The cat has blood in the urine - why and what to do to the owner. Blood in the cat's tray: why the cat pees in blood and what to do about it Cat blood in the urine

A cat cannot talk about its illnesses, they can be understood only by certain symptoms. One such symptom is blood in the cat's urine, or as veterinarians call it, hematuria. Hematuria indicates a serious disease of the animal. Many owners, upon discovering this, begin to panic: “The cat has urine with blood, what should I do?”. This article will tell you what diseases cause hematuria, what symptoms exist, how to help the animal and how to properly treat it.

What does cat urine look like in normal and hematuria

First you need to know what urine looks like in healthy cats and in cats with hematuria:

  • urine is liquid which is produced by the kidneys. Together with it, harmful substances, excess salt, enzymes, etc. are excreted from the body. If the cat is healthy, her urine is clear, light yellow or orange, without cloudy sediments and blood clots. In addition, the urine of the animal does not emit a strong odor;
  • bloody urine in a cat can be detected by the owners when changing the filler in the tray. Blood is released in the form of clots in severe cases of the disease. With a mild stage of the disease, the color most often changes - it becomes dark brown, a sharp unpleasant odor appears. If there is a suspicion, the owner needs to collect the pet's urine and either visually assess the presence of blood in it, or transfer it to a specialist for analysis.

Causes of hematuria

Blood in the urine of a cat in itself is only a symptom of the development of diseases of the genitourinary system. These diseases include:

Causes of urolithiasis

Most often, blood in the urine of a cat indicates the development of urolithiasis in him. Scientists are still arguing about what causes the formation of stones. One of the main reasons is malnutrition:

  • the diet contains a large amount of phosphates;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • monotonous diet;
  • a large number of sea fish.

In neutered cats, urolithiasis often develops due to stagnation of urine. The reason for this is the narrowing of the urinary canal after castration.

Symptoms of urolithiasis

In addition to the presence of blood in the urine of cats, the following symptoms may indicate urolithiasis:

First aid

If the owner has found blood in the urine of his pet, and all of the above symptoms are present, first aid can be provided to the cat or cat before contacting the veterinarian and starting any treatment. It comes down to this:

  • provide the pet with peace in a warm room on a clean bedding;
  • give an injection of an anesthetic ("No-shpa", "Baralgin"). "Analgin" is contraindicated for cats;
  • feed the pet should be only liquid food;
  • provide the cat with plenty of water, water should be available in large quantities;
  • it is not recommended to give an animal antibiotics without a prescription from a veterinarian;
  • decoction of parsley helps to relieve inflammation, so a cat should be fed to them. In addition to anti-inflammatory, parsley decoction has disinfectant properties;
  • a decoction of juniper or horsetail will help remove substances that cause inflammation from the urinary canal.

How to collect urine from a cat

To diagnose the presence of the disease, it is necessary to collect cat urine according to the following rules:

Diagnosis of the disease

A veterinarian should diagnose a particular disease that provokes the appearance of blood in the urine of a cat. To do this, he can prescribe the following examinations:

  1. general analysis of urine and blood;
  2. vaginal swab from a cat;
  3. coagulogram;
  4. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  5. x-ray;
  6. histology;
  7. cystoscopy;
  8. sowing urine for flora;
  9. stone analysis.


After the examination and obtaining an accurate picture of the disease, the correct diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. Treatment includes the following activities:

Prevention measures

The development of diseases that provoke the appearance of blood in the urine of a cat or cat is easier to prevent than to treat, so it is important to observe the following preventive measures:

  1. diversify the cat's diet;
  2. carry out the necessary vaccinations;
  3. carry out preventive treatment of the pet from worms and fleas;
  4. do not overfeed a fluffy pet;
  5. include fermented milk products in the animal's diet;
  6. castrated cats are not recommended to be fed with sea fish to avoid the accumulation of salts;
  7. provide the pet with unhindered access to water;
  8. cats and cats should lead a mobile lifestyle.

So, blood in the urine of a cat or a cat indicates the presence of serious health problems, most often it is urolithiasis. To accurately establish the diagnosis, you should collect the pet's urine, visually assess its condition for the presence of blood and impurities and transfer it to specialists for analysis, as well as contact a veterinarian and conduct the necessary examinations. After confirming the diagnosis, the veterinarian prescribes treatment. However, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so it is important to follow preventive measures.

If this appears, it indicates that your pet has serious inflammatory problems. If you do not see a doctor in time, then dangerous consequences can occur, which will then be very difficult to get rid of.

What should be normal urine. Blood in cat urine

The kidneys are responsible for producing this excretory fluid. With urine through the excretory system, harmful microelements, salt residues, excess hormones come out. If the process is stopped or allocated mixed with blood, then this indicates a poor performance of the system. Blood in the urine of a cat is a serious symptom.

In normal condition urination infrequent, the liquid itself is yellow or orange. It should not contain components, darkening or clots. Normal urine of a healthy cat does not have a specific smell.

Why is there blood in my cat's urine?

Hematuria- this is the second name of the formation. Its causes are the appearance of various infections, acquired or congenital diseases during the period of exacerbation, and unsuccessful falls of individuals should not be ruled out.

    The most important causes for which blood appears in the urine of a cat:
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • powerful blows, concussions;
  • acute poisoning;
  • congenital diseases in the structure of organs;
  • a lot of worms in the body;
  • drug withdrawal response.

The main symptoms of hematuria are blood in the urine of a cat

The main symptoms of hematuria are blood staining in a red hue. There are cases when the blood in the urine of a cat is filled with clots.

Not always if - this is a clear sign of illness. It may be that he ate beets or carrots, and it was from this urine dyed this color. If this is the case, then after a few days the excretory fluid will again become the same color. And if not, then it's time to seek help from specialists.

Our veterinary center "Ya-VET" has experienced doctors who will help you. By phone you will find out the real prices of the services you need. The veterinarian will be able to come to you and show his diploma.

If it appears, then often the animal loses its appetite, becomes apathetic and overly calm. He may suffer from urination itself. The cat will begin to urinate with an admixture of blood on the sofa, carpet, chair, etc. Possibly a cat after a fall.

What blood will look like in the urine of a cat at various stages of the disease

As already mentioned, the main symptom of the disease is the presence of blood in the urine of a cat. Its shade directly depends on red blood cells: the more of them, the brighter and richer the liquid. If there is blood in the urine of a cat accompanied by clots, this indicates a severe stage of the disease.

There are times when bloody shades are not noticeable at all. They can only be detected with careful microscopic analysis. Erythrocytes in the urine have a different shape from flattened to deformed.

Blood in the urine of a cat: how not to bring the animal to a severe degree of the disease.

Often, cat owners do not pay attention to the shade of their urine. It is necessary to note changes in the behavior of cats. As soon as you notice that your pet or pet makes strange sounds when urinating or just starts to worry, then don't wait - immediately see what color they have urine.

In the early stages, the excretory fluid does not change its color. But her behavior is different: urinates not in the litter box, rushes around the apartment and meows.

In this case it is necessary take a urine test. Our center "I-VET", located in Moscow, conducts examinations of animals, treats urolithiasis, which may have appeared in your cat.

How is a blood sample collected? Blood in cat urine

When you see blood in the urine of a cat, it urgently needs to be collected, but not everyone knows how to do this. In order to collect cat urine for analysis you need to prepare an empty tray, gloves and a special container. Then follow this algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash the cat's litter box thoroughly and pour hot water over it.
  2. Remove all filler from it.
  3. If the animal does not want to urinate in such a "toilet", then purchase pebbles.
  4. After the animal has done its job, put on gloves and pour the liquid into a special container.
  5. The jar must be taken to the center in the next couple of hours.

Blood in the urine of a cat. How is the diagnosis of blood in the urine of an animal

If your cat pissing blood, then an experienced and qualified veterinarian conducts a thorough examination in order to make the most accurate diagnosis. Diagnostics includes the following categories:

  1. General analysis of the excretory fluid of a cat. With its help, the presence of blood and other impurities is determined.
  2. Sensitivity and seeding. It turns out that what infection served as the causative agent of the disease, and even then antibiotics are determined.
  3. A swab from the genitals. Examined only if there is suspicion of vaginitis.
  4. General blood analysis. The level of infection of the animal's immune system is determined.
  5. Biochemical analysis. It is used to check the functioning of the kidneys.
  6. X-ray of the abdomen. Identifies kidney stones.
  7. Cystoscopy. The bladder is examined.
  8. Analysis of stones, if any. As a result, a special diet and drugs are prescribed.

Take care of your pet at home. Blood found in cat urine

Your cat fell, he began to excrete blood with urine, you turned to a specialist, he prescribed treatment for the animal. You must unquestioningly observe it, but also take care of your sick pet at home. Provide him with peace, do not pull, do not let children near the cat, do not touch the pet once again.

Remove all solid foods from food. Leave only liquid slurries and mixtures. Strictly adhere to the diet prescribed by your veterinarian.

Never self-medicate! It will only harm the cat or cat.

What to do if you can not see a doctor. Blood in cat urine

What to do if you can't see a doctor, and found blood in the urine of a cat? Now everyone has mobile phones, you can always dial our veterinary center m and consult on any issue.

    As a first aid, you can follow this algorithm:
  1. Move the animal to a warm and clean room, do not touch it.
  2. For pain relief, inject an intramuscular pain reliever. No-shpa or baralgin will do.
  3. Replace solid writing with liquid.
  4. Free access to water.
  5. Give the animal decoctions of herbs that remove toxins from the body.

Do not give an animal antibiotics without the knowledge of a doctor!

How to treat an animal that has found blood in the urine of a cat

Treatment directly depends on what diagnosis was made. The algorithm for taking drugs is written by a veterinarian. It may include such components: antibiotics, diet, injections, vitamins, removal of stones from the kidneys, painkillers and others.

Blood in the urine of a pregnant cat

In cats that carry babies under their hearts or have just given birth, blood in urine is normal. Therefore, before engaging in self-medication (which is generally not permissible), seek the advice of a specialist.

Animals should not be given drugs just like that. They can harm the animal, and such treatment will end in death.

Prevention of hematuria, blood in the urine of a cat

    To prevent blood in the urine of a cat, the following measures must be observed:
  1. Feed your pet only quality food.
  2. Can be held sterilization.
  3. Minimize cat walks outside.
  4. Don't let them fall.

Sterilized or castrated the cat is not so susceptible to this disease. Many are afraid to castrate, fearing that the individual will change its behavior in the future. But this is not true. The animal will remain with the same character.

Also pay attention to the cat's jumps, if possible, it is better to reduce their number. When he fails will fall- there will be diseases not only associated with the amount of blood in the urine.

The presence of various clots in the excretory fluid is a sign of serious diseases that need to be treated. Show the cat to the veterinarian, conduct the necessary research and follow all his appointments.

The appearance of blood in cats during or after urination causes anxiety and sometimes panic of the owner. The condition is not associated with a threat to the life of the animal, but measures must be taken.

In a cat, blood in the urine is always accompanied by damage to the urinary canal. Hence the pain and restlessness. If the owner reads specialized literature, he will know that his animal has hematuria. The terrible name is not a disease, it is only a symptom that speaks of the addition of blood to the urine. This may occur for various reasons.

Causes of blood in the urine of a cat

According to the source of origin of blood in the urine, 2 reasons can be distinguished:

  • mixing occurs in the bladder or on the evacuation route through the canal;
  • the problem is localized higher - in the kidneys.

In the first case, blood is a secondary phenomenon. It is caused by injury to foreign objects, stones and sand, on the walls of the bladder and ureter. The cause may be an injury in an unsuccessful fall. And it is not necessary to fall from the 9th floor. Loss of balance while sleeping and landing off the back of the couch can lead to this condition.

Neoplasms and metastasis of tumors in the bladder will lead to the appearance of bloody spots in the urine. It is extremely rare in animals to find hemorrhagic cystitis. This condition is caused by a prolonged temperature drop or draft. For example, when the apartment is hot, and the cat sleeps under the front door and is exposed to a draft for a long time. The hallmark of cystitis is incontinence. While urolithiasis is manifested by prolonged sitting in a characteristic position on the potty, often to no avail.

The most difficult in terms of treatment and the condition of the pet is the situation when the blood enters the urine in the kidneys. This is due to cell damage, the appearance of cysts, the destruction of the pelvis and other processes that the veterinarian will need to establish. The hallmark is the appearance of blood in the urine. This is not a clot, not blotches, but a uniform staining in bright scarlet or red.

The summary list of reasons why a cat pees bloody urine can be described as follows:

  • kidney inflammation;
  • urinary tract infection;
  • neoplasms;
  • injury;
  • urolithiasis;
  • cystitis disease.

What to do if there is blood in the urine of a neutered cat

Cats, unlike cats, have a long, curved urinary canal. Therefore, when sand forms in the bladder, it is more difficult to remove it. It scratches the walls, which causes bleeding and manifestations of inflammation. In a neutered cat, blood in the urine does not appear as a result of the operation, but because of the wrong lifestyle after the deprivation of sexual behavior.

The cat becomes calmer and prefers good food and long sleep. This leads to weight gain and changes in urine composition. That provoke stones. More often the process develops 1-3 years after castration.

In this case, emergency assistance will be required in the form of a change in food and treatment, and then a change in lifestyle. As a preventive measure, veterinarians recommend feeding castrated males with special food. On the packaging of such feeds there is a note that it is suitable for castrates. As a last resort, you should opt for a food formulated for indoor cats.

Why can there be blood in the urine of a cat

The appearance of blood in the urine of a cat requires special attention. Sometimes such a manifestation is attributed to estrus. During normal estrus, cats do not have any discharge from the loop. Blood is always a pathology.

But more often, the owners decide that it is urolithiasis and begin to treat it. After the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, improvement occurs for a while. It is dangerous in uncastrated cats. In females, although urolithiasis occurs, but in very rare cases. More often, the blood in the urine does not come from the urinary canal, but from the loop. Blood is a discharge from the uterus and signals a serious process in which the ureters may be affected.

Pyometra, a purulent inflammation of the inner surface of the uterus, cats carry on their feet. The animal can be kept appetite and activity. Only some females develop soreness in the abdominal region. Allocations can be purulent or purulent-bloody. Pyometra is subject to surgical treatment, and the sooner, the higher the chance to save life and health. If the owner noticed blood in the urine of an uncastrated cat, then this is a reason to immediately sound the alarm, even if the animal feels well.


Often, owners begin to treat a cat with blood in the urine, guided by the experience of treating their own cystitis or someone else's recommendations. It may be dangerous. The wrong choice of drug, an overdose or an unsuccessful combination of drugs lead to intoxication.

What is possible and necessary for one disease is contraindicated for another. For example, with cystitis, a metabolic stimulant will help to more effectively remove toxins from the body in the form of decayed cells. On the other hand, if the animal has an oncological process of the urogenital area or metastasis from other organs, then the acceleration of metabolism is contraindicated. It will lead to tumor growth.

The doctor will select medications after an examination, which often includes only ultrasound. In some cases, you will need to take a urine test, and it is better to do this through a catheter. Such a fence will allow you to see the true composition of the fluid without microflora, which joins the urine in the urethra. During the study, the doctor will look at the kidneys, if their structure is smooth, the size is normal, then the treatment will be limited to removing the inflammatory process and normalizing the composition of the urine.


The prescription list will include antibiotics, Cyston, possibly Kanefron, B vitamins, folk remedies. The selection and dosage of the drug should be carried out only by a doctor. The most important selection criterion is an established or suspected diagnosis. And the parameters that affect the choice of certain drugs and their dosage are the weight, age, severity of the animal's condition.

Folk remedies

You can help your pet on your own only with folk remedies. Of the pharmaceutical preparations, chamomile is useful, which must be brewed according to the instructions and drunk 3-4 times a day in a volume of up to 10 ml each time. The substance is anti-inflammatory and soothes injured mucous membranes. Collections of other herbs are best purchased at a veterinary pharmacy in the form of ready-made tinctures such as "Healthy Kidneys". To draw up a herbal collection for a cat, it is important to clearly maintain the allowable proportion. Doing this at home can be difficult.

Is it dangerous

By itself, hematuria is not dangerous. But this only applies to the fact that the symptom is not included in the list of manifestations that are life-threatening for the animal. Any injury always causes the growth of pathogenic microflora, which can easily lead to inflammation, and then to kidney failure.

Oncological processes of the genitourinary system are difficult to treat. Therefore, the owner will have to recognize the disease as a fait accompli and make a correction in the lifestyle of a domestic cat, taking into account the diagnosis.

In some cases, for example, with pyometra, timely surgical intervention will prevent the development of other symptoms that are life-threatening for a pet.

Prompt and correct initiation of treatment for kidney problems will not only improve the quality of life, but also significantly prolong it. In summary, we can say that blood in the urine is not a threat to the death of the animal, but inattention can provoke the development of fatal signs.

If a cat has urine with blood or blood clots, this is not just an alarming symptom, it is an SOS signal, because this is a sign of bleeding or necrosis of the tissues of internal organs (usually the kidneys or bladder). Sometimes the process is so advanced that nothing can be done.

Hematuria in a cat

Clots or inclusions are visible to the naked eye, as are the symptoms that accompany the disease, which appear much earlier than changes in the composition of the urine.

Pathology can be noticed earlier. In cats, urine is normally clear, light and free of impurities, urine with blood has a darker color (brown or reddish), which makes it possible to suspect hematuria and make a simple clinical analysis.

In rare cases, reddish urine color may be normal if the animal eats red-colored vegetables (beets or carrots). Unusual delicacy for cats, but it happens. Nevertheless, at the slightest suspicion, tests should be taken - and everything will fall into place.

Causes of hematuria

Most often, this symptom is characteristic of the pathology of the genitourinary organs of any pathogenesis and etiology: infections, systemic diseases, tumors, helminthic invasions, injuries, chemical and food poisoning, accompanied by kidney dysfunction. Hematuria is the main symptom of both primary and secondary lesions of these organs. Also, hematuria can be a sign of the decay of malignant tumors of any localization.

Associated symptoms

Hematuria does not occur suddenly - it is a long and gradual process. As a rule, other symptoms appear first, characteristic of the pathology that caused the change in the composition of urine.

Most often, long before the manifestation of this dangerous symptom, you can notice that:

  • the cat has become restless or lethargic;
  • loss of appetite or increased thirst;
  • pronounced local pain in the pelvis and abdominal cavity;
  • the process of urination is painful;
  • possible development of urinary incontinence.

Each of these symptoms in itself is a reason to visit the clinic for the purpose of examination. This is the only way to diagnose a serious illness before dangerous symptoms appear.

Collection of material for analysis

If the cat has blood in the urine or it just seems that the color has changed, it is necessary to do an analysis. The material for this is easy to assemble on your own at home. You will need to remove the filler from the tray, thoroughly wash the tray itself and cover with a grate. Then collect the urine in a clean sterile container and take it to the doctor.

Sometimes the process of urination is too painful, or the cat is very shy - and the material cannot be collected. In this case, catheterization is needed, but the doctor will do it in a clinic or when calling home.

First aid

Methods of self-treatment and traditional medicine in this case are not only useless, but also dangerous. You should also not expect that the doctor will be able to consult by phone or skype. Contact medical examination and visual examination required. Therefore, first aid is a trip to the clinic, and as soon as possible.

If a cat has blood in its urine, but for some reason it is not possible to deliver a sick animal to a doctor immediately, you can do something yourself:

  • you can relieve painful spasms for some time with the help of drotaverine or baralgin intramuscularly;
  • furadonin can be used as an antiseptic;
  • before examination by a doctor, parsley and juniper root decoctions, which have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, will not be damaged;
  • provide a sick cat with peace and warmth. It is especially important to protect the animal from drafts;
  • provide a sparing diet: mashed and easily digestible food. Sometimes you can even keep the cat hungry for a day or two if he has no appetite. But the water should be fresh and in sufficient quantity.