Will there be another falsification of the election results. Some are against the system: what happened to the fate of the teachers who uncovered electoral fraud. Elections in Russia are more important than American ones

« United Russia”according to the federal party list, it received not the official 54%, but from the number of voters who voted - only 25%, from the number of registered voters - only 12%, and from the population, the people of our country - less than 10%. More than two hundred people got into State Duma by committing a criminal offense, invading the electoral will of the people” - these are the large-scale research of prof. S.S. Sulakshina on the mathematical reconstruction of the actual election results.

As a result, one must make the assertion that the State Duma-2016 - ILLEGAL.

The Center for Scientific Political Thought and Ideology initiates an appeal to General Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee Russian Federation with a proposal to initiate a criminal case, to investigate it. Investigation of the crime of “seizure of power and appropriation of power”, and punishment of those responsible.

We invite everyone who is convinced and shares this position to put their signatures under the appeal, which is posted on the website of public initiatives change.org

Please repost and distribute this petition.

To the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation
Chaika Yu.Ya.
Chairman Investigative Committee Russian Federation
Bastrykin A.I.


We, the citizens of the Russian Federation, who signed this statement, are witnesses of a criminal offense committed en masse on September 18, 2016 and consisting in falsifying the elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Numerous evidence in the form of photographs, video recordings at polling stations taken during the voting in the elections of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, primary protocols drawn up at the PEC and the same voting results, but with different numbers as a result of registration in the GAS system, show that criminal acts were committed provided for by the following articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Art. CC RF 141. Obstructing the exercise of voting rights or the work of election commissions;

Art. Criminal Code 142. Falsification of election documents, referendum documents;

As a result of massive electoral fraud, there was a “seizure of power and appropriation of power” prohibited by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (part 4 of article 3). For this act, Article 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Forcible seizure of power or forcible retention of power) provides for criminal liability.

The mass, centrally controlled nature of the organization of falsifications, the existence of an organized criminal group responsible for massive falsification of election results throughout the country is evidenced by official data on all PECs of the "results" of the vote, published by the CEC of the Russian Federation. From these data follows the conclusion about the controlled centralized and synchronous nature of falsifications, as well as the very fact of falsifications. These data provide evidence of the extent of fraud. The evidence was obtained by mathematical processing of the official figures of the CEC and is an expert opinion of a specialist, indicating the fact and gravity of the crime committed. The results of expert calculations (see Appendix) prove the following.

1. Voting-increasing fraud was carried out almost exclusively in favor of a single party, namely, United Russia.

2. Falsifications in favor of the United Russia party and its majoritarian candidates were carried out in elections both in the federal district when voting according to the party list, and in the elections in the vast majority of majoritarian districts at the same level, which radically changed the true will of voters.

3. The scale of falsifications - registration of votes of the United Russia party reaches a level of more than 2 times, which affected the results of the elections and fundamentally changed their results.

4. Falsifications were also carried out by officials - members and chairmen of election commissions, and other officials.

5. Of the 450 deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, more than 200 deputies from the United Russia party ended up in the State Duma of the Russian Federation as a result of violations of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. With such illegal elections, the Decree of the CEC of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2016 No. 56 / 541-7 “On the establishment overall results elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation” is unreliable and is subject to cancellation. After the cancellation of which should be followed by the appointment of early elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

With such an illegally formed composition of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, it is not possible to recognize its activities as legal. All the decisions that it has taken and will take in the future cannot be recognized as legal.

6. The all-Russian nature of the organized crime in many districts at the same time indicates the existence of a single customer and organizer, that is, an organized criminal group that must be identified and punished. Since the falsifications were carried out exclusively in favor of United Russia, it is most likely that persons affiliated with these beneficiaries are responsible for the crimes.

On the basis of the above, attached expert report on the proof of the very fact of mass falsifications and the calculation of the scale of the crime, as well as on the basis of the civil obligation to report a crime by virtue of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 205.6. (Non-reporting a crime) we bring to your attention the facts and evidence of a crime committed on September 18, 2016 during the elections of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and


1. Initiate a criminal case on the fact of committing the crimes provided for in Articles 141, 142, 142.1, 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, identify those responsible for violating the law and bring the case to their punishment.

2. Take prosecutorial response measures provided for by Federal Law No. 2202-1 of January 17, 1992 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”, in connection with the adoption of the illegal Decree of the CEC of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2016 No. 56 / 541-7 “On establishing the general results of the elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation” and, in accordance with the established procedure, bring the case to the abolition of the specified illegal resolution.

Citizens of the Russian Federation:

1. Sulakshin Stepan Stepanovich


“Before I quit, I sobbed all night”

On the next week the country will celebrate Teacher's Day. Some teachers will not soon be able to cross the threshold of an academic institution, if at all - we are talking about those who were caught in fraud in the election commissions.

We contacted those teachers who know firsthand what election fraud is. These people are from a different "camp": at one time they did not keep silent about what they were forced to do.

Teacher Tatyana Ivanova from St. Petersburg became famous five years ago. After the December 2011 elections. Then, too, elected deputies of the State Duma and the city parliament.

Tatyana at that time worked as a head teacher at St. Petersburg school No. 575. Before the elections, the woman was confronted with a fact: it is necessary to ensure the victory of one of the parties. Ivanova went into denial. Her disobedience cost her her job. After her dismissal, Tatyana told reporters how employees of the RONO and the city election committee persuaded her to stuff her ballots. Later, the authorities tried to accuse her of libel in court, but the lawsuit was lost.

Tatyana Ivanova. Photo from personal archive

We contacted Tatyana. Surprisingly, for the former teacher, time seemed to have stopped. She still remembers the events in great detail. past days, has not forgotten the names of the offenders and cannot hold back her tears when she talks about her once beloved work.

- Tatyana, five years ago you had to quit your native school. Now what are you doing?

Nothing. I'm seating at home.

Did you get a job at another school?

There were no options. No offers have been received. I was only invited to a private school, but I'm not interested. I refused.

- Were you not invited to the elections as a member of the election commission either?

In the spring of 2014, I was still a member of the territorial commission. In St. Petersburg at that time there were gubernatorial and municipal elections. But these elections became my "swan song". My powers ended in May 2015, since then I have the same attitude to the elections as you.

Surely, you still have colleagues who are still working in the elections. How were these Duma elections compared to 2011?

Everyone says that this time everything went more or less cleanly. I tend to trust people.

But I can say that, compared to 2011, the situation in the local elections in 2014 was even more catastrophic. I could observe this from the inside as a member of the territorial election commission. Although I was diligently removed from all meetings, they took all measures so that I was away from the chairmen of the election commissions and did not see violations.

On election day, they put me in the basement - this is how the duties were distributed. The chairman of the TEC and I were supposed to accept documents, but not protocols, in the basement.

“We were offered to throw in 400 ballots”

- Do you remember well the time when you were a stranger among your own?

Of course. Will you forget this? In 2011, I was appointed chairman of the commission. It was time for the first pre-election meeting, where valuable instructions were handed out. I note that I worked in the elections for 14 years. Decent tenure. I know technology "from" and "to". Until 2011, the chairmen of the commissions were not school directors, they already have a lot of work to do. But this year they introduced an innovation. I remember that my colleague and I came to the meeting and were stunned - the chairmen of the precinct election commissions were all directors of schools.

- What were the changes?

Apparently, it dawned on someone that it is easier to put pressure on school principals. The most vulnerable link in the education chain.

- But not everyone is pushed through?

Hope. But when I refused to participate in the falsification, none of the teachers who were at that meeting came to my defense. Later, no one even confirmed the correctness of my words in court. Although I often met colleagues on the street, they all said in person: “We are all for you, our morning begins with a discussion of your situation and the day ends the same. We are all following the process." But no one supported me openly. They can be understood. Nobody wanted to lose their place.

Let's go back to that meeting. What exactly did they tell you?

Usually the chairmen of the election commissions were gathered in the building of the city administration. And this time we were invited to the social center. I walked into the room and was just amazed. Of those present, there were only 5 chairmen, while usually at least a hundred people gathered, our district is large. The conversation took place behind closed doors.

The head of the RONO and a man who introduced himself as Sergei Ponomarev spoke. They began to explain to us that it was necessary to ensure the victory of one party, they offered options on how to do it better. Sounded completely unthinkable options. Since I have been in this topic for 14 years, I told them: “I myself can offer any options.” And then she asked: “How do you imagine it?”.

What options were offered to you?

We were told that we should have two lists. And half an hour before the end of the elections, it is necessary to enter into the second list of those voters who will not come. Then throw the same number of ballots into the ballot box.

- And how many ballots did you have to put in the ballot box?

There were supposed to be 200 of them. And then we passed double elections- Duma and legislative (in the Legislative Assembly of the city - "MK"), respectively, it was necessary to throw in 400 ballots. Then I asked how we will carry out the dummy voters according to the documents? After all, it is necessary to add 200 people to the lists. We need passport details. They openly explained to us: “You will be given disks containing all the lists, information about your voters. What do you mean, you are at school, consider yourself at home. Plant a floor above your man, and he will fill out the documents so that the observers will not notice anything.

Was it all paid for?

We were promised to pay 70 thousand rubles.

- As I understand it, you refused a solid increase in salary?

I rejected any suggestions. This is considering that at that time I was in the party for which they offered to do stuffing. After the first meeting, my colleague and I left dumbfounded.

Then we were collected a second time. I remember that the director of one school was present at that meeting, we knew each other well, but after a while, when I was accused of slander, it was she who testified against me in court. Despite the fact that I immediately voiced my position, the leaders of the pre-election meeting were inexorable, my words were ignored.

The last time we were gathered two days before the elections. We have already started work at the polling stations. And that day they brought me “leftist” lists. They were given to me by a member of the election commission. True, later at the trial, he assured that he was not present at the site at all. By the way, the prosecutor's office is now dealing with this person, as far as I know. By the 2016 elections, he was promoted, made the chairman of the TEC.

- Despite your refusal to do stuffing, did they still bring the lists to you? What for?

Perhaps they hoped to the last that I would change my mind, I would be afraid of losing my job.

- And what did you do with these lists?

She said: "I won't take it, take it back." They were taken away.

Just before the elections, I and another colleague of mine were summoned to the TEC. The chairman of the TEC personally invited: “Girls, come, we need to talk.” I note that we have cooperated with this person for many years, and, apart from good things, I can not say anything about him. We never let him down. He knew that elections in our precincts were always clean.

In short, my colleague and I came to the TEC. We were taken to a rest room. It was not the chairman himself who spoke to us that day, but a woman who, in my opinion, worked in SOBES. The lady immediately raised her tone. She shouted at us, saying that you are making yourself out of yourself, you want to be "white crows." In the end, she calmed down: “What are you afraid of? We have a whole commission of lawyers working.”

- That is, you were given to understand: in case of an emergency, they will cover you?

Exactly. I then hinted to her: “Are you not afraid that I will tell everyone about this story?” And I heard in response: "You will not prove anything." In the end, we broke up badly. But at that moment, I clearly decided for myself that I would not leave it just like that. I returned to school, and what was my surprise when I saw those very “left” lists on my desk. While I was gone, they brought the lists, and left them there. After all, the commission has already worked at the school. And my subordinates were instructed: "To transfer the lists to the chairman."

- What did you do with these lists?

That day I took them to my office and locked them in a safe. I have kept them for a long time. Like a memory. Burnt down just a year ago.

“She needs to be kicked out, but you want to give her a bonus”

How was election day itself?

Nobody touched us on election day. Although the evening before, the leadership of RONO offered to withdraw my candidacy from the post of chairman. Thank God they didn't have the power to do that. We worked out the elections, reported, handed over the documentation. It was the middle of December. And at the end of the year, teachers usually got a bonus. Chickens laugh, what is the amount, if the salary of teachers is 19 thousand rubles. And when the director of our school took the lists for the award to RONO, they made big eyes when they saw my last name: “Ivanov should be removed from his post, and you are writing out awards for her.”

Then they started digging under me. They found fault with the fact that my daughter-in-law and son work with me at school. Moreover, my son worked part-time, consider moonlighting. He received a salary of 2 thousand rubles, was a building maintenance worker.

After that visit to the RONO, the principal of the school returned not herself: “I will probably be removed.” I immediately understood what was the matter: “What do I need to do so that they let us finish it in peace?”. The director perked up: "Refuse the bonus." I refused and filed a complaint. And then I asked, maybe I should still quit?

The director shrugged her shoulders: “We don’t need it yet, we’ll finalize the year, we’ll see.” I was so cut by this phrase - “we will finalize the year”. I understood that if I stayed, the school would be tortured with checks, as it always happens. It is no coincidence that there is an expression: “Tell me that someone needs to be drowned, send me to school. I'll dig."

At that moment, I wanted to shout to the whole world. And I made a decision for myself to retire. The next day, I put my resignation letter on the director's desk. And I noticed how she exhaled - thank God that she was leaving. I left, and then I told reporters about my story.

- After what did you have to sue representatives of the RONO?

Yes, and it was creepy. Let's start with the fact that I have never been judged. I'm already old. And in my concept, the court is bad. I didn't have a lawyer. I didn't know how to speak in court. I didn't even know how to properly address the judge. But when at the meeting I saw ordinary people who came to support me, I felt better.

Representatives of the RONO never appeared in court. The process took a long time, I was constantly asked what I would do if I lost the court? I said that I would file a lawsuit in an international instance.

Everything ended in my favor.

After the last elections, a criminal case was opened against the teachers who did stuffing. How do you think it could end?

In my opinion, it is naive to assume that someone will be punished and, moreover, imprisoned. After my trial, when the truth came out, the head of the RONO, which gave me instructions on stuffing, was promoted. She became deputy head of the district administration. She was not even removed from office during the trial ...

Do you humanly feel sorry for those teachers who are now accused of stuffing? They don't do it willingly.

No pity. Every person has a choice. He is not easy. I won't lie. Before I quit, I sobbed all night. I've devoted so many years to education. My 11th grade was supposed to graduate that year. I knew that I was betraying them. It was hard and painful for me. But I made this choice. In life, we all go through tests of love, power and money. Not many people can stand them. Therefore, I do not feel sorry for such teachers. I think they should not teach children.

Among the school principals who attended the 2011 election meetings with you, did anyone else refuse to do stuff?

I don't know about the rest. But I can admit that, basically, everyone made a deal with their conscience. When I watched our last gubernatorial elections, I was shocked. If then, in 2011, we were gathered by at least five people, everything was carried out secretly, quietly, then in 2014, school principals gathered everyone in a large hall, and everyone was given instructions on how to work with those who voted early. And when someone noticed me in the hall, I heard a whisper: “Ivanova is here, everything is gone.” Then I, too, being a member of the election commission, tried to get through to the authorities, but they did not hear me. If at least one person, after such elections, at least flew down from his post, the next time people would think - is it worth getting dirty? And we only fire teachers for insubordination.

You first encountered massive fraud only in 2011. It turns out that before that the elections were more or less smooth?

This is my story. Until 2011, we were not really touched. We worked out the elections for five plus. Now the late chairman of the TEC called us "poultry-excellent students." We did not receive any complaints from observers. Moreover, these observers practiced one election with us and asked to join us for the next one. Because they like to work in a relaxed environment.

As for the observers - if a throw-in is planned at the site, does it come out, and the observers should be “their own”?

It turns out so. Because it is problematic to throw in ballots imperceptibly. It is necessary that there is no one around. But in any case, throwing in 200 pieces is unrealistic. In 2011, there were old-style bins on my site. Theoretically, imperceptibly, it is really possible to throw in five ballots at a time. A person enters a secret ballot booth, fills out ballots, then exits and casts. According to the law, observers cannot stop him with the words: “Show how much you throw in, we will count.” But throwing in 3-5 extra ballots is not 400. Five extra ballots would not have made it into the "electronic" ballot boxes. Probably, before those elections, everything was thought out in advance, it was proposed to do stuffing in the polling stations where there were old-style ballot boxes.

- After what happened, did your school colleagues call you, support you?

No one called, no support. Friends met me on the street and said they were worried about me. I heard that many representatives of the RONO were also worried about me. But I didn't get much support.

- This year you did not work in the elections?

I closed this topic for myself. I remember that in my last elections in 2014, I came to one polling station as a member of the TEC and asked to see the lists. So the committee members called the police. Later, I was informed that a directive had been given - Ivanov should not be allowed to enter other people's polling stations, and even more so to the lists. So now I only go to the polls as a voter. And I believe that if all people came to vote, then there would be no stuffing.

“After the dismissal, I do not want to have anything to do with schools”

For many people who worked in the elections and refused to participate in fraud, life turned upside down.

Yulia Kapichnikova. Photo from personal archive

Julia Kapichnikova a young teacher primary school from Tambov. In 2012, she was appointed as an observer at one of the polling stations. Julia honestly did her job. Recorded violations - stuffing, postscript 600 votes.

At the end of the voting, Kapichnikova refused to sign the protocol of the results of the presidential elections. The head teacher of the school where Yulia worked reprimanded her subordinate and advised her to quit. As a result, Kapichnikova's story received wide publicity.

After the hype at school, they left me, but they looked at me askance. In the end, I completed maternity leave, and then she went to another school, - Julia admits. - But since then I have given myself a word - never to participate in the election campaign. I know that in many regions teachers are still fired for disobedience. There are those who leave own will after the elections.

Teacher at a rural school in the Ryazan region Raivo Shtulberg was fired when he refused to agitate the people before the elections in 2015 (In the Ryazan region, the regional Duma was elected - "MK") for a particular batch. The man posted a revealing video online, where he posted the truth about forcing teachers to vote. He said that subsidies were promised to the village for "worthy votes". However, in past years, the villagers did not see the results of such injections of money.

Raivo Stulberg. Photo from personal archive

After that, the director of the school where Shtulberg worked advised the teacher to quit for good. Raivo wrote a letter of resignation of their own free will.

I can't say anything about the last elections, Raivo Shtulberg says. - I have not had anything to do with school for a year now and I hope that I never will. Former colleagues didn't say anything either. They are afraid for their places.

In my time, the authorities adhered to such a formulation that teachers are not forced, but asked to agitate. That is, a person, it seems, can refuse, he will not get anything for it. The school principal then directly told me: “People asked me to distribute leaflets, am I going to refuse people?” The head of the RONO was also asked - other people from above. I suspect that those are also “asked”.

There are pawns in schools, and each of them is served as best he can, so that the authorities notice and note. There are no ends, the chain is too long. Well, the "crime" to start for stuffing and so on will be on the "switchman", that is, on the teacher. As far as I know, the sensational criminal case that has now been opened against the head teacher of the Nizhny Novgorod school is almost the first in the entire history of electoral stuffing. Maybe she'll get off with a fine or get a suspended sentence. But a person's nerves will fray. And yet, “he was under investigation” is a serious stigma for a teacher.

Anton Popov, a teacher from the city of Puteets also tried to fight for the truth. True, his story is not connected with the elections. But he also has something to say about the participation of teachers in the elections.

Anton Popov. Photo from personal archive

I once complained about one student who had no brakes. Then I even sent a video from the lessons to Putin's reception room. He asked in a letter to provide the school with at least some cheap video cameras so that he could prove how disgusting this teenager was behaving. As a result, the director forced me to write a letter of resignation. I left school. I worked as a programmer in a hospital for six months. But in September he returned to school. Nobody wanted to take my place - there was no crowd of people who wanted to teach such children, and even go to a village school for a pittance.

Understand, objectionable teachers are removed everywhere. In this system, the main thing is to be able to bend and obey.

As for the elections, I myself served on the commission this year. My father was the chairman of the precinct. We didn't have any violations. It seems to me that such things happen in crowded cities, where if they are fired, a person will still find a job. In the villages, no one runs the risk of fraudulent elections, how then to look fellow villagers in the eye?

It's easier in the city - you don't know anyone, nobody knows you. A lot depends on the head of the section and on how independent people sit with him on the commission. For example, our members of the commission were pensioners and people who had nothing to do with school. If something is wrong, they will not be silent ...

Finally, we contacted the workers of the teachers' trade union movement. Assuming that there is similar stories must know. We turned to the co-chairman of the Interregional Trade Union of Education Workers "Teacher" Andrey Demidov. The man honestly admitted: “Teachers will not even talk about such things anonymously. Why are they in trouble?"

You probably already know the official results of the elections to the State Duma: United Russia won, followed by the Liberal Democratic Party and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation are almost on a par, and the opposition parties scored a percentage of votes at the level of statistical error.

These results were generally predictable, so there is no big intrigue here. The government used all the resources available to it to ensure that the outcome was just that. I am interested in something else in this story: where, how and to what extent the election results were falsified, and statistics can answer these questions.

In the results of all Russian elections recent years there is one and the same striking feature: the higher the turnout at the polling station, the greater the percentage of votes received by the party in power. It is clear that in normal political life it is impossible: what difference does it make, how many people vote - one hundred or two hundred, the percentage of votes cast for different parties should be approximately the same.

The paradox of the Russian elections is explained by the banal stuffing of ballots for the ruling party: after all, the more ballots are thrown for it, the higher the total turnout is. This is very easy to check, because the percentage of votes cast for other parties still corresponds to a statistically normal distribution.

It is almost impossible to hide this kind of falsification, because it will require very accurate and coordinated ballot box stuffing in all polling stations at the same time, and this is far from always possible. It is clear that for our courts “this evidence is not evidence”, but we are not in court yet and no one bothers us to assess the situation by drawing the appropriate conclusions.

Moreover, all the tedious work of collating statistical data has already been done for us by a wonderful person - Sergey Shpilkin, who has been analyzing the Russian elections since 2011.

Here is his graph, which shows the relationship between turnout and the number of votes cast for different parties:

All parties, except for one and only, have the same picture: regardless of the turnout, the proportions are observed, and only United Russia has seen a grandiose surge in popularity in polling stations with prohibitively high turnout. This is nothing more than a trail of stuffing.

The entire purple area on the chart is stuffing. If we correct the official data, it turns out that the real turnout was around 36.5%, and not 47.76%, that is, about 23% of the ballots were thrown in - every fourth, which is actually a lot. It turns out that about half (!) of the votes for United Russia are simply drawn.

Here are the official and corrected election results:

Belgorod, Voronezh, Kemerovo, Tyumen and Penza regions, Kalmykia, Mordovia, Tatarstan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Bashkortostan, Dagestan and, of course, Chechnya are leading in fraud. In these regions, the situation is simply catastrophic.

And, of course, these elections also have results that are difficult to measure in numbers:

  • Record low turnout in Moscow and St. Petersburg shows that the population of these cities no longer sees elections as a way to change something in the country. What options remain - judge for yourself. And no percentages drawn by the Kalmyks and Chechens will help to keep power if riots break out in both capitals.

  • A huge number of members of the election commissions became accomplices in the falsification of the election results, and this is not just playing with pieces of paper, but a criminal offense. Given that election commissions are most often made up of teachers, think about what criminals can teach your children.

  • The election results are not recognized by Canada, Sweden, France, Denmark, Lithuania, Romania, the USA, PACE, and apparently this is only the beginning. The absence of a legitimate, from the point of view of the world community, parliament raises the question of Russia's ability to negotiate - after all international treaties they must ratify. Simply put, now Russia can wipe itself with any of its treaties.

As values ​​of the Falsification Index for each case of presidential and parliamentary elections, as well as a referendum, the values ​​of the coefficient of determination of the regression trend line of the desired election result for the current government (voting for the desired candidate and for the desired party in the elections, for the desired answer in the referendum) on the turnout are used voters by regions of Russia. The index value equal to 0 indicates that the distortion of the election (referendum) results due to the interference of the current government is generally equal to zero. The index value equal to 1 indicates that all the ballots additionally thrown into the ballot boxes (inscribed in the final protocols) were given to only one party or only one candidate in the elections (only one answer in the referendum).

So, for example, a noticeable relationship between the magnitude of voter turnout and their support for the majority political parties in the “elections” of September 18, 2016, almost none were found (with the exception of the United Russia party and, to a much lesser extent, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation). The coefficient of determination of the trend line of voting for EP, depending on the voter turnout, turned out to be 0.95:

It is this value that became the value of the Voting Fraud Index for September 18, 2016 in the upper chart.

Available official data Central Election Commission, as well as the results of calculations of the corrected (actual) turnout of voters and the corrected (actual) number of votes cast for the United Russia, carried out by S. Shpilkin, allow us to estimate the absolute and relative scale of falsifications during the so-called. "parliamentary elections" in Russia in 2007-2016. Their main results are summarized in the following table.

The scale of fraud during the "elections" to the State Duma of Russia in 2007-2016.

Indicators Elections to the State Duma:
2007 20 11 201 6
Number of voters, million people 109.1 109.2 111.7
Turnout in million people:
official 69.6 65.7 52.6
55.6 49.7 40.2
anomalous (attributed) 14.0 16.0 12.4
Voter turnout, %:
official 63.7 60.2 47.9
adjusted (actual) 51.0 45.5 36.5
anomalous (attributed) 12.7 14.7 11.4
Turnout attributed in % to actual turnout 25.2 32.1 30.8
Number of votes cast for United Russia, million people:
official 44.7 32.4 28.5
31.0 17.1 16.1
anomalous (attributed) 13.7 15.3 12.4
The ratio of the number of votes cast for EP to turnout, %:
official 64.3 49.3 54.2
adjusted (actual) 55.7 34.4 40.0
anomalous (attributed) 8.6 14.9 14.2
The number of actual votes cast for United Russia, as a percentage of all voters 28.4 15.7 14.4
Number of attributed votes for EP in % of the actual number of votes for EP 44.4 89.4 77.4
Number of attributed votes for EP in % of attributed turnout 98.1 95.8 100.4

The video belongs to Evgenia Volnova's channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA--CSselU0qtyQTjSTa5Ug Support the channel - LEAVE A LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpcmsqsEnn59ufzz1b5gnhg Affiliate program for YouTube channel http://join.air.io/maxmail Channel Vyacheslav Maltsev https://www.youtube.com/user/artpodgotovka/featured Spare channel Vyacheslav Maltsev https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6MZXJIIwSrwP4wFJg2mlsg For those who first came to our group dedicated to Vyacheslav Maltsev, 51117 and his YouTube channel "ARTPODGOTOVKA" and at this stage Maltsev's Elections to the State Duma 📗 1 Vyacheslav Maltsev is a politician, professional revolutionary, former deputy chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma in three convocations. Read Maltsev's biography at the link https://vk.com/topic-47122274_29552934📗 2 Maltsev gained popularity thanks to his information and analytical program "Bad News" on YouTube. 📗 3 Vyacheslav Maltsev goes to the State Duma from PARNAS (Party of People's Freedom), because it was the only opportunity to take part in the primaries and become a leader, taking second place in the federal list of the party in the elections to the State Duma. And also to declare their plans for the full power of the TV screen. 📗4 The PARNAS party is the only anti-Putin party represented at the vote in the State Duma on September 18. All the rest are maintained by the government (stolen money from the people). PARNAS exists on the money of supporters. The reality is this: either you vote for Maltsev, for PARNAS or for "Putin's Party" (United Russia, LDPR, KPRF, Just Russia, Yabloko, and so on, they are all the same - pro-Putin) 📗 urgent consideration in the State Duma is the immediate removal of Putin from power (impeachment), the abolition of anti-people laws, the immediate end of all wars in which the Russian military takes part, the abolition of Article 282 of the anti-Russian Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the amnesty of all political prisoners. This is the official position of PARNAS. 📗 6 Maltsev and hundreds of thousands of his like-minded people want to build real democracy in Russia in the near future, namely, Direct Democracy. In the 21st - the information age and in the richest country in the world, this is possible. 📗 7 To build Direct Democracy in Russia and the onset of a New Historical Epoch it is necessary to immediately remove from power and condemn Putin and all his entourage, who illegally hold power. This is exactly what will happen according to Maltsev's forecasts on November 5, 2017. 📗 8 Vote for PARNAS on September 18th if you want all of the above and Maltsev's ideas are close to you. 📗 9 In every city there are PARNAS campaign headquarters with active supporters of Maltsev, a link to the groups - https://vk.com/topic-47122274_34198510 If possible, join the volunteers, help us convey the goals of PARNAS and Maltsev to the best possible more people, campaign people online. This will bring great benefits to us - the inhabitants of Russia, in the near future. 📗 10 answers to frequently asked questions to Vyacheslav are at the link