Dream Interpretation why dead cats dream. Dead cat interpretation of the dream book. What is the dream of a dead cat

Dead cat seen in real life- not a pleasant sight. But most dream books interpret such a dream plot as a favorable symbol.

It is believed that after such a dream, problems that seemed serious will be easily resolved, and the dreamer's ill-wishers will self-destruct.

The exact meaning depends on the circumstances of the dream.

Interpretation depending on the circumstances of the dream

If the cat's corpse was:

  • Near own house dreamer - soon we should expect unpleasant news from close relatives.
  • In the middle of the road - obstacles will appear on the way to the intended goal. It is likely that there is a two-faced envious person in the environment who prevents the sleeper from achieving success and is trying with all his might to ruin his life.
  • In the dreamer's apartment or house - soon small problems and troubles will appear in life that can be quickly resolved, but their presence will spoil the mood for a long time.
  • AT in large numbers the corpses of cats were scattered along the street, but this picture was quickly passed, then all the problems that seem serious can be quickly eliminated.
  • In the box - people from the past will remind you of the unseemly actions of the sleeping person, which will excite his conscience again.
  • On the threshold of the house - something will prevent a major scandal from happening, because of which the sleeper could be in distress.

Depending on coat color:

  • Dead cat with black hair good sign, since in real life such an animal symbolizes trouble and failure. Her death is a symbol of victory over many problems, an improvement in relationships with family and at work. Some other interpreters regard such a dream as ridding the dreamer of his own bad qualities such as envy or excessive laziness.
  • If a dead black the cat was lying on the sleeping bed, then this can be a signal of adultery or extreme distrust between partners, which has a detrimental effect on relationships.
  • To step on such a corpse - in life a person will have to perform actions that are contrary to his character and principles.
  • The corpse of a cat with white hair warns that seemingly minor problems will develop into a real problem that will be very difficult to deal with on your own. It is worth prematurely paying attention to small troubles and trying to solve them before the moment when they become large-scale.

If in a dream:

  • The corpse of the animal was beheaded, which means that in real life the dreamer will have to face obstacles and difficulties on the way to the cherished goal. But the result will not keep you waiting and will certainly please. Also, such a plot can talk about problems at work, one of the colleagues will be very sensitive to the promotion of the sleeping person and will intrigue.
  • The corpse of the purr was in a pool of blood - loved ones are in some danger. It is worth warning them to take a closer look at their own health and be wary of new acquaintances.
  • There are many corpses of cats everywhere - soon you will have to find yourself in a shameful situation because of hypocritical, envious friends. But there are pluses in this - such people will leave the life of a sleeping person after that.
  • A dead cat suddenly came to life - abandoned cases from the past will remind you of themselves again. There might be some minor tweaks.
  • If the cat drowned in front of the dreamer, one should be wary of problems in the love sphere, any quarrel can lead to a break in relations.
  • The purr died right in the hands of the sleeping man - a symbol that the dreamer feels great discomfort from the position in which he is now. Perhaps he is tormented by unrequited feelings or at work he does not take his place.
  • Near the cat's corpse were her live kittens - you need to pay more attention to your own children, perhaps right now they need moral support and friendly advice. For childless people, such a dream speaks of their dissatisfaction with their own behavior. It is worth reconsidering your attitude towards people and trying to change.
  • Both the cat and the dog dreamed of the dead - the enemies will be defeated, but this will not bring any satisfaction. On the contrary, the dreamer will be overcome by sadness and sadness from what happened.
  • A cat with a cut throat portends disappointment in the closest people who, at first glance, were the most devoted.
  • A cat dreamed of a dead cat, which in real life is alive and feels great - it is worth abandoning major planned events and trips for a while.
  • Two corpses purr - a good sign. Impending problems will disappear, perhaps complete strangers will help in this.
  • For a man, a dream in which he strangled a purr with his own hands means an early deliverance from an annoying life partner who drove him day after day.
  • I dreamed of a strongly decomposed corpse of a cat - in real life, the sleeping person is looking for a solution to his problems on the surface, although you need to look much deeper for a successful resolution of troubles.

If after sleeping with a dead cat:

  • The sleeper experienced relief, joy - people who deliberately made the dreamer's life worse will leave life on their own.
  • I experienced grief, sadness - there are people in the environment who are trying to slander the dreamer, to humiliate him. Most often, such people become relatives and friends, whom you can’t even think of.

Interpretation according to different dream books

By Miller's dream book:

  • The death of the cat occurred in front of the sleeping man - his business will go uphill and his reputation will increase.
  • Holding a corpse in your arms - the dreamer will adequately get out of an uncomfortable position. For entrepreneurs, such a dream is a symbol of victory over envious people and competitors who are trying to hinder the development of the business.
  • If kittens died in a dream from a snake bite - in real life envious people themselves will suffer from their own machinations.

By Wangi's dream book:

  • Dead cat - success awaits in all matters, things will go uphill.

Many associate cats with troubles, sad news, which is why the death of an animal in a dream is perceived by many interpreters as an auspicious symbol.

Despite the fact that a dead cat causes discomfort and associations, in a dream such a symbol most often carries a favorable prediction. In order for the interpretation to be as complete as possible, it is worth considering other details of the dream, for example, under what circumstances did you see a dead animal, what did you feel, etc.

Why is a dead cat dreaming?

Night vision, where featured dead cat with white wool, warns that at first glance, small problems will eventually turn into a real tragedy, which will be very difficult to deal with. If a dead cat was lying on the road, it means that an unpleasant person who spread gossip and set up various negative situations will soon leave the dreamer's life. Such a “loss” will positively affect life in general. Night vision, where the decomposing corpse of an animal appeared, means that some events of the past will remind of themselves. If a dead cat came to life, it means that soon things abandoned in the past will remind of themselves. Even such a dream can be a harbinger of good news. In the event that the cat drowned, then in reality one should expect problems in the love sphere.

Why dream of a lot of dead cats?

Such a dream plot is an unfavorable symbol, which means that an unpleasant situation will soon arise, and this can become a cause of shame. One of the dream books considers night vision about a large number of dead cats to be evidence that in the future it will be possible to get rid of insincere friends.

Why is a dead black cat dreaming?

Since a black animal symbolizes various troubles, a dream where she is dead is a good sign promising victory over rivals. Another such dream portends an improvement in relations in the family and at work. In one from dream books, a dead black cat is considered a symbol of the bad sides of the dreamer's character.

Why dream of a dead cat without a head?

Such an unpleasant picture in a dream personifies a serious struggle that awaits the dreamer in the very near future. You will have to make a lot of effort to get what you want, but believe me, the result will be worth it.

What is the dream of a dead cat in blood?

An animal in a pool of blood symbolizes the troubles that close relatives will have. It is recommended to warn dear people to be careful and not trust strangers and take better care of their health.

Dream interpretation dead cat

The appearance of a cat in a dream is interpreted by most dream books as a bad sign, and exact value dreams depend only on which cat you saw. So, for example, if you dreamed of a dead cat, it means that changes will soon await you in reality - some person who is personally unpleasant to you or is plotting evil against you will soon disappear from your life.

Carefully recall your feelings in a dream. If, when you saw a dead cat in a dream, you felt relieved, it means that this is really a symbol of an evil, bad person, and the death of a cat means that in the near future you will somehow manage to get rid of it. If, on the contrary, you feel sad or very worried, the interpretation of a dream about a dead cat will be slightly different. In this case, you should think about whether there are false friends in your immediate environment who are trying to discredit you behind your back. Also, a dead cat in a dream can be a warning that someone is trying to spoil you.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about a cat are about, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a cat in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

What is the dream of a dead cat?

Only the most general information give traditional dream books if the user sends them a request, what is the dream of a dead cat. The reason is in the significance of this animal, which is also one of ancient symbols known all over the world.

For example, if a person kills a cat in his dream, this may mean his struggle with himself, his imperfection. If a dead cat belongs to any woman, then, most likely, this is a symbol of an attempt to end relations with this representative of the fair sex, or the need to get away from love spells.

A cat dying in a dream, if this action takes place on the threshold of the house of the one who has a dream, this is a good sign. It is believed that in this case a person will avoid illness or avoid big troubles in the near future. And if a cat is strangled by a dog, it means that the intrigues of envious people can be overcome thanks to unexpected help. Seeing a decomposed corpse of a cat in a dream means that unpleasant events will return from the past and will again remind you of yourself. The same corpse, but found in a box, can turn into accusations of previous actions that have a generally unseemly color.

Of course, dreams are just anxieties that are stored in a person’s memory at the subconscious level. They are the result of available information, colored by evaluative emotions. And they break into sleep in order to warn the body. For example, a dreaming cat symbolizes failure, but only if it could not be driven away.

If the dream contains visions of an attacking cat, then in real life this can turn into the machinations of enemies. Expelled by the efforts of the one who has a dream, the cat is interpreted as overcoming all obstacles. If in a dream the cat is skinny and dirty, this may mean receiving bad news about temporarily absent loved ones. It may also indicate imminent misfortune with one of your friends. And if the cat managed to be driven away, then the friend will recover after a serious illness. If a cat meows, this is most likely a warning that a person pretending to be a friend is actually an enemy. The cat scratched - competitors will deprive those incomes that were previously calculated. A dream with the "participation" of a young woman in whose hands a kitten is interpreted as a danger to her, in which she may find herself due to the immoral behavior of one of the people around her.

A particularly disturbing "bell" can mean a dream about a cat for entrepreneurs. This is a call to start working more intensively, as competitors set out to crush the business of the one who has this dream. A snow-white cat in a dream - troubles that previously seemed not so serious, but, in fact, can have much more serious consequences than previously thought. A handed package containing a dead cat is a signal that enemies are collecting compromising evidence. And an attempt to bury a dead cat suggests that it is unlikely that you will be able to hide your intentions from others. Miller's dream book gives an explanation for such a dream as an unhealthy situation in business, a deterioration in well-being. If a cat rushes at a person who has a dream, then this means a reference to those enemies who are capable of anything, just to tarnish their reputation and deprive them of their wealth.

There are many interpretations, but the main thing is not to be upset after what you see. Without exception, all interpreters are sure that if sensations after sleep do not conceal anxiety, positive ones are good! Some dream books give an explanation of what they saw in a dream dead cat like victory in the fight against trouble! A cat in the house - to a long life.

It is not by chance that a dream with the “participation” of a cat is of great importance in all interpretations. The figure of this animal at all times was associated with many mysterious forces, including those inherent in a woman. Therefore, for example, Nostradamus' cat gives references to many events that supposedly will take place in the 21st century.

Why is a black cat dreaming?

It is worth paying attention to how the cat behaves in a dream. For example, if he attacks, that is, bites or scratches the dreamer, then this means that some kind of evil enemy will soon strike. You need to deal with this so that there are no unpleasant situations.

A black cat that behaves friendly towards the one who had this dream means that a good, favorable and peaceful period will soon come. Quarrels with loved ones will stop and the person will find peace of mind. But you should still be on your guard, soon such a happy period can change dramatically in the opposite direction.

If a person in a dream hears the meowing of a cat, but cannot find it herself, then this is a sign that the dreamer will soon be deceived by those from whom he could not expect this.

The Small Velesov Dream Interpretation predicts that a black cat in a dream is a sign of many troubles, both small and large, just as it can mean a fight with a close friend, but do not worry, a truce will come soon.

Also, it may mean that someone will violate an important agreement, which will lead to a hopeless situation. A cat can also dream that a married man will quarrel with his wife.

A bad sign if a black cat dreamed on the night of Monday to Tuesday. After this dream, you should not be too risky, this can lead to serious trouble. If you had a dream on Saturday night - a good omen.

If a black cat crosses the road in a dream, it means that all hopes and dreams will collapse. But you should not believe in this dream, if the animal had a collar, such a dream has an empty meaning and does not bode well for the dreamer in the near future.

A black cat, which lies calmly on the rug and sleeps, means that all the enemies of the dreamer do not yet want to harm him. A bad sign is if a black cat jumped out at the dreamer with a hiss in a dream.

Tsvetkov's dream book says that a black cat dreams of tears and resentment, as well as that the enemy is waiting for the dreamer. A cat that catches a mouse in a dream is a harbinger of wealth and unexpected profits.

If in a dream the dreamer watches a cat fight with another cat, this means that in reality he will be able to defeat all enemies, courageously resist them and resist their onslaught.

AT modern dream book it is said that if a person sees black kittens in a dream, this is for profit. A cat walking towards the dreamer - soon there will be a meeting with an old enemy, which may end badly.

A cat that meows strangely, or even hysterically, is a request for help that will be very difficult to fulfill. But if you try, you will be able to help a person who needs it.

Being bitten in a dream by a black cat means that soon someone will weave intrigues against the dreamer, the enemies will slander him, but you should not pay attention to this.

If the dreamer sees someone else being bitten by a black cat, this is a sign that the person who dreamed of this will hold a grudge against his friend, and if this is not sorted out in time, this will lead to the acquaintance becoming an enemy to the dreamer .

Also, if a girl hears a cat meow, then she will soon receive a hypocritical declaration of love. You should not believe this, so that unpleasant situations do not happen later.

Dead black cat - the dreamer's enemy will soon disappear. Life will become easier and more confident. Playing with a cat is a betrayal. A dreamer who hurts a cat in a dream has a bad conscience, something is eating him, but he is not going to act and correct this situation.

You should not do this, if your conscience torments you, you should fix it - apologize to those who have been harmed.

A cat that a man dreamed of means that some woman he knows is showing an unhealthy interest in him.

The woman dreamed of a black cat - soon she will have a rather strong rival. It will be possible to get rid of it only if you listen to your partner and in no case be rude, otherwise nothing will come of it.

What is the dream of a black cat also explains French dream book. It says that a black cat in a dream promises a lot of trouble. It is worth noting that if a black cat lives at the dreamer's house, then such a dream means nothing to him and will not bring trouble.

If you dreamed of a black cat, then you should not be very upset, you need to pay attention to how a person treats cats in real life - this is also very important. If he really loves cats, then nothing bad should happen to him.

Dream Interpretation Kill a cat

Why dream of killing a cat in a dream

If in a dream you or someone else harms a cat, it means that the one who does this has a bad conscience.

If in a dream you kill a kitten - this is bad sign, the dream says that in real life you will miss good opportunities, and you will have to wait a long time until circumstances are just as favorable. Such a dream may portend a disease.

If you kill an adult cat, the dream may indicate that you have the opportunity to avoid serious trouble.

Dead black cat

Dream Interpretation Dead Black Cat dreamed of why a dead black cat dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dead black cat in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cat

A bad sign, to a fight, a quarrel.

Kittens - for profit.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Dream Interpretation - Cats

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Seeing kittens is for profit.

Dream Interpretation - Cat as a symbol

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Dream Interpretation - Cats

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is holding a cat or a kitten in her arms, then she will be involved in some unseemly deeds.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Dream Interpretation - Cats

what is the dream of a black cat


Lenka Zuber

Numerous "Dream Interpretations", which have survived to this day, interpret the cat for the most part as a harbinger of trouble, betrayal and lies.
A dreaming cat means false friends or betrayal by relatives, as well as failure, unless they could drive the cat away.

Drive out a throwing cat - waiting for a take-off in fate.

Fighting a cat and getting injured by the claws can be expected to suffer from illness.

Cat in anger - get ready for a family quarrel.

The cat scratched - the enemies will deprive you of part of the profit from the deal.

Beat the cat - get into custody.

To kill a cat is the death penalty or mortal danger.

If someone beat or killed a cat in a dream, he will detain the robber.

Angry cats are fighting - you should expect a major quarrel.

Sitting or lying to see - unfinished success in the enterprise.

A skinny, miserable and dirty cat - to bad news: one of your friends or relatives is very sick. But if you manage to drive the cat away, then the friend will recover.

Hearing the squealing and meowing of cats - a false friend seeks to harm you.

For a woman to hold a cat or a kitten in her arms - to be involved in some unseemly deeds.

A merchant to see a cat - competitors will try to destroy his undertakings.

The appearance of a beautiful white cat in a dream promises wealth.

The cat and the snake, friendly towards each other, signify the beginning of a fierce struggle.

Kittens - to minor troubles and irritation.

Dirty, skinny or motley kittens for a woman mean that she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone's unseemly act.

A dreaming cat means bad friends or betrayal by relatives, as well as failure, unless they could drive the cat away.

To see an angry cat is to be robbed by a cunning thief (enemies will try to tarnish their reputation and deprive them of their property).

A snake that kills kittens - enemies who want to harm you will eventually harm themselves.


in general, cats dream of meanness on the part of people, expect bad
when I dream of cats or kittens, I know for sure that something must happen, although sometimes dreams do not come true


Seeing a black cat - an unknown enemy will harm you


If today dreamed, then nothing. Today the dream is not prophetic.

Igor Verkhoglyad

For a change in life


they say that cats dream of deception

A living cat dreams of a dead one

Dream Interpretation Live cat dreams dead dreamed of why in a dream a living cat dreams of a dead one? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of a living cat dreaming of a dead one by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Alive, Dead

Alive floating in clean water active vital and creative forces of the dreamer, to good luck and achievements. Dead stagnation in affairs; prostration; futility of desires. Acquisition rotten fish.

Dream Interpretation - Living, dead water

As a quality given in the perception of sleep, activity, inspiration or passivity, depression.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

A bad sign, to a fight, a quarrel.

Kittens - for profit.

Caressing a cat is distrust, doubt.

The cat goes towards you, crosses the road - to a meeting with the enemy, an insincere person.

Caressing cat - unfortunately in the cat's owner's house.

A cat meows hysterically - a request for help that is difficult to fulfill.

Hear cat meow- receive hypocritical assurances of love.

Hearing the meow of a cat without seeing it is a deception.

A cat has bitten or scratched you - slander or resentment of its owners against you.

Bitten by someone or scratched by a cat - to a slight malaise, your resentment against this person.

Catch a cat - open gossip.

Cat games - to troubles in personal life, identifying enemies.

Cat fight - to experiences.

Playing with a cat in a dream is infidelity.

Black cat - to evil from an unknown enemy.

A dead cat - to the disappearance of an unpleasant person.

To see a strangled cat - your lifestyle will lead to bad consequences.

To cause harm, pain to a cat - to have an unclean conscience.

A man dreamed of a cat - some girl “hunts” for him.

A woman dreamed of a cat - to the appearance of a strong rival.

A cat catches a mouse - to big profits, wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

A cat in a dream is a petty nuisance in the service or problems with his wife. The black cat is a danger. Try not to take risks unnecessarily if you dreamed of a black cat on the night of Monday to Tuesday. If you see such a dream on the night from Friday to Saturday, fate is favorable to you, soon you will receive an unexpectedly large amount of money. black or White cat crossing the road portends a near collapse of plans and hopes. But do not believe in a dream if you see a bow or collar on an animal. This is empty dream, a dream-trick. A cat lying quietly on a rug - you can relax, your ill-wishers hid for a while. A cat jumping out of the bushes, grinning, attacking - do not expect anything good.

By the way, a black cat (not a cat) was considered one of the most important elements of the rite of black magic. One has only to remember Baba Yaga with her stupa and black cat ... Often magical rites were not committed precisely because of the lack of such a necessary attribute as this animal. It was believed that the witch herself could turn into a black cat. The black cat is one of the faces of werewolf sorcerers. Many ancient legends tell how a hero escaped danger by unraveling the trick of a sorcerer or witch. For example, there was such a legend. The witch decided to wipe the hero off the face of the earth, and in order to find out what he was doing, she turned into a cat. The hero, having figured out the trick of the sorceress, cut off the right paw of the cat. The next day, the villagers saw a local sorceress without an arm.

Dream Interpretation - Cats

Seeing a cat in a dream portends failure, unless you can kill it or drive it out of sight. If a cat rushes at you, you will have enemies who will do anything to tarnish your reputation and deprive you of property. But if you drive the cat away, you will overcome huge obstacles, and your destiny and reputation will be on the rise.

If you come across a skinny, miserable and dirty cat - expect bad news: one of your friends is very sick, but if you manage to drive the cat away in a dream, then your friend will recover.

Hearing the squealing and meowing of cats means that your false friend is doing everything to harm you.

Seeing in a dream that a cat scratched you means that the enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from the deal, on the implementation of which you spent a lot of time and effort.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is holding a cat or a kitten in her arms, then she will be involved in some unseemly deeds.

Seeing a pure white cat in a dream means some kind of confusion, uncertainty, which can cause grief and loss of state.

When a trader sees a cat, he should work with maximum return. Since his competitors are destroying his commercial endeavors. He should do everything possible to succeed.

Seeing a cat and a snake in a dream, friendly to each other, means the beginning of a fierce struggle. This means that you support the enemy in order to use him and find out some secret that you think is relevant to you. Unsure of the truth of the information received from him. You will refuse them, as you are afraid that the details of your intimate life will become the subject of gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

To see a cat in a dream is unfavorable, even if it is white / a sign of the disturbing activity of the “anticipatory” organs of the soul.

Caressing a cat is distrust, doubt.

The cat is walking towards you, crossing the road - a meeting with the enemy, a fake person / adultery, debauchery and bad consequences from them.

A caressing cat (cat) is an insidious temptress (seducer) and her machinations / misfortune in the cat's owner's house.

She meows hysterically - a request for help that will be difficult to fulfill / your soul, exhausted by all sorts of desires.

To hear a cat's meow, but not to see it, is a hoax.

Being bitten or scratched by a cat is a disease / slander / evil machinations or resentment of its owners against you.

To see how it happened to another is to experience a slight malaise / be offended by this person.

Catch a cat - discover the source of gossip.

Cat games - damage from debauchery / reveal the intrigues of intruders. Cat fight - mental suffering from conflicting and unbridled aspirations.

Playing with a cat is infidelity.

To see a frightening or unnatural color of a cat or cat - false ideas about oneself, perverted self-knowledge / dissolute personality.

A black cat is evil from an unknown enemy / any evil acting from the outside as a result of weakness and disharmony of spiritual life / evil spells in the power of a person / demonic personality.

A black cat is a personified something: a hole in being, behaving like a person / dark double of a person, opposing his own self with resolute cruelty.

Dead cat - removal of an unpleasant personality.

Strangled - the bad consequences of your lifestyle, a fatal future.

To cause harm, pain to a cat - to have an unclean conscience.

Seeing kittens is for profit.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Seeing is a failure, unless you can kill her or drive her out of sight;
rushes at you - you will have enemies who will do anything to tarnish your reputation and deprive you of property;
drive her away - overcoming huge obstacles, fate and reputation will take off;
a skinny, miserable and dirty cat - bad news - one of your friends is very sick, but if you manage to drive the cat away in a dream, then your friend will recover;
hear the squealing and meowing of cats - your false friend is doing everything to harm you;
the cat scratched you - the enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from the transaction, on the implementation of which you spent a lot of time and effort;
for a young woman - to hold a cat or a kitten in her arms - you will be involved in some unseemly deeds;
to see a pure white cat - confusion, uncertainty, which can cause grief and loss of state;
for a merchant - to see a cat - you should work with maximum efficiency, as competitors are destroying your commercial endeavors;
to see a cat and a snake friendly towards each other is the beginning of a fierce struggle, you support the enemy in order to use it and find out some secret that is relevant to you.
Also see Kitten, Snake, Panther, Dog.

Dream Interpretation - Cats

We saw a cat in a dream and did not drive it away - expect trouble.

If the cat rushed at you and scratched, enemies will appear who will do anything to denigrate your name and deprive you of your property. But, if you drove the cat away, you will overcome all obstacles.

A skinny, miserable and dirty cat dreams of bad news: one of your friends will get sick. I managed to drive the cat away - a friend will recover.

Cats squealing and meowing means that your false friend is doing everything to harm you.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is holding a cat or a kitten in her arms, then she will be involved in some unseemly deeds.

Clean White cat portends confusion and uncertainty.

Dream Interpretation - Cat as a symbol

According to Indian myths, a cat is an animal that belongs to the great goddess, the keeper of all newborns.

Usually this goddess is depicted riding a cat, so in India she is revered as a sacred animal.

According to the beliefs of the ancient Germans, a person who loves cats will be happy in marriage, while the one who has an aversion to cats will marry a grumpy and evil woman.

At least he won't have children.

In all fairy tales, myths and legends, cats accompany witches, goddesses and fairies.

The cat personifies the feminine, softness and charm.

However, later (in the Middle Ages) this animal was considered a companion of witches, so cats were persecuted.

In dreams, a cat symbolizes female attractiveness, magnetism and sensuality.

In Indian mythology, and fairy tales different peoples the forest of the world is the dwelling place of the god-creator.

However, there is another interpretation.

In Vishnuism and Krishnaism, the world is a "forest of eternal joys", a place of mystical experience.

Symbols have a similar interpretation in dreams.

Look into any dream book - the forest has many meanings, but we are interested in a different interpretation.

There are many dangers in the forest, however, one who goes through it to the end can know sensual joys, love and desire.

Dream Interpretation - Cats

These cute animals dream not for good. They are the harbingers of deceit and betrayal. If a girl dreamed of a cat, it means that her chosen one is sly and unreliable. A cat or a cat dreamed of by a young man will also not bring him happiness. The girl he loves will become a real vixen in the future and will not bring him to good. It’s bad when cats come to a merchant in a dream, which means that his servants are no good, they are deceitful and thieving. You can also use a combined dream book. big family promises you a dream about cat family. But your life will be empty and vain. The dream in which you kill a cat means that you will soon reveal the vile plans of your enemies.

The cat I killed

Dream Interpretation Cat I Killed I had a dream about why the cat I killed was dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a cat I killed in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cat

A bad sign, to a fight, a quarrel.

Kittens - for profit.

Caressing a cat is distrust, doubt.

The cat goes towards you, crosses the road - to a meeting with the enemy, an insincere person.

Caressing cat - unfortunately in the cat's owner's house.

A cat meows hysterically - a request for help that is difficult to fulfill.

Hear a cat's meow - receive hypocritical assurances of love.

Hearing the meow of a cat without seeing it is a deception.

A cat has bitten or scratched you - slander or resentment of its owners against you.

Bitten by someone or scratched by a cat - to a slight malaise, your resentment against this person.

Catch a cat - open gossip.

Cat games - to troubles in personal life, identifying enemies.

Cat fight - to experiences.

Playing with a cat in a dream is infidelity.

Black cat - to evil from an unknown enemy.

A dead cat - to the disappearance of an unpleasant person.

To see a strangled cat - your lifestyle will lead to bad consequences.

To cause harm, pain to a cat - to have an unclean conscience.

A man dreamed of a cat - some girl “hunts” for him.

A woman dreamed of a cat - to the appearance of a strong rival.

A cat catches a mouse - to big profits, wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

A cat in a dream is a petty nuisance in the service or problems with his wife. The black cat is a danger. Try not to take risks unnecessarily if you dreamed of a black cat on the night of Monday to Tuesday. If you see such a dream on the night from Friday to Saturday, fate is favorable to you, soon you will receive an unexpectedly large amount of money. A black or white cat crossing the road portends an imminent collapse of plans and hopes. But do not believe in a dream if you see a bow or collar on an animal. It's an empty dream, a fake dream. A cat lying quietly on a rug - you can relax, your ill-wishers hid for a while. A cat jumping out of the bushes, grinning, attacking - do not expect anything good.

By the way, a black cat (not a cat) was considered one of the most important elements of the rite of black magic. One has only to remember Baba Yaga with her stupa and black cat... Often, magical rites were not performed precisely because of the lack of such an essential attribute as this animal. It was believed that the witch herself could turn into a black cat. The black cat is one of the faces of werewolf sorcerers. Many ancient legends tell how a hero escaped danger by unraveling the trick of a sorcerer or witch. For example, there was such a legend. The witch decided to wipe the hero off the face of the earth, and in order to find out what he was doing, she turned into a cat. The hero, having figured out the trick of the sorceress, cut off the right paw of the cat. The next day, the villagers saw a local sorceress without an arm.

Dream Interpretation - Cats

Seeing a cat in a dream portends failure, unless you can kill it or drive it out of sight. If a cat rushes at you, you will have enemies who will do anything to tarnish your reputation and deprive you of property. But if you drive the cat away, you will overcome huge obstacles, and your destiny and reputation will be on the rise.

If you come across a skinny, miserable and dirty cat - expect bad news: one of your friends is very sick, but if you manage to drive the cat away in a dream, then your friend will recover.

Hearing the squealing and meowing of cats means that your false friend is doing everything to harm you.

Seeing in a dream that a cat scratched you means that the enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from the deal, on the implementation of which you spent a lot of time and effort.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is holding a cat or a kitten in her arms, then she will be involved in some unseemly deeds.

Seeing a pure white cat in a dream means some kind of confusion, uncertainty, which can cause grief and loss of state.

When a merchant sees a cat, he should work with maximum efficiency. Since his competitors are destroying his commercial endeavors. He should do everything possible to succeed.

Seeing a cat and a snake in a dream, friendly to each other, means the beginning of a fierce struggle. This means that you support the enemy in order to use him and find out some secret that you think is relevant to you. Unsure of the truth of the information received from him. You will refuse them, as you are afraid that the details of your intimate life will become the subject of gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

To see a cat in a dream is unfavorable, even if it is white / a sign of the disturbing activity of the “anticipatory” organs of the soul.

Caressing a cat is distrust, doubt.

The cat is walking towards you, crossing the road - a meeting with the enemy, a fake person / adultery, debauchery and bad consequences from them.

A caressing cat (cat) is an insidious temptress (seducer) and her machinations / misfortune in the cat's owner's house.

She meows hysterically - a request for help that will be difficult to fulfill / your soul, exhausted by all sorts of desires.

To hear a cat's meow, but not to see it, is a hoax.

Being bitten or scratched by a cat is a disease / slander / evil machinations or resentment of its owners against you.

To see how it happened to another is to experience a slight malaise / be offended by this person.

Catch a cat - discover the source of gossip.

Cat games - damage from debauchery / reveal the intrigues of intruders. Cat fight - mental suffering from conflicting and unbridled aspirations.

Playing with a cat is infidelity.

To see a frightening or unnatural color of a cat or cat - false ideas about oneself, perverted self-knowledge / dissolute personality.

A black cat is evil from an unknown enemy / any evil acting from the outside as a result of weakness and disharmony of spiritual life / evil spells in the power of a person / demonic personality.

A black cat is a personified something: a hole in being, behaving like a person / dark double of a person, opposing his own self with resolute cruelty.

Dead cat - removal of an unpleasant personality.

Strangled - the bad consequences of your lifestyle, a fatal future.

To cause harm, pain to a cat - to have an unclean conscience.

Seeing kittens is for profit.

Dream Interpretation - Cat as a symbol

According to Indian myths, a cat is an animal that belongs to the great goddess, the keeper of all newborns.

Usually this goddess is depicted riding a cat, so in India she is revered as a sacred animal.

According to the beliefs of the ancient Germans, a person who loves cats will be happy in marriage, while the one who has an aversion to cats will marry a grumpy and evil woman.

At least he won't have children.

In all fairy tales, myths and legends, cats accompany witches, goddesses and fairies.

The cat personifies the feminine, softness and charm.

However, later (in the Middle Ages) this animal was considered a companion of witches, so cats were persecuted.

In dreams, a cat symbolizes female attractiveness, magnetism and sensuality.

In Indian mythology, and in the tales of different peoples of the world, the forest is the habitat of the creator god.

However, there is another interpretation.

In Vishnuism and Krishnaism, the world is a "forest of eternal joys", a place of mystical experience.

Symbols have a similar interpretation in dreams.

Look into any dream book - the forest has many meanings, but we are interested in a different interpretation.

There are many dangers in the forest, however, one who goes through it to the end can know sensual joys, love and desire.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Seeing is a failure, unless you can kill her or drive her out of sight;
rushes at you - you will have enemies who will do anything to tarnish your reputation and deprive you of property;
drive her away - overcoming huge obstacles, fate and reputation will take off;
a skinny, miserable and dirty cat - bad news - one of your friends is very sick, but if you manage to drive the cat away in a dream, then your friend will recover;
hear the squealing and meowing of cats - your false friend is doing everything to harm you;
the cat scratched you - the enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from the transaction, on the implementation of which you spent a lot of time and effort;
for a young woman - to hold a cat or a kitten in her arms - you will be involved in some unseemly deeds;
to see a pure white cat - confusion, uncertainty, which can cause grief and loss of state;
for a merchant - to see a cat - you should work with maximum efficiency, as competitors are destroying your commercial endeavors;
to see a cat and a snake friendly towards each other is the beginning of a fierce struggle, you support the enemy in order to use it and find out some secret that is relevant to you.
Also see Kitten, Snake, Panther, Dog.

Dream Interpretation - Cats

We saw a cat in a dream and did not drive it away - expect trouble.

If the cat rushed at you and scratched, enemies will appear who will do anything to denigrate your name and deprive you of your property. But, if you drove the cat away, you will overcome all obstacles.

A skinny, miserable and dirty cat dreams of bad news: one of your friends will get sick. I managed to drive the cat away - a friend will recover.

Cats squealing and meowing means that your false friend is doing everything to harm you.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is holding a cat or a kitten in her arms, then she will be involved in some unseemly deeds.

A pure white cat portends confusion and uncertainty.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

If you dream of a sleeping cat, then behind your back they are making plans against you.

The cat washes - put things in order.

The cat is running - you missed something.

The cat scratched you - litigation is possible.

The cat meows - to minor troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

It is believed that if a person sleeps with a Cat, his mind will go haywire.

Ukrainians know a story about how a forester during a thunderstorm saw a black cat, which the thunder did not take, and shot her with a consecrated tin button.

After that, he had a dream about St.

George and said that he had killed Satan, who had teased the saint for seven years.

The cat has the features of a home patron.

Its presence in the house has a positive effect on the economy and livestock.

They believe that a stolen cat brings happiness to the house.

In an unhappy house, cats are not found and do not dream.

Dream Interpretation - Cats

These cute animals dream not for good. They are the harbingers of deceit and betrayal. If a girl dreamed of a cat, it means that her chosen one is sly and unreliable. A cat or a cat dreamed of by a young man will also not bring him happiness. The girl he loves will become a real vixen in the future and will not bring him to good. It’s bad when cats come to a merchant in a dream, which means that his servants are no good, they are deceitful and thieving. You can also use a combined dream book. A big family promises you a dream about a cat family. But your life will be empty and vain. The dream in which you kill a cat means that you will soon reveal the vile plans of your enemies.

What is the dream of a cat biting on the leg Why is a black veil dreaming

Despite the fact that a dead cat causes discomfort and associations, in a dream such a symbol most often carries auspicious. In order for the interpretation to be as complete as possible, it is worth considering other details of the dream, for example, under what circumstances did you see a dead animal, what did you feel, etc.

Why is a dead cat dreaming?

Night vision, which featured a dead cat with white hair, warns that at first glance, small problems will eventually turn into a real tragedy, which will be very difficult to cope with. If a dead cat was lying on the road, it means that an unpleasant person who spread gossip and set up various negative situations will soon leave the dreamer's life. Such a “loss” will positively affect life in general. Night vision, where the decomposing corpse of an animal appeared, means that some events of the past will remind of themselves. If a dead cat came to life, it means that soon things abandoned in the past will remind of themselves. Even such a dream can be a harbinger of good news. In the event that the cat drowned, then in reality one should expect problems in the love sphere.

Why dream of a lot of dead cats?

Such a dream plot is an unfavorable symbol, which means that an unpleasant situation will soon arise, and this can become a cause of shame. One of the dream books considers night vision about a large number of dead cats to be evidence that in the future it will be possible to get rid of insincere friends.

Why is a dead black cat dreaming?

Since a black animal symbolizes various troubles, a dream where she is dead is a good sign promising victory over rivals. Another such dream portends an improvement in relations in the family and at work. In one from dream books, a dead black cat is considered a symbol of the dreamer's bad sides.

Why dream of a dead cat without a head?

Such an unpleasant picture in a dream personifies a serious struggle that awaits the dreamer in the very near future. You will have to make a lot of effort to get what you want, but believe me, the result will be worth it.

What is the dream of a dead cat in blood?

An animal in a pool of blood symbolizes the troubles that close relatives will have. It is recommended to warn dear people to be careful and not trust strangers and take better care of their health.

Dream interpretation dead cat

The English writer Terry Pratchett, speaking about cats, mentioned their ability to live in some kind of time stream. As soon as the cats appear in the dwelling, it seems like they have always lived here. The world of people is like a stop on their way to something much more interesting.

Symbolism of dreams

The ability of cats to change the shape of the pupils is personified with the phases of the moon; fertility, the ability to see at night, the sparkle in the eyes - turned cats into mysterious animals that are dedicated to mysterious forces. This animal in a dream personifies the sharpness of intuition. Dream books are engaged in deciphering these symbols in the captivity of Morpheus.

Alternative interpretation

Many popular dream books agree that pussies in our dreams represent enemies or ill-wishers.

Therefore, the image of the animal can inform the sleeping person about the need to hear the inner voice, trust intuition.

Miller's dream book

The cat promises failure, her death is a good sign

The psychologist points out that the cat, in itself, in dreams is a harbinger of failure. But just to see her death promises to overcome obstacles and take off the dreamer's reputation.

Holding a dead animal in your arms means a worthy exit from the dubious enterprise in which the dreamer was involved.

For a merchant, such a dream guarantees the collapse of the plans of competitors who are trying to destroy the commercial undertaking of the sleeper.

If in a dream a snake bite caused death to kittens, then your enemies will suffer from their machinations.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The soothsayer indicates that this animal carries negativity in dreams. Seeing them means expecting contention and abuse with relatives in reality.

If the sleeper runs after the cat, expect a meeting with a very narcissistic person.

Many pussies portend shame.

Only when a dead animal dreamed is a guarantee of a successful resolution of all problems and obstacles.

Freud's dream book

The psychoanalyst identifies this domestic animal with the sexual sphere of the sleeper's life. From here, to see how the dreamer tortures or kills him, speaks of the sleeping person's tendency to sadism in intimate life.

I dreamed of a dying cat, this is a sign of fading sexual energy, the maturing of problems in this area.

Modern interpretation

The current interpretations of dreams with kitties have versatile interpretations. Many of them are based on the intuitive abilities of these pets.

Loff's dream book

Listen to your intuition

The pastor believes that the dreamer a pet calls on the sleeper to turn to his own intuition in resolving an important issue that will soon mature.

I dreamed of a dead kitty, speaks of the dreamer's addictions to the occult sciences. However, their use can be detrimental to the sleeper himself.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The medium has the opinion that the purrs seen in a dream promise deceit and betrayal.

If it happened in a dream to kill and eat a cat, this convicts the dreamer of infidelity, which will soon become apparent.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

According to the esoteric, a living cat in dreams promises tears and betrayal. And the death of this animal marks the victory over rivals.

Dream plots

Cats are very mobile dynamic animals. They have a lot of mysterious properties. Dreams with images of these animals are also dynamic and diverse. What is the dream of a dead cat?

  • the suit of the beast;
  • dead kittens;
  • many cats;
  • decomposed animal

Seeing in a dream how a black pussy dies, broadcasts about the failure of the treacherous plans of an open enemy. And I dreamed of the death of a white cat, promises to expose the deceit of a close friend. A dead red kitty symbolizes the final victory over an obsessive rival.

Dead kittens are dreaming, this is a long-awaited death to their complexes, which very much interfered with a peaceful life, did not give the opportunity to establish a personal life.

Seeing a lot of dead cats around you in a dream indicates that you are surrounded by a lot of hidden enemies. They do not sleep, but plot against you. But they do interfere with each other. And thanks to such chaos, they drown each other. Therefore, this dream is a good sign for the dreamer.

A warning will be a dream, where a lot of purrs that were dead dream of coming to life. Your enemies have simply lulled your vigilance. You must not succumb to provocations. Do not believe dubious arguments. Connect your intuition.

If a dead pussy dreamed, already decomposed, this indicates the reason for the insolubility of your problems. You are looking for a solution on the surface, but its roots must be sought in old unfinished business, unfinished disputes.

To catch the death of a cat in a dream on the threshold of a house is a guarantee of avoiding a major scandal that threatens with bad consequences. It doesn't matter what, but something will prevent it from happening.

If you dreamed of a lot of dead cats in a box, be vigilant. Some of your colleagues collect compromising evidence on you in order to tarnish your reputation.

A lifeless animal in a dream is an unpleasant sight. Waking up, we are sometimes tormented by unkind forebodings: why did such a gloomy picture dream? But if you dreamed of a dead cat, do not be alarmed. On the contrary, dream books believe that such a vision suggests that nothing else threatens the sleeping person. However, for more accurate interpretation you need to remember all the nuances of sleep and how you reacted while sleeping to the death of a pet.

What did the animal look like?

Usually a black kitty is a sign that trouble or a showdown is coming. Therefore, it is not so difficult to guess: why is a dead cat with black hair dreaming? According to the dream book, for a woman, such an image portends a victory over a likely rival, and for a man it predicts professional success.

But Miller does not interpret the same dream so optimistically. He suggests that this vision predicts the dreamer loneliness, longing. In addition, the sleeper does not have reliable comrades who are ready to support and protect.

The sorceress Medea tends to think that a dead black cat is a reflection dark sides sleeping soul. If so, then it is interesting to know: what does a dead white pussy mean in a dream? Alas, there is no need to rejoice here. The image warns of problems that will initially seem insignificant to the dreamer, but then he realizes that he is in serious trouble.

According to Miller

In Miller's dream book, a dead cat, oddly enough, is a favorable sign that promises the end of the conflict soon and the maximum distance from the unpleasant person of the opposite sex who pesters.

To strangle a cat in a man’s dream is to break off relations with an annoying companion, in whom interest has long been lost.

Number of corpses

Vanga explains: what several dead cats dreamed of at once. The blind fortuneteller is sure that this is a sign warning the sleeping person that he will become a participant in an unpleasant incident, which he will then be ashamed to even remember.

Dreamed of a lot of cat corpses? Don't worry, upon awakening. Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will find out which of your friends is devoted to you, and which is capable of betrayal. A sad dream about the death of two cats at once, however, portends the dreamer successful outcome any business, and getting rid of many troubles. Moreover, it is possible that absolutely strangers will contribute to this.

A nightmarish phantasmagoria that the whole road is littered with cat corpses, meanwhile, an excellent omen - the enemies are disarmed and will no longer disturb you. In addition, you are lucky, and the circumstances are clearly in your favor.

Did your heart clench with pity when you noticed a dead cat in a dream, and next to it crumbs of kittens? When you wake up, think about your children. The dream interpretation recommends giving them more attention, affection, care.

In a number of dream books, this plot is interpreted differently: it is a reflection of the sleeper's dissatisfaction with his own behavior. Or he is tormented by certain complexes.

Other plots

Your opponent will be defeated, but this, unfortunately, will not bring you joy and the expected profit. And therefore, sadness and disappointment await the one who in a dream saw both the cat and the dog dead at once. The misfortunes, it would seem, forever, remaining in the past, will suddenly remind of themselves, this is what the decomposing corpse of an animal dreamed of. And if you found it in some kind of box, then the dream book warns that people will remind you of some unseemly misdeeds.

In your night dreams, were you surprised that the cat, which was not showing signs of life, suddenly moved and stood on its paws? According to one version of the dream book, troubles and worries will be added. According to the second, the sleeping person will receive news from relatives or acquaintances living far away.

Scary details

A terrible picture in a dream is a cat, and in reality it will turn into misfortunes for the dreamer and his loved ones. A drowned animal is a warning: relations with a partner have come to a standstill, and after another quarrel, you can part with him forever. You will have to be severely disappointed in those people who, it would seem, were the most devoted allies. That's what with a slit throat! A nightmare about a cat without a head predicts a tense stop in the team where you work. Some of your colleagues will be extremely jealous of the fact that you will be offered a higher position in the company.

Loss of a pet

If you saw in a dream your beloved cat, which actually died, then you should know that your pet is trying to warn of an impending disaster.

And if your living kitty dreamed of the dead, then the dream book gives such a decoding to the vision: abandon the planned events, it is better to postpone them for a while! And such a dream tells you that your animal is great.

If you dream of a very real cat bleeding, bloodied, then be careful in communicating with unfamiliar faces, and warn your relatives that you do not need to be frank in conversations with strangers.

In night dreams, does a dead cat show that it is hungry? Then, waking up, think: have you missed something important?

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 02/23/2019

Sleep from Friday to Saturday can also be used in reality. abundance happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus, he says ...