Slavic runes Chernobog. Slavic rune Chernobog and its meaning in the upright and inverted position. Interpretation of the rune in the layout for business

zodiacal sign H stands for Cancer, symbol of the Moon. Rune "Lelya" is dedicated to Monday. In comparison: Montag (moon day) Monday (moon day) among the Germans and the British. In the Celtic Tradition, the Moon was patronized by the Goddess Danu (Anu, Don (wall)) - the foremother of the Tuatha De Dannaan clan (giving fertility, prosperity, wealth), and also by Morrigan (Maru, the Great Queen) - the Goddess of winter and death (protecting werewolf, wars and sex). Also - and the Triune Welsh Goddess Cerridwen (Cherridwen), symbolizing birth and death.

If we consider given sign(and this rune) from the side of the Celtic Tradition, then we can say that the rune "Lelya" means the dual future of the girl, and her becoming a woman (death as a girl and birth as a woman).

Among the northern Wends, the rune was called "Lelya" (it was also designated among the Western Slavs) and meant "love, water, Lelya, intuition." In general, Lelya and Lada are in many ways consonant (mother and daughter, after all): both Goddesses personify love, only Lada is married, mature; Lelya is young, quivering (even, I would say, just a girl). In the Scandinavian Tradition, she is a force that leads like a stream of water (Lady of the Lake and King Arthur, Maiden and the Grail and other legends).

So the name "Man" came from the Western Futharks; moreover, the meaning of “people” cannot be primary, since words with a root starting with “l” in the west are almost always associated with water. The letter means a person as part of a family, community, clan. The letter “People” also has a meaning such that only those who live in harmony with each other, who observe harmony, like a water stream that goes around obstacles, can be called people. And also - who knows how to think not only with his head, but also with his heart. And, also, this letter is a reminder that only thanks to Lada, born from the love of Rod, He created the World (Triloka).

Since this rune means the mystical feminine (as opposed to "Birch" - the physical, giving birth to the beginning), I am inclined to the name "Lelya" (Lada, as the Mother Goddess, is more suitable for the "Birch" rune) - the name of the Goddess of girlhood and hidden forces developing in the future woman.

Rune in divination

In some way, the rune "Lelya" is similar to the rune "Source", since both of them symbolize water. But, if the “Source”, as one of the runic incarnations of Svarog, is the utmost composure, concentration, clarity of thought, logic, then “Lelya” is intuition, emotions, feelings, doubts. One has only to imagine the unshakable icy wastelands, and the river, easily bending around all obstacles. Awakening the intuitive, lunar side of your nature. Rune of deep knowledge. The rune can call you to the study of spiritual matters in a state of readiness to transform yourself. Getting in touch with your intuitive wisdom and being in tune with your own rhythms. Associated with intuition, patronage of the gods and guidance.

"Lelya" can mean an excess of knowledge; advice to give yourself Higher Power and be led: "No knowledge can replace live communication with the Gods." In a “crooked” meaning, it can mean deceit, a forbidden attraction (to a husband’s wife, for example), an exit to the outside of something hidden that has been hiding inside the questioner for a long time.

The rune "Lelya", as well as the "Source" is able to help in overcoming some obstacles, but if the "Source" does it like a man - having gathered strength and thoughts, then "Lelya" - like a woman, trusting " water flow” of being, smoothly, plunging into the feelings and the subconscious. Also, she - like a girl's rune - can mean some kind of unavailability due to the failure to achieve a certain initiation; especially in connection with the purely women's issues(eg related to childbearing). It also means the duality of the future path, but not “up” and “down”, like “Think”, but “left” and “right”: from the Valkyrie to the hostess; the rune is also associated with female initiations (loss of virginity, pregnancy, childbirth).

“Water is a state of mobility, variability, readiness to believe anything and anyone. Having overcome the rigidity of the previous state, the seeker often finds himself deprived of any support at all. He strives to embrace everything, move simultaneously in all directions, seep, like Water, into all cracks and depressions, not yet having the ability to move meaningfully and purposefully. The nature of Water is not as heavy as the nature of Earth, but still drags down the path of least resistance. In general, Earth and Water are Feminine Elements, not leading, but driven, and therefore, at these stages, the seeker, as a rule, needs an external mentor who can indicate the direction and awaken in the seeker the will to overcome both external and internal obstacles.

In combination with the runes "Firmly" - it can predict a deterioration in health, with "Secret" or "Transition" - a nervous breakdown.

Analogue in Futhark - Rune Laguz(LaguR).
Analogue in vend runes - rune Lelya.

rune in magic

  • gives more vivid and memorable dreams; ability to understand them
  • good for calming the nerves
  • stabilizes an emotionally disturbed situation
  • helps to connect with the subconscious
  • sharpens intuition
  • patronizes the study of secrets, but the study is not creative (like "Kres") and not logical (like "Vedi"), but mystical
  • can relieve fears and complexes
  • normalizes, smoothes relations (family, friendly)
  • develops adaptability to external conditions
  • enhances healing abilities

Rune and Tree (Weeping Willow)

Willow rods are flexible and pliable; in many countries they are used to make baskets and furniture. Willow (lat. Salix viminalis) is associated with cyclicity, the change of tides414.

Willow rarely breaks during a storm - it bends under the pressure of the wind, like a jet of water prefers to go around obstacles rather than destroy them. These properties allow us to draw a conclusion about the female element of the tree. In China, willow was associated with concepts of female beauty, softness, suppleness, and spring. In ancient Greece, willow was dedicated to female deities. The ancient peoples of Mesopotamia had a myth about willow. Once the goddess Inanna, walking along the bank of the river, saw a huge willow and admired it. Suddenly a storm broke out, and mighty waves were about to pull out a tree and carry it into the ocean. The goddess took pity on the tree, carried it to the beautiful city of Uruk and planted it in her temple garden.

Weeping willow is a symbol of unhappy love, sadness and sorrow. Also, willow is associated with death (both fire is life, Yav, and water is death, Nav): willow leaves are found in burials of the megalithic era and in the tombs of the pharaohs. The Celts believed willow tree sacred. In their myth about the Creation of the World, the sea serpent laid two purple eggs, which contained the Sun and the Earth, precisely in the branches of a willow. It was the first tree of creation, in the branches of which the universe was hatched, which symbolizes both the birth of the cosmos and the beginning of earthly life. The sea serpent among the Celts symbolized the power of the moon over the oceans and its fateful intervention in the life of the human race. In the Mediterranean, the prevailing view was that Willow drops her seeds before they reach maturity, as a result of which she was considered barren and presented as a clear image of virginity (chastity) and ideal raw material in order to achieve abstinence. Palm earrings, consecrated on Palm Sunday, are brought into the house to protect it from all evil (especially from lightning).

It was from Willow, according to Scandinavian legends, that the first Woman was created. Willow symbolizes the qualities of receptivity and dedication, indicates the need to maintain balance in the world around.

Rune and Plant (Bow)

No wonder the Norwegian name for the wild onion - Laukaz - is so consonant with the name of the rune - LaukaR (the oldest name for the Laguz rune). It was believed that the bow, whose feathers looked like a rune, was sacred plant and had a powerful magic power mainly of a protective nature.

And it was not for nothing that the saying remained in the Russian language: “Onion is from seven ailments,” although the Slavs did not know that its bulbs exude phytoncides that are deadly for microbes.

Rune and Stone (Chrysoprase)

The stone of all those who love and seek renewal, novelty, dream and implement new projects. The stone is specifically associated with intuition. Healing stone. Brings new energy, aligns and harmonizes life events. Hope stone. Takes the edge off life situations. Gives courage, endurance.

Rune and Animal (Doe; Lark)

In many myths, the image of Lani represents the female animal nature of a potentially demonic nature (of course, it was not without the influence of a patriarchal coup), although she seems to us to be an elegant creature. In the family tree of Genghis Khan, the foremother is the mother - the deer, the forefather - the wolf. Lani could perform in prehistoric rites of initiation as symbolic animals of the female part of the participants in the rites. But in the Zend-Avesta, the ised, the patron of this sign, is Arta, Truth. Lani's totem is associated with the quest higher meaning, with harmony, beauty, with the manifestation of the maternal principle. Larks are small springing birds; it is believed that they are the first to arrive from Iria-Ray (according to Slavic beliefs, in winter it is high, high in the sky, and the angels hold it in their hands, tenderly and caress until the first lightning flashes and the heavens open, where the Lark at this time sometimes it’s allowed to look.), bringing Spring with it - the time of love and rebirth, beauty and flowing streams - the time of Lelya. As a revered bird, it was forbidden to eat, and killing was considered a sin.

Codes of Slavic gymnastics Meshalkin Vladislav Eduardovich

11. Rune "Lelya"

11. Rune "Lelya"

Keywords: love, water, flow.

The goddess of this rune, Lelya, was revered by the Slavs as the daughter of the Great Mother Lada. Her name forms a lot of words that came from the depths of centuries that make up our native language souls (“Lalya” - a child, “cherish” - regret, etc.). Rune "Lelya" ( photo 18) is the rune of intuition, knowledge beyond the mind, the Force leading in wandering and searching. The use of this rune sharpens and enhances the intuitive perception of the world, helps to penetrate the secrets of the Universe, helps to stop quarrels and disagreements.

Rune "Lelya" is able to cause beneficial sensations of the "subtle body" and its purification, removal of blocks and clamps in the physical body, improve well-being.

From the book Codes of Slavic gymnastics author Meshalkin Vladislav Eduardovich

1. Rune "Source" Key words: ice, fundamental principle, will. Ice in the Nordic tradition is one of the creative elements, symbolizing the Force at rest. According to northern legends, the World arose from a single hailstone - an ice grain. Rune "Source" (photo 8) "freezes",

From the author's book

2. Rune "Peace" Key words: Belobog, Tree of the World, security, man. The rune "Peace", or "Belobog" (photo 9), symbolizes the inner, divine in nature "I" of a person, that part of him that stores everlasting Knowledge and Eternal Life belonging to the Divine

From the author's book

3. Rune "Chernobog" Keywords: jester, shadow, inverted Tree of the World. The rune "Chernobog" (photo 10) forms a dual pair with the rune "Belobog". This rune connects with the Forces leading the World to absolute Chaos. In the Slavic pantheon, she represents the jester god, who has always fought with

From the author's book

4. Rune "Rainbow" Keywords: road, joy. This rune denotes an endless Path leading to Alatyr, determined by the unity and struggle of the Forces of Belobog and Chernobog, Fire and Water (photo 11). The road in Tradition is something more than just movement in space and time.

From the author's book

5. Rune “Treba” Key words: firmness of the Spirit, warrior, victory. This is the sacred content of the "Treba" rune (photo 12). But sacrifice, according to Tradition, is not

From the author's book

6. Rune "Strength" Key words: strength, knowledge, integrity, sun. Strength is the property of the Warrior. According to Tradition, this is not only the ability to change the world and oneself in it, but also the ability to follow the Path, freedom from mental shackles. Since only the garbage of consciousness splits the world into pieces in

From the author's book

7. Rune "Perun" Key words: coverage, power. Symbolizes power, might and vitality. Rune "Perun" (photo 14) can mean the emergence of powerful, but heavy Forces that can move the situation off the ground or give it additional energy for development. Rune

From the author's book

8. Rune "Gift" Key word: gift. The purpose of the rune "Gift" (photo 15) is the establishment of friendly relations between people. The rune will help in right choice partner and maintaining established relationships. Another aspect of the rune's action is directly related to its name - this is the rune of the divine

From the author's book

9. Rune "Day" Keyword: breakthrough. This rune provides good luck and a long period of prosperity (photo 16). The main mantic application of the rune is the approach of the end of Darkness and the beginning of Light and prosperity. This rune is used to attract Light into one or another sphere of our

From the author's book

10. Rune "Man" Keyword: I. This rune personifies, first of all, honesty and impartiality in relation to one's "I" (photo 17). It is characterized as a rune of support and help, a rune of self-realization. The rune was used to create favorable conditions for the manifestation

From the author's book

12. Rune "Torch" Keywords: will, goal, perseverance. The mantic application of the rune "Torch" (photo 19) is extremely wide. One of the goals of its application can be formulated as follows: concentration of will and embodiment of what was planned. Rune "Torch" is associated with the formation of human

From the author's book

13. Rune "Krepa" (Scandinavian "Ingh") Key word: fortress. The rune depicts the main part of the support-power frame of Vedogon (photo 20). We will use it when studying the wireframe points, vectors and levers used in Vles (Veles (bear) wrestling). Rune

From the author's book

14. Rune "Veles" (Scandinavian "O'Dal") Keywords: heritage, Veles. The rune "Veles" (photo 21) contributes to the formation and strengthening of the boundaries of Vedogon or individual combat space. It clearly divides the space into its own and someone else's, contributes to the development of combat

Lelya is the twelfth rune of the Slavic 18 rune series, denoting love in the broadest sense of the word, it is both connection, and reciprocity, and attraction, and the sacrament of unity. Lelya is also the goddess of Strength, who leads, as if a water stream. Lelya is the sister of Yarovit and her rune is associated with the element of living water flowing in springs and streams. And yet, unlike the rune Oud, the rune Lelya more indicates spiritual and emotional love than carnal. The rune of Lelya is the rune of intuition, knowledge-out-of-mind, the rune of spring awakening and fertility, the rune of joy and flowering, the rune of bright youthful feelings that bring happiness. This is the rune of female energy, always mobile, changeable and malleable (in the good sense of the word).

Aspects of


Feelings that flare up in you will grow stronger over time, transform into something more, into something powerful, strong and durable. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of a partner, one should not neglect intuition, knowledge-out-of-mind, which helped our Ancestors many times. Listen to your own inner voice, he, unlike the advice of girlfriends and friends, is always right. Thanks to him, you can know the joy of awakening, happiness from true decision, to see the glare of the sun, living in your own soul.


The dropped rune Lelya says that everything flows and everything changes. And if today you do not see the sun, this does not mean that it does not exist at all. Every night, even the darkest, is followed by a day, just like a day, no matter how sunny it is, is still replaced by night. There can be no question of any permanence. The ground under your feet is either felt or not. You don't need to be afraid of it. After all, stagnation is always the energy of mustiness and something bad. Stop being nervous and just trust life, nothing bad will happen to you.

The rune Chernobog in its appearance is complete opposite. If the Rune of the World or the Rune of Belbog the world tree is depicted with branches up, then everything is the opposite here. The branches of the rune look down, as if indicating the underground mystery of Chernobog. Rune World and are a dual pair that cannot exist without each other. That is why they can very often be seen inscribed together, following each other or merged together. In this form, these two runes look like the letter Zh (Life, letter Belly).

The difference between these runes is striking and even more - cardinally opposite. If the Rune of Belbog is an absolute order, the desire for a higher world, then the Rune of Chernobog is a symbol of Chaos, destruction, a symbol of the underworld. However, as we have already said in articles about, etc., this is not Good and Evil. Both Chernobog and Rod are vital for any existence in the visible and invisible world. Each of the mysteries represents one of the components of the world. The runes, which are compared together, are a symbol of the interaction of the worlds, that is, the most correct image of the world. The Rune of Chernobog and the Rune of Belbog, which are depicted together, are similar in meaning to famous sign Yin-Yang - two semicircles that pass one into the other.

It is also worth mentioning that the rune of Chernobog is a symbol of the shadow, the very one that we cast. The shadow in the Slavic worldview, Slavic magic has a very great importance. It also belongs to the world of Navi, which is also called the World of Shadows. Used for rune divination, for sorcery purposes, and to designate an "area" of the other world. In magic, this symbol is used when the goal is to destroy something, break through the magic circle, get out of a trap, get out of a hopeless situation, crush life force, crush someone else's power and someone else's dominant force.

The rune of Chernobog is also often associated, according to semantic and magical meaning, with such Germanic runes as: Perth and Hagalaz.

Chernobog is a dark deity personifying lower world. It is associated with darkness and shadow. He desires destruction, the release of the most secret impulses. Chernobog has great power and controls the inhabitants of Navi.

However, not everything is so clear. Chernobog is not pure evil, like, for example, Satan in Christianity. Among the ancient Slavs, evil is not so categorical, it is a natural thing that maintains world order. Chernobog is not an opponent of the world, but an integral part of it, the direct opposite of Belobog. Together, these two deities are halves of the whole, like Yin and Yang in Eastern philosophy. They are connected like the Scandinavian god Loki and Odin. Without light, it is impossible to see the shadow, so they are opposed and, at the same time, help each other.

Slavic rune"Chernobog" is also known as the rune of the Roots

The Slavic rune Chernobog is the second in a row in the Venedian rune series. It refers to the World Tree, depicting its trunk and roots. Because of this, it is also called the Rune of Roots. The rune of the Belobog completely repeats its outlines, only in an inverted form, again depicting the opposite - Krona. Dualism operates here as well, recalling the balance in the universe.

Contrary to the deity's craving for destruction and darkness, the meaning of the Chernobog rune is not so tragic. Its darkness symbolizes something hidden in the depths. This is a symbol of released energy, an impulse that activates the potential hidden in us. In psychology, it corresponds to the subconscious, hidden desires and aspirations of a person.

Chernobog does not recognize restrictions and does not allow himself to be driven into any framework

If the rational Belobog restrains and draws frames, then the rune of Chernobog speaks of their destruction. She reports breaking the vicious circle, going beyond. This god is destined for the role of a trickster, a royal jester. He laughs at prescriptions and norms, shows their senselessness against the constancy of inner strength.

Chernobog represents the natural beginning. It is the foundation or fundamental principle on which all consciousness is formed. Strong developed roots allow the tree to grow. Without them, it will not withstand any drought, not even the slightest shake. The crown will be dense only when the tree has powerful roots. This is how the dependence of the two signs and their mutual influence is manifested.

Rune Roots means power, originality of individuality. This is an impulse, a surge of energy that promotes development, makes you move towards the goal. Success and progress cannot be achieved only with a cold mind, obeying order. Chernobog is called to reveal the secret essence of man, his instincts. He crosses strict boundaries, releasing his inner nature so that it leads us to the wisdom of Belobog.