Garden review. How to make pickled apples

Soaked apples are the most common type of preparation of this fruit. They are closed not only in their pure form, but often add rowan, cabbage, honey, straw. Properly soaked fruits can be stored for up to half a year, or even until the next harvest. Previously, soaking was done only in wooden barrels, now delicious apples come out of glass containers.

Small-sized fruits are usually selected for the pickled apple recipe so that they are saturated with the marinade as much as possible. Apples are the best late varieties. They should be firm and well ripened. If you have antonovka, titovka, pepin or anise in your garden, do not miss the moment and be sure to soak the apples in any way provided below.

Urine apples must be strictly free of rotten and damaged areas, otherwise the presence of such can spoil the whole work.

Soaked apples in jars

For pickled apples in jars, you need to choose 10 kilograms of small ripe fruits. You will also need 200 grams of sugar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, subsequently diluted with 5 liters of water. The aroma of such a drug will be given by the leaves. fruit trees and bushes in a bunch: currant, cherry, raspberry, lemon balm or.


If the fruits are of different sizes, then those that are larger should be placed at the bottom of the jar.

Soaked apples in a barrel

Apples soaked in a barrel have a distinctive taste than soaked in jars. For storage in such a container, you will need 5 kg of apples, and more, it all depends on the size of the barrel. As additional ingredients, 20 pieces of leaves, grapes and cherries will act, you can add straw, 200 grams of rye flour. Prepared for marinade: 250 grams of sugar, 50 grams of salt, 5 liters running water.


Instead of a wooden barrel, you can use an enameled metal one.

Soaked apples with cabbage

Soaked apples with cabbage will be infused in a regular saucepan, so for 3 kilograms of fruits you need to choose enameled dishes of the appropriate volume. Complement the dish with 4 kg of cabbage and 3 pieces of medium-sized carrots. The marinade will consist of 3 tbsp. spoons of salt and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, soluble in 1 glass of water.


Urination is an old canning technique whose simplicity and reliability can only be admired. But even more than the technology itself, its result is surprising - an exquisite, noble taste of pickled fruits and berries, which with its piquancy can be compared with expensive aged cheeses, and with subtlety - with old vintage wines. Soaked apples are a bit like kvass - they also invigorate, just as refreshing, they also explode with small air bubbles and give lightness to a stomach burdened with fatty foods.

If you do everything carefully when laying apples, and during their storage you are not too lazy to carry out simple prophylaxis against souring and mold, then the apples will be kept clean and fragrant until the fruits of the new crop claim their place in the cellar.

Soaked apples for the winter is an old Russian tradition. At home, apples are wetted in barrels, buckets and jars. It is clear that barrels are the “home conditions” of a villager, while buckets and cans are relevant for a city dweller. I will soak in buckets, choosing a compromise, but the essence of the technology is the same for both the bucket and the can. And this essence is classical, “barrel”.


  • salt 1 st. l. with a small hill
  • sugar 1 st. l. with a small hill

How to wet apples for the winter

There are several options and many variations of urinating apples for the winter, which differ in the layer of fruits, the composition of the brine and storage conditions. I will give, probably, the simplest of them, because the city dweller does not have any oak barrel, nor rye straw, but this does not mean that apples cannot be soaked in the city for the winter. At the same time, during the recipe I will make notes for those who can still get an inventory that is rare today.

So, for starters, we select and cook apples. Best, surest wet apples of the Antonovka variety. Pepin Lithuanian (Pepinka) is also suitable and some other hard winter or medium grades.

If you plan to store pickled apples for a long time, they should be freshly picked. If you need a quick starter, let it lie in a box for a week or 10 days.

So that the brine does not turn sour and moldy, make sure that the apples are constantly immersed in it, and wash the oppression from time to time.

The most common way to harvest apples for the cold season is to soak them. You can cook this traditional Russian dish at home or in the country. Now you will learn how to make pickled apples so that you can enjoy their impeccable taste in winter.

fruit barrel recipe

To cook in such a container, stock up on the following products:

  • Antonovka apples - 5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • rye flour - 200 g;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • leaves of cherry, currant - 40 pcs.;
  • water - 5 l.

Cooking method:

A simple fruit preparation recipe

How to make soaked apples to use a minimum of ingredients? For this method, you will need the following elements:

  • apples - 10 kg;
  • boiled water - 5 l;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • salt - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash ripe fruits and arrange them in clean 3-liter jars.
  2. Stir sugar and salt in warm boiled water, and then set aside the pan so that the contents cool completely.
  3. Pour the apples with a solution and close with plastic lids, and then place the bottles in a warm place. Soaked apples in jars should ferment for about 4 days.
  4. After the time has passed, rearrange the containers in the cellar, after a month you can enjoy the taste of a Russian traditional dish. This recipe for pickled apples for the winter is quite simple, and it uses a minimum of ingredients, so you can easily make a harvest in this way.

Fruits with mint

This option will require the following components:

A traditional Russian delicacy is pickled apples in a barrel. Read the recipe for this dish below.

  1. Rinse fruits and twigs with water.
  2. Boil water and then cool to a temperature of 45 degrees. Add honey, salt, flour and stir all ingredients. Leave the solution to infuse for 3 hours.
  3. After the time has elapsed, start putting the ingredients in the bottles according to this principle: put one part of the mint sprigs on the bottom, then a layer of apples, then again a perennial, fruit on top - and so on until the end. Soaked apples in jars will turn out if you fill them with prepared must and close the container with clean plastic lids.
  4. Soak the fruit at a temperature of 15 degrees for a month.

Preparation with the addition of cinnamon and mustard

This method is suitable for those housewives who like to experiment. The recipe for soaked apples for the winter is described below, but first let's get acquainted with the ingredients for its preparation:

Despite the fact that the number of components for this cooking method is many, such a recipe for pickled apples for the winter is quite simple, and any housewife can do it.

  1. Rinse fruits under running warm water.
  2. Put the leaves in a clean enameled pan, and then carefully identify the apples.
  3. Prepare a spicy solution: separately pour water into another pan and determine it for boiling gas. Add honey, mustard, cloves, cinnamon and salt to the saucepan, and when the whole composition boils, remove the resulting foam and turn off the burner.
  4. With a slightly cooled solution, pour the prepared apples so that they are completely in the liquid.
  5. Cover the pan with a plate so that the fruit does not float up, and leave the container with the contents in the room for three days.
  6. After three days, move the stewpan to the refrigerator, and only after 2 months you can taste the soaked apples.

Harvesting method with rowan

How else can you cook pickled apples in a barrel? The recipe with the addition of bitter berries is simple, and for its implementation you will need the following components:

  • apples - 10 kg;
  • mountain ash - 1.5 kg;
  • honey - 250 g;
  • boiled water - 5 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash fruits and berries under water so that no dirt and extra leaves remain on the products.
  2. Evenly place apples and mountain ash in a wooden barrel.
  3. In boiled warm water dissolve the honey, and when the liquid has cooled, fill it with your workpiece, cover it with a clean cloth on top and press down with a load.
  4. Place the container in a warm place for fermentation for 3 days, and then move it to the cellar. Soaked apples in a barrel, the recipe of which has just been described, will be ready only after 1 month, and then you can enjoy the taste of this traditional Russian dish.

  1. Choose fruits for urination whole, not wrinkled, not wormy.
  2. For this harvesting method, you need to choose varieties with juicy pulp and sour taste, for example, Antonovka, Anis, Titovka, Pepin.
  3. Always make sure that the soaked apples are covered with must, otherwise they will simply go bad.
  4. In the process of soaking in the barrel, mold may appear on top, it must be cleaned regularly so as not to spoil the taste of the fruit.

Now you know how to make pickled apples and what harvesting methods you can use. To make your fruits taste good, choose correct varieties, and also observe the proportions in the preparation and follow the exposure time.

abundance useful substances and pleasant taste make pickled apples favorites on the table. They can be cooked in different ways by adding different ingredients which makes them even more delicious. How to cook pickled apples is the topic of the article.

Previously, apples were soaked in order to prepare provisions for the winter. Now there is no longer such a need to harvest apples, because they can be purchased in the supermarket all year round, but pickled apples are so useful product, so their popularity does not decrease at all and almost every housewife tries to harvest them further. And if earlier they only guessed about their benefits, now numerous studies have proven that pickled apples are the most important product on our table.

The apple itself is a unique fruit with an ideal ratio of nutrients. No wonder they say that two apples a day eliminate the need to visit a doctor during the year. But in the process of fermentation, the benefits of apples are doubled. This happens as a result of lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. As a result of the activity of anaerobic bacteria, a lot of organic acids and vitamin C appear in apples. However, it is important to remember that in addition to useful substances, pickled apples contain about 1.8% alcohol, which makes them somewhat pungent in taste.

Benefits of pickled apples:

  • due to the increased content of lactic acid in pickled apples, vitamins in their composition are absorbed much better;
  • the presence of fiber in apples allows you to improve the work of the digestive tract;
  • lactic acid bacteria in apples normalize the intestinal microflora, which increases immunity and helps the body fight infections and systemic diseases;
  • soaked apples have a low calorie content (47 kcal / 100 g), so they help to lose weight without compromising health;
  • pickled apples are rich in calcium, therefore they are indicated for osteoporosis and joint pathologies;
  • apples also contain a lot of vitamin K, which supports blood vessels, and vitamin A, which is necessary for vision, hair and skin;
  • soaked apples contain a huge amount of B vitamins, so their use allows you to normalize the function of the nervous and hormonal systems.

It would seem that the absolute benefit is a reason for everyone to use pickled apples. But there are some minor limitations here. This product contains many organic acids, the use of which is contraindicated for people with pathologies such as gastritis and other gastrointestinal lesions with hyperacidity. And the presence of alcohols makes pickled apples unsuitable for consumption by children and pregnant women.

What apples can be wetted, varieties of apples for urination

Apples with a high content of sugars, which are necessary for full fermentation, are suitable for urination. In addition, varieties for urination should have a dense peel, and the pulp should be elastic. Based on these requirements, only autumn-winter varieties are used for urination, for example, Welsey, Antonovka, Slavyanka, Babushkino, Orange, Ranet, Melba or Kamenichka.

Summer varieties can also be harvested, but they must be wetted immediately after harvest, at which time they must be fully ripe. If you wet winter apples, after picking they are kept for about 20 days for sufficient saccharification.

When choosing autumn varieties, apples are obtained with a delicate sourness and more juicy pulp, and if winter varieties are prepared, apples will be sweet and sour with a crumbly texture.

How many days to soak apples

The fermentation process that occurs in the process of urinating apples is quite long. On average, they are wetted from 30 to 60 days. Cooking time is determined by many factors: technology, ingredients used, air temperature.

Recipe for pickled apples for the winter

For cooking yourself simple recipe pickled apples you need:

  • a bucket of apples;
  • 0.4 kg of sugar;
  • 3 art. l. rock salt;
  • mint leaves, raspberries, cherries.

How to cook:

  • Discard crushed and rotten apples, wash the fruits and dry with a towel.
  • Put half of the prepared leaves on the bottom of the barrel.
  • Lay the apples on top, cover them with the remaining leaves.
  • Dissolve the bulk ingredients in a liter of water, bring the marinade to a boil.
  • After cooling, dilute the marinade with water to a volume of 5 liters.
  • Pour apples completely with marinade, put any weight on top.
  • Gradually pour the marinade into the barrel over the course of a week.
  • Take the barrel to a cold room for 1.5 months.

Easy Pickled Apple Recipe

The primitive way of urinating apples took place in wooden barrels. Now the cooking process has been greatly simplified thanks to the advent of plastic containers. Consider the simplest recipe for pickled apples in a plastic barrel.


  • Pour boiling water over a plastic container.
  • Put some washed leaves on the bottom.
  • Then lay out the balls of apples and some more leaves on top.
  • Fill the bucket in this order.
  • Mix salt, water and sugar, pour apples with the resulting solution.
  • Press down the apples with a plate, placing a container of water on it.
  • Remove the oppression after 4 days, remove the foam that has appeared from the apples, close the bucket with a lid.
  • For 45-60 days, take the apples to the cellar.
  • After this period, soaked apples can be tasted.

How to make pickled apples for the winter in a 3 liter jar

Try rolling the apples right into the jar. They will remind fresh apples, but have a slight aftertaste of fermentation.


  • 1.1 kg of apples;
  • 3.5 Art. l. vinegar;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • a couple of leaves of horseradish;
  • 20 g of salt;
  • 6 leaves of cherry and currant;
  • 2 cloves;
  • water.


  • Place cloves, leaves, apples in a sterilized jar, pour boiling water over them for 3 minutes.
  • Drain the water and boil it again, add vinegar, as well as salt and sugar.
  • Pour apples with marinade and roll up.

How to cook pickled apples Antonovka

This variety of apples is often prepared according to classic recipe, but you can change it a little by adding new ingredients - mustard, honey, spices.

  • Prepare a barrel or glass container, sterilize.
  • Put clean leaves on the bottom, then apples.
  • Dissolve the remaining ingredients in hot water, strain, fill apples with a solution.
  • Cover the fruit container with a lid and wait a couple of days until a characteristic fermentation foam appears. This will happen in about 5 days.
  • Then move the fruits for storage in the cellar for 2 months.

Soaked apples in a bucket recipe, step by step

An interesting appetizer is pickled apples with pumpkin puree. The pumpkin acts as a must and also gives the apples interesting flavor and sweet taste.

  • Choose a large nutmeg pumpkin, remove the seeds and skin.

  • Cut the pumpkin and boil in water until tender.
  • Puree pumpkin with an immersion blender.

  • Put the leaves, fruit and pumpkin puree in a clean bucket.

  • Be sure to build a cargo for 30 days.

Pickled apples White filling

White fillingearly variety with soft flesh and fresh taste. And, despite the fact that winter varieties are recommended to wet, White filling can also be deliciously prepared.

  • Apples should not be overripe. They need to be washed and sent together with the leaves in a sterile glass jar.
  • Stir bulk products in water, pour apples with liquid.
  • Then cover the jar with gauze, after 4 days remove the foam and cork the jar with a lid.
  • After 1.5 months, apples can be eaten.

Step-by-step recipe for pickled apples in a barrel

The taste of soaked apples in a wooden barrel cannot be replaced. If you have the opportunity to use the following recipe, be sure to do it. Believe me, you won't regret it!


  • 5 kg of apples;
  • 125 g of honey;
  • 4.5 liters of water;
  • 62 g salt;
  • 55 g cherry leaves;
  • Cinnamon, cloves to taste.


  • Sort the apples, wash them, fill them with a barrel, line the bottom with cherry leaves.
  • Prepare the marinade: honey, salt, spices, add to water, boil, let cool.
  • Pour over the apples, set them under oppression and keep in a cool place.

Soaked apples with mustard

Apples in combination with mustard powder acquire an exquisite taste and spicy aroma. Such a dish can be served as a separate and self-sufficient meal. It is advisable to cook such apples in wooden barrels so as not to spoil the expected taste.

  • Dilute malt in 100 ml of water.
  • Stir sugar salt into hot water.
  • Put the leaves and mustard on the bottom.
  • Lay the washed apples, add the marinade.
  • Put oppression on apples for 7 days. Keep a barrel of apples at +20⁰С. Add water to the barrel as needed.
  • Then transfer the barrel to the cellar and start tasting after two months.

Video: pickled apples

You will learn the secrets of harvesting pickled apples from the video:

Soaked apples with rye flour

An ingredient such as rye flour makes pickled apples a very unusual dish. Such a recipe belongs to Polish cuisine and deserves to be in your cookbook.

  • Wash the apples and leaves, sterilize the container with the lid.
  • Lay the leaves and fruit in layers.
  • Combine all bulk products, dissolve and pour apples with marinade.
  • Soak the apples under pressure for 3-6 weeks, and then send them to storage.

Pickled apples with straw

Often pickled apples are made using straw. It's pretty interesting method cooking, so consider it in more detail.


  • a bundle of straw;
  • 10 g of salt;
  • 10 kg of Pepin apples;
  • litere of water;
  • 2 tbsp. rye malt;
  • 7 g mustard powder.

How to cook:

  • Since the recipe uses the late Pepin variety, spread the apples on paper in a cool room for 5 days.
  • Then put the washed apples into a barrel, fill them with water to determine the required amount of liquid: the apples should completely “drown”. Drain the water into a handy container.
  • Line the bottom of the barrel with straw, place apples on top.
  • Malt, boiling water (use measured water), salt, as well as mustard and flour, stir until smooth.
  • Pour the fruits with the cooled brine, cover the barrel with sterile gauze.
  • Put a wooden circle and oppression on the gauze.
  • Keep fruits 55 days in a cool room. By the end of this time they will be ready.

Recipe for pickled apples with honey

If you are a lover of everything new and extraordinary, cook chopped apples with honey. Sweetish taste with notes of basil and blackcurrant will be a spicy surprise for you and you will definitely like it.

How to cook:

  • Cut the washed apples into quarters.
  • Put a currant leaf, basil, then apples on the bottom of the container.
  • Prepare a solution from honey, salt and boiled water, pour apple slices into it.
  • Set oppression on apples, keep warm for no longer than a week.
  • Close the container with a lid, soak for a month.

Recipe for pickled apples with cabbage

apples with sauerkraut― a great pair of french fries and other side dishes.

How to cook:

  • Grate the carrot and chop the cabbage.
  • Add sugar to the vegetables and remember them with your hands.
  • Put the washed apples in a clean container, cover them with cabbage on top and press it down tightly.
  • Put cabbage leaves on top, leave the container for 14 days.
  • Next, take the apples out to the cold. The product is ready for use in exactly one month.

Soaked apples are delicious and easy to prepare. Try new recipes, experiment with apple varieties and delight your loved ones with a firework of flavors!