In a dream, a dead person dreamed alive. Why dream of seeing a dead person alive. The dead man comes to life: a bad sign, be on the lookout

What to think if in a dream you see a dead person? Dream Interpretations advise, first of all, upon awakening, to restore in memory all the smallest details of the vision. Indeed, for its correct decoding, many factors matter. For example, do you really know this person, is he really alive, who are you related to. To find out what a lifeless character is dreaming of, his characteristic features and demeanor will help.

General interpretations

We note right away that the dead, according to the dream book, is by no means a terrible, negative symbol. Such an image in a dream may portend a change in the weather, be a call to urgently perform some act, or, on the contrary, abandon the planned actions. In addition, the deceased may dream of someone who misses another loved one who has gone into the world.

It is curious that in a dream a dead man may turn to the sleeping man with a request. Sometimes quite unusual. But its meaning becomes clear only if the dreamer fulfilled the will of the dreaming person. Often, everything that is done at the request of a dreaming dead person benefits the one who sees a strange dream.

If in a dream a person who is actually dead is alive, healthy, and actively communicates with you, then these may be echoes of memories of him. True, sometimes, waking up is very difficult, once again get used to the fact that he is still not alive. Therefore, the dreamer may experience sadness and confusion during the day.

revived dead man

What is the dream of a now deceased person, alive? Such visions should be treated with special attention, because they carry a lot of priceless information. As a rule, it can serve the dreamer with valuable advice, a warning. The dream interpretation suggests that in this way the souls of the dead, who are not indifferent to the sleeping person, are trying to protect him, to prevent the troubles that are approaching him.

Sometimes in night dreams, people who have left us for another world appear to us in bright rooms with white walls, reminiscent of a hospital ward, an operating room, a chemical laboratory.

However, the sleeper can easily recognize in this “snow-white” room the living room and bedroom familiar from the details of the furnishings. The dream book suggests that such visions are typical for someone who cannot yet come to terms with the loss of a loved one, worries, suffers.

In a dream, did you talk to the dead or did he call you on the phone? Why dreamed of such an unusual dialogue? The dream book claims that every word uttered by an inanimate interlocutor is filled with a specific meaning. Moreover, there is no need to analyze what was said, to look for a secret meaning, hints, allegories. On the contrary, understand everything that the deceased said literally and act strictly following his instructions and orders.

Alive in reality, but dead in a dream

How to understand: what did the dead man dream about now? The dream book believes that there is no reason to worry about the fate of the dreaming character. Moreover, this is an example of a classic "shifter", the dream meaning of which is usually interpreted the other way around. That is, if the village is dead, it will live long.

If the one who dreamed of a dead man is familiar to you, then rejoice for this citizen, because the dream book prophesies success and luck in all endeavors for him. Do not be jealous, because the well-being of this person will directly or indirectly positively affect your well-being.

Company of the Lost

In Loff's dream book there is an explanation: why do many dead people dream at once? It turns out that this is a sign that the sleeper is dissatisfied with himself, regrets his mistakes, mistakes, and constantly feels insecure. Such a state is extremely harmful, and only one thing will help get rid of the oppressive feeling of guilt - remember, determine the root cause of your anxiety. And the details of the dreaming plot will help in this.

Did you dream that a whole company of the dead surrounds you, coming closer and closer? As the Wanderer's dream book says, you have to endure persecution and criticism from colleagues and other acquaintances. And besides, at the same time a whole heap of worries will fall upon you.

It is good if in night vision the bodies are carried away from you by a wave, or someone takes them away from you. Such a picture inspires optimism - troubles will soon disappear from your life, as if by magic.

Versions from various sources

The Chinese dream book says that a phantasmagoria with the presence of buried honorable, respected citizens portends extraordinary luck. Moreover, it emphasizes the fact that it will not be just a happy coincidence, but a huge event that can change fate for the better. Moreover, the upcoming surprise of Fortune can affect both business and personal life.

If you use the dream book of the 21st century, then you can find an original version of the prediction regarding what the dead man is dreaming of. As explained, death must be perceived as the completion of a mortal earthly path, followed by something unknown. In other words, the sleeper is entering a new stage in his life, and is afraid of the innovations associated with this transition. He is also afraid of the unknown. But be patient, very soon, the dream book promises, important news will be received that will help you navigate the new time and space.

In a night dream, did you see a dead man in a coffin? Then be careful, the Modern Dream Book instructs. This image is a warning about possible injuries, accidents.

In addition, both for the sleeper himself and for his loved ones, an unfavorable period begins - a black streak. And it’s better not to start an important project at this moment, but to postpone plans until better, calmer times.

According to esotericists, dead people cannot appear in dreams. This is just a figment of the dreamer's imagination. But no one argues with the fact that in this case, too, it is necessary to analyze the dream, draw certain conclusions, and not neglect advice and recommendations.

What is the dream of a dead man, calling, carrying along? This is a terrible sign, promising danger and trouble. It would be nice even in a dream to resist temptation and not succumb to the persuasion of the deceased, not to follow him, Miller's dream book suggests.

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Do not be afraid!

If in a dream the dead often come to you, then you should not be scared and fall into a panic state.

On the contrary, the dream book considers this a great success. Since the dead very often warn of trouble, present a picture of the future and give good advice.

So why dream of people who are dead? There is a possibility that someone is spreading bad rumors about you. But more often, characters who are dead in real life in a dream symbolize those dreams and desires that cannot be realized for external reasons.

Invisible Help

Why else do dead people dream of being alive? Seeing long-dead relatives - to receive help in a difficult situation and the fulfillment of secret aspirations.

If in a dream the dead come alive, then the dream book believes that a wave of weakness and indecision will soon roll over. In this version, the dead seem to support you morally.

Dreamed of the dead alive? Perhaps you are afraid of losing something very important to you.


Did familiar dead people appear in a dream? Personally, the dream book guarantees you many years and relative well-being.

Had a dream that acquaintances of the deceased paid a visit? In business and life in general, not the best changes have been outlined.

Sometimes deceased loved ones reflect a fear of losing protection in reality.

Did you have to talk to them? It is especially important to remember everything that relatives will say at night. Perhaps you can learn from them something important about your future.

Do not panic!

Dreamed of completely unfamiliar dead people? The dream interpretation believes that this is just a reflection of the negative aspects of your personality.

These can be obsolete stereotypes, a specific line of behavior, or a real loss of vitality.

Why dream that unfamiliar ghouls are leaving? In fact, you will be able to get rid of what weighs on you.

If in a dream unfamiliar corpses scare you, then in the coming situation you will fall into a real panic and take an extremely undesirable step.

Get ready!

Why else do other people's dead people dream? If they come to life, but do not harm you, then truly amazing events will occur, or long-forgotten problems will remind themselves of themselves.

If the ghouls scare or even try to kill you in a dream, then the dream book believes that a streak of insurmountable difficulties is coming, problems at work and at home.

Seeing other people's dead chasing you means that during the next day you will encounter a lot of difficulties and unpleasant moments.

Money or decline?

Why do many dead people dream? Seeing them on the battlefield means that a serious global confrontation with human casualties is coming, for example, a war.

Did you see a lot of corpses? Dream Interpretation considers this a bad omen. Businessmen are waiting for a decline in business, lovers parting, and all the rest - tragic news.

In a dream, many decaying bodies with a sickening smell promise a bad influence from the past. If you did not feel a special aroma, then you will certainly get rich.

Take your time!

Did you dream that you were in a place where dead bodies lay in coffins? Get ready for a substantial profit or a visit from an outsider.

But dead animals, according to the dream book, guarantee poor health and domestic conflicts.

Did you happen to be among the dead in a dream? In real life, you are destined for a hasty and extremely unsuccessful marriage, which will bring only misfortune.

Miller's prophecy

Miller's dream book considers the vision of the dead in coffins to be extremely negative. It promises a lean year for farmers, bad luck for business people, and a bad marriage for all lovers.


Why dream that dead people are pulling their hands towards you? This is a very bad sign, in a dream reflecting a mental or witchcraft attack directed at you with the aim of further subjugation to someone else's will.

Did you dream that the dead literally grabbed hands? The dream book believes that your own bad habits, emotions or actions are hindering you.

specific images

Further interpretation of the dream is based on the place where the dead people appeared.

  • In the water - a period of bad luck.
  • In the house - swearing and family scandals.
  • In your own bed - the success of a hopeless business.
  • The plane with the dead is a shame, bankruptcy.
  • Falling from the sky - troubles will fall on your head.


By the way, the Muslim dream book claims that the naked dead can dream as a sign of their repose in another world.

No one likes to wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night after a terrible nightmare. Even those who enjoy watching horror films are sincerely frightened by what they experienced in a dream.

Sleep, like fingerprints, is individual, in which we experience those events that are relevant to us and to our life. Therefore, each person dreams of his personal nightmare. But scientists have found that there are common themes of terrible dreams for all of us.

So, for example, people often dream of the dead: they can be long-dead friends or, or, conversely, those who are now alive and well suddenly turn out to be dead in a dream. There can be many options and nuances, and each of them needs a detailed analysis.

So, why is a dead person dreaming? Let's try to understand all the intricacies of interpretation. If we look into the dream book, the dead man is a symbol of renewal. It is not clear to many why such a dream should not be considered as a prophetic one, but all because usually a dream is just a metaphor. You need to understand and unravel it, and not take it literally.

So, below are the main plots that can be in a dream:

  • A long-dead relative or friend is dreaming.
  • Dreaming of the dead one who is alive and well.
  • Unknown dead.
  • Dead child.
  • Meeting at the cemetery or in the morgue.
  • The dead man was seen in a coffin.
  • You were the dead one.
  • Resurrected dead.
  • Dreaming of the living dead.
  • Conversation with the dead.
  • Kisses of the Dead.
  • Dead animals.

What is in a dream, and what is in reality?

In order to deal with what the dead man is dreaming of, you need to remember whether you are familiar with the person from the dream in real life. If you dreamed of a long-dead relative or friend, then this can say a lot. For example, if you recently remembered him alive or looked at old photos, then such a dream is not subject to analysis.

If, on the contrary, you did not remember the person, and he suddenly appears in a dream, then it means that serious changes in life await you. Perhaps what was familiar to you will change forever, and now a new world and a new path will open before you.

To dream that your relative or loved one, who is still alive and well, has died, means that this person is destined for a long life. And such a dream promises you a quick rest in a pleasant company.

If you dreamed of a dead man with whom you never knew and never met him, it means that new acquaintances are waiting for you. These new friends will be the complete opposite of the dead: they will be cheerful, cheerful and extremely active. Another option for what dead people dream of is offered by the Eastern Dream Book - such a dream promises you good luck in all your endeavors.

Many mothers worry after nightmares and try to find the answer to the question of why the dead dream. Do not be afraid and worry: this dream suggests that your child is absolutely healthy and happy, but you are unnecessarily worried about him; give your baby a little freedom - then it will become much easier for him and you. Also, when figuring out what a dead child is dreaming of, remember that your experiences and recent events can affect the appearance of this dream.

If in a dream you were walking along and met a dead man, then wait for good news..If the dead man did not notice you and passed by, this is a particularly good sign: all bad things will bypass you.

But if you are "lucky" in your night dreams to travel around the morgue and wander among the many cold bodies, then this speaks of your many fears. You try by all means to avoid encounters with what scares you, but the longer you hide from yourself and your fears, the weaker you will become. You need to face your worries and then you will gain strength and self-confidence.

Seeing a dead man lying in a dream means that for some time all your affairs will be frozen. This is not a bad prediction, you just spend too much time on work, on the race for money and completely forget about yourself. You need to take advantage of the circumstances and devote time to yourself.

If you died in a vision and you saw your lifeless body from the side, then be prepared for a sharp jump up . In your development, you will overcome the ceiling that you have been hitting for more than one year. You have an important, largely significant meeting that will turn your world upside down.

Seeing a dead man in a coffin, who suddenly shook and came to life, means that long-standing, forgotten and dusty problems can make themselves felt. You will be able to resolve these difficulties without difficulty, but for the future, you should remember that procrastination usually ends badly.

If you are interested in what the dead are dreaming of, then it is worth studying predictions from different dream books. For example, according to the Noble Dream Book, the walking dead are a symbol of good luck and wealth, and according to the Modern Dream Book, they are a harbinger of stress.

To speak in a vision with a dead person who has come to life means to receive secret knowledge. Often dead people in a dream, albeit not literally, but metaphorically warn us of possible difficulties in life. Therefore, be attentive to everything that you will be told.

If in night dreams unfamiliar living dead tried you, then wait for the appearance of an obsessive admirer. And if you kiss a lifeless body, then this means that you, without knowing why, are trying to resurrect relationships that have long outlived their usefulness.

Especially often, many are interested in what dead birds and animals dream of.

  • Dead pets - to temporary difficulties.
  • Dead cattle - to a cold.
  • Dead - you do not give yourself the opportunity to be free and easy.
  • The bodies of wild animals - to get rid of problems.

Dreams are a beautiful place, although sometimes we have nightmares. But no matter how terrible the dream was - the dead or the living dead came to you - remember that we are afraid of what we do not know. Just try to trust life - and you will understand that everything is working out exactly as it should.

The appearance of a dead person in a dream is often mistakenly interpreted as a bad sign., a harbinger of misfortune, misfortune, or, even worse, the imminent death of the dreamer. Why dream that a dead person is alive? What does he want to tell us?

However, despite the great number of erroneous interpretations, such a dream can also have a positive meaning..

In many cultures, and also according to most dream books, the dead appear in a dream not only to warn the dreamer, but also as a good omen, a harbinger of a joyful event or unexpected changes that do not carry anything bad in themselves.

So why dream that a dead person is alive? Let's figure it out!

To the delight of dreamers and dreamers, there are quite a lot of pleasant, kind interpretations and such a dream.

Dead person appearing alive and well in a dream, portends serious, chaotic and unforeseen changes in the dreamer's life.

Such a dream promises a renunciation of habitual beliefs and a turning towards new, more weighty and significant ideals.

Changes can occur both materially, affecting the dreamer's career and personal life, and imperceptibly even for himself, through persistent introspection and the search for truth.

Such a dream can also be a harbinger of a change in the weather.

Living dead in a dream portends a break in old relationships in favor of new acquaintances.

A dream in which the deceased appears as a revived corpse, predicts a dreamer or dreamer a long and interesting life.

To dream of a dead man rising from the grave or from the coffin- good sign. Such a dream portends the arrival of guests from afar. They may be distant relatives or old friends.

In any case, their visit will be a pleasant surprise for the dreamer or dreamer.

If in a dream a person who actually died a long time ago appears alive, but is in a coffin, soon the dreamer or dreamer will have to receive a substantial amount of money in cash.

It can be a well-deserved award, an inheritance, or a generous, albeit not particularly original, gift.

If a deceased child appears alive in a dream, the family will soon have a long-awaited replenishment.

Seeing your deceased relatives alive in a dream- good sign. Such a dream portends the help and support of loved ones on the way to achieving the goal.

The dreamer should not be afraid of disapproval or betrayal, on the contrary, he can trust others, and they will not refuse to help him.

If a dead person in a dream comes to life before the eyes of the dreamer, such a dream promises to receive letters or news from people with whom the dreamer has not been in touch for a long time.

Negative interpretation of a dream

Such a dream can also be a harbinger of sad events.

Crying dead man in a dream portends a major quarrel, a squabble with superiors or family discord.

A recently deceased person appearing alive in a dream, speaks of anguish tormenting the dreamer or a feeling of guilt.

If in a dream the dreamer not only sees a dead person alive, but also tries to escape from him, in everyday life he is haunted by unreasonable fears and remnants of the past.

If in a dream a dead person appears alive and gives advice to the dreamer, such a dream portends major failures both in your career and in your personal life.

In this case, it is worth listening carefully and remembering what the deceased was talking about - in the future this may well come in handy.

How you want to open a book of interpretation of dreams on the desired page and find out the meaning of a dream. Why do dead people dream? Dream- such a natural and such a mysterious state of a living organism. It is a necessity, a physiological need. 2500 years the human race comprehends the history of sleep. And if in this area the veil of uncertainty is gradually lifted, then dreams remain a mysterious and little-studied world in which myth and reality are intertwined.

The point of view of psychologists

Psychologists believe that people come into contact with their second self. The loss of a loved one is stressful not only for the psyche, but for the whole organism. Endless memories, mental replaying of recent events again and again stubbornly pursued for a certain time period. It is not for nothing that older people say that the soul must be released. A long stay in such a depressed state can be dangerous to health. The psyche reacts in its own way to such a mood, and a dream can release the accumulated negative energy. In a dream, favorite images can often appear.

Esoteric point of view

According to esotericists, in the moments of a dream, a connection arises between human consciousness and the Higher Mind. The human soul can be a conductor of certain types of energy. It can be feelings, images, memory. If the dead dream, then:

  • These souls need help - you need to pray for them;
  • Loving souls take care of us, warn us - we must pray for ourselves.

The living and the dead are connected not only by blood relationship. We are on the same energy orbit. Everything affects each other. When the soul leaves the body, the energy breaks free and spreads throughout the family. It can be protective, then we get protection. But it can also be detrimental.

Why do dead parents dream

Witches interpret such dreams as a warning. The souls of deceased parents want to protect them from rash acts. The servants of the altar believe that messages from heaven come to children. Thus, parents remind of themselves and ask to light a candle for the dead.

Popular interpretation

If you dream of the dead, then:

  • Something will happen, resurrect. Information about an unexpected event;
  • The dead ask the living for forgiveness;
  • They bring news of another world;
  • Ask for help;
  • Convey a message to others;
  • For a change in the weather.
  • The living shed many tears for their dead relatives, one can hear stories of the dead asking not to mourn for them, because they lie in the water;
  • The dead in a dream are silent, which means that they simply came to visit the dreamer and remind themselves of themselves;
  • A celebration is dreaming and there are dead people at the table - you should pay attention to your health;
  • If the deceased screams and swears, this is a warning. There is a risk of making an irreparable mistake;
  • The deceased is cheerful and smiling - good luck will accompany;
  • The deceased calls for himself or chases after the dreamer - not good. Everything will depend on what happens next in a dream. If you do not follow him or run away, everything will work out.

Interpretations from different dream books

Esoteric dream book

  • The dead come in a dream in the first forty days after death, what they said can be understood literally. In esoteric teachings, as in Christianity, it is believed that the soul leaves this world on the fortieth day, after which it is finally freed from the body shell;
  • The dead come in the first 9 days, it is believed that they come to say goodbye. In the period from 9 to 40 days, they “rethink” their lives anew, some episodes are the brightest moments of their implementation. And so they worry loved ones, sum up.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian

  • The appearance of dead relatives in a dream is an attempt to communicate something important, to establish a spiritual connection.

Symbolic dream book

  • Unfamiliar dead people - vain unrest.

Chinese dream book

  • The deceased is having lunch - to illness;
  • - to a quarrel;
  • He came close - to grief;
  • Turned into dust - to prosperity;
  • The deceased has risen - to the news.

Dream Interpretation of G. Miller

  • The late mother is dreaming - health problems;
  • Deceased relative - the family needs help;
  • The dead and unexpectedly resurrected - someone's bad influence, an attempt to draw them into a money adventure. In a difficult situation, you should not expect help from friends;
  • The dead man rises from the grave - friends will not leave you in trouble;
  • The deceased invites you to follow him or takes him away - a bad sign. To trouble.

Interpretation of Z. Freud

  • The deceased says something - his words may turn out to be prophetic;
  • Deceased relatives - a long, eventful life.

Interpretation of Vanga

  • Died as a result of an illness - you will have to face injustice;
  • Many dead - family or loved ones are at risk of falling into a disaster. It pays to be careful;
  • Hugging with the dead - changes are possible. Both good and negative;
  • The dead dies - a manifestation of treachery on the part of friends. Don't be too trusting. People who were trusted can be deceived.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Kissing the deceased in a dream - conquer doubts and fears;
  • The dead calls for itself - to the disease.

Loff's dream book

  • Dreams of the dead - the body is depleted. Rest and restoration of the nervous system is necessary.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • A recently deceased relative - trials are possible;
  • Deceased father - problems with grandchildren.

Dream Interpretation Maneghetti

  • A deceased relative who appeared to a seriously ill dreamer may portend an imminent death;
  • Kissing the deceased on the forehead - get forgiveness, or forgive someone yourself.

Modern dream book

  • Dreaming of a dead man is a bad sign. financial difficulties;
  • The deceased in the coffin - continuous misfortunes. You have to be careful;
  • A dead relative is a scandal in the family;
  • For lovers - treason.

It doesn't matter how people receive a signal from the dead, but humanity continues to believe that this is an attempt to contact the living. The souls of loved ones never cease to take care of us. Let them be in another world. Not everyone is ready for contacts of this kind. Often people experience panic. The memory of loved ones lives on. Perhaps for the meeting you just need to let go of our subconscious.