Mother-in-law's flower tongue - signs. Signs and superstitions about the mother-in-law flower tongue (sansevieria, pike tail) Sansevieria flower signs and superstitions

Sanka, Sansa, Sanyushka - this is what true lovers of this exotic plant call the beautiful and unpretentious sansevieria. However, the succulent, brought from Africa to Europe in the 18th century, also has less “friendly” names that cannot but alert. In different countries, Sansa is called "pike tail", "snake skin", "leopard lily", she is also "mother-in-law's tongue" or "dragon tongue". She is also credited with all sorts of negative magical properties that scare away potential owners.

What is actually a sansevier, what is known about its benefits and harms of this plant: for the home and the person himself?

Appearance and features of the flower Pike tail (Sansevieria)

Pike tail has long been famous in European countries. The houseplant is named after the Italian background of Sansevier, a prince who was fond of botany. He observed the flower and revealed the beneficial and harmful qualities of the mother-in-law's tongue for living beings. The data obtained by Sanseviera were confirmed by modern inhabitants. Many have noticed that sansevieria has beneficial properties not only for living organisms, but also for the home. She is capable of:

  1. Decorate your office and home.
  2. Benefit in the treatment of ailments.
  3. Clear the atmosphere of negative energy.

Nature has given 60 species of Sansevieria - evergreen perennials. But only a few of them are cultivated as houseplants. The fact is that some flowers, called mother-in-law's tongue, have properties that are not useful, but harmful to humans. However, all representatives of the genus are characterized by:

  1. The absence of a peduncle. This property of the Pike tail is the reason that many flower growers breed a plant with an unusual appearance at home.
  2. Creeping rhizome.
  3. Narrow or wide, always rigid, pointed at the top of the leaf blades. The wax coating present on them prevents the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the sheet. Thanks to this flower, constant watering is not required.
  4. Leaf blades can be light green, dark green, silver, brown and yellow. Some plants have variously arranged spots and stripes on their leaves. Thanks to such a variety of colors, the pike tail has become a symbol for feng shui fans. A cuckoo's tail with silvery leaves is a messenger of material well-being. If you put him in the workplace, then the person will definitely add a salary. A pike tail with striped sheets in the office will harm career growth. The labor activity of employees will consist of pronounced black and white stripes.
  5. The beneficial properties of the leaf blades of the mother-in-law tongue plant were noticed by scientists, so the flower is used to make anti-inflammatory and sedative drugs.
  6. From the light green flowers of the Pike tail, cylinder-shaped inflorescences are obtained. Vanilla or lilac aroma spreads from flower brushes. The smell is most noticeable in the evening and at night.

Warning! Do not forget that being near the Pike tail at night can harm allergy sufferers.

Home care

The pike tail is one of the most undemanding plants to care for. To make the flower comfortable, you need to know only the basic rules.

One of them - sansevieria does not like being moved from place to place.


Sansevieria feels equally good both in a sunny corner and in a shaded one.

But it should be remembered that with a long absence of light, variegated varieties lose their brightness.

It is better to protect the plant from direct rays, as this is fraught with burns. In winter, artificial lighting is recommended. In spring and summer, the pike tail can be taken out into the fresh air, but the place is chosen in such a way that raindrops do not fall on the leaves.


The flower is completely indifferent to temperature changes, not a single draft will harm sansevieria. In summer, the optimal thermal regime is from + 18 ° to + 25 ° С, in winter + 14 ... + 16 ° С. At air temperatures below + 10 °, the plant will not die, but will stop growing.


Like other succulents, it does not tolerate excess moisture. It is enough to water the pike tail once a week in summer and once a month in winter. An important point - you need to carefully monitor that water does not get into the middle of the outlet, as this will lead to decay.

top dressing

Even the most unpretentious plant pets need vitamins, and therefore we must not forget about fertilizers. Mother-in-law's tongue is fed three times during the summer (with a frequency of once a month). At the same time, a 50% solution of mineral fertilizer for cacti is introduced (with a predominance of the potassium-phosphorus component).

Transplant and soil

Since the root system at the pike tail does not grow in depth, but to the sides, the pot must be so wide and strong to withstand the onslaught.

Be sure to make a layer of drainage. The ideal soil consists of leafy, soddy soil and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1. Young plants are usually transplanted every one and a half to two years, older ones - once every three years. If the procedure is carried out in the spring, then it is combined with the division of the bush.

Useful qualities of a pike tail

The leaves of the Pike tail flower are rich in:

  1. Essential oils. They relieve stress.
  2. Organic compounds that help strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition of a person.

The most powerful beneficial properties are Sansevieria three-lane. According to experts, an indoor flower is capable of:

  1. Remove toxic substances from the air that are harmful to the health of people and pets.
  2. Even at night, release oxygen, which many indoor flowers cannot do.

Russian biologists have proven that the pike tail can affect not only humans and the air, but also household appliances. Sansevieria will have benefits for the home because it:

  1. Removes hazardous radiation from TV, laptop and personal computer. Psychologists-kinesiologists recommend placing the pike tail near these devices, then the harm from their regular use will be minimized.
  2. Creates a peaceful atmosphere in any room. The beneficial properties of the flower, called mother-in-law's tongue, can be used to cleanse the energy of warehouse, residential and office premises.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to get new instances of sansevieria.

side shoots

With this method, the shoot is separated from the parent plant. To do this, the rhizome that connects the baby to the "mother" is cut with a knife. The place of the cut is sprinkled with crushed coal, then planted in a separate container with fresh earth. You need to handle the newcomer carefully: when watering, avoid getting liquid on the leaves, and also do not feed.


For such reproduction, old lower and healthy leaves are taken. They are cut into pieces of 5-10 cm and left for a couple of days at room temperature. After such drying, the cuttings are planted vertically in wet sand or peat to a depth of 2 cm. It is very important here not to confuse the top and bottom of the piece, because if planted on the wrong side, the roots will not grow. The distance between young ponytails is 2-4 cm.

From above, the "bed" is covered with banks or plastic bags, which must be removed once a day, arranging ventilation for the cuttings. Water as needed through the pan. Two or three months later, after the appearance of roots and stem roots, the plant dives. This method is only suitable for varieties with green leaves, variegated stripes are thus not inherited.

The division of the rhizome

By dividing the rhizome, adult specimens with a developed root system are propagated. It is necessary to divide the rhizome so that each piece has at least one kidney. Sections are treated with fungicide or crushed coal, then planted in the ground.

What does a pike tail treat?

Useful properties of the Pike tail have found application in the creation of homeopathic medicines for the treatment of:

  1. Women's diseases. The use of alcohol tincture helps to improve the physical and mental condition of women with PMS.
  2. Urogenital system. A tincture of pike tail leaves can remove all discomfort.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract. A filtered decoction will help cleanse the intestines from fecal deposits.
  4. Cold diseases. Freshly prepared infusion will relieve fever.
  5. Inflammation of the middle ear. Warm juice from the leaves of a useful plant is used as ear drops.
  6. Acne and boils. Fresh sheets are cut and applied to the problem area.
  7. With inflammation of the gums. Washed leaves are chewed or applied to a sore spot.
  8. With scabies. The decoction will benefit if taken orally and used as a lotion.

Attention! Preparations from the Pike tail do not replace the medicines prescribed by the doctor, but serve as an addition to the main treatment.

The use of mother-in-law's tongue as a homeopathic remedy can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Medicines should not be used:

  • People with allergic reactions;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • chronically ill people over 60;
  • children under 10 years old.

The medicinal properties of sansevieria have made a useful plant known in Russia and abroad. Homeopathic preparations can be found on the pharmacy counters of the CIS countries.

Sansevera: definitely useful for air!

American scientists were not too lazy and carried out research work, the results of which proved that Sansa is able to improve water-gas metabolic processes in the room and can saturate the air with negative oxygen ions. So, the succulent is able to neutralize the electrostatic field.

But, the plant not only fills the room with plenty of oxygen, but also absorbs harmful substances, including toxic compounds such as formaldehyde and benzene. With the help of sansevieria, it is possible to reduce the harmful effects on the body of components emitted by synthetic materials - linoleum, plastic, MDF, chipboard and others.

Sansevieria is not inferior to other well-known plants that release a huge amount of biologically active substances - phytoncides that absorb microscopic dust particles. And also these substances have antiviral and antimicrobial effects. Sansevera is a real enemy for coccal pathogens, fungal spores and other pathogens.

Thanks to this “green inhabitant”, you can purify the air of harmful substances and improve its quality, but do not miss the point that sans is still poisonous.

Is the pike tail poisonous?

Pike tail is not a poisonous plant. However, if precautions are not followed, sansevieria in the house will not bring benefits, but harm to the health of people and pets. Mother-in-law's tongue is harmful if parts of the flower get inside a living organism in large quantities. Dogs and cats should not be allowed to chew on the plant. Four-legged pets may experience intestinal disorders. Also, adults should make sure that inquisitive children do not try the pike tail on the tooth. It is not known what harm the plant will cause if it enters the developing stomach. If a child has eaten a piece of an indoor flower, then you need to give him activated charcoal as soon as possible and consult a pediatrician.

Plant damage

Is pike tail poisonous?

Saponins, for which sansevieria is valued, in high doses become poison. In medicine, they are used with caution, not recommended for pregnant women and children. No need to be afraid to breed this plant, it is dangerous only when used in its pure form inside.

If this miracle flower has settled in you, do not forget about it. ability to harm.

  1. It is believed that the too powerful energy of the "Pike tail" can interfere with sleep, so you can not put it in children's rooms, bedrooms.
  2. Useful when applied to the skin, the juice becomes a strong poison.
  3. In cats that love to gnaw all the flowers in the house with beriberi, sansevieria can cause dermatitis, intestinal upset, and vomiting.
  4. A dog that has eaten a casting of a flower will also feel sick and vomit.

Signs of pike tail poisoning

> Burning and sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, profuse salivation - these symptoms accompany Pike tail poisoning.

An adult reasonable person is unlikely to decide to chew on a striped green sans leaf, but a child may well do it. The consequences of such an act are extremely painful and unpleasant, one burning sensation and salivation are worth something!

Places where it is better to place a pot with a pike tail

To protect quadrupeds and children, flowerpots with a home flower are placed in inaccessible places. Followers of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui attribute powerful properties to the Pike tail. It is believed that the benefits and harms of a houseplant must be balanced. This can be achieved by placing an even number of flowerpots next to each other. Also, according to Feng Shui, the energy of sansevieria can come into conflict with plants. Therefore, the Pike tail is placed away from other representatives of the domestic flora. Having sansevieria in the bedroom will negatively affect people's sleep. It is better if a flowerpot with a useful flower stands in an office or living room. A pike tail can fit into an apartment of any design.

Photo of sansevieria

Photos of the "Pike tail" are presented below:

Signs and superstitions

The magical properties of sansevieria have been known since ancient times. Folk wisdom and knowledge formed the basis of signs, most of which remain relevant to this day.

  1. A useful plant that blooms in winter indicates imminent failure. A person is waiting for conflicts with a partner, which will be based on misunderstanding. This situation will bring tangible harm to the mental health of both individuals.
  2. If the Pike tail blooms in the warm season, then we should expect success and good luck in all endeavors. Whatever business a person does, fortune will accompany him.
  3. Indoor flower creates a creative atmosphere in the room. This activates the inspiration and hidden talents of people.
  4. Also, a useful plant protects the house from gossip and slander. Capturing negativity with leaves, the pike tail accumulates evil in the soil with the help of roots. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to water the earth in a flowerpot with holy water.
  5. The plant will benefit schoolchildren and students, as it motivates them to further action and helps in the assimilation of knowledge.
  6. Forgetful people should also get a pike tail, then they can get rid of memory problems. The energy of the sansevieria plant allows you to achieve any goal, regardless of whether it is related to the profession, personal life or self-development.

Contraindications and side effects

It is forbidden to carry out therapy with sansevieria in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • childhood.

With the internal use of folk remedies based on sansevieria, side effects may occur: nausea, diarrhea, allergies.

If there is no hypersensitivity to the plant, in case of external use, the juice does not irritate the skin. Before applying a therapeutic compress, it is advisable to check the skin for an allergic reaction. To do this, put a few drops of juice on the surface of the elbow bend and monitor possible changes.

The benefits of sansevieria for the house and its inhabitants

In addition to grace and unpretentiousness, sansevieria will delight flower growers with the following advantages:

  • emits a really large amount of oxygen, and yet not so many plants differ in this,
  • significantly cleans the air in the room, destroying bacteria,
  • increases immunity and normalizes metabolism in those who are constantly nearby,
  • neutralizes harmful fumes from paint and furniture,
  • in China, they believe that the flower absorbs all the negative energy in the house, and they revere it very much,
  • sansevieria is a real home healer that helps with cystitis and inflammation of the appendages. Also, with the help of juice extracted from the leaves of a flower, otitis can be cured and inflammation can be stopped in case of ulcerative skin lesions. The smoke of burning leaves has long been used as a remedy for headaches.

Also, be sure to put a pot with "mother-in-law's tongue" near the computer and TV - it will absorb most of the harmful radiation.

According to Feng Shui, sansevieria in the classroom will help the assimilation of new knowledge, absorb anger, rudeness and envy; instead, it will fill the room with an atmosphere of creativity, reflection. Due to these properties, it is recommended to place a pot with this unpretentious peacemaker flower in those rooms where quarrels, disputes, and conflict situations can arise.

Chemical composition

To understand what harmful and beneficial properties sansevieria has, you need to turn to biochemistry. It is the chemical components that speak of its main characteristics.

As part of the mother-in-law language, one can distinguish:

  • organic acids;
  • hemolytic sapogenin;
  • abamagenin;
  • saponins.

The main components that determine both the beneficial and harmful properties of the flower are saponins. These substances, when used skillfully, can have a therapeutic effect, however, at the same time they are poisonous.

The soil

Soil for sansevieria requires loose and nutritious. The soil mixture is not difficult to prepare yourself. To do this, mix the following ingredients:

  1. soddy humus (forest land from oak or linden) 3 parts;
  2. humus (completely decomposed manure or compost) 1 part;
  3. high-moor peat (not sour) 1 part;
  4. coarse river sand 1 part.

It is advisable to spill all the components of the mixture with a raspberry solution of potassium permanganate, phytosporin, or fry for 15 minutes on a hot baking sheet for disinfection.

Important! At the bottom of the flower pot, when planting sansevieria, it is necessary to pour a layer of expanded clay or broken brick for drainage.


Young sansevieria should be repotted every two years, older ones every three years. The new flower pot should have a diameter a few centimeters larger than the old one. A layer of drainage 2-3 cm thick is laid out at the bottom of the pot (it can be gravel or broken remains of a clay pot). The container must be heavy and durable. A clay pot that is relatively wide is perfect, because in light and narrow plastic containers, a plant with heavy and tall leaves can easily fall, especially in winter when the soil in them is very dry. Pots should also have fairly thick walls, because the roots of the flower grow quickly and intensively, and a fragile container can simply crack under their pressure.

Mother-in-law tongue flower. Growing mother-in-law's tongue. Mother-in-law tongue care

Living in cities, people are increasingly losing touch with nature. Many tend to get out of the country as often as possible and spend time in nature. But they do not always have such an opportunity.

This is what contributes to the fact that indoor plants are becoming more in demand, and especially those that are able to treat any ailments. A prominent representative of home flowers that have certain healing abilities is mother-in-law tongue.

Description and features of mother-in-law's language

This extraordinary flower has many names among various peoples, but few people know its international name - sansevieria. The attitude to this flower is ambiguous and even a little mystical. According to I will accept the flower of the mother-in-law's tongue brings misfortune to the house, however, all this is just superstition.

Origin and application

America is considered the birthplace of the plant. At least 250 varieties of the flower grow on the continent. They vary in leaf length.

In Mexico, the fibers of the plant are used to make ropes and fabrics. Interestingly, tequila (Mexican national drink) also has a pike tail.

In addition, culture is actively used in garden design and in creating flower arrangements in the interior. The large leaves of the sansevieria serve as an excellent backdrop for smaller specimens in pots. As a result, beautiful green thickets are obtained, which are so appreciated by lovers of live compositions.

Why "Teschin's language" can be dangerous for the family

When doing renovations, I decided to save money on an interior designer by copying a picture from a magazine. That interior was Scandinavian in style - white walls, light furniture and a few bright green accents. The picture showed large pots with sansevieria - a flowerpot, popularly known as mother-in-law's tongue.
I also bought one for a housewarming party (by the way, it was not difficult to find it, sans are sold in many garden centers). But both my mother and mother-in-law, who saw the plant, as they agreed, immediately began to persuade me to get rid of the fashionable flower. Like, his place is only in the clinic, “the abode of pain and resentment”, and it is strictly contraindicated for him to grow up in the house ...

Let's summarize

  • Many believe that since the plant was called mother-in-law's tongue, it will attract gossip and disputes into the house. In fact, everything is just the opposite: the flowerpot normalizes the mental situation in the family, and the signs about it are almost all positive.
  • The only bad omen associated with sansevieria is the flowering in winter. It promises quarrels and scandals.
  • A plant can be really dangerous for a family if a baby appears in it (who crawls and puts everything in its mouth) or a pet that loves to gnaw flowerpots lives. The fact is that the juice of the plant is poisonous and can greatly harm the body.

And what other plants are more than just colorful flowers or ornamental foliage? I propose to learn about other indoor and garden flowers that can harm a person. Of course, this does not mean that you need to get rid of them right away, but you need to grow, and even more so cut off such flours wisely:

Pests, diseases

Despite its unpretentiousness, sansevieria can be affected by rot:

  • soft;
  • root;
  • sheet.

Diseases develop against the background of excessive watering, combined with low air and water temperatures, and high humidity. Often pathogens are found in poorly sterilized soil.

The plant is cleaned of damaged parts, transplanted into another substrate. To destroy pathogens, sansevieria is treated with a scarlet solution of potassium permanganate, phytosporin, or a similar antiseptic drug.

Thrips, mealybugs, spider mites can annoy the flower. Pests are removed from the plant mechanically - by wiping the aerial part with a cotton pad dipped in soapy water, beer, an infusion of lemon peels. In advanced cases, the bush is treated with Fitoverm or Aktellik.

Sansa's Poison

This succulent contains saponins - ambiguous substances that are used in small quantities for medical purposes, for example, saponins are used in the production of laxatives, choleretic, anti-inflammatory drugs. However, in high doses, they turn into poisons.

As a rule, such chemical elements for the treatment of diseases are used with caution; products containing them are not prescribed to children and women "in position". But if you follow the recommendations and do not use the plant or its juice in its pure form, then you can achieve positive results.

When applied externally, succulent juice is a remedy, but if taken undiluted orally, it causes intoxication. If there are cats in the house who like to periodically “eat” vegetation, eating a pike tail can lead to the development of dermatitis, intestinal disorders, and vomiting. The same thing happens if a dog gnaws on a flower.

Symptoms of intoxication

You can find out about the poisoning of an animal with sansevieria by the following signs:

  • Due to burning and sore throat, the pet begins to cough, trying to expectorate.
  • There are dyspeptic disorders: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, profuse salivation.

Usually adults do not come up with the idea of ​​trying houseplants. But you can’t 100% vouch for children, they are still inventors. The consequences will be very unpleasant sensations, including burning and profuse salivation.

Security measures

And in order to completely eliminate the possibility of poisoning, flower growers who have this succulent at home should not forget about the precautions:

  • All manipulations that require contact with the plant must be performed with gloves.
  • It is important to ensure that the succulent juice does not get on the skin, mucous membranes, especially in the eyes.
  • If the juice still gets on the skin or organ of vision, they should be washed with plenty of water.
  • The cut parts of the flower are recommended to be disposed of immediately.
  • You can protect small households and living creatures by placing a flower where it is difficult to access it.
First aid for poisoning

As with other types of intoxication, at the first alarming symptoms, vomiting should be provoked in the poisoned person. And after cleaning the stomach, the patient is given an adsorbing drug - activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel or another.

If the poisoning is so severe that conditions such as weakness, drowsiness, pain in the peritoneum, nausea occur, then it is recommended to seek medical help, especially when it comes to a child. Physicians should be sure to inform which plant caused intoxication, this will help to correctly carry out the necessary emergency measures and prescribe appropriate therapy.

There is an erroneous opinion that if a toxic substance has entered the body, it can be neutralized with milk. Unfortunately, this method not only does not work, but can also be harmful - milk can enhance intoxication processes and reduce the therapeutic effect of medicines.

Benefits in the house from mother-in-law's tongue

In addition to the fact that the plant itself filters the air, it helps to clear the space of bad energy, is able to absorb the energy of negative evil thoughts and create a cozy atmosphere. Another mother-in-law's language helps a person achieve his goals, inspires him to move forward. Promotes the rapid assimilation of knowledge, especially useful for those who complain of frequent forgetfulness.

The plant is a real talisman for students and teachers. Mother-in-law's tongue, having the ability to survive in poor conditions and having an unpretentious character, transfers these properties to its owners, increasing our adaptive abilities and resistance to viral, colds and other diseases.

Security measures

In order for the plant not to cause any harm, it is necessary to adhere to certain safety measures:

  1. All procedures related to the care of the flower should be performed with the use of rubber gloves. It is also advisable to use eye protection, such as glasses, which can be purchased from specialized stores.
  2. Removed parts of the flower should be disposed of immediately.
  3. Sansevieria must be kept away from animals, because if they accidentally eat any of the parts of the flower, they also experience all the symptoms of intoxication.
  4. Placing sansevieria in children's rooms is extremely unsafe.

What does the flower symbolize

Pike tail is a very resistant, hardy and unpretentious plant. Due to the special properties of sans, in many countries it is considered a symbol of longevity, health, intelligence, prosperity, self-sufficiency. Sansa is revered in China, as it is believed that 8 gods bestow 8 qualities on the owner of the flower.

In addition to the well-known folk name, sansevieria has several popular names in other countries:

  • Indian sword;
  • Snake skin;
  • diabolical language;
  • leopard lily;
  • African hemp.

Each nickname characterizes the special properties or features of the appearance of the plant.

general information

The flower got its name sansevieria from the surname of Prince Sansevierio. He was fond of botany and invested in the development of the natural sciences. The leaves, as a rule, are directed clearly upwards. They can extend to the sides or lie completely horizontal. Natural coloration is a combination of green and brown, striped and spotted patterns. In artificially bred species, yellow and silver shades are found in the color of the leaves. Growth intensity - 2-3 leaves per year from one outlet. In natural forms, the leaves of most species are covered with a waxy film that protects the surface from excessive evaporation of moisture. The leaf at the pike tail is pointed. In some species, it can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters. Graceful sansevieria hanni grows no higher than 5-6 cm.

The rhizome of sansevieria is creeping, underground, in the form of a rhizome. So powerful that it can destroy the walls of the pot without being placed in it. The flowers are white-green, collected in a cylindrical inflorescence. Peduncle straight, long. Narrow petals open in the evening. Exude a pleasant vanilla or clove aroma. These notes can be found in the composition of expensive perfumes. Fruits in indoor floriculture are almost never found. In nature, it is a berry with seeds, from one to three.

Useful video

You can learn some tips on caring for sansevieria at home from the following video:

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Sansevieria, or mother-in-law's tongue, as it is popularly called, is a popular plant among lovers of home flowers. However, the attitude towards it is ambiguous, since this plant can both benefit and cause harm. Before starting sansevieria at home, you should learn about all its properties in more detail.

How to propagate?

Like many other plants, sansevieria reproduces in several traditional ways:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • leaf cutting.


Seeds ripen in a pod. They need to be allowed to dry, only then removed from the shell and planted in cups or pots. The land needs fertile, but loose. It is better to germinate in a greenhouse.

Division of the rhizome

The flower must be carefully removed from the pot, gently shake the soil from the rhizome, rinse.

Then the rhizome is cut with a sharp knife blade, dividing it in half along with the leaves.

Separated parts of the whole plant are planted in pots with prepared soil.

Such a division best to produce in March-April. In this case, it is better for young plants to take root over the season, adapt and get stronger before the cold.


The most difficult and time-consuming way. The whole sheet must be cut into pieces of 6-7 cm. On each segment, the bottom of the sheet should be marked. For better rooting, it is recommended to treat the lower part of the leaf with Kornevin or any other stimulant.

Within a few days, the cut parts are dried and only after that they are planted in cups with sandy soil to a depth of no more than 2 cm.

After about a month and a half, the leaf segments will take root. Already rooted parts should be planted in pots with soil.

Attention! Leaf cuttings can distort and spoil the quality of the plant, therefore this method of propagation is the least popular.

Quite a lot of people believe that it is unsafe to keep a pike tail flower at home. Some argue that all flowers with such leaves are harmful, because they emit some kind of harmful gas. Others talk about the juice of its leaves, which is a real poison. Let's see if this is really true.

Many Russians grow houseplants in their offices and apartments. The first group of flower growers does what they love very responsibly, putting a lot of effort. The second group - they simply water the earth, without bothering with further care. Sansevieria has long been known as an unpretentious plant with beneficial properties, so the flower is suitable for representatives of any group.

Many are familiar with such numerous names - Mother-in-law's language, Pike or Kukushkin's tail. Their useful plant received for long and narrow leaf blades. Enthusiastic flower growers have long known about the benefits and dangers of a pike tail.

Appearance and features of the flower Pike tail (Sansevieria)

Pike tail has long been famous in European countries. The houseplant is named after the Italian background of Sansevier, a prince who was fond of botany. He observed the flower and revealed the beneficial and harmful qualities of the mother-in-law's tongue for living beings.
The data obtained by Sanseviera were confirmed by modern inhabitants. Many have noticed that sansevieria has beneficial properties not only for living organisms, but also for the home. She is capable of:

  1. Decorate your office and home.
  2. Benefit in the treatment of ailments.
  3. Clear the atmosphere of negative energy.

Nature has given 60 species of Sansevieria - evergreen perennials. But only a few of them are cultivated as houseplants. The fact is that some flowers, called mother-in-law's tongue, have properties that are not useful, but harmful to humans. However, all representatives of the genus are characterized by:

  1. The absence of a peduncle. This property of the Pike tail is the reason that many flower growers breed a plant with an unusual appearance at home.
  2. Creeping rhizome.
  3. Narrow or wide, always rigid, pointed at the top of the leaf blades. The wax coating present on them prevents the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the sheet. Thanks to this flower, constant watering is not required.
  4. Leaf blades can be light green, dark green, silver, brown and yellow. Some plants have variously arranged spots and stripes on their leaves. Thanks to such a variety of colors, the pike tail has become a symbol for feng shui fans. A cuckoo's tail with silvery leaves is a messenger of material well-being. If you put him in the workplace, then the person will definitely add a salary. A pike tail with striped sheets in the office will harm career growth. The labor activity of employees will consist of pronounced black and white stripes.
  5. The beneficial properties of the leaf blades of the mother-in-law tongue plant were noticed by scientists, so the flower is used to make anti-inflammatory and sedative drugs.
  6. From the light green flowers of the Pike tail, cylinder-shaped inflorescences are obtained. Vanilla or lilac aroma spreads from flower brushes. The smell is most noticeable in the evening and at night.

Do not forget that being near the Pike tail at night can harm allergy sufferers.

Useful qualities of a pike tail

The leaves of the Pike tail flower are rich in:

  1. Essential oils. They relieve stress.
  2. Organic compounds that help strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition of a person.

The most powerful beneficial properties are Sansevieria three-lane. According to experts, an indoor flower is capable of:

  1. Remove toxic substances from the air that are harmful to the health of people and pets.
  2. Even at night, release oxygen, which many indoor flowers cannot do.

Russian biologists have proven that the pike tail can affect not only humans and the air, but also household appliances. Sansevieria will have benefits for the home because it:

  1. Removes hazardous radiation from TV, laptop and personal computer. Psychologists-kinesiologists recommend placing the pike tail near these devices, then the harm from their regular use will be minimized.
  2. Creates a peaceful atmosphere in any room. The beneficial properties of the flower, called mother-in-law's tongue, can be used to cleanse the energy of warehouse, residential and office premises.

What does a pike tail treat?

Useful properties of the Pike tail have found application in the creation of homeopathic medicines for the treatment of:

  1. Women's diseases. The use of alcohol tincture helps to improve the physical and mental condition of women with PMS.
  2. Urogenital system. A tincture of pike tail leaves can remove all discomfort.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract. A filtered decoction will help cleanse the intestines from fecal deposits.
  4. Cold diseases. Freshly prepared infusion will relieve fever.
  5. Inflammation of the middle ear. Warm juice from the leaves of a useful plant is used as ear drops.
  6. Acne and boils. Fresh sheets are cut and applied to the problem area.
  7. With inflammation of the gums. Washed leaves are chewed or applied to a sore spot.
  8. With scabies. The decoction will benefit if taken orally and used as a lotion.

Preparations from the Pike tail do not replace the medicines prescribed by the doctor, but serve as an addition to the main treatment.

The use of mother-in-law's tongue as a homeopathic remedy can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Medicines should not be used:

  • People with allergic reactions;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • chronically ill people over 60;
  • children under 10 years old.

The medicinal properties of sansevieria have made a useful plant known in Russia and abroad. Homeopathic preparations can be found on the pharmacy counters of the CIS countries.

Is the pike tail poisonous?

Pike tail is not a poisonous plant. However, if precautions are not followed, sansevieria in the house will not bring benefits, but harm to the health of people and pets.
Mother-in-law's tongue is harmful if parts of the flower get inside a living organism in large quantities. Dogs and cats should not be allowed to chew on the plant. Four-legged pets may experience intestinal disorders.
Also, adults should make sure that inquisitive children do not try the pike tail on the tooth. It is not known what harm the plant will cause if it enters the developing stomach. If a child has eaten a piece of an indoor flower, then you need to give him activated charcoal as soon as possible and consult a pediatrician.

Places where it is better to place a pot with a pike tail

To protect quadrupeds and children, flowerpots with a home flower are placed in inaccessible places. Followers of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui attribute powerful properties to the Pike tail. It is believed that the benefits and harms of a houseplant must be balanced. This can be achieved by placing an even number of flowerpots next to each other. Also, according to Feng Shui, the energy of sansevieria can come into conflict with plants. Therefore, the Pike tail is placed away from other representatives of the domestic flora.
Having sansevieria in the bedroom will negatively affect people's sleep. It is better if a flowerpot with a useful flower stands in an office or living room.
A pike tail can fit into an apartment of any design.

Signs and superstitions

The magical properties of sansevieria have been known since ancient times. Folk wisdom and knowledge formed the basis of signs, most of which remain relevant to this day.

  1. A useful plant that blooms in winter indicates imminent failure. A person is waiting for conflicts with a partner, which will be based on misunderstanding. This situation will bring tangible harm to the mental health of both individuals.
  2. If the Pike tail blooms in the warm season, then we should expect success and good luck in all endeavors. Whatever business a person does, fortune will accompany him.
  3. Indoor flower creates a creative atmosphere in the room. This activates the inspiration and hidden talents of people.
  4. Also, a useful plant protects the house from gossip and slander. Capturing negativity with leaves, the pike tail accumulates evil in the soil with the help of roots. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to water the earth in a flowerpot with holy water.
  5. The plant will benefit schoolchildren and students, as it motivates them to further action and helps in the assimilation of knowledge.
  6. Forgetful people should also get a pike tail, then they can get rid of memory problems. The energy of the sansevieria plant allows you to achieve any goal, regardless of whether it is related to the profession, personal life or self-development.

Does the pike tail bloom?

Pike tail when grown in a flowerpot blooms very rarely. It takes a lot of effort to make this happen.

How to care for sansevieria?

Pike tail grows best in purchased soil. Periodic top dressing is required. Sprinkling should be moderate. These measures will benefit such a wonderful plant.


The benefits and harms of a pike tail roughly balance each other. Therefore, do not be afraid to breed it in an apartment or at work. If certain measures are taken, then a useful plant will only please the owners.

Expert florists, who treat their profession not just as a pleasant pastime with flowers, but as a real spiritual contact with plants, believe that the most favorable plants for the home are those whose leaves stretch upwards. It turns out that such flowers stimulate thinking and generate creative ideas.

And after all, one of the most superstitious plants, the pike tail, is just one of those. Most of the fears about growing this flower and a rotten egg are not worth it. And the culprit in their occurrence is the one who came up with this unfavorable nickname - "pike tail" or, even worse, "mother-in-law's tongue." In fact, the pike tail plant is called very elegantly - sansevieria.

Signs with a pike tail

A lot of good signs are associated with a pike tail. Basically, it is believed that as soon as you get this plant at home, then immediately all the problems, quarrels, misunderstandings will remain in the past. Sansevieria, as if, absorbs them with its long, sharp leaves, which act as an antenna to capture home negativity.

When flowers appeared on your pike tail, it means that it's time to take on new beginnings. It is believed that sansevieria blooms only in a favorable environment, and even then, infrequently, so if it bloomed, you can assume that the plant has blessed the realization of your plans.

True, the only unfavorable time for flowering is winter. Then the flowers of the pike tail say that discord is approaching in the family due to the excessive care of some relative.

But no matter what the signs associated with the pike tail flower promise, remember - a plant that heals cannot harm a person. And sansevieria is what heals. The plant has an antibacterial and healing effect - the pike tail, no worse than the well-known "healer" of aloe, heals wounds and eliminates burn marks.

Why "mother-in-law's tongue"?

The second most popular name, after the nickname "pike tail" is mother-in-law's tongue. Of course, outwardly, the leaves of the plant really resemble long tongues, leaves with yellow rims look especially impressive.

Some people mistakenly believe that since the tongue looks like a mother-in-law, it means that with the advent of a flower in the house there will be no passage from quarrels, gossip and scandals. It turns out the opposite is true.

Mother-in-law's tongue "cleanses" the house and tenants from quarrels and gossip. If there has been too much extraneous noise around you lately - get a pike tail (mother-in-law's tongue) at home and the mother-in-law, that is, sansevieria, will deal with intrigues and their distributors.

Pike tail care

But it is not enough to know about the signs associated with the pike tail flower, in order for the plant to become prophetic, it is necessary to provide it with due attention and care. Pike tail or mother-in-law's tongue (the second name reveals the essence of the flower much better) - the plant is unpretentious, ready and able to survive even under the most adverse conditions. But it will be pleasing to the eye and bring good luck to the house only if the rules of maintenance are observed.

And the rules look like this:

  • grows well in bright spaces, at a temperature not lower than 15⁰;
  • with a lack of color, the pike tail loses its bright color, the golden rims of the leaves disappear;
  • in spring, direct sunlight can be fatal, because the flower has lost the habit of such light during the winter - burns on the leaves may occur;
  • the ideal combination for a pike tail is dry air, a minimum of watering;
  • as for watering, it is necessary to water the pike tail only when the topsoil dries up, and in winter it should be watered no more than once a week, otherwise the root will rot;
  • fertilize the plant during the spring-summer-autumn period twice a month with additives for cacti;
  • the best pots for sansevieria are shallow, wide trays, as the rhizomes of the flower grow on the sides.

Maintaining a harmonious balance of energy within the home is extremely important. The pike tail flower is interesting in this regard, the signs associated with keeping it in the house are quite diverse and entertaining. The harmonious background in the apartment fills the house with comfort, making all the people living in it happy. I want to come back to this house again and again. Properly selected flowers for the apartment help to maintain a favorable atmosphere.

Sansevieria is unpretentious in everyday life, does not require special attention and care. Many housewives are afraid to grow it at home, because they know the signs according to which it is believed that the so-called "mother-in-law's tongue" brings quarrels, discord in the family, anger and bad mood. However, according to another version, the pike tail (also called sansevieria or "mother-in-law's tongue"), thanks to its long leaves, removes the negative, pulling it out of a person. The plant feeds on negative energy, regenerating it into positive.

Flower energy and its meaning

This flower adapts to any conditions, grows well in them, without requiring strong care from the owner. According to signs, he feeds on the negative energy of his owners: he "eats" anger, resentment and anger, sets in a benevolent mood, makes people hospitable.

So that the pike tail does not harm with its energy, it must be placed in the house in the right place. This is considered a loggia or a room for receiving guests. The flower is ruled by the planet Mercury, whose energy contributes to the purification of thoughts. A plant placed in the bedroom promotes restful sleep and good thoughts. It sets in a creative way, makes the house more comfortable, calm. Guests and owners of the house will become more welcoming, friendly and joyful. The "antennas" of the flower - its long sharp leaves - will absorb all the negative energy, it will recycle it and fill the house with positive.

Signs say that with the help of a pike tail you can get rid of ill-wishers.

To do this, the plant can be put on your workplace, and it will help you focus on work, achieve success and realize creative ideas.

The pike tail feeds on energy, while it rarely gets sick. It helps to tune in to a creative, creative way, learn to understand each other, cherish loved ones, forget insults and quarrels. The energy of the space in which sansevieria lives will become more positive, noble and calm.

To get rid of noise, deceitful people, from everything that prevents you from concentrating on your creativity and your own goals, according to old signs, it is the pike tail located in the working area that will help.

What does pike tail bloom mean?

There are a lot of answers to the question why the pike tail blooms.

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Our great-grandmothers believed that the significance of such an event for the family and the owner of the flower depends on the time of the year that the flowering fell.

The most unfavorable of all is the winter period.

Such an event, which took place in the cold season, according to signs, promises discord in family relationships, quarrels, scandals. When the plant is in the office, its flowering means squabbles between employees, scandals, intrigues and gossip.

The reason may be excessive guardianship on the part of loved ones, the desire to intervene in the affairs of any family member or employee of the team, which will be met with negativity from the latter.

The pike tail is an extremely unpretentious plant, it does not like abundant watering and care, preferring not to be touched much, allowing it to grow on its own. So the person in whose house this flower bloomed wants not to be baked, not to show excessive care for him, which will only irritate and cause anger.

Usually the plant blooms only with poor care and extremely rarely, this is an out of the ordinary event in his life. However, there is an opposite opinion, which says that the flower blooms only with exceptional care. Such an event, which occurred at any time of the year except winter, means good luck and success in everything.

A blooming pike tail indicates that you need to change your life, embark on the most risky projects, and all of them will have a successful implementation. Signs say that a favorable atmosphere in which any rarely flowering plant, including sansevieria, is believed to bloom, contributes to good luck in business.

If you want to buy a pike tail flower for yourself, signs will help you better know what kind of plant it is. Some superstitions seem implausible, but some are worth listening to if you want to get yourself a mother-in-law tongue plant.

Sansevieria is the real, scientific name of this plant. The people call him differently: pike tail, snake skin, mother-in-law's tongue, Indian sword, and so on.

It was these, not particularly pleasant names that caused the appearance of various negative legends and beliefs associated with this plant. The only thing that is really true is that the leaves of the flower actually strongly resemble outstretched tongues in their appearance.

Why exactly the language of the mother-in-law? It's no secret that the mother-in-law is a very restless, far from always positive family member. Most men agree with this. It is likely that in everyday life the flower got such a name due to the fact that it looked like a long tongue of a mother-in-law who is constantly trying to harm, "help with advice", get into family affairs.

It is possible that the plant received such a name as a joke, but the name has taken root and is used to this day. However, it doesn’t matter whether the plant was named jokingly or not, today many people believe that having a Sansevier at home is the same as letting a mother-in-law on the threshold.

The house will be full of gossip, quarrels, the family will collapse very quickly. However, today there is no reason to believe this sign. As in the case of stephanotis, the sign contradicts itself.

Since, according to people who got a pike tail, all quarrels and strife with the appearance of a flower from the house disappeared. Understanding, love, harmony and tranquility came to the family.

The flower got its name "pike tail" precisely due to its resemblance to this fish.

It's no secret that some plants can be kept in an apartment, and some can't. You have probably read signs about indoor flowers. First of all, the main goal of those who acquire a home flower is to restore harmony in the room.

Quite often, if people quarrel in the house, then the atmosphere is uncomfortable, unstable, family members do not particularly want to return to such an apartment. It is the correctly chosen and correctly placed plant that will help restore peace to the house. Mother-in-law's tongue is a very simple and unpretentious plant.

Indeed, it can adapt to a variety of habitat conditions.

Many bioenergetics insist that the flower is powered by the energy of the room in which it is located. However, do not be afraid, the plant only needs your negativity, aggression and anger. Coming home in an irritated state, you will feel how in a few minutes you feel good and calm.

This is the magic property of mother-in-law's tongue. And its elongated leaves are like antennas, tentacles take all the negativity out of you, absorb it and instead radiate positive, creative energy.

The pike tail can absorb not only negative energy, but also evil thoughts. The presence of a plant in the room is indispensable for creative individuals, as it inspires, gives strength to move forward. The flower will suit teachers and students, those who need to constantly absorb new knowledge, generate new ideas.
The plant helps to quickly assimilate knowledge and has a beneficial effect on memory. Sometimes you can hear that due to the fact that the plant itself has the ability to survive in any conditions, it transmits this quality to all other inhabitants of the house. In this case, people increase adaptive abilities, resistance to various diseases.

Sansevieria sometimes even helps the owners get rid of enemies. If you have an obvious ill-wisher in the office who constantly interferes with work, finds fault and tries to ruin your relationship with the team, then put your mother-in-law's tongue on your desktop (or next to it).

It will be an excellent amulet that will protect against enemies and enemies. In addition, the pike tail will prevent the spread of gossip and will prevent people who interfere with you from contacting you.

Flowering mother-in-law's tongue

This is considered a real bad sign, a warning from above that something negative might happen. The appearance of flowers in the middle of winter suggests that strong quarrels with loved ones are possible. Most often, this is a discord in relations with a spouse. Less likely to be conflicts in the workplace, with colleagues.

It is possible that you will be the cause of the quarrels, since your excessive desire to take care of relatives or colleagues will not be appreciated, but will only annoy. In fact, the flowering of sansevieria is far from the best indicator, if only because it happens only with incorrect care.

Similarly, the plant says that it does not have enough moisture or light. However, bioenergetics are sure that plants blooming in spring, summer, autumn speak of a possible wedding, the birth of children, and receiving very important good news. It may also indicate that the atmosphere in the room is as favorable as possible.

As we can see, mother-in-law's tongue is far from the worst plant. It helps to get rid of excess negativity, to bring good luck and peace into our lives. It is possible that it is thanks to him that you will be able to return harmony and stability to your relationship.

Pike tail, mother-in-law's tongue, Indian sword or African hemp - all these are nicknames for the most unpretentious indoor plant - sansevieria.

The laziest grower can grow it, and the appearance of the flower remains attractive with any care.

Botanically, pike tail flower, sansevieria is in the same family as asparagus. Outwardly, these are evergreen leaves growing directly from the ground without a stem.

Natural habitat - Africa. All types are conditionally divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Tall- with long lanceolate leaves, reaching a height of 2 m.
  2. Undersized growing in the form of a rosette.

Sansevieria has thick, erect leaves of a monochromatic or variegated color. Their surface is covered with a leathery film, the average growth rate is 3 or 4 leaves per year.

With proper care, the pike tail can bloom, releasing white buds in the spring on a long peduncle. A sweetish vanilla aroma emanates from them, and you can observe the flowering of the rosette only once.

Types of sansevieria

In addition to unpretentiousness, pike tail is attractive and a wide variety of varieties. They differ in leaf height, stripes and contrast of colors. The most popular types (names and photos) are described in detail below, so that choosing a pet is as simple as possible.

Three-lane sansevieria (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Three-lane sansevieria is also known as Laurenti. This is a rosette-shaped variety of pike tail. The shape of the leaves resembles a sword (up to 1 m in height), and their main advantage is their color: a dark green base tone with transverse whitish stripes, and a yellow-green border along the edges. White-green buds gather in a brush and exude a strong smell.

A low-growing variety that grows only 30 cm. The shape of the rosette resembles a vase, consisting of dark green leaves. Several varieties have been bred that differ in color:

  1. Hanni Golden with longitudinal stripes of white-gold color.
  2. Hanni Silver - gray with dark green transverse stripes all over the sheet and along the edge.
  3. Hanni Krista purifies the air better than other varieties. Its monochromatic green leaves curl slightly towards the center.

Cylindrical sansevieria differs from other varieties in the shape of the leaves - thick smooth tubes, pointed at the top. Their main tone is dark green, along the entire length the transverse stripes are several shades lighter. The buds are collected in an inflorescence resembling a brush.

Sword-shaped long leaves grow vertically to a height of up to a meter. The edges are slightly uneven, with light green specks scattered across the emerald surface. Zeilanika practically does not require care, adapting to any conditions.

Variety of sansevieria with lanceolate leaves no more than half a meter high. Up to 12 leaf plates are formed in one outlet. Along their edges is a yellow edging.

The yellow color at the edges is very sensitive to environmental changes and quickly disappears with a lack of care.

Home care

Even a child can choose such an unpretentious indoor plant as sansevieria.


Good lighting is important only for variegated varieties of mother-in-law. They are recommended to be placed on a southwestern or eastern window, where the color will appear especially brightly.

If there is no suitable place, then boldly you can grow monochromatic varieties in the back of the room or on the north window.


Sansevieria adapts to a fairly wide range of temperatures - from 16 to 25 °C. In summer, at higher rates, the pike tail will easily endure the heat and will not require additional attention.

Important! In winter, the temperature should not be allowed to drop to 10 ° C, which will lead to frostbite of the roots and their decay.

Pike tail is able to develop at a constant temperature all year round.. It will be necessary to create special conditions for wintering only if you want to see how sansevieria blooms. For this purpose, the temperature drops to 15 ° C for 1 month.

How to water a pike tail

The mother-in-law's tongue gets along well with those who often forget to water the flowers. The tough leaves of sansevieria only like it - even in summer, do not water the plant more than once a week.

In winter, you can moisten the soil only 1 time per month, while lowering the ambient temperature.

Too frequent watering is fraught with decay of the root system and the death of the pet. It is recommended to focus on the ground: it must dry completely to the full depth.

Important! When watering, make sure that water does not get into the center of the outlet. Moisture will very quickly provoke blackening and death of the leaves.


One of the many benefits of keeping a pike tail is no need to spray the leaves. The procedure can even damage the sockets if moisture seeps into their base. For hygienic purposes, you can only wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, removing dust from them.

How to transplant sansevieria

Although the pike tail grows slowly, you should know how to transplant sansevieria at home. A wide pot is selected for transplanting., since the roots of the flower grow more to the sides than in depth. At the same time, the material from which the container is made is not important - plastic and clay flowerpots are acceptable.

Advice! For tall sansevieria, it is better to choose a heavy ceramic pot that will not tip over from overgrown foliage.

The soil is better to prepare yourself from identical parts of leafy, soddy land and sand. The finished composition should be loose and highly nutritious. From ready-made substrates, the pike tail is suitable for soil for succulents or cacti.

Relocation to a new pot is carried out by the transshipment method:

  1. Water the plant for better extraction.
  2. Fill a new pot a third with drainage, on top - a layer of soil.
  3. Turn the pike tail over, holding it by the base, and shake it out of the pot.
  4. Remove softened or broken roots, powder the damaged area with charcoal.
  5. Place the plant in the center of the new flowerpot and cover with earth.

Sansevieria fertilizer

A recently transplanted mother-in-law's tongue does not need fertilizer for a long time. Top dressing can be applied when the flower has been kept in the same substrate for more than six months or begins to wither.

Advice! Make additives only in the phase of active growth in good lighting conditions. In partial shade, without the formation of new leaves, nutrients will not be absorbed and will only lead to a chemical burn of the roots.

Watering a flower with fertilizer should be no more than 1 time per month, and top dressing for succulents is best suited for this.


There are 3 ways to propagate the pike tail: by seeds, by leaf and by dividing the rhizome.


It is almost impossible to find sansevieria seeds in the store, at least they are not produced on an industrial scale.

When a home plant blooms, planting material can be obtained from it waiting for the pods to ripen.

They must be collected and dried at room temperature, and then remove the small grains. Sow them in a container with wet sand and cover with a film. For seedlings, the greenhouse is placed in a warm place with good lighting for several months.

Attention! In order for germination to be successful, the sand must not dry out and temperatures below 22 ° C should not be allowed.


You can grow a new plant from one leaf. To do this, its cut is processed by Kornevin and immersed in wet sand.

To increase humidity the sheet is covered with a film or a jar. It will take about 2 months for roots to form and other leaves to start growing.

You can transplant into the soil for adult flowers a sprout with a rosette of 3 leaves.

The division of the rhizome

During the next transplant, the overgrown pike tail is not only possible, but also necessary to be divided. The rhizome is separated by rosettes, if necessary, cut with a sharp knife.

This method is suitable for plants older than 5 years., otherwise underdeveloped rosettes will not be viable in individual pots.

pike tail bloom

Corollas are collected in a brush on an elongated peduncle and bloom in the evenings. Flowers with narrow petals and long stamens are painted in the same range as the leaves - beige-green.

It will be possible to observe flowering only after the plant rests in a cool place and relative drought.

The flower perceives such conditions as extreme and soon begins to release flowers for the formation of seeds. Just a month is enough to lay a flower bud, after which the previous watering is resumed in the warmth.

Diseases and pests

Most often, the maintenance of a pike tail does not cause difficulties. Rarely, you may encounter the following problems:

  1. dark spots appear from lack of light.
  2. From excess moisture begins to develop fungal infection. It appears as yellow-brown spots.
  3. Constant waterlogging of the soil leads to root rot, threatening the complete death of the flower. The first signs may be yellowing of the edges of the leaves.
  4. From cold air, the leaves become sluggish.
  5. Variegated varieties of sansevieria become pale in poorly lit places.
  6. Not only the roots can rot, but also the base of the outlet due to water getting into them or keeping the flower in a cold room.
  7. Of the pests, whiteflies, mealybugs or thrips most often settle on the mother-in-law's tongue.

    1. whitefly lives both in the ground and on the leaves. From touching the plant, small white moths begin to fly.
    2. thrips settle on the flower in colonies, especially on the lower surface of the leaves. They turn brown.
    3. Mealybug begins to spread from the base of the leaves in the form of a sticky white coating. The pest feeds on the juice of the leaves, they curl, turn yellow and die.

    To combat them, insecticides for indoor plants, such as Aktara, have proven themselves well. Processing is carried out not only on leaves, but also on the ground: the substrate is watered with a solution of the drug. Another way is to replace the top 3 cm of soil after processing.

    Plant harm: signs and superstitions

    The shape of the leaves of sansevieria is most often compared with the mother-in-law's tongue, referring to popular beliefs about discord in the house when a flower appears.

    Is it possible to keep such a flower at home if it gives rise to a tendency to discuss inappropriate topics and gossip?

    The answer is unequivocal - it is possible, given the beneficial properties of the pike tail:

    1. Absorbs negative energy from the environment.
    2. Esotericists believe that the pike tail helps to reveal the talents of the household, their determination and enterprise.
    3. Purifies the air of toxic substances, especially benzene and trichlorethylene, coming from modern finishing materials.
    4. It releases phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
    5. Properly prepared extracts due to the high content of saponins are used even in medicine.
    6. The juice from the leaves is used in folk medicine to heal wounds.

    Carefully! In some cases, such a remedy can cause an allergic reaction.

    After describing all the rules for the care and properties of sansevieria, it is obvious that such a beautiful and useful plant can grow in every home.