How to get a lot of energy from lava. Advantages of geothermal heating at home with your own hands Geothermal generator in industrial craft 2 experimental

: Industrial Craft 2 is easy if you know how it's done. Basically, several energy sources are used for this:

How to get energy in IC2

  • water mills- the easiest and most affordable source of energy in Industrial Craft 2. To create them, you need very few resources, but they will bring very little energy. Usually placed in large quantities in the middle of the oceans and seas, charging energy storage devices by wiring.
  • Solar panels give more energy than water mills, but they are also much more expensive to create. They also require sunlight, which forces them to be built above the house or sometimes as a roof. This source is very common and in a house that does not use too large amounts of energy, several of these will suffice, however, to work at night, you will need to collect energy in storage devices, but this is not a problem either.
  • Windmills or windmills are a good source of energy, but you need to place it high in the sky, since the amount of energy they produce depends on the height at which they are located. During a thunderstorm, the amount of energy generated greatly increases, so it is better to place them in the appropriate biomes and conduct energy to the energy storage devices with good wiring, since energy can be lost over long distances.
  • geothermal generator- an energy source that could once be considered the best, as it provided a huge amount of energy if you just put lava in it. Now the amount of energy received from it has been reduced tenfold and it has become not as good as it was before. However, it is still profitable to run to the Nether, collect a huge amount of lava capsules and refuel it, getting a good amount of energy. An ordinary generator is also not bad, but it is very primitive and is more suitable for the initial stages of development, when there are no drives and resources for strong energy generators yet.
  • Nuclear reactor- the best source of energy in Minecraft. However, you shouldn’t be too happy about this, because you need to be able to work with it, its production is very expensive, plus everything, it is very picky about fuel and “eats” only uranium, which can be found underground, and the search for it can take a long time, but it’s worth it Togo. To work with a nuclear reactor, you immediately need to create cooling elements, after which a capsule with uranium and cooling around it should be placed inside the reactor. You can greatly increase the energy gain by placing several uranium capsules nearby, but such a reactor can overheat and explode, which cannot please. Another disadvantage is that the wiring coming from it must be fiber optic, that is, created from diamonds.

How to store energy in IC2

Now about drives. Energy storage devices are used in Minecraft in order to store energy for a long time and use it at the moment when the player needs it. Drives are different, I will write about some of them below.

  • energy saver- the simplest drive, capable of accumulating 40,000 units of energy, which is the equivalent of 20 lava capsules and is only enough for a couple of infrequently working devices, not to mention armor and tools.
  • MFE- the most popular drive in Minecraft, capable of accumulating up to 600 thousand units of energy, this energy reserve is enough to maintain the house, so it is used most often, it also does not need so many resources - four diamonds, red dust and some gold.
  • IFSU- a drive for the "rich" and those who hold entire factories. Accumulates up to 10 million units of energy, which makes it a very "thick" drive, and it is difficult to fill it up. I believe that in order to fill it, you will have to fill the whole Nether world with lava into geothermal generators.

An increasing number of owners of private houses consider geothermal heating to be something of a fantasy and that this method is suitable only for those areas where there are hot springs or volcanic activity. And for the reason that these phenomena are not common for the territory of Russia, the development of the use of this method looks a bit vague. This opinion is quite erroneous, in fact, a geothermal-type pump generates heat quite successfully even at low temperatures, which makes it possible to apply the method in areas with a temperate climate, and quite efficiently. Is it possible to independently mount such heating? This question will be answered below.

Classification by type of construction

The principle of operation of such heating is a bit similar to the principle of operation of the same air conditioner or home refrigerator. As for the main element, it is a heat pump, which is included simultaneously in two circuits.

The internal circuit is a traditional heating system, which consists of radiators and pipes, as for the external one, it is a large heat exchanger, which can be located under the water column or under the surface of the earth. Inside it, as a rule, a liquid containing antifreeze circulates, just like ordinary water. Such a coolant takes on the temperature of the medium, which then, slightly warmed up, enters the heat pump. The heat that has been accumulated is transferred to the internal circuit, which is what heats the water in radiators and pipes. A geothermal heat pump is a key element of such a system, in fact, it is a compact unit that takes up no more space than a conventional washing machine.

It should be noted that the installation of this type of heating is a rather expensive and time-consuming process. Decent money will have to be spent on the purchase of special equipment, as well as on earthworks. It is for this reason that an increasing number of people are deciding to implement geothermal heating at home with their own hands.

In order for everything to work out, it is necessary to understand which systems are used most often, and it is also important to understand some features of all types of this device. First of all, you should know that there are three main types of heat exchangers:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • water-placed.

Horizontal heat exchanger

Quite often, this type of contour is used. When it is installed, the pipes are laid in special trenches to a depth slightly exceeding the level of freezing of the soil cover in the area. There is one drawback to such a system - a large area is required to accommodate the collector, and not every developer can afford to install this type of structure. In addition, if trees grow on the site, the equipment should be at a distance of about one and a half meters from them.

Vertical heat exchanger

More compact in size, but at the same time more expensive is a vertical heat exchanger, for the installation of which a large area is not required, but you can not do without special drilling equipment. The depth of the well must necessarily be in the range from 50 to 200 meters. This method is considered expensive, but it can last up to 100 years. This method is especially relevant if it is planned to produce geothermal equipment for a house located outside the city, as well as having an adjacent landscaped area. This method allows the surrounding landscape to be preserved intact.

Water placed heat exchanger

This design is the most economical, it uses the energy of the heat of water. It is recommended to mount it at a distance from a reservoir located nearby no more than 100 meters. The contour of the pipes is laid on the bottom in the form of a spiral, the depth of occurrence should not exceed three meters, and the recommended area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir should be at least 200 square meters. meters. Another advantage of this design is the absence of the need to perform complex labor-intensive work, for which it is imperative to obtain the necessary permission.

As can be seen from all of the above, it is not so easy to carry out geothermal heating on your own, with your own hands. The best option is the last option, but there are some nuances, without which it will be impossible, in particular, it is impossible in the absence of a reservoir.

It is important to highlight such a point that when spending decent material resources on expensive equipment, you should not save on installation, since the efficiency of the entire system and its quality directly depend on this.

Benefits of geothermal heating

For the first time, such installations were present exclusively in wealthy houses, but now they are becoming more popular and affordable. This is based on a fairly large number of positive characteristics:

  • in order to heat the room, thermal energy is taken from the earth, which cannot be exhausted;
  • no risk of fire;
  • there is no need to buy fuel and allocate space for its storage;
  • no harmful emissions are generated during operation, the system is completely environmentally friendly and safe;
  • the installed system does not need control, everything works offline;
  • profitability lies in the absence of the need to spend material resources on maintenance;
  • with all the wide variety of models offered, the performance of each is consistently high.

The described geothermal heating system is ideally combined with a floor heating system. Thanks to the use of such a duet, it is possible to ensure a uniform distribution of the desired temperature, which will prevent the formation of an overheating zone. The heating method is most beneficial for a room with an area of ​​​​approximately 150 square meters. As a rule, all installation costs pay off in about three years. Given the fact that the usual heat carriers are constantly becoming more expensive and quickly fail, the use of this type of heating, which was once installed and is able to last at least 100 years, will be quite justified.

Mounting highlights

Inside the room, special elements are installed that are no different from common water heating. The room will also be heated by batteries, as well as radiators, to which heat will be transferred through pipes.

The main part of the structure is located strictly underground, if it is a vertical or horizontal installation method. A special heat-generating device is installed in the house, which takes up very little space. As a rule, it is possible to regulate the temperature indicators on it by regulating the heat supply. The installation of the heating system is carried out as usual. It is worth noting that in private houses or in buildings of a small area, such a generator of the heating system is installed in the basement or other separate room.

There are some functional features of such a heating system - in the summer, such heating is able to act as an air conditioner. For this purpose, you just have to start the reverse mechanism, during which the heat exchanger will take on the cooling energy.


Geothermal heating of country houses can be installed with your own hands, almost every owner can cope with such work, and therefore the implementation of the construction of this design is becoming increasingly popular. Moreover, special universities are currently being created, the direction of which is to improve the heating system as efficiently as possible, as well as to develop the most simple and at the same time functional installation method, including the independent implementation of all calculations, at what depth it is best to drill and so Further. More and more people are educated at these universities.

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Greetings to all. In this guide, I will tell you about how to get a lot of energy from lava.​

Say what's incomprehensible here, put geothermal generators and sit in your mustache do not blow. However, one geothermal generator is capable of producing only 20 EU/tonne, which is quite small. Yes, at the initial stage, this is quite good, but in the process of development, everyone is switching to a more profitable and convenient source of energy - reactors, windmills or solar panels. Everyone forgets about such a wonderful source of energy as lava and loses interest in using it. And now let's start luring masses of players to the Nether...
Here is a variant of the finished power plant.

It generates 1800 eu/t, which corresponds to 90 geothermal generators.
It is worth imagining a dozen pumps that suck lava from a poor hell, almost a hundred geothermals, a bunch of pipes and wires connecting it all... Personally, I would not want to be in the shoes of server hardware...
I will list all the necessary components for the construction of a plant with a capacity of 450 eu / t. We will need:

1. 1 pump.

2. 1 Electric motor.

3. A number of golden liquid pipes. ​

4. Several pipe caps. ​

5. 2 liquid heat exchangers. ​

6.20 Heat pipelines. ​

7. 5 Improvement "Liquid ejector".

8. 1 Capacitor.

9. 1 Liquid dispenser.

10. 1 Tanker of any size.

11. 1 Pulsing gate.

12.2 Hollow liquid pipes.

13. 2 Kinetic steam generators + 2 steam turbines.

14. 1 steam generator.

15. 2 Kinetic Generators.

That's all. Now let's start building.
The first thing to do is find a bigger lava lake. Yes, there is a lot of it, but even in hell it is not endless.
After we have found a suitable place, we install pomp. We connect to it Engine and pipe.
Further - Liquid heat exchangers. We insert them up, 10 each Heat pipelines. We turn the holes in the center to each other.

The next step is installation steam generator. He will be with us between two Liquid heat exchangers. We set the parameters in it: Pressure 221BAR, water production - 1mB / t.

Now Kinetic steam generators. Install them before steam generator one after another. Insert into each of them steam turbine and by Upgrade "Liquid Pusher". Far away from steam generator pushing should be to the side steam generator. In the other - up. Do not forget to turn them with a key in any side.

We continue to blurt out. To the far Kinetic steam generator install Capacitor. All we do with it is install Fluid Pusher Upgrades to the side steam generator.

Let's do one more thing. On the steam generator need to put Liquid distributor. RMB on it, set the "Concentration" mode. Now it, already the only green hole, should be turned down into steam generator.

The last step is installation cisterns, Trumpets and Kinetic generators. We put cistern into the single opening of our installation. Fill it with a few capsules distilled water. What matters is that steam generator and Liquid distributor should eventually be filled out completely, however, in cistern there should be a free space of at least 1 capsule. If everything is done correctly - in steam generator liquid will come in. Pipes create the pumping of liquid from cisterns in Liquid distributor. Now we put 1 Void Liquid Pipe above Liquid heat exchangers. We attach 1 Kinetic generator side Kinetic steam generators. Installation should take place on the side without blades. (The screenshot above shows) Do not forget to turn them with a wrench in the opposite direction. As a result, we get something similar to this:

That's all. Now you can bring lava to Liquid heat exchangers. Whether it's behind or below, it doesn't matter.
And now a little about the main disadvantage of this method of obtaining energy. When unloading a chunk (if you exit the game, go mining, visit someone's shop) there is a chance that the Kinetic Steam Generator will get superheated steam. After that, stable operation of the device will be impossible. Apparently some kind of bug. Therefore, here are some solutions:
1. Stand AFK near the plant.
2. Buy an anchor. It will load your chunks, preventing the pair from getting "bugged".
3. Turn off the power supply to the installation before each exit from the server / trips to the mine or store.
Everyone is happy, good luck)