Massage bed with jade rollers is contraindicated. Massage bed with jade rollers contraindications Jade bed

Some people have already heard about the products of the Korean company Nuga Best, others are just about to get acquainted with them. This material will be useful to both groups. We invite you to get acquainted with the products of this company, in particular we present the Nougat Best bed. We will talk about what it is, indications and contraindications for use, whether it is a medical device, reviews of people who have tried the product, and the opinion of doctors. But first, let's get acquainted with the Nuga Best company.

Ergonomically designed massage bed Nuga Best N5 with folder design

Massage and physiotherapeutic devices Nuga Best

Since 2004, products with the “nougat best” label began to appear on the Russian market. The little-known product aroused suspicion at first. But at the moment it is known to most. Let's look at the history if you haven't heard about this product yet.

The “Nuga Best” brand, which has many medical products, started small. The bed was invented first. Its “father” was a South Korean designer. After graduating from engineering school, he worked for a medical equipment company and subsequently became interested in medicine. His first invention was a device for treating kidney stones with ultrasound. For this development he was awarded by the President of South Korea and the Ministry of Science. This was the beginning of his medical achievements.

Massage bed Nuga Best with the ability to adjust the length of the massage bed

The young engineer began developing massage equipment after his mother’s spinal disease reached such a degree that she could hardly move independently. Cho Seung Hyun wanted to cure his mother, and began to study ancient medicine, not forgetting traditional. This is how the Nuga Best massage bed was created.

Information about the Nuga Best massage bed

After the bed was tested and a positive result was noted, the engineer continued development. At the moment, the company has in its assortment other medical products that affect different systems of the body, making it healthier. Here you will find a tourmaline mat, a cape, a foot massage unit and even toothpaste.

After the product became widely known in the inventor’s homeland, Korea, and was appreciated, it began to spread, reaching Russia. So today we have Nuga Best products on our market.

Bed from nougat best

Thermal massage complex for recovery, prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis

We present to your attention the first development of this company - a massage bed. In our country, you can find it in free salons or purchase it online or in specialized stores. Let's take a look at what the nougat best bed is and what it does.

The mechanism of the effect of a bed on a person

As you can see, the bed and its additional parts affect all parts of the human body, including internal organs. Now let's take a closer look at the structure of the device and its purpose.

What is the benefit

The purpose of the bed is massage. But it is different from regular massages in any salon. By using this device, you get a complex effect on the body: warming up the whole body (superficial and deep, affecting the internal organs), acupressure, reflexology.

Massage bed Nuga Best for step-by-step stretching and warming of the spine

The massage is carried out in a thermo-therapeutic way. This improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. Also, this massage starts the process of cleansing and self-healing, which also leads to an improvement in overall well-being, a speedy recovery if treatment is carried out in parallel, and also helps to prolong the period of remission of chronic diseases.

The basis for the procedures is jade and tourmanium ceramics. They have healing properties that are activated when heated, due to which the maximum usefulness of the massage is achieved. This is a special alloy of germanium and tourmaline, elements that have their own magnetic field. When heated, it is able to emit negatively charged ions, which promotes the regeneration of the body, improves blood pressure and enhances immunity.

The effect achieved with regular use of a massage bed


Basic elements of the Nuga Best bed

To understand the uniqueness of this massager, let’s look at its components and operating principle.

The massage bed provides heating with the effect of cauterization and infrared radiation

The main therapeutic element is the tourmanium carriage (internal projector) built into the bed. It heats up and moves along the spine, warming it up and stretching the intervertebral discs. This element accounts for the bulk of the massage.

Massage bed NUGA BEST NM-5000 Plus

Also, the Nuga Best massage bed has additional elements.

The kit also includes a control panel. With its help, you can adjust the operating modes of the tourmanium carriage, the speed of its movement, and the angle of the bed.

Remote control for bed Nuga Best

The massager has a built-in holder for the remote control, which greatly simplifies working with it. There is also a temperature switch with which you can set a temperature that is comfortable for you.

Main functional elements and characteristics of the massage bed

The bed is powered. It also contains several power supplies (sockets) for connecting the main mat, an additional and a five-ball projector.

White and pink bed Nuga Best model NM-4000 for daily use

The equipment comes with instructions translated into Russian and English, so using the nougat best bed will not be difficult.

Features of application

The components and operating principle are clear. So what is this miracle of technology used for?

Using the Nuga-Best exercise bed for hernia

Using a dual method (acupressure and heat therapy), the massager relieves muscle tension, promotes muscle and tissue regeneration, increases the activity of metabolic processes, normalizes blood pressure, and corrects the spine. In this regard, the scope of application of the nougat best bed is quite extensive.

Standard position: the back is in the center of the main mat, the legs are on the additional mat, the bed is in a horizontal position

The first is the effect on muscles and vertebrae. So it actively affects the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, providing an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and corrective effect.

Belly position on rolls: the stomach is in the center of the main mat, the legs are on the additional mat, the bed is in a horizontal position

With the help of an additional projector, internal organs are exposed. You can warm up the liver, maxillary sinuses, thyroid gland, etc. Thanks to the healing properties of jade, you not only warm them up, but expose them to low-frequency radiation, which allows you to normalize the condition of all internal organs.

The tourmanium mat has a healing effect on the body as a whole. Due to the radiation of negative ions, it helps to normalize blood pressure and start regenerative processes, improve blood flow.

The abdomen, buttocks, and thighs can also be subjected to roller treatment. This will help improve metabolic processes in these areas, which will lead to getting rid of excess fat deposits and normalizing the metabolic process.

Boat position or feet on rollers, feet are in the center of the main mat, back is on the additional mat, the main and additional mats are raised at 10, 20 or 30 degrees

Indications for use follow from the above areas of application of the nougat best bed.


The first thing that therapy affects is the spine and muscles of the body. Based on this, the first indications are as follows:

  • initial stage of scoliosis;
  • rehabilitation period after treatment of injuries;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pain in different parts of the spine;
  • pinched nerve;
  • intervertebral hernia (only after consultation with a doctor!);
  • arthritis and arthrosis of non-infectious origin.

Use for headaches of various origins

Due to its wide beneficial effects, it is also recommended to use this massager for:

  • frequent headaches;
  • stress;
  • insomnia;
  • low immunity;
  • blood pressure disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • overweight.

As you can see, the range of applications is quite wide. This bed is also recommended for use as a prophylaxis for various diseases of all body systems.


Contraindications for using the massager

Despite the uniqueness of the device, it also has some contraindications. Doctors do not advise people to use this massager:

  • under 14 years of age;
  • pregnant women in the 2nd trimester;
  • with a chronic disease in the acute stage;
  • with the presence of pathology;
  • those suffering from myositis (muscle inflammation);
  • having complex cardiovascular diseases;
  • in whom scoliosis has reached 2 or more degrees of severity.

Other contraindications are considered individually. Therefore, before prescribing a massage course on this bed, you must consult a doctor. Especially if there are any pathologies or chronic diseases.

In general, this massager cannot replace a full-fledged treatment, nor can it cause harm. But it helps get rid of chronic diseases and speeds up treatment, and heals the body as a whole. However, the presence of contraindications must be taken seriously, and be sure to visit a surgeon or vertebrologist before a massage course.

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Most people experience back pain. Periodic or constant aches and pains have become companions of modern man. Many people neglect the symptoms, but in vain. The problem that arises does not just go away; it requires professional help.

A massage bed is an effective device for the prevention and care of the spine. Combines reflexology, the use of jade and roller discs, and the use of manual treatment. Through the use of several techniques, it relaxes and relieves tension in various parts of the spinal column.


The choice of medical equipment of this type is large. Bed models differ in a number of ways:

  • configuration and material of massaging links;
  • the presence of internal and external massage heads;
  • temperature range adjustment;
  • the presence of infrared rays that warm soft tissues;
  • number of massage modes.

Nougat best

The Nuga Best massage bed is a medical device whose action is based on aspects of reflexology, acupuncture and heating. Stone therapy (treatment with hot or cold volcanic rocks) occupies a special place. The bed rollers are made of tourmanium or jade ceramics. When you turn on the device, they move along the spine, up and down, slowly warming up the muscles and ligaments.

Thanks to targeted effects and deep heating of reflex zones, blood circulation improves and the level of interferon, which is actively involved in the production of melatonin, increases. Melatonin produced by the body is necessary to improve the functioning of the endocrine and immune systems. It takes an active part in regulating the functions of the digestive tract and the functioning of brain cells.

As a result of the combination of various massage techniques, this massage therapy bed is suitable for the prevention and normalization of a number of diseases:

  • intervertebral;
  • pain when nerve endings are pinched by the vertebrae;
  • neuralgia;
  • neuritis;
  • migraine;
  • hypertension;
  • vascular diseases;
  • general health promotion;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Contraindications include:

  • damage to the spinal column;
  • surgery or spinal fracture less than 1 year ago;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • late stage osteoporosis;
  • pregnancy after 20 weeks;
  • oncology;
  • bioimplants in the human body;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • infections in acute or recurrent stages;
  • increased body temperature;
  • wounds and inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • increased eye pressure;
  • exposure to alcohol or drugs;
  • thrombophlebitis or varicose veins - only under the supervision of a doctor.

The healing bed “Nuga Best” is equipped with:

  • jade rollers (7 pcs), responsible for massaging and stretching the back;
  • arc-shaped five-ball projector;
  • additional mat made of tourmanium ceramics for air ionization;
  • the ability to adjust the main and additional mats at angles of 10, 20,30 degrees;
  • manual and automatic adjustment of temperature and mat height.

Action of jade rollers

Jade is a natural material. It consists of an alloy of calcium and magnesium minerals, widely known in the East for its healing properties. Having the same bio-wave as the human body, it acts at the cellular level. When heated, the stone effectively affects tissue restoration, increased blood circulation, and removal of toxins from the body. The natural properties of the alloy have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help in the fight against insomnia. Relieves physical fatigue and helps restore muscle tone. Helps with hormonal disorders and normalization of the thyroid gland.

The jade roller massage bed is in high demand. This device is not difficult to use and can be used at home. For a quick effect, you should not combine a massage session with actions that require concentration. Complete peace and tranquility is required.


The Korean bed with a massage mechanism, Seragem, combines 5 of the most popular and universal techniques:

  1. Acupuncture stimulates the functioning of the nervous system.
  2. Exposure to heat eliminates energy deficiency in the body.
  3. Roller massage has a positive effect on muscle tone.
  4. Acupressure relieves pain in the back and neck.
  5. Infrared rays improve blood circulation.

In terms of basic characteristics, it is slightly inferior to Nougat Best. However, in terms of compactness and design, it is superior.

You can read more about the Korean Seragem bed.

Happy Dream

In this model, jade rollers are replaced with ceramic discs, in the amount of 410 pieces. They carefully massage the entire height of the spinal column. They relax the muscles, returning the displaced vertebrae to their original position.

The kit includes a germanium mat. This natural material, combined with infrared rays, increases the results of thermotherapy. Activates the immune system, stimulates oxygen saturation of tissues, suppresses the development of cancer. Thanks to improved blood circulation, metabolism accelerates, regeneration (healing) increases, and the body’s ability to resist viruses and infections increases.

Indications for use are:

  • violation of musculoskeletal function;
  • osteochondrosis of any part of the spine;
  • cardiovascular dystonia;
  • digestive tract disorders;
  • diseases of gynecological and urological nature.


The thermal massage bed Migan is designed for the prevention and convalescence (restoration) of human health. Expertly designed design affects from crown to ankles. It has 6 programs, including massage of the abdominal cavity and knee joints. Impact on the legs solves problems with varicose veins, numbness, fatigue in the lower extremities.

This model is equipped with the largest number of jade heads - 37 pieces. The well-thought-out structure of the thermal bed eliminates and has a preventive effect on spinal curvature, and with repeated use, it restores the functioning of the spine.

This device is a serious competitor to many well-known companies. Combining Eastern and Western treatment methods, it is an alternative to modern medicine. The folding slide design makes it possible to use the massage bed in the form of a sitting cabinet. Having an MP3 player helps achieve complete relaxation for a deeper therapeutic effect.

Rules for using massage beds

In order not to harm your own health, a qualified consultation with a doctor is required before a massage session. The procedures should begin with one session per day. For treatment or prevention to be effective, it is necessary to use a massage bed 1 – 3 times a day. The duration of each procedure is 30 – 50 minutes, at intervals of at least 4 hours.

The patient's condition may worsen after the first sessions. This is a sign of poor health. The spinal column returns to its anatomical position, the diseased areas are restored. After several procedures, the condition improves noticeably.


Massage beds are an excellent therapeutic complex. A combination of oriental medicine and modern technology. It relieves tension well, tones muscles, and relaxes. But, like any medicine, it is not a panacea for all diseases. The warming effect can have a detrimental effect on the condition if the patient has a heart rhythm disorder, any injuries to the spinal ridge, or intervertebral hernia. Pregnancy is also on the list of contraindications to the use of hardware massage. There are also age restrictions. Not recommended for the elderly and children under 14 years of age. At an early age, the spine is not yet ready for such types of load, and at an older age it is no longer adapted to such procedures. High temperature, infectious diseases, skin rashes and injuries are also contraindications for using massage beds.

What doctors say

Regarding the use of therapeutic beds for massage as a method of treatment and rehabilitation, the opinions of doctors are divided. Some are categorically against it. They are sure that contact massage is much more effective than hardware massage. Gynecologists have the most negative attitude towards massage devices, since heating can provoke serious disorders in the presence of the slightest changes in the uterine area. Other doctors, on the contrary, are happy to recommend hardware massage sessions. It is no coincidence that many sanatoriums are equipped with rooms with such couches.

The answer to the question of what is better, treatment or prevention, is obvious. A massage bed is a wonderful device with which, according to manufacturers, you can get rid of many diseases. The massager primarily affects the spine - an organ on whose health the general condition of a person depends.

The main task of these devices is mechanical body massage. The device has built-in rollers that move along guides, influencing the muscles. Some models include external massage heads designed to target the lower back, abdomen, face or neck. A roller massager is sometimes supplemented with a vibration device.

The “chiropractic” mode implies automatic adjustment of the position of the spine, while its mobility is restored, muscle spasms go away, and the spine is stretched. Advanced devices have an acupuncture mode. In this case, biologically active points are treated.

To improve blood circulation and warm up muscles during the procedure, you can use the infrared heating function. Typically, this mode is limited to temperatures between 40 and 50 degrees Celsius. Another option is moxotherapy - targeted temperature exposure. In this case, the thermal heads heat up to 70 degrees Celsius.

In addition, the miracle bed has a therapeutic effect on the body with minerals. In particular, jade is used - a stone that, according to practitioners of oriental medicine, can fight many diseases. Jade rollers are the most common in massage beds, but sometimes their function is performed by elements made of other materials, for example, tourmaline.

Additional options for massage beds include the ability to transform, an automatic control system, sound and much more. The materials from which massagers are made can vary significantly, ranging from synthetic fabric and plastic to expensive leather and wood.

Massage beds have a large number of indications and contraindications. They are recommended for problems with the musculoskeletal system such as:

  • osteochondrosis,
  • scoliosis,
  • prolapse of intervertebral discs,
  • incorrect posture.

A massage device can also help if you have:

  • vascular diseases of the brain,
  • hypertension,
  • asthma,
  • bronchitis,
  • migraine,
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

A massage bed perfectly helps with physical and nervous fatigue, decreased immunity, and even in the fight against excess weight.

Among the contraindications are:

  • osteomyelitis,
  • osteoporosis,
  • as well as any spinal injuries.

During pregnancy, the presence of a heart attack, tuberculosis, fever, bleeding, as well as in the acute stage of any disease, the use of massage beds is prohibited.

Experts in the field of massage equipment note that a person who has undergone several therapy sessions using a miracle bed for the first time may experience a general deterioration in health. This crisis is temporary; after a few more sessions, the pain goes away, the spine is aligned, and general recovery occurs. In any case, before starting massage therapy, especially if you have any health problems, you should consult your doctor.

Before purchasing a massage bed, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. You shouldn’t count on rapid weight loss with the help of a miracle bed. Yes, the devices have special programs with active warming of the body, but the extra pounds do not disappear.
  2. A massager can help with osteochondrosis - this is one of its main specializations. Moving rollers stretch and straighten the spine, helping to solve other problems - incorrect posture, neuralgia, scoliosis.
  3. The device is a good way to combat muscle hypertonicity. In this case, both mechanical massage using rollers and active heating with infrared rays are carried out. The muscles relax, tension is relieved, they become more flexible and soft.
  4. Intervertebral hernia is a dangerous condition in which vertebrae are displaced, nerve endings and blood vessels are compressed. All this causes severe back pain. The massage bed gently stretches the spine, neutralizes the displacement of the vertebrae, as well as compression and pinched nerves.
  5. Additionally, with the help of infrared heating, inflammation is cured, blood circulation and metabolism are stimulated.

Description of popular models

Seragem Master V3

The manufacturer positions this model as the number one therapeutic massager in the world. Seragem Master V3 can perfectly adapt to the parameters of your body. Among the innovations and functions that have already become familiar are:

  • spine scan,
  • internal mechanism movement system,
  • twelve massage modes,
  • six intensity levels,
  • sound therapy,
  • modern design.

The bed can be used not only by adults, but also by children. The semi-automatic mode allows for massaging and heating problem areas. The convenient remote control is equipped with an LCD display and buttons, with its help you can set the temperature, intensity and sound mode.

Seragem Master V3 allows you to adjust the temperature with an interval of just one degree Celsius. The presence of external spotlights makes it possible for two people to use the massage device at the same time - one can undergo the procedure while lying on the bed, the other can warm up while sitting next to each other.

Meditation is an important factor in restoring the body when overworked. Together with the appropriate sound, meditation helps reduce stress, normalize blood pressure, get rid of insomnia, and relieve pain. Listening to relaxing music during a session on a massage bed improves your overall condition.

Seragem Master V3 can be transformed into a couch, while many functions remain available.

The massage covers all vertebrae from the cervical to the tailbone. The effect is certainly good, after the session you feel like a softened vegetable. After three years of use, no breakdowns, everything works the same as on the first day. In general, it is a good thing and good for health. But there is only one huge minus, this is the price.

Video: review of the Seragem Master V3 bed

Nuga Best NM-5000+

The miracle bed Nuga Best NM-5000+ is a multifunctional therapeutic massager and is designed for comprehensive prevention and treatment of a large number of health problems. The device is manufactured and assembled in South Korea.

Nuga Best NM-5000+ uses several methods of restoring the body, based on complex effects. This includes:

  • manual therapy,
  • physiotherapy using infrared radiation,
  • low frequency muscle stimulation.

With this bed you can effectively deal with problems such as:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system,
  • many other health problems.

The massage device includes internal and external projectors, a belt-shaped myostimulator, a control panel, and a tourmanium mat.

The Nuga Best massage bed can relieve stress and nervous stress, reduce physical fatigue, eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome, and improve immunity. After the sessions, weather sensitivity decreases, posture is corrected, and a positive effect on fat deposits is observed.

We have had the bed for more than a year, we are happy, my husband’s back pain has almost disappeared, he uses this bed for medicinal purposes, I don’t have any special problems with the spine, so I use it for relaxation. She copes with nervous fatigue with a bang.

Video: review of Nuga Best NM-5000+

Flasher HY-8800

The Migun massager is a fully automatic device with the ability to select several operating modes. The latter include:

  • full mode,
  • for the upper back,
  • only for the lower back,
  • finger impact,
  • main mode,
  • treatment of the abdominal area,
  • acupressure,
  • intensive level.

The massage bed kit includes the main and lower mats, two-track and fifteen-track external and internal massage rollers, a lower mattress limiting device, a control panel, connectors, cables and holders.

  • heart disease,
  • implants,
  • prostheses,
  • skin diseases,
  • fever,
  • tumors
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The main purpose of the Migun HY-8800 massage bed is the treatment and restoration of the spine, however, the device can also be used for other health problems.

We are the happy owners of this bed. The whole family is delighted. I underwent rehabilitation on the Migun bed after a serious injury - it helped me a lot! Of course, in combination with exercise therapy and physiotherapy.


Video: massage bed Migun HY-8800

Table: characteristics of massage beds

Author's opinion

Innovations listed in advertising brochures for massage beds can have a very strong impact on the consciousness of people with serious spinal diseases. Among the “revolutionary” innovations are low-frequency myostimulation, infrared radiation, manual therapy, and reflexology. The mention of turmanium and jade in advertising can confuse even a trained person. Abstruse medical terms and claims of medical breakthroughs have a particular impact on older people.

Massage therapists, in turn, do not agree that the machine can determine the condition of the muscles and perform the procedure taking into account the pain syndrome. The practitioner evaluates complaints and observes the patient's reaction, monitors muscle condition, monitors relaxation and tension and, guided by experience, applies various elements of massage. Even the most advanced technology cannot do this.

Moreover, infrared radiation systems used in massage beds have a lot of contraindications.

Of course, a device produced in a large factory and stuffed with electronics inspires confidence, unlike all sorts of healers. Especially when the device comes with a long list of awards presented to its creators at prestigious international exhibitions.

Meanwhile, the manufacturers of expensive massagers themselves say that with prolonged use of the devices, an addictive effect occurs. It is logical to assume that in the event of a sudden refusal of therapeutic procedures of this kind, a person’s health condition may significantly deteriorate.

Only the lazy do not know about the benefits of massage. With its help, you can get rid of spinal problems, pain, improve posture, increase the overall performance of organs and improve health. But not everyone can afford to devote time to a session with professionals.

A good alternative would be massage roller beds with special rollers made of jade stone, which help get rid of many diseases at home. The operation of the massager bed is based on:

  • Warming up;
  • Acupressure;
  • Stone and reflexology therapy; C
  • healing effect of jade components.

Thanks to a wide range of health-improving effects, the devices can be used for the prevention and treatment of many ailments. In our online store, the buyer can purchase jade massage models from such popular manufacturers as “Nuga Best” and “Migun”.

Basic principle of influence

The basis of the therapeutic effect of a massage bed is:

  • Moving jade rollers along the spine, simulating acupressure;
  • Infrared radiation of jades at a distance, which provides warming up of the muscles.

As a result of warming up and massage, the functioning of all internal organs improves. After regular use of the equipment, the processes of blood circulation, nutrition and metabolism improve.

Indications for use

  • Osteochondrosis disease;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Inflammatory processes of muscles;
  • Lung diseases;
  • Myalgia;
  • Diseases of the digestive system.

Before purchasing a bed, we strongly recommend that the buyer contact his doctor for an examination of the body for contraindications.

Recently, it has become increasingly popular to purchase such a specific type of furniture, or rather device, as a massage bed. This is facilitated by rave reviews from those who have tried it, promising descriptions of massage beds and the opportunity to use them for free for some time. However, before purchasing this expensive item, and even using it for free, you should take into account that there are serious contraindications. Let's try to figure out what they influence, what effect they lead to, and to whom massage beds are indicated and to whom they are contraindicated.

Massage beds - description

We are talking about a variety of devices, the widely advertised basis of which is the use of materials such as jade, tourmanium and germanium ceramics, which have high heat transfer. All of them use the principle of thermal effects - heating, mechanical effects - vibration and movement of rollers, as well as the use of natural properties of materials - so to speak, stone therapy.

Massage bed Seragem

According to the description, the Seragem massage bed mobilizes the body’s internal resources for self-healing, is designed to combat spinal diseases, prevent other diseases and improve the general condition of the body. It has many built-in jade rollers that act precisely on the back and transfer healing heat to the affected areas.

Photo 1 – Massage bed Seragem

Massage bed Nuga Best

The description of the Nuga Best massage bed says that thanks to reflexology, acupressure and infrared radiation, many people have overcome diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular systems, and gastrointestinal tract. The main profile of the bed’s action is gentle traction of the spine, but there is a wide list of ailments for which Nuga Best is a savior, which is confirmed by reviews of those who have been healed.

Photo 2 – Massage bed Nuga Best

Massage bed Happy Dream

This product promises to prevent many serious diseases and alleviate chronic diseases. In addition to stimulating hematopoiesis and metabolism, as well as relieving pain, the massage bed is indicated, as sellers say, for the treatment of diseases and injuries of the spine, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, lungs, gynecology, urology, etc.

Photo 3 – Happy Dream massage bed

Massage beds - contraindications

There are some questions regarding the beneficial effects of massage beds on the body.

  • As for healing due to the natural properties of bed materials, this can take place. However, many doctors agree that it is caused not so much by stone therapy as by the placebo effect.
  • As for the mechanical effect, massage can really be beneficial, but there are some “buts” here too. It is not indicated for all diseases and conditions. Certified specialists work with the spine and individually determine the need, type and intensity of massage. This calls into question the fact that the massage bed is proclaimed as a universal remedy for a variety of disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
  • The biggest question concerns thermal exposure: for many diseases, heating is contraindicated. From those uninitiated in medicine, adherents of the therapy under discussion can sometimes hear that this is a special warmth that can warm everything. But the fact remains: there are many more diagnoses for which heating is STRICTLY PROHIBITED than those for which it is indicated.

The annotations for massage beds list some contraindications: for example, you cannot use the device during pregnancy, fever, cancer, a tendency to bleed, inflammatory processes, etc. Using a massage bed without knowing the state of your body, which most often happens, can lead to serious consequences, such as neoplasms, abscesses, bleeding, movement of stones in the bile ducts and many other problems that can cost your life.

Video about massage beds:

$ Massage bed, price

To summarize, a massage bed is a good tool for relaxation, stress relief, general strengthening of the body and, in some cases, improving the condition of the spine. But using it can only benefit relatively healthy people and people with a limited range of diagnoses. Before buying a thermal massage unit, it is best to undergo a full examination in order to exclude multiple risk factors and get the go-ahead from your doctor. In general, such devices are considered medical physiotherapeutic equipment, which means that massage beds should be used not at home, but in medical centers under the supervision of doctors. The price of the device starts from approximately 45,000 rubles, the main price range revolves around 100,000 rubles.