Worst zodiac sign. Rating of wives by zodiac sign: who is the best

Each zodiac sign is unique in its own way. Representatives of various signs have both positive and negative traits character. AT certain time This or that sign of the zodiac can be considered bad. The personality of a person is formed on the basis of various factors(upbringing, genes). You can consider the negative qualities of representatives of various zodiac signs, but give the title "The Most bad sign zodiac" we will not be anyone.

Aries, according to astrologers, are characterized by an unrestrained and quick-tempered character. They first take some action, and only then - reflect on it. Aries are often irritable and very often become the instigators of disputes.

The worst trait of a Taurus is stubbornness. It is almost impossible to convince Taurus if he has decided something. The unwillingness of Taurus to compromise can play a cruel joke with him. From this stubbornness, first of all, close people suffer. Taurus is a mundane sign, so some representatives may be particularly stingy. The negative features of Taurus include excessive closeness to the world, to everything new. But, despite all the above qualities, Taurus remains faithful to their soulmate.


Geminis are stubborn and two-faced. In life, they can not decide what they need. They are windy by nature, very often change their point of view. They live in illusions, not in real world. The duplicity of Gemini is manifested in the ability to manipulate and lie. Geminis are excellent actors and manipulators, especially in those moments when it is beneficial for them. Oratory skills help Gemini to achieve everything they want. Gemini can make great actors.

Cancer is very touchy. What is in Cancer's soul, no one will ever know. This is a very secretive zodiac sign. Cancer will not open the heart even to itself close person. In addition, representatives of this sign are particularly suspicious.

Lions are proud. Lions love themselves very much, flattery can bribe them. Leo looks down on those around him, feeling his superiority, which may not be supported by some real facts. In addition, Lviv is distinguished by increased jealousy, and a sense of possessiveness is not alien to them. With their jealousy, Lions can bring their loved one.

Virgo is an envious zodiac sign. Virgo is distinguished by a closed character, it is difficult to make contact with others. Representatives of this sign are petty, pay attention to every detail. The opinion of others does not mean anything to them (although, perhaps, this quality can be classified as positive in some situations). In addition, Virgo (especially for the representatives of the male half) is grumpy.

Representatives of this air sign love art. Like other representatives of air signs, Libra is hypocritical. However, they do not acknowledge this fact. They consider themselves highly spiritual personalities who are alien to negative traits. Libra is a very moody and grumpy zodiac sign.

Scorpio outwardly always remains calm, but inside he has processes that are difficult to understand for others. Often, Scorpio has many internal contradictions and problems. If you do dirty tricks to Scorpio, he will remember it. Representatives of this sign are vindictive, so it is better not to offend them. They are very vengeful.

Representatives of this sign can be very cruel. Representatives female half during a quarrel openly express their point of view, regardless of the feelings of the opponent. Only her point of view is correct, the correctness of the opposite point of view is excluded. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by inhumanity. Others must recognize the exclusivity and originality of Sagittarius, otherwise it will be difficult to find mutual language with a representative of this zodiac sign. Sagittarius creates problems for himself life path and solves them himself. But despite this, Sagittarius has a positive outlook on life. Sagittarius is able to make fun of another person behind his back. If you cross his path, he will discuss the offender behind his back.

Capricorn seems very practical, but this is only an appearance. For his household, Capricorn is a tyrant. Capricorn is very strict towards other people. Capricorn has no sense of humor, so you should not joke with representatives of this sign. Capricorn can afford to humiliate another.


Aquarians, like representatives of other air signs, live in an illusory world. They are very romantic, which can attract members of the opposite sex in the initial stages of a romantic relationship. Aquarians are always in the clouds, making various plans, but these plans, as a rule, remain unrealized projects. Aquarius cannot plan their time and save money.

Pisces are good at lying. You cannot rely on them, as representatives of this sign can substitute in the most difficult moment. Very often, Pisces retreat from their goal, give up their cherished dream. It is almost impossible to persuade representatives of this water sign. Pisces can get out of any difficult situation, have excessive secrecy and a dodgy mind. It can be said about the representatives of this sign that they will “get out of the water” from any situation.

Incredible Facts

According to astrology, our personality is not least dependent on our sign. Zodiac.

Some women are born to be part of your world, while others may not notice that you exist.

Read also: Rating of the best husbands by zodiac sign

Of course, it all depends individual features, but if you want to know what kind of wife she will be, it may be worth looking into her horoscope.

The best wives according to the sign of the zodiac

1. Cancer wife (June 21 - July 22)

If you are looking for devotion and a good stable base, then a woman under the sign of Cancer is the perfect partner. Cancer women love family life and they really enjoy being married.

When you marry her, you are marrying a woman who puts all her effort into your union and she will never lie to you.

She is like a she-wolf who stays with the wolf for life. She has good intentions, and she rightfully owns the palm in the ranking of the best wives according to the sign of the Zodiac.

2. Pisces wife (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces women have a unique gift for giving love, and they will spare no effort to make sure you are happy. They have a creative approach, and this partially applies to raising the children they want to raise in marriage.

These women are known for their changeable moods, but if you understand all the nuances of your Pisces character, you will reveal a real flower of beauty and understanding for yourself. In addition, Pisces are loyal and intelligent.

3. Wife of Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Under this sign of the Zodiac, some of the most pleasant people are born, especially when it comes to women. These women have a lively mind, and they set themselves long-term goals that will inspire you.

You will never be betrayed by a Libra woman, as she gets what she wants with the help of kindness, not manipulation. Libra women love sex and romance, and they are ready to experiment.

4. Wife Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

If you have ever encountered a Taurus woman in love disputes, you will understand that such disputes stimulate marriage in a positive way.

Taurus are very smart women and you need to connect with them both body and mind.

As a wife, Taurus is very constant and devoted, and is also a great example of a mother for children.

5. Aquarius wife (January 20 - February 18)

The Aquarius woman is strong and independent, and when she is not living her ideas, she is a very pleasant and unselfish partner.

The only thing you will need to worry about is not being boring, as she does not tolerate boredom in a relationship.

These women are very smart and you need to keep up. But if you match, the Aquarius wife will become one of the best life companions.

Rating of wives by zodiac sign

6. Wife Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

It can be very difficult to combine work, home and children, but to do this while maintaining a happy marriage, and only a Capricorn woman can be very skillful.

When you marry a Capricorn, you are marrying order, mode, and on time bills paid.

This is a very organized woman who can be a real tigress in bed, and at the same time look decent to everyone else.

7. Wife Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Geminis are one of the most loving and sympathetic women until their interests change.

The Gemini wife is truly beautiful, but she tends to throw herself into many things.

She is overly resourceful and will endow you with devotion and love. However, as a Gemini, she has a dual nature, and you may not like her other side at all.

8. Scorpio wife (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio is not the worst choice for a life partner. She will definitely reveal your the best sides. However, you need to have strong character because this woman will demand more from you than you can give.

Still, her tendency to set the bar high can give you something you look forward to. As an intimate partner, she will give you amazing experiences.

9. Wife Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

If you want to marry a Virgo, you need to become an exemplary husband. She has an incredibly developed sense of right and wrong, and while this may be acceptable to her, it may not be right for you at all.

Sometimes it's better for her to just say, "Yes, dear," and if you want to get her love and adoration, you need to get into the habit of indulging her.

If your marriage has lasted long enough, you probably already know this.

10. Leo wife (July 23 - August 22)

She gives everything she has, and having a Lioness as a bride is a real honor. But you should be careful with her mood swings.

When she doesn't get what she wants, she doesn't pout, but she may vent her anger. You may have heard the expression that "We only hurt those we love."

Not all people are created for family life, and astrology helps us understand how a person relates to family life, whether he is able to make compromises, which is necessary to create a strong and happy marriage. Although the concept of the "ideal husband" is individual, some men most have the right qualities to make better husbands.

Here is the rating of husbands by zodiac sign, starting from the worst to the best contenders for life partners.

Worst and best husbands Zodiac sign

12. Gemini Husband (May 21 - June 20)

Men of this sign are considered the worst husbands. If you are looking for a permanent, family man, the breadwinner of a family with traditional foundations, then you need to avoid Gemini men by all means.

Life with him can be beautiful, interesting and exciting, but only if you do not burden him too much.

The problem is, with a Gemini, you never know where you fit in your relationship. Either they feel great and can't wait to be around you, or they act like you barely know them.

Geminis also often like to gamble and are prone to flirting, which can complicate family life.

11. Husband Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius is like raw material from which to make a wonderful husband. He will not bother you or cause you any inconvenience. He will support you financially.

However, the rest of the time he will live in his own world, dreaming about all the possible things that he could bring to life.

His chosen one should be honest and kind, but always ready for new experiences and surprises in family life.

Aquarians are very unpredictable and do not care much about the institution of marriage, and therefore he can quickly marry and also quickly divorce.

10. Pisces Husband (February 19 - March 20)

The Pisces man is prone to extremes when it comes to marriage. He is very idealistic and has an incredible faith in love, being ready to fulfill all his partner's dreams.

However, if he gets frustrated, he finds that he made a bad choice, starts to get lost, shut down, cheat or lie with surprising ease. Sometimes it seems that he is doing everything possible to be abandoned.

The Pisces man needs a practical and down to earth partner who will constantly keep him in a state of balance.

9. Husband Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

The Sagittarius man is romantic, but quite practical, courageous, but gentle, a wonderful lover and caring father.

All you need is to believe in him with all your heart and trust him completely. However, he quickly loses his sense of reality, tends to idealize his partner, which inevitably leads to disappointment and dissatisfaction.

If he finds a partner who is willing to give him some freedom, sharing his ideals and beliefs, he can stay married long enough.

However, if Sagittarius gets tired of the relationship, he immediately begins the search for a new love.

8. Husband Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio men are often described as jealous and possessive. In fact, they become so because of their strong sensitivity and fear that they will be hurt.

When he chooses his life partner, Scorpio will do everything in his power to justify his choice, even if he is not the best.

He can become sullen and emotionally dependent, obsessive and complicated, but few men are capable of such devotion when it comes to love.

To find happiness with him, you must constantly prove your love to him, and leave aside the habits of leadership and falsehood.

7. Husband Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

A man born under the sign of Cancer considers family life one of the most important things in life. He has traditional values, is gentle, devoted and caring.

However, he is not inclined to take the initiative and is not always the protector he would like to be.

While he may seem like the perfect partner, life isn't that easy with him. He can be passive and sometimes overly sensitive, and also tends to resort to verbal aggression due to his fragile gut.

He needs a partner who will give him strength and show him how strong and confident he can be.

6. Husband Aries (March 21 - April 19)

A man born under the sign of Aries quickly decides to get married. He likes to be in charge, and he never runs away from responsibility or from possible conflicts with a partner.

His energy level is very high and often out of reach for his partner, but this will only be a problem if he imposes his opinion and his way of life on his wife.

However, if you deprive him of his way of expressing his personality, his confidence in his sexuality, he will very quickly begin to seek pleasure outside the home.

The best husbands according to the sign of the zodiac

5. Husband Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

A man born under the sign of Virgo is considered one of the most devoted husbands in the zodiac sign. He is very rational and clean, and likes to work hard and provide for his family.

He is not possessive, not very passionate, being conservative, and not very romantic.

However, this is a reliable husband who will never betray you. He will faithfully serve his companion as long as the relationship is meaningful and filled with trust.

4. Husband Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

When Taurus gets married and starts a family, he is usually very devoted to his wife and children and he will try to create Better conditions for your nest. He is gentle and kind and pays attention to the physical pleasures in life.

As a rule, these men know how to cook, and also help their wife and take care of family members, but only if this does not go against his traditional views and needs.

Taurus can really bond with one partner for life and stay in a happy marriage for years.

3. Husband Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra is the sign of the zodiac that symbolizes marriage and relationships in general. A man born under this sign feels a strong pull towards marriage, always looking for love and someone to share his life with.

However, his confidence is easily shaken, and his self-image is often based on other people's opinions.

This man chooses confident partners who suit their overall image. The Libra man is quite passionate, and the one who thinks about others is often a wonderful lover.

He will constantly prove his love to his wife by giving her gifts, breakfast in bed and bouquets of roses for no reason. However, you should not expect him to take out the garbage, as this is not for him.

2. Husband Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

A man born under the sign of Capricorn usually devotes his life to a career and often marries later than the rest of the signs of the zodiac, when he is sure that this fits into his life plans.

You can rely on this man in every sense of the word, and he will do everything to protect his family. His wife will feel completely safe in this union. However, she should not expect violent manifestations of emotions from him. Somewhere deep inside, Capricorn is sensitive and kind, but in Everyday life he seems cold and unemotional.

He can be difficult to communicate with, as he is strict and adamant in his opinion, and he needs a partner with great love and tact to discreetly balance his nature.

1. Husband Leo (July 23 - August 22)

A man born under the sign of Leo is confident, kind and always brings light around him thanks to his huge heart.

Being a child at heart, he becomes a good father, with whom you can laugh, who is supportive and ready to communicate with children.

Despite the reputation of narcissistic men, they are very devoted partners. They are leaders by nature, and if you are comfortable with the idea of ​​your husband taking the lead, Leo is the perfect choice.

If you address him with due respect and admiration, you can expect the same from him.

All people hide their flaws, but they still come out. The Signs of the Zodiac are responsible for this, and we will tell you about the worst character traits of which.

Each Sign of the Zodiac has its own special set of personal flaws, which you need to know about, so that later you don’t sob into the pillow from disappointment with the words: “Well, who would have thought that everything would happen like this, he was so cute at first ...”.

Hot-tempered and self-satisfied Aries

If you met an Aries on your way, who flies through life at full speed, then be prepared for the fact that this person can knock you down by saying everything directly on the forehead. From him reeks of power, inflated conceit and complacency. The one who crosses his path will not be lucky either: the insolent one will instantly experience all the charms that an irritated Aries can give. There will be a lot of action and tears. Aries himself will be fine. In life, this Sign resembles a natural disaster that neither time, nor distance, nor a concrete bunker can stop. Having achieved the goal - whether it be a person, a car, an increase - Aries loses interest in this and rushes further to look for adventures in his sirloin, and having found them, he again steps on the same rake.

Prosperous and stubborn Taurus

Your familiar Taurus will seem cute, sleepy and fluffy, exactly until the moment his interests are hurt. Further, events will begin to develop so rapidly that you yourself will not understand how it happened that the sweetest and most charming person turned into an angry buffalo. And if Taurus has decided something, then it will not be possible to budge him even with the help of tower crane. In addition, Taurus are terrible materialists and are madly in love with money.

Fickle and lazy Gemini

The reputation of the most talkative sign of the Zodiac Gemini was not accidental - plugging a torn carotid artery is much easier than a talking Gemini. This fountain of words is inexhaustible. Geminis seem to be specially created in order to generate ideas and spread rumors that they sincerely believe to be true. In their head, most often there is a complete mess - today they say one thing, tomorrow - quite another, the main thing for them is information exchange. Gemini are fantastic lazybones, only natural charm and the ability to talk about anything saves them in this world, which, by the way, is perfectly monetized and helps to glide through life without delving into it deeply.

Nervous, touchy and shy Cancer

Cancers are true originals. They can be offended to death by a word accidentally thrown at them, but miss something really offensive. So it’s almost impossible to understand what Cancer was offended by. You can guess on the cards, on the coffee grounds, rub the magic ball - the result is the same, poke your finger into the sky. The mood of Cancer changes every minute. Figuratively speaking, you can go to bed with one person and wake up with another. In addition, Cancers are cowardly, so they are sincerely sure that everyone around them is only doing that they are being offended. That is why, at the first opportunity that comes up, they will take revenge on their offender in cold blood, even if he does not suspect that he has somehow offended Cancer.

Domineering and narcissistic Leo

Anyone who meets a Leo usually becomes enamored with him. Attention! This is a demo version: it heats up at a distance, and if you try to get closer, you will burn to the ground. Are the words familiar: despot, abuser, ruler? So this is about Lviv. Favorite pastime is to admire yourself and give orders. Lifestyle is to be the center of attention. A sort of imperious fanatics of their own "I", whose infantilism and selfishness are blocked only by the desire to subordinate people to their power. To say that Leo pulls the blanket over himself is to keep silent. Paired with a bright and unceremonious Leo, recognizing his leading role, you will communicate with those with whom Leo allows, go where he wants, and generally live his life.

Petty and cynical Virgo

Those who believe that Virgos are harmless, meek and charming people are oh so wrong. This is a lie! Such a modest chamomile will easily shave off anyone who, through their negligence, crosses her path. Virgo is a restless, fussy, mercantile, prone to constant analysis and subjective assessments of a cynic and hypocrite. Representatives of this Sign become depressed or anxious for any reason. Their super ability is to completely ignore their mistakes. But they love to point out the mistakes of other people, selflessly and gratuitously correct other people's behavior with caustic criticism, teach life and give advice that is not asked for.

Capricious and self-centered Libra

Libras are polite, romantic and considerate, but only with strangers. It is worth getting to know them better, as soon as stubbornness, whims, tantrums, mood swings, selfishness, obsession with oneself and one's goals come out. As a result, it may seem to you that they put a beehive in your head. In addition, Libra is also mercantile. True, we should give them their due: they have their own code of honor, which they do not violate - since they promised to do something, they will do it with clenched teeth, with a fake smile on their faces, through “I can’t / don’t want to”, but they will . The purpose of life is to marry yourself.

Secretive and vindictive Scorpio

The Scorpio soul is a bottomless sea poisoned by toxic waste. Try to dive there - disappear forever. Scorpio's head is full of obsessive thoughts, ideas and fears. The most mystical and gloomy sign of the Zodiac. You can describe Scorpio in a nutshell - a sort of energy vampire who feeds his pride by humiliating others. Scorpios are irrational, they see life only in black and white and in rare cases are willing to compromise. Refuse to maintain relations with those who do not agree to submit to their control. Argue with him and he will overwhelm you with words so that you will beg to be hit. Those who do not share their point of view will face revenge or terrible revenge.

Tactless Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a fire whose warmth seems so gentle and intoxicating, but only from afar. Get close and that fire will shoot lawsuits. Sagittarius is a hunter for an idle lifestyle and easy money. This is a predator among the Signs of the Zodiac, which loudly, tactlessly stomps through life, most often over the heads. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, who endows his wards with a restless character, arrogance and wastefulness. All Sagittarians, both men and women, are sure that they know everything about life. They are frustrated with the cruelty and lies that reign in this world, so they try to devote their time to enlightening others. They fake smiles and laugh in the face of problems, but behind this shirt-guy mask is hidden aggression, and what else. Because of this restrained rage, Sagittarians can become serial killers, however, they rarely reach a frenzy, preferring moral violence to physical aggression.

Pessimistic and immoral Capricorn

Capricorn seems to be created in order to forever prepare for something epochal and global in his life. They even go to work with the air as if they were going to take an impregnable fortress by storm. Capricorns are most often dissatisfied with their lives: they either rushed to be born, or were late, or mixed up the era. Materialists and pessimists, Capricorns are naive in many matters, like children. When dealing with a representative of this Sign, you will be dealing with a pompous careerist who has planned his whole life in advance and is ready to bite his way. Capricorns do not live - they move towards the goal. These subjects are born with a manic desire to be the first in their herd. Capricorns' ideas about the Olympus of success are completely devoid of objectivity, which is why they lack the patience to follow all their plans.

Unpredictable and gambling Aquarius

Representatives of this Sign are real aliens, the air after which is saturated with electricity and unpredictability. You will never know when the storm is coming, but it will come with such force that it will blow up your familiar world. Almost every Aquarius has its own "fad". Someone recklessly follows in the footsteps of a UFO, someone deduces own formula money, someone lights up with an idea-fix, but quickly burns out. To bring confusion and chaos is the true calling of Aquarius. They choose friends and loved ones from among like-minded people. The circle of acquaintances is the same enthusiasts who are chasing the future instead of living a real and measured life. But the love ship of Aquarius often breaks into everyday life. The only consolation is the children who will continue their work and someday find the treasure ancient civilization in an abandoned sewer.

Disorganized, dreamy and helpless Pisces

Let's be honest: Pisces are free personalities, therefore they freely relate to moral standards. They never know if they have sailed or are still swimming against the current towards their goal, knocking everything in their way with a tsunami wave. Most often, they run away from life because they are dreamers who, moreover, are gullible, disorganized, confused and completely helpless. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the god of illusions, who endows his wards with naivety and a tendency to run away from problems. Through life, these people go ahead, armed with a narrow look and covering their eyes with curtains. They evaluate each action through the prism of their prejudices, which shatters any truth. Fish -

It's time to find out about dark side each sign of the zodiac. According to astrology, representatives of some constellations are characterized by increased cruelty.

The horoscope of anger and cruelty will show you which Zodiac Signs you should be on the lookout for. There are devils in the still waters, so astrologers do not recommend trusting the first impression. Nature has endowed each of us not only with positive qualities, but also with the makings of evil, cruelty and hypocrisy, which can be identified.


Aries - A sign of the fiery element, burning everything to the ground. Representatives of this Sign sometimes get the role of vulgar, boastful, arrogant and cruel people. Aries are gullible and morally vulnerable, which does not prevent them from topping the list of the most evil personalities. If you hurt the feelings of such a proud person, expect trouble. His revenge is comparable to a hurricane, often accompanied by fights and scandals. Fortunately, the warlike Aries do not hold evil for long and go to a truce themselves if you disappeared in time at the time of his rampage.


Pretty peaceful Sign of the Zodiac, but sometimes petty, stingy and sometimes boring. He has kindness and respect for people until such time as they prove the opposite. And here Taurus can be awarded the title of astrological sadist. The main weapon of this Sign is words. Having morally destroyed, telling all your secrets and blunders, setting up many acquaintances against you, Taurus will proclaim you his enemy. He will terrorize and despise until he achieves complete repentance. Forgiveness, of course, you will not wait for a stubborn Taurus.


Gemini is the king of gossip, intrigue and flattery. If there is a representative of this Zodiac Sign in your environment, be sure: he already knows about your secret, is ready to embellish it and tell everything about you in detail on some well-known TV channel. Gemini is fickle, nature pushes them on adventures, sometimes even romantic ones. But if they cause inconvenience, then they do it not from evil, but simply because they are overly emotional and infantile.


Cancers are hypocrites and pretenders. Their manner of life resembles a movement backwards, fear and emotional vulnerability are to blame. The lack of strength makes the representatives of this Zodiac Sign angry and arrogant people. Cancer will gladly mock your mistakes, selfishly refuse a request, or rise at your expense in the eyes of the public. And he also has a big box of grievances, which he often sorts out, remembers, gets offended even more and hides back.

a lion

Graceful and graceful, Leo is an astrological superhero, a favorite of the public and just a sweetheart. Of course, Leo himself thinks so, and those who do not agree with this must be prepared for the instant fury of the fiery Sign. Such people are proud, contemptuous, believe in their own greatness and are terribly proud of themselves. Lions love to take risks, being seasoned adventurers, but any defeat makes them the most cruel and evil representatives of the zodiac circle. If you cross the road to Leo, a serious and terrible opponent will appear in front of you, ready to achieve his goal at any cost.


Virgos are so practical that it becomes a shame for their pettiness. Their desire to streamline everything and lead to the ideal is simply unbearable, they can drive anyone crazy with their nit-picking and teachings. Such people are deprived of the ability to improvise, they are controlled by sober calculation and order in everything. But God forbid, if suddenly the stable system of the Virgin went to hell, and someone from the environment became the culprit. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign do everything slowly, therefore their revenge is served cold, ruthless and prudent. For this, Dev can be safely called an evil and cruel Sign.


Libra - restrained and soft Sign Zodiac. Such people are not inherent in being angry for a long time, accumulating resentments and making grandiose plans for revenge - they already have enough worries without it. Especially if there is no necessary and reliable person next to Libra. In this case, they can prove themselves as astrological losers. Fear, complexes and shyness prevent them from asserting themselves in life. Often, Libra cannot make a decision for a long time, which scares off luck and attracts a complete fiasco.


Scorpions are dangerous even at a distance, but usually close people suffer from their cruelty and skillful revenge. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign are lustful, jealous, suspicious, hypocritical and prone to betrayal. To the whole list of negative qualities, we can add that Scorpios are energy vampires, vindictive and vindictive personalities. It will not be difficult for such people to discuss your shortcomings, throw mud at you, and then apologize for a long time and with rapture in order to stab you in the back again. Better to love and cherish the most dangerous Sign Zodiac.


Sagittarius is a fierce optimist. Aggressive and invincible, the more obstacles, the better for him. hurt for living representative of this Sign quite easily, and in return he will expect a public "execution". Revenge and a one-on-one fight are not interesting to him. Sagittarians need spectators, the love of the public and the public outrage of the enemy. Such people are very vindictive, or rather, they remember the offense all their lives. The favorite punishment of representatives of this Sign is public humiliation and public ridicule. And the longer Sagittarius waited for the hour of reckoning, the more sophisticated his revenge will be.


Capricorn is soulless and very cruel sign Zodiac. The prudent, emotionally cold and selfish representative of the zodiacal circle will not miss the opportunity to prove himself as an evil overseer or public tyrant. The purpose of his life is to suppress others. Capricorns believe that there is no one and nothing better than them, and purposefully go to the goal - to destroy their rival. They do not have a passion for intrigue and gossip, preferring to monotonously, cunningly and tediously deprive a person of the ground under their feet.


A slacker, selfish, and dreamer, Aquarius is a rather friendly Zodiac sign. None of them are avengers and intriguers: they are used to living for themselves, not paying attention to reproaches, obstacles and evil from the outside. They value freedom, avoid work, forget about given promises, do not keep track of time and money. At the forefront of Aquarius is public opinion and status in society, therefore, without a twinge of conscience, they can pour mud on a person, if only to rise at his expense.


Pisces are only at first glance harmless and charming personalities, incapable of evil and betrayal. In their life there will always be a place for deceit, meanness and arrogance. Terribly contradictory and do not know how to keep other people's secrets. Pisces need everything here and now, so a respectable life and work often bores them. Due to their politeness, they will not point out your mistakes and will never admit that you offended them. They would rather disappear from your life, only to reappear a few years later with a serious conversation.