Tips for building wooden houses: technologies and benefits. Useful tips for building a house! Save! Advice for the builder

How to build a private residential building or cottage and make a minimum of mistakes. Mistakes will be inevitable - it is important that their number is not critical. All people have different preferences and, perhaps, not all advice can be taken as the ultimate truth, but it’s still worth sticking to the general developments in private housing construction.

● Is it worth buying a land plot 50 kilometers or more from the city. It is possible that it would be better to purchase a smaller plot, but closer to the city limits.
● It is better to purchase a land plot that has passed the land surveying procedure.
● Do not buy a plot for construction on a slope, with elevation changes. The layout of this site will be at least an order of magnitude more difficult than usual on a flat area. Material costs will also increase significantly - for retaining walls, reinforcing structures and more.
● Before buying a plot, it would be useful to find out about the level of groundwater.
● With regard to communications, you should not take the seller's word that it is only ten meters to gas and electricity.
● It is better to purchase a site that already has communications. Otherwise, it can cost a decent amount and take a lot of time.
● You can't take the seller's word that there will be gasification next year. This can be both a common lie and the changed priorities of gas services.
● Do not buy a plot for building a house right in the field. Water supply, gas, electricity and security will have to be done additionally and at your own expense. To this are added garbage removal, clearing the winter road from snow, troubleshooting. Thus, buying a plot within the boundaries of a cottage village removes a lot of problems.

● When buying, check all documents, including electricity contracts. Permits can be issued for months!
● If there are plans to drill your own artesian well, then you must definitely find out the depth of the water. The installation of an artesian well is not a cheap pleasure, but can result in even greater unforeseen expenses.
● Before buying a building site, you need to make sure that access roads for construction equipment are reliable.
● If you buy a house / plot in the village, then you should definitely visit the district police officer to find out the level of the crime situation in the village.
● It would be useful to know the mood of the neighbors. There are no ideal neighbors, but you need to find out at least the degree of adequacy, the way of life and some plans of these neighbors.
● Whether it is worth acquiring a land plot for construction (or a house) close to relatives or friends is a purely individual issue, but it should also be considered without fail.
● Do not put off a fixed breakdown of the boundaries of the land. You have to decide right away.
● A plot with an unfinished foundation is not worth taking. Otherwise, there will definitely be additional costs for its strengthening, and in any case, this will limit the choice of the project of the future home.
● Buying a plot to build a house in winter or early spring can be compared to buying a pig in a poke. In unfamiliar terrain, it is not known what the snow cover hides.
● In an unfamiliar area, there may be unexpected features: a lot of ants, moles, mice, or snakes in general. You can find out about these features from your neighbors.

Before construction

● Do not rebuild an old house built in the Soviet era. Perestroika costs more, and then it turns out that it was all for nothing. The best option is to demolish the old and build a new one. Another option is to sell the lot with the old house and buy bare land on which you can build what you want.
● Do not build multi-storey mansions in a poor neighborhood. Watching from your upper floors the life of your neighbors will not bring aesthetic pleasure. It will also not be possible to sell such a palace for the money that was invested in it. Yes, and no one has yet canceled human envy.
● When planning and building a house, it is better to take into account exactly your wishes and needs - children and, especially, grandchildren will definitely have their own preferences and their own lives.
● Do not buy a house that was originally built for sale. In such a house, due to the need to reduce construction costs, much will be missed. For example, in the rooms there will be only one outlet - why complicate the construction - anyway, it’s not for yourself, but for sale.

Self-education in the construction business

● It is better to prepare in advance at least on the main issues - in this case, both construction errors and situations when contractors will simply try to breed clients will be obvious.
● It is worth studying the mat. part for each type of work.
● It is better to work out other people's mistakes than to discover your own later.

Financial issue of construction

● Do not bring the case to long-term construction. If there are not enough funds, then it is better to build a frame house with an area of ​​​​80 m² for a family of four in an economy version. For a brick house of 250 m², you will need a significant amount, but you need to live now.
● You should not start construction without having 200-250% of the original estimate in your soul.
● Even at the stage of foundation work, it is necessary to adequately assess the cost of engineering and finishing work, the budget for which may be even more than for the foundation, frame and roof.

● Don't start anything before leveling the terrain with the grader and thinking through the drainage system, retaining walls and other drainage systems.
● On the construction site, it is necessary to allocate several places for construction waste, and also to ensure that no one throws garbage anywhere. Otherwise, in the future, when processing the land allotment, various pipe cuts, stones, broken bricks, rags, and so on will constantly be found.
● For crushed stone, it is necessary to prepare a couple of places fenced with boards - otherwise the crushed stone will certainly spread over a large area of ​​the site. Moreover, at first this rubble will sink in the construction site, and then it will appear even in the most unexpected places.
● Before starting construction, it is best to fence off all valuable trees on the site.

Interaction with contractors

● You should not hire a team of workers without knowing anything about them, without the recommendations of friends, without seeing their already completed construction and installation work.
● Where you can find good builders: when you see a nice-looking house, do not hesitate to go to the owners and find out who built it. Bad builders will not be recommended.
● If a house is being built nearby, then it is worth observing the work process, the quality and speed of the work performed. It is quite possible that these same people should be hired for construction. In addition, in the construction business, downtime is a very common thing and it may turn out that they will perform some work in the neighborhood.
● There are teams that claim to be able to do everything. You don't have to believe that! Nobody can do everything! Building skills in only one or two specialties are polished for years. It is in his industry that a builder must be a professional.
● The moment of "razvodilovo" and theft in the construction business is inevitable. Minimizing this negative will help that you do not need to order the entire scope of work on a turnkey basis. It is necessary to order "turnkey" in separate portions - a separate box, roof, finishing work, electrics and so on.
● In order to make it easier to replace negligent builders, any construction work should be divided into unrelated stages.
● If roofers do not know how to mount a drainage system, then they should not be hired for roofing work.

Organization of relations with contractors

● In today's world, a contract for any work includes clauses on deadlines and penalties. Upon completion of the work, acceptance certificates are signed indicating the warranty periods. If the construction organization (team) does not have experience of working on this principle, then you can provide them with your sample contract.
● When concluding a contract with a contractor, it would be useful to show perseverance and scrupulousness (yes, even tediousness): amount, terms, penalties for delay. Otherwise, all the imperfections will have to be done independently.
● All construction services must be pre-registered. Otherwise, then some "unaccounted column" or a whole mass of work performed will definitely pop up.
● Contractors must be forced to stick to pre-fixed and agreed budgets.
● When meeting with a specific person - the performer of the work, check a photocopy of his passport with the original. A photocopy of the passport should be taken away - and this is not paranoia!
● In the contract, the main thing is the terms of payment. Ideally, it should provide for 100% payment only after all complex construction work has been completed without imperfections and with a guarantee of quality.
● No one should be completely trusted! Architects, craftsmen, engineers, foremen, workers will leave their traces, which then will not always be able to be corrected.
● When interacting with the construction team, the feeling of pity and softness must be squeezed out of oneself mercilessly. It is this feeling that negligent workers will definitely put pressure on when they ask for forgiveness for the places where they messed up.
● With contractors, teams, builders, suppliers who are not in the habit of fulfilling their own promises at the appointed time, it is better to leave immediately. Well, if their phone is constantly busy and there are no calls, then they have more important things to do, they are not interested in you and they don’t really want to provide their construction services.
● Builders should be trusted only on facts.

The construction of a new house is always associated with high material costs. Not everyone is able to build a house, without regard to the estimate. In the vast majority of cases, you have to cut costs to stay within budget. But, far from everything you can save, because, by and large, you save on yourself and your loved ones who are going to share shelter with you. Your home should be durable, warm, dry, and, of course, beautiful. Is this possible, within the means available to you?

By choosing a material with a low specific gravity for the construction of walls, you can somewhat reduce the bearing capacity of the foundation, while saving money for other construction sites. In particular, you can use various improvised means for formwork, but you should not save on the quality of cement mortar, since relatively small savings on the scale of the entire construction can turn into a complete collapse of your undertaking. All design parameters of the foundation must be strictly observed, since violations at this initial and most important stage of construction call into question the result of all subsequent work.

In this section, you can find detailed information regarding all. We have made every effort to provide you with all the necessary information regarding the construction and renovation of a private house. In this section, we will tell you how to lay the foundation of a house, how to build walls and do roofing. Installation of doors and windows, installation of pipelines and electrical wiring, recommendations for choosing building materials, all this and much more is discussed in this section.

By using our repair and construction tips, you can save a lot of money while maintaining the high performance, reliability and charm of your home.

But if you want to order a professional repair of your house or apartment, then you can find out all the details on this site.

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A dacha truly becomes a dacha only when a house appears on it. So building a country house is the first task for any owner of a summer cottage. Of course, you can contact a construction company, and your construction of a country house with your own hands will be completed in a month or two. But you can save money and get the most valuable experience in life if you build a cottage with your own hands. If you choose to build a country house inexpensively with your own hands, our tips outlined in this article will be useful to you.

Floor area architecture

Starting the construction of a cottage, of course, you will be guided by your financial capabilities. The choice of material for construction, construction technology, area, number of storeys, availability of certain engineering systems, equipment, and so on will depend on this. But still, for starters, it’s worth deciding where exactly on the site to locate a new house, what area and number of floors it will have.

The best option for the location of a country house is when one of the walls of the house adjoins the road passing by. This is convenient when building a summer house - after all, this way you do not have to carry building materials across the entire site. As for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, it all depends on how many people it will be designed for. If the area of ​​​​the site is not large, and several people should be comfortably accommodated in the house, then it is immediately worth planning a house with an attic. Its construction, if more complicated than a one-story house, is not much (the roof still needs to be done, it just won’t be so high and sloping), and the consumption of building materials for a one-story house of a similar area will be much larger.

The only but important limitation in the construction of two-story cottages or houses with attics is that such a house must have a high-quality, durable, preferably brick or reinforced concrete foundation. When marking and laying the foundation, be sure to consider in advance whether you will attach a garage and a veranda to the house. Under them, the foundation can be made after, but it is better to lay it right away.

Materials and technology for building a summer house

Your next step is to decide what construction technology you will use and, accordingly, building materials. The choice is quite large, but still it comes down to only three main options.

Basic construction technologies

  • building a house of brick or gas silicate block;
  • frame construction;
  • construction of a summer house from a bar or logs.

The first option will allow you to build the most durable house, especially if a brick is chosen. But a brick building will be more expensive at cost, and the speed of its construction is inferior to the speed of construction using other technologies.

A gas silicate house is being built quickly, it is relatively inexpensive, and the use of reinforcement in the connecting seams between the blocks will make such a house very strong and durable. But the most important advantage of gas silicate is the excellent heat and sound insulation of the house.

Frame technology for the construction of summer cottages

Frame technology gives the highest speed of construction. The disadvantages of such a house are that it will cost a little more than a gas silicate one and will be the least durable. However, modern materials for frame housing construction provide a sufficient level of strength and durability, especially since we are talking about the construction of a country house, and not a capital structure.

As for the construction of the roof, the same roofing materials are used in construction at their summer cottage - slate, including elastic, roofing iron of various profiles, tiles, metal tiles, soft tiles. Focus only on your taste and possibilities!

Communications and household equipment for summer cottages

If you are building a modern country house, where it should be comfortable at any time of the year and in any weather, you need to equip it with appropriate communications. Is the shower and toilet outside? Then everything is easier. But if you want to fit all household amenities under one roof, you must:

Equip the sewer system

Usually, in the conditions of summer cottage construction, central communications are not provided, so autonomous sewer systems will come to your rescue.


If there is running water and there is stable water in it, great. If not, the surest option is to drill your own well and install a pumping system in it. The pleasure is not the cheapest, but believe me, the autonomous presence of water is very convenient!

Lots of options. The most traditional is a stove, but it is much more complicated and more expensive than purchasing a combined-type double-circuit boiler that runs on gas, electricity, and even coal or wood. Such a boiler is extremely practical in operation and will provide heating for the house, its supply with hot water.

Power supply

Everything is standard here, but you need to remember that most summer cottages are switching to paying for electricity by the meter. So you should immediately install a certified electric meter, and use energy-saving devices within the network, if possible.

The builder is a very ancient, widespread profession. It is thanks to construction that we have infrastructure (roads, bridges, as well as other facilities), various industries and, of course, a roof over our heads. A person constantly needed a reliable and protected home, but not everyone has the talent to build houses, as well as other structures.

Therefore, each master must constantly improve himself, replenish his knowledge, take into account the construction advice of more experienced representatives of this profession. In many ways, you can learn the craft of building on your own, reading a variety of literature, building tips, working with more experienced professionals by trial and error. This article provides some interesting and useful tips from builders that can help make certain tasks much easier.

§ Staples for sheathing panels

When installing plywood sheathing, it is convenient to use special brackets in the form of steel corners to support the sheets from below. Thanks to them, the lower edge of the sheathing is parallel to the strapping, and the offset will ensure the same overlap of plywood on the base along the entire length of the wall. To use staples, they are inserted between the bottom trim and the base, the sheet is supported on them and nailed along the edges to fix it in place. Then the staples are pulled out with a nail puller. So that they do not get lost, paint them with bright house paint.

§ Simple tile pack

This technical solution will help facilitate your work when lifting bitumen. To do this, you can make a device in the form of a knapsack. This is an ordinary plywood box for roofing tiles packs. Approximately three-quarters of the way from the bottom edge, attach a strap to stabilize the stacks of tiles while carrying.

§ Helper magnet

Quite interesting and practical advice. With a large amount of work on wall cladding with boards or drywall, you can make a belt pocket for fasteners, which will simplify the work of builders. And if you also attach a magnet to it, to which nails or screws will be attracted, then you can quickly “pluck” the pocket without fear of driving the sharp tips of the fastener under your nails.

§ In the footsteps of old

To replace old wooden elements fixed to a concrete wall (for example, treads and risers on a concrete staircase), you can use the existing dowel holes. Instead of transferring their position to new parts by measuring, it is better to use a simple trick. Hammer the new dowels into the holes first. Then take a nail that fits snugly into the dowel and cut it to such a length that it only protrudes slightly from the plane of the wall. Insert a shortened nail into each dowel, align the new piece in place, and tap it lightly with a mallet. The resulting recesses will accurately outline the holes through which it will be possible to wrap the screw.

§ In proud loneliness

If earlier they built with the whole "world", then nowadays they are increasingly working alone. Experience shows that this is quite possible if you master the basic working techniques and listen to the building advice of reputable publications or experienced professionals. For example, the problem of temporary fixation of boards when sheathing a false ceiling can be solved as follows.

nailed board (1) inserted into the gap between the beam (2) and support bar (3) , which in turn is freely laid on nails driven into the wall (4) . Then the board is sequentially pressed against the beams and nailed. And after that, the support bar is moved further along the nails (see view B), the board is fixed against the wall and the next blank is installed. For reasons of convenience, the length of the bar is about 1 m. The nails are stuffed so that there are at least 3 of them on the support bar. In the course of work, the nails are pulled out. The board feed zone is always fully open.

§ Qualitatively and quickly

The supporting structure of the roof will be more reliable, and the installation of the rafters will be simplified if they rest on the floor beams through blind sockets. However, grooving operations are very time-consuming and require a certain qualification of the master. The work can be facilitated if you use the chain saw correctly - make a cut along the lines (and, if necessary, in between), and then gouge the wood along the intended contour.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!

His country dwelling has become the dream of city dwellers. Wood is considered the best building material. To build a log or cobbled cottage, take care of insulation, insulation, or include a veranda, a porch with an attic in the project? Consider tips for building wooden houses, features of interior and exterior decoration, the main points of assembly from logs and timber.

Design of wooden houses

The first step on the way to a timber dwelling is to draw up a project. The design of a building made of wood should begin with the understanding that the main task is versatility and versatility. There should be enough space for everyone, and for outings to a suburban area with a group of friends, provide everything for guests. The project should take into account the needs of children and elderly relatives who find it difficult to climb up.

Tips for building wooden cottages of houses apply to all premises:

  1. A residential attic with a spiral staircase is a great way to save space downstairs.
  2. If you plan to build a house from a bar with an attic, this will create a play area for children there.
  3. Include a bathroom or several (on the floors) in the project, think about a comfortable kitchen for hostesses, large windows for natural light and energy savings.
  4. It is advisable to consider architectural subtleties such as a bay window, cuckoo, places for internal ventilation, a boiler room for a heating system in the premises when designing.

Construction technology

Deciding on the construction technology, they choose between manual felling and rounded logs. The first option is reliability, warmth. Cylindering is a constant choice of admirers of beauty and aesthetics. In addition, more and more adherents are gathering frame technology of structures, it:

  • one of the most inexpensive;
  • simple in execution.

The diameter of logs and timber should be selected for each specific case. For example, when erecting a residential building from cylinders, use a size over 22 mm. Otherwise, the premises can only be used in the summer. Experts advise paying special attention to rafter work: fastening the Mauerlat. Wooden structures are not static, they are constantly moving, the upper crown is fixed using wooden dowels.

Construction stages

Building a house from a bar includes two main stages. This is due to the physical characteristics of the material: shrinkage or shrinkage (reduction of the tree in volume during the evaporation of moisture). Tips for building wooden houses are to divide the process into:

  1. production of a log house;
  2. finishing of the building (a year and a half later, so that the windows and doors, all the decoration are even).

The first stage of work includes the following operations:

  • foundation bay;
  • installation of a log house;
  • installation of rafters;
  • the formation of the roof (roof).

The second stage includes the installation of doors, windows, flooring, exterior wall decoration. After installation, wait for shrinkage before work. Recommendations:

  1. In the summer, wait a year.
  2. In winter - six months.
  3. In winter, the wood becomes brittle, you should work carefully.

Many seek to combine the two stages into one, which is fraught with consequences. The log house will sit down, but the windows / doors will not. This is the reason for the appearance of defects and cracks. You can build a wooden log house with your own hands in one step. You just need to know one trick - you can leave 4 cm cuts above the windows and doors. The wood will sit approximately at this height.

Interior decoration

Masters offer to do the interior decoration of a wooden house using a blockhouse, lining or drywall. Remember that within five to six years the wood will shrink, which can lead to distortions and breaks in the coatings. In general, the finishing process includes caulking the walls from the inside, sheathing, ceiling finishing, laying floor coverings, staining, painting. Impregnation with antiseptic substances followed by coating with a film-forming composition is recommended to protect the wood from adverse factors:

  • pollution;
  • moisture;
  • ultraviolet from windows;
  • scratches.

Construction of wooden houses from timber

Building a house from a bar with your own hands is a difficult and enjoyable task. The right material can make the job easier. Tips on the technology of building wooden houses from timber come down to choosing from three types of material:

  1. profiled - facilitating construction;
  2. crown - similar to the previous one;
  3. whole - the most economical.

Construction of frame houses

Frame construction technology has been used by developers relatively recently. Its advantages are lightness and rigidity. Tips for building wooden houses recommend remembering to install braces when installing wall frames. Do not rely on sheathing: you are building a housing, not a closet. Carefully consider the strengthening of the material for insulation in the walls. Otherwise, in a couple of years it will sink, and it will be possible to correct the situation only after parsing the skin. Use dry wood treated with protective compounds for the frame.

Construction of wooden houses from a log

This technology is the oldest known to the ancestors. By building wooden houses from logs, the owner provides himself with an eternal building, but only if the rules are observed. You can caulk such buildings throughout the entire time, the main thing is to “plant” crowns on tow or moss. Do not use new heaters, seals are a waste of money.

Construction of extensions

How to build a house from a bar and finish it is more or less clear. What to do with extensions? Advisers recommend stopping at a width of up to three meters. The length should correspond to the length of the wall of the main building. Do not tie the extension to the front door. A bathroom accessible from the bedroom or corridor is much more convenient, and access to the summer kitchen from the living room will make it easier to receive guests at the festive table.

Foundation construction

The main tips for laying foundations for wooden houses are as follows:

  • It is necessary to withstand the foundation so that the foundation does not collapse over time, leading to deformation of the entire building.
  • There is a need for a strong fixation in the ground - for reliability, the foundation must be fixed without wall pressure.

Errors during construction

Masters are faced with deviations from the design axes, insufficient quality of the foundation and the wrong choice of location (location close to neighboring wooden structures entails a fire threat). In addition, developers forget about waterproofing (protection from moisture), ventilation and grounding. Errors in the construction of a house from a bar are conventionally divided into three categories:

  • design and preparatory;
  • mounting;
  • operational.

Wooden house building companies

A sufficient number of companies with different pricing policies are engaged in the construction of warm wooden structures, using building materials of excellent quality on the territory of Russia. It is proposed to develop projects for residential premises, baths and extensions, as well as construction and finishing works. Economy class or premium housing - the choice is yours. Examples:

  • GOOD WOOD, for example, offers turnkey work, with its own production and a step-by-step quality control system.
  • Moscow "Architect" - designs, builds, arranges communications, decorates interiors and repairs buildings.

Video: building houses from timber with your own hands

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