Why divorced Bondarchuk. Fyodor Bondarchuk left his wife for Paulina Andreeva, or why they get divorced after a long marriage. Bondarchuk family. photo

The mother of Fyodor Bondarchuk, actress Irina Skobtseva, said that her son himself decided to part with his wife Svetlana. However, there has not yet been an official divorce.

On August 22, People's Artist of the USSR Irina Skobtseva celebrates her 90th birthday. Shortly before the anniversary, she gave an interview to journalists at the House of Cinema Veterans. According to the actress, she does not plan to celebrate her birthday and refuses the invitation to take part in the filming of the TV show.

Fyodor Bondarchuk's mother also admitted that she approved of her son's new darling. However, according to media representatives, the famous director has not yet put an end to relations with his former lover. Probably, he does not have enough time to deal with the preparation of the necessary documents.

« I treat Paulina Andreeva with four pluses. She is a wonderful actress and a wonderful person. By the way, Fedor has not yet divorced Svetlana”, - correspondents convey the words of Irina Konstantinovna.

When asked if her son turned to her for help when he decided to part with his wife Svetlana, Skobtseva replied that she did not. " It is I who consult with Fedya, not he with me. Because he is the head of the Bondarchuk clan", Skobtseva said, as reported by journalists.

During a conversation with media representatives, Irina Konstantinovna admitted that she was worried about the cat Tipus, whom her housekeeper had taken to Zaporozhye. Last year, Skobtseva was injured because of her beloved pet - then she tried to step over a sleeping animal so as not to wake him up, but she caught on the carpet and fell unsuccessfully. As a result, the actress had to undergo the intervention of doctors. Some time after the operation, Skobtseva realized that she again needed to turn to medical specialists. Irina Konstantinovna does not hide the fact that she does not feel well.

« And someone so collected my bones that now I have to redo it. My business is very bad. (…) I'm afraid to have an operation because we have bad anesthesia in our country. The heart can't take it”, – shared the actress.

Skobtseva plans to go to Germany or Israel for medical help, but first she will have to deal with the necessary paperwork. According to the actress, she needs to get a new passport. “While I will hobble with a stick,” the Express newspaper quotes the celebrity.

“We, Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk, announce: we have decided to get a divorce” - this is how the 25-year-old and, it would seem, exemplary marriage of two famous people ended. Fans of the star couple could not even imagine that there could be irreconcilable differences in the strongest union of Russian cinema. But when Fyodor Bondarchuk came out with Paulina Andreeva, everyone realized that the spouses were serious about divorce. As Svetlana herself later admitted, she was more scared than Fedor.

For a quarter of a century, their union has been tested more than once, but they have always remained together and supported each other. Married to Svetlana, Fedor became a famous director, and his wife achieved success as a TV presenter, businesswoman and editor-in-chief of a popular glossy magazine. The marriage of Fedor and Svetlana survived even when the singer Lika Star publicly spoke about her romance with Bondarchuk. But on the eve of his anniversary, the director said: "At 50, I decided that I was born again." Many then blamed Paulina Andreeva for the separation of the spouses, called her a homemaker. But there were no comments from the former spouses ...

Svetlana was born in Moscow. Her parents divorced when the girl was very young, and her mother remarried. “As a child, I was very modest and a little complex about my height. I stood out from the crowd of girls and boys, I was taller than many. I had self-doubt,” Bondarchuk recalls. To overcome the complexes, her grandmother sent her to the casting of models, and the girl passed it. "It was absolute stress, but I'm glad it happened to me. Then I worked as a model for a while," she said.

Svetlana was 16 years old when she first met Fyodor Bondarchuk visiting a mutual friend. “He was modest and not bohemian, very cheerful, open and in love. It was love at first sight, and then I thought: “Probably he will be my husband,” Svetlana admitted. They dated for a long time, and then got married when they decided Fedor made her an offer right on the set of the clip of Sergey Mazaev, on which he worked then.In 1991, their son Sergey was born, and in 1999, their daughter Varya. "Everything is fine with Varya now, she is a happy child, growing in absolute love. Her birth only rallied the family, Fedor showed himself as a caring, amazing person," Bondarchuk said frankly.

In 2016, it became known that the couple were divorcing. According to Svetlana, this decision was hard for them. “No one left us for someone, there was just a crisis in the relationship, from which we could not get out. New relationships for each of us appeared only after a while. It is important to understand, because Fedor was condemned for this, his girlfriend ", Svetlana admitted. “Everything falls apart when there is no interaction, when people stop hearing each other. Love is something that needs to be worked on every day. she.

Bondarchuk noted that the most difficult thing after parting with her husband was to go out alone. But over time, she began to cope with this, because she understood that the right decision in this situation would be to open up to the world.

According to Svetlana, life after the divorce became interesting, she received freedom. Now she is happy in a new relationship and is of the opinion that happiness loves silence. “I always wanted to love and be loved. It seems to me that this is the main purpose of a person. And no work can replace love,” she admitted.

How does Svetlana remember her first meeting with her future father-in-law, director Sergei Bondarchuk? How did the son of Svetlana and Fedor survive the divorce of his parents? How did Fyodor Bondarchuk react to the fact that Svetlana posted a photo of his first joint appearance with Paulina Andreeva on the cover of her magazine? And who is the man who is next to Svetlana today? Answers - in the program

As it turned out, Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk have been divorced for more than two years now and cannot settle issues with property, which is why it is not yet possible to stamp a divorce. Read the details further in the material.


While our readers were discussing, the StarHit edition published news about why the ex-Bondarchuk couple is still officially husband and wife.

As it turned out, the couple cannot share the jointly acquired property.

They own a spacious apartment on Mosfilmovskaya street. Plus, he inherited a house on Rublevsky Highway from his father, where his son Sergey lives with his wife and two daughters. Svetlana prefers not to visit where she used to be the hostess, she chooses neutral territory to meet with her granddaughters. After the break, she moved from the suburbs to a "spare" apartment on the Patriarch's Ponds, an area of ​​​​about three hundred square meters. She also owns thirty percent of one of Fedi's restaurants in the capital. Moreover, last summer Sveta opened the Beryozka bistro on Patriarch's Ponds, and in April 2018 she established the Fanny fitness studio.

This information comes from a source close to the couple. Divorce Bondarchuk also commented on the lawyer:

If it is possible to prove that the spouses do not run a joint household and they also opened new projects independently, then they are not jointly acquired property. But usually the courts do not bother and proceed from the fact that, since the marriage is not dissolved, everything will have to be divided.

The fact that the ex-couple cannot file a divorce also affects the marriage with which they regularly prophesy. Friends admit that this is an ideal union, from which there is much to learn. Here is what film producer Ilya Bachurin said:

Now many lack mutual understanding and compromise, but they have enough of that. Fedya, as a wise person, does not focus on trifles, because of which discord often occurs. At the beginning of love stories, it’s usually like - they met for six months, everything is fine, and then they get tired, give new sensations ... The guys are not the case - for them, trust comes first, they are above any jealousy. Usually at parties there are only artificial, plastic smiles, and light really comes from them! Paulina is a star, a pearl, Fedya is a wonderful frame, always there and supporting. I'm sure their union will last a very long time!

Time will tell: we are following the news on this matter.

What kind of conversations do not go around the already former family couple. Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk broke up 2.5 months ago, but the only official commentary on the divorce from the couple was the dry wording in gloss:

“With love and gratitude ..., maintaining mutual respect and love for our relatives, we ... decided to get a divorce. ...today our paths diverged: there are no conflicts, grievances or contradictions behind this fact. We are no longer a couple, but we remain friends!”

Nature (in this case, the press) does not like emptiness, passionately filling it with speculation about who took the same vacant place in the hearts of Svetlana and Fedor. A couple of weeks ago, Svetlana gave a big interview to Tatler, in which she told how she felt alone in a 300 square meter apartment on the Patriarchs. And she gave out a couple more of the same restrained phrases about problems in the family and the reasons for the breakup: “Yes, indeed, our relationship has been difficult for the past few years, there was a crisis, from which, unfortunately, we did not get out.”

Svetlana Bondarchuk also pointedly answered about her desire to get married again: “I know what I definitely don’t want. I don't want to be alone. This is a new experience for me. Although no, I can be alone "

Perhaps this was precisely the hint that Svetlana not only does not know how, that she was not left alone. At least in an interview with Express Gazeta, 37-year-old Zarema Zakharova said that it was Bondarchuk who stole her husband from her many years ago:

We broke up with Omar six years ago, - Gazaeva admitted in a telephone conversation with EG. - I am not one of those women who can endure betrayal for years, therefore, as soon as I found out about their affair with Svetlana, I immediately filed for divorce. Only because of Bondarchuk our family collapsed, and my son lost his father. Before that, we had a great life! You can imagine how worried I was ... But now the pain has subsided. I closed this topic for a long time. Let everything that Svetlana has done remain on her conscience.

The same man who was taken away from the family by Svetlana, Omar Gazaev, is an orthopedic dentist at an expensive clinic in the center of Moscow. Teeth here can be done at the price of an apartment in the suburbs. For example, the wife of football player Pavel Mamaev paid 3 million rubles for a flawless smile with veneers.

An old scandal on the Web helped journalists to make ends meet, when the same Omar Gazaev reacted very aggressively to journalists who captured him and a black Range Rover with numbers A 030 AA 177. Is it a coincidence that Svetlana Bondarchuk is called “a030aa”? Perhaps then, in 2009, a car that belonged, for example, to the Bondarchuk family was chasing journalists?

And by deciphering secret names and hashtags, he gives out Svetlana Bondarchuk's connection with Omar Gazaev. She is signed to the dentist’s account on the Internet, and photographs, at least two years old, testify to their joint walks along the Patriarch’s Ponds, where, by the way, Svetlana has that same apartment of “300 squares”.


Fyodor Bondarchuk divorced his wife because of the star of "Method"

As one ad said, shock is our way. We all believe in fairy tales and think that just like that, after 25 years of marriage, the two stars parted not because of someone, but because they “got tired of each other”, “decided to remain good friends” - well, what do they usually say in such cases? But it turned out that the reason for the divorce of Svetlana and Fyodor Bondarchuk is still the usual romance of a wise man with a young girl ()

Svetlana Vitalievna Bondarchuk is a multifaceted personality who managed to turn her talent into real success. Her innate talent has no limits. The work is in full swing in her hands, and the result is not long in coming. Today, the biography of Svetlana Bondarchuk is replete with cardinal changes in her personal life and creative endeavors.



Svetlana's maiden name is Rudskaya. She was born in Moscow on December 17, 1968 in a family of classical intellectuals, graduates of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Beautiful style, intelligence, officer restraint - a brief description of Svetlana's family.

Svetlana was shy at a young age. It was caused by complexes: high growth, thinness.

A huge role in the life of a young shy girl was played by a person close to her - her grandmother. She gave the girl the main advice that turned the life of the future star - to try to show her complexes as virtues in the modeling business.

Svetlana Bondarchuk (Rudskaya) in childhood


The first noteworthy hobby of a fragile girl was fencing. Visiting the section and absorbing the words of the coaches like a sponge, Svetlana was able to prove that the title of candidate master of sports in fencing is the result of her hard work and training.

She also has a higher education. She graduated from the State University of Culture and Arts with a degree in librarianship.

Svetlana Bondarchuk in childhood and now

The girl made the first step towards self-realization by listening to the advice of her grandmother. Svetlana decided to go through the casting of the Burda Modern contest. He replaced the girl's shyness with confidence and a real assessment of his external data. Burda Modern was the start of a modeling career.


From her youth, Svetlana's creative potential and success has been growing at lightning speed. Her first working activity was the modeling business. He showed the girl the rich West and closely introduced Yudashkin to the theater of fashion.

Despite the success achieved, Svetlana Bondarchuk changed her priorities, putting her personal life and the birth of her son in the first place.

Svetlana Bondarchuk as a model

The birth of her first child marked the end of her modeling career. The second sphere of professional activity of Bondarchuk was television. Svetlana, after the birth of her first child, was thinking of realizing herself on television, but Fedor did not support this idea. Not taking into account the lack of support from the head of the family, in 2005 Bondarchuk's wife first appeared to the well-known beau monde as a TV presenter of programs:

  • Dress up your girlfriend;
  • Fashionable vaccination on the Domashny TV channel.

There is a theory that the chance to try herself as a leading girl fell due to her refined taste in clothes. Svetlana herself never hid that her husband's impeccable appearance was her merit.

Svetlana Bondarchuk in the Fashion Vaccination program

In the same year, the range of Svetlana's talents expanded. She, together with Evgenia Popova, founded a PR-international agency. His task was to organize large, social events on the territory of the Russian Federation and the West, such as film awards, fashion shows, private meetings.

2006 gave Svetlana a new professional title - editor-in-chief. Svetlana repeatedly refused the post of editor of Hello magazine, until her dreams about work began to inspire fear in her. To stop fear in the bud, Bondarchuk agreed to the proposed position.

Svetlana Bondarchuk

2007 - an unexpected return of the model in the face of the Swedish company Oriflamme. Photos of the model in a new look appeared on the Internet like a bolt from the blue, bringing sufficient profit to a company specializing in cosmetics and health supplements.

2008 was marked by a new stage in the life of a star - the creation of the Icons project. The material of the publishing house was designed for a narrow circle of readers, the magazine published information for those who are able to change the world around tomorrow. The project existed with the support of FMG.

Svetlana Bondarchuk — creation of the Icons project

Also, Bondarchuk's wife tried on the role of an actress. Her filmography is small and contains several films:

  • Dream on a summer morning;
  • Heat;
  • Love with accent.

Svetlana in the film "Love with an Accent"

Personal life of the Moscow star

The family life of Fedor and Svetlana began more than twenty years ago. The future spouses met at a party familiar to Bondarchuk. Sympathy immediately arose between the young people, which Svetlana supported by visiting her future husband in a military hospital.

A year later, after demobilization, Fedor proposed to his beloved, despite the protests of his own parents. But officially the couple formalized their relationship after the birth of their son Sergei in 1992. A happy marriage, mutual understanding and love gave the Bondarchuk family a girl Varya after 7 years.

Svetlana with son Sergei and daughter Varya

In the publication, she announced a break with her husband, and in a text message, the couple thanked each other for the priceless years lived, promising to remain reliable friends.

The marriage of the Bondarchuks gave them wonderful two children and more than 20 years of a happy, life together.

Svetlana Bondarchuk with ex-husband Fedor

Despite Svetlana's busy schedule and busy schedule, she tries to help those who have no housing, who cannot speak and help themselves. We are talking about four-legged friends - dogs.

Svetlana is an ardent protector of animals, she tries to warm the found stray dogs in order to place them in worthy, loving hands. In her apartment you can always meet a couple of tailed guests. Although, according to the ex-husband, the number of defenseless in Svetlana's house reached five.

Svetlana is an ardent defender of animals

Svetlana Bondarchuk now

Bondarchuk's ex-wife is building new stages in her life. After the divorce, Svetlana Bondarchuk reviewed the life stages she had gone through, made adjustments and made public her new personal life.

Svetlana Bondarchuk

The new relationship of the ex-wife of Bondarchuk began at one of the social events. The romance of Sergei Tabunov and Svetlana did not develop rapidly, the couple developed relationships from banal communication. Rudskaya's friend, Nadezhda Obolontseva, claims that the couple, despite the difference of 12 years, understands each other perfectly.

Svestan Bondarchuk, Nadezhda Obolontseva and Sergey Tabunov

After the divorce, Svetlana Bondarchuk and Tabunov try not to show their personal lives for show, they adhere to the statement: “happiness loves silence.” Despite women's happiness, Bondarchuk continues to participate in social events, supervise the editors of Hello, rejoice at the life successes of Varya's daughter, equip a new home on the Patriarch's Ponds.
