Dream clean yard vanga's dream book. If you dreamed of a yard. In Azar's Dream Interpretation, if the Yard is dreaming

The origins of the mantra "Tare tuttare ture sokha" go back to ancient times and to this day this amazing mantra is known in Tibet. Each word of this mantra has a special magical meaning.

A unique mantra is able to heal from ailments, protect from dangers, bestow happiness and intelligence. It affects our consciousness and subconsciousness in a special way, penetrating into every corner of the soul. It will bring invaluable benefits in difficult life situations when help is needed. It sounds like magic in a special way By reading it, you can achieve divine protection on the path of enlightenment.

The prayer “Om tare tuttare ture sokha” is an appeal to a specific deity, namely the Green Tara. In ancient times they composed beautiful legend on this occasion.

In ancient, ancient times, the dazzling princess Tara lived in the world, who longed to achieve enlightenment. The charming girl was famous for her piety, made alms to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

She was told that if she prays a lot in her next life, then after rebirth she will be a man. She replied that it makes no difference whether you are a man or a woman. It is important to follow your own path of enlightenment, and by all means achieve peace and harmony. The girl made a vow that she agreed to protect and protect people. Soon, when she managed to achieve enlightenment, kind people They called her Tara the Liberator.

It is important to mention that Green Tara is the first female bodhisattva to achieve absolute perfection.

Mantra "Om tare tuttare ture soha": interpretation

To memorize this mantra is as easy as shelling pears, there is a reason to repeat it every day for 15-20 minutes. At the same time, you can imagine the image of green Tara, how rays coming out of her body, how they reach you, penetrate into your heart, soul, mind. Healing rays seem to eliminate all accumulated ailments, help to embark on the path of enlightenment.

The mantra "Om tare tuttare ture soha" is deciphered as follows:

- Om - as the sources say, this is the mind and body of the Green Tara itself.

- Tara - helps to protect oneself from suffering on the physical level, which lie in wait on Earth. The mantra will keep you company on your travels, helps protect you from animals.

- tuttare - This syllable is effective in terms of getting rid of 8 mental suffering. Greed, delusion, hatred - these are the vices that are eradicated with the regular reading of prayer. Successfully frees from karma.

- ture - rewards a person with mercy and compassion. Helps to understand that spiritual cultivation is one of the major tasks person. Indicates the correct path of the bodhisattva.

- plow - personifies the greeting to the container. This is a symbol of her total acceptance, as well as acceptance.

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Green Tara is addressed as the embodiment of all the enlightened, as a comforter, as a protector, quickly responding to a request for help, as a patron deity, showing compassion and love for all beings, comparable to the care of a mother for her children.

It is believed that once, before the realization of Buddhahood, Tara was a woman walking the path of the bodhisattva. This woman has taken a vow to continue on her path until reaching Enlightenment in the body of a woman, and after achieving Supreme Enlightenment, she manifests in female forms.

Tara provides support to those who seek Enlightenment, and those who seek protection in her, she is an example that Enlightenment can be achieved by any person, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman.

Green Tara Mantra (Mantra OM Tare Tuttare Ture soha):


[Tibetan] Om Tare Tutare Ture Soha
[Sanskrit] Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Svāhā Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha

TARE represents salvation from earthly dangers and suffering. Guiding Star. Guiding Light. TUTTARE - individual liberation from mental suffering. Tara can help and personal protection from the spiritual dangers of greed, hatred and delusion: three factors that cause us suffering. TYPE - helps to return to the path of the bodhisattva. Helps to understand the importance of spiritual movement and realize that the path to enlightenment involves us in a sense of compassion for others. SVAHA (SOHA) - a term whose meaning is interpreted in five or six different meanings. In a simpler sense, it means "so be it", or it can carry the meaning of blessing, transformation, enthusiastic joy, glorification. "May the blessings of this mantra take root in our hearts."

A person who recites the Green Tara mantra defeats all demons, destroys obstacles and achieves the fulfillment of desire. It is believed that when a person blinks, while his eyes are closed, Green Tara manages to fly around the earth a thousand times, so she manages to help everyone who asks her about it. Several years ago in ancient capital In China, the city of Xian, there was a case when, during the hundred thousandth recitation of the Green Tara mantra, the transparent crystal rosary of a practitioner named Yatou changed its color to green, which indicated the synchronization of this yogini with Green Tara.

Green Tara is one of the revered goddesses of Buddhism. From Sanskrit, the word "tara" is translated as a saving star. The goddess helps in healing diseases, solving everyday and love problems, protects from troubles and fulfills innermost desires. Consider the topic: om tare tuttare ture soha - the meaning of the mantra. When you can practice the mantra, how many times to pronounce it, how to pronounce it correctly, what conditions to observe.


The image of Tara is so powerful that even the image of her in the picture brings blessing to the artist. The green Tara mantra was especially revered by the Dalai Lama. Goddess Tara is the embodiment of compassion and mercy, love and care. In a moment of danger and despair, Tara comes to the rescue if you ask her about it in a mantra prayer.

In Buddhism, there are 21 incarnations of the goddess, but the image of green and white Tara is the most widespread. Green Tara is depicted with a lotus flower in her hand and looks like a simple earthly woman sitting on a lotus throne. Belonging to the world of the gods is expressed in the color of her skin - green. In Buddhism great importance have gestures that carry a sacred meaning. Right hand the goddess is located at the knee - this is a symbol of good deeds. Left hand located at the chest - a symbol of protection. According to legend, Tara was a wise girl who dreamed of achieving enlightenment. Despite the fact that she managed to become enlightened, she continued to love people and help them after her death.

The mantra om tare tuttare ture sokha is a mantra for help. The goddess hears these words and quickly responds to prayer. You only need to ask her with a pure heart and bright intentions: Tara will never help in achieving selfish goals.


What do these words mean in the sacred language? Conventionally, the mantra Tare Tuttare is translated as a request to enlighten the mind, get rid of destructive thoughts, cleanse the soul from negative emotions, expand it to understanding and compassion. This is how harmony is achieved - a direct path to the realization of a cherished and noble desire.

Now let's analyze the sacred meaning of words in the literal sense:

Ohm- the sound at which the universe vibrates. Pronouncing the sound Om, a person enters the spiritual space.

Tare- removal from earthly sensations, access to the divine worlds, salvation from earthly dangers.

Tuttare- getting rid of the hardships of karma and negativity, eliminating fears and internal blockages. This is the elimination of everything that prevents you from achieving your goal.

Toure- calls for good luck and luck, allows you to reveal internal reserves human essence and know the true self.

sokha- sends a request to heaven (sometimes pronounced as a matchmaker or soham).

If we give the words an artistic form, we get the following appeal to the goddess:

The appeal to Tara is filled not only with a plea for salvation, but also with the desire to receive wisdom and enlightenment.

The goddess fulfills the desires of a person who seeks to gain wisdom on the earthly path, and not seeking earthly goods for their own sake. Tara will help get rid of negativity and destructive thoughts that destroy inner world people and lead to mental confusion. Happiness is impossible without finding inner peace and harmony - this is where the goddess helps. Inner enlightenment reveals the true picture of what is happening, and a person chooses the right way to solve problems.


The period of 21 days has another meaning - it is after 21 days that the cells of the body are completely renewed. If you asked for healing, in three weeks you will receive a perfect result! You should not expect instant healing - the mantra does not violate or cancel the laws of the universe.

How many times is the mantra om tare tuttare ture soha recited? It is advisable to pronounce this text 108 times in a row. Take a rosary or beads with 108 beads on it and read by fingering the beads. One bead - one reading of the text. The material of the beads does not matter - wood, glass, plastic.