The Grail. Origin of legends. Meaning of the Grail. Holy Grail: the most beautiful legend

The Holy Grail is a mysterious miraculous vessel that has the magical ability to bestow all the desired benefits, up to immortality. His search continues today. What was the meaning of the Holy Grail in history and is there any chance to find it in the present day?

What does the Grail look like?

There are many versions of what the Grail is. Some see in its image a pagan cornucopia or magical Celtic cauldrons, others believe that it is a mysterious stone that can reveal the secrets of the world and give immortality. But all of them are united in one thing - only those who are chosen for this and have reached a certain degree of spiritual development can find the Holy Grail.

The most common version is that the Holy Grail looks like a communion cup. The chalice served Christ with his apostles during the last liturgy, referred to as the Last Supper.

It is believed that agate served as the basis for the manufacture of the church cup. This stone fell out at the moment of the overthrow of the archangel Lucifer during the battle of his legion with the angelic troops. The stone, once presented by God himself to the Archangel of Darkness, disappeared into the darkness during the battle. But one of the fragments nevertheless reached the ground. The Holy Grail was made from it.

According to legend, Christ himself drank from this goblet at the last supper. Upon learning of the death of Jesus, one of the secret followers of the son of God, Joseph of Arimathea, went to the house where the last meal was held and took the cup. In this goblet, Joseph collected a few drops of the Savior's blood, which on the day of the crucifixion oozed from the wound inflicted by the spear of Cassius Loginus, a Roman legionary. Then he removed the body of the Savior from the cross, wrapped the shroud and buried it in a rock-cut tomb.

For this, Joseph was thrown into prison, where starvation awaited him. But the magic cup gave him food for two years. Joseph saw the white light only thanks to the order of the emperor Vespasian, who experienced healing properties shrouds with the imprinted face of Christ.

According to numerous legends throughout the history of its existence, the Holy Grail of all who worshiped it, not only fed worldly food. He maintained youth in people and gave the desired healing. Those who managed to contemplate the magic cup experienced an all-encompassing joy and trembling feeling in anticipation of Paradise.

The Holy Grail has many forms. In some sources, the Holy Grail is depicted as a golden plate adorned with pearls and precious stones. The Grail is also called the cornerstone that fell from the sky, the holy city of Jerusalem, and even the womb of Mary Magdalene, which contains the blood of Christ ... The list is inexhaustible. But any of the incarnations in one way or another symbolizes the divine presence.

In pursuit of the Grail

Attempts to find the Holy Grail are innumerable. Representatives of the church, Christian Gnostics, and mere mortals tried to get this greatest of the relics.

It is assumed that the keeper of the cup, Joseph, went with the relic to Britain, where, before his death, he entrusted the treasure to his successor.

Sources of information about the Grail

Information about the mysterious goblet in the Middle Ages can mainly be gleaned from literary works. This is how Wolfram von Eschenbach first spoke about the Grail. The main character of his work, the knight Parsifal, was looking for a unique artifact. The only thing is that it was not a vessel at all, but a luminous stone.

The magic goblet was also often found in works dedicated to King Arthur and the knights. round table. And everywhere the artifact was represented by an invisible goblet, which appeared only to people who were not prone to sins and vices.

The legend was most widely spread thanks to the works of Chrétien de Troyes, who wrote a chivalric romance back in the 12th century, taking as a basis the book of Celtic myths "Mabinogion".

Such works were created not just like that. After all, since the 9th century, Europe was massively engulfed in belief in the power of the Instruments of the Passion. The hunt was for all the objects and tools with which they tortured Jesus: the cross on which they crucified, the scourge with which they whipped the body, the pole to which they tied. The Holy Grail was also among such artifacts.

Probable storage locations for the relic

According to one version, on the orders of the English kings, who set a goal to collect the Instruments of Passion, Joseph brought the vessel to the ancient city of Glastonbury. There he remained until the end of his days. The relic was kept on the territory of modern England, presumably until 258. On behalf of Pope Sixtus V, it was guarded by the priest Lorenzo as the most valuable Christian treasure.

After 500 years, King Arthur settled with his associates on Glastonbury Hill. He did not give up trying to find the magic cup. Whether he succeeded is unknown. Although legend says that last days of life, the Grail nevertheless appeared to Arthur.

Some historians claim that the goblet was kept for a long time by the Templars, members of the medieval monastic order of the Temple. The order was created to protect Christian territories and pilgrims from Muslim neighbors. The members of this society were ready to remain faithful to their principles to the grave, personifying the high spirit of Christian love. Since the Templars have earned a reputation as reliable custodians of property, they were entrusted with a valuable relic. True, where she then disappeared along with the rest of the treasures is not known for certain.

The question of the magic cup is directly related to the Brotherhood of the Knights of the Holy Grail. This secret society has been chronicling since the ascension to the throne of King Arthur. It organized the Order of the Knights of the Round Table, whose ranks were filled only by the most virtuous and valiant knights of Europe.

According to legend, it was these knights, led by Titurel, who, despite his young age, was distinguished by wisdom and purity of thoughts, went in search of a magic cup.

Only the leader reached the goal. About the location of the castle, where the cup was kept, he was told by the fisher-king from the Desolate Land. He then became his successor, bearing the eternal name of the Grail King.

The Quest for the Cup in Recent Centuries

The existence of a mysterious goblet, which gives unlimited power and immortality, did not give peace not only to famous kings, kings, generals, but also to our contemporaries.

Adolf Hitler was very interested in this priceless artifact. Being greedy for any kind of mystical things, he sought them all over the world. To do this, he created an occult department called "Ahnenerbs". Its participants organized numerous expeditions to different parts of the world, including the Caucasus, where, according to one version, the sacred cup was kept in caves.

The Fuhrer did not leave his attempts even at the height of the Second World War. So the esoteric occultist Otto Rahn, who headed the organization, unsuccessfully searched for the artifact in the ruins of the last refuge of the Cathars of Montsegur's castle in Languedoc.

In the 13th century, it was the Cathar knights, who preached moral purity, who were considered the keepers of the Grail. Pope Innocent III was unhappy with the influence the Cathars had on "mere mortals". He declared a crusade against these heretics in order not only to destroy the "recalcitrant", but also to seize the relic that gave them undoubted spiritual superiority. In the struggle for the purity of the faith, the pope's troops spared no one. Therefore, it is highly likely that at the last moment the Cathar knights of the impregnable citadel nevertheless decided to transport the greatest treasure away from the epicenter of events.

During the occupation of the Crimea, in search of the Golden Cradle, the Germans "wooled" the ruins of temples and mountain fortresses. It is assumed that the sacred bowl rests in Altyn Beshik. This is a place of power buried underground.

It is believed that in the XIV century the Christian principality of Theodoro found itself between "two fires": the Genoese who settled in the Cafe and the Tatars Mamaia. Genoese Catholics forced the return of the cup, promising in return to end the war. Then the prince took refuge with the relic in the Basman caves and turned to the spirits of the mountain with a call to protect the Golden Cradle. The earthquake that broke out at that moment swallowed people along with the bowl.

Exploration of the cave cities of Mangup and Chufut-Kale continued for several months, but the search did not bring success.

There is a version that Stalin also paid considerable attention to this issue. This is confirmed by the fact that in the pre-war years, the NKVD and KGB officers, headed by leading experts in the occult sciences A. Barchenko G. Bokiy, carefully studied the Crimean caves in search of the Golden Cradle. And during the war, when our troops liberated Koenigsberg, the first thing they took out was the miraculously preserved archive of the Livonian Order.

Grail - the womb of Mary Magdalene?

The version that the Grail is actually not a vessel, but the womb of Mary Magdalene, arose after the Arthurian scholar R.Sh. Loomis, after translating about the Grail, noticed a strange pattern. In Old French, the concepts of "horn" and "body" are denoted by the same phrase "il cors". In the works of the Middle Ages, the Grail is not referred to as a cornucopia, but as the Body of Jesus Christ. Yes, and the old French basis of the word "Sangreal" is translated as "true blood."

The existence of the "royal blood of the descendants of Jesus" is also indicated by documents found in the Jewish archive of the Jerusalem Temple, related to the "King of the Jews" Jesus Christ. They mention a wedding organized in Cannes of Galilee, which is also described in the Gospels.

The main contender for the role of wife, Mary Magdalene, contrary to popular belief, was not a harlot. Her role in the life of Christ is deliberately obscured by the church. The only thing that Christ's disciples condemned her for was that the Savior loves her more than others.

Saint Mary Magdalene in the grotto

Moreover, many historians agree that the wife of Jesus gave birth to children from him, but after the tragic event she was forced to leave the Holy Land and take refuge in the Jewish community of Gaul. So it is likely that the carriers of the "royal blood" have survived to this day.

Candidates for the title of the holy bowl of recent years

The search for contenders for the title of the Holy Grail continues to this day. One of the last relics that claimed the right to be called it was a vessel found in the basilica of the Spanish city of León in 2014.

Historians who have studied the artifact itself and documents dating back to the 14th century put forward a version that in fact the vessel was sent not to Britain, but to North Africa. There, the Egyptian caliph handed over the bowl to the Emir of Denia, who, in turn, gave it to King Ferdinando I. Having traveled a long way, the vessel ended up in Leon, where it received its second name - the Urraca bowl.

According to scientists, the material of manufacture and the method of processing the bowl are exactly the same from which the dishes were made in Palestine at the time of Christ. The authenticity of the artifact is also indicated by hidden symbols found on the fresco of the basilica with the plot of the same Last Supper.

The Italian archaeologist Alfredo Barbagallo, on the contrary, believes that the sacred cup is located in Rome. It is hidden in the cellars under the Basilica of San Lorenzo Fuori le Mura, one of the most visited churches by pilgrims. He drew his conclusions on the basis of many years of medieval iconography of the interior decoration of the basilica and the structure of the catacombs located under it. The temple itself was erected on the burial site of St. Lawrence, which also suggests the pattern of placing the relic there.

The third "genuine" sacred cup, allegedly recognized by the Vatican itself, is kept in Valencia in the Cathedral of St. Mary. The goblet is 7 cm high and 9.5 cm in diameter, made of dark red agate. It rises on a small stand and is complemented by two handles. The bowl is trimmed with gold inserts, decorated with emeralds and pearls.

In earlier centuries it was used for religious purposes. But after in 1744 during the holiday the goblet was accidentally dropped and split, after the restoration of the product, it was decided in the future to simply keep it as a cult object. The only exceptions were mass services, during which Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who visited Valencia, used the communion cup.

The Catholic Church recognized the chalice stored in the Cathedral as a genuine shrine, calling it "a witness to the steps of Christ on earth."


In the Middle Ages, in the countries of Europe, along with the canonical religious plots known from the Scriptures, that is, the books of the Old and New Testaments, folklore legends appeared, created in the traditions of folk tales. Vetikhle-gendakh, in addition to plots and images known from writing, told about events and characters created by folk fantasy.

One such legend is that of the Holy Grail. The legend originated in the British Isles and was associated with a cycle of Celtic legends about King Arthur.

When Lucifer rebelled against God and was cast down from heaven, the legend of the Holy Grail tells, an agate stone fell out of his crown. For a long time this stone was worn in space, but when Christ was born, the agate fell to the ground.

From this stone they made a vessel, called the Grail.

Various assumptions have been made about what the word "Grail" means. It was produced from consonant words and phrases meaning “a vessel for mixing wine and water”, “true blood”, “basket of abundance”, but they never came to a consensus.

According to legend, Christ drank wine from the Grail at the Last Supper and treated his disciples. And when Christ was crucified on the cross and his chest was pierced with a spear, the righteous Joseph of Arimathea, who later buried Christ, collected his blood in this cup.

The vessel mysteriously disappeared, but from the prophecy it was known that the Grail would still appear to people and choose its own guardian.

Many years later, a son, Titurel, was born to a certain king. From a young age, he was distinguished by purity of thoughts and commitment to the Christian faith. When the young man was fifteen years old, an angel flew down from heaven and informed Titurel that the Holy Grail had chosen him as its guardian.

Titurel said goodbye to his parents and went to where the holy grail awaited him. An angel flew ahead, singing, pointing the way.

And then Titurel came to a dense forest, in the middle of which a mountain towered, and above its peak a sacred vessel hovered in the air - the Holy Grail, supported by invisible angels.

At the foot of Mount Titurel, the knights were waiting, bowing before him as before their master. It was a pious host, called to serve the holy grail and its guardian. This is how the chivalric brotherhood of the Holy Grail appeared.

First of all, Titurel and his knights decided to build a fortified castle on the mountain, which would become their stronghold, and in the center of the castle a temple.

The construction continued for thirty years, and all this time the Holy Grail hovered in the air, miraculously providing food and drink for the pious builders, and for construction - precious tree aloe, gold and gemstones.

When the construction was completed, the holy grail descended from heaven and placed in the altar of the temple.

A large bell hung on a post in front of the castle, and if somewhere Christians were oppressed for their faith or an innocent was offended, the bell would start ringing by itself, and the knights of the Holy Grail would rush to help.

The Holy Grail still gave them everything they needed to live and, in addition, endowed them with longevity beyond the human limit: the Knights of the Holy Grail lived for several hundred years.

Titurel married the daughter of the Spanish king and had two sons from her, Amfortas and Trevresent. As young men, both of them were knighted in the Holy Grail and, in time, were to inherit from their father the dignity of guardians of the shrine.

The brothers were strong and courageous, fought bravely against the enemies of the Christian faith, but there was no true piety in their souls. It often happened that they fought not in a holy battle for the glory of the Holy Grail, but in a jousting tournament for the glory of beautiful ladies.

Once at such a tournament, Amfortas was seriously wounded in the chest with a spear. He was transferred to the castle and began to be treated. But neither the smoke of a burning aloe tree, nor the blood of a pelican, nor the earth soaked in the bile of a dragon helped him. Many days passed, and the wound bled, as if it had just been inflicted, and caused immeasurable suffering to the wounded man.

And everyone understood that Amfortas was being punished for his lack of piety.

Trevrezent, seeing the suffering of his brother, was afraid of such a fate for himself and vowed never to participate in tournaments again, not to eat meat, baked bread and not drink wine, settled in the forest and began to live like a hermit, eating only wild herbs.

Great sorrow reigned among the knights of the Holy Grail. Titurel was already old by that time, he was four hundred years old, and he felt the approach of death. But now he had no one to pass on the rank of guardian of the Holy Grail: one of his sons was chained to a bed of suffering, the other retired from the world.

The knights gathered in front of the sacred vessel and offered an ardent prayer. And then letters appeared on the Holy Grail, announcing that an unknown knight would soon come to the castle and ask what was happening here. As soon as he asks this question, Amfortas will heal from his wound.

In addition to two sons, old Titurel had a daughter, Herzenloide. She fell in love with the brave knight Gamuret and married him.

But their happiness was short-lived. It always happens in love: whoever rejoiced for a moment will cry forever.

Once, when Gamuret was fighting the pagans on a long campaign, Herzenloyda had a dream that a fiery dragon flew at her and tore her heart out of her chest.

And in the morning a messenger rode up from distant lands with the news that the brave Gamuret had died in battle.

Soon Herzenloide gave birth to a son and swore that she would save him from the fate of his father, would not allow him to be exposed to the dangers of a knightly life.

She left the castle and settled with her newborn son, whom she named Parsifal, in a dense forest.

Parsifal grew up knowing nothing but the forest, seeing no one but his mother, forest animals and birds.

But one day, on a forest road, he met two knights in shining armor, on light-footed horses. Parsifal decided that these were supernatural beings, and fell on his knees, but the knights spoke to him affably. The young man learned that there is another life in the world, and passionately wanted to experience it.

He went to his mother and told her that he was leaving the forest - leaving for the world to become a knight. Herzenloide realized that she could no longer keep her son by her side, and let him go.

Soon Parsifal reached the city where the glorious King Arthur lived. At the city gates, he met a knight in red armor with a golden goblet in his hands.

Appearing before King Arthur, the young man asked to be knighted, and the king granted his wish.

Parsifal learned that the Red Knight, whom he met at the city gates, had just boldly stolen a golden goblet from the royal table. Parsifal immediately rushed after him, caught up, challenged him to a duel and won, taking away the goblet, armor, horse and weapons.

He sent the cup to King Arthur, and he took armor, a horse and weapons for himself and went to wander the world in search of exploits.

Parsifal drove up to the city, which was besieged by enemies. A young queen, beautiful as the morning rose, ruled over that city. The queen turned to Parsifal for help. He fought with the leader of the enemy troops - and killed him. The city was saved, and the knight-errant took the beautiful queen as his wife. Soon she bore him two sons.

But Parsifal dreamed of exploits and glory, and not of quiet family happiness, so he left his wife and set off again.

Wandering around the world, one day he found himself in a dense forest where the knights of the Holy Grail lived, and asked for an overnight stay in their castle.

They took him to a huge hall. The walls of the hall sparkled with gold and precious stones, four hundred knights sat at a large table, one hundred pages served them. But before the knights were empty dishes and goblets, there was no food or drink.

At the head of the table, a man in rich clothes was reclining on a couch. A wound was bleeding on his chest, and he could barely contain his groans. Parsifal was seated at the table with the knights. And then the girls in white clothes, like heavenly angels, brought into the hall a transparent bowl, from which a wondrous light emanated. Everyone stood up and offered up a prayer. And immediately the dishes and cups were filled. The cup was taken away, and the knights began to eat.

Parsifal marveled at what he saw, but did not dare to ask about anything.

A year later, crowned with glory, he returned to the court of King Arthur and took a place of honor among his knights.

One day, when King Arthur's knights were sitting and feasting, telling each other about their exploits, a strange, clumsy beast appeared in the hall. This beast was ugly, but even uglier was the rider who sat on it. She had yellow eyes, a dog's nose, boar's fangs and bear's ears, and a black plait ran down her back, as hard as pig's bristles.

But appearances can be deceiving: the ugly rider served the Grail, was wise and pious, knew different languages ​​and knew how to read the stars. Her name was Kundria. She came as a messenger to Parsifal.

Kundriya said: “Alas, knight! You were with us, you saw the Holy Grail, you saw Amfortas suffering from an incurable wound, you saw dishes and goblets filling themselves, but you did not ask a single question. If you asked what this means, Amfortas would be healed, become the keeper of the shrine, and peace and happiness would descend on our brotherhood. You did not fulfill the prophecy, and now, through your fault, when the guardian of the Grail dies, the sacred vessel will remain without protection!

Sobbing, Kundria left the castle of King Arthur. Parsifal was horrified by his involuntary guilt, confusion settled in his soul. Again he set off to wander the world, tormented by the thought that he had sinned grievously, not having accomplished the predestined good.

He stopped going to church, did not dare to talk with God and was looking only for battles and battles.

So five years passed. One winter, Parsifal was riding through the forest and came across a hermit's hut covered with snow. In that hut lived Trevresent - the brother of the unfortunate Amfortas.

Parsifal learned from Trevresent that his mother, Herzenloide, was the daughter of old Titurel, the guardian of the Grail, and that he himself was his grandson. Trevresent told Palsifal not to despair, but to trust in the mercy of God, to return to the court of King Arthur and wait there for news from the knights of the Holy Grail.

Parsifal heeded the advice, and soon Kundria appeared before him again. But this time she shone with great joy.

Kundriya said: “Rejoice, knight! The writings reappeared on the Holy Grail. They announce that you have been chosen as the guardian of the shrine.

Parsifal immediately went to the Holy Grail. The knights greeted him with joyful cries. He offered an ardent prayer to God, and through this prayer Amfortas was healed of his wound. Parsifal called his wife and sons to him.

Parsifal became the head of the brotherhood of the Holy Grail, the guardian of the sacred vessel.

In the Middle Ages, many European poets processed the plot of the legend of the Holy Grail. In the 12th century in France, Robin de Boron wrote the poetic "Novel about the history of the Grail", and Chretien de Troy - the novel "Parsifal, or the Tale of the Grail". Wolfram von Eschenbach's novel Parsifal appeared in Germany in the 13th century. The legend of the Grail is included in the novel of the 15th century English writer Thomas Malory's "The Death of Arthur".

This plot also attracted romantic poets of the 19th century (L. Uhland, A. Tennisonidr.).

In 1882, the great German composer Richard Wagner wrote the opera Parsifal. Wagner attached great importance to the literary basis of his operas and wrote the libretto himself. The libretto of "Parsifal" was created mainly on the basis of the novel by Wolfram von Eschenbach. But Wagner strengthened the religious and philosophical meaning of the legend, emphasized the Christian idea of ​​sin and redemption. In Wagner's opera, Amfortas suffers not so much physical as mental torment because, not being worthy, he continues to serve the Holy Grail. He strives not for healing, but for death, and at the end of the opera he dies.

A large role in the opera belongs to Kundria. For Wagner, this is not a monster from an ancient legend, but a beautiful girl under the power of an evil spell and forced - against her will - to seduce the knights of the Holy Grail, to incline them to sin. Parsifal, having resisted her charms, frees Kundria from the spell, and she dies enlightened.

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The story of the Holy Grail is such a tangled tangle of European legends, oriental traditions, literary narratives and conjectures, rooted not in the biblical source, as one might assume, but almost in the pagan folklore motifs of the Celts, that it’s time to exclaim: “Ah was it a boy? Or rather, an elusive Christian relic in the form of a cup, from which the disciples of Jesus Christ took communion at the Last Supper, into which the blood of the Savior crucified on the cross was later collected.

"Grail" is an old French word that denoted a large dish, a tray. This appointment of the Grail is described by the oldest surviving document about this relic - the novel by the Provencal troubadour poet Chrétien de Troy "Persefal, or the Tale of the Grail", referring to 1182. In this novel, the Grail is represented as a large dish inlaid with precious stones, which is carried by a maiden through the halls of the castle. However, in other works about this artifact - poems and novels - the Grail appears in the form of a bowl, goblet and even a stone. However, none of these works is not known as an authoritative source of information.

The legend of the Grail was based on the Christian apocrypha about the journey to England of Joseph of Arimathea. A countryman of Chrétien de Troyes, also a Provençal poet Robert de Born, refers to an old historical source - a manuscript that says that Jesus gave Joseph of Arimathea the cup of the Last Supper, after which Joseph and his sister left Palestine and went to Western Europe to preach Christianity.

The bowl and spear that pierced the body of Jesus, Joseph brought to Britain, and some legends even indicate the specific place where these relics were delivered - the monastery of Glastonbury. In this abbey stood old church, however, it burned down in 1184, and more than late church. Tradition says that the Grail is hidden in the dungeons of the abbey.

The bowl itself is most often represented as a glass carved from an olive tree 12 cm high and 6 cm in diameter.

One of the legends tells that the son of Saint Joseph descended from heaven and took part in the sacrament of the Eucharist, which was celebrated in the Grail castle. Another legend tells that the Celtic wizard Merlin, who patronized King Arthur, sent the Knights of the Round Table to look for the Grail, but these searches did not bring success.

About a dozen writings dedicated to the Grail were composed between 1180 and 1225 in French or are translations from French texts. And each of them offers its own version of the story about this mysterious thing. They are about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. These heroes - Perceval, Gawain, Lancelot, Bore, Galahad - are the knights of King Arthur who make mystical journeys in search of a shrine. The desire to find it is dictated by the magical properties of the Grail: a person who has drunk from this cup receives the forgiveness of sins and eternal life, and, according to some sources, immortality, and besides, quite material benefits - food and drink.

The only person who managed to acquire the Grail was the knight Galahad. From childhood, he was brought up by monks in chastity and a righteous life, and having touched the shrine, he ascended to heaven as a saint. Another knight, Percifal, only approached the find: he saw the Grail when he visited his relative, the Fisher King, and witnessed his healing when the king drank from this cup of holy water in front of the knight.

The German Minnesinger poet Wolfram von Eschenbach, the author of Parsifal, in his poem written at the end of the 12th century, claims that the Templaisen knightly order keeps the Grail. This name suggests the order of the Templars - the Knights of the Temple, active participants in the crusades to the Holy Land. This order was destroyed by the French king Philip IV the Handsome at the beginning of the 14th century. In some medieval novels, the knight Parsefal searches for and finds the magical castle of Muncalves, in which the Templars keep the Grail under guard. In medieval legends, the Knights Templar also act as guardians of the Grail. In some of them, the Grail is the blood of the descendants of Jesus.

The etymology of this word is raised to "sang royal" - "royal blood" and even "sang real" - "true blood", which was understood as the blood of Christ. This understanding is dictated, obviously, by the double meaning of the old French word "cors" - both "cup" and "body". Perhaps that is why the Grail, understood either as the "cup of Christ", or as the "body of Christ", in the legends received a strong link to Joseph of Arimathea - the guard over the body of Christ. Therefore, one of the legends speaks of the sacrament of the Eucharist - communion with the body and blood of Christ in the Grail castle, in which the son of Joseph of Arimathea, who descended from heaven, allegedly participated.

The legend of the Grail also has another genealogical line, rooted in Celtic mythology. And even deeper: in Indo-European myths, the magic goblet is a symbol of life and rebirth. In Celtic, Irish and Welsh myths, the story of a magical vessel that gave a person mystical bliss is repeated. In 12th-century France, medieval troubadours and minnesingers worked on this narrative, as a result of which the legendary cup became associated with the Christian sacrament of the Eucharist.

In Celtic myths, there is another interesting container with magical properties: the broken magic witch's cauldron of Ceridwen, stored in the castle of Annun, access to which can only be obtained by perfect people with pure thoughts. For all other people, this castle remains invisible. In another Celtic myth, the Grail appears as a stone that can scream. His cry symbolized the recognition of the true king and therefore was installed in the capital of Ireland, Tara.

The well-known Russian scientist, academician Alexander Veselovsky devoted many years to the study of the legends about the Grail. He proved that the tradition of the Grail originated in the Christian East in the first centuries of our era, in the Christian communities of Syria, Ethiopia and Leuco-Syria - Lesser Armenia. It got to the West in the era of the Crusades, and it was brought there by knights and troubadours who participated in campaigns in the Holy Land and heard these Eastern legends.

Later, Eastern legends and images were creatively rethought in the European artistic word. Therefore, in European traditions about the Grail there are many references to the East. The episodes where the personality of Joseph of Arimathea, who was present at the crucifixion of Christ, appears, have their roots in the apocrypha popular in Byzantium - the Gospels of Nicodemus, the Acts of Pilate, and especially the Books of Joseph of Arimathea. One of the Byzantine written monuments "Mabinagion" refers to the storage of the sacred cup with the empress in Constantinople. However, in the Western European source of the XIII century, "The Younger Titurel" by Albrecht von Scharfenberg, we are talking only about a copy of the Grail stored in Constantinople.

Among the holidays of the Byzantine Church was the feast of finding the Holy Chalice of the Lord, celebrated on July 3. There is evidence that in 394 this bowl was kept in Jerusalem, in the temple of Zion, erected on the site where the Last Supper was held. Perhaps later it was transported to the capital of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, and was kept there in one of the Orthodox churches. However, the further fate of the shrine is unknown: in 1204, as a result of the Fourth Crusade, Western European knights captured and plundered Constantinople. Mentions that the bowl came to the lands of Western Europe are adjacent to the information that it was hidden in one of the castles in the East.

One version of the Grail seekers says that this Christian shrine is hidden in Ukraine. The cache with the relic is located in the Crimean mountains, and the history of his Crimean wanderings goes back to the Middle Ages. In the XII-XV centuries, on the territory of the mountainous and foothill Crimea, there was a small principality of Theodoro with its capital in the city of Mangup-Kale. Its territory stretched in a narrow strip from Yamboli (modern Balaklava) to Aluston (now Alushta). The principality was ruled by the Gavras dynasty of kings, who were of Armenian origin, and was in the sphere of influence of the Byzantine Empire. The ethnic composition of the population was diverse: Crimean Goths, Alans and Greeks lived there, but they were united by a common religion - the Theodorites professed Orthodoxy.

The position of the small state was precarious. One of the legends that have survived from those times tells about the war of the Theodorites with the Genoese (it is known from history that the principality was forced to wage frequent wars with the Genoese), who owned colonies in the south coast of Crimean peninsula. During this war, the Genoese set a condition for the rulers of Theodoro: to give them a certain golden cradle, after which the war would be stopped. The situation was so threatening that the prince, together with his family, took refuge in one of the caves of Mount Basman, where he hid this mysterious golden cradle.

After that, an earthquake and a collapse occurred in the mountains, and the golden cradle was safely hidden from people. Interestingly, this legend is confirmed by the data of archaeological research. Scientists have established that there was a settlement on Mount Basman that was destroyed as a result of a powerful earthquake in the 14th or 15th century. And inside one of the mountain caves, a skeleton of a man was found, crushed by a stone block that had fallen on him.

There are different opinions about what the Mangup golden cradle could have been. Some believe that it was a golden font, presented to Prince Theodoro Isaac by Moscow Tsar Ivan III. Others saw in it a resemblance to the cradle of Genghis Khan. However, the most astute researchers have noticed one important detail in the paintings of temples left over from the existence of this small state. They often have the motif of a bowl-cradle with a baby. In Christian tradition, the child in the bowl symbolizes Christ. The blood of the crucified Christ, as we remember, was collected in a cup.

In the 20th century, these Crimean legends showed an unexpected interest in the secret services of the two great empires, which were at war with each other, including in the Crimean mountains. And again, as it once happened, the parties in this war were Western European warriors and heirs of the Byzantine tradition.

In 1926-1927, a group of employees of the special department for cryptography of the NKVD of the USSR, headed by Alexander Barchenko, launched activities in the Crimea. According to the official version, the group explored the cave cities of the Crimea. But this group included astrophysicist Alexander Kondiain, who spoke about another, unspoken goal of the KGB expedition, namely the search for a stone of extraterrestrial origin that fell to Earth from the constellation Orion several hundred thousand years ago.

By the way, in the already mentioned poem by Wolfram Eschenbach “Parsifal”, the Grail is presented in the form of a stone that fell to the ground from the crown of Lucifer, from which the allegorical name of the Grail came from - “a stone from Orion”. This case ended dramatically: the leader of the expedition, Alexander Barchenko, was shot in 1941, just before the start of the war with Germany.

Interest in the Grail was not only the secret services of the country of victorious socialism, but also their German colleagues. Adolf Hitler tried to get the Grail, who ordered at the height of World War II to begin an active search for the relic. The Führer, inclined towards mystical searches, wanted, so to speak, to privatize the legendary magical properties this vessel. His henchmen in the Hofburg Museum in Vienna found the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus, with which he pierced the body of Christ. In this artifact, the Nazis also saw a source of magical power, and Hitler believed that the spear would help him defeat his enemies in the war - the USSR, America and Great Britain.

When the Germans came to the Crimea, they, like their predecessors, launched a search for the Grail in the Crimean mountains. The head of the search for the relic was Otto Ohlendorf, who bore the pseudonym Graalritter - the knight of the Grail, under his command was the "Einsatzgruppe D". The search was carried out in the fortress of Juft-Kale (Chufut-Kale), where the Karaite kenasses, the mausoleum of the daughter of Khan Tokhtamysh Janike-khanum and numerous caves were examined. They searched in Tatar mosques, and in the ruins of old temples, and in the ruins of the Kermenchik fortress. However, the Germans never found the Grail. Nevertheless, for his work in the Crimea, Otto Ohlendorf received the Iron Cross of the First Class from Adolf Hitler.

There is one more interesting story A grail associated with England, cited in their book Quest for the Holy Grail and Precious Blood by Ian and Dyke Begg. Its origins all lead to the same Glastonbury Abbey. In the 16th century, during the reign of King Henry VIII, the Reformation was established in England. Catholic monasteries are being closed, Catholic priests are being persecuted. In 1535-1539, the king creates special commissions that closed all the monasteries in England. Their property was confiscated and the brethren dispersed. By order of the king, even the relics of saints were opened and plundered.

The last abbot of Glastonbury, shortly before his death, gave the Grail to the monks he trusted. They went with the relic to Wales, to Aberystwyth Abbey. They found shelter in the rich estate of Nantes Maner, owned by Lord Powell. He offered the monks refuge in his domain; where the monks lived and worked quietly. The last of the monks who lived there for many years, handed over the Grail to the owner of the property and bequeathed to always keep it there, in Nantes Mener. The last member of the Powell family died in 1952, and then the Grail passed to the Myeriless family. However, they did not stay long and mysteriously disappeared.

As we can see, with the passing of the glorious times of troubadours and knights, the search for the Grail did not stop. The Grail excites the minds of seekers even today. Italian archaeologist Alfredo Barbagallo claims that the Holy Grail is located in Rome and hidden in a room under the Basilica of San Lorenzo Fuori le Mura. This church is one of the seven churches most visited by pilgrims in Rome. The scientist made this conclusion after two years of studying the medieval iconography inside the church and the structure of the catacombs under it. According to the archaeologist, the Grail disappeared in 285, after the death of the priest Lorenzo, who was instructed by Pope Sixtus V to take care of the preservation of early Christian church treasures.

"Secrets and mysteries of history and civilization"

Holy Grail. The work of Ippolit Makeev. Photo by Makariy Parfyonov

The Holy Grail exists transcendentally, constantly being filled with the Blood of Christ, in order to give water to those who thirst for His love. In earthly time, the Grail appeared in places of extreme oppression and injustice. In Russia, the Grail was revealed in the 20th century at Solovki.

The Grail keeps in itself the treasury of the secrets of Wisdom and the power that creates the worlds. Its first Keeper is the Virgin Mother Goddess, the guardians of the small Chalices are the Melchizedek priests.

The Holy Grail is not a chalice of the flesh and blood of Christ, but of immortal compounds. In order to resist the adaptive molding, the Father presented man with the Holy Grail, having foreseen it from time immemorial.

San Greal(one of the transcriptions of the Holy Grail) = Sang Real(oxit. True Blood ) is one of the names of the Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail is the most characteristic difference between the Cathar Church and the Roman Church, since Catharism destroys the gospel schematism: he died, resurrected, entrusted the apostles, the apostles to the priests, etc., etc. in the heart of the Father, about the church as a cathedral multiplying Chalice of the Last Drop of Christ.

The bowl is not static. It is in the constant multiplication of the last drops in their gushing movement. The cup is not sacramental, full of abominations in the hands of the priest, but the undoubted presence of the paratic multiplying Christ. Therefore, in front of the Chalice is the Cross, but not as an instrument of redemption, but as a way to enter the passionate and the Bridal Chamber, exuding the last drop in response.

The Holy Grail is another Church. She teaches about another Calvary, on which the blood of Christ was miraculously collected to the last drop into the Chalice and handed over to Joseph of Arimathea. From him came the messianic dynasty of the Grail. Moreover, the Wisdom of the Nightingale Mountain teaches about another, multiplied Chalice, about the theogamic Grail.

The theogamic Grail, the mystery of the marriage of God meant the proclamation of a new era of Christianity in the world. Chivalry, coming from the Holy Grail, Catharism, understood in the mentality of the Holy Grail, and the messianic dynasties of the courts of Europe work against the symphonic model: Roman papacesarism (the pope as the new Caesar) and Orthodox Caesaropapism (like the Anglican model: the monarch is the head of the church).

Grail and Pharisees

The Grail was hidden in the Middle Ages. The Roman Inquisition was especially spiteful against the chivalrous brotherhood of the Grail and assigned a huge amount to the one who would bring the Holy Vessel and present it to the pope and to the court of the cardinals. The knights were mercilessly beaten and caught as great heretics and the first enemies of the church.

There were legends among the people about the nobility of the keepers of the Grail. The miracles of the Grail eclipsed a millionfold the seemingly petty and pathetic healings from their Catholic saints. The glory of the brotherhoods of the Grail thundered in the British Isles along with the name of King Arthur, passed down from generation to generation. The power of the Grail was such that many babies, as soon as they were born, began to speak and expressed only one secret desire - to become knights of the Grail. “We came into this world with only one purpose - to keep the Holy Vessel of Christ. There is no Christ anywhere else. Christ dwells in the Grail."

The top of the path of disciple-brides is to be transubstantiated from the Holy Spirit, Pre-existent and Adorer and become sons and daughters of the Bridal Chamber. Enter it, where 200 million martyrs of love now reside. The purpose of entering the Bridal Chamber is to manifest in our neighbors, to manifest in the God-humanity of God-civilization.

Original Source Grail

The original source Grail - the Sun of suns, the Great Source Chalice, Grand Greal: - the Chalice of the Last Drops of the Heavenly Father at the creation of the world and - the Chalice of Christ of the Jerusalem period plus Christ of the theogamic period of the Nightingale Mountain and 200 million gushing last drops of the anointed, Christs and Mother of God great and small.

After the genocide of the Cathars (XV century), the altar of the Most High, on which the Great Chalice rests, was transferred to the sphere of resurrection, so that it would not fall into unworthy hands. It is impossible to enter this sphere in the earthly order. A transexistential entrance to the spiritual Church is necessary. It is owned by the Bogomils and their heirs, the Cathars.

The cup is something so great that it has power even over Christ. Christ gives into the Chalice something greater than himself. As a man is greater than God, so the Chalice is greater than Christ - the myrrh outpouring of the transubstantiated Christ. The divine compositions of the Chalice have an enormous power of influence on the earthly and heavenly world.

In resurrection, the Chalice has the property of multiplication. This secret of the Great Chalice cannot be understood without the four bars of the Qatari cross (kindness, love, peace and beauty), sprayed and three circles. The inner circle is the human heart. Around him is the second circle: the macrocosm, man in the Universe. The third circle goes beyond the macrocosm - to the Father of infinite love, who has no limits.

The Source Grail is in the hands of the great keeper of the Chalice. In this world, as a rule, only one guardian comes. There are even times when it does not exist on Earth at all - it comes from being and returns to being. The Keeper of the Chalice is always hidden from the world and plays the fool. Moreover, only a virgin knight, one hundred out of a hundred dedicated to the Queen Lady Goddess Virgin Mother, who has her compositions, can become the keeper of the Chalice.

The true patriarch of the Church on Earth is the one in whose hands the Grail. The great keepers of the Chalice were Joseph of Arimathea and Mary Magdalene. It is known from legend that Joseph of Arimathea kept the solar chalice for several hundred years (until the 4th century). Then one of his relatives became the custodian. From the history of Catharism, we know such keepers of the Chalice as the great old man Amfortas, King Arthur, the knight of the Holy Grail Parsifal.

The Source Grail is always greater than itself, and this is the secret of the last drops. It multiplies to 12 large bowls. Accordingly, there are 12 great guardians. Each large bowl is multiplied by another 12 small bowls. And in total it turns out 144 bowls.

Cross and Chalice

The creed of our fathers, the Theogamites, and their heirs, the Cathars: The Chalice of Christ swallows up the Cross. The Cross, like the sun, enters the Chalice, and the Chalice becomes the sun. The Cross transforms, dissolves, absorbs and sinks into the Chalice.

In the language of our Cathar fathers, this means “it is done”. If the Cross did not dissolve in the Chalice, did not cease to exist, then the sacrament did not take place, there is no true messianic meal.

The cross shines with the All-good Spirit. The cup is the bosom of Sophia the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Cross, as the All-good Spirit, enters her bosom as if into a bridal chamber and transubstantiates (transubstantiates). By the power of the Cross of Christ, the cross of his heirs (200 million small Christs, perfect, anointed), their last drops are transubstantiated into myrrh.

Russian medieval kaliks (from 'kalis' - a bowl, that is, cups) had nothing to do with Byzantium. Eldership comes from kalik passers-by, from the last cup-makers who miraculously survived after the genocide of Slavic theogamism during the time of Prince Vladimir, the so-called. "Red Sun", but in the case of Red, that is, bloody.

The marriage of the Chalice and the Cross gives the sacrament of Christ, from which, as our fathers asserted, a cornucopia arose and hot streams of pure divine love flowed.

From the Chalice, enriched with the last two drops of the theogamic marriage of Christ and the Blessed Virgin on Nightingale Mountain, God-civilization is born. From the transsubstantiated last drops of the two hundred million anointed ones of pure love, the civilization of the solar Chalice emerges.

The spirituality of Catharism reveals to us the unheard-of theology of the inner cup. When a ray from the Great Solar Chalice hit the spiritual heart of a seraphic ascetic, the solar disc lit up in his heart, and the person began to identify himself with this solar disc, within which the inner cup manifested. This is how true identification was accomplished - awareness and vision of oneself as a small sun, inside of which the Grail bowl shines.

Here, on the altar of the heart, the inner church opens. It should be said that the genetic origin of the true White Church is from the Father of pure love, and not from Elohim, and the historical origin is from John, and not from Peter. Therefore, in order to win in the inner White Church of the Father and Mother of pure love, correct genetic identification is needed, that is, disidentification with the Roman-Byzantine version of Elohim, the prince of this world, and historical as disidentification with the Church of Peter.

On the spiritual path, the ascetic undergoes initiation into the cross. Rising from step to step, the soul ascends to the top, becoming a lamb like Christ.

The secret of bonomism is the revelation of the neighbor. Having shone in the heart, the solar Grail reveals great pure love for one's neighbor. Virgin love as adoration and immaculate vision of a person in the divine archetype through the eyes of Wisdom makes it possible to destroy the fallen compositions and shells in which the soul is clothed after adaptive molding and reveal the authentic image of the God-man. At the same time, his inner cup manifests itself in the heart of his neighbor.

The next step is when the whole universe with its many inhabitants is seen in immaculate primordial.

The Seven Immaculates of the Holy Grail School

Seven Immaculates of the School of the Holy Grail or the School of Mary Magdalene (the mother of the Holy Grail), widespread in southern Europe. 1. Immaculate Conception, Immaculate Fruiting, and Immaculate Birth

Immaculate conception, immaculate fruiting and immaculate birth is possible only from the Supreme Goddess of the Virgin Mother. Absolutely unacceptable is the version of the Petrian church that Christ was born from the Jewish woman Mary, taking on a human body from her.

Christ as Deity could only be born from Deity. He came mysteriously from the Father of pure love, entering the bosom of the solar Mother Goddess, who descended to Earth in the form of the Blessed Virgin, just as mysteriously and miraculously. The Blessed Virgin and Christ had nothing to do with the Adamic family. Their flesh had completely different compositions - immaculate, sunny, eternal, unspotted by any filth of this world.

A person is also called to go through the path of birth from the Virgin Mother Goddess in order to return to the status of a deity. It is she who can change the composition of a person: remove poisonous particles and mixtures introduced into a person during adaptive molding by the insidious Demiurge, replacing them with their luminous, divine particles of auri lama, white sprays, compounds, emulsions, oils and abrasion, which will allow the soul to be born again and become a deity having the fullness of the spirit of the light-holy.

2. Immaculate Deity

All souls who have come to Earth from the Father and Mother of pure love need to remember with my monic memory that they were once born in heaven in the womb of the Heavenly Mother. That their Father is the Father of pure love absolutely not involved in evil, lust, usurpation, disease, wars, trial, death, torture, executions and everything that carries the black universe of evil of dark worlds and civilizations. The existing view of the Deity as judging, executing, punishing, vindictive, etc., was suggested by Yah, Jaldabaoth, the dark hierarch, the seventh in the hierarchy of Satan, for such is his own nature. It is necessary to resolutely change your vision of the Deity, rejecting both the chimeras and myths of the biblical consciousness.

3. Immaculate womb- inner temple.

4. Immaculate god-man- so he was born initially in the immaculate womb of the Heavenly Mother from the solar Father Immaculate Conception.

5. Immaculate neighbor

The purpose of the overshadowed gnosis is to see the neighbor in the perspective of his restoration in the status of deified, having received the revelation that the Deity of the Father and Mother is hidden and lives in the neighbor.

6. Immaculate ekklesia- Belaya Tserkov, consisting of the winners of the adaptive remodeling, solar pantheons as manifestations of the Father and Mother of pure love.

7. Immaculate creation

As a person is deified, there is a liberation from the evil of the whole surrounding world, also subjected to molding, as a result of the serpentine of a person. As man returns to his authentic divine nature, he will begin to understand the language of the world around him: birds, animals, fish, plants, wind, rain, etc. He will see that around him there are many good creatures from immaculate good civilizations: bees, dolphins, nightingales, dogs, butterflies, dragonflies and many other species of animals, insects and plants ready to serve and help people. Many species of animals and plants will return to Earth, destroyed by humanoid villains, whose goal is to turn the Earth into an atomic desert. But this will never happen. Sophia Pronoia's Good Providence plans to turn the Earth into a blooming, fragrant garden of Minne.


The cult of Joseph of Arimathea was so great that many who tried to overcome elogism through the mysticism of the Universe called themselves Arimatheas (in Kabbalah, in Sufi and other mystical books).

The Slavic Theogamites of the school of St. Andrew the First-Called called themselves the same way, putting a very lofty meaning into this word. In contrast to the “Eucharistic robots” (as they called the Elohymns of the Roman-Byzantine version), unclean, they said: ‘We are Arimatheans, pure’.

The Arimatheans believed that the soul of Christ remained in the Chalice as a minne. They called her the minne of Christ. And they believed that it belongs to the Earth, since the blood (and in the blood is the soul of Christ) was given as a gift to humanity.


In Slavic theogamism, Dormition is evaluated in the highest way as the rapture of the body to heaven. It must be understood in the aspect of the sacrament of the Chalice. The Mother of God was raptured after Christ. She loved Christ so much that she poured her blood to the last drop into the theogamic Grail, and was the first to be received by soul and body on the Wedding Bed as the Bride - the pinnacle of the minne!

The Dormition described in the Apocryphal books, in the orthodox sense, did not exist. In addition, there are two lies about the Dormition.

The first is that it happened in Jerusalem (there are now two churches of the Assumption), and not in Ephesus.

The second is about the attempts made to desecrate the body of the Mother of God. Allegedly, a certain Athos tried to turn over the bed with her body.

Yes, the evil rabbis of the Sanhedrin plotted to steal the body of the Blessed Virgin in order to give it to the hyenas and jackals to be torn to pieces. This is the main reason for success. Elohim constantly hunted for the Mother of God, wanting to steal the particles of d'amma. Her body upon assumption (like the body of Christ after the crucifixion) had a greater value than in earthly days, being enriched with particles of d'amma. There the Holy Grail is enriched.

Elohim longed to color the divine particles and finally deify himself. If Lucifer, the Elohim god of the synagogue and Christianity of the Roman Church, had been able to stain the particles of d'amma, he would have further established himself as the god of the Earth. But he did not get any of these particles. The bodies of Christ and the Mother of God were caught up into heaven.

took place plastic transsubstitution. In the categories of the Atlantean universe, for immaculately conceived souls in Atlantis and Hyperborea (where the conception took place immaculately), transsubstantial forms were assumed leading to the bliss of aphtarsia, eternal life.

Fascinated by the body and soul into the heavenly worlds, after some time they return to the world again, but already as inclusive, immaculate entrances to complete a new mission.

The sacrifice of Christ and Mary in Jerusalem and Ephesus was beautiful, but it will become a million times more beautiful in the 85th solar immaculate ‘Ave Mary’ already in the person of its immaculate children, solar Christs and Mother of God.

Second appeal

The preparation of the second appeal is over. The worldwide mission of the anointed ones of the second conversion begins. It is not easy and impossible for us to apply quickly. We have to renounce Elohim, completely cleanse ourselves, accept a new molding of the whole being, following Christ, transubstantiate our composition to the last drop of blood into the Holy Grail, in order to then drink from the Chalice.

The foundations of Elohim collapsed. The prince of this world has lost power in hearts, in churches, on earth and in heaven. The foundation was kicked out from under his feet, and the throne shook - the collapse of world eloquence. Christianity turns into a Jewish sect, which awaits the fate of the relic-museum synagogue.

In the wilderness of the second conversion a great sign will be given. The sun of the new Atlantis will shine over our beautiful Church and will accompany us as we march in the desert. The Almighty promises the preservation of the Church in purity, nothing unclean threatens her. From now on, the Church is unmixed - nothing unclean will enter her body. Each of us becomes pure, that is, unmixed.

Reincorporation of the Holy Grail

Reincorporation of the Holy Grail - for the first time presented a mysterious teaching, suggesting the reincorporation of entire civilizations and the reincorporation vision in Hyperborea and Atlantis. Finally, the vision of the Deity in the highest heaven, as It is in contemplation after the preparation and after the return.

Eight Theses of the Holy Grail

1. Christ Minnelik did not die and was not resurrected, but stayed in the Chalice.

The blood of Christ was miraculously collected to the last drop and transubstantiated into God-manhood. Christ and God-manhood are connected by the Grail. The last drops, exuded by Christ in his great transcendent passion, are transubstantiated into the components of deified God-manhood.

So, Christ did not ‘die’, since only a sarx can die, while Christ, like the Mother of God, did not have a sarx. And he did not ‘resurrect’, but, having transubstantiated the blood into myrrh, he remained in the Chalice.

Within the framework of the Qatari and Slavic-theogamic spiritual doctrine, such concepts as ascent and descent: souls descend to Earth in reincarnation (at the first stages) and then, as they are cleansed and initiated, in reincorporation programs. Having completed their earthly cycle, they ascend to the heavens accessible to them.

Christ was delighted with immortal bodies and somatic (physical immortal, mysterious) body. The souls of immortal beings (theoanthropos) are also admired at the end of the earthly term, and then, having passed the solar whirlwinds of mystical programs, they embodied in bonomic messianic perspectives - they descend as immaculate entrances to Earth.

2. Ceremonial magic of the sacramental order teaches the transmutation of wine into blood. Whereas the basic law of the Grail is transubstantiation, therefore Christ remained on earth, transubstantiated in the unspotted compositions of the Chalice, which allows the good Deity to infallibly infuse the suffering prepared souls with myrrh particles and compositions. The Grail is a symbol of the Wedding Supper: Divinity and God-manhood are one.

The priceless treasure that resides in the Chalice - divine compositions that allow changing the human nature spoiled by molding, in the sacrament of the Eucharist, becomes the property of thirsty souls.

3. The Holy Chalice is mysteriously kept on earth. It is hidden and inaccessible to our enemies, Roman thieves and Byzantine barbarians. In mixed civilizations, the Holy Grail is stored in the non-existential spheres of the other world, and being in three-dimensional or astral spaces, it is impossible to reach it.

The Holy Grail has its own keepers of the Chalice, whom it chooses itself. In Russia, the so-called kaliki passable- one of the highest ranks Hyperborean Church of the Andreevsky branch. They were the holy fools of the Chalice. Even the white elders knew nothing about them. Keepers of the Cup in mixed civilizations are always forced to hide under the most foolish appearances, so as not to fall into the clutches of the Inquisition.

The Keepers of the Chalice held the greatest secret of the divine Chalice. They kept the original undamaged scrolls of the Word. They were relied upon by the parodic Christs and the parutical virgins.

4. The Grail, being in being, in dimension 4.5, is inaccessible to the uninitiated.

5. The Solar Chalice from time to time appears, opens. Appearances of Christ, Mary, icons, bowls - the total theophany, the manifestation of the bowl, its parousia in humanity.

6. The Grail is transubstantiated into the inner castles of a person whose divine architectonics suggests 12 immortal bodies, and each one has 12 castles. Eating from the Chalice, a person becomes a living Grail.

7. The Great Chalice is enriched, capturing the dying groans, collecting and storing the last drops of the reciprocal Grail of millions of souls who have ever visited the Earth.

8. The Heavenly Chalice is filled to the brim with the sacred blood of the Lamb in his transcendent passion, enriched with the last drops of his disciples. Exuding daily and hourly, giving itself in bounty, the Chalice is filled again.

These are the statutes of the chalice-centric school of St. Andrew the First-Called.

The Bogomil tradition punctuated the bowl rather than the cross. The cross is inseparable from the cup, because without it it completely loses its meaning. The cross is just a tool: blood flows from the cross into the cup. The cross is Christ, the Chalice is the Mother of God.

Seven steps of transubstantiation of the Holy Chalice in metahistory

The Grail is transubstantiated from one quality to another. one. Original, Father.

The Source Grail is the Chalice of our adored Father. In the liturgical order of the White Church, it is called the Cup of Cups. The Father is transubstantiated into something greater than himself.

2. Son Grail of Christ, is the original Jerusalem Grail. The same cup, but enriched and transubstantiated by the Jerusalem miracle: exuding to the last drop of five liters of the blood of Christ, transubstantiating it into the myrrh compositions of the deity and collecting it into the eternal Chalice.

3. Reciprocal Grail of the Holy Mother of God. At the cross, the Queen died and rose again three times, because she gave her blood to the last drop.

4. Theogamic Grail of Nightingale Mountain. The Mother of God learns to exude a reciprocal drop not so much of passionate maternal love, but of the Bride's love for the Bridegroom. Atmosphere of the Wedding Supper.

5. Theogamic Grail refers to Holy Russia, and initiation into the passionate begins - the transubstantiation of the catholic ecumenical order.

Second Solovetsky Golgotha. Two hundred million shocked give their dying groans like the ringing of the bells of Kitezh-grad, sounding in the still large halls of the conservatory. They give their last drops to Christ - their reciprocal consolamentum.

Christ needed a reciprocal burning love: ‘Do you love Me? Do you love properly (Petra)? No, you don't love the right way. And two hundred million said to Him: ‘I love you. We love you, we adore you, beloved. Adoring, we adore You in return. Having exuded the last drop of pure love, we exude a return drop as the greatest treasure of deification. Two hundred million of the pantheon are those who exuded the last drop in response. From the 1st to the 20th century Grail gushing in the Great Church of Love.

6. The sweetest enriching gushing grail passes into Atlantean Grail of God Civilization. With a fanfare proclamation of divine civilization, the Atlantean Grail will be solemnly carried out and opened as a treasure of the 84th and the Sun of suns of the 85th.

The original / Jerusalem / reciprocal / theogamic / Solovetsky / gushing / Atlantean Grail - seven steps of the transubstantiation of the Holy Chalice in the metahistory of the human race, suggesting perfect deification and return to the bosom of the Father.

Alma Mater Dei et Humani - Mother of deities and humans

Mother, feeding deities and people - the Supreme Goddess.

Speaking of the Grail, we reveal the meaning of the Mother of God and her hypostatic name Alma Mater Dei et Humani - the Mother of the feeding deities and people, Galaktotrofusa (Mammary Feeder). Without her participation, the Grail is impossible, for She is the personified Chalice of the Father. She intoxicates from the Virgin's immaculate nipples the God-children born in her immaculate bosom. It is no coincidence that in many immaculate civilizations She was depicted as a many-breasted Mother, such as Artemis of Ephesus. Or one who wears a necklace of many jugs from which she will intoxicate her children, such as the Lady of Basa in the ancient Celtic civilization or the Iberian Lady of Elche. Her images in the Taoist spiritual school in the incarnation of Guan Ming are not forgotten - with a jug of milk.

The Virgin Mother Goddess is the Foremother of humanity, such is Her name in the archetype and in the Universe of God-humanity.

For the first time under the name of Alma Mater Dei (AMD) She appeared on the wall of the Solomon temple as an indelible bas-relief. No matter how the priests of that time tried to knock down or somehow erase the image, it was miraculously restored and remained on the wall of the narthex for two years.

Since ancient times, many peoples of the earth have honored the Supreme Deity in the person of the Virgin Mother Goddess. And, making kollyriads, they offered cakes (collyria) in her honor, on which the kindest face of the Goddess miraculously manifested. This caused indescribable delight and was evidence of the appearance, living presence and participation of the Deity in people's lives. The cakes were eaten with fine herbal drinks. Such was the authentic sacrament of the Eucharist. The Virgin Mother Goddess feeds her children not only with milk, but also with cakes of immaculate compositions.

Later, during the time of the Templars and Cathars, the letter H (humani) was added to the name of our Goddess, that is, She is not only the Mother of a deity, but also of people (!) - an even more mysterious name. On the white cloaks of the Templars and on the icons, She appeared as Alma Mater Dei et Hemani, that is, the Foremother of God-manhood, theoanthropos.

The foremother of humanity is the personified Chalice, Bosom. She was the Mother of the Proto-human Christ, the King of the anointed. And even earlier - Adam Kadmon, Adam solar.

Whoever accepts Alma Mater Dei et Humani gradually ascends the ladder of deification, tasting from its imperishable nipples the Mother of God Milk Grail.


The one who eats from the Chalice of Galactotrophus is translated into aftarsia and through the bearing of the cross and initiation into the passionate becomes holy and perfect as a deity born from the Father and Mother of Pure Love.

The father never leaves his children, constantly dwelling in the secret of the secrets of the spiritual heart. Theoanthropos (seraphite) is eternal due to the fact that the Deity is unconditionally present in it.

The seraphic soul is associated not so much with the lower aspects of the Earth and the cosmos, but with its own divine heavenly aspects, for 4/5 of the constituent immortal bodies of the theoanthropos are in heaven.

Man in the original molding of the Holy Spirit is an immortal and eternal being. Passing through his earthly deserts, retreats and passionate states, the ascetic comprehends their meaning in the aspect of the theology of the Holy Grail - deification, the expiration of the response last drop and the ascent to the Bridal chamber for marriage with the Divine. The meaning of the arrival of the soul on Earth is to pass tests, through which to prepare for entry into the highest realms Sacred theogamy.


The spirituality of Catharism and Bogomilism considers transubstantiation as the basic charter of the good Universe. In this regard, just above we spoke about the transubstantiations of the Grail. It is in the aspect of transubstantiation that the Eucharist is understood in the theological school of John Bogomil. The accepted myrrh blood christifies, purifies and enriches the internal compositions of the communicant with minne particles, for which, in fact, it was accepted.

In reality, there is nothing but transubstantiation. It conquers both death and life. Heavenly bodies at birth are transubstantiated into earthly ones; the earthly are transubstantiated into the heavenly. Incarnations and incorporations are a process of continuous transubstantiation, transubstantiation, that is, the soul is in a state of perpetual transubstantiation.

In the Roman-Byzantine version, the doctrine of transubstantiation assumed a local, limited, purely sacramental character. The idea of ​​transubstantiation was partially borrowed and accepted with a stretch, artificially extracted from the Universe.

In Catholicism, the sacrament is purely "gastronomic" in nature: the host is valid for 15 minutes, while it is digested in the stomach. This is how the Romans understand the action of the sacrament. Communion during the day can be repeatedly - every 15 minutes (as soon as the sacrament is assimilated).

In the Holy Grail, one communion is enough for all compounds to be christened. Other martyrs asked for the sacrament of the consolamentum as a dying communion. He alone was enough to make their convoys myrrh-streaming. Fabulous! The Eucharist is realized, effective through the enrichment of our blood with the myrrh compositions of Christ and the Great Church of Love. We taste the blood of Christ - myrrh, the blood of the Mother of God - myrrh, the blood of 200 million who gave the last drop into the Chalice of the martyrs of love - myrrh. And our composition becomes myrrh.

Initially, the bodies of god-men were fragrant

The immortal bodies of the god-man, born from the Last Drop of the Most High, were fragrant. Once upon a time (before the adaptive molding, before the loss of the aphtharic and immortal principles), the God-man was myrrhic. After 180 ether operations, he lost the myrrh fragrances of his inner locks. Gradually, the negative transformation of the divine components into ordinary human blood took place.

By the sacrament of the Eucharist, a person returns to his original image, the original icon. The inner architectonics of the God-man is restored, and the locks of his spiritual heart again begin to stream myrrh and smell fragrant. This is how the fifth transubstantiation takes place.

According to the legend of the Cathars, the bottle with the blood of Christ was transferred to San Salvador Verdadero (northern Spain) during the time of Queen Guinevere, where it is still kept in a mysterious cave, where none of the earthly people have access.

The blood of Christ can be preserved indefinitely due to the fact that it was transubstantiated into myrrh and further crystallized. The transubstantiation of blood into myrrh is the order of the Universe and the sign of aphtarsia.

It is inherent not only to Christ, but also to every soul that has emerged from incarnation cycles and freed from the chimeras of adaptive molding. Powerful saints, myrrh-streaming relics are a sign of living deities, a sign that before us are small and great Christs and the Virgin.

Adaptive remodeling

Revealing the theme of the Grail in the aspect of transubstantiation, deification and divine marriage, it is impossible not to touch upon such a topic as adaptive molding (AP) of earthly people. Alas, the souls seduced by the Slinger voluntarily agreed to change their compositions, which had the most unfortunate consequences. As a result of 180 ether operations, the compositions of the adamites were so changed that they became more like reptiles.

Let's touch on some secrets of the AP, hidden for a long time from the consciousness of the earthly.

Adaptive molding could not happen in the twinkling of an eye, so that seduced souls in other times would change the covenant in a fraction of a second, agreeing to consign to oblivion the mnemonic memory of the Father, Atlantis, eternal life. According to the paradoxical temporal laws of other being, they changed gradually and step by step.

According to Atlantean tradition, the fifth part of the Atalantes, which did not sink into the sea and was subjected to temptation, could not undergo ‘adaptation’ in a short time. The slip is too contrasty. Adaptive compositions have nothing to do with the original modeling and the image of the Heavenly Father, and people would turn into charred monsters. It took the slinger about two thousand years (in earthly terms) for the Atalants to agree to the initial steps of the AP.

Step by step, the poisoning of the compounds took place, the transformation of the Atalants into earthly mortal Adamites. Lucifer, the 'doctor' of alchemical sciences, knew well the science of the gradual infusion of poisonous sarctic compounds. Gradually, an exit was made from re-being, from sweet Atlantean influxes and contemplations of other times.

Adaptive molding involved three steps.

(1) Listen to the devil and consciously deny the Father, preferring the temptations of Lucifer. Adaptive remodeling is a conscious denial of the Father.

(2) Under the influence of the tempting projections of Lucifer, consent is given to the sarks - a covenant is made. Having achieved the covenant, Lucifer multiplies this covenant, more and more destroying the divine pleroma of the God-man.

(3) It is only after the covenant has been made, under conditions of high and high dreams, that the infusion of sarctic particles takes place - a sarctic swoon lasting millennia.

At first, the devil tenderly offers his services. But gradually, listening to and accepting the voice of this Someone (as he called himself to Jacob during the struggle at the tributary of the Jordan), the soul comes to deny the good Father. Elohim demands a covenant: to become one with him, to receive his seals.

Alas, the Adamites became one with Elohim and, under high conditions, entered a thousand-year-old sarctic swoon.

Holy Spirit remodulation

Thanks to the intervention of the Kindest Sophia Pronoia, the process of serpentine and reptilization of earthly people was stopped and the path of deification was opened for everyone who wishes to be restored to divine integrity.

Remodulation - the third molding, the molding of the Holy Spirit as the transubstantiation of compounds - is accomplished illuminatively as the fall of autumns and gradually, step by step. Just as instant adaptive molding, saturation with sarctic (carnal) nasty compositions is impossible, instant remodulation is also impossible. First you have to be honored with ten to maybe 10 thousand communions.

The molding of the Spirit of the Holy Light takes place opposite to the AP of the Demiurge. There is the hearing of Lucifer. Here is hearing the voice of the anointed Father of Pure Love. There - a conscious gradual renunciation of the Father, here - a renunciation of the mimic Elohim, despot and usurper. There is a covenant with the prince of this world and consent to the sarks, replacing the particles of the immaculate body. Here is a covenant with the Father of pure love, with the Christ of Christ of the Church of St. John, consent to immaculate bodies, the denial of Sarks.

Finally, there is an infusion of poisonous sarctic particles. Here is consent to the infusion of passionate Atlantean compounds. Adoration of Christ in the spiritual elder. Adoration of Christ in the brother. Adoration of Christ in the neighbor. Adoration of Christ in all mankind.


To comprehend the mystery of the Holy Chalice, a course is needed catharsis, understood as an illuminative ladder of ascent. I saw the light on something, lit up, overshadowed - do not look back. Understood the mistake, the light shone in the darkness - ascend further.

You can go through catharsis only in the Qatari church, which knows fruitful repentance.

Catharsis is accomplished instantly (you can clear yourself in a fraction of a second) and - in a thousand steps. Absurdly paradoxical, but true.

The obscuration and clogging, the desecration of the compositions occurred gradually. It is impossible to instantly restore a damaged composition - you will get a new filth, a pseudo-Atlantic freak.

Let's have some patience.

Catharsis as illumination, as the action of the Holy Spirit

Catharsis presupposes overshadowing, which differs sharply from confession in religious institutions.

Against pharisaic schemes and superficial, fruitless confessions that lead to nothing, the Cathar elder church speaks of illumination as action of the Holy Spirit- the spirit of luminous insights and overfalls.

Once upon a time, through adaptive remodeling, the mind became clouded. Gradually, hypnotization was pumped into inner chambers until there is total eclipse of the mind. Now the illumination must gradually take place as a descent of light, enlightenment.

The Eucharist presupposes catharsis, and catharsis presupposes illumination.

But first, the soul-snail must get out of its rational shell, free itself from fears and thoughts and open itself to the Divine and humanity.

Catharsis presupposes a living metanoia under the guidance of a myrrhophic elder

In order to avoid charms, delusions, mistakes and falls, catharsis always takes place under the guidance of an elder. There is nothing more beautiful than a conversation with an old man. Wisdom gives a dear father, a little Christ, who has acquired the Holy Spirit, pure and radiating purity.

A providential conversation with an elder is like a font of ablution. His fragrant seals descend on the new convert. The wise perfect father (myrophoric elder), being perfect, presents the image of perfect holiness and imposes myrophore. In Slavic-theogamic Russia, in the White Church, a myrofor (‘myrrh light’ - myro-for) was a square board 40  40 cm, fragrant, sandy-golden in color, decorated with velvet and the mysterious signs of the Great Church of Love. The myrofor was placed on the head, and during the permissive cathartic prayer, a sacred white cloth, symbolizing virginity, was placed on it.

With the help of the senile myrophore, a course of step-by-step catharsis is taken.

Catharsis involves a living, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit elder metanoia- as a desire to climb the steps of the spiritual ladder, renouncing yesterday's experience as chimerical.

The gradual cycle of cathartic illuminations, the removal of the veils one after another, is not completed until the Bridal Chamber opens in the inner and the original face of Christ begins to shine in 144 mysterious halls. Illuminations are aimed at extinguishing the bogey, the electricity of animal passions.

After a long providential conversation with the elder and the imposition of the sacred myrrh, a sign of remodulation, purification took place.

Atlantic ecumene

Oikonomy - house building. The institutionally understood oikonomy is Rome with its Byzantine branch (allegedly isolated, but in reality the agent network of Rome; hence the ‘third Rome’); the governing hierarchy with the Roman pontiff at the head Not that the Atlantean ecumene - clean air, the sum of seals and spheres. Ecumene is woven.

Mankind needs another oikoumene and a new oikonomy. It must begin to build new house Heavenly Father on the ground. Home to the Father of pure love, the Christ of pure love, the Mother of pure love and the Great Church of love, to her 200 million Christs, small and great, slain lambs. Great New Housebuilding!

Under the sky of the new ecumene, the house of Christ is being built in the interior.

Under the sky of the new ecumene
Alma Mater liturgies among divinely inspired deities.


Last straw

The last drop is hidden in the depths of the theoanthropoid. It contains the composition of the Divine. It is crystal translucent and reflects the face of our Almighty. No matter what desert surrounds a person, no matter what darkness obscures the spiritual gaze, if you open your spiritual eyes, you will see the last drop shining in the 144 castle of the Holy Grail, and in it the fullness and presence of the Divine, parousia.

Elohim is hunting for the last straw to continue fooling the Adamites. Mimikru needs to pretend to be a deity, and for this he constantly steals the last drop that flows into the Holy Chalice. But the Grail slips from his clutches.

It is not enough for Elohim to kill the anointed, to declare them cursed, to enthrone the wicked. He needs to heal the last drop. He is no longer interested in anything. The more he raves with the last straw, the more carefully he hides it from the molded freak-adamit.

However, the Demiurge managed to damage only a small part of the inner chambers of man, and 144 locks remain in his spiritual heart. The latest, highest of them is the castle of the Last Drop. Hidden in the depths of a person, the hot last drop is capable of reaching a temperature of +3000 degrees Celsius. Upon returning to heaven, it exudes into the 145th castle, returning to the adored Father. Before volition, souls give their treasure to the Father for safekeeping. But at the same time, the fullness of the last drop, despite its splitting into the 145th heavenly and 144th inner castles, remains flawlessly in the inner.

The fullness of the last drop is the guarantee of immortality. Therefore, the Holy Grail keeps the memory of all the souls that have ever visited the Earth (with the exception of the visitors from below). Keeps the memory of one and a half billion innocents, tortured by the Roman Church, of those who came to redeem the world in incorporative whirlwinds. One and a half billion innocent victims will become the redeemers of the world.

The last drop, sticky like theogamic myrrh, is called the sticking particle. dabak. It contains the secret of clinging to the Almighty.

Five of the last drop

There is 1 wisdom of the last drop, 2 universe, 3 archetype, 4 sphere and 5 phenomenology - the manifestation of the last drop in man.

The Wisdom of the Last Drop in that it contains the secret of eternal life and the pinnacle of deification.

Universe of the Last Drop This is the key to universal brotherhood, contained in the composition of the theoanthropos.

Archetype of the last drop The inner castle holds the treasure of the last drop, which is the highest ideal for a person, as he was born from the Almighty.

Orb of the Last Drop - virgin birth from the last drop. The outpouring of the last drop by the divine child into the Holy Grail. Golgotha ​​as redemptive myrrh last drops, priceless last drops of the blood of Christ.

Imperishable relics - multiplied last drops. For example, the myrrh relics of mother Euphrosyne, and now the goddess Zoroaster, are a sign of the expiration of one million last drops in the experience of co-redemptive martyrdom. Evidence that the embodied, embodied Mother of God. In her nightly conciliatory prayers for humanity, Mother Euphrosyne shed the last million drops as a deity.

The Anointed One continually sheds the last drop

If in the center of the theoanthropoid is the spiritual heart as an internal altar (there is no talk about it in human anthropology, they do not talk about Elohim), then the holy of holies of the spiritual heart is the last straw. It is inexhaustible and is able to exude unceasingly. Sign of the anointed incessantly exhaled last drop.


Communion in the institutional church

The Roman-Byzantine version of the Eucharist is dubious magic. Its formula: the priest performs the sacrament in the image of the Last Supper, at which Christ, taking a cup of wine, said: this is My blood. At the same time, ordinary grape wine seems to turn into blood.

Also, bread (a prosphora or confectionary wafer, specially prepared according to the recipe of the Roman church) after reading the ritual prayers seems to turn into the body of Christ.

At the same time, the personal qualities of the one who performs the sacrament are not taken into account, how pure and holy the person himself, the priest, is. Everything is automatic and resembles a magical slander.

Such is the caricatured, stolen Eucharist. Its communicant does not partake of Christ and does not become Him. There is no fruit from such a Eucharist. ‘Bring worthy fruits of repentance,’ called the Baptist. ‘Bring, finally, worthy fruits of communion,’ says John Bogomil today.

In a gastronomic host that lasts only fifteen minutes, until it is assimilated in the stomach (such is the Roman-Byzantine participle), no matter how you look higher meaning, there is nothing but church white magic.

Eucharist of the Grail in Johannine Ecclesia

There is another Eucharist, diametrically opposed to the Roman-Byzantine one, as well as another Chalice - the Eucharist of the Holy Grail of the Johannine branch. The sacrament is not virtual (in remembrance of something there), but real, when the blood of Christ crystallizes in myrrh, and then transubstantiates into the burning and scalding wine of love.

Inheriting the Cathars, the school of John Bogomil presents the following teaching:

1. The blood of Christ is collected in the sacred Chalice, hidden from the Pharisees. The Peter branch denies the collection of the blood of Christ. Even if she tries to take it for herself and says: ‘blood has been collected’, nothing will come of it, the Holy Grail cannot be stolen. You can take out an old burned-out candle from your pocket and present it as a great shrine from Seraphim of Sarov. It is possible to steal the relics (which will most likely decompose in their reptiles), but it is impossible to steal the Grail from the anointed one!

2. The blood of Christ crystallizes into myrrh.

3. The blood of Christ turns into the hot wine of the highest love minne. With this wine, the Supreme Wisdom Sophia Pronoia will intoxicate all her sons and daughters, deities and people.

see also


  • Blessed John. Through the eyes of the Grail. M.: "The World of Sofia", 2005

holy grail

In Western European legends and tales, the Holy Grail is a mysterious vessel, for the sake of approaching which and initiating its good actions, the knights performed feats. Many myths, ancient legends, poems and painstaking works are dedicated to him. scientific research. Troubadours, minstrels, mastersingers of the 11th-13th centuries created a whole genealogy of kings and guardians of the Grail.

For a long time, there were two views on the origin of the legend of the Holy Grail in science, dividing researchers into two camps. For some, it was a Welsh fairy tale theme, which was later joined by christian names and motives, for other scientists, the Holy Grail is a further development of the Christian apocrypha, which was furnished with fantastic details of a folk tale.

One of the prominent representatives of the Celtic theory was Professor Willmark, who believed that the legend of the Holy Grail passed into medieval literature from a Latin retelling of it, made in the 8th century by a British hermit. He got the idea of ​​a miraculous vessel from the works of bards, where there is a cup that has the name and qualities of the Holy Grail.

According to Willmark, the vessel of the bards bore a name meaning the same as the Holy Grail. The word "per", which occurs in poetic tales, means "a wide vessel, a bowl", and this corresponds to the Grail (as the Gallic dictionary explained it). True, other researchers (for example, Gelinand) doubted such an explanation. According to their theory, the word "per" meant mainly a kitchen vessel in which something is cooked, while the Grail was a dish on which the richest dishes were served. Thus, the description of the bowl by different researchers (as well as by medieval authors) varied greatly. For some, it was a modest bowl from the table of the apostles, for others it was made of gold and adorned with precious stones, while others saw in the Grail a goblet carved from an emerald that fell from Lucifer's forehead during the fall of this rebellious angel.

Many researchers see in such a variety of plots a connection with the legends of the pre-Christian era about sacrificial blood, for example, with the goblet that the ten gods of ancient Atlantis drank before the start of their meetings ... Or with the golden goblet of the Germanic tribes, or with the goblet of Styx water, which had special properties and was considered a receptacle of ancient and lost knowledge.

The question of the origins of the legend of the Holy Grail in past centuries was devoted to many scholarly works (among which there were quite solid ones), but to this day it remains unanswered. In Russia, this issue was dealt with by Professor A.N. Veselovsky and N. Dashkevich. The latter studied in detail all Western European theories and notes that the novels about the Knights of the Round Table played an important role in the creation of the legend of the Holy Grail. For 400 years, these books were creations that fully embodied the ideal of the nobility. The aristocrats collected them in their libraries, after copious libations they also entertained the guests of the noble feudal lords. Ignorance of the stories about the Knights of the Round Table was considered a sign of ignorance, the names of the characters (Arthur, Lancelot and others) were called the baby at baptism, etc. For example, Merlin is a zealot of Christian principles in the novels. So, having once bestowed wealth and honors on a poor man, he deprived him of them when he became very proud and turned out to be ungrateful.

Some of the heroes of the Round Table were very popular. At the end of the 12th century, they wrote about the knight Arthur, in particular: “To which of the places where Christian dominion extends, did not the winged glory bring and where did not make known the name of Briton Arthur? Who ... does not talk about him when, as the pilgrims returning from the East tell us, he is almost more famous among the Asiatic peoples than the Britons? The inhabitants of the East speak of Arthur as well as the inhabitants of the West, although they are separated by the space of the whole earth. Egypt speaks about him, the solitary Bosphorus is not silent. His deeds are sung by the lord of states, Rome, and the once-rival of Rome, Carthage, knows the battles of Arthur, which are glorified by Antioch, Armenia, Palestine.

The cycle of novels about the Knights of the Round Table also included a story about the Holy Grail, which protects in court and in battle, it glows and soars in the air, separates the righteous from sinners, nourishes and heals, which was first discovered during the imprisonment of Joseph of Arimathea. This feature, which plays an important role in legends, brings the Holy Grail closer to the mythological symbols of abundance (in Greek mythology it is the horn of Amalthea, in the myths and rituals of the Celts it is a cauldron), as well as to the sacraments of communion “like the bread of angels” and manna from heaven.

It is now quite difficult to find the original antiquity of the original tales of the Grail, and in medieval knightly literature, the Grail motif begins to appear at the end of the 12th century. In the novel by the poet Wolfram von Eschenbach "Parzival", the Holy Grail is not a cup, but a stone brought to earth by angels and possessing miraculous powers.

A little earlier than the novel "Parzival" appeared "A novel about the history of the Grail" by the French author Robert de Boron. This work has been preserved in two versions - prose and verse, but, unfortunately, only fragments have survived from the second part ("Merlin"). However, the original volume and content of the poem can be restored from them, and we will focus on the first part of the poem - "Joseph of Arimathea", which reveals the essence of the legend of the Holy Grail.

In Robert de Boron, the poem opens with a story about redemption, which the author considers as liberation from the devil. Then the novel tells about the betrayal of Judas, about the washing by Jesus Christ of the feet of his disciples and the celebration of the Last Supper in the house of Simon the leper. Joseph of Arimathea finds on Calvary the cup from which Jesus Christ drank, and takes it to the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate, who gives him the cup along with permission to remove the body of the Savior from the cross and give it to burial.

Joseph took the holy body of Jesus Christ into his hands and quietly laid it on the ground. Washing him, he noticed blood flowing from the wounds and was horrified, remembering that it had cut a stone that was at the foot of the Cross. He also remembered the vessel of the Last Supper, which had previously been given to him by Pilate, and the pious Joseph decided to collect drops of divine blood in this vessel. He collected drops from the ulcers on his arms, legs and sides in a bowl, and after wrapping the body of Jesus with a rich cloth, he laid him in a cave.

The news of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ greatly embarrassed the Jews, and they decided to kill Joseph and Nicodemus. Warned, Nicodemus managed to escape, but Joseph was seized in bed, severely beaten and then put in a dungeon, which was closed so that the tower looked like a pillar from the outside. No one knew what happened to Joseph, and Pilate was very upset by his disappearance, because he did not see best friend- truthful and brave.

But Joseph was not forgotten. In the illuminated dungeon, the One for whom he suffered appeared to him and brought a vessel containing His divine blood. Seeing the Light, Joseph rejoiced in his heart, was filled with grace and exclaimed: “Almighty God! Where can this Light come from, if not from You?

“Joseph,” Christ said, “do not be embarrassed, the power of My Father will save you! You will have unceasing joy when you end your life on earth. I did not bring any of my students here, because no one knows about our love. Know that it will be clear to all and dangerous to unbelievers. You will have the memorial of My death, and after you those to whom you will entrust it. Here he is".

And Jesus Christ gave Joseph a precious vessel of blood, which He hid in a secret place known to Him alone. Joseph fell on his knees and thanked, but pointed out to the Savior his unworthiness. However, Jesus Christ commanded Joseph to take the Holy Grail and keep it. The grail was supposed to have three guardians.

Then Jesus Christ announced that the Sacrament would never be performed without the memory of the feat of Joseph of Arimathea. Further, the Savior told Joseph the mysterious words that Robert de Boran does not convey in his poem, and at the end said: have advice in your heart, because the Holy Spirit will speak to you. I am not taking you out of here now, because the time has not yet come.”

This is the content of the poem by Robert de Boron, compiled by us according to the retelling of N. Dashkevich. Further, the poem tells about the release of Joseph from prison by the emperor Vespasian, and then briefly conveys about his life in his homeland. Researchers suggest that perhaps the poem refers to the movement of the precious Grail to the West and some other events. This hypothesis arose, probably, in connection with the appearance of relics of this blood in the West shortly before the publication of the novels about the Holy Grail. So, in 1148, part of the blood of Christ was transferred from Jerusalem to Flanders and was placed in the city of Bruges - in the church of St. Basil. And in 1171, blood relics were exhibited in Normandy. These and some other facts perfectly reveal the reason why the pious truver settled on the legend of the collection of the blood of Christ.

The possession of the Holy Grail has always been considered the cherished dream of many knightly orders. The Knights of the Round Table, the Templars, the Teutonic Knights - all of them unsuccessfully searched for this mystical vessel in order to master the subtlest energies.

And now we will touch on a question that, at first glance, may seem unusual. The fact is that Parsifal and the search for the Holy Grail were of particular importance to the initiated Nazis in Nazi Germany. V.Prussakov writes about this in his book “The Occult Messiah and His Reich”. The musical interpretation of the legend of the Holy Grail by R. Wagner made a deep impression on the Nazi mystics. One of them, Otto Rahn, inspired by the story of Parsifal, went in search of the Grail.

In 1931, he went to France and reached Montsegur - the last point of the heroic defense of the Cathars. The legend says that it was from here on the night before the decisive assault of the papal crusaders that three heretic Cathars quietly left, taking with them the sacred relics. At the risk of their own lives, they saved the magical regalia of King Dagobert II and the cup, considered the Holy Grail.

Otto Rahn thoroughly studied Montsegur and discovered many secret passages here, in which (in his opinion) the “treasure of the ages” should have been hidden. Two years later, he published the book "Crusade Against the Grail" - about his findings and the heroism of the Cathars. According to some reports, in 1937

O. Ran sent his Montsegur "finds", among which was the Holy Grail, to Himmler. Jean-Michel Angebert, in Hitler and the Cathar Tradition, reports that the precious vessel was taken to Wewelsburg Castle, where it was kept on a marble pedestal.

Further information about the fate of Otto Rahn is full of mysteries and contradictions. According to some sources, he was sent to a concentration camp and killed there, according to others, he committed suicide in March 1939 by taking an ampoule of potassium cyanide. Historians suggest that the seeker of the Holy Grail became disillusioned with Nazism and realized that he had transferred a relic of the greatest power and significance into the wrong hands ...

The genesis of the legends about the Holy Grail, as already mentioned above, still causes a lot of controversy in science. Scientists argue about the etymology of the word "Grail", and about the areas of Western Europe where Joseph of Arimathea came from Palestine and where his missionary work took place. By tradition, they even used to speak of the Holy Grail in the masculine gender, as is customary in French and German. Meanwhile, the Complete Orthodox Theological Encyclopedic Dictionary reports: “According to legend, Joseph of Arimathea, who collected the blood of Christ into her, took her to England.”

In East Slavic traditions, the Holy Grail is a basket with fish and a bottle of red wine, and the Latin word "gradual" means a liturgical book.

None of the medieval authors of poems and novels about the Holy Grail fully reveals the essence of this concept, leaving the reader only some hints. In the minds of the entire Christian world, the Holy Grail is the chalice of the Last Supper, into which later Joseph of Arimathea collected drops of blood from the pure body of the Savior. In illustrations for manuscripts of the 13th-14th centuries, it was depicted mainly in the form of a chalice.

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From the book The Grail War author Chandel Rene

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