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Today, almost every person has their own Facebook profile, but not everyone knows the possibilities of this social network.

website decided to teach you some of the subtleties of the brainchild of Mark Zuckerberg.

1. Read hidden messages

Few people know that Facebook has two mailboxes. One of them is for messages from people who are not your Facebook friends. If you didn't know about the second mailbox, then you most likely missed invitations to various events from friends of your friends or proposals for a meeting from former work colleagues. To read these messages, you need to click on the "Messages" icon, then click on the "Conversation Requests" button and execute the "View Filtered Requests" command.

2. Check where you came to your page from

In case you doubt that you have left your page on your friend's computer, you can click the small downward arrow on the right upper corner your screen, select "Settings". Click on the "Security" button from the list of commands that appears on the left, and then select "Where you are signed in from" - this way you can track all the browsers on which you are logged into your account at any time. To leave your page on any of the browsers, simply click "End Action".

3. Be sure that no one will hack you

If you have doubts about Facebook's security system, you can use the "Login Confirmation" button in the same "Security Settings" section. Thus, the security system will require you to enter a password when logging into your account from an unknown device. If you enter your page from a device that you have never used, you will need to use a password that will be sent to your phone.

4. Appoint someone responsible for your profile

I wonder what happens to our social media profile when we no longer use it? On Facebook, you also have the opportunity to choose the person who will be responsible for your page in the event of your death by clicking on the "Trusted Contacts" button in the same "Security Settings". A trusted contact will not be able to post news and correspond on your behalf. His powers include changing his profile photo and responding to friend requests.

5. Let yourself be nostalgic

Sometimes we want to look again at our old ridiculous photos and old correspondence with best friend. To do this, it is not necessary to scroll the mouse wheel for hours, but you can simply click on the icon with three dots in your friend's profile and execute the "View Friendship" command.

6. Revisit your past on Facebook

On Facebook, you have the opportunity to view everything that you have ever liked, commented on or posted by you. Just click on the inverted down arrow in the top right corner of your page and select Activity Log.

7. Be in someone else's shoes

If you want to know what your profile looks like to someone who is not your friend, click on the three dots to the right of the "View activity log" command and select "View as ..." This will give you a great opportunity to look at your page through the eyes of strangers you people.

8. Communicate face to face

Facebook allows you not only to chat, but also to communicate using the camera. To do this, just click on the small camera icon in the upper (blue) part of the message window. If your friend has a camera, you will be able to see and hear each other.

However, far from all the ideas contained in this text, we can find a match both in other Egyptian sources, and among peoples with a "shamanic worldview." In the "Conversation" Ba is actively arguing with the Man on the topic "to be or not to be", and, oddly enough, it is Ba who takes the position of "to be". This is all the more surprising because when writing the word "ba" it uses the icon for "death" - a paradox that has been noted more than once by researchers. We are still inclined to believe that this determinative carries a somewhat different, albeit close, meaning, namely, "enemy", thereby emphasizing the position of Ba in the dispute in relation to Man. In other words, on the example of our text, we can observe the usual for Ancient Egypt mixing and layering of more ancient and archaic ideas - with ideas that mark some kind of new stage in the development of the worldview. On the one hand, Ba, on the departure of which the life of a Human depends, seems to strive to act according to a long-established scheme, that is: to leave, be captured by some enemy, and then, with one or another probability, be returned to the owner, who must provide him (Ba ) existence in the other world. On the other hand, Ba has his own position, he wants to keep Man in life, thereby actualizing the idea, which will spread widely only a millennium later. According to most translators, even the inspirational speeches of a Man cannot make Ba change his views (cf. our translation).

We cannot agree with the opinion of some scholars that our text describes the process of thinking in an imperfect way. Ba is introduced in the "Conversation" as You, which suggests the personal nature of both interlocutors. This can rather be compared with a painful split personality, when a person turns into space to his opponent, invisible to others. But what is now generally considered mental illness, was in the order of things four thousand years ago. From our point of view, "Conversation" cannot be identified with an internal dialogue, simply because the ideas of archaic man about himself were too different from ours, namely, he distinguished in himself a certain number of more or less "material" entities - "souls", obviously, considering them much more isolated and independent than it is commonly thought today. This does not mean at all that a person is constantly in a “forked”, or even “disorganized”, etc. state: it’s just that at critical moments (transitional states, illnesses, etc.) all these internal components of a person ceased to operate in consent and reveal their individuality.

The foregoing is only an introduction to the large and still insufficiently studied problem of anthropological views in Ancient Egypt. Bypassing it, we will confine ourselves in conclusion to a few words about the main motive of the Conversation, that is, about the suicide of Man. The desire to commit suicide is hardly caused by the departure of the Ba, although this is also possible. Our hero is worried about the state of affairs around him. This can be partly understood, given the importance that the ancients attached to the ritual. In general, ritual actions were the only way relieve spiritual stress. Ritual, repeating and at the same time actualizing the cosmological drama, was that "means of orientation, the significance of which especially increased in moments of crisis." The author of our text apparently lived in one of those epochs when "a hardened man says: 'If I knew where God is, I would sacrifice to him.' and people found themselves in a situation similar to ours today.

The conversation of the disappointed with his Ba

(one). (2). (3) I opened my mouth (4) to answer my Ba to what he said. (5) It's more of me today. My Ba does not speak (6) to me. It's too much, it's like (someone) despising (me). (7) May Ba mine not move away so that he can take care of this for me. (8) He was not guilty (in that) he (9) is removed from my body like a rope net. It did not (10) happen (before) that he left me on a day of sorrow. (11) Now my Ba resists me, (but) I do not listen (12) to him, I strive for death before (I) come to her, (13) I throw myself on the fire for self-immolation, (14) which is not sad for him ... (15) He approaches me on the day of sorrow, (16) he gets up to the other side, as Nekhenu the mourner does. (17) Indeed, it is he who goes out to bring himself to him. (18) Ba moi is not able to relieve the pain of (this) life. (However) keeps (19) me from death before (I) come to it. Make sweet (20) for me the West. Is it difficult? (21) This life (passes in) a short period of time. Here are the trees, (even) they fall. So try (22) evil! End my suffering. (23) (Yes) He who appeases (24) the gods judges me. Khonsu protects me, the scribe is truthful. Ra listens to my speeches (26), helmsman of the solar Barka. Isdes protects (27) me in the holy chamber. (28) For my misfortune is (so) heavy, (29) (that) it will be reckoned to me. Sweet is the protection (30) by the gods of the secrets of my body. My ba (31) told me: "Are you not a man? Truly, you are (32) alive! But what is the result? You take care (33) about life, like a rich ruler." I said (to him): "I will go there, (34) to the earth, and you really will retire (?). (35) (No one) will take care of you. Any criminal will say: (36)" I will take you " "You have calmed down, your (37) living name is dead. There is his place of rest. (38) Living in the West is attractive to the heart. Rowing ... (39) ... If my Ba would listen to me, my brother (40) unfaithful, he would agree with me. He would (41) be happy (after death). I let him reach the West, like (42) one who is in his pyramid, (for whom) a mortal stands near (43) his burial. I will make a refuge (?) for (44) your corpse, so that another Ba, (45) tired, will envy you. I drink water from the spring, (48) raise the Shuya plant (49) (so that) another Ba who is hungry envies you If (50) you keep me from death in this way, (51) you will not find a place of rest in the West. Be (52) agree, my Ba, my brother, with (what) will be. My heir (53) will offer sacrifices, will stand at the grave on the day (54) of burial, will prepare a bed (55) for the Necropolis. “If you remember the burial, (57) the heart is grieved by this. (It) causes tears, it makes (58) a person unhappy, takes him out of the house (and) throws him (59) on the hill. You will never go upstairs to see (60) the sun. (People) who built in granite stone, (61) built halls in beautiful pyramids (62) with excellent work, (when) (these) builders (63) became gods, their altars were emptied, like those (64) who died on shore, - (and it was) through the fault of the (survivors), - (65) (whose) ends the water washes, (and) (66) the sun (scorches) them, - those with whom the fish (67) speak . Listen to me, it's really good to listen to people. (68) Have a nice day, don't worry. There was (one) person. (69) He plowed his plot, (harvested), he loaded his crop (70) onto the ship and led his ship (71) and thought that he would get (safely). (Behold) he saw the onset of darkness, (72) which (came along) with the north wind. He watched (73) sunrise and sunset with his wife and his (74) children. (But now) trouble happened on a lake overflowing with crocodiles, (75) at night, near the shore with crocodiles. Finally, he (the peasant) (76) swam out and broke the silence (with his voice), saying: “I do not turn my cry (77) There, (weeping for) the bearer, who will never come out of the West (78) to another existence, to the earth I grieve (only) about her children, (79) killed in the bud, who saw the face of Khentiu - the crocodile god, (80) before they lived. There was another man, he pleaded for supper. (81) Behold, his wife answered him: "For supper (and you will receive it)." (82) He went out into the street ... for a while. (83) (When) he returned to his house, he was already a different person. (84) His wife was wise, but he did not listen to her. (85) (Continuing) ... The messenger's heart was empty."

Sorokina Maria

“What is a man when he is occupied only with Sleep and food? Animal - no more ... ”- this is exactly what the famous playwright W. Shakespeare says in his play“ Hamlet ”. The author is convinced that a person who obeys only his primary needs does not develop spiritually and morally, becomes like an animal. But after all, a man, unlike an animal, is given reason, the ability to think and create, and he must use his capabilities to the maximum. Their use also means cultural and spiritual enrichment, personal development, comprehension of something new, teaching and self-improvement. However, not all people are aware of the importance of spiritual and social needs.



Sorokina Maria,

MBOU MPL, Dimitrovgrad

“What is a man when he is occupied only with Sleep and food?

The animal is no more ... ”(W. Shakespeare)

“What is a man when he is occupied only with Sleep and food? Animal - no more ... ”- this is exactly what the famous playwright W. Shakespeare says in his play“ Hamlet ”. The author is convinced that a person who obeys only his primary needs does not develop spiritually and morally, becomes like an animal. But after all, a man, unlike an animal, is given reason, the ability to think and create, and he must use his capabilities to the maximum. Their use also means cultural and spiritual enrichment, personal development, comprehension of something new, teaching and self-improvement. However, not all people are aware of the importance of spiritual and social needs.

An example of a person who has become like an animal in literature is the hero of the novel I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Ilya Ilyich, gentleman, 33 years old, lazy, apathetic, excessively dreamy and completely unsuited to real life. Oblomov has a need for a family, children, a measured, quiet and calm life. But the hero does nothing to get closer to this idyll, it remains only in his dreams. The hero spends all his time in bed, his day is only a dream and the continuous creation of illusions. In this monotonous, degrading life, Ilya Ilyich hides from real world, afraid of his activity and not wanting to take responsibility for his actions, and even more so to work and keep moving forward, even when faced with failures.

The reasons for this behavior should be sought primarily in the atmosphere in which the hero was brought up. His native village of Oblomovka is a quiet and picturesque corner where life has a cyclical nature, goes on as usual: birth, growing up, aging, death. It is really based only on animal needs. The whole life of the Oblomovites is focused on plentiful food, and sleep after dinner is called dead (“the true likeness of death”): the whole village sleeps. They are not accustomed to communication, contact with external environment. When a letter arrived in Oblomovka for the first time in many years, the residents were excited, frightened, and did not even dare to open it. Having grown up on such traditions, the hero does not review any of the habits learned in childhood, perceives this type of thinking as the norm of life and does not recognize another.

And life around Oblomov is in full swing - they come former colleagues, friends, people get married, go to visit, work, but Ilya Ilyich does not care. He criticizes secular society, he believes that “disturbing oneself” for the sake of “eternal running around, playing cheesy passions” does not make sense. But after all, in order to become a man, that is, a biosocial being, a person must necessarily communicate with other people.

Oblomov is not a “ball of dough”, he is endowed with a lively mind, capable of thinking, introspection. He has a powerful potential that he cannot realize (it is no coincidence that the author compares him with Ilya Muromets!). With the refusal of the hero to take part in the life of society, his physical "fading", Ilya Ilyich stops in his spiritual movement. The environment and upbringing killed in Oblomov all the makings of activity and activity, infected him with “Oblomovism”. Only this “blissful corner”, “sleepy kingdom”, which revolves around its huge pie, has taken root in the hero’s mind.

It is this cult of biological needs, sleep and food, that turns the hero's life into existence, does not allow the hero to grow from an animal state to a real person, with a desire to work, develop and absorb everything that the world around him can give him.

Announced a successful experiment to "transplant" the head of a corpse in China. He stated this at a press conference in Vienna, reports Guardian .

According to the surgeon, a team from Medical University Harbin (China) "carried out the first head transplant", and now the operation on a living person is "inevitable". The operation, he said, took 18 hours and was carried out by his Chinese colleague Ren Xiaoping, who allegedly performed the first monkey head transplant a year ago.

“The first head transplant on a human corpse has been performed. A complete transplant from a brain-dead donor will be the next step,” Canavero said. “For too long, nature has dictated its rules to us. We are born, we grow, we grow old and we die. Millions of years man has evolved and 100 billion people have died.

We are entering an era where we will take our destiny into our own hands. This will change everything. It will change you on all levels,” Canavero said at a press conference. “Everyone said it was impossible, but the operation was successful.”

It is not yet clear whose bodies were used in Chinese experiment, but Canavero promised that Research Article on cadaver head transplantation will be released in the coming days. In the coming days, Canavero promised to name the date of the operation, which he had previously promised to carry out before the end of 2017.

According to Canavero, it was decided to carry out the first live human head transplantation in China, since in Europe and the United States his initiatives did not find support among the medical community. Canavero also talked about politics during his speech.

The transplant surgeon Paolo Macchiarini, who openly called Canavero a criminal, also considered the operation impossible:

“How can such an operation be imagined? Personally, I think he is a criminal. First, there is no scientific basis for this. Secondly, this is already something from the field of transhumanism... How can the brain of one person suddenly start functioning, being attached to another body?”,

He declared.

The prospects for transplantation of the head of a living person seem even more vague upon closer examination of the features of the operation. Firstly, nerves are easily scarred during surgical interventions, and it is not clear how Canavero and his colleagues are going to deal with this problem during an operation that will last more than a day.

Secondly, the possibility of using immunosuppressive drugs has not yet been studied - they are necessary for any operation with donor organs.

Thirdly, there is no evidence for Canavero's claims that only a small percentage of nerve fibers will be enough to restore some functions. These are far from the only weak spots in the planned operation on a living person, but there are already enough of them to consider the chances of success as very modest.