Public toilets. Toilets Where are the holes in the toilets

The toilet in the country is one of the main buildings on the site, as there is a constant need for it. Regardless of what this building will be, a dry closet or a device with a cesspool, they all have a seat. The comfort and convenience of visiting this room by the owners of the summer cottage or its guests depends on this detail. The design of the seat is quite simple, so you can easily do it yourself.

Requirements for seats in the country toilet

A do-it-yourself seat in a country toilet must meet the following requirements:

Seat materials

Having decided to build such a structure in the country, it is necessary to decide on the following questions:

  • What materials to make a toilet seat in the country?
  • What form should it be?

The construction of these structures can be made of several types of material. Based on your preferences and financial capabilities, you can make them yourself from the following materials:

Most summer residents prefer pure wood. This choice is not accidental, as wood has such properties as strength, comfort and practicality.

Do-it-yourself country toilet

It is better to make a seat cover from wood. If you decide to opt for the option with wood, then it is recommended to use plywood sheets 8-10 mm thick.

Plastic structures are easy to maintain during operation, and due to their low weight they are easy to install. But, with regard to impact resistance, here they lose to structures made of other materials. Poor resistance to mechanical stress leads to the formation of cracks and scratches.

As for moisture resistant plywood, its use is justified by the following properties:

  • High strength.
  • Affordable price.
  • Easy installation.

The construction of moisture-resistant plywood is mounted using rubber pads that prevent the cover from moving during operation, since the pads are attached to the seat base.

The galvanized steel toilet seat is considered the most affordable option, while it has several big advantages:

  • Small costs.
  • Strength.
  • Flexibility.
  • Long service life.
  • Easy installation.

The rest of the materials, polystyrene and lining are used to sheath the wooden frame of the podium.

The shape of the podium can be rectangular or angular. This criterion is selected based on the preferences of the owner of the cottage or the size of the toilet.

How to make a seat for a country toilet with your own hands?

Most summer residents are wondering how to make a podium for a toilet in the country with their own hands? An ordinary hole in the floor does not suit you, you want more comfort and convenience, so the podium is the most acceptable way out of this situation.

Every person with little basic knowledge and tools can make such a device with their own hands.

According to the principle of assembling the design of the podiums can be:

  • Rectangular.
  • Corner.

Rectangular podium

If the choice is made in favor of a rectangular wooden structure, then you need to prepare a hole for it. Its height must be at least 40 cm.

It must be taken into account that the seat should occupy the entire width of the toilet, and the free spaces formed on the sides of the tank are usually used for care products for such a toilet or for toilet paper. The size of the hole is selected based on the size of the seat, which will be installed on top of the structure.

It must be remembered that the seat in outdoor toilets must be removable, then you will always have open access to cleaning the pit.

To properly make a rectangular podium for a toilet in the country with your own hands, you must follow this plan:

If such a design will be used in the winter, then instead of wood, you can take foam plastic as a sheathing.

corner podium

Triangular corner podium for the toilet

To make a corner podium for a toilet in the country with your own hands, you need to follow these steps:

  • Make a triangular frame from wooden beams.

The rest of the steps are completely the same as installing a rectangular podium.

Galvanized construction

It is quite easy to install metal structures with your own hands. The material used is galvanized steel. This chair looks like a cylinder. The lower and upper part has allowances for fastening. To do this, small incisions are made on them, at a distance of 5 cm.

The resulting incisions are bent outside the cylinder. The lower petals of the "chamomile" must be fixed to the floor with self-tapping screws. A sheet of plywood, 1 cm thick, is attached to the upper petals, in which a hole of the desired size is cut. A plastic toilet seat with a lid is attached to the top.

For a more presentable look, the metal structure is framed and sheathed with any material at hand. In the front wall of the frame, you can install a door behind which to store toilet products and paper.

Bench with a chair

This option can be made with your own hands, if you think it over during the installation of the toilet floor. With its equipment, 2/3 is covered with a board, and the rest is strengthened around the perimeter. After the construction of the toilet has been completed, a frame of wood or metal is built over the open part of the floor, and sheathed with any material.

A hole of the desired diameter is prepared from above and a plastic toilet seat is installed in it.

To prevent the walls of the box from getting dirty, you can install a plastic bucket with a cut bottom in the hole.

Video: Do-it-yourself country wooden toilet

Opening hours: The opening hours of public toilets correspond to the working hours of the institutions in which they are located. Stations are usually around the clock.

Prices: low

"Under the Stars" - an underground toilet on Red Square to the left of the Spasskaya Tower. There are very lustful tourists.

"GUM" - a toilet on the third floor between the 2nd and 3rd lines, entrance from the side of Ilyinka, there are a lot of outsiders during the day, and after 20:00 you can fool around, there are small holes between the booths.

"Alexander Garden" - there are two underground toilets on both sides of the Kutafya Tower. Cabins are tall and not crowded.

"Nikitsky Gates (TASS)" - an underground toilet behind the monument to Timiryazev, works in the summer, sometimes a cleaning lady and Caucasians who look like repairs are chasing.

"Taganka" - a public toilet to the left of the exit from the metro station "Taganskaya" of the ring line opposite the theater, not very convenient, but there are many people who want to.

"Paveletsky" - two toilets at the Paveletsky railway station. The first one is at entrance No. 3 in front of the passenger terminal of the Domodedovo airport. There are large holes between the booths and there are always those who want to have oral sex. The second toilet is in entrance No. 2 in the long-distance cash hall, inside to the right and down, entrance 10 rubles. Cabins are high, no holes. Those who came for our need can be seen by their heads.

"Belorussky" - Belorussky railway station, the extreme entrance from the exit from the "Belorusskaya-radial". Toilet on the 2nd floor next to the "Business Center". After lunch and until the evening there are a lot of people, incl. on this topic.

"Kazansky" - two toilets at the Kazansky railway station: the first at the end of the hall where the kiosks are located, and the second in the underground passage under the ticket office.

"Ostankino" - three toilets in the park near the TV center. Cool sex for every taste.

"Gorbushkin Dvor" - in the shopping center on line F02. There are large holes punched between some booths.

Read about other popular toilets on our forum.


In some toilets, holes have been made between the booths by caring hands of oral sex enthusiasts, through which you can not only spy on your neighbor, but also exchange oral sex with him. In other toilets (with high doors and lockable cabins), you can not only suck, but also have anal sex.


You can meet a wide variety of audiences in the toilets: from spontaneously excited straight men, soldiers and policemen to frankly vicious men who are ready to give half their lives for being famously fucked with a good thing in a public place.

In public toilets, do not forget about personal safety. Sometimes here you can meet the "vice police" - police officers in civilian clothes who monitor public order. They can draw up a protocol under Article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (petty hooliganism) for violating public order, accompanied by offensive harassment of citizens. This offense entails the imposition of a fine in the amount of 500 to 1000 rubles or administrative arrest for up to 15 days. The same actions involving disobedience to the lawful demand of a representative of authority entail the imposition of a fine in the amount of 1,000 to 2,500 rubles or administrative arrest for up to 15 days. In practice, they are extremely rarely held liable, since "violators" prefer to negotiate on the spot for a minimum rate of 500 rubles.

In addition to law enforcement agencies, two groups of criminals can be found in the toilets: "set up" and "repair". In the first case, under the guise of a sexual partner, a scammer or a robber will act, who will try to give you pleasure, but his ultimate goal will not be an orgasm, but your wallet or mobile phone. Another kind of set-up - the offender will not have sexual relations, but on the contrary, he will pretend that by such behavior you "insult his dignity" and demand material compensation in the form of all the valuable contents of your pockets. The greatest troubles are caused by the so-called "repairmen" - aggressive latent gays and homophobes who act exclusively by force.

Catching criminals in hot pursuit is not difficult, but they rely on the fact that you do not want to reveal the true causes of your troubles to the police. But in vain. A prompt appeal to the police can guarantee the capture of criminals, since video surveillance systems are installed in many public places and on the main streets.

Don't forget to protect yourself! Before going to the toilet, go to the pharmacy and buy a pack of condoms, wet wipes and Miromistin, which must be treated on the surface of the penis, pubis and urethra (urethra) within 2 hours after sex.


It should not be thought that only poor, older gay men are looking for sexual partners in public toilets. Once upon a time, Rudolf Nureyev, George Michael and other no less respected and famous gays were covered by "toilet romance". The toilet is a special place for men's needs. In every sense of the word.

I started an article about toilets because my homeland met me at the Kyiv airport with gray toilet paper and a broken toilet seat. The idea of ​​my compatriots was initially good: this very seat had to be rotated, sterilized and returned to its previous position hygienically clean. To paraphrase the quote: it was conceived cool, but it turned out - as always, through the ass.

Therefore, I was not too lazy and read how toilet service is assessed by those who have already managed to try the benefits of civilization abroad. And I was amazed at how much progress has been made! I thought that a rotating toilet ring is a masterpiece of design thought! It turns out that there are even more wonderful developments that foreign residents have long been accustomed to, but which seem to us a miracle of technology or a purely local invention, depending on how you look. About everything in order.

Hole in the floor on the pedestal

I'm out of the habit of toilets built according to the "Asian style". The fact that a hole in the floor, that is, a porcelain water closet on a pedestal, is called that way, I learned from women's forums, where the problem of hygiene was discussed in unison.

Hmm. Hygiene. No matter how you aim, the splashes in the flat toilet fly half a meter, especially with good pressure. It’s dangerous to aim at the hole where it’s not clear what is splashing, because the splashes from there ricochet into the most, so to speak, intimate. From the forums, I learned a detail that made me laugh: unshaven girls take less risk. But for those who know how to do their business in a bucket so that it "rides", according to one of the participants, it is better not to come to such a toilet. It really increases the risk. ricochet infection(term coined by me).

By the way, about hitting right on target: I had a belated sense of understanding of our stern army foreman, who trained rural recruits to recover carefully in such a restroom. This exercise was done with a pencil tied to the back of a belt with a string. "Ah - sit down! Two - got up. The pencil had to clearly fall into the neck of the bottle. And what? It helped.

But even better it helped to coordinate the fifth point, as expected, another exercise ... with a toothbrush - you did it yourself, you wash it yourself. So they taught neatness. Apparently some girls need such exercises. It was like this: I opened the toilet door and ... quickly closed it, twisting my lips into a pile with the other hand to keep the urge to vomit. Horror.

Asian toilets

So, this type of toilet is called Asian and in developed Asian countries it sometimes looks different: the nest is located sideways to the door, and the channel runs under a number of stalls. It is said that in Japan no one sees anything unnatural in the fact that flushing occurs in a straight inclined line through all the booths in turn, and visitors sit sideways to the door.

But this is already a relic, as experienced orientalists say. Now in Japan, Singapore and South Korea, all toilets have become not only free for the most part, but also very scientifically organized. Here is one of them, I think it's very nice.

There is even a virtual simulator in which you can practice pressing the flush, bidet and warm air dryer buttons in turn (click on the link, you won’t regret it!). Yes! In the case of drying paper in the toilet, it may simply not be there. Wait, dear, until the hair dryer dry up your ass. For the first time I see a real confirmation of the expression "belly blown by the wind." No, better romantic: "gone with the wind."

And during the sounds made by the belly, either music or the sounds of nature are automatically turned on. And yet, the toilet ring not only disinfects itself, but also heats up to a pleasant temperature. It's just a giant leap from holes in a plinth to a super-modern WC. Asian phenomenon.

European toilets

In Germany, I rarely get into paid toilets, my range extends mainly to parking lots near the autobahn. There "conveniences" are made of durable alloy steel. They don't wear out. Everything is extremely simple and free. At the stations, economical German women, smiling slyly, hold the “toll” door with a coin acceptor and let each other pass for nothing. They also let me through, and in a fit of nobility I let the next lady pass at the exit, also for free.

As ours from France write, it is by no means recommended to do this there! The fact is that smart toilet cubicles are equipped with the latest technology. They give three signals: free, busy and cleaning. Cleaning is carried out immediately after the exit crosses the threshold. If you manage to run into the booth, knocking down the exiting client, there is a risk of falling under the hygienic sink with cleaning products.

A smart toilet, of course, will quickly stop cleaning, and the door will open in emergency mode, but it will still have time to wet the unfortunate visitor. And one more thing: there is no drain button. As one battered lady shares, she stubbornly pressed the button with a droplet pattern, and she left with an unpleasant feeling of an “unflushed toilet”. But after her departure, the toilet buzzed and shook for a long time. He apparently carried out general cleaning, since he was “asked” to do so. Knowledgeable people warn: "toilet" in French sounds about the same, but the word "Sortie" means exit. Like this - ask where the toilet is, and you will be sent straight to the exit. Take a closer look. In the photo there is a toilet near the Eiffel Tower.

Free toilets can be found at McDonald's throughout Europe, including Ukraine. There I first experienced how a powerful hand dryer works, I thought that the meat would be blown off the bones. Dries your hands in a fraction of a second. If necessary, you can go to any cafeteria, but it is considered good form to buy at least some trifle in an institution where there is a toilet, so as not to go in “for no reason”, otherwise it is easy to catch a sidelong glance, or even a reprimand.

African toilets

On the African continent, I visited only Egypt. Our bus was on its eighth hour through the desert. We drove to Siwa Oasis. It was a wonderful trip, and the oasis was just a miracle of nature - a shallow lake right in the middle of the desert. Near the lake there are houses of an unknown architect, but of a known purpose. I went in and left confused. Unclear. There is a house, but there is nothing in it. Just nothing at all - clean, even sand.

A bearded old man in a snow-white turban showed me - come back, they say, and do your business. And then, oh mommy. He came in with a bucket, carefully took out the sand with “my affairs” with a shovel, and again sprinkled the remaining place with clean white sand. And all this with dignity. I stood and watched dumbly. It's good that the instructor gave a quiet command: "tip". Then it dawned on me - this is a paid toilet! Water in the desert needs to be saved, and the sand here is the sea.

And another example from the same trip. On the way back, take us to a checkpoint near the highway. There, thin soldiers dragged a whole row of buckets of water to the already familiar to us normal “Asian toilet” - with holes on the pedestal. Each tourist in a bucket. Honestly, I felt uncomfortable. Thin soldiers also behaved with great dignity, but the guide forbade us to tip them. Instead, we gave a thin wad of Egyptian pounds to a fat sergeant. Hazing, however.

In Egypt, an unpretentious way of earning money is common: at the entrance to a public toilet, there is a local old man or old woman, very clean and handsome, I would say dressed up. They serve good toilet paper to visitors with a bow. For this it is necessary to give a trifle. I think that they clean there, but unlike our grandmothers, who feel like queens of a paid toilet gas station, these old men command respect and sympathy.

Our grandmothers usually command: “Stop, where to? Can't you see everything nests busy!" Or like this: “Where did you rewind so much paper! Come on put I'll tear you off myself." I experienced this in Odessa at the train station, and my Germans were almost arrested by the guards, because they, such scoundrels, burst into the toilet during cleaning. They had to uncivilize to cope with a small need under a tree, where they again ran into vigilant law enforcement officers.

Station security guards interrogated me with prejudice: “What, in Germany you are allowed to urinate under the trees”? I angrily said that yes, there are even sculptures of pissing boys. And in general, we pour pots right out of the windows.

And finally, a couple of photos. One, as you can see, shows a pot that an invisible hand pours directly from the upper window, I didn’t lie! This is a fountain, made with a fair amount of humor. (In fact, for defecation in the wrong place, the police mercilessly fines the violator for 25 euros).
And the second two pictures are Russian toilets: on Red Square and just bio-toilets. Very typical.
In one of them, the grandmother on duty arranged a service house for herself.

Oh, these bio-toilets, have you ever been in them? After all, you have to fasten your " bio valve” to a minimum, otherwise terrible spray is flying from below, phew. You also have to hang on half-bent, while relaxing as much as possible. To do this, you need to turn off the fifth point in the pose of a question mark and cling to the dirty door with your hands, brr.

Well, she took her soul away, she complained. Didn't I kill you too much with the details? I forgot to warn you at the beginning: squeamish and impressionable is better not to read . I beg your pardon, it boiled, it's a shame for the state. All the same, we call these places conveniences, but there is no smell of conveniences. Ie smells there quite not conveniences. But, to the credit of many supermarkets, as well as urban entertainment centers, I note that a lot has changed in my country for the better, including toilets.

Not every country house can boast of an equipped modern bathroom connected to, much more often summer residents equip a toilet in the corner of the site, away from the well and the house. in this case, a small building with a cesspool or just a container. Nevertheless, even in such a toilet, you can create comfortable conditions, and if you apply your imagination, the country toilet can fit perfectly into the overall design and even become a decoration of the site.

The drawing of a country toilet is extremely simple: it is a rectangular frame mounted on a columnar foundation, lined with clapboard, blockhouse or siding. Inside, for convenience, they make a shelf that plays the role of a seat, equip the toilet with a door and a small ventilation window, and turn on the lighting. You can build such a toilet over the weekend.

Country toilet drawings

The design of the country toilet is extremely simple, and according to the drawings given, you can calculate the materials in advance and assemble it yourself with minimal carpentry skills.

  1. The frame of the wooden toilet is made of a 100x50 mm edged board and mounted on 150x150 mm timber runners treated with an antiseptic. In regions with a cold climate, the toilet can be insulated; foam plastic 50-150 mm thick is used for this purpose. The roof is shed, with a slope back, it can be covered with any roofing material, for example, soft tiles.

  2. The overall dimensions of the toilet are shown in the following drawing. The height of the toilet is usually at least 2 meters, the width is at least 120 cm.

  3. The end wall of the toilet has a rectangular shape and is assembled from a 100x50 mm board with nails or self-tapping screws in accordance with the drawing. The side walls are made in the form of a trapezoid, in one of the walls there is a window for natural light and ventilation. The front wall is made taking into account the doorway. The walls are made separately and fastened on the finished base.

  4. Runners from a 150 mm beam must be treated with an antiseptic, connected to studs or nails. To increase rigidity, grooves 50 mm deep and 150 mm wide are made in the lower skids.

    Base - timber with a section of 150 × 150, treated with an antiseptic

  5. The lower floor is made of boards 50x100 mm and sewn up with OSB sheets, it can also be insulated with foam. If a cesspool is provided under the toilet, a hole must be made in the rear part of the toilet floor.

  6. The door frame can be made from a 50x50 mm bar, connecting them with diagonals to increase rigidity. The door is sheathed with OSB from the inside, from the outside - with the same material as the toilet itself.

  7. The truss system of a shed roof is a layered type. The rafters are made from a board of 100x50 mm, cuts are made in them and attached to the upper board of the wall frame with self-tapping screws or nails. Rafter pitch - 40 cm.

  8. Below is the specification of the required materials.

The technology of building a toilet at their summer cottage

  1. Choose a place for the toilet, located no closer than 25 meters from the water source. If it is impossible to locate the toilet beyond the sanitary zone, the container for faeces and drains must be airtight, without contact with the soil.
  2. Dig a hole for a container. The cesspool can be of any size, with access outside the toilet or located under it. The walls of the pit can be laid out with tires or a metal barrel of 200 liters can be dug into the ground. There are also special plastic containers reinforced with metal ribs - you can use them. The pit is backfilled around the dug-in container and the soil is rammed.
  3. Install a columnar foundation at the corners of the toilet skids. It can be made of brick or concrete blocks. A layer of roofing material is necessarily placed on top of the columns.
  4. The base of the toilet is made: skids are made from a 150x150 mm timber according to the drawing, fastened to the studs and installed on a columnar foundation. The runners are treated with an antiseptic or used oil.

  5. A floor covering is laid over the runners. For an insulated toilet, the floor is done as follows: from the bottom side, the floor is hemmed with OSB sheets, a foam insulation is laid between the frame boards, and then the floor is sewn up with OSB sheets from above. A hole is provided in the floor for draining feces, right above the dug-in container.
  6. According to the drawing, the walls are assembled from a 100x50 mm board, fastening the elements with nails or self-tapping screws. Install the wall frames on the base and fasten with the help of corners and self-tapping screws.

  7. The rafters are laid in accordance with the drawing: cuts are made in the rafters, resting them on the top board of the end and gable walls, after which the rafters are attached to nails or corners. The roof is sewn up with OSB sheets from below, insulation is laid between the boards - polystyrene foam. Roofing material or other rolled waterproofing is laid on top of the foam plastic, corrugated board, slate or other suitable roofing material is fixed on top.

  8. The toilet is sewn up from the outside - clapboard, siding, blockhouse. Insulation can also be laid between the frame boards.

  9. The door is made from a bar measuring 50x50 mm in accordance with the drawing. To give the door frame strength, it is pulled diagonally with two bars. The door is sewn up similarly to the walls of the toilet. Hang door hinges, attach handles and locks.
  10. Insert glass into the side window. To do this, a bar 20-40 cm thick is stuffed onto the frame board along the perimeter of the window, cut-to-size glass is inserted and fixed with glazing beads.
  11. Inside, a shelf is made of a bar at a level of 40-50 cm. The bar is attached to the frame of the side walls with corners or nails. Carry out the interior lining of the toilet. The shelf is sewn up with a planed board 25 mm from above and in front, in the upper part a hole is made along the hole in the toilet seat. Attach a toilet seat with a lid.

  12. If desired, electricity is supplied to the toilet and lighting is provided.

To protect against decay, wood must be treated with an antiseptic or special compounds, paint, drying oil. In order to avoid an unpleasant odor during the operation of the toilet, the contents of the cesspool must be disinfected with a natural antiseptic - peat, and once a season the waste accumulated in it should be pumped out of the tank. If you want to avoid cleaning the cesspool, you can connect, which you can also do yourself.