How to cure the intestines once and for all. Inflammation of the intestines: symptoms and tactics of treatment with folk remedies Sample menu for a week

Intestinal infection- a dangerous and unpleasant ailment, almost every person has ever encountered it. The groups of intestinal infections include a large number of diseases that have a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The main causes of the disease are viruses and bacteria. Symptoms vary greatly depending on the severity of the disease. For example, a staphylococcal infection can be cured within a few days, and cholera is a serious and problematic disease. A lethal outcome at present is a rather rare occurrence, since modern medicine can cure intestinal diseases. From an intestinal infection, no one is immune.

In the hot summer season, intestinal infections are especially dangerous. Heat always makes you thirsty, and water is sometimes not at hand, so people often drink dirty and unboiled water straight from the tap or even from natural sources. Unwashed fruits, berries and vegetables are also eaten. In hot weather, dairy, meat, fish products spoil very quickly, and without visible deformations. Insects can also carry a contagious disease. For example, one small fly can carry on its body several million bacteria, some of which may be pathogenic. One of the main factors is the excessive amount of water consumed, which dilutes the gastric juice, which reduces the protective properties and the ability to neutralize harmful microorganisms.

What can help in the fight against this unpleasant disease? Saliva also has bactericidal properties. Even at school, in anatomy lessons, we are taught to chew food thoroughly, because this not only improves the digestion process, but also disinfects harmful microbes. A good defense against intestinal infection is the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, in which special microorganisms have found their habitat, which are involved in saving the intestines from the effects of viruses and bacteria. The infection of the body is influenced by reduced immunity and lifestyle: antibiotics taken, condition, malnutrition.

Causes of an intestinal infection

Possible causes of intestinal infections are various types of pathogenic microorganisms, namely viruses and bacteria. They can cause a large number of diseases: escherichiosis, klebsiellosis, salmonellosis, diarrhea, staphylococcal infection and many others. Infection always occurs by food- along with dirty and spoiled food and bad water, harmful microorganisms enter the body, making their way from the esophagus through the stomach to the intestines. It is the intestinal flora that contributes to the reproduction of such viruses and bacteria, causing inflammation and disorders, loss of necessary moisture, cell destruction and an imbalance of important microelements.

Symptoms of an intestinal infection

Possible symptoms directly depend on the type of infectious agent. Common symptoms are: weakness, lack of appetite, heaviness in the stomach, headache. After a certain amount of time, there are severe pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, sweating and chills.

Discomfort from an intestinal infection lasts from 6 hours to 48. The most dangerous consequence of an intestinal infection in most cases is dehydration, because, together with vomiting and diarrhea, a person loses a huge amount of fluid, which causes an imbalance of potassium and sodium in the human body. Dehydration poses a significant danger to humans. There are irreversible changes in the cardiovascular system, and interferes with the proper functioning of the kidneys. Do not underestimate the seriousness of this disease - in young children and the elderly, there may be cases of death.

Treatment of intestinal infection

Mostly complex treatment is effective. In addition to the destruction of harmful bacteria, the patient needs to neutralize toxins and restore water balance. Through loose stools and vomiting, all harmful microorganisms come out, so you should not restrain vomiting impulses. It is necessary to act on the contrary - to induce vomiting. You can wash the intestines with an enema, and the neutralization of toxins is carried out with drugs called "sorbents", which include: "Smecta", "Attapulgite", "Polifepan" and many others.

Adults are advised to fast during an intestinal infection because food is a provocateur of bacteria. Rice or oatmeal porridge without the addition of salt will bring benefits, they have a calming effect on the intestines.

In order for the body to cleanse itself faster, the patient needs to drink more fluids, and a weak solution of behydron or rehydron will help restore balance in the body. It is best to drink drugs every 15 minutes, two sips. As a drink, an herbal hour or compote cooked from dried fruits is perfect.

You should not use antibiotics when the first symptoms occur, as they can cause significant harm to the human body, disrupting the natural microflora in the intestines and the functioning of the digestive system. Only the attending physician can prescribe antibiotics for intestinal infections. The microflora is quickly restored with the help of drugs such as Linex, Lactobacterin and others. They will also help get rid of an intestinal infection without causing harm to health.

But still self-medication is better to exclude. As a result of exhausting and severe vomiting, the patient loses the ability to drink water. You should also immediately seek medical help if you have a very high temperature or bloody discharge in the stool.

Do not forget that an intestinal infection is a contagious disease, so the patient must follow the rules of hygiene and have their own personal utensils.

Prevention of intestinal infection

Prevention methods are known to every person from the moment of personality formation, but this knowledge does not help to reduce the number of patients. Therefore, it is advisable to recall the elementary rules:

  • be sure to wash your hands before eating
  • avoid sweets with cream in hot weather
  • raw fish and meat should be stored separately from cooked food
  • all fruits, vegetables, herbs and berries should be thoroughly washed with hot water before use
  • before buying, pay attention to the expiration date of products and storage conditions
  • drink only boiling water or mineral water

Such simple rules will help to avoid intestinal infection in the body.


Treatment of intestinal infection with cudweed marsh

For the treatment of many diseases, folk methods are used. Of course, they are ineffective for treating an intestinal infection without dieting and taking specialized drugs, but they may well relieve pain, diarrhea and stomach discomfort. From time immemorial, swamp cudweed has been considered an excellent folk remedy. To prepare a medicinal decoction, we need a tablespoon of the plant. It is necessary to pour it into a glass with boiling water and leave for at least two hours. Strained broth is taken 150 milliliters before each meal.

Sometimes this remedy is used in tandem with blue cyanosis, for this you need to chop the roots of the plant and boil a tablespoon in 200 milliliters of water for thirty minutes. This strained decoction is best drunk after eating a tablespoon. During the day, it is desirable to make at least 4 doses of the decoction, the last dose is best done before bedtime.

In folk medicine there is a recipe, which perfectly helps to get rid of dehydration. We take one liter of boiled water, add a teaspoon of salt and 5 teaspoons of sugar, mix. You can drink in unlimited quantities. The following recipe will also relieve dehydration: dissolve 4 tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of soda, a glass of orange juice and 1 tbsp in a liter of water. a spoonful of salt.

Treatment of intestinal infection with St. John's wort

You can treat the disease with St. John's wort. It is not difficult to prepare a decoction: chopped grass in the amount of 1.5 tablespoons must be brewed in boiling water (we take 250 milliliters). The decoction is placed in a water bath and kept there for half an hour. Strain and add boiling water to the original volume. The disease will pass if you drink 1/3 cup of medicine 30 minutes before eating. It is recommended to store the decoction in the refrigerator, and the shelf life of the product is no more than 24 hours. In parallel, you can drink mineral water without salt.

Treatment of intestinal infection with decoctions and infusions

Ancient healers passed down recipes from generation to generation, so many secrets of preparing medicines have come down to us. An intestinal infection is easily treated with folk decoctions and herbal infusions.

For example, you can brew 40 grams of oak bark in a liter of boiling water and keep it on fire for twenty minutes. It is necessary to use a decoction of ½ cup at least five times a day.

A miraculous decoction of calamus root is also able to overcome the disease. We take 30 grams of dried and pre-crushed roots, cook them in a liter of boiling water for 10 minutes, filter and drink in the same dosage as oak bark.

Alder cones (50 grams) should be boiled in boiling water (1 liter) for 20 minutes. You need to drink a decoction in three approaches.

Treats intestinal infection and comfrey and marshmallow roots, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. For 10 minutes you need to boil marshmallow roots (10 grams) in water (1 liter), after that add another 10 grams of comfrey roots and cook for 20 minutes. The daily dose is 4 cups of decoction.

Wormwood folk healers brewed in beer, for this they took raw materials in the amount of 30 grams and boiled in 500 milliliters of hop drink for 5 minutes. Use this potion hot ½ cup three times a day.

Gravilat root is also famous for its medicinal properties. Bring a liter of water to a boil, add 60 grams of raw materials, reduce the heat and hold for 20 minutes. You need to drink half a glass no more than five times in 24 hours.

Bird cherry fruits are a universal remedy for intestinal infection. They can be used as a decoction or infusion, if desired. Take 50 grams of fruit for any recipe. They drink as well as an infusion of cinquefoil - three times a day, 1/2 cup.

Treatment of intestinal infection with fees

Regular fees can also save you from intestinal ailment.

Collection number 1. We need 2 tablespoons of cinquefoil roots, alder cones, nettle roots. All this insists on a water bath for 10 minutes. Then we stand for 2 hours in a warm and dark place. It is advisable to drink half a glass 4 times a day before a meal.

Collection number 2. We take equal proportions of cinquefoil, burnet roots and shepherd's purse. 5 tablespoons of this raw material should be infused overnight in one liter of water, after which you need to keep the infusion for 10 minutes over boiling water. You need to drink 1/2 cup on an empty stomach and 4 times after eating.

Collection number 3. You will need in equal parts the root of the wormwood, the grass of the cuff, the root of the marshmallow. We place the raw materials in a water bath for 2 hours. You need to use the collection in the same way as collection number 1.

Collection number 4. For the manufacture of this collection, we need goose cinquefoil, lamb, highlander (all 1 tablespoon each) and plantain (2 teaspoons). The mixed collection is taken in the amount of 50 grams and kept over boiling water for 30 minutes. They usually drink a third of a glass no more than three times a day.

Collection number 5. We mix the roots of the highlander and burnet with the fruits of blueberries and insist on boiling water for an hour. We take the ingredients in equal proportions. Drink the remedy five times a day.

Causes of intestinal infection in children

The main causes of intestinal infection in the child's body are non-compliance with hygiene rules. A child who plays outside constantly licks dirty fingers, unwashed toys, eats unwashed or already soiled fruits or berries. Harmful bacteria and viruses enter the baby's body and subsequently cause pathologies. The route of infection is oral, but in rare cases there is the possibility of transmission by airborne dust.

Symptoms of an intestinal infection in children

In children, the symptoms of the disease can manifest themselves in a complex or separately from each other. Most often, an infected baby has: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and general weakness. Diarrhea and vomiting are the body's own ways to cleanse itself of harmful microorganisms. It is desirable to get rid of vomiting only when its character becomes debilitating and will interfere with drinking the water the body needs to replenish strength.

In a baby, dehydration has a detrimental effect not only on the cardiovascular system, but also on the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and the correctness of metabolism. Doctors recommend using special mixtures, for example, rehydron. Salt or sweet water helps in the fight against the disease.

Less commonly, the following symptoms occur: fever, headaches, weakness and confusion in the mind.

Treatment of intestinal infection in children

The first thing parents should do is to detoxify the body. It is necessary to immediately give sorbents, which include: "smecta", "activated carbon", "enterosgel". Before using antibiotics and other serious drugs, you should consult your doctor. Consultation is necessary in order not to harm the sensitive child's body. Preparations of the antibiotic group can cause dysbacteriosis or any other complication. With a very high temperature and incessant vomiting, you need to urgently call a doctor, because a sick baby may need hospitalization. It is also recommended to immediately call an ambulance in the absence of urine for six hours, blood in the feces, bouts of pain in the abdomen, refusal to drink.

You should pay attention to the nutrition of the baby during the illness. Unlike adults, fasting is not recommended. The intestines must work all the time. The ideal option is fractional meals. You can give your child boiled rice or oatmeal. To stop dehydration, let the baby drink compote, strong tea, jelly, saline. Babies are also given milk every two hours, 20 milliliters. Baked apple puree, boiled carrots, grated bananas and pumpkin will be relevant.

In any case, the correct treatment will be prescribed by the doctor, based on the results of the fecal analysis.

Intestinal flu 20-30 years ago was not isolated at all as a separate disease. It was a simple intestinal infection, one of many. However, in the 70s of the twentieth century, rotavirus, the causative agent of intestinal flu, was discovered, after which the disease got its name.

What is it? Intestinal flu is a simplified name for gastroenteritis or rotavirus infection caused by rotavirus. Its reproduction leads to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. In this article, we will talk about when the "intestinal flu" is diagnosed, the symptoms and treatment of this unpleasant disease, and also talk about how the disease is dangerous for adults and children.

Why do children get sick more often than adults?

The fact that intestinal flu in children manifests itself much more often than in adults is a consequence of the peculiarities of the child's body, which consists in a low level of acidity of gastric juice. The body of adults is somewhat protected from rotaviruses due to higher acidity, as well as sufficient production of IgA immunoglobulin.

  • The habit of children to take toys and other objects into their mouths also plays a certain role.

Antiviral agents are powerless against rotavirus. Intestinal flu in children can be very dangerous. The appearance of diarrhea and frequent vomiting should be the reason for an immediate appeal to the pediatrician. An important point in protecting babies from infection is prevention.

How can you get infected?

Why does the stomach flu occur, and what is it? The causative agent of the disease is rotavirus. For the first time, the causative agent of the disease was discovered in 1973 in a biopsy of the small intestine in children with gastroenteritis. The main source of infection is a sick person or virus carrier. Microbes, entering the human body, multiply in the cells of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and are excreted into the environment along with feces. Isolation of the virus occurs immediately after infection.

The main route of infection is when eating food that is infected with the virus, not well processed during cooking, and when elementary rules of personal hygiene are ignored. This is also a "disease of dirty hands", like most intestinal diseases. A good environment for the development of rotavirus infection is water, dairy products.

Most often, intestinal flu affects children from six months to 3 years. Older children do not get sick often, they develop a relatively stable immunity.

Symptoms of the intestinal flu

In the case of intestinal flu in adults, the symptoms can be roughly divided into two groups. The first group includes those signs that are characteristic of a common cold or flu. The second group contains symptoms associated with disorders of the stomach and intestines.

The main signs of intestinal flu in adults are:

  • nausea, vomiting without blood and mucus;
  • weakness, body aches, muscle pain;
  • nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • redness, perspiration and;
  • subfebrile or high temperature;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, abdominal cramps, with frequent light
  • foamy stools with an unpleasant odor;
  • with severe development of the disease, signs of dehydration are noticeable.

Incubation period with intestinal flu ranges from several hours to five days. It is during the specified time that the infection that has entered the body reaches the gastrointestinal tract and begins to actively multiply there. How quickly the infection takes over the body depends on the amount of the pathogen in it. The severity of gastroenteritis also depends on this factor. The most difficult to tolerate the disease are children and the elderly.

The duration of the disease in adults is on average a week, but full recovery occurs only 5-7 days after the acute stage of the disease. However, a person can still be a carrier of the disease, so it's a good idea to practice strict personal hygiene, especially in public places.


Sometimes with intestinal flu, due to a large loss of fluid, dehydration of the body may occur, which requires special attention and careful selection of drugs. Sunken eyes, dizziness, thirst, sticky mouth, dry skin may indicate dehydration.

Dehydration of the body can be relieved by offering the patient a warm drink and some dietary food containing bananas, rice, apple juice, crackers. This is an anti-inflammatory diet.

How to treat intestinal flu?

Antibiotics are not used due to inefficiency. In the case of intestinal flu, treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms and has specific goals:

  • elimination of dehydration;
  • raising the immune forces of the body;
  • restoration of water and electrolyte balance;
  • normalization of bowel function;
  • replenishment of the lack of enzymes.

To achieve the objectives, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • enterosorbents;
  • astringent preparations of plant origin;
  • enzymatic drugs;
  • preparations that normalize the microflora (pro-, pre- and eubiotics);
  • antipyretic;
  • vitamin complexes.

Treatment regimen

There is currently no specific treatment for intestinal flu in adults. Therapy at home aimed at reducing intoxication, normalizing water-salt metabolism, which is disturbed by diarrhea and vomiting. That is, the treatment is mainly symptomatic, aimed at reducing the negative impact of the virus on the body.

General principles for the treatment of rotavirus infection:

  1. First of all, it is necessary rehydration therapy, for which 1 sachet is dissolved in a liter of boiled water and drunk during the day every half an hour. Adults, regardless of the severity of the condition after vomiting or stool, drink 200 ml. solution, since fluid losses should be replenished in the first 6 hours. Hospitalization is indicated for children with frequent vomiting and diarrhea.
  2. Appointment of sorbents (
  3. Semi-bed rest and isolation of the patient from healthy people are shown.
  4. After the acute phase of the flu, you need to restore the intestinal microflora. For this -, Bifiform, Hilak forte, etc.
  5. If the symptoms are pronounced, hospitalization is indicated.

Since there is no etiotropic treatment for this disease, the prevention of intestinal flu is of great importance. Preventive measures include the whole complex used for intestinal infections: regular hand washing, cleaning of premises with disinfectant and antiseptic solutions, processing dishes and products, and the maximum possible isolation of patients from healthy ones. By following these rules, the spread of the disease can be stopped.


A diet for intestinal flu is mandatory: the patient should not eat spicy and fried foods throughout the entire course of treatment, should eat more vegetable soups, drink jelly and compote.

With diarrhea and vomiting, the body becomes dehydrated, so you need to drink more fluids. In order for gases not to accumulate in the intestines, you need to eat sour-milk products, croutons and crackers.

Intestinal upset is a disease that is familiar to everyone. This is one of the most common ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, which includes a whole set of various diseases. To find out how to treat intestinal inflammation at home, you need to understand the features of the disease.

Depending on the causes, inflammation can be of various types and treatment should be appropriate. A special diet based on will help get rid of the symptoms of irritable bowel.

Inflammation of the intestines is a general definition that includes several groups of diseases that differ in causes and symptoms.

There are the following reasons:

  • bacteria. A virus or infection enters the body, which causes an inflammatory process. The most popular pathogens of the virus include salmonella, E. coli and others.
  • inborn predisposition. Some forms of the disease are laid down at the genetic level and are transmitted from generation to generation.
  • autoimmune processes. This is a condition in which the immune system aggressively perceives intestinal cells and begins to fight them.
  • circulatory disorders. Occur when blood vessels are narrowed or affected by atherosclerotic plaques
  • violation of the diet. Irregular eating, abuse of fried and fatty foods - all this can lead to inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract
  • formation of pathogenic microflora

Often inflammation is a consequence of one of the diseases of the stomach. The most common of them:, colitis, dysbacteriosis, enterocolitis.

Often a person himself provokes inflammation - for example, sitting on a diet with strict limits. In pursuit of harmony, people expose themselves to starvation and severe dietary restrictions. The consequence of these actions very often becomes a painful inflammation of one of the organs of the digestive tract.

Disease classification

There are several classifications that determine the type of disease. Depending on the affected area, the following types of inflammation are distinguished:

  • colitis - that is, damage to the large intestine. Most often, the causative agent of the disease is an infection or a virus.
  • - a disease that occurs in the small intestine and passes into the duodenum
  • enteritis - inflammation of the small intestine. It can occur both locally and throughout the entire length of the internal organ

Another classification is according to the duration of the disease. There are chronic and acute forms of inflammation. If acute occurs periodically and lasts for several weeks, then chronic can last for more than a year.

According to the causative agent of the disease, two main groups of inflammation are distinguished: infectious and non-infectious.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of inflammation may appear gradually and cause no noticeable inconvenience, or they may immediately manifest as acute pain. It is worth contacting a specialist if you have one or more of the following symptoms:

Treatment of constipation in adults - what you need to know

In chronic inflammation, the symptoms may be mild, but always present. Especially often in such cases, violations of the stool and bloating are manifested.

The stronger the pain, the more dangerous the form of the disease can be. That's why it's important to see a doctor as soon as possible to diagnose the type of inflammation and prescribe treatment.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis is necessary to determine the exact form of the disease and begin competent treatment. The most accurate methods are now available in medical facilities.

Modern equipment allows using special laboratory instruments to examine both the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the composition of mucous tissues.

There are such types of diagnostics:

Which diagnostic method is suitable for a particular case is best determined by a gastroenterologist based on the patient's symptoms.

Treatment at home

When intestinal inflammation occurs, two main areas of treatment can be distinguished: taking medication or following a special diet. Supporters of traditional medicine supplement the diet with healing tinctures and decoctions.

Depending on the severity of inflammation, the patient himself decides how best to treat intestinal inflammation at home: medication or folk methods.

What to do with constipation during pregnancy: alternative therapy, nutrition, prevention

Medical treatment

If the patient has chosen treatment in the traditional way, that is, medicines, they can have three directed actions:

  1. Pathogenetic. This is a therapy associated with getting rid of pathogenic bacteria, removing toxins from the body.
  2. Etiotropic. This is a treatment in which drugs are prescribed that are aimed at the cause of the disease. That is, antibiotics are prescribed for infections; when worms are found - anthelmintic, and so on.
  3. Symptomatic. This is taking drugs that relieve signs of the disease: spasms, pain, bloating.

It is important to understand that such drugs do not eliminate the cause of the pain, but only temporarily alleviate it.

Preparations for the treatment of inflammation are available in the form of tablets, suspensions, suppositories. One of the most effective forms of treatment is candles. Taking them several times increases the absorption of the active substance, and the likelihood of side effects is several times less.

The most popular anti-inflammatory drugs can be divided into groups:

  1. Antibiotics. Fight infection, eliminate the likelihood of complications.
  2. Corticosteroids are hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are used for a short period and only after consulting a doctor.
  3. Aminosalicylates are topical drugs that relieve inflammation.
  4. and immunomodulators. Strengthen the immune system, since during the period of illness it is especially susceptible to weakening.

Any form of treatment will be more effective when combined with diet.

Therapy with folk remedies

When the inflammation is in an early, not advanced stage, it can be cured on its own without leaving home. Folk methods offer many recipes for the prevention and elimination of gastrointestinal diseases.

Diet for inflammation of the intestine

Compliance with a special diet is the main method of treatment and prevention of inflammation. A properly composed menu will relieve constipation and diarrhea, protect the walls of the stomach and relieve pain.

The main ones for inflamed intestines:

  • exclude fatty and fried foods, smoked meats and pickles from the diet
  • minimize foods that cause fermentation: raw vegetables, dairy products
  • avoid fresh pastries and sweets
  • prepare food in a certain way: boil or steam. When frying foods, their beneficial properties are lost.
  • fractional food. You need to eat in small portions, but often - up to 6 times a day
  • the use of a sufficient amount of fiber and coarse fibers. Greens, vegetables, fruits - these products will improve intestinal motility

An important principle that should not be forgotten is compliance with the drinking regimen. For the full functioning of the intestines, you need to drink at least two liters of clean drinking water. It is especially important to maintain water balance with diarrhea and constipation.

Healthy digestion is the key to good health and mood. Proper nutrition will be an excellent prevention of intestinal diseases and will avoid inflammation. If the disease does occur, modern technologies will allow you to quickly diagnose the disease and prescribe the right treatment.

Jan 24, 2018 Violetta Doctor

An intestinal infection is an infectious disease that affects the stomach and leads to gastrointestinal disorders, causing diarrhea, vomiting, and severe pain in the stomach. This disease is the second most common after influenza in the world and requires timely treatment. Often, first aid has to be provided at home. What and how is an intestinal infection treated at home?

A patient with an intestinal infection after examination is sent to the infectious diseases hospital for further treatment. You can avoid hospitalization by knowing how to treat an intestinal infection at home.

In what cases can hospitalization be dispensed with?

Patients with acute stomach pain are sent to the hospital, but in some cases, hospitalization can be dispensed with:
● If there is no temperature;
● If diarrhea and vomiting last less than a day;
● If the disease occurs in an adult or a child from three years of age. If the disease is observed in infants, a hospital is indispensable.
● When there was a doctor's call and he prescribed home treatment.
● If there is no dehydration. Dehydration is indicated by weakness and intense thirst.

In cases of severe intoxication and acute pain, one cannot do without the help of doctors.


How to treat an intestinal infection? Treatment of the disease involves the following steps:

  1. Dieting. With an infection of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to exclude fatty and fried foods, as well as dairy products, spices and smoked meats from the diet. It is recommended to use soups without frying, chicken broths, not fresh (crackers can be) bread and cereals (rice, buckwheat or wheat) during this period.
  2. Replenishment of the body's water reserve. During an intestinal infection, the body loses a lot of fluid, which must be replenished by drinking plenty of fluids. So, the patient should be given teas, compote of dried fruits or rose hips and mineral water without gas.
    Along with salt-alkaline mineral water, the patient is prescribed rehydron. This drug consists of sodium chloride and potassium, it helps to restore the acid-base balance and prevent dehydration of the body after fluid loss.
  3. Elimination of diarrhea. As a treatment for intestinal infections in adults, the following drugs are used: activated charcoal, smecta, enterosgel, hilak-forte and others. In addition, in order to stop diarrhea, you can use intestinal antiseptics, such as enterol or intestopan.
  4. Restoration of intestinal microflora. During poisoning, the intestines suffer first of all, its microflora is destroyed, not only from infection, but also from drugs (primarily from antibiotics). Probiotics are used to restore the intestinal microflora. The most popular of them: linex, bifidubacterin, bifiform and others.
  5. Improved digestion. The treatment of intestinal infections in adults includes enzymes, they improve digestion, and speed up the metabolic process. Enzymes that are most often prescribed by a doctor for intestinal infections: creon, mezim and pancreatin.

These are the main steps in the treatment of intestinal infections.

Attention! Out-of-date medical care can cause complications and the risk of chronic diseases of the stomach, so if you feel worse, you need to seek help from a doctor. Remember that there can be many diseases that cause intestinal infections, and they need to be treated in different ways.

Antibiotic therapy

How to treat an intestinal infection is described above, but if it was caused by serious diseases or is difficult to tolerate (moderate and severe diseases), antibiotics may be prescribed to the patient. Antibiotics are prescribed only after passing the tests and finding out the true cause of indigestion and only by the attending physician.
Diseases and antibiotics for them:

  • Cholera is a serious and particularly dangerous infectious disease of the housing and communal services, which is rapidly transmitted by airborne droplets and is highly contagious. Patients with this diagnosis are immediately hospitalized and isolated. With cholera, the following antibiotics are taken: chloramphenicol, tsiprolet, tetracycline, etc.
  • Enteritis is a disease of the small intestine, which in symptoms resembles ordinary poisoning, except that with this disease, fever and loose stools are noticed up to 20 times a day. Antibiotic therapy for enteritis includes the following drugs: ampicillin or erythromycin.
  • Dysentery is an infectious disease that is accompanied by general intoxication of the body. For dysentery, furozalidon, intetrix or nitroxoline are prescribed.

Indeed, vomiting and diarrhea can speak not just about poisoning or an intestinal infection, but also about more serious diseases, but you should not panic: a timely visit to a doctor will reduce the risk of complications.

How to cure intestinal infection at home?

The above are the stages of treatment of intestinal infection, they should be followed in the treatment at home. The main key to the success of treatment is diet, drinking plenty of water and cleansing the body. In addition to the main treatment, traditional medicine can be used. They can enhance the effect of medications, but they will not be able to overcome the problem on their own.
Than, in addition to medications, an intestinal infection is treated at home, folk methods:

  • Hypericum decoction. You need to take 2 tbsp. crushed leaves of St. John's wort, pour water, put on fire, bring to a boil and let it boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Then the infusion is filtered through gauze and boiled water is added to obtain a volume of 250 ml. (1 glass). The glass is divided into three parts and drunk 3 times a day.
  • Infusion from oak bark. You need to take oak bark (calculated as 40 grams per 1 liter of water), pour water, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it boil for half an hour. Strain the broth and cool, then take half a glass 4 times a day.
  • Herbal collection. 2 tablespoons young alder cones, 2 tbsp. Potentilla roots and 2 tbsp. nettle roots must be brewed in a water bath and insisted for an hour. It is necessary to drink the collection in half a glass 4 times a day before meals.

A favorable prognosis for an intestinal infection depends on how quickly the disease begins to be properly treated. Therefore, having noticed this ailment in yourself, you need to consult a doctor and follow his further recommendations.

Attention! Out-of-date medical care can cause complications and the risk of chronic diseases of the stomach, so if you feel worse, you need to seek help from a doctor.

Intestinal infections are a group of contagious diseases spread through unwashed hands, spoiled food, and contaminated water. Adults quite often become victims of this kind of ailment, even though they more carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene. Consider which pathogens cause intestinal infections in adults, how these diseases manifest themselves and what methods of their treatment are considered the most effective.

Causative agents of intestinal infections in adults

The species composition of bacteria and viruses that can provoke an intestinal infection in an adult is not particularly different from that in children. Among the main culprits:

  • Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli.

These viruses and bacteria enter the environment with the patient's feces. Animals can also be reservoirs for some pathogens (for example, salmonella may be present in chicken and duck droppings). In this regard, everything that can potentially come into contact with feces is dangerous. Number one on the list of possible transmission factors for intestinal infections dirty hands, under the second raw water, under the third flies, which on the paws carry sewage to food, under the fourth - stored in improper conditions and undergone insufficient heat treatment food, under the fifth - vegetables and herbs polluted by earth.

Features of the course of intestinal infections in adults

The body of an adult can effectively resist pathogens of intestinal infections. To do this, he has a whole arsenal of methods:

  • Bactericidal action of saliva.
  • High acidity of gastric juice.
  • Normal intestinal microflora, which does not allow pathogens to take root.
  • Local intestinal immunity (lymphoid tissue, secretory immunoglobulin in mucus, etc.).

In young children, many of these mechanisms are not active enough, so the risk of development is much higher. But an adult can make his body more susceptible to pathogenic bacteria and viruses. To do this, he just needs to do the following:

  • Bad chewing food.
  • Do not treat diseases of the stomach and pancreas in a timely manner.
  • Accept uncontrollably.
  • Eat wrong.
  • drink alcohol and
  • Work hard and don't rest well.

In addition to the characteristics of the susceptibility of the body, in adults it has the characteristics and course of intestinal infections:

  • First, the disease can be latent (virtually without symptoms) or "blurred", limited to one or two episodes and mild malaise.
  • Secondly, in adults it does not develop as quickly as in children - a constant companion of intestinal infections.
  • Thirdly, in adults very often there is a carriage of the pathogen, which does not manifest itself in any way and does not go away, but is a danger to others.

Symptoms of intestinal infections in adults

Each of the pathogens listed above causes a specific infectious disease. They have their own characteristic symptoms, but despite this, there are a number of signs that occur with all intestinal infections:

  • The penetration of pathogenic viruses or bacteria into the intestine causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ and indigestion. It is these processes that lead to the fact that the stool becomes liquid.


The deeper the intestinal lesion, the more pronounced intestinal disorders.

  • . Increased peristalsis of the inflamed intestinal wall provokes attacks of pain, the localization of which depends on which part of the intestinal tube is affected. With (inflammation of the small intestine) it hurts around the navel, with (inflammation of the large intestine), on the sides of the abdomen, above the pubis.

Symptoms described may include fever, weakness, nausea, and vomiting.. In mild forms of intestinal infections, these signs may not be. In addition, it can begin as a respiratory disease (with and), for which it is called "".

Due to diarrhea, intestinal infections almost always develop (dehydration).


The most significant loss of fluid and salts is characteristic of cholera, in which the patient goes to the toilet with "rice water" - muddy water. But with other infections, especially if they occur with persistent diarrhea and vomiting, a serious water deficiency can occur.

You can suspect dehydration by the following symptoms:

  • mucous membranes.
  • Sunken eyes.
  • Decrease in skin turgor (it is taken in a fold and does not straighten out).
  • Darkening of urine and reduction to several per day of urination.
  • Rapid pulse.
  • strong

Why is dehydration dangerous? The consequences of a significant loss of fluid by the body are an electrolyte imbalance, a disorder in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and damage to the central nervous system.


Most intestinal infections that occur in adults can be diagnosed by an experienced doctor based on the patient's complaints. But to confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out bacteriological culture or virological examination of feces, especially if the patient's condition is severe.

The presence of pathogenic microbes in the feces does not always indicate the development of the disease. If a person does not have complaints and symptoms of an intestinal infection, they state a healthy carriage.

Treatment of intestinal infections in adults

Adults rarely go to the doctor because of diarrhea, although this should be done, since self-medication can be ineffective and even dangerous. But, if you still decide to fight an intestinal infection at home, you should remember very important rules:

Be sure to go to the hospital in the following cases:

  • If the dominant symptom of the disease is severe abdominal pain.
  • If diarrhea and vomiting are persistent.
  • If there is no urination for a long time.
  • If the stool contains
  • If it is impossible to drink due to vomiting.
  • If the diarrhea stopped, but vomiting appeared and the body temperature rose sharply.

In the hospital, intestinal infections are treated comprehensively:

In general, intestinal infections in adults are treated well and do not cause serious complications.. The main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner, follow a diet and drink plenty of fluids.

Prevention of intestinal infections

Every adult knows how to protect themselves from intestinal infections. But it doesn’t hurt to repeat a few basic rules of prevention:

  • Hands should be clean - after the street and the toilet, before preparing food and before eating it, after working in the garden, after communicating with animals.
  • You can drink only boiled or high-quality bottled water.
  • Vegetables and fruits should be washed with safe water (tap, boiled, filtered) before eating.
  • Food must be properly prepared and stored. It is important not to forget about the expiration dates and temperature conditions for storing food, about the proper heat treatment of dishes, about the inadmissibility of contact between raw and ready.
  • Do not swallow water when swimming in pools and natural reservoirs.
  • It is not advisable to eat and buy products in dubious places.