Making an arch with your own hands. Do-it-yourself arch, or how to ennoble a doorway. What are the forms

The transformation of the interior of the premises is done in different ways. One of them is replacing the door with an arch. There are several technologies for its arrangement, but if you look in detail, then almost all of them are similar and quite feasible on their own. Moreover, it is possible to mount both purchased elements of the “arch” and those made independently.

Preparatory activities

Choosing an arch type

Experts recommend focusing on the height of the ceiling and the general style of finishing the room. There are several options for the execution of arched structures, but most of them reduce the opening due to the installation of a supporting frame by about 150 - 200 mm.

  • With low ceilings, it is hardly worth getting rid of interior doors. At the very least, it should be well thought out. The only possible option for finishing the opening after their dismantling is plastering followed by pasting (wallpaper, fabric) to match the walls. Building an arch in this way is quite simple; it is only necessary to correctly process the end parts of the passage. But this version of the design of the room has a significant disadvantage, and therefore does not suit everyone - the absence of a crate makes it impossible to install hidden spotlights in the opening.
  • In some articles on the subject of making an arch, there are recommendations for giving the desired geometry to the passage between rooms using cellular blocks, bricks, or the method of concreting. Not to mention the complexity of such work, it is worth considering the additional load on the floor. And since you still have to deal with the solution, then for an apartment - not the best option.

But if the decision is made, then you should take into account the features of the interior of the home. This will help to correctly determine the optimal type of arch.

  • Classical. The upper part is an arc with a constant radius (semicircle). It is relatively easy to make, as it has the correct geometry. But it is advisable to mount it only in the openings between rooms with high ceilings.
  • "Modern", "Romatica" are well suited for multi-storey buildings. The last type of arches has a large width, and therefore are recommended for installation in the opening leading from the hall to the hallway.
  • "Portal". The fundamental difference from others is that it is a rectangular arch. It is advisable to install it in private buildings. In relation to the apartment, it looks great, but only if the style of the room is dominated by straight lines. A significant advantage of this design is that it is mounted without much difficulty, even in the absence of skills.
  • "Ellipse" and "Trapeze" have a more original shape. When deciding how to make an arch in a doorway according to one of these schemes, it is worth considering that the correct geometry largely depends on the accuracy of calculating the parameters of all elements and radii (corners).

There are other design options for openings: Venetian, Florentine, with "shoulders" and a number of others. But it is so difficult to build an interior arch of any of these varieties that you should not choose them for self-assembly.

Material selection

  • Frame. There are only two options here - wooden slats and metal profiles. It is more difficult to work with the first ones, especially if the vault has a geometry with changing parameters. Bending wood is not only a complex process, but also a long one. In addition, the tree absorbs moisture well, is prone to drying out, and therefore deformation cannot be avoided. In this regard, a door arch assembled on a metal frame is more durable and reliable.

  • Facing. Panels made of plastic or chipboard with lamination look great, besides, they do not require further finishing. The downside is that it is difficult to choose their shade for a specific interior; besides, such an arch will be more expensive. It is better to use elements from fiberboard, plywood (small thickness) or gypsum board. Working with these sheet materials (cutting, bending) is much easier. Plus, the finish can be made any, at your discretion.
  • Must have experience working with wood. It is difficult to bend and, in some cases, process. For example, the selection of grooves, quarters without special tools and fixtures is not done.
  • Lumber still needs to be properly selected. First of all, by breed. Each has its own characteristic features, and the use largely depends on the specifics of the room in terms of microclimate.

Operating procedure

  1. Removing the door frame. The opening must be completely cleared; not only from the frame with the sash, but also from sealing / insulating materials.

  1. Markup. There is one caveat to note at this point; the ends of the wall must be strong. And therefore, if it does not meet this requirement in a separate area, you will have to think about either strengthening it (for example, with a corner), or additional sampling of a part of the material with subsequent alignment. But in the latter case, the size of the opening will increase. This is typical for houses made of wood, if it is found that rot has developed on a beam (log).

  • Dimensions should be taken at several levels. Even if the skew is visually and imperceptible, then when the door arch is mounted with your own hands, difficulties may arise.
  • Many discrepancies raise the question of what to do first - draw up a drawing of the arch or determine the dimensions of the opening. Here it is worth focusing on local specifics. If the material of the walls is easy to process, then it is not difficult to expand the opening. Otherwise, the design parameters will have to be “customized” to fit it.
  1. Support frame attachment. It is assembled in several stages.
  • Arrangement of the main circuit. In accordance with the drawing, all external rails of the vertical installation are “fastened” to the wall.
  • Fastening "vault". Additionally, the upper part of the arch is fixed with hangers, which are located symmetrically across the entire width of the opening.

  • Strengthening the frame. For this, transverse elements are used that are installed along the arch along its entire profile. Approximately - 50 ± 10 cm apart. For GKL, a maximum is also sufficient (about 55 - 60), but if the lining is done with a board, then the interval should be reduced to 45 - 50.
  • Closing gaps. In fact, this is one of the ways to insulate the opening. Depending on the material of the wall and frame, the appropriate agent is selected - mortar, mounting foam, putty or otherwise.

  1. Wiring. As a rule, all arched openings are highlighted. That is why the lines are mounted even before the frame is finished.
  1. Structural cladding. The specifics of fixing the skin elements depends on their material. But they are attached to the rails of the metal profile with self-tapping screws; the easiest and most convenient way. It is only necessary to outline the location of the holes and drill channels for the hardware.

  1. Finishing the arch
  • Putty application. This is necessary to smooth out the roughness.
  • Soil treatment. Such products simultaneously increase the water-repellent properties of the base and the adhesion of the material.
  • Strengthening the finish (if necessary). The edges of the GKL are reinforced with a small corner (made of plastic, with perforation), the surface itself is reinforced with a reinforcing mesh that is glued.
  • Reapplication of putty and primer.
  • Grinding.
  • Finish coating. Possible options are paints and varnishes, decorative films, veneer, wallpaper, stucco, mirrors. There are no stereotypes - your own imagination will tell you what kind to give the opening.

In principle, the process of mounting and finishing the arch for an economic man is not difficult. And if we take into account in advance such a moment as the maintainability of the structure, then they will not arise in the future.

The question of how to make a drywall arch with your own hands is of interest to every homeowner who wants to make changes to the living space on their own. If you familiarize yourself in detail with how to properly mount the arch with your own hands, then there should not be any difficulties.

View of the arch in the doorway

So that the process of installing a drywall arch does not cause difficulties, you should first select a photo on which the frame will be visible, as well as the features of its construction, the main part of the finished profile. Such photos will help to act correctly and avoid errors during the installation process.

The success of the case primarily depends on what materials and what tools the frame and quality are made of. Therefore, due attention should be paid to the issue of tools for labor.

Drywall for the arch

Important Purchases

  1. To realize the plan and make an arch in the apartment at the proper level, you will need:
  2. or an electric jigsaw.
  3. Marking pencil.
  4. Roulette for measurements.
  5. Scissors that cut metal.
  6. Self-tapping screws and dowels should also be stocked in sufficient quantities.
  7. A tool such as a screwdriver is necessary for high-quality installation of the structure.
  8. A knife that is used as a stationery.
  9. Sandpaper is also needed to level the surfaces.
  10. Plasterboard sheets of the required size.

Necessary tools and material for work

How to take measurements

Another important step in the process of installing drywall arches are measurements. It depends on them:

  • The amount of materials needed to implement the idea.
  • How much money will be needed to purchase raw materials, to install a plasterboard arch in the opening between rooms in a house or apartment.
  • How correct the shape of the structure will be.
  • Which frame under the plasterboard arch to install for maximum stability.

Measurements for installing a drywall arch are carried out as follows:

  • First, the dimensions of the length and width of the vertical frame are determined.
  • The next step is to measure the upper part of the arched opening.

The dimensions of the arches depending on the width of the doorways
  • If the design is non-standard, then it is better to measure step by step, carefully measuring each segment, in which the arch will be placed in the future.

Step-by-step measurement of the place where to install the arch

cutting drywall

To make the required sheets for creating a drywall arch, they should be cut out, strictly adhering to the parameters of the previously made measurements. To get the perfect arch, you need to understand what materials can be used in the process of cutting strips of the required diameter.

Drywall cutting occurs according to the parameters of the design data


To mark and cut strips of the required size, you can use the following tools:

  • Roulette, ruler, level. These tools will help make the layout of the GKL.

Construction marking tools
  • Construction knife. Cutting a profile with such a tool requires some skills, so if a person has never done such work with his own hands, it is better to prefer another drywall cutting tool.
  • A hacksaw is also used. How to do this, the video of a given topic will tell.
  • Electric jigsaw. Having given preference to such a tool, everyone will understand how to use it himself. This device can be, which has non-standard rounded shapes. The jigsaw blade allows you to cut a model that will not require additional profile adjustments after the job is completed.

Drywall Cutting Tools
  • With the help of an electric drill, even the most sophisticated work can be carried out. With this tool, you can create a variety of designs for the arch in the space of a house or apartment. With the help of the device, non-standard shapes are cut out, with which the interior design will become extraordinary.
  • A planer will be needed to give a complete look. You can perform work at the stage when the structure is in the opening.

Read also

Design of plasterboard semi-arches

Methods for cutting drywall

There are several types of cutting drywall sheets, allowing everyone to install it with their own hands, in the hallway, living room, choosing the necessary method for themselves:

Standard drywall cutting is done in a straight line
curly cutting is used when cutting non-standard shapes

The names themselves speak for themselves. Nevertheless, it is worth understanding the features and nuances of each of the cutting methods.

Standard cutting

If it is planned to install a regular-style arch in the former doorway, without additional bends and geometric shapes, then you can use the standard cutting method. This type of preparation of sheets for the implementation of the procedure for arranging an arched structure is performed in a certain order. Step-by-step instruction of actions, the following:

  • Marking a sheet with a pencil or other writing object.

  • Then a long ruler is applied to the drywall sheet, and along it it is necessary to cut the drywall plate with the selected tool.

  • If you get any flaws, you can treat the surface with sandpaper or. It all depends on how noticeable the bumps are.

This method can cut rectangular or square pieces of drywall.

Curly cutting

Interior arches can have intricate and unusual shapes and sizes. To do the job beautifully, you need to know the details and nuances of the process of cutting drywall sheets. In order to avoid errors, it is better to have in front of you a photo of the design that will be installed in the doorway.

For the correct cutting of drywall structures, step-by-step instructions will also be required. She is next:

First, as with standard cutting, they start with markings.

It is necessary to make markings for the drywall thread

The next step is choosing a tool for the job. Most often for figured cutting of drywall use:

  • Electric drill with a cylindrical nozzle. This device makes round holes. At the same time, you don’t even have to markup, because a special nozzle will help to make a circle that is perfect in shape. And it doesn’t matter at all whether the owner of the house has done similar procedures before or not, experience is not necessary for such activities.

  • An electric jigsaw will help cut out elements of various shapes, not only round ones. Any geometric solutions will be translated into reality, so very soon a wonderful design made of lightweight material will appear in the doorway, that is, in its former place.

  • Hacksaw for plasterboard materials. This tool will help cut any geometric shapes and small details from drywall. Using a hacksaw, special attention must be paid to marking the drywall sheet and drawing the contours of the future product or sheet that will be attached to the frame.

  • Knife and hammer. These tools can be used in the absence of professional instruments.

After the desired sheet is cut out, irregularities are removed on it.

Installation of a metal frame

When all the profile cutting procedures are completed, they begin to attach the sheets to the frame. This issue should be approached responsibly, because it depends on what the appearance of the arches will be upon completion of the work.

The frame is one of the most important parts. From how well the design is made when fixing the profile, regardless of how much the material costs and what is the price of the tools purchased for installation, the most important thing is correctness and clarity in work. In order to carry out the necessary manipulations, in a coordinated manner, one should correctly measure the height and length in the opening where the arch is planned.

It looks like a metal frame of the arch

It is also very important, when a frame is made for a drywall arch in a corridor, hallway, kitchen or rooms, to take into account the weight of the structure. Thanks to this, it is possible to clearly determine which beams are needed in terms of complexity and strength.

The following details must be taken into account:

  • They are strengthened with the help of or screws, the length of which is selected based on the thickness of the wall and the frame itself.

Metal frame fastening
  • If you plan an uneven arch with bends, it is enough to make cuts on metal beams. After that, they can be bent and create the desired shape.

The arch in the design of the apartment plays a big role. It visually increases the space, and if the owner wishes, it can zone the room. Installation of a drywall arch is easy and inexpensive. By performing a step-by-step algorithm of actions, you can easily solve an important task - to make an even semicircle for the structure.

Arch in the interior of the house

The arch in the interior performs several functions. First, she zones the room. This may be a separation between the kitchen and the hall, access to the balcony. Secondly, they make the apartment larger and visually brighter. Thirdly, when creating a structure instead of a doorway, there is no need to choose doors that can make the room small and dark. Creating lighting in arched openings will be additional lighting at night, as well as an addition to the overall design of the apartment.

How to make a drywall arch? Before proceeding with the step-by-step instructions, you should familiarize yourself with the types of arches.

By size, shape, figured openings from drywall are divided into types:

  1. Drywall semi-arch. It looks like a semicircle on one side, the second - remains a right angle. It looks in an apartment with a design - minimalism, art deco.
  2. Classic arch. The top has the shape of a semicircle, which coincides in radius with the width of the door frame. It can be installed instead of the door to the kitchen, exit from the corridor to the living room.
  3. "Modern" - plasterboard arch. A small semicircle at the top of the doorway sharply turning into vertical straight door frames. It is mainly mounted instead of a door to a room or an exit to a balcony.
  4. "Romance" - rounded corners, but a straight line at the top. Mounted in a large opening instead of two doors - the entrance from the corridor to the hall.
  5. "Elips" - plasterboard arch. It differs from "romance" in its greater roundness. It all depends on the size of the doorway at a standard height.
  6. "Trapeze". These are broken lines around the entire perimeter of the arch. Such a drywall construction is rarely used in apartment design.
Types of arch shapes

To improve the interior, a variety of arched openings, shelves for interior elements are often placed on the side, plasterboard niches are created, handrails and through windows are installed.

Before making a drywall arch, you need to take the dimensions of the door, know exactly the type of construction, get acquainted with the methods of erecting a frame under the arch.

Necessary materials

For the production of drywall arches, materials will be needed. Only initially it should be decided from what material the frame for the arched structure will be created. An excellent option is a metal profile.

It is worth noting that the wooden frame is created only in a dry room. The building must undergo shrinkage. Since the tree “breathes”, the room must always have the same temperature, as well as a normal level of humidity.

So consider what is required in the manufacture of GKL:

  1. Drywall. What drywall is needed for the arch? For the ends you will need a GCR with a thickness of 12.5mm., For a semicircle - 9.5mm (or arched).
  2. Guide and rack profiles. Arched profile Knauf.
  3. Reinforcing paper tape Knauf.
  4. Primer.
  5. Self-tapping screws for profiles or for wood.
  6. Putty "Knauf Fugen".
  7. Putty "Finish".

Drywall 9.5 mm. bending to the desired radius is easier than 12.5mm. There are 2 methods for bending a sheet.

The "wet" method requires accuracy and time. Plasterboard sheets should be bent if the bending radius is large. Drywall is applied to the metal frame and from the center to the edge, carefully, step by step, the sheet is bent with its fixation with self-tapping screws.

This method requires the use of a needle roller. With this tool, you need to go over the surface of the GKL (only in one direction, and not back and forth), then moisten the surface. Drywall is required to be left overnight on a special layout. In the morning, the sheet will dry and take the form of a layout.

Another option is notches along the entire length of the fold. Notches are made on the cut sheet of drywall (the steeper the radius, the more often the notches).

According to the previously made layout, all dimensions are transferred to the GCR. With the help of a home-made compass (a simple pencil is attached to the profile or a wooden plank at the end), the second end is fixed at the point of intersection of the lines for the height of the arch and its width. With a circular motion of the plank on the drywall from the pencil, a trace will remain in the form of a semicircle. With a construction knife or electric jigsaw, the drawn sketch is cut out in two parts. After that, 2 rectangles should be cut out (the side of the arch).

Profiles: types and applications

When creating a drywall construction, the basis is a frame made of metal profiles. Stroy market offers the following types of profile:

  1. Guide - the main profile in the creation of various types of frame.
  2. Rack - a profile with which jumpers are created. It is also essential in creating partition walls, leveling walls, and creating drywall products.
  3. Ceiling - applicable for ceiling structures made of plasterboard.
  4. Arched - used only to create a metal frame of an arch or curvilinear forms for drywall.

There are ready-made solutions with an arched profile, but unfortunately you won’t be able to buy in a regular store.
Creating a frame using an arched profile

Each profile has its own function. If this element is not used for its intended purpose, the frame will be flimsy or not work at all.

Knowing about profiles, you can understand how to make a drywall arch more durable.

Initially, for a high-quality arch, the Knauf factory offers to bend the profile to your size using the cold profile bending method. The cost of 1 m is 700 rubles. Craftsmen learned how to bend with their own hands by cutting.

Tools for installing drywall arches

For the construction of a drywall arch, a set of tools is required that will help make the job easy and fast.

  1. For marking you will need a simple pencil, meter or tape measure, as well as a ruler.
  2. To create a frame: scissors for cutting metal, a screwdriver or a set of screwdrivers, a level, a construction knife and a set of blades for it.
  3. For finishing: a container for mixing the solution, a set of spatulas with a narrow and wide spoon, grout (sandpaper), roller, brush.
  4. You may need a needle roller, a chamfer planer.

With this set of tools, you can safely start creating a drywall arch.

Creating a drywall arch

Creating an arched opening requires following step-by-step instructions.

It consists of several stages:

  1. Preparatory work.
  2. Installation of a frame for a drywall arch.
  3. Plasterboard sheathing.
  4. Finishing work.

By following these instructions, you can avoid mistakes, and the arch will turn out to be strong, beautiful, emphasizing the design of the apartment and making it bright and cozy.

drywall arch design

The arrangement of arches is different. To produce this design, you need to decide on its shape and type. Next, you need to measure the doorway: its width and height.

After that, take the cardboard and apply the future design on it according to the measurements taken. To create a semicircle of the arch, you need to take the center of the doorway and go down from it to a height where the highest point of the arch will be - measure this distance. From this point, you should measure down the distance where the arch will smoothly transition into vertical racks. It also requires the width of the arch (this is the width of the doorway).

Having cut out the arch from cardboard, it is necessary to attach it to the doorway and look at the layout from the side. It is necessary that the arch is not low - for this you can deepen the center of the layout and the semicircle smoothly passes into the pillars of the doorway.

With a superimposed layout, it is also worth deciding on the finishing material (painting, wallpaper, gypsum stone), as well as lighting (throughout the entire arch or just the top), or maybe in general, lighting fixtures will be superfluous.

It should be noted separately that when creating an arch, the correct round shape of the arch is very rarely used. Arches of a larger radius look beautiful. Therefore, it is important to determine which is better to make a semicircle in the design.

Preparatory work

To create an arch frame, preparatory work is required:

Remove old doors. Use a vacuum cleaner to collect all the dust, as well as remove all the pebbles, possibly debris.

If holes appear, they should be covered up. Expand the cracks a little, plaster with reinforced tape.

Working with the wireframe

The guide profile should be bent in the shape of a semicircle on drywall. To do this, take a profile and cut the sides of the profile with scissors for cutting metal. Cuts should be made at a certain distance from each other. If the profile should be bent into a small radius, then the incisions will be more frequent, if the radius is large, incisions can be made every 6 cm. When using the Knauf arched profile, cutting the side parts of the profile is not required. To mount the arch frame, you need 2 parts of a curved profile.

Trying on the layout of the arch, the elements of the future design should fit freely in the opening.

Installation of a metal frame for the arch

In order for the frame for the arch to be rigid and durable, it is required to use high-quality metal profiles. It is necessary to fix the guide profiles at the top and on the sides of the door entrance.
They should be attached to the base, slightly retreating from the edges of the doorway. This size should be equal to the thickness of the drywall sheet. To do this, holes should be made in brick or concrete that match the size of the dowels. Profiles are fastened with self-tapping screws every 20-30 cm. if the doorway is wide, jumpers are placed between the carrier profile, fixed to both the wall and the profiles.

For the strength of the fastening of the drywall frame, jumpers should be fixed along the entire radius of the installed curved profile. They are mainly cut from a rack profile and attached to a curved metal with self-tapping screws. The distance from each other should be no more than 10 cm.

After fixing all the elements of the frame, it needs to be checked for evenness and strength. If the frame base is wobbly or uneven, you need to correct the errors.

Upon completion of work with metal profiles, if desired, you can. To do this, a cable in the corrugation is launched into the frame and pulled.

Sheathing the frame with drywall

The created solid frame is sheathed with pre-prepared drywall. In order to make a drywall arch not only durable, but also beautiful, you need:

  1. Fix the front side. The cut parts of the semicircle are carefully mounted on the frame base using self-tapping screws. Hats should be slightly “drowned” in the GKL installation so that they do not interfere with finishing work and do not disturb the evenness of the surface.
  2. When the two plasterboard parts of the front side are firmly fixed on the frame base, you can proceed to the sheathing inside the arch. To do this, you will need prepared curved drywall parts.
  3. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the sheet with a screwdriver (screwdriver) at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. not more often.
  4. Curved drywall must be attached to the frame carefully and slowly so that it does not deform and burst.
  5. The rest of the side part to the floor is sewn up with a cut sheet of drywall of the desired size according to the depth of the doorway.

Drywall is a strong but brittle material. Keep this in mind when working with him.

If you often fix the screws on the details of the drywall frame, the edge of the sheet may burst or deform.

After sheathing with GKL sheets, you need to do the finishing.

Using a painting arched profile for drywall is an integral part for the manufacture of a frame that creates figured structures and a clear edge of forms. The construction market offers 2 types of this profile:

  1. Made from metal. This element is used to create arches and figured ceilings. The profile is distinguished by its strength, practicality. Applying it, it is not required to resort to various methods of bending a conventional profile.
  2. Plastic arch profile. Not so practical, but the elastic element allows you to create figures of small radii. In this case, there should be no weighting on the drywall construction. These curly plasterboard products serve only as decorative elements.

Finishing plasterboard arches

Drywall finishing plays an important role in the strength of the structure. All joints of the created arch should be reinforced. For this there is a special putty and reinforcing tape.

  1. must be diluted according to the instructions on the package.
  2. A thin layer of mortar is applied to the joint with a thin spatula and a reinforced tape is laid on top.
  3. After the tape and mortar have dried, it is required to apply another layer of putty.

The corners of the arch must be covered with special reinforcing corners.

After the process is completed, the surface of the arch is covered with a primer. Depending on the finishing material, the drywall product needs to be coated, after drying, rub it with emery cloth.

Arches are an architectural element that has existed since time immemorial. But despite all their archaism, arches are able to bring a twist to the modern one.

Now you can mount drywall sheets - on both sides.

Arch vault construction

When starting to build an interior arch with your own hands, special attention should be paid to the vault. Firstly, this is the most difficult part of the arch to manufacture, and secondly, its shape affects the entire structure.

In addition to the above portal arch, there are several more types:

  • Classical arch or Romanesque(arch in the form of a semicircle);
  • Art Nouveau arch(half of the circle, dissected by a chord. It is similar to the classical one, but with a more gentle arch);
  • pointed arches(the vault is, as it were, made up of two circles that are leaned against each other);
  • Arch "romance"(similar arches are made in very wide openings. The vault is in the form of two arcs connected by a straight gap);
  • Prism(the vault is made without any roundness, consists of straight lines, between which there are obtuse angles).

The sides of the vaults are also made of drywall. From the bottom of the sheets we cut out a recess of the required shape.

Since the prismatic interior arch consists exclusively of straight lines, it is easiest to make it yourself. To make a rounded vault, you will have to sheathe it with curved sheets of drywall in the lower part.

If there is a desire to build an interior arch with your own hands, but there is doubt in your own abilities, then you can use the standard ones or make them to order. Arches can be chosen in various designs, textures and materials.

Wooden arches will look expensive and presentable, but they will not be cheap either. In addition, the material is heavy in every sense. For handmade work, fiberboard or MDF is better suited.

The assembly of the arch must begin from the top.

First, we use the supplied wooden dowels. We assemble a vault from two pairs of panels. We connect with PVA wood glue. After gluing, we wait for drying, and then from below the cornices of the vault.

Then we file the flexible plate of the inner part of the arch- with a margin of at least 10 millimeters.

From the two halves we assemble the vault, the halves are glued to the inner panel.

We install the vault in place and fix it with self-tapping screws or liquid nails. It is necessary to finish the side panels according to the size of the openings with a small margin in length and width.

We also file the platbands, from to so that the cut is inside the arch. Then, with the help of dowels, we mount the platbands in the cornice of the vault. To do this, glue the groove with glue and insert the side panel into it so that the upper edge plunges into the groove.

We do the same with the second half of the arch.