Aquarius husband: freedom-loving husband. Aquarius man in marriage: a horoscope of family life How to find out that an Aquarius man is cheating

Aquarius planet

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and Saturn. The all-powerful Saturn was originally considered the patron of Aquarius. The planet Uranus was discovered relatively late - in the 18th century. The combination of these planetary energies is very strong and vibrant. Saturn is the planet of melancholy, Uranus is the planet of action, dreams of the future, the planet of explorers and scientists. Encountering something new, radical or revolutionary, Aquarians wholeheartedly surrender to these ideas. One of the greatest virtues of Aquarians is their ability to think creatively and innovatively.

Element of Aquarius

Aquarius is an Air sign, and Air is the element of intellect and sociability. Aquarians are able to accomplish a lot using their logical mindset. They are artistic and inventive. And all this in the name of creating a better world, which they hope will live up to their vision. Aquarians are confident that their original approach will one day win, and all it takes to change the world is a new revolutionary idea.

Those born under this sign are altruistic, humane people who seek to change the status quo.

Aquarians are absolute realists. But they do not want to live exclusively in the present and cannot. The soul of Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which leads him into the future. They are humanitarians, philanthropists deeply interested in making the world a better place to live.

It is useless to try to force Aquarius to obey your rules. He is independent and free. As a rule, Aquarians are witty, original and independent, but they can also be timid, affectionate, diplomatic and compassionate.

By nature, Aquarians are kind, calm and reasonable.. But sometimes they like to challenge public opinion. Those who deal with Aquarius must be prepared for all sorts of surprises. Usually affable and good-natured, people ruled by the planet Uranus love to act contrary to public opinion and take a hidden pleasure in shocking the townsfolk with their unusual behavior. Aquarians are capable of incredible things. They like to dazzle conservative people with their weird mannerisms. Uranus makes them rebellious, who subconsciously feel that the old traditions are outdated and the world needs drastic changes.

They desperately strive to be among people, they always have friends, but at the same time there are often periods when the world around them plunges into darkness and their soul asks for loneliness. But no matter what state Aquarius is in, he always retains insight, which is much deeper and sharper than that of other signs.

Aquarius always analyzes the situation, the behavior of friends and even strangers th. Communicating with him, you will feel awkward when they begin to ask you direct, often tactless questions, getting to the most intimate movements of the soul. Aquarians are well versed in psychology, and the opportunity to analyze human nature attracts them to make new acquaintances. However, they never leave their old friends.

Aquarius gives the impression of a person who seeks to please, but most people sooner or later notice that real contact with him does not occur. It kind of slips out of your hands. He quickly gets bored with everything, and he already pays attention to others. Rarely establishes strong relationships. If Aquarius has lost interest in you, it is useless to appeal to his emotions. He must feel free as the wind. Trying to stop Aquarius is impossible.

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Aquarius is perhaps the most unpredictable zodiac sign of all. Aquarius people are credited with a lot of features and properties, but often they contradict each other. 10 true and unusual facts about Aquarius will help you better understand them and provide answers to some important questions related to this zodiac sign.

Fact one: Aquarians are afraid of criticism. None of us is pleased when we are scolded or reprimanded. But if balanced Capricorns or Leos, independent of other people's opinions, take criticism calmly and either do not pay attention, or correct mistakes and calmly move on, then extremely vulnerable Aquarians will perceive swearing as a tragedy and are unlikely to be able to contain their emotions.

Fact two: Aquarians are often conservative. It is generally accepted that no one loves change more than Aquarius. But in fact, representatives of this Sign often passionately dream of at least some kind of stability. The stars give Aquarius born in the air element a very ambiguous gift: constant life changes. After some time, Aquarius people get used to constant surprises and surprises, and begin to treat everything in life philosophically. But at the same time, in small things, they often try to make dreams of stability come true, choosing one or two favorite cafes, their favorite book, movie or musical group.

Fact three: Aquarians are afraid of responsibility. Constant self-doubt haunts Aquarius all their lives, interspersed with bursts of euphoria from successful decisions and ideas. Aquarians are wonderful ideological inspirers. They have a non-standard view of things and can offer a solution that seems crazy, but in fact gives a wonderful result. But at the same time, Aquarius, constantly immersed in doubts, will do everything possible not to take responsibility for what he proposed.

Fact four: Aquarians are extremely affectionate towards people. Outwardly, easily parting with people and places, Aquarians have deep in their souls one or two completely special people for them, losing whom for any Aquarius is like death. For the sake of reconciliation with such a person, freedom-loving Aquarius will make any concessions and restrictions. But you should never use this affection of Aquarius for your own purposes: if a representative of this Sign realizes that he is being exploited, he will instantly break any connection, no matter how hard it is for him.

Fifth fact: Aquarians have an unstable psyche. And most of them are well aware of this, consciously from adolescence educating their mind and strengthening the nervous system in order to avoid sad consequences. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves a positive result: the vast majority of patients of psychologists and psychiatrists are Aquarians.

Fact six: Aquarians are loyal to their other half. Despite the love of Aquarius for the attention of the opposite sex, representatives of this sign are practically not capable of treason. Flirting for Aquarius is like the air that he breathes, but at the same time, the craving for stability and the depth of affection of Aquarius will not allow him to hurt his loved one.

Fact seven: Creativity is an integral part of the life of Aquarius. Most people born under the sign of Aquarius choose creative professions: most writers, musicians, artists and actors came from representatives of this Sign. But even if the work that Aquarius does is a continuous routine, then he will find scope for creativity in any area.

Fact eight: Aquarians feel the mood of other people. After a few years of communication, longtime friends of some Aquarius cease to be surprised by calls in the middle of the night with questions like this: “Does your heart catch again?” Most Aquarians can physically feel the mood of people close to them, as well as intuitively understand that someone has a problem.

Fact nine: Aquarians often do not quite separate dreams and reality. The reason is that the representatives of this Sign often have extremely realistic dreams: they contain not only a vivid visual image, but also sounds, smells and even sensations.

Fact ten: Aquarians are not vindictive. It is generally accepted that Aquarians invent a terrible revenge on their offenders. This is completely wrong: Aquarians don't retaliate at all. Representatives of this Sign have a pleasant feature to quickly forget everything bad. With the person who offended them, they simply stop all communication, but they will never stoop to revenge. However, this will not prevent them from watching with a calm smile how life takes revenge on their offenders.

Now the people of the most mysterious Zodiac Sign will be more understandable to you. Aquarians, like other Signs, need warmth, support and harmony in life. We wish you to always understand your loved ones, remember that all people are unique, and do not forget to press the buttons and

16.09.2016 06:08

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As a fiance Aquarius is just super! Witty, fair, original, not like ordinary men. He will enchant you with brilliance, in many cases with outstanding intelligence.

You will have crazy dates, interesting excursions to amazing places, he will write poems about you or create a website in your honor. But such a man pulls as soon as he can, until the moment of marriage and the birth of children. What Aquarius does not invent to delay the "execution at the altar": charitable work in Africa, a political career or a doctorate in India.

Aquarius is a married man: what is he like in family, home life, when does he get married?

As a lover, Aquarius can be charming, but as a husband it is suitable only for hardened fans of this zodiac sign. Aquarius is faithful, first of all, to his own convictions, appreciates, first of all, independence, feels great alone with himself. The question arises: does one hundred percent Aquarius need marriage at all, should he start a family? This is a person who usually dreams of high matters, offers innovative ideas to others, is reluctant to take on daily routine duties and passionately wants to save this world, often at the expense of his family.

The Aquarius man in marriage organizes great parties, celebrations, most often he is quickly accepted into the family of the chosen one and is very popular with her friends. He will always skillfully tell a joke, as if parodying an unloved boss. In general, you can have fun and interesting time with Aquarius-husband. However, men of this sign often get divorced or go through serious crises in relationships, and this indicates how prosperous and comfortable family life is with Aquarius.

How does an Aquarius husband provide for a family?

Financial well-being, as a very specific thing, is not included in the range of issues that Aquarius pays very serious attention to. With him you will not go through great material temptations, nor through prosperity. For the common good, the money in the house should be controlled by the wife. She will also have to keep track of paying bills, because Aquarius husbands often forget about this.

Aquarius husband cheating or not, jealous or not?

Despite a certain "ephemeralness", enthusiasm, frivolity of the nature of Aquarius, one can be more or less confident in his fidelity. People of this sign rarely look around - except perhaps in search of something more exciting and original than a banal trip "to the left." The jealous husbands-Aquarius can also be attributed only with a big stretch.

Aquarius man: how to behave with him, how to live, how to be together and keep Aquarius husband?

As a wife, even one who genuinely loves and admires her husband, you must come to terms with the fact that your needs will always come second. Even if the Aquarius husband is present in body in your bed, his spirit is likely to be somewhere else.

After parting, dissolution of marriage, Aquarius men quickly console themselves, calm down, their broken hearts heal pretty soon. Unless they meet with ... Aquarius-woman or someone very similar to themselves. Then the acquaintance will turn into a marriage with a male Aquarius, who will be very harmonious, successful and happy. An ordinary, average woman, in the long run, may not be able to withstand the optimism of the eternal Peter Pan and his wandering in the clouds.

Aquarians hate pressure from a woman. If the lady of the heart presents Aquarius with a list of requirements every day, then he will go to the one with whom it will be easier for him. Among other things, Aquarians are very fond of originality and initiative. Therefore, fixation on everyday issues, a too serious attitude to life and the inability for spontaneous actions on the part of a woman can also push him to search for vivid impressions on the side. Qualities such as the ability to appreciate every moment of life and see beauty in everything around will be appreciated by Aquarius and will keep him from cheating.

The Aquarius man does not like secret relationships, but still, he goes into them for the sake of curiosity. He needs a variety of experiences. If he divorces his wife, he will not suffer for a long time, his new romance will begin very quickly.

How to know if an Aquarius man is cheating

We must start with the fact that such a thing as "friendly sex" is completely ordinary for the Aquarius man. He does not tend to elevate sex to the rank of something unearthly, unusual. For him, this is exactly the same important event as, for example, a conscientious walk or a game of tennis. It's just a pleasant pastime, an expression of one's sympathies, a short "dance" together. Aquarians do not tend to endow sexual intimacy with deep feelings and experiences. So decide after that whether he really cheated on you, or just wanted to get to know your girlfriend better in order to understand you better.

Accordingly, Aquarius does not feel any guilt for betrayal. They act sincerely. Although at the same time they understand that in modern society the fact of treason is a tragedy. What happens in the end: the Aquarius man can cheat on his wife quite often and never tell her about it. Solely in order to save her feelings. After all, he loves his wife, oddly enough. And, therefore, he does not want to injure her once again.

And what will happen if Aquarius is "caught red-handed?". Here you can appreciate the depth of his feelings for you. If your Aquarius husband really values ​​you, but will deny everything to the end, refuting the obvious facts. You can be proud - for the sake of love for you, he sacrifices his love for the truth. If Aquarius, pressed against the wall, does not deny anything, things are bad. He hurts you and understands it. He deliberately brings you unhappiness. This can only mean one thing - your spiritual community with him is not enough, he is dissatisfied with his relationship with you.

If everything goes too smoothly for the walking Aquarius, that is, the wife does not suspect anything, and the lover is submissive to her fate, he may awaken a passion for psychological experiments. What happens if you introduce both women? Can the lover convincingly play the role of a friend and not split? Will the wife be able to keep her possessive feelings and sincerely treat her rival with pies? And what will happen if one more girl is added to this cute circle of interests - of course, just a good friend? Thus, Aquarius can come to create a small cozy harem, which, however, will not take a special place among his interests.

What are you, the newly-made loving wife, to do? The main thing is not to show your jealousy in any case. You can express some displeasure, but it is better in a joking way. In no case do not put pressure on Aquarius himself. Better influence his "passions". After all, they must have some kind of conscience, right? You can tell them about how you love him, how you worry about him, do not sleep at night. Ask them for advice on how to proceed. Call at odd times and complain that your loved one seems to be cheating on you. Most girls will back off from your man at the sight of this behavior. Only the completely shameless and insensitive will remain - but such ladies of Aquarius will not be interested, give him subtly feeling souls.

Do not be afraid, dear women: Aquarius needs freedom not to cheat on you. Aquarius is the sign of geniuses. And love does not occupy the main place in his life - for him there are many other interests. Let's take a closer look at Aquarius in marriage

Where to meet the Aquarius man?

Politics, business, a scientific idea can capture Aquarius no less than love passion. But Aquarians are ready to love and are looking for love. In an intimate relationship with him there is something uniquely subtle and tender. Girls, if you do not want your personal life to be reduced to the formula: kitchen, TV, children, bed - look for Aquarius. It will not be boring! And you can talk heart to heart, and have fun together. The Aquarius guy loves life in all its manifestations and this fascinates. You can recognize him by the interested look of beautiful eyes, original hairstyle or clothes, and non-standard thoughts in a conversation on any topic. Where to meet? Wherever there is life!

How to interest an Aquarius man?

Don't miss Aquarius! Did he fix his eyes on you? Let him know that you like him too. Aquarius is somewhat unsure of himself, reveals himself difficultly and rarely asks someone for something. Take a step towards yourself - he will take two. Take a step back and he will take four steps away from you. But don't go all the way. Touches, glances, encouragement, omissions - the best method of communication at the stage of acquaintance and first date. Don't try to make him jealous - he's not jealous. Do not say anything offensive to him: he remembers insults for a long time. Do not teach him to live and do not advise anything. He will not listen - he goes his own way, lives by his own rules and is guided only by his sharp mind. You can ask him for help. He is responsive, happy to provide support and will be flattered. Show that you can give him something in return. He appreciates business qualities and the ability to partner. And, of course, be attractive, sexy and mysterious. Do not trust completely and instantly. He often fluctuates between instinct and reason, he can fantasize, and then be disappointed. Casual relationships in his youth are not uncommon.

What is an Aquarius man like in marriage?

Aquarius in marriage is a faithful and devoted husband. Among the men of this sign, monogamy is enough. He will provide for his family, help relatives, always find a way to earn enough money. Often all his life he works for the benefit of the family. He trusts his wife, does not control, does not force change. Even in quarrels, he compromises. You can always negotiate with him. Even if he leaves a woman, he is ready to maintain friendly relations and help for a long time. And, nevertheless, among Aquarius most of all divorces. They leave him because they consider him an egoist. It is believed that he does more for others than for his relatives. Always busy, and relatives do not always know where he is and what he is doing now. Aquarius leaves his home when a woman tries to "strap him in her skirt". Life even in a golden cage is not for him. He silently and for a long time prepares the release, but at one fine moment he simply disappears in an unknown direction without saying a word.

Aquarius man compatibility with female zodiac signs

If you are Gemini, Pisces, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius will suit you. Leo and Aquarius can successfully cooperate. With Virgo - a strong physical attraction. With Cancer - an alliance based on mutual respect. With Capricorn - after long grindings, calm, well-fed advanced years are possible. Aquarius in a marriage with Scorpio will have endless quarrels based on jealousy. Taurus is not interested in Aquarius for weak fantasies and imagination. Egoist and altruist, gentle and cold, sociable and impregnable, free in thoughts and dependent in passions - Angel and Devil! Love Aquarius faithfully and tenderly - he will answer you the same. If you have love and if you accept him for who he is, then feel free to marry this man.