In a dream, hear a kitten meow. If you dream of a cat meowing

A dream in which a cat was seen carries a warning to a person about deceit, failure, quarrel, betrayal of the second half. If at night the cat's meow was clearly heard, the negative meaning of the dream is intensified. Dream books will help a person to figure out what a cat's meow is dreaming of.

What if you dream of a cat meowing?

In the 21st century Dream Interpretation, the meowing of a cat is considered a bad sign. If in a dream a person dreamed of a cat that hysterically meowed, then in real life one of his friends or relatives will turn to him for help. Unfortunately, the dreamer will not be able to help this person, since her request will be difficult to fulfill. In night dreams, a person heard meowing, but did not see a cat? In reality, he risks becoming a victim of deception. In addition, a dream with a cat's meow can warn the sleeping person that the declaration of love that he will hear in the coming days from a representative of the opposite sex will be hypocritical.

The dream interpretation of the interpretation of dreams considers the meowing of a cat a sign that portends the dreamer an adventure in the dark. Agreeing to it, it is important to remember that far from always night adventures end happily for people.

Did you dream of a plaintively meowing cat? The dream book of Felomen portends minor problems to the dreamer. If in a dream your own cat meowed, then in reality the sleeping person will have many admirers who want to have an affair with him. cat meow frightened the dreamer? For the goal to which he aspires in reality, he will have to wage a serious struggle.

A plaintively meowing stray kitten, according to the Alphabetical Dream Interpretation, is a harbinger of minor troubles and misunderstandings with loved ones in a person’s life. A dream in which several meowing cats were seen fighting among themselves promises the sleeper a fierce competitive struggle that can lead him to bankruptcy. Did a woman dream of a tenderly meowing homemade pussy? In reality, she is surrounded by many fans, but none of them meet her requirements and expectations.

Why dream of a cat's meow Autumn dream book? The interpreter promises the dreamer, who heard him in a dream, a wild life. Did a married man clearly hear meowing in his night dreams? Spring dream book portends to him a situation in which he doubts the fidelity of his soulmate.

What portends?

A person who heard a cat's meow in a dream, in real life, will have unpleasant news about the infidelity of a loved one. Such an explanation of the dream can be found in the Newest Dream Book. The interpreter advises the sleeper to maintain self-control and not to rush to break off relations with his lover (or lover). Very soon, the second half will admit his mistake and sincerely repent of treason.

The compiler of the popular dream book, Gustav Miller, was deeply convinced that a cat's meow in a dream warns a sleeping person about the meanness and insincerity of a friend. The one whom the dreamer considers his good friend actually harbored a grudge against him and is doing everything to harm him. But the compilers of the Gypsy dream book are sure that a meowing cat in a night vision portends a sleeping person to minor troubles that will deprive him of peace of mind.

Interpreters believe that the plaintive cat's meow in night dreams does not portend good events to the dreamer. Having heard the voice of a cat in his dream, a person must definitely find out what he portends. If the sleeper is warned of upcoming problems, he will be able to give them a fitting rebuff and avoid unpleasant consequences.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Hear in a dream the plaintive meow of a homeless kitten- portends minor troubles and irritation about misunderstanding of you by friends and relatives.

Affectionate meow of a domestic cat- portends big choice fans for all tastes, none of which, however, will satisfy you.

Evil meow of fighting cats- harbinger of tough competition, which can cause your ruin.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Hear the meow- to doubts about the fidelity of the spouse.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Hear meowing in a dream- to a wild life.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Hear a cat meow in a dream- to night adventures.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Meow- to the love betrayal of your partner.

If you dreamed:

  • If you had a bad dream:

    Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in opened window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

    Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

    Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

    Turn bedding inside out.

    Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Starting for the first time pet, the owner often notices that the cat meows in a dream. This can be worrisome, as the owner usually begins to consider this an aberration. In reality, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the animal does not need help, since the voice is just a response to dreams, the interpretation of the content of which according to the reaction of the animal, unfortunately, is impossible. However, in rare cases, meowing can be a signal of discomfort.

Does a cat really sleep when it meows?

Pets can deceive their owner, pretending to be fast asleep, while they themselves just rest, almost completely covering their eyes. In such a situation, if the cat decided that it was time for him to get his portion of attention, the request would be expressed as follows: he begins to meow without opening his eyes.

The person at this moment is completely sure that his friend is fast asleep, and the cat may begin to meow even hysterically - the way she used to do it during moments of activity.

  • Also, it is not uncommon for animals to only doze off without completely turning off, and can
  • hear what is happening around, to which they often react with meowing, do not open when
  • this eye. In this case, the cat meows not loudly. Sometimes even meowing is more like
  • rumbling on high notes.
  • This behavior is especially common in cats that have free range, as
  • they use up a lot of energy while walking. In the house, pets feel in
  • security and are not afraid to betray their presence with their voice. Cat meowing in a dream
  • usually associated with dreams.

Dreams because of what and meows

Cats are known to have dreams just like humans. They are good or bad, and it is quite difficult for the owner to understand which ones. Depending on the emotional state animal, in a dream it perceives visions calmly or is active. It happens that a cat purrs, sometimes meows in a dream, and often also moves. The animal can move its paws or tail. Not infrequently, in addition to meowing, the cat also hisses and snaps. Such a reaction will mean that she is in no good dream. this moment cannot see. In this situation, she needs help to wake up.

If the cat sleeps calmly, even meowing, and kneads the air or bedding with its paws, this is an indicator that he dreams of childhood when he sucked his mother. A cat from such dreams receives only pleasure, and you should not disturb her.

Pathologies in which meows

In rare cases, when a cat can meow at night, this indicates a trouble with his health. A restless, painful nocturnal cry may be an indicator that the animal has one of the following problems:

  • worms;
  • inflammation and tumors that cause pain;
  • mental disorders.

In all these cases, the cry is a complaint and a request for help that must be fulfilled. It is optimal to show the animal to the veterinarian and carry out competent treatment.

If a cat meows in a dream, it is necessary to find out the reason for this phenomenon.

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Hearing meowing - to doubts about the fidelity of the spouse.

Dreaming "Meow" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Hear meowing in a dream - to a wild life.

What the dream portends: Meow

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To the love betrayal of your partner.

How to interpret the dream "Cats"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Cats in a dream are not a good sign. He portends failure, unless you managed to kill her in a dream, or at least drive her out of sight. If a cat lunges at you, you will have enemies who will go to any lengths to denigrate...

I had a dream "Cat"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Bad sign, to a fight, a quarrel. Kittens - for profit. Caressing a cat is distrust, doubt. The cat goes towards you, crosses the road - to a meeting with the enemy, an insincere person. Caressing cat - unfortunately in the cat's owner's house. Cat meows hysterically...

Dream Interpretation: why Cats dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you see "Cats" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Cats in a dream always portend bad luck (with the exception of dreams in which you killed or drove them away). If a cat attacks you, you will have enemies who will do anything to tarnish your reputation and deprive you of your property. But if you...

Dreaming "Cat, cat" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

You have a hidden and very cunning enemy who harms you on the sly. Black cat - be careful in dealing with strangers. Scratched, bitten you - you will be slandered. Beautiful clean - an insidious seductress will stand in your way. With kittens...

If Cats dream, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing a cat in a dream portends failure, unless you can kill it or drive it out of sight. If a cat rushes at you, you will have enemies who will do anything to tarnish your reputation and deprive you of your property. But …

Why do I dream of Sounds in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Hearing the sounds of a human voice is a sign of finding hope. If these sounds are loud, profit awaits you in reality. If quiet - the enemies are plotting for you, the hubbub of the crowd means that in the near future your participation in conversations will mainly come down to ...

Cats (See in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you dreamed of a cat, then this may symbolize bad luck, unless you drive it away. If in a dream a cat attacks you, then in reality the machinations of enemies await you. However, if you still drove it away, then you will be able to overcome ...

Dream interpretation online - Cats

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

They saw a cat and did not drive it away - expect trouble. If a cat rushed at you and scratched, enemies will appear who will do anything to denigrate your name and deprive you of your property. But, if you drove the cat away, you will overcome all obstacles. Skinny,…

Meow in your sleep

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Cats in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing a cat in a dream portends failure, unless you can kill it or drive it out of sight. If a cat rushes at you, you will have enemies who will do anything to tarnish your reputation and deprive you of your property. But …

Screeching in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Meowing and squealing of cats means that your false friend is doing everything to harm you.

Dream Interpretation: what the Cat is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Petty trouble at work or problems with his wife. Black cat is a danger. Try not to take unnecessary risks if you dreamed of a black cat on the night of Monday to Tuesday. If you see such a dream on the night from Friday to Saturday ...

Dream Interpretation: what the Cat is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

This is an enemy, most often an unfriendly female person. If she acts hostile, attacks, scratches or bites, then your enemy will soon stab you. If she purrs and caresses you, then a peaceful period has come in your life: but be ...

In dreams, a wide variety of, sometimes fantastic events can occur with a person. Often, waking up, we try to understand what this or that object or person that we saw in a dream can mean. As a rule, people interpret what is happening as follows: if you dreamed of something pleasant and good, then such a dream is good. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. It happens that pleasant things in a dream are harbingers of problems and various incidents. One such example is the question: “Why do kittens dream?” We intuitively plan to get an optimistic answer to it. What does such a dream really mean, we will tell you further.

Why do kittens dream

For most people, the image of a kitten is associated only with kind and positive emotions, because these creatures are very cute and harmless. But if it comes to a situation where we see these lovely creatures in a dream, there can no longer be any talk of harmlessness. To the question: “Why do kittens dream?” - the dream book unequivocally answers that kittens symbolize the imminent emergence of various problems, mistakes and conflicts.

Kittens dream of a woman

If a woman dreams of kittens, then she should regard this as a warning of a possible danger in the near future. If a kitten in a dream is fluffy, very cute and literally warms your heart with its appearance, then this means that someone from your immediate environment deliberately and cynically sets a trap for you. Therefore, you should be as careful and prudent as possible and be guided only by reason and common sense.

Screaming or meowing kittens

If in your dream a kitten meows or squeals, then this may mean that someone close to you wished you harm. It is worth being vigilant.

Skinny or dirty kittens

Why do kittens dream of looking thin or dirty? This may mean that if you get too carried away with your own far-fetched problems, you may not notice someone else's bad deeds, which in the end can adversely affect your well-being.

Kitten killing

If you drown or bury kittens in a dream, then this does not bode well. Perhaps disappointment, annoyance, shame await you (some dream books also mention the likelihood of an abortion in this regard). If a kitten is killed in a dream for fun, this is a sign that they intentionally want to hurt you by exposing your feelings and experiences to ridicule.

colorful kittens

Why do kittens dream certain colors? Snow-white animals symbolize deceit due to naivety and excessive gullibility. If in a dream a light-colored kitten caresses you, this means that one of your loved ones needs your care and support. If you see black kittens in a dream, then this should be regarded as a warning of impending troubles.

Runaway and naughty kittens

It happens that in a dream it is generally not clear what is what. Kittens stubbornly refuse to take pictures, as you ask them, for a family cat photo: they scatter, crawl and break out. similar dreams are a harbinger of the fact that perhaps in business you will experience some decline, when everything will literally fall out of your hands.

If kittens dream of a man

Why do kittens dream of a man? For young men, kittens in a dream can be a sign of an impending breakup. If in your dream you are playing with a kitten that behaves quite aggressively, bites and scratches, then expect from your chosen one a large number of problems associated with its harmfulness, vindictiveness and capriciousness. Therefore, you should think about whether it is worth continuing this relationship further.