Why dream of elevators and seeing people. What does it mean to dream of a falling or rising elevator. If in a dream the elevator falls down: what does it mean

A dream in which the emphasis is on the main symbol - the elevator, is indicative - this is a serious sign, indicating that the Higher Forces are trying to warn you.

One has only to turn to the interpretation of dream books in order to interpret all the details of sleep. So you will understand exactly what a dream about an elevator can mean.

Characteristics of the structure

Circumstances of what happened

Get stuck

Stuck alone in the elevator - an unresolved issue slows down promotion. It is not easy for the dreamer to understand the circumstances and find a way out.

To get stuck with someone - in the dreamer's life there is a person who causes a lot of problems, thanks to him there will be a hopeless situation. The one with whom you are stuck will ruin your life and bring a lot of troubles and hardships.


You constantly have a dream in which you have to ride an elevator - in reality you will take important life steps.

In a dream, I had a chance to climb the elevator high, go up quickly - career growth and success in business await you. In all endeavors you will get a positive result. The growth of material well-being, very fast and significant, will continue. You will reach heights and respect of others.

Riding the elevator down - the collapse of plans and hopes, failures in work and family, financial collapse, bankruptcy, parting with a loved one, after which you will plunge into the abyss of despair.

Riding an elevator in a dream is a financial adventure. Sleep means that the dreamer loves risk and "thrill" sensations, but this can lead to trouble.

ride with someone

Riding in an elevator with people - there will be a meeting with future business partners. You will be supported by colleagues and friends - together success will be achieved in a short time.

Riding an elevator with a man is the support of a true friend in an important matter..

With a woman - think before you get involved in an unfamiliar area and invest your savings there.


Seeing an elevator in a dream - changes in life are just around the corner, the approach of a turning point in fate.

Get locked up

We will find out why you dream of being locked in an elevator. The dreamer is tormented by thoughts of the aimlessness of existence, depression and apathy roll over. You are in an impasse from which you see no way out. The problems and hardships of life's ups and downs have driven you into a corner, finding a solution is not easy, but it will definitely be found.

Who dreamed?

  • For a lonely girl - such a dream symbolizes the onset of long-awaited stability and the fulfillment of desire.
  • To a girl in a relationship - you will reach a new level with a partner.
  • Pregnant - the dream does not carry a semantic load - you have nothing to worry about.
  • A married woman dreamed of an elevator in a dream - her husband will strengthen the financial situation of the family.
  • For a lonely guy - a good new job, an increase in well-being.
  • A guy in a relationship - marriage or career growth, success in work.
  • Married - a stable position in the family, prosperity.

What do dream books think?


The dream symbolizes the course of pressing matters that move forward or slow down, depending on how and where the elevator was moving.


A dream means a quick rapprochement with the object of desire and receiving unprecedented pleasure from intercourse and new passion, love joys, pleasure. Read more about dreams about sex.


Luck and success in your endeavors, a quick solution to problems, getting rid of financial difficulties.


Soon, an indisputable authority will appear in the dreamer's life, which will affect the previously established worldview and change it.


Soon the dreamer will reach the intended goals without labor and effort.


You should be careful - danger is approaching.


A dream means that the dreamer's affairs are in limbo and depend on the will of an outsider.


The dreamer experiences an internal breakdown and anxiety, wanting to change the situation.

If a dream has an unpleasant interpretation, do not take it to heart - after all, the opinions of dream interpreters are contradictory and do not carry unambiguous conclusions.

Reflects the state of your affairs and symbolically shows your capabilities.

If lifting or descending the elevator does not cause you any difficulties: this is a sign that your affairs are well established.

At the same time, the higher the elevator: the higher your opportunities in the implementation of your plans.

Going down the elevator: a sign that in the near future you will have to do simpler things, so you will have the opportunity to relax a bit.

At the same time, too abrupt or unexpected descent of the elevator: usually portends failure in business.

Getting stuck in an elevator is also a bad omen. Perhaps in reality you made some serious mistake or simply overestimated your capabilities.

After such a dream, it will be better for you to conduct your business with increased caution.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

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Seeing an elevator in a dream

Seeing the elevator doors opening and closing - for men, this dream portends a pleasant pastime with one or more of the fair sex, prone to various sexual experiments.

Riding in an elevator - You will experience incomparable sensations thanks to acquaintance with unconventional ways of love (in particular, oral sex).

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate dream book

To dream of an elevator

Elevator - A very important image showing your spiritual state. Goes up - rise (see also floor). Down - decline or return to the reporting point. To the side - a horizontal path, everyday worries prevail over spiritual development and do not allow you to rise. Accompanying people or objects - the situation in the elevator shows the situation on the spiritual path - whether you should study in a group or move yourself, whether you need additional classes. It breaks, collapses - a spiritual fall is possible. Stops - stop on the way.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

Dream about elevator

It symbolizes the desire to rise in life, to raise one's status.

But unlike the stairs, the elevator communicates that you are not putting in enough effort to grow.

Riding the elevator up - there will be success, but not soon.

Going down is a decline in business.

To get stuck in the elevator is the uncertainty of the position.

A dilapidated, crumbling elevator - something threatens your well-being.

Elevator in a dream means Feeling the need to climb in life.

If the elevator rises or decline in business.

If the elevator goes down.

However, the lift.

In contrast to the ladder, it indicates that a person is not making enough of his own efforts to achieve success.

He hopes for someone's help.

Dream Interpretation from the Dream Interpretation Tutorial

What does it mean in a dream Elevator

To dream that you are taking an elevator means that you will quickly rise to a high position and get rich. But if you take the elevator down, you will be overwhelmed and discouraged by failure.

If you see a descending elevator from which you have just exited, you will hardly get out of trouble in some business.

Seeing a stopped elevator predicts imminent danger.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

The meaning of dreams Elevator

Seeing yourself climbing in an elevator is good luck. Going down in the elevator - to worsen circumstances. To see how the elevator breaks off and flies down is a protracted trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpreter of Dreams

What does Lift mean in a dream

Dreams with elevators often indicate that you are seeking the help of other people to solve your problems, perhaps even where you are able to cope with problems yourself.

It is possible that you are either not making enough efforts to achieve the goal or have not clearly thought out your plans.

The elevator, if it goes up, is also an unexpected increase, and if it gets stuck in the elevator down, it means the uncertainty of the position in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

The meaning of sleep lift

If in a dream you climbed an elevator, you will quickly reach a high position and get rich.

We went down the elevator - get ready for failure. But if you managed to get out of the descending elevator, you will be able to avoid trouble.

A stopped elevator portends danger.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

Interpretation of sleep Elevator

In terms of meaning, it is an analogue of a ladder, but not requiring one's own efforts, i.e. it is an ascent or descent, independent of the sleeping person. "Rise" is possible in the sense of increasing the level of vitality, energy, health, or moving to a new level in relationships and overall good luck. The meaning of the descent on the elevator is the opposite. Stopped, stuck stagnation in business (relationships), waiting.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

What does it mean to see an elevator in a dream

Take the elevator up - a prediction of a quick move to wealth and fame.

Go down - failures can destroy your life.

The elevator is descending without you - in real life, you will hardly escape disappointment in some business.

A stopped elevator - to impending danger.

Get stuck in an elevator - misfortune will happen to you soon.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

What predicts dream Elevator

No matter how you move up the stairs (fast or very fast), the elevator: this is the best thing you can see in terms of moving between levels-floors.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Yogis

The meaning of the dream Elevator

If you take the elevator up, it means that you will feel the upliftment associated with your current hobby.

You will feel joy and happiness from having sex and discover many new things.

If you dream that you are going down the elevator, this indicates that you will have to endure disappointment in love, and the reason for this is your inattention to your partner.

A broken elevator dreams of the collapse of hopes for happy love.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Sexual Dreams

Seeing an elevator in a dream

If in a dream you take an elevator, in real life this promises the location of influential people, wealth and prosperity. Going down the elevator means defeat in the fight against a strong opponent and failure in business.

If the elevator is stuck between floors - in reality you should be extremely careful not to fall into a trap prepared by enemies.

Leaving the elevator - to minor troubles, entering it - you are in danger of hidden danger. Riding in an elevator surrounded by unfamiliar men - lucky in love, if you are traveling alone - you have to go on a business trip.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Sleep Prediction Elevator

If you are stuck in an elevator: this means that in real life you need to be afraid of deception and swindle.

The risk of being deceived is especially great in the first three days after a dream.

Most likely we are talking about buying some low-quality goods - nothing more.

Save your money! Go down the elevator at high speed: in real life, you will soon be lucky enough to meet a person like you have never met.

He will literally turn all your ideas about life upside down, so you will greatly value friendship.

Ride the elevator: a dream means that in real life, for some reason, you will have to hide the truth from others.

Although many will not understand the meaning of your behavior, in fact, you will deceive that you will not harm a loved one.

However, the game is worth the candle: the one for whom you suffer and lose part of your authority in the eyes of the public will appreciate your deed.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

What is the dream of the Elevator

Rising in a dream on a high-speed elevator and feeling how everything is shrinking inside - you will make a career for yourself with great speed, but health will stop the way up.

Interpretation of dreams from

It symbolizes the desire to rise in life, to raise one's status.

But unlike the stairs, the elevator communicates that you are not putting in enough effort to grow.

Riding the elevator up - there will be success, but not soon.

Going down is a decline in business.

To get stuck in the elevator is the uncertainty of the position.

A dilapidated, crumbling elevator - something threatens your well-being.

Elevator in a dream means Feeling the need to climb in life.

If the elevator rises or decline in business.

If the elevator goes down.

However, the lift.

In contrast to the ladder, it indicates that a person is not making enough of his own efforts to achieve success.

He hopes for someone's help.

Dream Interpretation from the Dream Interpretation Tutorial

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Dream Interpretation - Elevator

Take the elevator up - a prediction of a quick move to wealth and fame.

Go down - failures can destroy your life.

The elevator is descending without you - in real life, you will hardly escape disappointment in some business.

A stopped elevator - to impending danger.

Get stuck in an elevator - misfortune will happen to you soon.

Interpretation of dreams from

T. Lagutina's pocket dream book

To see that you took the elevator - then you will soon become a rich and respected person.

Seeing that you were going down in an elevator is a series of misfortunes ahead that will bring you to complete despair.

Why dream of seeing an idle elevator - then a serious danger awaits you.

If in a dream you did not have time to enter the descending elevator, then problems will bypass you.

See also: what the house is dreaming of, what the stairs are dreaming of, what dreams of going down to.

Dream Interpretation of A. Vasiliev

What is the dream of the elevator for?

Why dream of taking the elevator - Seeing that you were riding the elevator up - then good luck in business awaits you.

Seeing that you were riding the elevator down is the end of an important matter.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

Elevator in the dream book:

Seeing that you were taking the elevator - this promises you the location of influential people, financial wealth and prosperity.

Seeing that you were going down the elevator means that you will be defeated in the fight against a strong enemy and a complete failure in business.

Why dream of seeing that the elevator is stuck between floors - then you need to be very careful not to fall into the insidious trap that ill-wishers have prepared for you.

Big dream book

Why the Lift is dreaming - dream analysis:

If you dream of an Elevator, what is it for:

Why dream of taking the elevator - Seeing that you were taking the elevator - then you will easily achieve a high position and financial prosperity.

Going down the elevator - Seeing that you were going down the elevator - then get ready for problems and failures.

Why dream of seeing how you managed to get out of the descending elevator - then you will be able to avoid many troubles.

I dreamed of a stopped elevator - this portends danger.

Worldly dream book

Why dream of an elevator in a dream book:

Usually in all dreams, an elevator means moving up the career ladder, developing relationships, and so on. But at the same time, it is very important to be careful, regardless of which direction you are moving, because in reality the elevator, despite being familiar and necessary, is a rather dangerous structure.

So, to dream of an elevator means that in the near future your lifestyle will undergo changes. What kind of changes will be depends, first of all, on whether you are going up in the elevator or going down. I dreamed of an elevator in which you climb - wait for a promotion, good luck in the financial field, good luck in your personal life.

Why dream of going down the elevator - If you decide to go down the elevator in a dream, then failure and disappointment await you. I had a dream where you were stuck in an elevator, perhaps soon you will be in danger.

If the elevator stopped (stuck) while you just pressed the call button (that is, you are not in the elevator at that time), then failures will bypass you, or you will be able to get out of them with minimal losses.

I dreamed of a freight elevator, be careful, it is quite possible that someone wants to set you up, betray you, take advantage of your connections, money, and so on.

Dreaming of an elevator? See the next interpreter.

Lewis' dream book

Why does the Lift dream, for what reason:

Elevator - Moving up and down, the elevator is part of a larger group of symbols associated with height and depth. Thus, a rising elevator can symbolize anything from a rise in status to an increase in awareness, while a descending elevator can represent a decline in status and a plunge into the depths of the unconscious. The elevator is considered to be a threat, as in the elevator we are often squeezed into a cramped cabin with strangers, and because it sometimes falls down the shaft, killing people.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see an elevator in a dream?

Elevator - Brief interpretation: movement; ascent/descent; a good mood.

Popular expression: and do not lift a finger; throw someone somewhere; move forward in life; find an easy way out; pull someone by the ropes; downhearted.

The elevator symbolizes the ability to climb high with the least amount of effort. In a dream, do you want to climb as high as you can without straining?

The most obvious meaning of sleep is movement, up or down. Are you going up or down in your sleep? If you are climbing, then you want to move forward in real life. Go down the elevator - To see that you are going down, you may want to go down from the height you are at. If in a dream you go underground, it means that in real life you want to achieve a greater depth of understanding of something. Why dream of seeing that you are stuck in an elevator, which means that the dream reflects the real situation in your life. In a dream, was someone stuck in an elevator with you? In real life, your relationship with this person does not develop?

The dream in which you saw the elevator may also indicate that in real life you are in high spirits, or that someone is “pulling your strings” and dragging you down.

Dream interpretation for girls

What is the dream of the Elevator in the dream book:

Riding an elevator in a dream indicates that in real life you and your friends are characterized by non-traditional entertainment, which many will simply consider as a prank or hooliganism. Therefore, next time, think about whether it is worth ringing the doorbell, then to run away and look from the shelter at the discouraged face of the landlord, who did not find anyone behind the door.

Stuck in an elevator - a dream warns that in real life you needlessly torment yourself with all sorts of restrictions, not allowing yourself many things. So you can achieve only one thing: you will always have a bad mood, irritability will increase, and life will eventually cease to please you.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why does the Lift dream, what does it mean:

Ride the elevator - to rise in the service and enrichment. Go down - to failure, loss of hope. A stopped elevator is a threat of danger. Slow movement - the fast pace of your affairs; fast movement - obstacles in work. Manage the elevator - to success in money matters. Going down the elevator - Seeing that you were late for the elevator going down, you will be able to avoid disappointment in your endeavors.

Lunar dream book

Why does the sleeping Elevator dream, it means:

Lift (go up) - good luck in business. Go down - to the end of the case.

Riding an elevator up in a dream is always good, but on condition that it is in good working order and you do not feel any danger. An elevator going up to a high floor can mean that the sleeper will take a high post, and that he will simply be lucky in the near future.

Riding the elevator up and down aimlessly - such a dream indicates your life uncertainty and unstable social position. You should gain confidence.

Often a person sees a fall in an elevator in a dream. Such a dream is always negative, it promises failure.

In addition, a falling elevator can dream of a moral decline.

If the fact that the elevator is falling is a dream on the eve of the wedding, this is an omen of an unsuccessful marriage, especially if in a dream the young man happened to crash in this elevator.

The dream in which the elevator broke off and fell without you is not a prophecy of salvation from misfortune or moral decline, but a warning that it can happen at any moment. This is a call for caution.

Getting stuck in an elevator in a dream is a danger of falling into a trap in reality, do not be gullible.

The cramped elevator in which you ride in a dream surrounded by other people portends an awkward situation in real life.

A small elevator without doors dreams of a hopeless situation. It's especially bad if you're inside.

Riding the elevator horizontally is a dream for a long business trip.

Riding an elevator in a dream, stopping at different floors, but not finding other passengers anywhere - to loneliness.

Why does the elevator dream - an esoteric dream book

Riding the elevator up in a dream is a movement towards success.

Going down in the elevator is a dream of failure.

Climbing a broken elevator - such a dream indicates that you are at great risk by choosing some way to achieve a high position in life.

Falling in an elevator in a dream is a very big nuisance.

If the elevator falls and shatters - to ruin.

If a falling elevator is dreamed from the side, the dreamer's hope for someone's help will collapse.

To dream about how a loved one crashed in an elevator - in a break in relations.

A new modern elevator without a floor dreams of a threat to the life of the sleeper.

Falling down an elevator shaft in a dream is to suffer because help did not come on time.

Falling down an elevator shaft because someone pushed you in the back is a direct indication that trouble will happen to you through the fault of a particular person.

For a young girl, riding an elevator with a man in a dream should be a warning that she may be in danger of sexual harassment.

Why do elevators dream, Longo's dream book

Riding in an elevator is a dream as a call for extra care.

In addition, this symbol characterizes in a dream the dreamer's desire to raise his life status, achieve something more, increase his authority. Where the elevator goes in your dream deserves special attention.

Riding an elevator in a dream means being able to fruitfully solve current problems, perhaps with someone's help.

Going down in an elevator is evidence that changes important for your life, if they occur, are very slow, and it is quite possible that some difficulties will not be resolved at all.

Climbing high in the elevator, getting out of it and finding yourself in a bright and spacious room - such a dream promises great luck.

Riding an elevator is sometimes dreamed of as an indication that in real life the dreamer is constantly striving to solve current problems at the expense of other people, and does this even when he is able to handle it himself. This state of affairs is especially indicated by a dream in which he makes the elevator go up only one or two floors.

I had a chance to get stuck in an elevator in a dream - in reality, the uncertainty of the life situation is expected.

If you dream of falling in an elevator, you may be fired from work, breaking up relationships. It is also important here how, how hard the falling elevator landed in a dream.

A dream in which the elevator does not stop on the floor you need is also interpreted depending on where this elevator was moving - down or up. In the first case, everything will turn out worse than you expected, in the second - not bad, but, again, contrary to your wishes.

The elevator shaft dreams of a threat to life.

Why do elevators dream - a modern dream book

Riding in an elevator, going up - such a dream is favorable and indicates a positive development of a life situation.

Riding in an elevator is a minor nuisance.

Going down the elevator in a dream - to a loss.

Falling down the elevator, failing is a threat to life.

I dreamed that the elevator that you just wanted to enter breaks off and falls - avoid misfortune in reality at the last second.

If the elevator falls in your dream on Saturday night, an important meeting will fail.

The fall of the elevator on Sunday night is a fatal mistake in some important choice.

Riding in an elevator with a loved one on the eve of a wedding is not a good prediction for family life. This couple will be thrown from one extreme to another all their lives. This is the case when both together unbearable, and apart in any way.

If in a dream you are riding horizontally in an elevator, there is an illusion of movement towards success or a desired goal in your life, but in reality you are marking time.

Falling down an elevator shaft in a dream is a sign of severe waking stress.

Get stuck - to hopelessness.

A broken elevator without a bottom dreams of a lack of necessary assistance at the moment of life.

Being afraid to ride an elevator in a dream is a call to listen to your intuition, it will tell you where danger awaits you in reality.