see a combination of blinds + Roman blinds and blinds + curtain. This method of curtaining protects housing from the sun, street noise and is able to decorate the window. Increasingly, instead of heavy curtains and curtains, compact roller blinds and blinds are used in everyday life. They are much better suited to metal-plastic window frames. They are used in both offices and residential areas.

Types of blinds

Designers bring to life a variety of solutions that have no analogues. There are the following types of blinds:

  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • fabric.

Installing blinds on a plastic window is a job that requires preparation. The installation process will depend on the type and shape of this product. Note that blinds are classified according to their shape:

  1. Horizontal.
  2. Vertical.
  3. Roll.

Horizontal are most suitable for living quarters. They do not take up space under the windows, they can be mounted both inside and outside the sash. Can be combined with curtains of different sizes and styles.

Vertical blinds look best in office spaces. Their feature is that they can be mounted directly to the ceiling. They can visually increase the space, suitable for rooms with low ceilings.

Roller blinds have an extensive palette of colors that can decorate any room. Made of fabric, the easiest way to clean from dust and dirt. You can attach them in several ways.

In the CIS, most often you can find blinds made in China, Belarus and Russia in stores. Since the bulk of the population has plastic windows, especially in cities, it is necessary to study the information on how to properly mount them. Consider several options for how to attach them to the windows with your own hands, so as not to damage the window structures.

Standard installation of blinds on plastic windows

Blinds can be attached in a variety of ways. It can be:

  • drilling installation;
  • using double-sided tape;
  • with the help of magnets;
  • using brackets.

When buying, instructions are attached on how to hang blinds on plastic windows yourself. Basically advice is given on how to mount them by drilling windows. In this case, fastening is carried out to the window frame above the double-glazed window. You need to carefully study the instructions and carefully take measurements.

Blinds are installed in the following ways:

  • in the opening of a plastic window;
  • overlay;
  • for each half of the window separately.

Important! Before buying blinds for two window halves, make sure that the lifting mechanism is on the left and right sides. Otherwise, cords from different halves will interfere with each other.

Mounting blinds on windows using drilling is not suitable if you plan to change the type of curtain. After drilling, traces will remain on the window profile, and this will be noticeable. Blinds are fastened with screws, and at the moment this is the most reliable type of fastening.

Consider how to hang horizontal blinds on windows in more detail. The process can be divided into the following steps:

  1. We retreat 5-6 cm from both sides and outline the place for attaching the blinds. At this stage, you need to measure the distance very accurately, because with an error of even a couple of millimeters, your blinds will hang askew and will soon fail.
  2. We make holes for the brackets with a screwdriver, paying attention to whether the sash will open or not. If the window will open, then the hole is made in the upper part of the sash, if it is deaf, then on the outside.
  3. After inserting the blinds into the brackets, it is enough to snap them into place.
  4. On the side of the sash, you need to make a hole for the latch.
  5. Check how the mechanism works, whether it is convenient for you.

Vertical blinds are a little easier to install, you should do the following procedures:

  1. We make markings for the brackets, retreating 10 cm from the edge of the eaves.
  2. We drill holes and insert dowels into them. After that we fix the brackets.
  3. Fastenings together with lamellas are installed on the eaves.
  4. We assemble the runners, fasten them to the canvas, after that we fasten the weights in the lower part of the lamellas.
  5. You can check the operation of vertical blinds.

Brackets can be glued on double-sided tape if you do not want to spoil the window profile. If extra holes remain after drilling the window, they can always be removed with acrylic sealant.

If you purchased roller blinds, then you can use a different installation method to install them.

Alternative mounting types

It is not necessary to drill a window to attach the blind base. There are other options for attaching blinds to windows. To install roller blinds, you will need the following tools:

  • Double-sided tape;
  • liquid Nails;
  • scissors;
  • ruler or level.

Roller blinds are a smooth canvas that can be rolled up, raised, lowered using a special mechanism. Roller blinds do an excellent job of protecting from the scorching sun, at the same time decorating the living space Let's consider how to attach roller blinds to plastic windows. This type of curtains is hooked separately to each window sash. Roller blinds come in several types, and the method of fastening each type may vary.

The Mini roller system is a classic roller blind on a compact shaft. They can be easily installed on individual plastic window sashes. Fasteners are fixed without drilling, and thanks to this the frame remains intact. To prevent the fabric from sagging, the lower metal rail should be fixed using special magnetic holders. The sash can be opened in any way.

Cassette roller blinds are roller blinds that are assembled into a cornice that looks like a compact cassette. This type of curtain is suitable for flaps, plastic or aluminum. The most popular curtain options are Rollite and Uni systems. In models of these designs, strips for double-sided tape are provided. With the help of these strips, the guides are glued to the sash.

Cassette blinds are controlled by a single chain, which regulates the height of the curtain. A special retainer is installed on the window frame, which keeps the chain from sagging when the window is ventilated.

Isotra and Isolite systems are also popular. A plastic window with this type of blinds can be used in any mode without fear of breaking this system. Fastening is carried out on glazing beads, in which it will be necessary to make small holes. If these glazing beads are damaged, they can be quickly and easily replaced at any time.

Interestingly, the method of attaching blinds to the wall is still used. This type of installation does not harm the plastic window, you just need to make the right measurements.

Marking before installation

In the question of how to hang blinds on plastic windows, one of the main points is the correct measurements of the window and the design of the blinds. You need to take measurements before going to the store. The main thing is to keep the optimal distance along the edges of the markup, armed with a ruler with a pencil. Better yet, mark on the window itself with a pencil using a level, relying on your personal feelings and measuring by eye in this case is not necessary at all. It is necessary to mark the fasteners symmetrically from all sides. When installed inside the window opening, our design should not reach 3 cm. When installed on top, the window should protrude at the edges no more than 5 cm. The height should be 3-4 cm more.

It happens that the mounting plates do not fit snugly against the window profile. In this case, special linings are used, which, depending on the gap, are used in different quantities - from one to four pieces.

It is necessary to measure the height and width of the window along the light opening to the edge of the sealing rubber bands. Then measure the depth of the bead from the glass to the outer surface of the profile. It is necessary to take into account the presence of window fittings so that it does not interfere with the operation of the blinds. If you make the wrong measurements, then unnecessary sunlight will break through the cracks in the blinds.

The Holis and Magnum system is used to fasten horizontal plastic blinds.

Before installing blinds, you need to prepare window openings. They must be even and clean. Ideally, they should be degreased.

Remember, with the slightest mistake in measuring and installing fasteners, there is a big risk of spoiling both the windows and the structures themselves. Do-it-yourself installation of blinds should be treated with more care and attention, as this is a very painstaking work.

How to choose blinds

When choosing blinds for your apartment, you need to carefully select the material, color and texture in order to harmoniously fit this type of curtain into the living space. If you have a glazed balcony, then plastic or aluminum blinds will be the only right solution for balcony windows.

An important advantage of blinds is their compactness, heat and sound insulation. When using this type of curtains, your window sill is freed. You can save a lot on electricity consumption, as the blinds protect the living space from excess sunlight and heat. In summer, the air conditioner will operate in a more economical mode. Now you can buy designs not only from plastic and aluminum, but from bamboo and wood.

Vertical blinds are often treated with special dust-repellent solutions. This design can be rolled up and washed in a washing machine or by hand.

Quite an interesting look for decorating the interior with pleated curtains. Pleated blinds are made of pleated fabric and are attached directly to the window. Close such curtains with a cord.

The most refined and expensive look of wooden blinds. Wooden plates do not rattle, have a natural structure, protect the room from light and do not heat up. They ennoble the room and fit into any interior, suitable for both offices and bedrooms. They are made from Canadian linden and cork varieties.

You can also choose multiimpressive blinds - a combination of plastic and fabric. Vertical plastic blinds are made curly, because of this, the entire room is filled with a variety of light reflections. They are like curtains made of airy fabrics.

A novelty on the market - photo-blinds. Any pattern is applied to the white slats, and when opening the blinds, you can admire a beautiful picture.

Japanese curtains are a combination of several fabric panels made of fabrics or plastic. They move along the eaves with different guides, they can move and move apart.

You can always change the outfit for your windows by buying new blinds - and you have a room updated without repair. Be careful when choosing the color of the curtains, paying attention to the colors of the furniture in the room.

If you are going to do all the work on your own, without the help of a specialist, it does not hurt to first get complete information on how horizontal blinds are installed on plastic windows, so as not to get confused in the process, but to clearly perform all the necessary actions.

It is for this that you are provided with this instruction so that no problems arise during installation. Be careful and careful, and most importantly, do not rush, you need to do everything with clearly calibrated movements, especially if you decide to drill the profile of the sashes or window frame.

Materials and equipment:

There is nothing complicated, as you yourself will see, but it is worth following the necessary sequence, and for starters, at least acquire all the necessary devices and equipment, without which it will not only be difficult to cope with the case, but completely impossible.

  • Themselves, previously purchased, unpacked and assembled as needed, horizontal blinds, clearly sized for your purposes.
  • A hammer.
  • Roulette, not less than the widest or highest point of the window opening.
  • The level with which you will need to check the horizontalness of the upper cornice strip.
  • Pliers.
  • Pencil or marker for marking.
  • A set of screwdrivers, and perhaps a special tool for twisting parts of the blinds.
  • Drill or puncher to make special holes for attaching curtains.

Installation of horizontal blinds on PVC window sashes

With this method of installation, the blinds are fastened with small self-tapping screws (included) in the window profile. Install them so that they do not interfere with the handle to turn. Be careful: if you drill too close to the glazing bead, you can damage the glass unit. Therefore, in this case, correct measurements are very important.

Installation of blinds on a PVC window

Installation step by step

The procedure is as follows:

  • We install the fasteners on the eaves in such a way that they do not interfere with the moving parts inside.
  • We try on the product on the frame. We expose it so that the lamellas go on the drain frame and on the right at the same distance.
  • We mark with a pencil or marker the place where the fasteners should be located. During this operation, it is necessary to keep the cornice as even as possible. You can navigate along the contours of the window frame or use the level.
  • Although the plastic is quite soft and you can immediately screw screws into it so that the frame does not crack, it is better to pre-drill the holes. The diameter of the drill is slightly smaller than the diameter of the screws. Usually, self-tapping screws with a diameter of 3 mm are included, so the drill must be taken for 2 mm or 2.5 mm.
  • We take the brackets, fasten them with self-tapping screws to the frame. We screw in the self-tapping screws
  • We insert the cornice of the blinds, pushing until it clicks.
  • We close the ends with the plugs that come with the kit.

Having to drill holes in a window frame can be intimidating, but there's nothing to worry about. In case of incorrectly made holes, unsuccessful ones can be filled with sealant. White silicone, not acrylic (acrylic quickly turns yellow). The characteristics of the windows will not be affected. What can be dangerous is getting into a double-glazed window. Then it might crack. But this is not fatal either - it can be replaced, although it will not be cheap.

Installing the bottom brackets

But that's not all. To finally install horizontal blinds on plastic windows, you need to drill a couple more holes - under the latches (also called anti-wind). These are additional fasteners at the bottom of the opening sash of the window. The lower edge of the blinds is tucked into them. They do this so that when airing the blinds do not hang down, do not dangle from the wind and do not knock down objects on the windowsill.

Don't chat...

We set the clamps like this: we try on, pulling the blinds down a little, mark the places of fasteners, drill holes, install. We fill the lower bar into the installed clamps. Now, even with a draft or an open sash, the blinds will not hang out. The only thing to watch out for during installation is not to get into the glazing bead (this is a long bar that runs along the double-glazed window and holds it). It is necessary to drill a hole in the frame itself, stepping back at least 1 cm from the edge. Otherwise, there are no problems.

without drilling

There is also a way to install blinds on plastic windows and not drill the frame. This method is available only for those blinds that are hung on opening sashes. In this case, they are simply hung on plastic mounts / brackets that are put on the frame from above. To prevent them from moving, a strip of double-sided tape is attached to the back of the bracket. After removing the protective film, it can be glued (but you can not fix it).

The shape of plastic fasteners depends on the type of cornice. So you need to choose for each specifically

These L-shaped plastic brackets are not included, but you can buy them from a store or from a company that sells horizontal blinds. This method is convenient by simply dismantling the blinds, which is convenient if they need to be repaired or washed.

Ways to install horizontal blinds

As well as vertical, horizontal blinds can be installed on the ceiling, wall, to each window sash or in an overlay. There are two factors to consider here: the depth of the window and the width of the window sill. The windows are measured first.

Installation diagram: 1. When installing blinds in a window opening, the length of the blinds should be reduced by 2 cm from the bottom and top. When using the overlay method, it is necessary to do the opposite - add 5 cm on each side. 2. Using tools, make an accurate marking of the places for mounting the structure fastening. Installation of fasteners is carried out using dowels and special screws. Experts recommend using 6 × 100 dowels for this. Everything is ready in order to install the cornice with all the elements and check the performance of the mechanisms.

The installation of vertical blinds differs from horizontal ones in that special weights are attached to the vertical models from below, which should be pulled together with a chain both from the inside and from the outside. The most optimal option for blinds is the option of mounting on each window sash. The advantages of this method are obvious: compactness, mobility, ease of opening the window.

To install the blinds, you will need self-tapping screws, dowels, a drill, a pencil, a tape measure and a level. If fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws, then plastic fasteners will be needed. But the most reliable way to fasten the eaves is to mount the structures on screws to the frame. If the blinds are installed on plastic windows, then drilling can be dispensed with. When installing blinds on non-standard windows, it is necessary to use slats of a special shape and length.

How to freeze

When deciding to hang blinds yourself, keep in mind that you need to correctly take measurements. It depends on how convenient it will be for you to use them.

If you have chosen a vertical design, you need to know the dimensions of the window opening: height and width are measured from the attachment point.

The principle of measuring dimensions for the horizontal type is a little more complicated.

Fastening in the window: the length and width of the opening are measured. In the absence of a window sill, the length may increase to the floor.

Aluminum and plastic blinds are easy to shorten and adjust.

For a working window, you can pick up blinds in two halves. You just need to make measurements of the height of the glass and add 2 cm to the top. The same principle is used for the width of the glass, only you need to add 0.5 cm on both sides.

In this way, you can make measurements for curtains of the rolled sample.

Advice! If the window does not open, this type of curtain can be installed right in the middle of the window.

Taking measurements yourself, you save your time and money, eliminating the wait (often at an inconvenient time period for you) for representatives of window companies.

Mounting methods

Together with the blinds, manufacturers apply fasteners, screws and instructions. Having carefully read it and armed with certain tools, the installation process will not seem so complicated.

Before proceeding with the fastening, we will understand the methods.

Fastening without drilling

To easily remove the blinds at any time and not leave marks on the window frame, walls or ceiling, use the following methods:

  1. Fix the bracket with double-sided tape;
  2. Attach the bracket to the top of the sash that opens and the bottom with magnets.

Drilling installation

Do the following:

  1. Attach the cornice to the top of the sash and mark the mounting points. It is advisable to pre-drill holes for the screws.
  2. Attach the bracket, take the screw and carefully screw it in, securing the eaves.
  3. The fishing line holding the lamellas must be fixed. Drill holes at the bottom under the glazing beads, the fishing line should fall into the plugs that we insert into the holes.

Important! A separate curtain should be attached to each sash.

Installation with drilling is relevant for installing the cornice in the ceiling or wall area. For this you need:

  • make holes in the selected place;
  • hammer in a few dowels;
  • fasten the brackets with screws.

There may be differences in depth between the double-glazed window and the frame. Because of this, fasteners sometimes do not fully adhere to the window. To eliminate this drawback, take U-type linings and substitute them (several possible) into the resulting void.

Using brackets

The carrier from the blinds is fixed directly on the bracket, which allows, if necessary, to be easily detached for washing and cleaning. If you decide to completely remove such curtains, this can be done quite simply. At the same time, the window remains the same impervious to wind and temperature changes.

You can fix the bracket with screws as shown below.

Bracket mounting methods without screws:

  1. Hook on the top of the profile of the opening sash. This method will allow you to remove the bracket at any time without effort.
  2. Attach with double sided tape.

Types of blinds

For plastic windows, compact horizontal blinds and more comfortable vertical ones are chosen with equal success. They differ in the way they open, so in horizontal - the canvas moves up and down, in vertical - to the side.

Classic horizontal models are made from lamellas, but now rolled, pleated and Roman blinds, which also belong to this category of goods, are no less in demand. Mostly they are hung only on the window or on the partitions.

The video contains photos of beautiful horizontal blinds in the interior

Please note that the video clearly demonstrates how to combine louver systems with traditional curtains, as well as good examples of how to match light protection systems to different interior styles.

Vertical blinds take up more space, but they allow you to completely close the opening and even the entire wall. This type is the most rational for decorating large areas of glazing, long corridors, openings of complex architectural shape, for example, curvilinear or arched.

The video below contains beautiful photo examples of various types of blinds.

Types of blinds and their differences

  • horizontal
  • vertical

Horizontal and vertical ones consist of lamellas (separate strips fastened together in a structure).


This protection consists of 2 guides, with a fabric in the middle. When working, the fabric gathers in folds, opening the sash.


The principle of operation lies in the name, with the help of a mechanism, the fabric is assembled into a roll.


Cassettes were invented specifically for plastic windows, the cassette mechanism is attached to the window sash, if desired, the canvas is completely retracted inside.

In order for the blinds to serve you faithfully for many years, you need to correctly, accurately and securely fix them. Installing blinds, although a quick process, requires some knowledge and experience.

The methods of fastening blinds differ from each other depending on their type, the material from which they are made and the type of window. There are plastic and wooden windows. Also, the method of installation on the dormers and non-standard windows is slightly different.

How to take measurements correctly

First of all, the blinds must be the right size. To do this, you need to decide on the method of fixing. The methods can be divided into two groups:

  • Attach blinds directly to window frames. There are options that involve the use of self-tapping screws and fixing the structure without drilling. In addition, you can install common fasteners on the entire frame or on each sash individually.
  • Place blinds on walls or ceiling. Several additional solutions are also possible here. - installation in a window opening, on the ceiling in front of the window, on the side walls. For each case, you will need to measure your parameters.

If you plan to put blinds on several windows, you should measure each opening separately. Although it seems that the window openings are exactly the same, this is far from always true. A discrepancy of 2-3 cm can lead to difficult-to-remove consequences.

If you plan to mount a vertical structure, you must measure the height and width of the window opening. It is worth being careful when measuring, since it is possible to shorten too long slats, but adding additional elements to narrow blinds will be problematic.

Installing plastic windows with your own hands, read the article:

If the model has horizontal slats, measurements will be somewhat more difficult. If the blinds are attached to the opening, you need to determine what the width and height are. The length of the canvas is selected at your own discretion. You can find both models up to the windowsill, and long options that reach the floor. If necessary, blinds with plastic or aluminum slats are not difficult to make shorter.

When installing directly on the frame, you will need to consider whether the window will open.

If the window is solid, not opening, you can measure the width of the entire opening. If the sashes open, it is worth ordering a hotel structure for each half of the window. Measurements must also be taken accordingly. Measure the parameters of the glass (width x height) and add 20 mm at the top and 5 mm at the edges.

When designing blinds that are attached directly to the frame, make sure that they will not interfere with the operation of the fittings and will not become an insurmountable obstacle during its maintenance (lubrication, adjustment, etc.)

Mounting instructions

After you have taken measurements, proceed directly to the installation. You will need: pencil, screwdriver, brackets, drill (drill 6 mm), hammer, scissors, dowel and screwdriver. How to fix blinds with horizontal panels? This process is carried out in several stages:

  • step back from the glass 6 cm on both sides, mark the necessary place with a pencil, make sure that the line is even, otherwise crooked curtains will not work well and will quickly fail;
  • using a screwdriver, make holes in which you will mount the brackets;
  • if the window opens, make holes in the upper part of the sash, if the window is deaf - on the outside of the glazing bead;
  • insert the blinds into the brackets, snapping the latter;
  • at the bottom or side of the window sash, make a hole for the latch;
  • lower the blinds and check their operation;
  • if at any stage you have difficulty, watch the video, which shows in detail how this process takes place.

Vertical blinds device

To attach vertical curtains, use the following instructions:

  • mark the brackets with a pencil (they should be located at a distance of 10 cm from the edge of the eaves);
  • after drilling a hole, insert a dowel into it and fix the brackets with self-tapping screws;
  • install mounting brackets and decorative panels on the eaves;
  • collect the runners and fix the canvas in them;
  • weights are attached to the bottom of the blinds, then a decorative chain should be hung;
  • install the decorative panel into the mounting brackets by inserting the end corners and side panels into its ends;
  • check how vertical shades work with a control cord and chain;
  • watch the tutorial video to make sure you did everything right.

Fixing roller blinds

You can fix roller blinds both with self-tapping screws and without drilling. The most popular are blinds that can be hung directly on the sash. This will require double-sided tape, adhesive tape or liquid nails. This method is suitable for both blind and opening windows. Do not forget that the frame must first be washed and degreased with alcohol. More reliable is the mounting on self-tapping screws, which is carried out according to the principle of installing vertical blinds.

Blinds are a design that does not involve careless handling and, if used incorrectly, quickly fails.

Installation of horizontal blinds

A huge plus of horizontal blinds is that they can be installed on plastic windows of any shape, even roof windows are no exception.

Frame mounting – ideal for horizontal slats, allows windows to be opened and closed individually or simultaneously.

To install horizontal slats, you need to stock up on a screwdriver, screwdriver and marking material (chalk, pencil or alcohol-based felt-tip pen).

Having decided on the method of attachment, proceed to the following steps.

Find out the dimensions of the window (measure the width and height).

  • If you are going to install blinds in the first way - in the window opening - you should subtract 2 centimeters from the height. So you will achieve a result when the lamellas do not touch the window sill.
  • If you chose the third method - attaching the blinds to the overlay, - add 5 centimeters to the width, but always on each side. In this case, the height is determined by the desires of the owner.
  • Installing blinds on windows (on each sash) is considered the simplest and easiest method of fastening. The dimensions of the window must be measured taking into account the fittings, that is, so that it does not limit the work of the window, does not touch it.

Remember: both plastic windows and blinds must function perfectly and efficiently.

Therefore, it is very important to take accurate measurements before hanging them.

  • Unpack the blinds. Evaluate their quality, inspect for defects, check components. Everything is in place?
  • Push the blinds against the window. It is important that the body fits between the borders of the glazing beads on both sides of the glass.
  • Attach blinds tighter. They must be in the same plane as the window.
  • Assess the overall situation. Blinds should be at the top of the transparent area.
  • Fix visually the presence of a gap, which is very often formed between the fastening elements and the window sashes. The dimensions of the gap can be different and vary from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters. They do not depend on the correctness of your actions, it is rather the costs of the design of the window and double-glazed windows. Manufacturers foresaw a possible risk and, to correct the situation, they completed the blinds with linings, special elements that allow achieving the desired thickness and reducing the distance between the fastening elements and window sashes.

Be sure to pay attention to the signs printed on the basis of the lining. They can be of two types: R (from the English word right) and L (left)

Right and left application respectively.

  • Lock the gaskets until a tight clamp is established. Then fix them in the gap between the fasteners and the window field.
  • Mark up the mount.

The geometric shape of the curtains is the main reference point for marking. Be sure to check that nothing prevents the window from opening and closing. Install an additional fastener in the place where the cord is adjusted.

Blinds can be fixed using one of two options.

  1. Stalk fastening. A very delicate process that requires care in choosing the length of the screws. An incorrectly chosen length is the first step towards the depressurization of a double-glazed window, the result is a violation of the thermal insulation properties.
  2. Mounting on a profile is a simple and safe process, but it requires care and clear actions.

Remember! The glazing bead can always be replaced, the profile cannot.

  • Install design

Install blinds using long self-tapping screws. It is advisable that you use the self-tapping screws included in the kit. The aesthetic appearance of the window after installing the curtains depends on them. This step must be done with great care.

  • Install the cornice, runners, lamellas

Put the decorative cornice on the mechanism, fasten the plugs on the sides. Using a drill (diameter should be 3 mm), make a hole for the plastic "fungi", they are located in the lower edge of the glazing bead. This will allow you to install the guide line. After pulling it, fix it and cut off the excess.

  • Control step - checking the functioning of the entire structure

How to take measurements

If you decide not to use the services of a specialist, but to hang the blinds yourself, you need to make the correct measurements, since the convenience of using the curtains will depend on this. If you are installing vertical blinds, you will need to know the dimensions of the window opening. Measure the height and width from the attachment points. Be careful: shortening long curtains is not difficult, and adding plates to too narrow ones will not work.

Measurements when installing a horizontal model will be more difficult. If you will be attaching the curtains directly to the window, you will need the value of its width and height. The length of the blinds can be chosen as you wish: they can be up to the floor or cover only the window sill. If necessary, blinds made of aluminum and plastic can be easily shortened or adjusted using the built-in mechanism.

If the window is deaf, you can fix the curtains inside. For an opening window, separate blinds for each half are suitable. In this case, measure the width and height of the glass, and then add 2 centimeters at the top and 0.5 centimeters at both edges.

At the same time, it is important that the existing window fittings do not interfere with the functioning of the blinds. According to the same principle, measurements are made for the installation of roller blinds.

You can make all the necessary measurements and order blinds according to these data. However, in this case, you will spend more money than when buying standard models. To save money, first find out what the size grid is and choose the appropriate mounting method. If you're having trouble measuring, watch the tutorial video.

Scheme of fastening horizontal blinds

Alternative mounting types

It is not necessary to drill a window to attach the blind base. There are other options for attaching blinds to windows. To install roller blinds, you will need the following tools:

  • Double-sided tape;
  • liquid Nails;
  • scissors;
  • ruler or level.

Roller blinds are a smooth canvas that can be rolled up, raised, lowered using a special mechanism. Roller blinds do an excellent job of protecting from the scorching sun, at the same time decorating the living space Let's consider how to attach roller blinds to plastic windows. This type of curtains is hooked separately to each window sash. Roller blinds come in several types, and the method of fastening each type may vary.

Mounting roller blinds with double sided tape

The Mini roller system is a classic roller blind on a compact shaft. They can be easily installed on individual plastic window sashes. Fasteners are fixed without drilling, and thanks to this the frame remains intact. To prevent the fabric from sagging, the lower metal rail should be fixed using special magnetic holders. The sash can be opened in any way.

Cassette roller blinds are roller blinds that are assembled into a cornice that looks like a compact cassette. This type of curtain is suitable for flaps, plastic or aluminum. The most popular curtain options are Rollite and Uni systems. In models of these designs, strips for double-sided tape are provided. With the help of these strips, the guides are glued to the sash.

Cassette blinds are controlled by a single chain, which regulates the height of the curtain. A special retainer is installed on the window frame, which keeps the chain from sagging when the window is ventilated.

Blinds Isotra

Isotra and Isolite systems are also popular. A plastic window with this type of blinds can be used in any mode without fear of breaking this system. Fastening is carried out on glazing beads, in which it will be necessary to make small holes. If these glazing beads are damaged, they can be quickly and easily replaced at any time.

Interestingly, the method of attaching blinds to the wall is still used. This type of installation does not harm the plastic window, you just need to make the right measurements.

Instructions for installing blinds with your own hands

The very first step is sizing. Curtains can be attached to the window opening, wall, ceiling. Having determined the place of their future location, it is necessary to make measurements correctly.

To fix the curtains in the opening, you need to make the following measurements. Determine the length - it will be equal to the height of the window pane with insulation (usually a rubber strip) plus 1 cm.

The width is defined as the width of the glass, but taking into account the sealing gum. Do not forget that the plastic window should open freely when the blinds are assembled.

If you are going to mount the curtains on the wall, then please note that they must completely cover the plastic window. The width will be 10 centimeters wider than the window

The length, taking into account the eaves, increases by about 5 centimeters, its final size depends on whether the shutters cover the window sill or is slightly above it.

When blinds are attached directly to plastic windows, the length will be its height, and the width will be equal to the width of the window being closed.

We use the drilling method

You can fix the structure using drilling tools, or do without them.

Consider how to properly hang horizontal curtains with your own hands directly to the window sash using the drilling method.

Since the curtains are mounted on self-tapping screws, we mark the places for their installation by applying the upper bar of the blinds to the upper window profile. We make holes with a small drill, fasten the brackets.

We fix the blinds and fasten the fishing line that will hold the slats. On the lower part of the sash, again by drilling, we make two holes, placing them exactly under the upper outlets.

We fix the fishing line in the design of the blinds, fix the ends with plugs and thread them into the prepared holes, pull the fishing line.

The considered drilling method is usually used when it is necessary to hang rolled or horizontal structures.

To hang vertical curtains, this method is also used. Holes are drilled at the attachment points, and mounted with the help of connecting elements.

We take measurements

With the type of blinds (horizontal, vertical) and the method of their installation (on the wall, ceiling, in the window on the sash, in the window opening) you need to decide before buying. And even before the moment you start measuring. Because different installation methods require different sizes. Only with correctly made measurements, it will be easy to install blinds on plastic windows.

For everything to work well, you need to make measurements correctly.

Another important point: you need to measure each window separately. Sometimes it just seems that they are exactly the same. Believe me, there is a difference. And the measurement results must also be recorded and signed, which specific window you measured and which sash it is. Accurate and detailed records will help to avoid confusion during purchase and installation.

In the window opening

Although the appearance of the products is different, when measuring there is no difference between horizontal and vertical models. If you are going to install blinds in a window opening, you need to subtract 2 cm from its width on each side. You can subtract 1-3 cm from the height of the opening. Such gaps are needed so that the canvas hangs freely in the opening and the lower edge of the slats does not rub against the window sill.

How to measure when installing in a window opening

Please note that you can install blinds on plastic windows "in the opening" not flush with the edge of the opening, but deeper - at the glass itself or stepping back 5 or more centimeters from the edge. If the opening has a trapezoidal shape, the height / width of the opening will be smaller for the glass, so we carefully measure

And yet, in this case, it is better to put marks for installation when measuring. Then you will know exactly where you will need to install the blinds on the plastic windows so that their dimensions fit perfectly.

On the ceiling or wall

Here the measurements depend on your desires. The length of the blinds can be up to the floor or just up to the windowsill. Moreover, depending on the type of installation chosen, the lamellas can cover the window sill or not. So the length is whatever you like.

This is a wall mount. When mounted on the ceiling, the length will increase., And how much - you choose

The width of the blinds with this installation method is wider than the window opening. How much wider - depends on your desire, but the minimum entry is 5 cm on each side. But if the window is in the same plane with the wall surface, you will need additional brackets that are not included in the package: the lamellas must be placed at least 5 cm from the glass surface so that they do not interfere with opening the sashes for ventilation.

on sashes

When installing blinds on a multi-leaf window, there are two possibilities - put one device on each sash or order one long one for the entire window. Usually the first option is chosen - it makes it possible to open and close the sashes with the blinds lowered. If you choose this installation method, you will need to measure each sash and record the results. Sash can be different, so be careful.

The option on the right is more convenient

The width of the blinds when installed on the sash is taken 3 cm wider than the glass. When hanging, the lamellas overlap by 1.5 cm on the profile. It is convenient and does not interfere with opening / closing windows. The length depends on the location of the fastener, but usually it is 5 cm longer than the height of the glass.

Once again, we draw your attention: we measure each sash!


Today in the assortment of hardware stores there are several varieties of blinds. Depending on the specific type, the features of attaching curtains change.

Horizontal blinds

On sale you can find several varieties of horizontal blinds at once. The lamellas in them are installed horizontally, which is the reason for the name of the design. The thickness, width and type of material can be arbitrary. The design can be mounted inside the frame, to the frame itself, to the slope or on top of the window block.

Horizontal blinds are most often mounted in institutions

Install similar blinds in offices, production facilities and other places. These designs are universal - if desired, you can find horizontal blinds of almost any color and shade.

Vertical blinds

Due to the design features, such blinds are most often mounted on top of windows.. The slats in this case are oriented vertically, made of plastic or fabric. There are varieties on the market that differ in the length of the lamellas.

Vertical blinds are mainly installed in residential areas.

Installation of this model is most often done in private homes, but they are also in demand in offices. Installation of vertical blinds is carried out on self-tapping screws. As an alternative, ceiling mounting is practiced.

Roller blinds

Roller blinds are made of fabric, completely cover the glass, if desired, they can be raised by rolling into a roll. Installation is carried out using brackets, self-tapping screws or adhesive tape.

Roller blinds can be installed without drilling walls and shutters - on double-sided tape

The need for drilling varies depending on the type:

  1. Vertical structures are mounted on top of the window or under the ceiling. In both cases, you will have to drill the surface.
  2. Horizontal blinds can be attached to the top slope or window sashes. Without drilling, such structures can be mounted on the sashes of the window block.
  3. Interframe analog, as you might guess from the name, is designed to be installed inside the window itself. This option requires drilling the largest number of holes.

Mounting on brackets

  1. Given the dimensions of the device, the places where the brackets will be installed are marked. Between them, the distance should be 55-60 centimeters. Avoid hitting the brackets in the control mechanism, clamps and calipers.
  2. Brackets are fixed to the ceiling, wall or window sash.
  3. Turn the bracket latches counterclockwise to the full stop.
  4. The upper cornice of the product is inserted into the bracket, after which the latch is rotated clockwise until it stops.

Drilling installation:

  1. Brackets are installed on the upper part of the sash, and plastic corners are attached to the lower part.
  2. Along the edges of the upper cornice, cables are fixed in special bushings.
  3. The cornice is fixed to the brackets.
  4. Along the edges of the lamellas, through special holes, a cable is threaded.
  5. A second pair of bushings is installed in the lower brackets, through which the cable is threaded and fixed with a screw.
  6. The mechanism is fixed with a hook handle.
  7. The handle holder should be directed towards the sash.
  8. After the installation is completed, you should make sure that the design works.

Installation of the structure without drilling using overhead brackets:

  1. Places for installation of brackets are marked.
  2. Brackets are fixed with screws.
  3. A structure is installed on the upper part of the sash, after which it is fixed with a key.
  4. Slip-on bottom brackets are attached to the bottom of the sash.
  5. Cables are fixed in the bushings.
  6. The cornice is fixed on the brackets, after which the cable is threaded.
  7. Plastic bushings are guided into the holes located on the bottom bracket.
  8. With the help of a screw, it is necessary to fix the cable in the sleeve.
  9. The hook of the handle is fixed on the control mechanism, after which the holder for it is installed.
  10. In conclusion, it is necessary to check the work of the structure.

Installation of blinds inside the frame

It is possible to install inter-frame blinds to a wooden window of a coupled design or an old plastic one. To do this, the distance between the panes must be at least 3 cm. Mounting the mechanism inside the window is a little more complicated than mounting it on the sashes. In addition to fixing the bracket, drillings are needed in the frame to ensure the output of the control of the swivel-lift mechanism.

  • Drill two holes at the top of the inner sash (one above the other) in the profile from the canopy side - above the upper canopy.
  • Fasten the inter-frame brackets on the upper profile.
  • Clip the blinds into the brackets.
  • Unwind the control cord and pass it through the bottom hole and through the guide spring.
  • Pull the flexible rod through the top hole.
  • Connect the flexible rod and the control handle with a clamp.

How to install blinds on plastic windows

Even 10-20 years ago there was no choice of window coverings - only massive curtains and curtains were hung on the windows. Progress does not stand still, and in recent years, new types of window curtains have appeared. The most popular now are blinds. In apartments, you can often see a combination of blinds + Roman blinds and blinds + curtain. This method of curtaining protects housing from the sun, street noise and is able to decorate the window. Increasingly, instead of heavy curtains and curtains, compact roller blinds and blinds are used in everyday life. They are much better suited to metal-plastic window frames. They are used in both offices and residential areas.

How to install horizontal blinds

  • What you need to install blinds effectively
  • Preparatory stage for the installation of horizontal blinds
  • Step-by-step instructions for installing horizontal blinds

The fashion for bulky curtains that collect a significant amount of dust in record time has already passed, so most people prefer to use light airy fabrics to decorate the window area. To protect the window of the room from strong sunlight and curious passers-by or neighbors, horizontal blinds are increasingly being used.

Horizontal blinds are easy to use, which is why they are popular.

It is not difficult to figure out how to install horizontal blinds, but in this matter there are a lot of subtleties that need to be taken into account so that in the future the mechanism works correctly and performs its function. Blinds can be made of wood, plastic and aluminum, the latter being the most common, as they are extremely easy to use and can be mounted on all types of window frames.

Blinds installation instructions

To understand how to install blinds on windows with your own hands, you need to consider their placement. For example, when using PVC brackets, you can do without drilling the frame. This solution allows you to accurately attach products with a minimum of time.

When installing using brackets (for large blinds), work is carried out according to the following scheme:

1. Above the wall or frame where the blinds will be installed, a distance of 10 cm is marked. When marking, you need to use a level, which will prevent uneven installation of elements.

2. Above the drawn line, the places for fixing the brackets are determined according to the width of the upper cornice.

3. The holes in the brackets mark the places for making holes for the dowels.

4. At the marked points, the wall is drilled, dowels are installed.

5. The brackets are fixed on the wall, the upper cornice is installed in them and the blinds assembled according to the instructions from the set.

6. Insert the control knob into the hook of the swivel mechanism located on the upper cornice (relevant for the design with a cord and a handle).

7. The correctness of the installation and the ease of opening the window when the blinds are fully folded are checked.

In addition to the indicated instructions, the video attached to the article will also help you to get acquainted with the details of the installation. Tips from experts and an accurate description of each step will allow you to complete the work without errors.

Installation instructions without drilling

To install blinds without drilling with your own hands, no tools or even skills are required, it is important to correctly calculate the width of the canvas and attach it evenly to the surface. . On clamps

On clamps

Mounting on special brackets-clamps is perhaps the easiest way to hang blinds with your own hands, but this mounting option is only possible on an opening sash:

  • assemble the cornice and canvas according to the manufacturer's instructions;
  • put clips on the cornice, check if they touch moving elements and if they interfere with the movement of cords and chains;
  • attach the cornice to the sash, mark with a simple pencil where to hang the brackets;
  • expand the canvas, check if it touches the protruding elements of the window, if necessary, the curtain needs to be adjusted to size: cut in width and shortened;
  • unfasten the clips from the eaves, open the sash and put the brackets on the marks, make sure they are tight and level;
  • you can fasten the cornice and the canvas to it.

The diagram shows one of the options for hanging blinds without drilling

On tape

If you are looking for a simple and at the same time reliable way to hang blinds on a plastic window with your own hands and not damage the profile, then the scotch mount option is the best. Here it is important to glue the cornice correctly so that the canvas hangs straight down, without distortions, otherwise there will be ugly overlaps and gaps from the sides and bottom, in the end the blinds will quickly break.

Installation steps:

  • assemble the blinds according to the attached scheme;
  • try on the window, if necessary, cut it from the side and along the length, given that the minimum gap between the canvas and the protruding elements of the window is 5-10 mm;
  • mark the extreme points of the eaves;
  • draw a line between them, ideally it should be strictly parallel to the windowsill;
  • if the geometry of the opening is not ideal, make a plumb line from a rope and a weight, attach it to the marks, mark the side lines where the edges of the canvas will pass, and straighten the line along which the cornice will be glued, let it be better to have a slight skew from above and below than ugly gaps and overlaps on the sides;
  • wipe the place where the eaves are fixed with a solvent or acetone;
  • remove the protective film from the double-sided adhesive tape, and glue the cornice strictly along the line;
  • check the operation of the canvas, if it catches somewhere, then it will be correct to remove the system, clean the installation site and glue it again.

Sometimes the adhesive tape is not glued to the cornice, but special fasteners with a magnet or hooks are included. The installation of such a model occurs according to the identical scheme described above.

The video clearly demonstrates that even a child and a woman can stick blinds on adhesive tape.

Where to install

Installation of horizontal blinds is mainly carried out on:

  • window sashes;
  • upper frame profile;
  • on the upper slope of the opening;
  • less often on the wall, if the design features of the opening or the design of the room require it.

Installation of vertical blinds is not possible for technical reasons on the sash or window frame, they are usually mounted on:

  • upper wall;
  • ceiling;
  • the horizontal slope of the window, if its width allows.

Installation Features

Compact and lightweight horizontal blinds can be mounted without drilling. To do this, use special brackets made of metal or plastic, as well as double-sided tape.

All models that need to be installed on a slope, in a wall or on the ceiling, are fixed on special brackets that are attached to the surface with self-tapping screws or dowels.

In order not to redo the work, installing blinds with your own hands, it is better to once again check and double-check the geometry, how the canvas will go, whether the eaves are warped

Necessary materials and tools

Now let's look at mounting on self-tapping screws. This is a much more versatile option that allows you to hang almost any model in any way of fastening (on the ceiling, in the opening or on the walls).

First of all, you should pay attention to the quality of the fasteners attached to the blinds in the kit. Sometimes manufacturers (especially this statement applies to cheap Chinese-made models) put too short and thin self-tapping screws made of low-quality steel into the kit

If you plan to mount heavy structures to the ceiling, you may want to purchase something more reliable.

Also for work you will need:

  • Measuring tool: pencil, ruler with bubble level, tape measure.
  • Drill. A drill for a drill is usually used No. 6.
  • Dowel and hammer.
  • Mounting brackets (usually included with the product).
  • Scissors.
  • Screwdriver.

Having prepared a set of tools for work, you can proceed.

Installation of horizontal structures

In order to install horizontal products on plastic windows without problems, you need to prepare a screwdriver and a screwdriver in advance. In this case, the upper part of the product should be put on the brackets. Mark in advance the places where you will need to screw the screws. Try to keep the fasteners as small as possible, of course, without compromising the reliability of the fixation.

After all measurements, remove the brackets, and use a screwdriver to screw the parts sequentially into the marked places. It is necessary to check whether all the clamps are holding, whether they bend under the weight of the structure. Fabric blinds are fixed without screws. They are also fixed with brackets, but they are glued to the profile.

Vertical blinds are installed in a similar way. If mounting to the ceiling or slopes is selected, then special rails are installed first. This is also done with screws. Then everything goes according to the usual plan with brackets. But if you are attaching the blinds to the wall, then you first need to install a special cornice. Also, unlike horizontal models, vertical products also need to be assembled. But they are sold complete with instructions, so you can cope with the task without any effort.

First collect all the runners, turn them right side to you. Then the lamellas are inserted into the runners. You will understand that the parts are connected with a click. It guarantees a tight bond. Special weights are inserted into the lower part of the slats, fixed with a chain. You can check the blinds and their operation directly on the floor, before mounting on the wall. Indeed, otherwise you will have to remove them again and it is better to fix the lamellas. The mechanism of vertical blinds should work smoothly and without any jerks.