Dunaev Andrey Gennadievich, head of the administration of the Istra district of the Moscow region: biography. Andrey dunaev Dunaev andrey dela

anticormo wrote on March 4th, 2014

Another shocking decision by the governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov to appoint all kinds of swindlers-Varangians to various posts in the authorities and local government of the Moscow region.

It was decided to transfer the Golden Istra district to the well-known political figure Andrei Dunaev, who explanation of the resignation of the Chairman of the Right Cause Party wrote about himself Dunaev is a kind of dog of the regime."

According to the Office of the Press Service of the Governor and the Government of the Moscow Region, on March 5, a working meeting was held between the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov and the leadership of the Istra municipal district.

The head of the municipality, Anna Shcherba, introduced her first deputy and successor, Andrei Dunaev, to the head of the Moscow region, who until 2013 was the chairman of the Just Cause political party.

“I know that you have introduced the position of the first deputy head of the district, and the candidate who is being considered for this position is Andrey Gennadievich Dunaev. I have known Andrey Gennadievich for a long time from his work in parliament, ”Andrey Vorobyov addressed the head of the Istra district.

Anna Shcherba said that after completing all the necessary procedures, Andrey Dunaev can begin his duties: “We held a council of deputies, approved the scheme, introduced a new position, now the staffing table is being formed, and I think that after the holidays, Andrey Gennadievich may already go to work ".

Andrey Vorobyov asked Andrey Dunaev to concentrate his work primarily on investments and the economy: “If our economy is lame, then the leadership transformations that we have outlined will be extremely difficult to implement. The main strategic task is the economy. I will also ask you to pay special attention to healthcare and housing and communal services. We have adopted a federal law this year and we are starting a major overhaul of apartment buildings. It is necessary to explain to the residents the specifics and nuances of this system in as much detail as possible.”

Concluding the meeting, the governor noted that the effective work of Anna Shcherba as the head of the Istra district brought the municipality to leadership positions, and asked Andrey Dunaev to be guided by her experience.

“You are a literate person, you have proven yourself in work in the political structure. Work in the municipality is very difficult. I ask you to follow the example of Anna Nikolaevna - constantly communicate with the residents, - said Andrey Vorobyov. - Anna Nikolaevna loves her district very much. We wanted to invite her to work in the Government of the Moscow Region, but she asked to stay in the Istra district and do what she liked. We agreed, but in any case, this offer stands.”

Here is what Istra.RF reports about the Varangian:

Istrians will be interested in information about the new appointee.
Andrei Gennadyevich Dunaev, politician, ex-leader of the Just Cause party (headed the party from February to December 2012), lawyer. From September 2011 to February 2012, he was the acting chairman of Right Cause, from August 2011 to January 2012, he was the head of the Moscow branch of Right Cause. Founder of the Interregional Legal Consulting Group "Diktum-Faktum". Previously - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Right Cause party (2008-2011). Andrey Gennadyevich Dunaev was born on January 10, 1977. In 1997, he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanization of Reclamation Works of the Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering, and after that, from 1997 to 2001, he served on a contract basis in the Federal Counterintelligence Service. Having started his service as an ensign, in four years Dunaev became a senior lieutenant in the position of senior forensic investigator. During his service, he investigated mainly anti-terrorism cases.

According to the official biography, in 2002-2003 Dunaev "worked in various commercial structures." In an interview with Moskovskiye Novosti, Dunaev once said that he resigned from the Federal Grid Company because "it was very difficult to feed his family, you had to earn money," and that after his dismissal, he worked in his sister's company. The company was engaged in the wholesale supply of flooring, but after employees of the department for combating economic crimes sealed the company's warehouse due to suspicions of smuggling, Dunaev began to look for other work. In 2003, Dunaev graduated from the State University of Management (with honors) with a degree in Jurisprudence, after which he began working in the legal department of LUKOM-A Agency LLC (a subsidiary of NK Lukoil), where he organized the activities of regional representative offices. Simultaneously with his work at Lukoil, in 2006 Dunaev became the founder of the Diktum-Faktum Interregional Legal Consulting Group (specializing in all types of audit, taxes, outsourcing, as well as legal advice). In 2008, Dunaev's name began to be mentioned in connection with the new right-wing party being created by the Kremlin on the basis of the "old" parties Civil Force (GS), the Democratic Party of Russia (DPR) and the Union of Right Forces (SPS). In November 2008, the DPR, SG and SPS were dissolved. It was reported that Dunaev was one of the founders of Right Cause. After the creation of the party, he was elected to its Federal Political Council and approved by the chairman of its executive committee, taking this position under the quota of "Civil Force".

At the same time, Kommersant, citing one of the Right Cause co-chairs, reported that Dunaev's candidacy had been recommended by the Kremlin. Later, in 2011, the president of the Political Analytics Center, Mikhail Tulsky, in an interview with Radio Liberty, spoke about Dunaev as the personal lawyer of Radiy Khabirov, the deputy head of the Russian presidential department for domestic policy, which for a long time was supervised by the now former first deputy head of the presidential administration. administration, Vladislav Surkov, who has long been the country's chief political strategist and is considered the "father" of United Russia. Recall that the current governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, again held senior positions in United Russia for a long time.

Russian public and political figure, head of the administration of the Istra municipal district of the Moscow region since 2014, one of the founders and until 2013 - chairman of the Right Cause party

"Connections / Partners"


"Just cause" can become ultra-right
The Right Cause political party is again conducting an experiment to attract the electorate, this time with the help of rebranding. Party leader Andrei Dunaev during the Saturday congress urged the delegates to think over a new party program, as well as abandon the liberal idea in favor of the national-patriotic one. However, political scientists are sure that no changes in the party can.
Read in full: http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2012/11/06/society/562949985072556

The leader of the "Right Cause" urged associates to abandon the liberal ideology and

"Just Cause" will become a party of national patriots

At the Right Cause congress, which is taking place in the capital, party leader Andrei Dunaev said that he and his colleagues lost the fight for the voter this year, and therefore intend to carry out a deep rebranding of the organization. As a result, Right Cause will cease to be a liberal party and will take a course towards national patriotism.
Read in full: http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2012/11/03/society/562949985062242

"Just Cause" is going to declare itself a party of conservatives

The Saratov branch of the right self-disbanded amid the results of the elections

SARATOV, March 14 - RIA Novosti. The political council of the Saratov regional branch of Right Cause at a meeting on Wednesday announced the dissolution and liquidation of local branches of the party in the region.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20120314/594496450.html

"Just Cause" Dunaev will support Putin in the presidential election

Dunaev does not believe in the prospects of Prokhorov's new party

MOSCOW, February 24 - RIA Novosti. Andrei Dunaev, who is likely to be elected on Friday as the chairman of Right Cause, is not afraid of competition with the party being created by the ex-right leader Mikhail Prokhorov and does not believe in its prospects.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20120224/573824101.html

The right elects the chairman on a non-alternative basis

MOSCOW, February 24 - RIA Novosti. The delegates of the Right Cause congress elect the chairman of the party on a non-alternative basis - only the name of Andrei Dunaev, as well as Vyacheslav Maratkanov, who is proposed to be elected as his deputy, was included in the ballot for secret ballot.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20120224/573716866.html

Broken voting consoles did not prevent the right from opening the congress

MOSCOW, February 24 - RIA Novosti. The right-wingers opened their congress in an unconventional way - the delegates lost control of the voting consoles and decided not to use the buttons, but simply to raise the consoles up.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20120224/573687317.html

Andrey Dunaev nominated himself for the post of chairman of the Right Cause

Andrey Dunaev became the chairman of the Right Cause

Dunaev plans to nominate his candidacy for the post of head of the right

MOSCOW, February 22 - RIA Novosti. Right Cause at the congress on February 24 will not be able to choose a new leader for itself - most likely, Andrey Dunaev will continue to lead the party, only without the prefix "acting".
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20120222/572317468.html

MOSCOW, February 20 - RIA Novosti. Right Cause will meet on February 24 at an extraordinary congress, on its agenda is the question of the future of the party, the right-wing press service reported on Monday.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20120220/570347527.html

Stepashin regrets that Right Cause did not get into the Duma

MOSCOW, January 31 - RIA Novosti. The head of the Accounts Chamber, Sergei Stepashin, who was once elected to the State Duma from Yabloko, regrets that Right Cause could not get representation in the lower house of the Russian parliament.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20120131/552777390.html

The leader of the "Right Cause" denied reports of a possible dissolution of the party

MOSCOW, January 19 - RIA Novosti. Right Cause leader Andrey Dunaev called reports of a possible dissolution of the party rumors.
On Thursday, the newspaper Kommersant, citing a source in Pravoye delo, reported that at a closed meeting of the party political council on January 19, the question of dissolving the party could be raised.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20120119/543570074.html

Right Cause awaits reforms, Dunaev said

MOSCOW, January 19 - RIA Novosti. Right Cause is awaiting reforms, but the party will continue to exist despite serious funding problems and difficulties in finding a new recognizable leader, Andrey Dunaev, acting chairman of the party, told reporters.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20120119/543804312.html

Prokhorov believes that Right Cause should be dissolved

MOSCOW, January 19 - RIA Novosti. Billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, who headed the Just Cause party last summer, believes that this party should be disbanded due to a "strong reputational blow."
In September 2011, a split occurred in the party, and Prokhorov left the organization. And about. Andrey Dunaev became chairman, who said that if he succeeds in the Duma elections, he will remain at the head of the party, and if he fails, he will leave this post. The right took the last place among the seven parties participating in the parliamentary elections - only about 0.6% of voters voted for them. Dunaev assured that he did not go back on his words, but did not want to abandon the party, leaving it even without the right to sign. He began negotiations for a new recognizable chairman, saying that the change in party leadership would take place at the congress in early 2012.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20120119/543252386.html

Right Cause denied information about the termination of funding

Dunaev will leave the post of head of the Moscow branch of the right

MOSCOW, January 18 - RIA Novosti. Andrey Dunaev, acting chairman of Right Cause, will leave on Thursday the post of head of the Moscow branch of the party, but will remain at the head of Right Cause for the time being - the question of a new chairman of the Right, according to him, has not yet been resolved, and negotiations with possible candidates "do not move at all".
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20120118/542378631.html

Basmanny court did not recognize billboards with a portrait of Prokhorov as plagiarism

MOSCOW, December 5 - RIA Novosti. The meeting of the federal political council of the Right Cause party on December 8 will consider the question of who will become the chairman of the right, the acting president told reporters. Chairman Andrey Dunaev.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20111205/507115968.html

"Just cause" will not go to the presidential elections

Andrey Dunaev: "Revolution is good"

The right returned 480 million rubles of donations received under Prokhorov

TOMSK, November 2 - RIA Novosti, Yulia Sokolova. Right Cause has returned 480 million rubles in donations that the party received when it was led by Mikhail Prokhorov, and in the near future the federal political council will consider returning another 60 million rubles, Acting Party Chairman Andrei Dunaev told reporters in Tomsk on Wednesday.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20111102/478498584.html

Dunaev will personally take part in the pre-election TV debate from the right

TOMSK, November 2 - RIA Novosti, Yulia Sokolova. Acting chairman of Right Cause Andrey Dunaev will take part in the pre-election TV debates, in addition to him, the team of 20-25 people will include mainly representatives of the regional branches of the party, Dunaev himself told reporters in Tomsk on Wednesday.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20111102/478541896.html

Prokhorov did not affect the recognition of the "Right Cause", Dunaev believes

TOMSK, November 2 - RIA Novosti, Yulia Sokolova. The level of recognition of the Right Cause has not changed either with the arrival of billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov to the post of party leader, or with his departure, the acting believes. chairman of the right Andrey Dunaev.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20111102/478606567.html

What are the rich associates of Dunaev and Bogdanov

The new leader of Right Cause earned 2.2 million rubles in 2010.

The richest candidate for deputies from the right earns up to 44 million rubles

MOSCOW, October 25 - RIA Novosti. A businessman from Bashkiria, Rafil Mavliev, with an income of more than 44 million rubles, became the richest of the registered candidates for the State Duma from the Just Cause party, according to data published by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation on Tuesday about the property and income of right-wing candidates.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20111025/470763464.html

Having rejected 3.91% of signatures, the CEC registered the Right Cause list

"Just Cause" has no doubt that it will pass to the State Duma

MOSCOW, October 14 - RIA Novosti. Right Cause has no doubts that it will pass to the State Duma of the sixth convocation, Andrei Dunaev, acting chairman of the party, told reporters before handing over the signature sheets required to register the party list with the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20111014/458610674.html

Right Cause does not refuse cooperation with Kudrin

MOSCOW, September 27 - RIA Novosti. The Right Cause party does not refuse to cooperate with ex-Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, who criticized the party, but invites him to take his words back, the head of the executive committee, acting head of the executive committee, told RIA Novosti. party chairman Andrey Dunaev.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20110927/444798608.html

Kudrin considers "Just Cause" an artificial project

MOSCOW, September 27 - RIA Novosti. Aleksey Kudrin, dismissed on Monday by the president from the post of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, said that he did not consider the possibility of becoming the leader of the Right Cause, since he considers this project artificial and discrediting the liberal-democratic idea.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20110927/444759134.html

"Right" decided who will lead them to the State Duma

On September 20, the delegates of the congress of the Right Cause party decided on the federal list of candidates for deputies of the State Duma.
link: http://www.ria.ru/video/20110920/440616104.html

Dunaev expects to head the federal list of "Right Cause"

Andrey Dunaev will head the list of rightists in the elections to the State Duma

MOSCOW, September 19 - RIA Novosti. The federal list of "Right Cause" in the elections to the State Duma will be headed by the head of the executive committee, acting. party chairman Andrei Dunaev, the issue of a new leader at the congress on September 20 will not be discussed, Dunaev told RIA Novosti.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20110919/440094718.html

Dunaev will leave politics if the right does not get into the State Duma

MOSCOW, September 20 - RIA Novosti. The head of the Right Cause executive committee, Andrei Dunaev, may become its chairman if the party enters the Duma in the December elections, otherwise he intends to leave politics. Dunaev himself told this to journalists on the sidelines of the second stage of the party congress taking place on Tuesday.
link: http://www.ria.ru/politics/20110920/440421260.html

Dunaev became acting chairman of Right Cause, a permanent leader will be chosen later

The Right Cause party postponed the election of a new leader, and the head of the federal executive committee, Andrei Dunaev, became acting.

“I would like to ask you not to put up with this question (about the chairman),” Dunaev told opponents of former party leader Mikhail Prokhorov who gathered on Thursday.
link: http://www.gazeta.ru/news/lenta/2011/09/15/n_2010261. shtml

“The leader of the Right Cause was not Dunaev, but Surkov”

In your opinion, who suffered more from the split in the party, Right Cause or Prokhorov?

Firstly, today the debate on whether there are independent parties in the country has ended. Answer: all parties are six, all parties are puppet, all parties are subordinate to the Kremlin. I respect the decision of Prokhorov, I believe that he did the right thing, that he did not turn into a lackey, did not turn into Surkov's bedding and left.

In fact, it was not Dunaev who became the leader of the party, but Surkov became the leader of the party. And whoever he appoints from his subordinates, Solovyov, Minaev, Dunaev, or anyone else, does not matter at all. "Just Cause" is more like a project where at least something could be done independently, does not exist.

Removed by Prokhorov returned to "Just Cause"

The delegates of the Right Cause congress, which is taking place in Moscow at the World Trade Center, have begun the election of the federal political council. The ballot papers include, in particular, Sergei Ryavkin, who was previously expelled from the party and is now reinstated in it, Boris Nadezhdin, the head of the executive committee of the right-wingers Andrei Dunaev, who is now acting
party chairman.
link: http://www.radiomayak.ru/doc. html?id=288672

AND ABOUT. Andrey Dunaev, head of the party's executive committee, appointed chairman of Right Cause

Andrey Dunaev, head of the party's executive committee, has been appointed acting chairman of Right Cause. This decision was made today at an alternative party congress at the World Trade Center in Moscow. On it, as a result of voting, Mikhail Prokhorov was removed from the post of party chairman. In the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the alternative meeting of a just cause was tentatively called legitimate.
link: http://www.svobodanews.ru/archive/ru_news_zone/20110915/ 17/17.html?id=24329215

Dunaev promised to settle accounts with Prokhorov

And about. The chairman of the Right Cause party said that the money invested in the development of the party would be returned to its former leader. Andrey Dunaev, who temporarily took the place of the ousted leader of the Just Cause party, Mikhail Prokhorov, said that the funds he had invested in the development of the organization would be returned to him.
“Everything that is not ours, we do not need,” said the acting chairman of the party, whose words are quoted by Gazeta.Ru.
link: http://www.aif.ru/society/news/92735

Andrey Dunaev was elected acting head of the Right Cause

The chairman of the congress, Andrei Dunaev, was elected deputy chairman of the party by voting. Until the election of the leader of the political association, he will act as head of the Right Cause. The congress participants voted for delegating to A. Dunaev the powers to represent the party in the Central Election Commission and the Ministry of Justice.
link: http://www.ng.ru/politics/news/2011/09/15/1316087421. html

Prokhorov will go to clean Filevsky Park

Entrepreneur Mikhail Prokhorov will come out on Saturday to clean Filevsky Park, the RIA Novosti website reports with reference to the press service of the Right Cause party.

Action "No Garbage!" with the participation of Prokhorov will be held on September 17, Saturday, at 13.00. In addition to the businessman, singers Sati Kazanova and Sasha Savelyeva, producer Alexei Bokov and Yana Rudkovskaya, designers Katya Dobryakova and Maxim Chernitsov, journalists Andrei Kolesnikov and Vyacheslav Murugov and athletes Dinara Safina and Evgeni Plushenko will take part in it.
link: http://www.polit.ru/news/2011/09/15/fili_subbotnik/

The delegates of the congress of the Right Cause party talk about forgery

Many delegates to the Right Cause congress did not find themselves on the list of delegates, including the representative of St. Petersburg, Igor Kucherenko. Perhaps this is done to remove the leader, he suggests.
link: http://www.dp.ru/a/2011/09/14/ Delegati_sezda_partii_P/

Prokhorov and the ex-Zhirinovets will fight with the ex-presidential candidate?

The second congress of the Right Cause removed Mikhail Prokhorov from the leadership of the party

MOSCOW, 15 September. /ITAR-TASS/. The second congress of the Right Cause, organized by the head of the federal executive committee of the party, Andrei Dunaev, and the former leader of the Democratic Party, Andrei Bogdanov, removed Mikhail Prokhorov from the leadership of the party.

Lawyer, acting chairman of the Right Cause party since September 2011, head of the Moscow branch of the Right Cause party since August 2011. Founder of the Interregional Legal Consulting Group "Diktum-Faktum". Previously - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Right Cause party (2008-2011).

Andrey Gennadyevich Dunaev was born on January 10, 1977. According to his official biography, in 1997 he graduated from the mechanical faculty of the Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering, and after that, from 1997 to 2001, he served under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

In 2002-2003, Dunaev "worked in various commercial structures" (no details were given). In 2003, he graduated from the State University of Management (with honors) with a degree in jurisprudence, after which he began working in the legal department of LUKOM-A Agency LLC (a subsidiary of NK LUKOIL), where he organized the activities of regional representative offices.

In 2006, Dunaev became the founder of the Diktum-Faktum Interregional Legal Consulting Group (specialization - all types of audit, taxes, outsourcing, as well as legal advice). The press did not publish data on the political and public life of Dunaev during this period (ed. note).

In 2008, Dunaev's name began to be mentioned in connection with the new right-wing party being created by the Kremlin on the basis of the "old" parties Civil Force (GS), the Democratic Party of Russia (DPR) and the Union of Right Forces (SPS). In November 2008, the DPR, SG and SPS were dissolved. The founding congress of the new party, called Right Cause, held the same month, approved three of its co-chairs - Boris Titov, chairman of Delovaya Rossiya, as well as former SPS deputy chairman Leonid Gozman, and journalist Georgy Bovt. It was reported that Dunaev was one of the founders of Right Cause. After the creation of the party, he was elected to its Federal Political Council and approved by the chairman of its executive committee, taking this position under the quota of "Civil Force". At the same time, the media, which noted that his “political past” as the chairman of the executive committee of Right Cause was “unknown”, indicated that Dunaev’s former party membership was restored by them only “according to polls of ex-party leaders”: in news reports about new appointments Dunaev did not appear as a member of the "Civil Force".

In the same month, Kommersant, citing Titov, reported that Dunaev's candidacy had been recommended by the Kremlin. Later, in 2011, the president of the Political Analytics Center, Mikhail Tulsky, in an interview with Radio Liberty, spoke about Dunaev as the personal lawyer of Radiy Khabirov, deputy head of the Russian presidential department for domestic policy, which is supervised by the first deputy head of the presidential administration, Vladislav Surkov.

As head of the Right Cause executive committee, Dunaev took an active part in the work related to the registration of the organization (it was noted that it was he who "was instructed to deal with the registration of the party in the Ministry of Justice"). The registration certificate for Right Cause was issued on February 18, 2009.

In December 2009, Boris Titov wrote a letter of resignation from the post of co-chairman of Right Cause. He called the reason for his action a conflict with another co-chairman of the party, Gozman, caused by a mismatch of views on "how the party should work." After that, the Kommersant newspaper noted, citing members of the political council of the party, Dunaev was offered his position, but he refused - in his own words, "because of his lack of political experience." In January 2010, the political council of Right Cause, having considered Titov's application, decided that he would remain co-chairman of the party until an extraordinary congress of the organization.

Since the middle of 2009, reports have regularly appeared in the press about the search for the sole leader of Right Cause. In April 2010, Dunaev said in an interview with Kommersant that the political council of Right Cause "has not yet worked out any decisions either on the new structure of the party or on the number of co-chairs." Moreover, he noted that members of the party may not support a single leader ("... it is not a fact that they will vote. There are different opinions on this matter in the regions, and people need to be convinced").

Discussions about the leader of Right Cause intensified as the elections to the State Duma, scheduled for December 2011, approached. In the spring of 2011, Mikhail Prokhorov, a well-known businessman and president of the Onexim Group investment fund, agreed to head Right Cause. In June of the same year, at the congress of Right Cause, he joined the party. Then he was elected its chairman (co-chairman posts in the party were abolished) and endowed with unlimited powers. In the same month, Prokhorov, in connection with going into politics, left all the leading positions that he held in commercial companies.

However, already in September of the same year, rumors appeared in the press that the question of Prokhorov's resignation would be raised at the pre-election congress of Right Cause. According to some reports, the conflict in the party arose due to the inclusion of Yevgeny Roizman, head of the City Without Drugs Foundation, on the electoral list.

On September 14, 2011, Dunaev, in the absence of Prokhorov, opened the congress of Right Cause. According to the head of the party, in fact, there was a "seizure of the congress" by his opponents: "illegal" delegates were registered at the party congress in order to vote on the resignation of the party leader. Prokhorov declared the results of the first day of the congress illegitimate, after which he expelled a number of his opponents from the party - Andrei Bogdanov, Sergei and Alexander Ryavkin - and dissolved the Right Cause executive committee headed by Dunaev.

On September 15, at the Right Cause congress chaired by Dunaev and Bogdanov, Prokhorov was removed from the leadership of the party. Dunaev was appointed acting party leader, and the exclusion of the Ryavkin brothers and Bogdanov was cancelled. Representatives of the Ministry of Justice tentatively recognized the Right Cause congress led by Dunaev as legitimate, and the politician himself did not rule out that "after consultations, he will be elected the leader of the Right Cause." Prokhorov, along with Roizman, at an alternative congress meeting, announced their withdrawal from the party and called on all their supporters to follow their example.

Dunaev was mentioned in the media as the author of publications on legal issues, the editor-in-chief of the Sport and Law newspaper. He himself is actively involved in sports, is a candidate for master of sports in hand-to-hand combat. He also enjoys volleyball and horseback riding.

Dunaev is married and has four children.

Dunaev Andrei Gennadievich, whose biography is described in this article, is a lawyer, Russian political and one of the founders of the Just Cause party. He headed the pre-election list of deputies of the State Duma of the 6th convocation. Dunaev was a candidate for the post of Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Now he is the head of the Bar Association.


Dunaev Andrei Gennadievich was born on January 10, 1977. His father is a distinguished veteran who served for many years on the African continent in difficult and difficult conditions. Andrei Gennadievich graduated from high school, then entered the Moscow State University, the Faculty of Mechanics. He graduated in 1997. Then he entered the State University of Management with a degree in jurisprudence. Graduated with honors in 2003.

Army service

Dunaev Andrei Gennadievich (nationality - Russian) served in the Federal counterintelligence under a contract from 1997 to 2001. He started as a simple ensign. Then he rose to the rank of senior lieutenant and forensic investigator. During his service, he investigated high-profile cases. For example, the explosions of Moscow residential buildings or the murder of G. Starovoitova. He was mainly engaged in anti-terrorist cases.

Labor activity

From 2002 to 2003 he worked in various commercial structures. According to Dunaev, he left FSK because the salary was low. She was not enough to support her family. Therefore, Andrey Gennadievich went to work in his sister's company. The company was engaged in the wholesale supply of floor coverings.

But soon the company began to appear in the case of economic crimes, and he had to look for work again. Over time, Dunaev Andrei Gennadievich (Istra became the pinnacle of his career) was able to become the acting head of the administration in one of the suburbs.

Law practice

Having received a law degree, Andrei Gennadievich got a job at the LUKOM-A legal agency. His responsibilities included organizing the activities of regional branches. At the same time, in 2006, Andrei Gennadievich became the founder of Diktum-Faktum (a legal consulting company).

Party "Just Cause"

Since 2008, Dunaev's name began to be mentioned when creating a new Right Cause party. Andrei Gennadievich became one of its founders and chairman of the executive committee. He entered the federal political council of this group. According to Dunaev, he ended up in Right Cause by accident. He was invited as a lawyer in the creation of this new political group.

Dunaev dealt with all registration issues. Andrei Gennadyevich refused the position of co-chairman proposed in 2009. In 2011, Right Cause was headed by Mikhail Prokhorov and soon recommended Dunaev to the post of head of the Moscow branch of the party. As a result, Andrei Gennadievich was elected to this position.

After some time, a number of conflicts of interest arose in the party, and Dunaev and Bogdanov removed Prokhorov from the leadership of Right Cause. became Andrei Gennadievich. Representatives of the Ministry of Justice recognized such a reshuffle in the “top” as legitimate.

In the elections to the State Duma Andrey Gennadievich Dunaev headed the list of deputies of the 6th convocation. At the beginning of 2012, he resigned from the leading post in the party. But at the end of the year he was elected its chairman.

Passion of the Istra region

The Istra district is one of the most picturesque in the Moscow region. The center is the city of Istra. In 2014, Dunaev A.G. was appointed to the post of head of the administration. Andrey Gennadievich before taking office promised to make every effort for the development and prosperity of the Istra region. Dunaev's duties include executive and administrative functions that are related to economic activity.

The administration of the Istra district was previously under the leadership of Anna Shcherba. But according to the statement (which was written and submitted to the authorities by Dunaev) about the excess of her official powers, the woman was arrested and removed from her post. And Andrey Gennadievich immediately took her place.

Over time, the new head of the Istra region acquired a luxurious car and even personal protection. This raises a number of questions about the funds for which the personal security is hired, since Dunaev's income, even in such a high position, does not exceed 200 thousand per month.

Soon the head of the administration of the Istra district began to receive criticism from Viktor Klimushkin, a city deputy and an honored worker of culture. After some time, Dunaev Andrey Gennadievich fired him. Dissatisfied and even outraged by the activities of the new head and other local politicians. But they have to keep silent, as all their attempts to tell the truth about the activities of the head of the district are stopped. They claim that they are observing legal chaos and have become hostages to the ambitions of the ambitious new head of the district.

There were rumors that when Dunaev came to power, his entourage offered businessmen to buy positions in rural administrations. But so far there is no confirmation or refutation of this. The second example - the deputies claimed that Andrei Gennadievich achieved unanimous approval of his candidacy by putting pressure on local politicians.

Before the meeting of the deputies, at which the Charter was to be considered, Andrey Dunaev summoned everyone in turn. Those with their own businesses were threatened with "stranglement" by police and tax audits if they did not support his candidacy. He locked some of the municipals in his office and did not even let him go to the toilet until he received from everyone an “oath of allegiance” and silence about the lawlessness that is happening in the Istra region. And he took promises to write off any negative information as ordinary rumors.

Another example is a letter sent by Pyotr Romanov, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Depeche, addressed to Andrey Vorobyov, the governor of the Moscow region. The letter describes in detail how Andrei Gennadievich abuses the power given to him and refuses to comply with court decisions.

But there was no check from the governor. He stated that he had known Dunaev for a long time and that they had worked together in parliament. Therefore, the activities of Andrei Gennadievich will not be checked. It was Andrey Vorobyov who brought Dunaev to Istra. In most cases, it is precisely such a strong friendly alliance that covers up the excess of duties of some politicians.

The administration of the Istrinsky district receives citizens on a monthly basis, every Tuesday, from 14:00 to 17:00. Once a month he travels to the villages. Information about this for citizens wishing to get an appointment is communicated to citizens through the media in advance. There is also a preliminary entry to Dunaev. It is held daily.

Personal life

Dunaev A.G. was married twice. He has three children in total. The second wife of Andrei Gennadievich is a lawyer by profession. And actively helps her husband in this area of ​​​​common activity. The family moved to live in the Istra district, where Dunaev works. He loves sports and is actively involved in it. He is a master of sports in hand-to-hand combat. He loves horseback riding, motocross and volleyball.

Andrei Vladimirovich Dunaev was born in Sayanogorsk in 1969, as a child he moved with his parents to the Stavropol Territory. In the village of Krasnoye, Grachevsky District, he graduated from a music school, then entered the Stavropol Music College as a conductor of a folk choir.

He studied vocals at the Moscow State Institute of Culture and the Moscow State Conservatory. Tchaikovsky. In 2000 he was accepted into the troupe of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia and made his successful debut in Verdi's opera La Traviata. In 2001, he performed on tour in Holland, Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, and from 2005 - 2010 he signed a contract with the Deutsche Oper am Rhein (Düsseldorf). From 2010-2012 he performed on the stage of the Dresden Semperoper, then returned to the Düsseldorf Theater, where he has been working to this day.

Andrey Dunaev is a laureate of international competitions: "Bella voce" (Moscow, 1998); New Voices (Germany, 1999); "Orpheus" (Hannover, Germany, 2000). He is a finalist and winner of a special prize at the Belvedere International Vocal Competition (Vienna, 2000). Laureate of the II Prize at the International Music Competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (2002), holder of the title "Golden Tenor of Russia".

"I want to live at home"

I contacted the world-famous opera singer Andrei Dunaev via Skype, because thousands of kilometers lie from Stavropol to Dusseldorf.

Hello! - a friendly male voice came from another corner of the planet. Less than a minute had passed since the beginning of the conversation, as a notebook with pre-prepared questions was left on the sidelines. And we, like old acquaintances, plunged into reflections about great music, about true love for art, about the most precious memories and unexpected turns in life. In his natural incarnation, the opera star turned out to be in a good way simple, sociable, endowed with a great sense of humor. Andrey Dunaev from the first minutes of the conversation shared his main joy: “You know, I will soon return to Russia” ...

- Andrei, you have been living in Germany for ten years! Didn't you ever think of staying?

It used to be ... It's difficult to live in uncertainty: endlessly touring countries, cities. At first I thought of settling in Germany, but quickly abandoned this idea. Here I am finalizing the last year in Düsseldorf and returning to Russia.

- But there is a whole army of people who dream of "swinging" to Europe.

It is one thing when you go abroad as a tourist, and quite another if the time of arrival is calculated in years. In the second case, specific rights and obligations appear: to pay taxes, go to work, accept and respect another culture ... I had to tour a lot, so an understanding quickly appeared: no matter how beautiful a country a person finds himself, he continues to look for his way home.

- Did your move to Germany justify itself?

Creatively, of course! To be honest, in Russia I was not offered such an abundance of repertoire. Over the years of working abroad, I have performed parts that I could only dream of. Right now, for example, rehearsals are underway for the opera by Jules Massenet "Werther" - it is a great honor to touch such a brilliant work.

Andrey enthusiastically shared his creative plans, talked about those brilliant roles that replenished his “musical piggy bank”. But even at that moment, a stronger love for Russia was felt. No wonder they say that a person, like a tree, has roots, and if they are strong, then he will overcome everything. Such love gives, if not nine lives, then real immunity. For this private, distant, quiet love, I take off my imaginary hat to my interlocutor.

In a conversation, Andrey somehow noticed that, with all the dynamism of the development of an artistic career in Germany, it is difficult for him to talk about this period without irony.

- Tell me, did you get used to a foreign culture for a long time?

I can not say that I could fully understand and accept it. Here people are different - they think differently, behave differently, and even dress differently. For example, in Russia, men work more, and women do household chores. That's how it's done. In Germany, it seemed to me, most of the fairer sex are in an endless race, trying to "surpass" men in everything. In this senseless struggle, the main thing is distorted - the understanding of the role of a woman in the family ...

- People are different, so the opera in Germany is different?

Frankly speaking, the first year of work in Düsseldorf presented a lot of "surprises". For example, at the Bolshoi Theater, troupe rehearsals usually began after twelve o'clock - such a schedule was kept on purpose so that the voice of the performers had time to "wake up". Germany has its own ideas about this. I remember they called from the opera house and said: "Andrey, tomorrow at ten in the morning you need to perform." At first I even chuckled - I thought they were joking.

And in Germany, the director's theater is actively developing. This is generally a separate topic for discussion. The bottom line is that the director is given complete freedom: he can turn classical material around as he pleases. For connoisseurs of high art, his "brilliant" idea will only cause grief. I sang in such productions: horror is simple!

- It feels like we live in different worlds.

There is a saying: Germany is a very good country, but for the Germans.

- And what creative plans do you have with Russia?

If everything goes well, I would gladly take the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre.

- Andrei, does the Russian public differ from the European one?

Yes. This summer Bolshoi Theater soloist Nikolai Kazansky invited me to perform at a charity concert dedicated to the 116th wedding anniversary of Fyodor Chaliapin and Iola Tornaga. According to the established tradition, the event was held in the village of Gagino (not far from Sergiyev Posad) on the territory adjacent to the Temple. I, of course, agreed. The concert brought together both professional performers and local creative teams. Now that was a holiday! When the first part of the performances ended, a real downpour began. The elements took everyone by surprise, so people took refuge in the Temple. The festivities continued when the clouds cleared. While the organizers were drying the equipment, the pause was filled by local performers of folk art. They sang without accompaniment, without microphones. So I wanted to start dancing! In Russia, the public is more emotional and open. And the people who live on earth sincerely believe in God in general, they are not spoiled for attention, but their spiritual warmth seems to be enough for the whole world.

Already today one can write an impressive book about Andrey Dunaev. In a separate paragraph, tell about how long the hero walked to the big stage. After all, the creative fate at first was very difficult. There was a study at the Stavropol Musical College, then the first experience of working on the sites of restaurants in Stavropol. This later helped to withstand the test of the capital, where the aspiring musician went to seek his path. The path was not easy. How many various auditions have been passed, how many thoughts have been changed and impressions experienced, only he knows.

At the Moscow State Institute of Culture, Andrei Dunaev studied in the class of Mikhail Demchenko. By the way, this is the first teacher who saw in his student the makings of an opera singer. Mikhail Ivanovich drew Andrey's attention to this more than once.

I was sure that an opera singer is a fat person, so I objected to him with knowledge of the matter: “Mikhail Ivanovich, what an opera singer I am! Look at me!". And in the last year of the institute, like all classmates, he feverishly began to look for work. Found. He began to brighten up the leisure of visitors to metropolitan restaurants - he performed in a musical group, first as a backing vocalist, and then as a solo artist. Then life seemed to get better. However, after a couple of weeks, the employer stopped paying the musicians, and the entire creative team was in free swimming. Frankly, I was very angry and did not know where to go and what to do next. Difficult circumstances forced me to return to the idea of ​​the opera. Literally on the last day, I submitted documents to the Moscow State Conservatory. Tchaikovsky. While I was waiting for the results, I thought: if I pass the competition, I will stay in the capital, I will take up opera singing, and if not, I will return to Stavropol. In the end, I was accepted. Today I can confidently say that this moment was a turning point in my life.

- Was it the only case when you, like this, at one hour, decided to change everything?

In my second year at the conservatory, I made another reckless act, namely, I took part in the prestigious German competition "New Voices". Moreover, there was not a single serious performance behind him. It is difficult to judge what motivated me, because even the teachers dissuaded me from going to Germany. But friends in chorus repeated: "Perhaps this is your only chance." Of course I took the risk. The competition was very difficult: in the first round the participants performed an aria, and in the second round they performed a fragment from the opera. Honestly, from an overabundance of excitement and self-doubt, there was a desire to fall through the ground.

As a result, I was awarded the second prize. I did not expect such success - I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. Of course, this gave an incentive, because before winning the competition I doubted the correctness of the chosen path. On the award received, my wife and child and I lived carelessly in the capital for six months!

... I remember in January 2010 Andrey Dunaev gave a concert at the Stavropol Regional State Philharmonic. His speech made a strong impression on the audience. Of course, not only the serious repertoire, but also the name of the soloist of the Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia and the Düsseldorf Opera attracted everyone's attention. After all, one of the leading domestic tenors is not just a famous artist, but also our fellow countryman!

- What did you dream about as a child?

I was born in a northern city, so I wanted to become a hockey player (laughs). And when we moved to the village of Krasnoe, I began to take a deeper interest in music. No, not classic. I had a friend who was a fan of the ABBA group. Of course, his "disease" was transmitted to me. It seemed that the best music in the world simply does not exist. I listened to their songs many times, knew every line by heart.

Your parents, Galina Andreevna and Vladimir Mikhailovich, are professional club workers. Is it not from here what follows?

Everything in me is from mom and dad. Thanks to their sensitive attention and understanding, I was able to reach my level. When we moved to Stavropol, my father enrolled me in a music school. There I learned to play the button accordion. I admit, at times, outright boyishness took over - instead of studying music, I wanted to take a walk with friends. In such situations, dad always did the same thing: he locked me in the kitchen and I played the instrument for two or three hours.

Now I can say for sure that standing on the shore, you will never learn to swim. It's the same with music: first there is a stage of study (I call it botany), and after that there are already wonderful years of practice.

- You were not offended by your parents for such harsh measures of upbringing?

Honestly, I don't remember. Hardly, otherwise my memories would not be so pleasant. After all, we all together - mom, dad, two sisters and a brother - performed as a family ensemble at rural and regional holidays, delighted people working in the field. And after a little tired, but happy, they returned home on an old creaking bus, singing folk songs. It was a good time! Such "tours" left many pleasant impressions.

If I were a girl

I wouldn't waste time.

I wouldn't jump on the street

I'd wash my shirts...

At such moments, wings grow behind your back. I go into the courtyard and feel that this is my "nest" - they built the veranda with my father together, built the garage together, covered the roof together ... There is a part of me. If I come to my parents in the warm season, then I definitely arrange an overnight stay on the street: I enjoy the immense starry sky above my head. At night, a special time comes in the village when you hear the flight of insects, the rustle of leaves on the trees, when you inhale the warmed steppe air and feel that you are truly happy.


Photo courtesy operamrhein.de

and from the personal archive of Andrey Dunaev.