Who is Boris Meyerson, put on the international wanted list? "I don't want to see others suffer"

On his Facebook page that for 16 years the history teacher of one of the Moscow schools had a relationship with his students. Despite the fact that many teachers and students knew about this, no measures were taken, according to Krongauz. Krongauz said that she tried several times to describe the story in the press, but her colleagues, who also graduated from this school, asked her not to do this. However, recently unnamed people managed to get the teacher fired.

From the comments on the Krongauz post, it became clear that we are talking about one of the most prestigious schools in Moscow - No. 57 - and about the teacher Boris Meyerson, who left his former job a month ago. The Village decided to find out what is currently known about the scandal at the Moscow school.

The post of Ekaterina Krongauz caused a heated discussion: some accused the teacher of pedophilia (although, presumably, he had relationships with high school students who had already reached the age of sexual consent - 16 years old) and asked to call the school administration to account, others recommended not to wash dirty linen in public and maintain the reputation of being "the best school in town". The latter was argued both by the complexity and ambiguity of the situation.

For example, graduate Olga Grinkrug explained their position in the comments: “What exactly is the effect everyone is hoping for? In addition to the fact that Lifenews will begin to be on duty around the school and close attention of all departments, from city to federal, will be attracted to it? Children, their education and upbringing, their diagnoses and problems are a private space. As long as at least something can be solved without making it public, it seems to me that this should be done. Greenkrug, whose child also attends School 57, declined to comment on the situation to The Village.

Literary critic Galina Yuzefovich wrote that the case with the history teacher from this school is not the only one. According to her, in the 57th also works “... a math teacher beloved by the people, who feels very little boys. And this is generally impossible to discuss, because he is just a wonderful, wonderful teacher - for those whom he does not feel.

Another graduate of the Physics and Mathematics School, art critic Nadya Plungyan, continued the theme. She said that the students had already tried to achieve publicity, but they were prevented by the Memorandum, compiled by Boris Meyerson and law teacher Andrei Petrokovsky in 2005. According to the document, insults, defamation and slander against any particular person or group of people are incompatible with schooling. In addition, the transition of a student to the upper grades means the automatic acceptance of the above rules.

Before, as part of a flash mob #I'm not afraid to say Plungian already told about being stalked at age 13 by a 21-year-old student teacher. Two years later, the girl turned to the school psychologist Alexander Kolmanovsky for help, but he said that it was her duty to take care of the man, and "we must be responsible for those we have tamed."

In the comments to Plungyan's post, you can find many stories about unprofessional behavior of teachers and even systematic harassment, including in the 57th school.

So, for example, a graduate of this school, Natalia Tylevich told about a biology teacher who forbade girls to refuse boys sex:“They may have a psychological trauma, and then they may not be able to have children.
And what about you, just spread your legs ”

One of the teachers of the 57th school Sergey Volkov wrote that now the school is working hard to understand the situation, the results of which will be published in an official response. Volkov said that his decision to stay or leave the educational institution depends on what this answer will be. However, the teacher refused to comment on our editorial board.

Math teacher Natalia Soprunova told The Village that for her personally, the ongoing scandal is “a very difficult story,” and she “feels guilty that such a situation has developed at all.” But she believes that “a 150-year-old school with such a history and traditions will be cleansed and survive”: “My task, on the one hand, is to make sure that this never happens again, and on the other, to save the school, which once then I studied, and now 58 of my students are studying, for whom I am responsible. Natalia also refused to answer the question of whether she knew about the sexual relations between teachers and schoolchildren.

The Village several times tried to personally contact the director of the 57th school, Sergei Mendelevich, but he “was not there” during the whole of September 1. However, we spoke with the history teacher Mikhail Frucht, who is in charge of public relations at the school. According to Fruht, the school does not have any evidence that Boris Meyerson or other teachers had a relationship with the students - the teachers only learned about the situation from the post of Ekaterina Krongauz. Now the administration of the educational institution is trying to find out what really happened. At the end of the trial, the official position of the 57th school will be published. The teacher also added that Boris Meyerson was not fired, as Krongauz wrote, but he left of his own free will. The reasons for this step are unknown to Frucht. Ekaterina Krongauz declined to comment on the words of the school representative.

Mikhail Frucht is not only a teacher, but also a graduate of the 57th school, which is a common practice. 16 years ago, he studied at this institution, but he never heard about the situations described in the comments to the posts of Krongauz and Plungian: “I am surprised by the general discourse of this story, which is based on the fact that the facts of violence and corruption of children were known to everyone: teachers, students parents, but no one said anything. This situation seems strange and even surreal to me. After all, thousands of people have passed through the school in 16 years. I can't imagine that my parents, knowing about such incidents, could leave me to study at such a school. And I can’t imagine that among thousands of people no one turned to the competent authorities. Why did this story surface only 16 years later, a month after Boris Markovich ceased to be an employee of the school?

At the same time, according to the teacher, he does not have the authority to claim that the facts mentioned on Facebook are an absolute lie. “As for the Memorandum, the reason for compiling this, without any doubt, controversial document, which, moreover, not all teachers signed, was the persecution by one particular girl that took place in her LiveJournal. It was also a rather high-profile story, but then there was no context that the document has now, - Frucht explained. - I didn’t go to school then, but I still participated in her life. Nadezhda Plungyan, as far as I remember, also graduated, as she studied a few years older than me. Perhaps, after so many years, she mixed something up. I see no other explanation."

At the moment, the Investigative Committee of Russia is checking in connection with reports of sexual relations between a teacher at Moscow School No. 57 and schoolgirls. On the evening of September 1, the director of the educational institution, Sergei Mendelevich, in an open letter published on the school's website, proposed the formation of a special public council that would help sort out the current situation. “I hope it will include graduates, teachers, parents,” Mendelevich wrote.

The former history teacher Boris Meyerson himself, who is accused of having relations with students, called all the accusations gossip.

Addition: On September 2, several teachers of the 57th school (among them - Sergey Volkov, Nadezhda Shapiro, Natalia Soprunova and Anna Volkova) decided to leave their place of work after they were "offered to decide" their position on the school's pedagogical council. This became known from. According to Volkov, colleagues “hooted after” those who disagreed, and “not a single one said a word of support.”

In the evening of the same day, the director of the 57th school, Sergei Mendelevich, about his dismissal. Shortly after his resignation, Facebook appeared

According to Life, investigators of the RF Investigative Committee began checking publications in social networks related to the scandal around school No. 57 in Moscow. Previously, several former students said that for many years the school had a teacher who seduced students who were under the age of sexual consent.

To bookmarks

The scandal began on August 29 with Meduza editor Ekaterina Krongauz, a graduate of School No. 57. The journalist said that in her native school, the teacher "twisted novels with students": many have known about this for the past 16 years, but they decided to fire him only recently.

The name of the teacher and the name of the school were not called, but later it turned out that it was about school No. 57, located in the center of Moscow. The teacher's name is: in 2010, he and his family even for the film "".

Boris Meyerson with his son

According to Krongauz, she had long wanted to tell this story, working in the Big City and Gala magazines, but several times her attempts were stopped by colleagues whose children continued to study there. Nadezhda Shapiro, a teacher of Russian language and literature now working at the school, appeared in the comments of the journalist, who admitted that there was a problem, but casually condemned making it public: “It seems to me that it still can’t be, and now we would be without public reprisals. ..”

A day later, another former student of the school, Nadezhda Plungyan, whom Krongauz wanted to interview for Gala magazine, spoke about the problem. She openly gave the school number and Meyerson's name, and called for the institution to close.

Hope Plungyan. Photo from her personal Facebook page

According to Plungyan, the problem was repeatedly hushed up, the schoolchildren who raised it were bullied by their peers, and the journalists refused to write about it, because they did not want to destroy the institution conducting successful educational experiments.

Plungyan also talked about a memorandum drawn up in 2005 by Meyerson and signed by a number of teachers. According to , schoolchildren were forbidden to slander other persons on the Internet as in a public space.

According to the girl, almost all worthy teachers left school No. 57. In the comments under her entry, literary critic Galina Yuzefovich stated that in the same school there was a teacher who "feels very little boys."

The 57th school was the most interesting Soviet institution of the 1970s, then a bright experimental project of the 1990s. Now she has long outlived herself and her history. I would like school education to be transparent and multi-component, so that it is not built on outdated oppositions of "mathematics-humanities", so that the program is more important than personal charisma.

I do not believe that problems can be solved by intimidating children and graduates. And in fact, I am sure that this situation will allow us to start an open discussion, the results of which will create new educational initiatives.

Nadezhda Plungyan, a graduate of school No. 57

The two posts sparked a heated discussion on Facebook about education and pedophilia, especially in the run-up to Knowledge Day. On August 30, journalist Aleksey Kikot called Krongauz and the commentators who supported her "people with good faces", criticizing the fact that they all hushed up the problem for many years.

On August 31, a story about the situation on the Rossiya 1 TV channel: in it the words of other former students were confirmed by Academician Andrey Khazin. The school called what was happening a "big shock", and Meyerson himself called everything "solid gossip" on the phone.

Boris Meyerson, a teacher at Moscow School No. 57, was forced to seek help from a psychotherapist after he was accused of molesting students on social networks. The history teacher himself told about this in a conversation with one of the Israeli journalists, where Meyerson left immediately, as soon as the details of his relationship with schoolgirls became public.

“I won’t be comfortable discussing this topic with anyone for another couple of months,” Meyerson admitted. At least that's what my therapist thinks.

Recall that on August 29, journalist Ekaterina Krongauz wrote on Facebook that the history teacher of one of the capital's elite schools has been having affairs with her students for 16 years. Krongauz did not indicate the school or the teacher's name. However, from the comments of users it immediately became clear that we were talking about school No. 57. Soon the identity of the teacher was revealed. Moreover, Meyerson was pointed out by several of his former students at once.

Earlier, Life spoke with one of Meyerson's victims, colleagues and parents of schoolchildren. Almost all of them agreed to tell about the details of this sensitive story only on condition of anonymity.

“I was Meyerson's high school student. There were no prerequisites at school, and the romance began after graduation (it was the beginning of the 2000s), when I graduated from school, one of the graduates tells Life. - The initiator was Boris Markovich himself (Boris Meyerson. - Approx. Life). I was then five minutes to 17 years old. Of course, there were no prerequisites at school. I did not expect encroachments on his part so much that it really was a complete surprise. Many joked about him, many stared at him, but I can’t call these prerequisites, so I was very surprised by the attention from him.

According to her, the relationship began during a trip to an archaeological practice.

We used to go to excavations with him at school. And even after school, if there was a desire to continue participating in the work of the expedition, they could go there. I moved there after finishing school. And Boris Markovich was on this expedition. There, in fact, everything happened. Yes, sexually, he molested me, - the girl recalls. - He had romantic conversations, and then ... He had feelings for me, but I can’t say that about myself. Our relationship lasted for many years: from graduation until 2008, when we finally stopped shaking hands with each other. I initiated the breakup myself because I started a different relationship.

She claims that the breakup was not part of Meyerson's plans.

- We parted with the scandal. He didn't want to end the relationship. He is a rather intelligent person, and he did nothing that would give me a reason to formally protect myself. He didn't threaten. He just wrote letters about how unhappy he was and that his life was over, she adds.

Even after going through a long relationship with a former teacher, the girl believes that the "Meyerson case" lies not in the legal plane, but in the ethical one.

Facebook users are discussing the situation at the elite Moscow School No. 57, where one of the teachers had affairs with students for years, but no one familiar with the situation did anything. And even now there are requests to release everything on the brakes. A day later, details began to appear: the students named the name of the teacher - it turned out to be the history teacher Boris Meyerson, and the school administration confirmed in a comment to Medialeaks that he was fired.

It all started with post journalist Ekaterina Krongauz, who on August 29 spoke on Facebook about a history teacher who worked in one of the Moscow schools for 16 years and during all this time “twisted novels” with students. Twice she wanted to report on this situation - first for the Big City, then for Gala magazine - but each time, colleagues who were in any way connected with this school asked not to wash dirty linen in public. As a result, now someone has collected all the evidence and achieved the dismissal of the teacher.

And he doesn't work at the school anymore. And that's good, even though he was a good teacher for everyone who didn't have an affair with him. Because it's not good to sleep with schoolgirls if you're an adult and their favorite teacher. And it's good that this will not happen at school anymore. And it's bad that maybe it will be in another school. And God forbid that in different schools, where there are the same stories that everyone has known for decades, there are also people and forces - because, well, my, well, these are children dependent on you, even if they have breasts rose a little and hormones.Ekaterina Krongauz, journalist

The post began to spread on Facebook: the situation, when all the parents were aware, but asked not to do anything, seemed wild to many. Krongauz did not name either the name of the teacher or the school, but her number was quickly figured out. She turned out to be School 57, located in the center of Moscow and having a reputation as an educational institution for the children of the capital's intelligentsia.

In the comments on the Krongauz post, the name of one of the teachers of school 57 flashed twice - judging by the information on the page removed from the website of the educational institution, Boris Meyerson has been working there since 1990.

A day later, Meyerson's name still sounded open- from a former student of Nadezhda Plungyan. It was she who was the very girl with whom Krongauz spoke for an article in Gala magazine (she never came out at the request of the headmaster).

In the wake of Katya Krongauz's post, I will write about school 57 and about the historian Boris Meyerson, who (suddenly) is no longer on the school website. I think that the escalating and systemic violence against female students in high school, which has been going on for more than 15 years, has reached its final phase. I think the school should cease to exist in this form. There is nothing to save here. There are no “traditions” here, except for the visible tradition of stepping over students in order to keep jobs, “despite everything” (that is, despite other cases of harassment, which were more than enough).

Boris Meyerson

According to her, in 2005, the students united and began to talk about the problem in LiveJournal, but in response, Meyerson and law teacher Andrei Petrokovsky drew up a document prohibiting students from criticizing teachers. All those who were dissatisfied with them were subjected to harassment, Plungyan claims.

Then I tried to write an article about the unacceptability of the memorandum as a measure of influence on children, after which I was told that "they don't want to see me at school anymore." I began to receive ridicule and threats of physical harm from former classmates. The friends' parents shrugged.

In 2005, a document regulating the behavior of students on the network was indeed published in the community of school No. 57. The “Memorandum” contains the following paragraph: “in public statements by students, school teachers consider the following unacceptable: insults, defamation and slander against any particular person or group of persons.”

Then this decision caused a lot of criticism. Here is one of the comments.

Gentlemen, just don’t think that they made a mistake somewhere when they wrote this, don’t think that they don’t have everything at home. This is all quite rational and consistent, before they simply did not have the conscience to publish this. They used to say “you can’t wash dirty linen in public” or “you can’t let X leave, he’s a good teacher, but it’s not scary that he committed a dishonorable act in his youth, he knows mathematics” or “if you don’t name the person who wrote this virus, we'll kick you out of school, not him" in a whisper. Now it's being said out loud.

Meyerson, in a separate post, assured that "the reason (but not the reason) for the appearance of the document was not a statement about any of the teachers."

You know, Pyotr Alekseevich, it is very difficult to work in the classroom in the morning and look into the eyes of those whose magazine with vile posts you read in the evening. And it is almost impossible when all your arguments (be human!) are shattered by some fantastic misunderstanding - leave my private space and in general, what are you doing here, teach and be silent. In my opinion, here the only (but the last) argument can be repression. Not necessarily an exception.boris meyerson, former teacher of school number 57

Deputy director for senior and special classes Boris Davidovich, in a conversation with Medialeaks, confirmed that Meyerson was fired, but declined to name the reason for the dismissal. Other colleagues are also silent for now.

We cannot comment yet: we need time to sort things out ourselves and understand what happened in our school.michael frukht, history teacher at school №57

The network has sketchy information about Meyerson. For example, one of the graduates said that the students called him "Marksovich", since he taught the period of history from the second half of the 19th century.

We loved him, but he, the bastard, does not remember us. With him, history lessons were more interesting than before. Once he even gave us a test in the form of a mock trial under Stalin.

Facebook users joined in the discussion of the situation at the school. More and more new details surfaced: it turns out that many really knew about the problem with a particular teacher and harassment in the educational institution as a whole.

“Well, this is why we don’t really like the school, which is delicately not named in the post 🙂 because I heard - I pay attention to this verb, it means that I am not ready to testify in court, give interviews and name a source, but only retell unreliable rumors - that this was not an isolated case, in the sense that this teacher and girls. There were others, with other characters."

“In fact, Ksenia, you don’t need to sell a kidney - you need to listen to what people say and believe them. Because this whole story in the 57th for ten years at least is an open secret. But when I said why I don’t want to send my children there, everyone looked at me in the genre of “well, they probably didn’t take them and now he is slandering.”

“Now I realized that I heard stories about that same history teacher back in some 2006-2007 from acquaintances from the 57th, I don’t remember who told it, but even then I was amazed that everyone, everyone knows, and publicly, at the same time, no one dares to say. 10 years have passed, and now, finally, people are talking. How monstrous this fear of going against one's own can be.

Plungyan still in time told a story that happened between her and a math teacher when she was only 13 years old.

I was 13, he was 20-21, he taught in matclasses, and I was not his first object. He guarded me after every break and followed me home, pushing me against the wall, and then called me on the phone and kept me on the wire for hours, threatening suicide. He assured me that he had dropped out of college because of me. He bombarded me with emails, several a day. I was terribly afraid of him, but I had no one to tell (especially since I was accused of "calling").

According to her, the school psychologist then advised her to "be responsible" for the annoying suitor, despite the fact that the girl had not even reached the legal age of consent.

In general, there was a lot of violence within the walls of the school, and no one realized the scale, although almost all the children saw it. Nobody had answers. Nothing was discussed aloud. Too bad we didn't know our rights at all. The only defense was to give such stories a romantic flair.

Some began to criticize Krongauz for leaking the story.

“You see, I have a very acute feeling of private space (into which they constantly climb with dirty hands - either the state, or idle aunts who want to speak out about wearing a baby in a sling). Children, their education and upbringing, their diagnoses and problems, is a private space. As long as at least something can be solved without making it public, it seems to me that this should be done. When I have a question, I try to ask it right away, but I keep the answer to myself whenever possible. We all live in boxes, after all.”

“This is some kind of sketch, aimed at a sore subject and the fact that many do not like the “Jewish woman”. 57th is a very good school with excellent teachers. Since I studied at the history department of Moscow State University, I know quite a lot of graduates and teachers there. And believe me, you would be very happy if your children would study there. In many schools, teachers bother to show second graders what the Vikings looked like, for example? And just today, a familiar teacher called me and asked me to find out how and where this can be done. And this information is somehow very hard to believe.

The teacher of Russian language and literature, Nadezhda Shapiro, asked to do without "public reprisals."

“Dear participants in the discussion related to the school, at least tangentially, at least somehow. We very much hope that now we will be able, as Tamara Natanovna says, to solve these problems. You know both the name and number of the school that we love no matter what and would like to keep. Do you really have a need for those extra letters and numbers? It seems to me that it still can’t be, and now we would be without public reprisals.”

Someone saw in the publicity of the problem a conspiracy.

Designer Artemy Lebedev, who also studied at school No. 57,

: Yes, scary..

Hmm.. I still had time.

There are short texts, so I copy them here:

Meerson Boris Markovich
The president

4 more activities
Valid from 10.01.1999

Activities of other public organizations not included in other groups
4 more activities
Valid from 10.01.1999
Number of employees (approximately) 1
Moscow, per. Znamensky M., 7, 119019

Davidovich Boris Mozesovich
0 r.
Mendelevich Sergey Lvovich
0 r.
Yashchenko Ivan Valerievich
0 r.
Authorized capital
No data

Regional Public Charitable Foundation for Assistance to the Moscow State Fifty-Seventh School "Friends of the 57th School" is registered at the address Moscow, per. Znamensky M., 7, 119019. President of the organization -OY SCHOOL" Meyerson Boris Markovich. The main activity of the company is Activities of other public organizations not included in other groups. Also, the Regional Public Charitable Foundation for Assistance to the Moscow State Fifty-Seventh School "Friends of the 57th School" works in 4 more areas.


Valid from 10.01.1999

Tue, Sept. 13th, 2016 06:32 pm (UTC)
: (2)

Friends of the 57th School Foundation

The regional charitable foundation "Friends of the Fifty-seventh School" accumulates voluntary donations. The funds are spent on material assistance to teachers and other school-related needs.

About the fund
Transfers from Russia
Transfers from abroad

In connection with the numerous appeals of our graduates and other people who are interested in our life with the standard question of how to financially help the school, we inform you that back in 1995, the Regional Charitable Foundation "Friends of the Fifty-seventh School" was created and registered.

The Foundation accumulates voluntary donations.

Fund funds are spent on material assistance to teachers, and in emergencies- for other school-related needs(repair of photocopiers and computer peripherals, payment for the participation of the school team in high-level olympiads, publication of school textbooks, etc.) when it is impossible to receive payment from public sources.
Transfers from Russia

Bank transfer details:

TIN 7704135374 ROBF "Friends of School 57"
R / sch. No. 40703810800000001185 in "VTB-24 (PJSC)",
BIC 044525716,
corr. account 30101810100000000716 in the OPERA of the Moscow GTU of the Bank of Russia

You can also deposit money through Sberbank using a receipt (zipped DOC, 4 Kb).
Transfers from abroad

Unfortunately, the transfer of small amounts from abroad without their preliminary accumulation leads to such significant losses that we do not consider ourselves entitled to enrich intermediary banks at the expense of philanthropists. If you can offer a translation scheme (not in a general form, but have a specific algorithm, and also know people who are ready to bring it to life - for example, you want to do it yourself) - contact us at the addresses indicated on the site.

emdrone note====================

Cancel the highlighted phrase - money goes to teachers, and
only later, in some "emergency" cases - to the school. Directly
it is stated that the fund's money goes to teachers.

It is possible that the data disappeared due to the fact that Meyerson
as the owner/manager of money in connection with his flight
at some internal meeting of the founders already
optimized. Renamed / re-registered the fund
etc. I do not think that such a gesheft was closed. It is unlikely.