Prepare for the exam. How to prepare for the exam: we study effectively. And now the secret topic is “gray cardinals” at the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I would like to talk about how to quickly prepare for the exam. You already need to understand that they are unlikely to be effective, since it takes a lot of time to use them. But also do not be afraid, not everyone and not always needs to change the methodology for preparing for the exam.

At your school, trial exams have already been conducted and, most likely, more than once. It’s their results that you should be guided by, and not how you studied at school. If you are such a good fellow and at school you always had 4 or 5, and here you got 20 points on the trial exam (this is conditional, at least 40, it’s no better), then you don’t have to say that you were worried, but everything will be fine on the exam . This is a lie, it is impossible to get so excited that you forget everything and write a paper for 2, and not for 4, as it was usually on school tests.

If you failed the trial exams, then this article is for you, but if you got 70 points, but you want, for example, 85, then just continue to study as you did before and may you get a good grade on the exam, just pay attention to those tasks where you make mistakes or cannot solve them at all. If you fail the trial exams, then you need to do something, otherwise the real exam will be the same.

How to quickly prepare for the exam

So, we seem to have sorted out who needs to strengthen their preparation for the exam, but let's start with the fact that you need to honestly assess the level of your readiness for the exam. Well, you need to pay a lot of attention to grades in a quarter, in a year, etc. You have the results of the trial exam, and look at them.

If at school you were always an excellent student, but here you got 2, then this is not because the assignments are so bad, this is an objective assessment of your knowledge. So get together and think about what you can really qualify for in 4 months on a real exam, in the end set yourself a goal and achieve it.

First, look at which tasks you could not do, and which ones you could. If you are sure that the tasks that you were able to do are understandable to you, and you can do them on the real exam, then you can spend less time on them, but you should not leave them at all. Count how many tasks you can't do, let's say you can't do 15 math tasks. Moreover, some of these tasks have subparagraphs - a), b), c), in general, you cannot do a bunch of tasks in only one USE, but there are other exams for which you also need to prepare and it’s good if you are ready , and do not think how to quickly prepare for the exam in several subjects.

In order to assess the reality of entering a university, read the news about. Thus, if there are 4 months left to prepare, and your USE results are slightly above 0, then try to follow the following methodology:

To begin with, honestly tell yourself which of the exam tasks you can learn on your own, and for which you need an assistant. A school teacher may or may not act as an assistant, this is his business. We will return to the assistants a little later, while we continue to analyze those tasks that you, in principle, can solve.

Open the demo version of the exam or last year's exam tasks and try to complete these tasks. Learned? Okay, do 5 similar tasks from other USE options again. Did it work again? And what was on the trial exam? But it's okay, it's actually good that you can complete the tasks. Now solve all the tasks that you can definitely do. It turns out? And how many such tasks? 8 simple tasks from the exam in mathematics? Congratulations, you urgently need to study in order to reach at least 60 points.

Brief digression. Why am I not saying that you need to buy a book with the USE, but you need to use trial or last year's USE. Books may contain errors, they may be old, and so on. But this does not mean that I am saying that textbooks are useless, you only need to solve the exam, not at all, the textbook is your main assistant.

Treat these books with care.

Okay, back to the question of how to quickly prepare for the exam, and who can help with this. If the teacher refused you, there are no relatives who want to help either, then there are those who will do it on a paid basis. Of course, I'm talking about tutors. If you have already been going to a tutor for a long time, then you should think about why you paid money if you got such results? It looks like it's time to urgently look for another tutor, you can, for example, ask your classmates where or with whom they study, of course, it's better to focus on those who wrote the trial exams well.

If classmates didn’t help in any way, then you can start looking for a tutor on your own, but you don’t have much time and the question is how to quickly prepare for the exam? Why not try online tutors? Look at the website at the link, the choice of tutors is quite good, there is a free test lesson, and simple classes are cheaper than a tutor in your city. You also save time, because you don’t need to go across the city to a tutor, but you can sit quietly at home and study.

Good USE results to everyone, if tenth graders read the article, then start preparing slowly so that there is no question of how to quickly prepare for the USE in a year. See you on the blog pages site

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If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to answer as detailed and clear as possible.

And finally a bonus:

Every year, students in the eleventh grade are diligently preparing for the Unified State Exam, which is not only a format for the final certification of schoolchildren, but also a ticket for them to various educational institutions and even, one might say, to the future. Their further education at the university and the basis on which future students will study - on a paid or free basis, depend on the points scored as a result of passing the exam. It is for this reason that most eleventh-graders want to pass the exam for the highest number of points.

Of course, without the desire of the student himself to write the exam for a high score, he will not succeed. So no matter how many courses a student attends, the most important thing in preparation is the desire and the presence of a goal.

The enormous pressure exerted on students by parents and teachers only exacerbates the situation. Bullying causes a child to experience great stress, due to which the exam can be passed poorly, and therefore the psychological attitude of the student and his parents is of great importance.

So how to prepare for the exam as efficiently as possible, without experiencing stress, and score the most points in order to enter the University of your dreams in the future?

When to start preparing?

If you want a good result, then any work must be started in advance. The same applies to preparing for the exam. It takes a lot of time and effort to successfully prepare, so the deadline for you to start preparing is one academic year. This is exactly what most students do. Of course, many years of study in the subject you are passing is desirable, because only in this case you can find out all the nuances and “dangerous” places that the material under study contains. But you can also prepare well in a year, the main thing is regularity and a firm decision to go towards the goal.

Goal setting

First, you need to decide on the number of points you want to receive. For example, if you want to study for free at a university, you need to familiarize yourself with the number of points required to enter the university for a budget place. Or if you just want to cross the threshold of the number of points that you need to just enroll in a university, this threshold also needs to be familiarized. This will be your goal.

Daily regime

It is very important to have an established daily routine that will be comfortable for you. Decide on your priorities, activities and hobbies that you want to devote time to outside of preparing for the exam. Schedule your day by the clock so that it is easier for you to study.

During preparation, one should not overload oneself, otherwise the information will simply cease to be deposited in the head, and the preparation will become in vain. To do this, you must have a regular daily routine, including:

  • calm 8.5 hour sleep, restoring strength and relieving fatigue. You can also add a short daytime nap;
  • regular healthy meals containing vitamins for better brain function, excluding coffee, too fatty and too salty foods, a lot of sweets. Nutrition during preparation should add strength and give energy, which can be achieved by including fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and easily digestible meats (for example, chicken meat) in the diet.
  • physical exercise, which should take at least 15 minutes a day, as well as outdoor activities, such as cycling, light jogging in the forest or morning exercises.

Ways to prepare for the exam

School classes can be of great benefit in preparing for the exam, because it is in the lessons that all the main material contained in the exam itself is considered. But in addition, there are other ways to pass the exam and examine the subject at a deeper level, which cannot be obtained by attending school classes alone.

Special courses

Classes in which classes are held can motivate you to prepare and work hard, because all participants have the same goal. Also, the courses are taught by teachers who know a lot about the subject and the structure of the exam itself, which will help you to better prepare. The entire training course is planned by a professional, you just have to take the information, remember it and assimilate it.

Group classes allow students to communicate with each other, discuss tasks, and come to their own conclusions. Such training is actually quite useful, because the material is always better absorbed in practice and in the course of an exchange of opinions. Also, courses are cheaper than tutoring, which is a definite plus.

If you want to attend courses, then choose those groups in which the number of people does not exceed seven, preferably even less, since it is easier for both the teacher and you to work in small groups.

Unfortunately, the courses are designed for the general level of all students in the group, so if you are ahead of your classmates in mastering the material, the courses will no longer be useful and effective for you. In this case, it is best to find another way to prepare, or find a stronger group that matches your level.

Think about where it can be applied. Any studied material is best remembered after using it in real life, in practice. Therefore, after gaining new knowledge, try to use it in everyday life, for example, apply the law of universal gravitation to yourself when studying physics - ask yourself why you walk the earth and discuss it with someone.


A lesson with a tutor will bring the greatest benefit, since it is a professional who can help draw up an individual training program for an individual student, find his weaknesses in knowledge of the material, and explain things that are difficult or incomprehensible to the student. The tutor will tell you which textbooks are best used for teaching, select the best of them and prepare you well for passing the exam.

Traveling to tutors can get quite exhausting, so you can try online tutoring. This approach is more flexible and cheaper.

If you have already decided which university you will enter, then you can try to hire a tutor from this university. It will prepare you for passing the exam and specifically for entering this educational institution.

Tutoring is the most effective, but it takes a lot of money. If your budget is limited, self-preparation can help.

Periodically, it is necessary to return to the material already covered in order to lay it in a long memory. You can carry handwritten cheat sheets with you and read them in line or on the bus.


To begin with, in order to independently test your knowledge of the subject, you need to find the USE test and pass it in the time allotted for it in the exam (such tests can be found on the Internet or in bookstores). In self-preparation, you need to build on your weaknesses, which you will identify after writing the test and checking the correct answers.

Next, you need to purchase materials on the subject, various reference books and manuals that you will study. A good guide, for example, is a collection of typical mistakes made by the examinee. But remember that you can learn something not only by reading books.

Read, listen, watch lectures, write or type by hand, speak aloud the topics studied - so knowledge will remain in your memory for a long time. Choose what suits you.

The most important thing in preparation is self-discipline, so now you must make a plan according to which you will work on the subject. A prerequisite is to devote at least one hour a day to preparation, and also to take classes systematically and at least three times a week. For example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from four to five you will work on mathematics, and on other days at the same time - on physics.

The desktop should be in order, all things should be in their places for more comfortable work. Set up a comfortable chair and eye-pleasing light. Take care of convenience.

Be sure to visit the FIPI website (Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements), where you can find a lot of useful information about the USE, an open bank of USE tasks, codifiers and criteria for evaluating work by experts.

Each test item is responsible for one specific topic or area of ​​the subject, so make a table that will describe each task and the topic contained in it. So you will orient yourself and understand what material you need to study.

By constantly solving tests, you will learn to feel the time, and when the exam time comes, you will already correctly and competently allocate your time: skip difficult tasks, start with easy and familiar topics, but then return to tasks that have not been completed.

Sometimes the desktop can get boring, then go for a walk in the park and calmly read your notes and preparation materials there.

On the last night before the exam, do not overload yourself with information. It is best to switch and take a break from the work done.

Since self-study requires a lot of willpower and self-control from the student, not everyone can handle self-study, but still it is a good way and a lot depends on it in getting good scores.

You can combine types of training, for example, attending special courses and studying on your own, so that you can achieve the highest score.

Psychological attitude

The large amount of work that you have to do should not scare you, otherwise you will begin to procrastinate, that is, put off preparing for later. The best remedy for this is the realization that everything will work out for you, faith in your strengths, and also starting work in advance (as mentioned above, a year in advance).

You need to learn how to deal with stress and anxiety that take you over. For example, you can mentally say soothing phrases to yourself like: “I am calm”; “I will do well in the exam” and so on. Imagine in your mind how you hold your high score for a solved exam in your hands. Draw a picture in your head of how you have already achieved a high result and what emotions you are experiencing. This practice will serve as an impetus for action.

In your lists with topics, constantly mark the topics you have already completed - this is a good psychological trick, you will see your progress and progress.

Try not to pay attention to the pressure that your parents and teachers put on you. Undoubtedly, they want to help you, provide support, but because they are afraid for you themselves, they can put pressure on you and intimidate you. Just accept the situation and, no matter what, stay calm.

The most important thing is your inner mood, your state and attitude to what is happening. Do not focus only on the exam, sometimes get distracted and relax. Only then will you be able to maintain a good physical and psychological condition.

During the exam itself, carefully and thoughtfully read the conditions of the assignments, without being distracted by anything. Before giving up, do not drink any sedative pills, as they will only slow down the work of your brain.

Writing cheat sheets is a very useful thing, because when we write, motor memory works, and therefore information is remembered better. You can write cheat sheets without using them later in the exam, but only for memorizing formulas and rules.

Notebook entries will become brighter and more visual if you use multi-colored pens, pencils and markers. Get creative with the process and you'll remember the material better.

Common mistakes when preparing for an exam

  1. Learn only from tests. Of course, constantly solving tests will improve your preparation for the exam, but we must not forget that it is important not only to remember the correct answer, but to understand and comprehend the mistakes made, you need to learn to think.
  2. Lack of control over progress. After completing the material, be sure to solve tests and trials to track your progress. Knowing your result, you will understand what to do next, as well as realize your level of preparation and the number of points that you can get.
  3. Don't know the grading criteria. Be sure to read the criteria by which experts will evaluate your work, as your scores depend on this.
  4. Skip the second part. As a rule, the tasks of the second part are worth a large number of points, so if you want to do well in the exam, do not skip the solution of the second part of the test material.
  5. Skip the first part. Some, on the contrary, believe that the first test part is too easy to waste their time on it and neglect it. But in fact, it is the first part that contains the main points and in no case should it be missed.
  6. Forget about time. Time to write a paper is limited. You need to gradually learn to prioritize in order to have time to solve all the tasks.
  7. Overwork. Overwork will not lead to anything good, but will only worsen your health. It is in order to avoid overwork and severe fatigue that you need to rest and start preparing in advance.

In the end, I would like to wish all students good luck, and most importantly, a lot of strength and motivation to achieve high scores in the exam, and remember that "the Unified State Examination is just one of life's tests, many of which you have yet to pass."

Are you looking for preparation for the Unified State Examination in Russian from scratch? Let's see what this might mean.

Most likely, you have some basic knowledge that you received in school. But they are in no way tied to the specific tasks of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

What is the USE in the Russian language?

The exam in the Russian language consists of two parts.
The first part - test - includes 25 tasks, for which you can get a maximum of 34 primary points. Yes, yes, compared to 2017, one task No. 20 “Lexical norms” has been added.
And the second part is an essay, for which we can get a maximum of 24 points.

Total 58 primary points. They are equal to 100 test scores.

So, in the test part of the exam there are tasks that are absolutely not tied to the school curriculum. There are tasks for understanding the text - these are the so-called "traps". For example, tasks No. 1 and No. 21 are practically impossible to complete without knowledge of specific algorithms. According to statistics, applicants make the maximum number of mistakes in them.

Note also task number 7
In the test part of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, this is the most expensive task, and it is estimated at 5 primary points. Without preparation, it is simply impossible to do it. Even school teachers do not always cope with it. This is a very difficult and complex task, including topics such as syntax, morphology and spelling. The good news is that an impeccable knowledge of the theory for this task guarantees the correct writing of an essay in task No. 26 (that is, you can be calm for the criteria K7 and K 9, and this is a total of 5 points)

There are also tasks based on the analysis of the text. These are assignments Nos. 22-25, and textbooks are absolutely not enough to complete them. There is no single school textbook that you can open and prepare yourself for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. There are books that a teacher will understand, but not an ordinary student.
This is what it means to prepare for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language from scratch.

How do we prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian from scratch in our courses?

We take each task separately, starting with task number 1. We analyze all the methodological techniques and the order in which they are applied to this task. We are gaining speed, because the exam in Russian lasts only 3 hours and 30 minutes - and you need to have time to answer the test questions and write an essay. Therefore, our preparation involves the application of certain algorithms to each task.

For example, task number 8 - on the spelling of the roots. How does an ordinary student do it, based on school knowledge? He remembers the rules for the alternation of vowels in the roots, exception words, remembers the dictionary word or not. Then he substitutes all the missing letters and chooses the correct option. As a result, it spends about five minutes on this task. And we, according to our algorithm, do it in 30-40 seconds!

And now the secret topic is “gray cardinals” at the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

There is assignment No. 26 in the Unified State Examination in Russian. This is an essay, which accounts for approximately 40% of the test scores. The essay is checked according to 12 criteria, and this is where the most mysterious moments begin. And they are a mystery even for very strong students who suddenly lost the coveted 5-6 points on the exam.

In task number 26, you will have the source text, which belongs to one of the three book styles - artistic, journalistic or popular science. Each type of text needs to be analyzed in its own way!
According to the general scheme, the problem of the text and the position of the author on this problem are revealed. Only these points of the composition plan are taken from the source text. The rest are from the head.

The text is commented, and in two ways - either a textual commentary or a conceptual one is written. Even Methodists consider this part of the work to be the most difficult. Commenting on the not always simple thoughts and statements of the author (for example, an academician or a science fiction writer) is not at all easy! But the comment is evaluated in the same way as the arguments, at 3 points!

When we have analyzed the text, we need to formulate our position on the problem raised in it, and prove this position with two arguments. Strong arguments are examples from classical literature, historical facts, or biographies of writers or scientists. And so we wrote our essay - and it is written very energetically, briefly, concisely. This is an analytical work, there is a minimum and maximum of words (150-300). It is fundamentally different from the December essay on literature. But that's not all.

Then we check our text against 12 criteria. There are 3 style criteria. According to them, lexical, grammatical and speech norms, the accuracy of word usage, and the selection of synonyms are checked. And it is not for nothing that these criteria K6, K9 and K10 are called "gray cardinals".

Moreover, the K10 criterion is very insidious! If it goes down by 1 point, then K6 also goes down automatically. For one mistake, 2 primary points are deducted.

And the knowledge of how to cope with these criteria is not in school textbooks! This knowledge can be obtained at the university in journalism and editorial specialties.

The bad news is that by stylistic criteria it is almost impossible to win points on appeal. It will be extremely difficult to prove that this word and this synonym are appropriate in this context or in this sentence construction. Here they are, the "gray cardinals" - seemingly inconspicuous, but cunning and treacherous.

When students write essays, they pay attention to spelling and punctuation. And the style is ignored. And the guys don’t even realize that you can’t use outdated vocabulary. For example, for the expression "to this day" you can get a score reduction of 2 points immediately. It is he, the "grey eminence", criterion K10 - "speech norms and the use of vocabulary that does not correspond to this historical era." And at the same time, the score according to the K6 criterion is reduced.

The essay is now very strictly checked for compliance with criterion K11 (“Ethical standards”). Previously, this criterion was formulated as "disparaging mention of the author." Now it is expanded. A new wording of this criterion: "humiliation of human dignity not only of the interlocutor, but also of the speaker himself." This means that if a student, giving an example from life, writes: “My classmates have been doing nothing for all 11 years, and they continue to do it,” then for the word “idle” they lower the grade according to criterion K11, since this is “a disdainful attitude towards others people." And also according to the criterion K10 (the use of colloquial vocabulary) and immediately automatically according to the criterion K6! The result - for one careless word in an essay, you can immediately lose 3 points out of 24.

Task No. 4, devoted to orthoepic norms, that is, stresses in words, causes enormous difficulties. Unfortunately, in modern life, the colloquial and literary norms of the language diverge very seriously. We often hear on the street or in our surroundings words that are not pronounced correctly, and involuntarily remember them.

Lots of problems with verbs. For example, in the infinitive “turn on” - stress “It”, and this stress goes to personal endings: you turn on the light, he turns on the light, and we turn on the light. And now let's remember - do we always say this? Are we not stressing the first syllable, which does not correspond to the norms of orthoepy?

A separate topic is the pronunciation of terms. In trade, as we know, there is the word "wholesale", there is also a "wholesale market". For professional vocabulary, this is a normal pronunciation, but not for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language! We should say wholesale.

The Russian state language is the Moscow dialect, it is a neutral vocabulary. Outside it remains professional, dialectal, obsolete and jargon vocabulary. Therefore, we must say compass, although all sailors say compas. They don't make mistakes and speak correctly. But this is professional vocabulary.

There is such task number 6 in the exam, which implies knowledge of the endings of words in the plural.

For example, the word "contract". What is the correct way to form plural from it?
We habitually say: "contracts". So say accountants, managers - a lot of people. But correctly, according to the norms of the Russian language, “contracts” (we have highlighted the syllable that is stressed).

All insurers say: “policy”, “insurance policy”, for professional vocabulary this is normal, but we must say: “policy”. In stores, we often hear from sellers “jumpers” and “sweaters”, but in fact they are “jumpers” and “sweaters”.

And when the guys learn the norms of pronunciation, they often say: “We would never have thought that it was right like this.”

How possible is it to prepare for the Unified State Examination in Russian from scratch? And how long does it take to prepare?

The amount of knowledge that you need to have in order to pass the exam in the Russian language is really very large. Our course has enough classes for 9 months, starting from September, once a week for 2 hours. At the same time, there is much to be learned by heart. The exam in the Russian language is also cramming. The stress rules are not explained in any way. All word endings are the same. Just learn by heart.

In groups, this process goes faster. For example, we use "chants". We not only read with our eyes, but also pronounce difficult words as a group. It's a lot of fun and much more memorable. When we see a word in a book, one kind of memory is activated. When we pronounce it in chorus with the whole group three times - another.
Is it really possible to prepare from scratch? Absolutely real! It is necessary to enroll in a mini-group in September, have fun joining the educational process and reach the planned 90+ points - within easy reach!

Step 1

Decide on the items you will donate. It is better to do this as early as possible: in the 10th or early 11th grade. Do not recruit items "in reserve": the fewer exams you take, the more likely you are to prepare well and get good scores. Ideally choose 1-2 additional items.

If you still don’t know what to choose and where you want to go, start by preparing for the obligatory Russian language and mathematics. And at the same time look at different specialties. Here, Internet portals for applicants, for example, the site "Go online" can help.

Step 2

Check out the university requirements. Find out the passing scores of past years for the desired direction - they will serve as a guide for you.

, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, teaches mathematics at Foxford

You must clearly understand why you are taking the exam. If 70 points are enough for the chosen university, and there is a topic that freezes, do not waste time on it. For example, you do not understand stereometry at all. Stop, understand what tasks you are exactly capable of solving and pump over your strengths. At 70–75 points, you don’t need to be able to solve everything. Leveling up from 50 to 70 points is easier than from 90 to 95.

Step 3

Go to the FIPI website and familiarize yourself with each subject. In the specifiers you will find the requirements for the exam paper and the number of points for each task. The codifiers give a list of topics that will be in the assignments. In the demos - demo versions of the exam from the compilers.

Step 4

Stop at the list of necessary topics - they will become the basis of your preparation for the exam. Then make a schedule. It will help you learn everything you need in a year and consolidate the material.

How to Schedule

In preparing for the exam, the main thing is regularity. It is better to do a little, but every day. So the material will be deposited in your head, and before the exam itself you will feel more confident.

To do this, distribute the topics from the codifier for the entire academic year. Go big-to-small: Divide large topics into sub-topics and divide them by day and week. Try to plan your preparation so that in April you don’t learn new material, but repeat what you have already learned.

Dedicate one day to one subject and set aside time for rest: get good sleep and do something else besides studying. For example, sports help a lot to cheer up and get distracted from classes.


Editing. Our glider is a universal template. It can be customized: add and remove rows and columns, expand and contract graphs, highlight them with color, copy tables. Also, by default, the planner has 20 working days in each month - they can also be changed depending on the calendar.

👉 To add the glider to your Google doc and edit it, click File → Make a copy.

👉 To download the glider to your computer or phone, click File → Download as.

👉 To add or remove one row or column in Google Doc, right-click on the desired column and select the appropriate item. If you need to delete several graphs, select them and right-click in the same way.

Blocks. There are 4 blocks in the glider:

1. Subject and themes. Write down the required number of points and topics from the codifier. In the column "Task number for the exam" we advise you to mark the tasks that you need to focus on first.

2. List of required literature. If you plan to take the exam in literature, you can use it to write down works that you need to read.

Planner for preparing for the exam: subject and topic

Planner for preparing for the exam: a list of references

Glider for preparing for the exam: schedule

Glider for preparing for the exam: repetition of the past

3. Schedule. This is a universal table for the year in all subjects. We highlighted the “Report” column in green because this is an important point: in order to assimilate the material, you need it to fix. Honestly write down what you went through today, what you understood, and what you still need to work on.

4. Repetition of the past. We have booked April and May for repetition. But if it is more convenient for you to repeat what you have covered not at the end of the year, but, for example, every week, just add the “Repetition” column to the “Schedule” table.

How to prepare

Items. The exam is carried out in 11 subjects. They can be divided into exact, humanitarian and natural. Each area has its own characteristics of training.





Russian language


social science

foreign language




Some items belong to two spheres at once. For example, physics and chemistry are considered both exact and natural sciences. Therefore, the advice for them will be the same.

Precise items

During preparation for the exam in mathematics, physics and computer science, you need to solve as many problems as possible. At the same time, carefully read the condition and give the answer that is asked in it.

, teaches mathematics at Foxford

To solve a problem, it is often necessary to compose an equation, and for this it is important not to miss a single element of the condition and write it correctly in mathematical language. The ability to translate the text of the problem into an equation is a skill that needs to be trained. Sometimes, to solve a problem, it is possible and even necessary to use an element that is not directly stated in the condition.

Don't worry if it takes a long time to solve problems at first. Just keep going and you'll get better with time. Try to solve them in the simplest way possible. At the exam, they don’t expect tricky equations and complex schemes from you. The simpler the solution, the less chance of error.

Also don't forget to check the results before writing down the final answer.

Advice from the front

Ekaterina Khakimova, passed the exam in physics with 100 points, entered the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas for the development of oil and gas fields

I took courses at Foxford to prepare for the Unified State Examination in Physics Part C with Mikhail Penkin. These sessions were very effective. But besides this, I tried to see physics in everything around me: to calculate the frequency of hand movement or after how many seconds the swing with the child would go down.

The subject must be loved and imbued with it. During preparation, you should not exchange for other subjects at school. To pass the exam in physics with 100 points, it is not enough just to work out problems. Focus on preparation, build a lesson plan and follow it exactly.

Humanitarian subjects

All the exams in the humanities have a task with an essay or an essay. As a rule, this is the most difficult part of the exam, because you need to correctly define the problem, pick up arguments and prove your point of view. It is also important to be able to determine the position of the author of the text and understand what the reviewers expect from you.

, teaches social studies at Foxford

To reveal the problem means to determine what the author of the quote wanted to say. To understand this, put yourself in the place of the author and assume that you said it. And then ask yourself why you said it, for what reasons, and what exactly did you want to convey with this statement.

There are many exceptions and other points in the rules for Russian and foreign languages ​​that you just need to remember. Visualization also helps: write down words with complex stress and hang them in a conspicuous place.

Advice from the front

Natasha Nikiforova, passed the exam in social science with 92 points and in history with 89 points, entered the faculty of foreign languages ​​at the Pedagogical University of Ulyanovsk

When preparing for social studies, do not memorize the terms. It is more important to understand the essence of the phenomenon and make a definition yourself. The expert will count it if he sees that you understand him.

Also write as many essays as possible. And for factual argument, increase the overall level of erudition. Read fiction and popular science literature, news on the Internet, biographies of famous people, study history. You can use facts from other subjects: for example, I successfully used my knowledge of biology at the Unified State Exam in social studies.

I advise you to study history from different sources so that they complement each other. You can also read historical novels and watch feature films. For example, the novel by A.N. Tolstoy's "Peter the Great" and Eisenstein's films "Alexander Nevsky" and "Ivan the Terrible". So you will see the real destinies of real people behind the dry dates and feel the spirit of the era. Then the study of history will seem more interesting to you.

natural items

The specifics of tasks on the USE in natural subjects as a whole differ little from exact ones. Here it is also important to use logic and common sense and check the results of the solution.

But there are also some peculiarities. Natural sciences study nature and the world around us. Therefore, knowledge about them can be gleaned from what is happening around.

For example, geography is more connected with real life than other sciences. To study it, it is important to be aware of the news, see the connections between events, and also rely on your own experience. Watch how the economy is run in your family - the world economy works according to the same laws.

Carefully work with terminology - the most common mistakes in schoolchildren's answers in geography, biology and chemistry are associated with it. If you do not understand what kind of word you met, open the dictionary and look at the definition. And then explain it in your own words, even if the task does not require it. Otherwise, you will miss the essence of the problem and answer the question incorrectly.

Advice from the front

Vanya Bondar, passed the Unified State Examination in Biology with 86 points, entered the budget at the PMSMU. Sechenov at the Faculty of Dentistry

I immediately repeated the studied material. I turned it over in my head, asking myself questions. It is important to do this constantly so that it fits in your head. And just before the exam, I solved tasks from FIPI books.

Write beautiful abstracts so that you yourself are drawn to reread them. Accustom yourself to discipline, do all the homework that is given at school and in classes with a tutor. But do not count on tutors, try to do everything yourself.

Nightmare of graduates or USE exams: useful tips for effective preparation

The Unified State Exam is the final point in all school education, the last and most important slice of knowledge, the final certification of children who have become adults. And it is also their “pass ticket” to higher educational institutions, so the importance of the Unified State Examination is difficult to overestimate. Unfortunately, the knowledge that the teacher gives in the course of schoolwork is not enough - teaching hours for studying each subject are limited. Therefore, in order to fully prepare for the exam, students need additional classes and their own dedication. Otherwise, high scores will not be achieved.

  • Effective preparation is possible only in a comfortable environment for this: there should be nothing superfluous on the table, the necessary accessories, textbooks and manuals must be placed at the workplace conveniently for yourself.
  • Additional pluses will be yellow and purple colors that stimulate intellectual activity in the interior of the room where exam preparation takes place.
  • Lessons should be planned. Those who wake up early are more effective in studying in the morning, and guys who go to bed late are advised to study for exams in the afternoon. When drawing up a plan, it should be clearly defined which subject will be studied today, which topics and sections will be covered in the preparation.
  • It’s worth starting with “weak” topics that are given worse than others. However, students who find it difficult to "swing" should leave the most difficult sections for the second part of the lesson. Instead, it is recommended to start with something easy and more enjoyable.
  • You need to take breaks between classes. After working out for about 40 minutes, you should give yourself a ten-minute rest. It is important during the break to change the type of activity - wash the dishes, wipe the dust, warm up, go to the shower.
  • Do not try to memorize the entire textbook. Any material needs to be designed, drawing up plans and schemes. Subsequently, they will help to quickly restore the passed sections in memory.
  • When studying a certain subject, it is worth paying attention to passing a variety of tests on it. Such training will help you better understand how the test tasks are structured.
  • During the classes, a stopwatch will be useful - it will allow you to determine how much time it takes the student to complete a certain test.
  • When preparing for the exam, you should not draw sad pictures in your imagination about a possible failure. On the contrary, you need to set yourself up only for success.
  • The day before the exam, it is worth repeating all the material, using the drawn up schemes and plans, once again dwelling on the most difficult questions.

Last day before the exam

  • Many schoolchildren rely too much on the last night before the exam, believing that during these hours they will have time to repeat everything and fill in the existing gaps. Of course, this is not reasonable. Fatigue is already affecting, and unnecessary overwork is useless. On the contrary, it is worth stopping the preparation in the evening, instead it is better to take a walk, take a shower, relax. Before an important and responsible day, you need to sleep well, gain strength and energy. The “fighting” attitude is also important. After all, the exam is akin to a battle in which you need to prove yourself, show your abilities and knowledge.
  • It is recommended to come to the place of passing the exam in advance, 30 minutes before the test. You need to take with you a pass, a passport and several pens (capillary or helium) with black ink.
  • If the day turns out to be cold, you should dress warmer, because the exam lasts three hours.

And so the exams begin...

  • Immediately before testing, students are given all the necessary information - about the rules for filling out the form, coding the school number, what letters to write, etc.). The correctness of the answers largely depends on how well the test-taker remembers these rules!
  • The form with answers (place of registration, answers to test questions, etc.) must be filled out exclusively in block letters! It is worth paying attention to the spelling of individual letters, for example, the letter “a” - some information is recorded in an encoded form, which students are told about at the very beginning.
  • It's time to concentrate! When the forms are already filled out, and the most important part of the exam comes, you need to try to forget about everything that exists around. Now it is important to think only about the text of tasks and the rapidly flowing time. You have to hurry, but you don't have to rush. The obsessive thought about the expiring time should not affect the quality of the task. Each question should be read twice to clearly understand its meaning.
  • It is recommended to start simple. It is best to first give answers to questions, the answers to which are not in doubt. Tasks that make you think are best left for later. Such tactics will also help to get involved in the working rhythm, calm down and direct energy in the right direction.
  • Difficult or unclear questions are best simply skipped. In the exam texts, there will definitely be tasks that will not cause great difficulty. It would be foolish to lose points just because you do not have time to reach “your” tasks, instead thinking about those that drive you into a stupor.
  • Each task must be read to the end! Many test-takers in a hurry try to understand the meaning of the question only after reading the first couple of lines. Such tactics can cause annoying mistakes even in easy questions.
  • The student should focus on the current task - with the transition to each new task, it is better to forget about the previous one, especially since they are not connected with each other in any way. The question just answered and the knowledge used in doing so can make it difficult to concentrate on a new task. In addition, you should not be upset about the previous task if it turned out to be “too tough” - instead, it is recommended to transfer your concentration to the next question. Each new answer can bring additional points.
  • When solving problems, you can use the elimination method - it is most convenient to discard those answers that are clearly not suitable in order to think in the end for 1-2 options, instead of 5-7.
  • It is convenient to complete examination tasks in two rounds - the first round (two-thirds of the allotted time) should be devoted to simple tasks, the second - to tasks that caused difficulties. So the chances of scoring more points increase significantly.
  • It is important to leave some time to check your work - this is an opportunity to notice and correct obvious shortcomings in time.
  • If you are not sure of the exact answer to a particular question, you need to trust your intuition. It is worth choosing the option that seems most correct.
  • Do not be upset if you cannot complete all the tasks - in fact, almost no one succeeds. It should be remembered that the test questions are designed for the highest level of difficulty. Perhaps the number of correct answers that could be achieved will be enough for a good assessment.

Common myths about the exam

Myth 1

Calculations of the results of the Unified State Examination constantly reveal that only one out of 10 thousand students can get 100 points in all subjects. It follows from this that Russia will not get rid of at least one of the two main troubles soon.

In fact, these same 0.01% are geniuses and geeks, which are quite rare. Research data suggests otherwise: by analyzing the number of "fives" and "fours" received (the first is achieved in 10%, the second - in 40%), we can conclude that half of the students who have passed the USE have a good opportunity to enter higher educational institutions.

Myth 2
Replacing the essay with a series of dubious tasks means depriving the test-takers of the opportunity to show their creative abilities.

Only two initial groups of questions are designed to "measure" the depth of students' knowledge. The third part allows schoolchildren to reveal their talent, to show creativity. The guys are already accustomed to essays, whose topics have long become clichés and have been detailed in most cheat sheets. Tasks of the third level suggest a detailed answer that requires knowledge and reflection. So, for example, the student will be asked to explain how he understands the meaning of a certain statement of a particular literary hero.

Myth 3

Failure at the exam means the collapse of hopes for admission to the coveted university.
Since September 1, many schools in our country have switched to a system of specialized education. Now, three years before graduation, students will devote most of their energy to studying those sciences that will be especially useful to them in universities. The future situation will look something like this: for universities, the USE result will not become the only indicator of a student's suitability for further education, and competitive selection will be held between children who have reached a certain score. They may have to pass the profile subject again, but within the framework of the rules adopted in this university.

Myth 4

Students will try to avoid difficult tasks by answering the simplest questions for them, because in this way they guarantee themselves a normal grade.
The first results of the exam revealed that 90% of schoolchildren do not try to avoid complicated questions. At the same time, half of them give the correct answers, which in itself is a good indicator.

Myth 5

This myth is probably the most common - the test is more difficult to pass than the written exam.
As in other countries, after the introduction of the Unified State Examination in Russia, “suddenly” unsuccessful schoolchildren appeared. However, until 2001, they were simply not counted - teachers, having “two” in their minds, simply drew a “three” mark in the magazines. Now the picture of the overall performance of Russian schoolchildren has become more plausible. The Unified State Examinations showed that 40% of the examined students manage to clearly express their thoughts, only 33% of the students give a thoughtful analysis of the text.
In addition, the first unified state examination in literature revealed serious shortcomings in the system of presenting this subject within the framework of school education. So, for example, many of the works included in the school curriculum, children simply do not have time to read. In addition, some of them are too difficult for teenagers. Simply put, the USE contributes to a more thorough analysis of modern secondary education, allows you to identify its disadvantages and find suitable ways to eliminate them.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that when preparing for the exam, you should not rely on "maybe", count on the fact that you will be able to pass the necessary material in a couple of weeks. Miracles, alas, do not happen. Only careful preparation and a responsible attitude to passing the state exam can bring the desired results and become the first serious contribution to a successful and prosperous future.