Modern wallpapering. How beautiful to hang wallpaper. Wallpapering walls with different designs

Let's talk about how to beautifully paste wallpaper in different living quarters. Let's start with how you can modernly paste over such a room as a hall. It is this room that appears before the guests, forms their impression of the whole house or apartment. Interior planning must be done slowly, paying attention to various small details.

How to glue wallpaper in a modern and beautiful way? This question worries all owners of urban and suburban housing.

Attention! In order to stick wallpaper in your room, you need to choose the right glue.

Interior options

For those who decide to beautifully paste over the room with finishing materials, we note that you first need to choose a certain type of them.

Paper sheets currently offered by manufacturers are divided into several types. The photo shows paper wallpapers that can be pasted over a small living room.

Advice! In the living room, it is better to glue two-layer canvases.

Such materials have excellent mechanical characteristics, are easy to work with, and can be purchased at affordable prices.

The photo shows an example of an interior, showing how you can beautifully paste wallpaper in the living room.

Washable materials with a variety of patterns are best pasted on the walls of the kitchen or hallway. In the hall, such wallpapers are inappropriate, they will not create the right atmosphere in this room.

Non-woven fabrics can be glued in those rooms where the walls have significant defects. The dense structure of such materials will ideally cope with the task, help to get rid of protrusions and depressions on the surface.

original solutions

How to beautifully wallpaper a room in order to enjoy the result? Currently, there are a huge number of different options for wallpapering, involving the use of a combination of wallpaper of different textures and colors. The photo shows an example of how you can paste over one room with several wallpapers.

Among the fashionable examples of how to glue wallpaper beautifully, we highlight the use of two types of wallpaper that have the same color, but different shades. Thanks to this combination of wallpaper, you can beautifully paste over the walls in the room.

Advice! An interesting solution is a combination of gray, blue, beige colors. Such shades can be used to decorate the office.

Plain wallpaper can be combined with wallpaper that has an ornament or pattern. This option will bring dynamics to the interior. In addition, thanks to this unusual technique, it is possible to carry out zoning of the room, focusing on a certain area when gluing.

You can stick canvases (sample in the photo) with a pattern of different types. For example, a combination of materials with an ornament, with canvases having vertical or horizontal stripes, gives an excellent effect. Beautifully look wallpaper with geometric shapes, complemented by a woody theme.

When thinking about how to beautifully paste wallpaper, look at contrasting options. For example, you can glue the walls of the room with contrasting materials, making the interior fashionable and unusual.

Young homeowners prefer to glue wallpaper with bright accents on one wall, this is especially true in studio apartments. The photo shows a variant of how to paste over the walls in a small living room.

Answering the question of how to glue wallpaper beautifully (see photo below), we turn to the advice of professional designers offered in the video fragment

In addition to combining several types of wallpaper when pasting, there are many other options for how to glue wallpaper.

Advice! The original appearance is (in the photo) horizontal stripes. It is the technology of pasting walls with horizontal stripes that is considered a fashionable trend in interior art.

The wall is divided into two parts. Each is pasted over with wallpaper of a different color and design, having one color. Relevant for such gluing and materials with a similar wallpaper structure. To eliminate joints, select special decorative borders.

Attention! The bottom wallpaper should be no narrower than one meter.

You can choose canvases of a contrasting color, use monochrome colors. The choice depends on the taste preferences of the owner of this dwelling.

Features of choice

If you decide to choose wallpaper that has a pattern, they must be combined in design. At the joints between such decorative materials, you need to stick a molding. It will give the effect of having a decorative panel in the room, bring sophistication and grace to the room.

With the help of such an unusual sticking, you can create an original zoning in the living room, office. For example, highlight the area for the location of the fireplace, TV.

Recently, interior experts consider the selection of a certain wall in the interior to be a fashionable trend. The photo shows a sample of how to glue finishing materials in such a way as to imitate an unusual panel on the surface. Patchwork technique involves the use of several wallpapers at once, which are combined with each other in color and texture.

The technology of such decoration consists in pre-cutting segments of the desired size and shape from the canvases, gluing them end-to-end. If desired, sticking can be carried out randomly, especially when decorating a wall in a modern interior style. A similar version of gluing can be used in a teenager's room, as they, due to psychological characteristics, are prone to maximalism, including in the interior.

If you have chosen vertical gluing of finishing materials, try to select canvases of the same type that have the same thickness. In this case, ugly joints between individual canvases can be avoided.

Advice! Before proceeding with gluing surface materials, first try to attach the materials to each other. You will be able to evaluate their combination in order to avoid disappointment after the completion of the repair work.

Particular care should be taken when combining decorative materials with a three-dimensional pattern. It must be remembered that such canvases can affect the visual perception of the parameters of the room.

For vertical pasting, the same type of canvas having an equal thickness is suitable. If there are any niches inside the room, they can also be highlighted using decorative materials. Professionals advise using tapestries with a slight pattern for such purposes.

When choosing paper materials, do not forget that they have excellent breathability, but very quickly lose their original aesthetic appearance. It is better to decorate children's rooms with such materials, but they are not suitable for gluing walls in the bathroom, corridor, kitchen.

Vinyl materials are ideal for use in the interior of patchwork technology. Their dense texture allows for numerous experiments with the creation of decorative panels, the implementation of zoning in the room.

Textile fabrics are suitable for connoisseurs of a luxurious interior. They require additional care, besides they have a fairly high cost.


When gluing walls with any kind of finishing materials, it is important to take seriously not only the selection of special glue, but also the choice of their color and texture.

Cold shades have a positive effect on the mental state of a person. For a quick-tempered and impulsive person, psychologists advise choosing green or blue saturated tones for decorating walls. It is desirable for romantic natures to select warm shades.

The use of wallpaper is the most common finishing option.

Over time, manufacturers produce materials that are more and more original in design, but despite this, interior design using only one type of wallpaper is gradually fading into the background.

Today, combinations of wallpapers with different types of textures or patterns are considered a sign of modern style, especially in the interior of a hall or living room, since these rooms are considered the main ones in an apartment.

It can be difficult to create a cozy atmosphere when sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall, so it’s better to plan in advance how your walls will look.

If you are not confident in your design abilities, we recommend that you find out from the photo how to stick two types of wallpaper in the hall, as well as learn about common approaches to combining according to the recommendations of specialists.

Wallpaper combination effects

How to glue the hall with different wallpapers, photo

Before you start sticking new wallpaper in your room, decide what effect you plan to achieve. Depending on the size of the room and its main purpose, the possible combinations will differ.

For example, wallpaper with a more expressive design, concentrated in one of the zones of such a room, will highlight the main accents in the interior. Such a decorative effect is especially popular in the area where the TV or fireplace is located.

Advice: if you plan to create accents with dark or bright wallpapers, decorate the rest of the walls in a calm palette that will balance the expressive atmosphere in the room.

How to beautifully paste wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

A competent combination of wallpaper of two different types will ensure the zoning of the living room. Enough emphasize color transitions on the walls- and you can select a sleeping area, a reading or work area, etc. This technique is popular with owners of modern studio apartments, where the hall is combined with the kitchen.

Thanks to the different options for combining wallpaper in the hall, it becomes possible masking surface imperfections. For example, due to individual inserts of embossed wallpaper, you can hide the unevenness of the walls from sight.

Another effect of the combination - correction of defects in the form of the room. For a narrow room, you can choose wallpapers of light and dark shades that are in harmony with each other: when sticking wallpaper in a rich tone on long walls, you can visually move them away from each other, and the room will seem more spacious.

Do not forget about the most important effect of wallpaper combinations - decorative.

The combination of different materials is a great opportunity to make the room more stylish and emphasize your taste.

Moreover, wallpaper can be chosen in such a way as to save on expensive finishes - and at the same time create an interior that will look no worse than the rooms decorated by designers.

Wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

The nuances of the combination of materials

Combining wallpaper is not so difficult, especially since consultants will help you immediately choose materials that are in harmony with each other. But, since only you know about the features of your room, you will have to make a decision about the characteristics of the canvas yourself.

Focus on the following combination rules:

Advice: if you experience difficulties in combining shades, but want to diversify the design due to the wallpaper of two different types - stick photo wallpapers that include several colors at once against the background of light walls.

Many manufacturers produce wallpapers, foreseeing the possibility of combining them in a residential interior. Therefore, pay attention to new collections: often the wallpapers in them are pre-matched to each other not only in color, but also in texture.

Combination ideas

There are several win-win options for sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall:

Please note that different techniques can be implemented at the same time to make the interior even more interesting.

Each way of combining two wallpapers involves creating stylish accents in the hall or living room, but if you find such methods too complicated, use the simplest one: stick wallpaper of the second type on the entire surface of the wall that will act as the main one in the room.

Combinations of shades and patterns

The design of the sticker depends on many factors. Firstly, both the brightness of the colors and the sizes of the patterns must be chosen, focusing on the area of ​​​​the room. In a cramped room, the wallpaper should be as light as possible and include only small prints.

Secondly, the psychological aspect plays an important role in the choice of combined wallpaper.

Each selected shade should emphasize a cozy atmosphere, so experts recommend giving preference to pastel colors. But accents in combinations can be made brighter and more expressive: this will emphasize the desired dynamics and solemnity of the interior.

Remember! The style of the wallpaper should correspond to the chosen direction in the design. For modern styles, choose something more calm and neutral, for classics - wallpaper with large smooth patterns, for Provence and country - a check or floral prints.

The most common patterns that are used in wallpaper combinations are classic, floral and geometric ornaments. All of them are perfectly combined with plain materials or wallpaper with a thin strip.

Combined wallpaper design for the hall, photo

A popular solution in modern interiors - combination of patterned wallpaper with photo wallpaper and imitation materials. For example, floral motifs can be combined with a landscape or wallpaper stylized as a tree. And brickwork is in perfect harmony with abstraction - this is one of the hallmarks of the loft style.

Wallpaper with accent patterns should not be glued close to each other. If this is a vertical combination, consider leaving a decent distance between the bright inserts, where wallpaper with a calmer design will be pasted.

As for horizontal combinations, it is important to choose the right color and pattern. The lower part of the walls is most often made darker and more solid. In a classic style, striped wallpaper is allowed. The upper zone can be both light and bright (depending on the size of the room): it is often decorated with floral motifs or geometric patterns.

A few words about combining textured wallpapers

When deciding how to glue two types of wallpaper in the hall, pay attention to their textures. If these are textured wallpapers designed for monochromatic coloring, there will be no difficulties in combining.

Advice: wallpapers that are glued side by side should have a similar thickness, otherwise you will have to look for ways to mask pronounced joints.

Sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

Textured wallpaper on a textile basis is a good option for the hall in terms of design. But in practice, this material is rather capricious, and in combination with ordinary wallpaper does not always look advantageous. Therefore, most often textile coatings are used to create inserts in the form of a patterned panel on free walls: for their design, you need moldings or a finished frame.

In combination with most textured wallpapers, liquid-type wallpapers will look good. But vinyl and non-woven materials must be selected, focusing on the relief pattern.

In modern interiors, embossed wallpapers with classic ornaments, floristry, abstraction, stripes and small strokes are used. If a large section of the walls is decorated with just this type of wallpaper, you should not select a relief pattern for the rest of the surfaces.

Advice: when combining vinyl and non-woven materials, do not forget that such canvases are glued to the surface of the walls in different ways. Use a universal adhesive or select a special one for each of the selected materials.

Sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall: design, photo

Now you know how to beautifully paste two types of wallpaper in the living room: by choosing different shades and textures, this room can be made bright and festive or, conversely, calm and relaxing.

Choose the right materials for combinations with your loved ones and make one of the ideas presented in the photo a reality.

photo gallery

Before wallpapering, you need to understand the combination of colors, patterns and structures. This is the only way to achieve harmony in design. How not to make mistakes when arranging wallpaper in the hall, bedroom and other rooms - more on this later.

A variety of materials - what are the wallpapers, and where is it better to glue them?

Manufacturers of modern wallpapers are trying to surprise by offering not only interesting design solutions, colors and images, but also new manufacturing materials. Products made exclusively from paper are the most affordable and do not require special training when pasting walls. Cloths do not emit harmful substances and are environmentally friendly, allowing the walls to "breathe". Smooth textures of various color solutions prevail, but there are also options with a structural relief. Paper wallpapers are susceptible to moisture, easily fade in the sun and absorb odors. For this reason, the place for their use is the nursery and the bedroom, less often the hall or living room.

Non-woven wallpaper is made of non-woven material, which gives strength to the fabric. If the wallpaper is made exclusively of non-woven fabric (often combined), then they are completely harmless and at the same time wear-resistant, they allow you to hide small cracks. The canvas does not shrink, is not afraid of short-term exposure to water and passes air well. For gluing use a special glue, which is applied directly to the wall. This finish is used most often in living rooms.

Vinyl wallpapers are produced on the basis of paper or non-woven, on top of which foamed vinyl is applied. This material allows you to create rich textures or can be completely smooth (silkscreen). Such wallpapers can be washed, they do not fade in the sun, and some models up to a dozen times. However, along with these advantages, vinyl options have a significant disadvantage - they are airtight, so they are not recommended for use in the bedroom or children's room. But for the kitchen or corridor, they will be just right.

Canvases made from natural plant materials such as algae, reed, jute are very popular. The basis is usually paper. Their price is quite high, therefore, in order to save money, they are used in a combined finish. The canvases also have other disadvantages characteristic of natural materials - they are afraid of water, fade easily, and are highly susceptible to mechanical wear. On the other hand, they are environmentally friendly and suitable for all living spaces.

Glass fiber is made by weaving from fiberglass. The material is very durable and wear resistant. They are produced in white with a characteristic texture, the choice of which, unfortunately, is not very rich. As a rule, this is a herringbone, gunny, zigzag. Although manufacturers are actively working on the release of new structures, but so far such options can rarely be found on the shelves of building stores. Wallpaper is used for painting with latex or water-based paints. Excellent for wall decoration in buildings subject to shrinkage. The material is environmentally friendly, non-allergenic, in addition, it is not afraid of water and non-combustible.

Fabric wallpapers are produced on a paper or non-woven basis. Natural ingredients (cotton, linen, silk) are used as the top layer, although sometimes synthetics can also be used. The canvases have good aesthetic qualities, they are natural and allow you to create unique interiors, but they have low wear resistance characteristics, are afraid of moisture and are expensive.

Recommendations for combinations - how to highlight zones in a room?

To prevent the room from looking dull and boring, it is recommended to make color accents in it. This effect can be achieved by adding multi-colored pieces of furniture, or you can use a simpler and more proven method - a combination of two types of wallpaper. This option is suitable for both living rooms and kitchens or corridors. Wallpapering methods can be very different, because it all depends on your taste preferences.

Before sticking wallpaper of two types, you need to realize what effect you want to achieve. The fact is that the right choice of textures, pattern, color and other aspects will help to visually push the boundaries, highlight functional areas or correct flaws in the finish. The right combination will give the room comfort, fill the room with light, create conditions for relaxation or, conversely, active work. The transition between materials can be decorated with moldings or textures can be selected in such a way as to level the joints.

Bright finishes are usually done in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sofa, TV, fireplace. Not bad recommended such a design move when pasting the wall at the head of the bed. In this case, the rest of the room should be covered with plain material in soft, discreet tones so that the eyes do not get tired of the abundance of colors and textures. If you want to create something extraordinary, innovative ideas for wallpapering can always be found in design magazines that reflect the latest fashion trends.

By combining products of different textures and colors, small imperfections, such as uneven walls, can be corrected. To do this, it is enough to make a color accent on a flat wall, and this place will immediately attract attention, and the flaws in the neighborhood will become invisible. In addition, with the help of embossed materials, you can mask more serious flaws that will not be evident under the convex pattern. Sticking wallpaper of two types can help visually change the geometry of the room. To do this, you need to paste over a large wall with bright canvases, this effect will visually distance it, creating the impression of volume.

We glue the combined wallpaper - what to combine with what?

There are various options for wallpapering walls. Manufacturers have facilitated the selection work and began to produce special series in which ready-made combinations are presented. Thanks to this solution, the issue of arranging different collections is no longer an acute issue. Before buying, be sure to ask the seller to unwind the rolls and attach them to the wall to understand whether you like this combination or not. If you yourself are engaged in the selection of wallpapers from different manufacturers and textures, we will talk about some rules that will help transform the interior.

If you have low ceilings, choose collections that have vertical stripes or a floral pattern that tends to rise. Color does not play a special role, but the brighter the main picture, the more muted the background should be. A horizontal strip will expand the space of the room. The large format of the picture looks good in large rooms. In modest-sized rooms, it is worth choosing smaller patterns of an unpretentious nature, otherwise the interior can “press” on a person, creating a feeling of isolation.

There is a simple rule for gluing and arranging wallpaper: the smaller and darker the room, the lighter and more unobtrusive the pattern on the canvases should be. If you need to fill the room with light, the wall opposite the window is pasted with light wallpaper.

How to create a beautiful finish - interesting solutions

A win-win option for wallpapering in a hall of two types is a combination of stripes with plain wallpaper. In this case, the alternation can be different: 1:1, 2:1, etc. It is important to understand that the wider the stripes, the more canvases you need to combine into one pattern. Similarly, a striped pattern can be replaced with a floral ornament. It is even allowed to alternate large and small patterns. When choosing structural wallpaper, try to match the thickness of the different strips, forming a flat surface without pronounced joints.

If you want to bring creativity into the room, two types of wallpapering options can be much more original. It is not necessary to join the strips vertically - it can be a horizontal combination or diagonal gluing. Nobody forbids you to paste over the room, creating a zigzag pattern from the canvases. Judging by the reviews, pasting the room in the patchwork style looks good. To do this, you need to cut out geometric shapes from different types of wallpaper (at least two) and paste them in random order. The most common are square patches.

The combination of matte and glossy surfaces looks beautiful. Especially if you use metal-coated canvases as a gloss. Yes, there are some. For their production, thin aluminum plates are used, which, when imprinted, gives a metallic sheen. It is not necessary to use ordinary colors in this scenario. You can combine both floral patterns and monograms, and inserts with cartoon characters will look great in children's rooms.

What types of original wallpapering will look advantageous in the corridor? It is worth paying attention to the horizontal combination. To do this, the bottom is pasted over with wallpaper of a dark shade or striped, and the top is reserved for light-colored wallpaper. They can be either plain or with a floral pattern. The joint between different canvases can be trimmed with molding. Alternatively, a change of accents is allowed - the bottom is pasted over with a light color, and the top with a more saturated color. This technique also has a place to be and looks very original.

Don't forget the possibilities in the room. Modern wallpapers are high-quality compositions on a non-woven basis or in the form of self-adhesive sheets. The same applies to frescoes - canvases that imitate the technique of applying an image. Such material will be quite expensive, but the effect of its use is worth it.

Facing the walls of the hall with the same wallpaper is a thing of the past, giving way to stylish design solutions for decorating the space. Today, the focus is on combination - a design technique that allows you to beat any features of the room, advantageously emphasizing the desired area.

Which are suitable?

The combination technique allows the use of different types of finishes. Each material has its advantages, although it is not without its drawbacks.

The most popular of them include:

  • paper- mostly two-layer, able to hold out on the walls for up to 5 years (the budget alternative, which is not very resistant to steam and moisture, looks simple);

  • vinyl- elite roll finishing, capable of correcting wall irregularities, including canvases with a solid, smooth, porous structure and embossing, designed for up to 15 years of operation (harmful, as it releases formaldehyde vapor into the air);

  • non-woven- elastic fabrics meter wide, distinguished by practicality, color fastness, resistance to accidental mechanical touches, durability, attractive texture, but attracting dust;

  • textile– wallpaper with a premium front side, which is an excellent choice for a hall as an accent, made in the form of interwoven threads glued to a paper base and closely spaced textile fibers (a capricious finish in pasting, which is not resistant to moisture);

  • the liquid wallpaper– coatings in the form of a powder or a ready-mix, which, after facing, must be covered with a layer of acrylic varnish to increase practicality (ecological finish as an accent, demanding in choosing a companion, as it has a special volumetric texture);

  • photo wallpaper- a classic combination technique, which is a paper-based wallpaper in the form of a solid accent pattern or a canvas with an image fit (their weak side of which is the fear of ultraviolet radiation);

  • glass wall paper- canvases made of fiberglass mass with shaping it by means of special impregnations. This is a wallpaper with original texture and good performance.

Pros and cons

It is no secret that each room has its own characteristics. The combination of two different materials of the same line is a non-standard solution for interior composition, through which you can perform a number of tasks. This technique involves a combination of plain wallpaper and canvas with a pattern in the lining. The uniqueness of the idea lies in the fact that the print can be made with paints, photo printing, embossing, it can also be presented in the form of an invoice.

The raw materials used for this decor are diverse: the materials on the market are full of beauty of shades, versatility of themes, extraordinary texture. Each type of cladding has its pros and cons, provides for combination, is distinguished by the richest color gamut and different performance characteristics.

By taking the combination, you can mask the unevenness of the walls, pasting the most practical companions in the right place, beating different possibilities of wallpaper (for example, using washing in places with an increased likelihood of contamination).

The design approach has a lot of advantages.

The combination of wallpaper of two types allows you to:

  • beat the design features of the room, deliberately emphasizing ledges, niches, panels, turning the shortcomings of the area into bright accents of style;
  • muffle an overly bright and patterned companion through a calm contrast, saving the interior from an abundance of variegation and oppressive atmosphere;
  • accentuate a favorable place in the room, thereby distracting from unsightly corners, emphasizing the uniqueness of the design;
  • zone the room into certain functional areas, thereby introducing an unobtrusive organization into the space;

  • reduce the consumption of material for adjusting the pattern, if necessary, using the remnants of canvases from neighboring rooms;
  • give the room a personality, using beautiful examples of experienced interior designers, adjusting them to the features of the hall and your taste preferences;
  • change the aesthetic perception of the room by infusing the desired shade, pattern, adding lighting and the desired temperature to the environment;
  • combine together disparate pieces of existing furniture and other interior elements (curtains, poufs, decorative pillows, table lamps, floor lamps, wall lamps, paintings, etc.);

  • choose your “color type”, thanks to which you can create the right mood and increase your potential, make the atmosphere of the room cozy at home;
  • give the space the desired status by combining expensive and fashionable textures that match the pieces of furniture;
  • depending on the shades used, their saturation and the size of the picture, create a stylish interior in a classic, ethnic or modern design, pointing to its idea;
  • rid the space of boredom and routine, filling it with fresh colors.

The combination of wallpaper has a lot of design possibilities: modern manufacturers, knowing this technique, offer paired canvases for sale, not limited in subject matter. In addition, there are always wallpapers in any style on store shelves, be it classic flowers or creative abstraction.

If desired, you can always choose a combination, taking into account your own preferences and the budget planned for the purchase.


The combination of two types of wallpaper is not always harmonious. This may be due to several reasons.

One of them is the rule of texture compatibility: not all canvases, different in composition and appearance, can be mixed. For example, smooth paper wallpapers make it easier to look at vinyl or embossed textile options.

They will not fit non-woven either: the finish should be selected taking into account the status of each type. To make the reception successful, it is worth beating it with the use of photo wallpapers.

Different width and relief matter. Porous thick wallpapers, combined with thin paper or smooth non-woven ones, do not create a feeling of solidity, therefore they look fragmented and resemble hastily glued lining with remnants. Some canvases are difficult to pick up due to the lack of identical shades.

The method of combining two wallpapers has disadvantages:

  • it does not always give the desired effect and expressiveness;
  • inappropriate in small rooms, as when using large drawings it creates a feeling of congestion and limited space;
  • does not look beautiful and stylish if made unprofessionally, thoughtlessly, without a pre-prepared sketch;

  • requires a clear place for each piece of furniture, otherwise it loses its expressiveness;
  • compares each element of the decor with itself, therefore it implies stylish furniture and does not accept unnecessary details that overload the overall look;
  • far from always pulling out the adjustment of trapezoid rooms with a broken perspective, giving it an even more awkward look, visually warping the walls;
  • often has an unsuccessful print in the form of a small strip, polka dots, cells that create ripples in the eyes, irritate just a few days after pasting.

How can you glue?

Methods for gluing wallpaper of two types are multifaceted. There are several original design techniques that are worth considering.

The size of the picture, the color of the paintings and the texture depend on the height of the ceiling. If it is low (2.5 m), the shades should be light, the pattern should be small, the texture should be soft. If the ceilings are low, it is preferable to combine using stripes or a canvas without a pronounced pattern with a plain coating.

With a high ceiling, a large print is harmonious, stretched wide or horizontal stripes.

The rules of pasting dictate the dimensions of the hall: the larger it is, the brighter the shade can be, the more expressive the pattern. If the room is narrow, you can combine with the entry of the canvas on a long wall. This will allow you to beat the shortcomings of the layout.

In cases where the entrance to the room falls on a narrow side, it is necessary to highlight the opposite wall in a contrasting color, beating the corners with wallpaper for short walls. Additionally, you can use special vinyl-based stickers: they perfectly correct layout flaws.

Use the techniques of combining experienced designers:

  • horizontal- a stylish solution in which the wallpaper is glued parallel to the floor by using canvases with an original texture or alternating exclusively paired wallpapers with a smooth transition of the print;
  • vertical- a classic technique that allows you to divide the walls vertically: highlighting the contrast in the form of two or three stripes of wallpaper with a pattern (maximum one wall) and smoothing the remaining planes with plain canvases;
  • decorating walls with panel inserts- gluing the main plain wallpaper with the addition of small fragments of accent paintings framed in moldings or a ceiling plinth to the surface of the walls;
  • emphasizing ledges and niches- highlighting design features by gluing contrasts or smoothing them with plain companions.

How to avoid mistakes?

To avoid common mistakes, it is worth considering a few simple rules:

  • if the space of the hall is small, exclude from the list of preferences wallpaper with a large print that does not correspond to reality (large decor elements have a pressing effect);
  • exclude the combination of different styles: ethnic and modern, antiquity and technology, conservatism and abstraction (they cannot be combined into a duet);
  • buy canvases at the same time, if possible, in natural light: this way you can check them for compatibility of tones;
  • if there are no combining skills, it is better to buy a contrast with a pattern of several shades: it will be easier to choose a calm companion for it (it is better to buy photo wallpapers);

  • do not combine by alternating strips of the same width: it is devoid of taste, splits the room into parts, gives the room a feeling of being in a gypsy tent;
  • exclude diagonal reception: in most cases, this leads to a visual distortion of the wall;
  • bright and hot colors irritate the psyche and provoke pain in the eyes, it is more expedient to dilute the bright contrast with a companion of the pastel group;
  • the combination of a floral pattern with textural ornaments should be dosed: an abundance of contrast overloads the room and quickly gets bored;
  • do not confuse brightness and tone: shades can be combined in tone, but the brightness of two companions is unacceptable, only one can dominate.

The point of using combined wallpapers is to make the room individual, beautiful and cozy. You do not need a lot of contrast and variegation: this is how the print loses its significance. The unity of style is achieved by moderation. A contrasting color is necessary to highlight the details of a pattern or a specific area of ​​the hall. It is applied only on one wall or in one place of the plane.

It is extremely important that the room is designed in the same style, otherwise the acquisition of uniqueness is impossible, the combination is meaningless and will not have the desired effect.

From different materials

It is quite possible to create a spectacular wall cladding with different materials without a sense of imbalance. It's extremely simple. If you have a sense of taste, you can combine different finishes, while it will look appropriate, cozy and fashionable.

To correctly and harmoniously combine two types of wallpaper, it is worth:

  • select canvases of the same thickness (this will reduce the accentuation of the joints and make the vertical transitions of the canvases invisible);
  • pay attention to texture: a glossy surface simplifies any canvas, so it is better to replace it with embossing, and matte often needs a similar companion support;
  • pay attention to color: at least one of the contrasting shades of the two canvases should be common;

  • understand the purpose of the room: it is inappropriate to glue wallpaper with funny children's drawings or the theme of the bathroom on the walls of the hall;
  • decide on the dominant: the accent with the print should not be large;
  • select contrasts deliberately: animal print is not combined with polka dots, stripes, zigzags, flowers.

Different sizes

In order for the combination to be harmonious, the sizes of the canvases must be different. The chosen technique is appropriate in one room, so the renovation will look unique and stylish. The combination of drawings of different sizes should be careful: this is only permissible in a spacious room. The print may be different, but large sizes are unacceptable on two canvases.

The modern approach allows the use of repeating colors through texture when pasting. It can be an animal print and wallpaper with a plush or velor texture, canvases with monograms and a companion with imitation plaster stains, a mix of floral motifs and embossed stains in the form of curls. The main thing to understand is that two drawings often overload the room than fill it with the desired effect.

Color combinations

The main criteria for choosing a shade are psychology and color combination. To do this, you can refer to the color wheel, which will demonstrate the correct arrangement of contrasts.

It is important to remember: warm shades (beige, cream, peach) give comfort and a relaxing atmosphere, fresh tones (mint, blue, blue-green) can bring coldness and lethargy into the space.

Eliminate the abundance of blue and purple: they have a negative effect on the psyche, causing depression in the elderly. If you want freshness, you should look at the contrast of beige and turquoise tones. The abundance of orange, red is unacceptable.

Monochrome gamma can cause negativity: you need to combine black and white shades sparingly. It is more expedient to beat the contrast, using a gray pattern with a silver coating or embossing on a white background, supporting the atmosphere with furniture with black decor.

The embossing technique makes the room luxurious: made in coffee, lilac shades, it will look stylish if it is shaded by a solid companion without radiance. To tie two canvases together, you can stick stickers on calm wallpapers or hang pictures that match the color of the pattern with a bright print.

The best combinations are:

  • green and beige;
  • lilac and silver;
  • olive and orange;
  • lilac and fuchsia;

  • sand and diluted turquoise;
  • white, gray and silver;
  • cocoa color with milk and pink;
  • coffee, beige and gold.

Decorating walls with wallpaper of two types is a very popular design technique. Due to the fact that its variations are inexhaustible, it allows you to create a truly unique interior every time.

All leading manufacturers take this into account and annually release new original wallpaper collections. But interesting combinations of canvases of different colors can be chosen independently. And since stores often cut prices on leftovers, this wrapping can be much cheaper.

Of course, in order for the walls to look harmonious, you need to choose paired wallpapers thoughtfully and taking into account the functional features of each room. Let's look at examples in the photo of how to beautifully paste wallpaper in two colors in the hall and bedroom.

Combining two types of wallpaper: eight basic gluing techniques

It is important to understand that the main condition for creating a comfortable interior is a harmonious combination of all its components, including wallpaper. They serve as a background or, figuratively speaking, a canvas on which the entire interior landscape is painted.

Therefore, before you go to the store to get them, it will not be superfluous to carefully consider successful examples of the design of two types of combined wallpaper for a bedroom or a hall in a photo of finished interiors. Analyze them, mentally imagine how good they will look in the decor of your room and, based on this, choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of ways to stick combined wallpapers and each designer brings some personal ideas to them, eight basic techniques can be conventionally distinguished from them.

Basic visual techniques for combining two types of wallpaper of different colors or textures

Having studied the basic techniques of sticking two types of wallpaper on the walls, you can move on to the question of how you can aesthetically decorate the interior with canvases of different colors and thicknesses. The main techniques for combining wallpapers that differ in these features are as follows:

Features of combining wallpaper of two colors in the hall

The hall is the main room in the house, a place for gatherings with friends, family holidays, and sometimes meetings with business partners.

Its interior should be designed in such a way that it is not only comfortable for the owners of the house, but also contributes to maintaining their image of successful people with good taste. Therefore, no matter how attractive budget wallpapers seem to you, remember that the quality of this type of finishing materials almost always corresponds to its cost and you do not need to save on it.

For the hall, it is preferable to choose wallpaper with an interesting texture: silk-screen printing, glass, vinyl or non-woven on a good quality basis, and they are not cheap.

In addition, in small apartments, the hall often combines the functions of several rooms: a dining room, a bedroom, or, for example, a corner where an older child does homework while his brother or sister sleeps in the nursery. Therefore, when looking at photos of interiors with a two-color wall design and thinking about how to beautifully paste two-color wallpaper in the hall, pay attention to how, with the help of partner wallpapers, professionals divide the space into thematic zones.

The main role in choosing the color of the walls is played by the size of the room. In a small room, it is recommended to use light shades. In a spacious living room, you can not limit your imagination and feel free to experiment with any combination of textures and colors.

But in any case, the recreation area, and it is present in every room, will be more comfortable if it is highlighted with light wallpaper - plain or with a small pattern. The rest of the areas: the wall where the plasma TV (home theater) is located, the fireplace, shelving with family heirlooms will look more advantageous if they are pasted over with wallpaper in rich colors with a beautiful pattern.

Features of combining two-color wallpaper in the bedroom

The bedroom is a private room, the main purpose of which is to provide a good rest. Therefore, you can choose wallpaper for it without regard to someone else's opinion, starting only from your own preferences. But still, you should not get carried away with the play of contrasts, too bright colors and catchy patterns, but it is better to prefer canvases of calm, pacifying colors.

Wallpaper with a relatively smooth texture is best for the bedroom: paper, vinyl, acrylic, silkscreen. In addition, this is one of the few rooms where fabric wallpapers, which are very fashionable today, can be successfully used for combination.

With them, the interior looks especially cozy and relaxing. They should be selected to match the textiles present in the environment: curtains, furniture upholstery, bedspreads, carpet. The only negative is that fabric wallpapers are very thin, so it is not easy to combine them with other types, and in this case the joints will have to be decorated with molding or decorative slats.

Successfully selected combinations of two types of wallpaper with different textures of close shades of the same color will give a special charm to the bedroom: coffee and beige, blue and light blue, green and light green. At the same time, the main wall covering is made smooth and lighter, and the area at the head of the bed is decorated with textured and darker canvases, focusing on this particular area.

The design looks very interesting, in which the accent canvas above the head of the bed is glued to the very top and, without interruption, goes to the ceiling. This decor will make the bed more comfortable and isolate it even more. For insertion, you can choose non-woven wallpaper. On the ceiling, they look no worse than expensive plaster, and over time they can be repainted and freshen up with little effort.

Wall decor automatically determines the main color scheme of the entire room, and the color of at least one type of wallpaper from a pair must be duplicated in the interior: furnishings, furniture upholstery, door design, floor and ceiling coverings.

The possibilities that open up when decorating walls with wallpaper in two colors are endless. And since in creating a personal space, first of all, you need to be guided by your own preferences, it is possible that you will discover your original gluing technology.

And if suddenly at the end of your repair you get too extravagant and unusual interior, do not rush to redo it. Remember that your know-how can be a new word in interior design and subsequently gain a huge number of fans.