Do I need to measure basal temperature. Measurement of basal temperature: how, when and where to measure? Basal body temperature during ovulation

Measurement of basal temperature (BT) is a cheap and affordable method for every woman to calculate, as well as determine pregnancy. Basal body temperature is the body temperature at rest: that is, when you are absolutely calm both emotionally and physically.

When can measuring BBT be useful?

    If you are planning a pregnancy and want to calculate your ovulation days

    If you have an irregular menstrual cycle

When is BBT measurement useless?

Measurement of basal temperature does not make sense in the following situations:

  • What is the normal basal temperature when taking birth control pills?

    In women taking, the level of basal temperature is set by the tablets themselves. Since a woman takes birth control pills every day for a month, the level of hormones in her blood remains approximately the same throughout the entire cycle. In this regard, the basal temperature is maintained at the same level, and the basal temperature graph looks like an irregular curve. Basal temperature can fluctuate, but it does not have peaks (characteristic of ovulation) or pronounced rises.

    After the end of taking oral contraceptives, the basal temperature graph restores its normal shape.

The body, how and for what purpose it is measured, doctors call one of the most valuable for a woman who is conscious of her own health and future motherhood. So, the compilation method is very, very informative for those ladies who are extremely important to get information about the hormonal changes taking place in the body, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, and the possibility (or impossibility) of pregnancy associated with these changes. The fact is that it is the hormones that cause changes in the basal body temperature in a particular period of the cycle: if the first half of it passes under the sign of estrogen dominance in the body, then the second phase of the menstrual cycle proceeds with an increase in the level of progesterone in the body. And this “tipping point” - the transition from the “estrogen” to the “progesterone” period - is the moment: the most favorable time for successful conception and subsequent bearing of the baby.

Basal body temperature: what is it and how does it change

Basal body temperature in specialized literature is the lowest body temperature in the period immediately after sleep. A woman can measure the basal temperature in three different ways to choose from: in the mouth, in the vagina or in the rectum. At the same time, the choice of a thermometer is unimportant - both a classic mercury thermometer and a supernova electronic thermometer can be used to measure temperature indicators. But a prerequisite for observing all the rules for measuring basal temperature with the subsequent drawing up of a temperature chart is the rule of the thermometer's invariability: the basal temperature is always recorded exclusively by the same thermometer, because the errors of each individual thermometer are even 1 tenth of a degree different. Accordingly, the use of different thermometers may well be the reason for drawing up an incorrect temperature graph.

Temperature indicators when measuring basal temperature throughout the entire menstrual cycle change and directly depend on hormonal fluctuations. Specialists divide the menstrual cycle into 3 periods: follicular (the period of time before ovulation), ovulatory (the period of release of a mature egg from the ovary) and luteal (the period after ovulation before the onset of menstruation). In the basal temperature chart being compiled, at the same time, the menstrual period is divided into 2 periods by changing the curve: the follicular and luteal phases. The transition from one phase to another - the ovulatory period - becomes the most suitable time for conceiving a child, for which, in most cases, the mentioned schedules are compiled.

The follicular period is characterized by the prevalence of estrogens in the female body, this is the time of low temperatures: the basal temperature will now be kept at 36.2-36.5 degrees. With the onset of the luteal phase, on the eve of the release of the egg from the ovary, the temperature drops even more, by about 0.1 degrees, and then a sharp jump in temperature upwards follows - the active production of progesterone causes an increase in basal temperature to 37.2-37.5 degrees. Such temperature indicators will be maintained until the start of the next menstruation, after which a gradual decrease in basal temperature should be expected.

So, drawing up a schedule of basal temperature with a daily indication of temperature levels will allow you to optimally calculate the most favorable days for successful conception, as well as the days for actually safe sex. Please note that for each woman, depending on the characteristics and duration of the menstrual cycle, the duration of the follicular phase will be different. At the same time, the luteal phase always has approximately the same duration: from 10 to 14 days. For example, if the menstrual cycle is optimal 28 days, the phases of estrogen and progesterone dominance will be approximately equal. If the cycle is shortened or, conversely, longer, the estrogen dominance phase decreases or increases.

How to measure basal temperature?

In order to get the most accurate basal temperature chart, according to which it will be possible to navigate and calculate the chances of conception, a number of specific rules must be strictly observed. After all, even seemingly insignificant acts or interventions from outside subjective factors affect the temperature indicators of the body. By the way, keep in mind that by observing the basal temperature for several months, it is also possible to identify possible hormonal problems in the body. For example, elevated temperatures in the first phase indicate a deficiency of estrogen in the body, while lower temperatures in the second phase may indicate insufficient production of progesterone now. But a smooth schedule, without any special temperature changes and sharp jumps in the schedule, can be an alarming signal of the absence of ovulation and inability to conceive. In any of the above cases, it is advisable, if possible, to consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo a diagnosis for possible hormonal disorders.

You can correctly and accurately track the basal temperature and draw up the correct schedule, be sure to follow the written rules. So how to measure basal temperature so that the chart is as informative as possible?

  • Basal temperature is measured exclusively after sleep, without getting out of bed and before any physical activity. Temperature measurement should always take place at the same time: if you wake up at 8 am, then the temperature should be taken daily at the same time. In the case when, for example, on a weekend, awakening occurs a little later (and, accordingly, measurements are also made with a time shift), it is necessary to make a note about this state of affairs in the schedule.
  • The duration of uninterrupted sleep before measuring basal temperature should be at least 4-6 hours. So, if, for example, you woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning for a small need, and then go to bed, it is better to measure the temperature immediately after waking up "with a urge": waking up at 8.00 you will no longer receive accurate data. And, even after sleeping more than 3 hours after a preliminary awakening, the data will be less accurate than received a few hours earlier.
  • Having decided on the method of measuring temperature (orally, rectally or in the vagina), in the future it is necessary to use this method as the only one without moving the thermometer. Otherwise, there is no need to talk about the exact schedule. The temperature should also be measured during menstruation, each time recording it immediately after the measurements, so as not to forget to do it later.
  • The following factors can influence temperature indicators: drinking alcohol the night before or at night; stressful conditions; various diseases, including those with an increase in body temperature; insomnia; moving or flying with climate change; taking medications; sex a few hours before waking up. Please note that it is not possible to plot a basal temperature chart while taking hormonal drugs or contraceptives.

basal body temperature chart

Drawing up the actual schedule of basal temperature - in fact, the matter is not so difficult. For the graph, you need an ordinary checkered leaflet, which is drawn by hand: horizontal and vertical rays are drawn from one point. On the horizontal beam, the days of the menstrual cycle are marked, on the vertical - degrees are fixed, with the calculation of 1 cell = 0.1 degrees. Every morning, when measuring basal temperature, you should immediately make an appropriate mark in the chart, marking the indicators with a dot.

For the greatest reliability, it is better to draw up a schedule for at least 3 cycles. And after - you can study the dynamics of the change in the curve, determining the day of ovulation.

Today we want to tell you about an amazing parameter of the female body - basal temperature, which is a true helper for those who dream of having a baby.

Why is it necessary to measure basal temperature, how to do it correctly and how the information received can help us in the fight for the “striped test”, let's try to figure it out.

Getting to know each other personally

Basal temperature - this is the lowest temperature that the body reaches, as a rule, this occurs during sleep.

measuring basal body temperature , you are conducting a kind of test, with the help of which, having assessed the hormonal state of the female body, you you can get pregnant faster . How?

Why does a woman need to know about the time ovulation ? It is in these days highest chance of getting pregnant compared to other days of the menstrual cycle.

Therefore, those who are looking forward to the cherished two stripes on the test should remember: with the help of basal temperature measurements you will be able to find out on what days sexual relations should be pay special attention , in order to move from the category of "want" to the category of "waiting for the stork" as quickly as possible.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

Measurement of basal temperature is a process in which it is necessary stick to certain rules so that the readings are as accurate as possible. Basal temperature can be measured in different ways: rectally (in the anus), in the vagina or in the mouth.

Important nuance : If you have chosen a certain way to measure basal temperature throughout the cycle, continue to do it in the same way. If you measure your basal temperature rectally for one week and in your mouth for another week, such readings will not give you an accurate picture of what is happening in the body.

Rules for measuring basal temperature (BT):

  • BBT is measured every morning, immediately after waking up, lying in bed and not making any sudden movements (it is better to put the thermometer so that you can easily reach it with your hand);
  • it is better to start measuring BT on the first day of the menstrual cycle, measurements must be carried out throughout the entire cycle, even during menstruation;
  • it is necessary to measure BT at the same time using the same thermometer;
  • measure BT while lying as still as possible, do not make unnecessary movements and do not turn around;
  • do not measure BBT while taking oral contraceptives, sedatives and hormonal drugs;
  • BT indicators are affected by smoking, alcohol intake, stress, lack of sleep, illness, active sex.

Gynecologist Grigoy Fedotovich Pidpaly tells : “The basal temperature is measured after 3 hours of continuous sleep, without getting out of bed, immediately after waking up, with the same thermometer in the same place (rectum, vagina, behind the cheek), for 5 minutes. Before evening, the thermometer must be shaken so that the readings are below 34 ° C.

All the daily indicators obtained must be entered daily in the diary, and then, based on these data, compose basal temperature chart per month. If you know for sure that any specific factor affected the change in basal temperature readings on a particular day, be sure to make a note of this on your schedule. Doctors recommend that women keep this schedule for at least three months in order to see complete picture your menstrual cycle.

How to understand chart data?

Basal body temperature - an individual parameter of each person, but on average, in women of reproductive age, the graph usually looks like this:

  • during the first phase, which lasts 2 weeks from the beginning of the cycle, - BT averages 36.3-36.8 degrees;
  • in the middle of the cycle, BT first gradually falls, and then rises sharply to 37.0-37.3 degrees, signaling ovulation;
  • throughout the second phase until menstruation, BT remains elevated, after which it again slightly decreases by the first day of menstruation.

Typically, the temperature difference between the first and second phase is not less than 0.4-0.5°C.

The menstrual cycle in a healthy woman consists of two phases: follicular (before ovulation) and luteal (after ovulation). If the measurements were taken from the beginning of menstruation, then basal temperature in the first phase of the cycle determined approximately 36.3 - 36.8 degrees. Closer to the middle of the cycle, it gradually drops to 36.3, and then rises by 0.4-0.6 degrees. If it rises above 37 degrees, it signals ovulation.

If you decide to start measuring basal temperature, then in the beginning, you'd better talk to your doctor about how to do it right . Over time, you will be able to maintain and interpret the chart on your own.

Drafting basal temperature chart will help those who are planning a pregnancy, will help in the diagnosis of hormonal pathologies, is one of the contraceptive methods and will help - if the basal body temperature remains elevated for a long time, it is quite possible that you will soon have a baby.

This is the minimum temperature inside the female body. It must be measured after a long rest. The processes occurring in the body are displayed on the temperature measurement. Basal temperature must be measured repeatedly, based on these readings, a graph of fluctuations is drawn up. Thus, it is possible fix the day of ovulation in a girl. Such data are necessary for planning or preventing pregnancy.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

Measurements must be done correctly, the accuracy of diagnosing ovulation depends on this. With the help of basal temperature, it is possible to determine the time when pregnancy occurs. Basal temperature should be measured immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. An important condition for a correct measurement is the non-performing of any movements. You can not raise the body, it is not recommended to stand up.

This is because movement activates the flow of blood, thus increasing the degrees inside the body. BT cannot be measured in the evening, because it is higher at this time. Correct measurement is based on determining the minimum temperature, which is formed due to the work of internal organs, without muscles. That is why temperature measurement is carried out immediately after waking up. The following conditions must be met in order for the temperature to be measured correctly:

In order for the schedule to be correctly drawn up, BBT must be measured at the same time in the morning. Her must be measured from 7 to 9 minutes. The thermometer in the anus should be located at a depth of 4 cm. Measurements are affected by the following factors:

All of the above situations can affect the correct measurement of BBT. Measurements must be taken while lying down. If the measurement takes place in a vertical position, then this causes blood flow to the pelvic organs, due to this, the internal temperature in the body rises. And then the thermometer readings are unreliable.

How to measure basal temperature

In order for BBT to be measured correctly, the thermometer must be inserted into the anus, vagina or mouth. In 1953, a special technique for measuring basal temperature was developed. Professor of Medicine Marshall offers to measure BBT in the rectum through the anus.

It is this method that measures the temperature in the baby. Measuring the temperature in the anus or vagina in a woman allows you to find out the results of fluctuations in tenths of a degree. It is the tenths that show the jump in the indicator during ovulation.

How to use the obtained indicators

Measurement of BBT is necessary to diagnose ovulation of the egg. - this is the release of the egg from the follicle, which occurs after maturation. The egg enters the tube and moves further to the uterus. Such changes are marked by an increase of a tenth of a degree. Before ovulation, the internal temperature decreases slightly, and then rises sharply.

When the egg is released, conception becomes possible during this period. If the measurement is performed daily, then you can set the date of ovulation. This can allow a woman to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. Or these indicators can be used to determine the term of conception.

How to plot your basal body temperature correctly

The data is entered into a table, and a graph is built on the basis of this. When recording results, additional factors must be taken into account. Diagnostic accuracy is affected by:

  1. Cold.
  2. Headache.
  3. Infection.

The graph is a broken line. At the very beginning of the cycle, the temperature measurement indicator is in the region of 36.7 - 37 degrees. If BT fluctuates between 0.1 - 0.2 degrees, then this is acceptable. After the arrival of menstruation in a woman, BT drops to the lowest level, which is 36.7 - 36.9 degrees.

This BT is needed for egg maturation. The ripening period is 14 days, so the graph readings will be from 36.8 C - fluctuations of 0.1 or 0.2 degrees can occur from this indicator. In the middle of the cycle before ovulation in 24 hours, the degree drops by 0.2 or 0.3 C, after which a sharp rise up by 0.4 - 0.8 C is noticed. As a result, the basal temperature will be 37.1 C or higher.

Temperature measurement during ovulation

At the time of ovulation, there is a slight decrease in BBT before the jump to 37.1 degrees. During this period, the possibility of conception is 35%. If a woman is not planning a pregnancy, then it is necessary to limit sexual contacts. Other indicators of the schedule will depend on whether the woman became pregnant or her body is preparing for menstruation.

  1. If a woman is pregnant, then BT shows the highest level. Progesterone is formed in the body, it maintains the highest value of basal temperature.
  2. If the pregnancy does not take place, then the hormonal background returns to its normal level, and then the temperature drops. Such a jump occurs a week before menstruation. At this time, BT decreases by 0.5 - 0.7 degrees.
  3. These are the most likely parameters for measuring temperature during ovulation for a healthy woman.

If a failure occurs in the female body, then the schedule is a little off, the temperature jump is not so noticeable. Then BBT measurements are not effective. It must be borne in mind that pregnancy can occur even if there is no temperature jump.

How to diagnose pathologies by basal temperature

It is necessary to make a full cycle of measurements of jumps in BBT within 30 days, due to these data it is possible to diagnose infertility or other disorders of the functioning of the genital organs. Often infertility occurs due to lack of ovulation. Measuring BBT helps a woman find out if she has an egg release or not, and on which days of the cycle it is better to get pregnant.

BBT measurements help determine the presence of inflammation in other organs. This method of determining other diseases is completely suitable for use at home, it is available to all women. With the help of temperature measurement, hidden pathologies can be detected.

What days can conception occur

If measurements are taken over several months, this will help predict ovulation with great accuracy. According to the compiled parameters, you can determine when you can conceive a child. And you can also determine the period when it is impossible to get pregnant. Such information is used by a woman to prevent pregnancy or to conceive a child.

woman measuring BBT is called biological contraception. This is the safest way to control birth. Conception, most likely, within 2 days after the release of the egg from the follicle. And also three or four days before ovulation. During this period, the egg cannot be fertilized. Spermatozoa keep their activity for two days. When spermatozoa first enter the vagina, and then enter the uterus, they remain in it for several more days.

The egg is fertilized immediately after leaving the follicle. Therefore, 3 or 4 days before ovulation are added to the days of possible conception. The period of ovulation and the days before it are considered the most effective. If a woman does not plan pregnancy, then it is necessary to refrain from sex or protect herself with contraceptives. If a child is planned, then it is necessary to have sex the day before ovulation or on the day the egg is released.

  1. It is necessary to correctly determine the release of the egg, for this it is necessary to make a correct measurement of temperature measurements in the vagina.
  2. The day of ovulation is a slight decrease in the degree, and on the following day, the BBT indicator increases.
  3. It is these two days that are considered the most dangerous for opponents of pregnancy or favorable for those who are expecting a child.
  4. The life span of an egg after an ovary is 24 hours. If the egg is not fertilized, it is destroyed within 24 hours.
  5. Then the probability of pregnancy two days after ovulation is impossible.

Many studies have been done by experts, during which it turned out that Y-spermatozoa have the highest activity. They are responsible for the conception of the boy. Such spermatozoa move much faster and are the first to fertilize the egg. But X-spermatozoa, which are responsible for the conception of a girl, are more hardy.

Thus, if sexual intercourse occurred a few days before ovulation, then the spermatozoa that are responsible for conceiving a girl will live to meet the egg. Using such data, it is possible with a high degree of probability to plan the sex of the baby. All of the above methods for the period of impossible and possible conception are not suitable for all women. This protection system works only in case that, if a woman has stable periods. For all other women, this method is invalid.

Indicators of basal temperature during pregnancy

A change in the characteristics of BT is a consequence of hormonal changes. The most vital currents in a girl's body occur due to hormonal transformations. That is why the onset of pregnancy is formed by a change in BT. If the woman is pregnant, then her BT is at a high level, above 37.3 degrees.

The presence of high BBT is formed by the hormone progesterone. The woman's body intensively produces it in the first 3.5 months of gestation. That is why the temperature indicator at this time is too high. After that, the level of the hormone decreases, so there is a decrease in BT. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, it makes no sense to measure the temperature difference.

By changing the jump in temperature, one can judge the onset of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. But this sign is ambiguous. A high temperature may be due to physical exertion, inflammatory diseases or medication. Therefore, in order to accurately determine the onset of pregnancy, you need to use a test. A high BBT is used as an indirect method for determining pregnancy.

How to correctly measure basal temperature to establish pregnancy

To do this, two main requirements must be met:

  1. BBT should be measured by a woman when she is in a horizontal position.
  2. You must not get out of bed before the measurement.
  3. Before going to bed, the thermometer should be placed next to the bed.
  4. It must be placed at that distance so that it can be easily reached by hand.
  5. In this case, the body cannot be turned over.

The temperature reading level must be measured same time in the morning. The measurement difference should not be more than 15 minutes. During the day, the temperature cannot be measured, because the daily measurement will not show the necessary changes inside the body. If the temperature is measured daily in the morning, then it will show a reflection of the reality of the state of hormones.

If a woman knows what her basal temperature is before menstruation, then she will be able to diagnose early pregnancy. If there was sex without contraceptives, then you can find out about the presence of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. This is what BT measurements are for. If the level of basal temperature does not decrease, then the woman is pregnant.

For women planning to become a mother, this issue is more than relevant. But at the same time, it is a great way to learn many more subtleties of the female body. In this article, we will try to understand as carefully as possible how to measure the basal temperature, and give a complete description of its indicators.

What is this indicator?

And it represents nothing more than the true indicators of body temperature. The area for measuring basal temperature is most often the vagina or rectum. Fluctuations in the numbers of this temperature depend on the reaction of the female body to the production of the hormone progesterone, so the results of its measurement indicate the approach of ovulation. In addition, basal temperature data can inform about the following conditions:

  • About the onset of ovulation.
  • About the full maturity of the egg.
  • They will indicate the hormonal background, for the diagnosis of various pathologies.
  • Inform about the pregnancy.
  • Notify you when your period starts.
  • They will make it possible to determine safe days for sexual intercourse, without the risk of pregnancy.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure

Like any other procedure, monitoring basal temperature indicators has a number of advantages and disadvantages, which any woman who wants to become a mother is obliged to familiarize herself with. So, the main advantages of this method include:

  • Accessibility and ease of implementation, allowing you to perform the procedure while at home.
  • With the regular implementation of this procedure, it becomes possible to identify factors that contribute to the delay in menstruation. The cause may be late ovulation, lack of ovulation, or pregnancy.
  • It is possible to accurately determine the safest days for intimacy without the use of contraceptives.

The main disadvantages of the method include:

  • Lack of accurate information about the timing of ovulation.
  • Does not provide accurate information about the timing of the end of the ovulation process. An upward change in temperature can be observed immediately after the end of ovulation, and maybe a few days later.
  • There is no objective information about the usefulness of the ovulation process. An example would be premature luteinization of the follicle.
  • It does not provide any information about the functional state of the corpus luteum, about the level of the hormone progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum. Therefore, often women have to take a blood test - to assess the level of progesterone. This analysis is carried out no earlier than a week after the end of ovulation.
  • Does not provide any information about the absence of ovulation as such. To clarify such details, a woman needs to conduct a control ultrasound study and take a blood test for hormone levels.

The process of measuring this indicator

It must be remembered that only with the right approach, this procedure will be able to perform its function with maximum accuracy, and the results of its implementation will not mislead you. Use the following tips:

  • Basal temperature should be measured immediately after waking up in the morning. The most optimal time is from 7:00 to 7:30 in the morning. During the measurement, you should be in a calm state.
  • The thermometer should be inserted into the anus one centimeter, and held for at least five minutes.
  • Measurement of basal temperature indicators must be carried out every day, for 3 cycles in a row. If you want to confirm or deny the presence of pregnancy, then you should measure the basal temperature for several days in a row.
  • All temperature indicators should be recorded on a special chart, which is then provided to the doctor.

The graph should be divided into 2 parts, which correspond to the phases. In the first 2 weeks of the cycle, the basal temperature does not exceed 36.7 degrees, then there is a sharp rise in its indicators over 37 degrees, and is kept at this level until the very moment of menstruation. Such a rise in temperature is an indicator of the onset of ovulation, when a mature egg begins its release from the ovary. After the onset of menstruation, the temperature returns to the mark of 36.8 degrees.

If the temperature readings look somewhat blurry, or if the period of temperature rise is completely absent, then this may indicate some problems with ovulation. But distortions in basal temperature readings can also be the result of incorrect measurements. Before proceeding with the procedure, you should carefully read how to correctly measure the basal temperature in order to avoid distorted data.

Remember that normally, the interval between the digits of the basal temperature of the first phase of the cycle and the second phase should be at least half a degree.

Basal temperature readings are influenced by many factors, which should also be recorded in the above chart. These factors include:

  • Sleep less than 6 hours a day.
  • Diseases of infectious and non-infectious nature.
  • Taking medication.
  • Intimacy shortly before temperature measurement.

If you are planning a vacation in southern countries, then maintaining a schedule or using an already drawn one is inappropriate in terms of determining favorable days for sexual intercourse without using contraceptives. The female body is very sensitive to climate change, and the menstrual cycle always reacts with a malfunction.

As for the choice of days for safe sexual intercourse without the risk of becoming pregnant, it is also very important to know how to measure the basal temperature correctly so as not to get false information. To obtain the most accurate data, and determine the safe days for unprotected intercourse, as well as the days that are most favorable for conceiving a child, basal temperature should be measured for 4 cycles in a row.

From the very beginning of ovulation, 4 days should be counted (this is the period of sperm activity), and you should also count 2 days ahead from the moment the egg is released. For example, over 4 cycles, the earliest release of your egg occurred on the 13th day of the menstrual cycle (13-4=9), and the latest on the 18th day (18+2=20). From this it follows that the most favorable period for the implementation of conception is the time interval between the 9th and 20th day of the menstrual cycle. And all other days of the cycle are relatively safe for entering into unprotected sexual contact.

In order to finally understand how to measure basal temperature and get accurate results, you need to use some useful guidelines regarding this process. All the key conditions that guarantee the accuracy of this procedure will be listed below.

  • The determination of basal body temperature can be carried out in the rectum, in the oral cavity or in the vagina, it depends on the choice of the woman herself. The only condition is to fix this measurement method for the entire period of the menstrual cycle.
  • Basal temperature should be measured strictly at the same time, without getting out of bed and immediately after waking up in the morning. The results obtained must be recorded. It is necessary to carry out the measurement throughout the entire cycle, and not be interrupted for the period of menstruation.
  • If you use a regular thermometer, then you should withstand it for at least 5 minutes. If an electronic version of the thermometer is used, then it is necessary to wait for its characteristic signal. If we talk about the choice of the thermometer itself, then the ordinary mercury version is significantly inferior to the electronic thermometer. For the entire measurement period, only one specific thermometer is used. If you change the thermometer, you must indicate this in your records.
  • Take your basal temperature every day at the same time. If you are a fan of sleeping a little longer on weekends, then be sure to include this in your schedule. Remember that every hour of your morning sleep raises your basal body temperature by 1 tenth of a degree scale.
  • Try to measure your basal temperature no earlier than after three hours of sleep. For example, you wake up at 7 a.m. every day, but one day you had to get up at 5 a.m. to go to the toilet, and you should measure your basal temperature at 6 a.m. and also mention this in your schedule. Any other measurement will completely distort the overall picture and mislead.
  • If an ordinary mercury thermometer is used, it is important to remember to shake it off before use. This condition can significantly affect the results of measuring basal temperature.
  • For a more accurate interpretation of the schedule, the procedure for determining the basal temperature should be carried out for at least 3 months in a row.

How to schedule

The best option is to enter the results immediately after the measurement procedure. If you do not have the necessary time, then this procedure can be postponed until the evening, but care must be taken that the sun's rays do not fall on the thermometer. If the thermometer scale is located between two indicators, then indicate in the graph the one below. All events that have happened to you (stressful situation, illness, travel to southern countries) must be mentioned in the schedule.

If the temperature readings are rather suspicious, then you should wait until the next day, and only then start drawing the connecting line. Since basal temperature is a rather sensitive and variable indicator, its decoding requires close attention. In the case of unusual conditions (diseases of an infectious nature, alcohol use, stress), you should make special notes in your schedule, especially if insomnia has occurred.

Definition of ovulation

Actually, the main goal of controlling basal temperature is to identify the moment of ovulation, in order to select the most favorable days for conceiving a child. In anticipation of the onset of ovulation, the temperature is kept within low numbers, due to the influence of the hormone estrogen. And already after the onset of ovulation, temperature indicators begin to increase, due to the heat-producing effect of the hormone progesterone. A decrease in temperature during ovulation is observed in a small percentage of women. A sharp decrease in basal temperature is very rare, therefore, to obtain more accurate information regarding the favorable moment for conception, one should rely on the indicators of the position of the cervix and the intensity of cervical fluid secretion.

fluctuation of indicators

Often this fluctuation tends to increase, but there are several types of fluctuations in basal temperature in women. These include:

  • Smooth rise. Temperature indicators increase gradually, within 0.1 degrees per day. The day of ovulation should be determined taking into account other characteristic features.
  • Jump uphill. The temperature increase occurs suddenly, and is held for 3 days, after which it makes another sharp jump.
  • Return lift. Temperature readings rise up, and the very next day they fall below the separation line, and then go up again.

Note to women

Don't panic if there is a slight temperature difference between the two phases of your menstrual cycle. Perhaps this is just an individual feature of your body, especially if the level of hormones is normal.