How many sets in tennis. Rules of the game of tennis in brief

There are two categories in tennis: singles and doubles. The rules of doubles tennis are very similar to the rules of singles tennis, but there are important differences.

1. A doubles tennis match is played on a court 10.97 meters (12+yards) wide. Note that the singles court is narrower at 8.23 ​​meters (9 yards). The length of the court is 23.77 meters (26 yards). The lines that limit the court in length are called back, and in width - side.

2. The court is divided in the middle by a cross net, which is suspended from a cord or metal cable, which must be fixed to (or passed through) two net posts at a height of 1.07 m. The standard size of the net is 1.07 m x 12.8 m, and has square cells with a side of 40 mm.

3. The outer edges of the lines are the boundaries of the court. The width of the middle service line and the middle mark is 5 cm. The width of all other lines is from 2.5 to 5 cm, with the exception of the back line, the width of which must not exceed 10 cm.

4. Four people take part in doubles tennis (in a 2 on 2 format).

5. Service zones are marked on the court by service lines parallel to the back lines and the net, 6.40 meters (7 yards) from the net and drawn between the singles side lines.

6. Couples are on different parties grids. One of the players is the server and puts the ball into play. Another player (from the opposing team) receives the serve. After each point played, the serving player moves to the other side of the center line.

The player is given two attempts to serve (first and second serves).

If the ball touches the net, but flies into the “square” of the serve to the opponent’s side, then the serve is replayed (repeat of the first serve). If the ball hits the line of the serving area or into the net, then the player has the right to a second serve. If it also fails, the server is awarded a double fault and his team loses the point.

7. The receiver may stand anywhere on his side either within or outside the lines that define his half of the court.

8. While serving, the server may not:

a) change the starting position by walking or running, although minor movements of the legs are allowed;

b) touch the back line or surface of the court with either foot;

in) touch with any foot the surface of the site, located behind the imaginary extension of the sideline;

G) touch with any foot the imaginary continuation of the middle mark.

Violation of these requirements by the server is considered a step.

9. In doubles tennis, as in singles, according to the rules, the task of the players is to direct the ball with the blows of the racket to the opponent's side, while hitting the ball into the court boundaries (in doubles - the "corridors" are the playing space).

10. The player must have time to hit the ball in turn, the roll has not touched the court more than once. It is also possible to hit the ball without waiting for it to hit the court. The team player who makes a mistake loses the rally.

11. Players need to score points to win games (4 balls: 15-30-40-game, but the difference in points scored must be at least two balls). The player who wins 6 games first (provided that his opponent won no more than 4 games) is considered to have won the set.

After the score in the set is 5:5, in order to win the game, it is necessary to win two games in a row. If a set according to the rules of the competition is played with a "tie-break" (a shortened set up to 7 points scored), it is assigned when the score in the set is 6:6.

12. As soon as one of the players reaches the required number of won sets (2 or 3 depending on the rules of the competition), the match ends.

13. According to the rules of doubles tennis In the match of a pair of A and B against teams X and Y - the order of servers in games looks like this:

1st game - player X serves

2nd game - player B serves

3rd game - player Y serves

14. Any player in a pair may serve first at the beginning of each set. The choice of the first server in each particular game is made by the tennis players themselves. However, the player who was the partner of the receiver on the first point in a game must accept on the second point, and this order must be maintained until the end of that game and that set.

15. Only one player from a pair can hit the ball in a particular episode when it flies over the net. If both rackets hit the ball, the point is considered lost by this pair.

16. The rules in doubles tennis do not limit the sequence of strikes during one rally - it is arbitrary. After the receiver has hit the ball, any of the players in the opposing pair can hit the ball.

17. When the doubles score is 1-1 in sets, a special tie-break up to 10 points is played in the 3rd set. The pair that wins ten points first wins the decisive tie-break and the match, provided that they score two points more than their opponents.

18. The Chief Referee of a match is the final authority on all matters of application of the rules of both doubles and singles, and his decision is final.

If a referee is appointed to a match, he is the final authority on all matters relating to what actually happened on the court during that match, and his decision on these matters is final.

If line and net judges are appointed for a match, they make all decisions (including step determination) relating to the respective line or net. The umpire has the right to overrule the decision of the umpire on the line or on the net.

The emergence of the game of tennis can be attributed to the Middle Ages, when a cork ball was thrown by hand over the net. By the beginning of the seventeenth century, France had already switched to playing with rackets, and the scoring system within the game also came from there. At that time, for each lost ball, the player paid the opponent a coin of fifteen sous.

Modern rules of lawn tennis refer to 1873, when the British Major Wingfield patented this game. In this article we will tell you the simplest rules for playing tennis for beginners.

Playground Requirements

  1. The length of the platform is 2377 centimeters.
  2. Width for a single game - 823 centimeters.
  3. Width for doubles - 1097 centimeters.
  4. The height of the net at the edge of the site is 106 centimeters.
  5. The height of the grid in the center of the site is 91.5 centimeters.

The net is placed in the middle of the court itself. Each side is bisected by a halfcourt line parallel to the backline, this is necessary for the service. And also in the middle of the net there is a line parallel to the sideline to the intersection with the havcourt line. Thus, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe grid, four rectangles will be obtained, which are used when filing.

Rules for scoring

The stages of a match in tennis are as follows:

  1. Game.
  2. Draw.

The match itself usually consists of three sets., up to two victories of one of the rival teams. At the largest international tournaments in men's singles, five-set fights are provided.

One set is played until one of the parties wins in six games, and the advantage in games must reach a value of at least two units. When the score within one game is equal to 6:6, an additional game called a tie-break is assigned. Its winner is also the winner of the entire game.

Inside the game, with the exception of a tie-break, the calculation is carried out according to the old system of 15; thirty; 40; 60 points. Thus, to win in one game, you need to win at least four draws, while the number of wins must exceed the number of losses by at least two. When the score reaches 40:40, the game continues until the necessary superiority is achieved.

Tie-break in tennis is carried out according to the rules of the game of tennis as follows - one of the players makes a serve, then the right to serve passes to an opponent who serves two serves at once. The alternation takes place every two innings until one of the opposing sides reaches 7 points. The winner must reach an advantage of two points, with a score of 6:6, the innings begin to be served one at a time strictly in turn. At the world's largest tournaments, such as, for example, Wimbledon, in the decisive set, a tie-break in the decisive set may not be held, and then the final game may be very long.

These rules are universal for all categories of lawn tennis, with the exception of the mixed category, also called mixed.

In mixed doubles you do not have to play a full decisive game - a super tie-break is assigned instead. During a tennis match, the rules of the game during a super tie-break are as follows - couples play up to eleven points according to the rules of a regular tie-break.

So, we can quite accurately know how many sets in tennis will take place in a match, but it is impossible to guess the number of games, and even more so draws.

Draw Rules

Before the start of the game, a lot is made, which determines the right of the first serve and the choice of the playing side.

Rules for serving in tennis

The server has two chances to make a valid serve.. The serve is served diagonally into a square near the net on the opponent's side. If the ball does not hit this square or the ball hits the net, the serve is considered invalid and a second serve is served. If it is also invalid, then this is called a "double fault" and the receiving party is declared the winner of the draw. If, when serving, the ball catches the net, but still hits the required square, then the serve is considered not to have taken place and is repeated.

If pairs come out to play, then the alternation of the serve occurs not only between the rival sides, but also between the partners in the mini-team. There is also an alternation of reception between players.

Ball Rules

After the feed is served correctly scoring begins. The batting player must strike so that the ball hits the side of the opponent's court, and the opponent is not obliged to wait for the ball to hit the court, but can play "on the fly". The rally continues until one of the players is able to hit the rules. Ball touching the net is now ignored. Touching the net by a player or racket is considered a violation and a point is given to the opponent.

In the case of a doubles game, after receiving the ball, any of the team players can hit the ball, the order is not important here.

After every odd game parties are exchanged playground. In a tie-break, the exchange takes place after every sixth point has been played. In a super tie-break after every tenth draw. At each transition, the players have a pause to rest and wipe off sweat.

After each game, there is a break in the game and a big break in a five-set duel after three games.

Quick answer: the number of sets varies, the duration of the set is not regulated by time.

Tennis is a sport in which either two players or two teams, each consisting of two players, compete. The goal is to send the ball towards the opponent with the help of a racket in such a way that he cannot reflect it after the first fall of the ball in his half of the playing field.

The rules of the game are very interesting, but at the same time, remembering them the first time is not so easy.

So, the players are in their halves of the field, after which one of the players makes a serve, which the second player must accept. The tasks of the players are as follows: to direct the ball in such a way that it is not repulsed by the receiving side after the first touch of the ball on its side. At the same time, it is possible to hit the ball, even if it did not touch the court at all. The player who makes the mistake loses the rally and his opponent gets a point.

Why do players need glasses? To win the game. In turn, the player who won 6 games (provided that his opponent won no more than 4 games) wins the set.

In order to win a match, you need to win either 2 out of 3 sets or 3 out of 5 sets - this moment initially set by the rules of the competition. Therefore, the winner is the player who won required amount sets.

How long is a set? There are no time limits, the game lasts not by time, but by points.

How long does a tennis match last on average?

Again, there is no fixed time, so the duration of the match may vary. For example, one of the longest matches lasted as long as 11 hours, but this is an isolated case. On average, the duration of one match is 1.5-3 hours. One of the shortest matches lasted only about 30 minutes.

Currently, for official competitions, the rules of the game of tennis, developed by the International Tennis Federation, are used. International Tennis Federation This structure is the governing structure of world tennis, which currently unites 205 national organizations. The International Tennis Federation is authorized to develop new rules of the game and change existing ones. The ITF has the right to represent tennis in the IOC, hold a number of competitions, promote and develop tennis in the world.(International Tennis Federation), in the official abbreviation ITF. Presented on the official website of the Russian Tennis Federation Russian Tennis Federation In accordance with the charter, the Russian Tennis Federation (in the official abbreviation FTR) is a public all-Russian physical culture and sports association based on membership. This organization was created with the aim of improving, popularizing and developing tennis in the Russian Federation - Russian Federation. The activities of the FTR are based on the principle of voluntariness, as well as the equality of its members, publicity, legality and self-government. The Tennis Federation is the legal successor of the Tennis Federation in the USSR, which worked in 1959-93. and the All-Russian Tennis Association (1989-2001). Founded and registered in 2002 the version in Russian is the most comprehensive material regulating the holding of any official tennis match, taking into account all the subtleties and nuances that may arise in its process.

We have tried to briefly, clearly and understandably state the basic rules of the game of tennis. Ch. Tennis Group coach - A.M. Lukin

Tennis Rules: Game Score

The announcement of the score in the game remained the same as in the early days of tennis. The announcement starts with the serving player. If there are no points won, zero is declared. Winning the first point is fifteen, the second is thirty, the third is forty. Winning the fourth point ensures victory in the game only if both tennis players do not win by three points, in which case the score becomes equal.

The next point, provided the server wins it, provides an advantage in the score. If the server loses this point, the advantage will pass to the receiver, and the score will be declared lower. To win a game after the score, it is important to win two points in a row. That is, it is much more important for the server with the score to complete the game in his favor to win the next point.


One of the main differences between the rules of tennis and the rules in other sports is the announcement of the score. The score "15, 30, 40" comes from the fact that earlier the score was held relative to rates and time. Then the score was 15, 30, 45 and 60. Then the score of 45 was changed to 40 for a better consonance, and the score of 60 was just winning the game. We can say that the game is taken by the athlete who won his serve with a score of 40:30 in his favor, subject to taking the next point.

Tie-break score

Let's move on to the score when drawing a tie-break. According to the rules of tennis, points won in a tie-break are counted as "one", "two", "three", etc. Tie-break game is played up to 7 points.

The player who first scores 7 points wins the tie-break and the set, provided that the lead over the opponent is more than two points. If the gap is less than two points, then the game continues until such time as any of the players can not achieve the required advantage.

The player whose turn it is to serve begins to serve in a tie-break. He is the server for the first point. In the drawing of the next two points, his opponent already serves. Then the tennis players serve alternately when drawing the next two points until the end of the tie-break. The player who previously served first in the tie-break receives the serve at the start of the first game of the next set.

Tennis has one of the strangest scoring systems in the world. sports world, but this is probably the most fun kind of competition. The good news is that once you learn how to calculate the score, you won't have a problem remembering it. Go to step 1 to find out the scoring system in the game called "tennis".


Part 1

Understanding the account

    Feel the difference between a game, a set and a match. Match is a term that refers to all playing time in tennis. It consists of winning three or five sets (depending on your class). Each set is played to a minimum of six winning games.

    Learn how an individual game is calculated. Players serve one game at a time in turn. The winner, as a rule, is the player (or team, if you play in pairs) who has won four goals. Points are played in this way: one player serves and the other beats back; throwing the ball continues back and forth until one of the opponents hits swipe or hit the net. Keep in mind that seven or even more balls can be played in a game, for example, when the first tennis player earns three and the second four more. In this case, each ball won is added to the score of the athletes:

    • 1st ball won is 15 points
    • 2nd ball won is 30 points
    • 3rd ball won is 40 points
    • The 4th ball won means the game is won (i.e. its end)
  1. Find out how to read the score when you serve. It is the server's job to call out the score during the match so that the opponent can hear it (unless you are playing on professional level where this work is done by the person responsible for the correct scoring). You should always say your points and then your opponent's points. For example:

    • If you won two balls and your opponent is one, then you need to announce "30-15"
    • If your opponent won three balls and you are alone, then you need to say "15-40"
  2. Understand how each set is calculated. It is played until one of the players or some team (in doubles) wins six games. At the start of the pitch, you should always state the number of games each player or team has won, starting with your winning games. For example:

    • If you have won four games and your opponent has won two, then you must announce the score "4-2" before the start of the game with your serve (ie, when you serve the ball first, and do not return it).
  3. Be aware that in the case of a long side by side game, you need to score more than two points to win. This applies to both games and sets. Here are some examples:

    • If the score in the game is 40-40, then you need to win two points in a row to win it. (see step 3 below for more details).
    • If you both win 5 games and the score is 5-5, then you will have to win two more games in a row to make it 7-5 and win the set.
    • If the score is 5-5 and you win the next game, then the score becomes 6-5. If you lose the next game, the score is again 6-6, and again you have to win 8 games against 6 opponents to snatch a set victory. Some draws go as high as "12-10" or even more.
  4. Learn to recognize when a match is won (or lost). Depending on the league you play in, you need to win either three out of five sets or two out of three sets. Just like with games and sets, you have to get ahead of your opponent with a double gap. This means matches can sometimes go five out of seven sets, or even seven out of nine if you and your opponent stay close on points.

    Find out how to write down the score after the match. You need to write the score of each set on a special card. You should always write your score first. For example, if you win a match, your membership card should look like this:

    • 6-3, 4-6, 6-2. This means you won the first set 6-3; then lost the second set 4-6 and won the third set 6-2.
  5. Find out what "love" means. And no, we're not talking about romantic, or even platonic, love. In tennis, the word "love" corresponds to zero in the score. For example:

    • When you don't score a single point on your serve, and your opponent wins two balls, then this situation can be called "love-30".
    • The same goes for games. If you win three games and your opponent doesn't win any, then say "3-love".
    • At the very beginning of the game, when neither of you has scored a single point, you will be told "love-all". (Which is a great wish before starting the game).
  6. Clarify the meaning of the words "deuce" and "advantage". In tennis, when two players reach a 40-40 tie in a match, it's called a "deuce". There are two possible options playing such a situation: the person who wins the next draw wins, or plays on “advantage” (abbreviated as “ad”). This means that the tennis player must win both the "deuce" draw and the one following it.

  7. Learn about the concepts of "ad-in" and "ad-out". When the server wins at "deuce", the score becomes "ad-in" (advantage-in, meaning the advantage of the server). If such a ball is won by the receiver, the score is called "ad-out". If one of the opponents wins the "deuce" draw, but does not succeed further with "ad", then the score returns to the "deuce" value again.

    • For example, when you serve, you both won four balls (making the score 40-40, i.e. “deuce”), then you need to serve again. Let's say you win a "deuce" draw and make an "ad-in" score. If you win the next draw, you will win the match. If you lose the ball, the score will return to a draw "deuce" and your opponent will have a chance to beat you and get an "ad-out". At the same time, when your opponent loses "ad-out", everything returns to "deuce" again ... etc.