I had a dream that I was shot. Types of gun: toy, gas, etc. What were they shooting with?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about being shot at in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello! The dream repeats itself. From Thursday to Friday a military man was hunting me. It was in my father’s house. Night, darkness, the knowledge that my deceased mother was lying on the floor in the living room, she was not alive. I hid in next room. A military man came in and fired a laser forward, silently, and couldn’t see me. I wake up screaming: Mom. Today: he’s the same again: he burst into my room, where a lot of people, hostages, had come running, everyone lay down on the floor and I was next to the sofa. Bullets fly overhead, hitting my hair. Feeling inside: complete calm, knowledge that everything will end soon, confidence: I am protected.

    Today I had a dream that out of nowhere they started shooting at my school, I had to hide in the cafeteria, but terrorists got in there and started shooting, I managed to escape and cover myself, but they found me (or rather us, there were some others there people), I ran away again and then they started shooting at me in the corridor, they hit me left hand and in the left thigh, and that’s it...

    I dreamed that they made a video about me where my friend and I were hugging and they wanted to give it to my boyfriend. This all happened at my school, after which we went to a neighboring school, but me and my best friend We were walking near the store where we were attacked. As far as I remember the dream well, a man shot me in the leg with a sawed-off shotgun, then locked his girlfriend in the room. In the dream, I understood that receiving such a wound was painful and tried to get as little pain as possible. He came up to me and I began to ask him not to kill me, I said that I love the person with whom we will have a child, I thought that he would become sorry, to which he replied that he liked me too. He took me into the car and easily tied me to the floor, as soon as he walked away, the police attacked him, he began to run away and I also ran away from the car to the police. I told them and my mother everything, after which I took the sawn-off shotgun confiscated during his arrest and ran with the police to help find that man and rescue my friend, but they didn’t let me do this, so I returned and waited. I was very nervous and afraid, I was allowed to take a small pistol in my hands, but when the police came to us and brought my friend, out of fear of seeing the man who shot at me, I shot, but thank God I didn’t hit anyone. Then I woke up.

    I dreamed that a man attacked me and my friend. He shot me in the thigh with a sawn-off shotgun. In my dream, I understood that it hurt, but I tried as much as possible to reduce the pain. my close friend he closed the room and then returned to me, I tried to pity him by saying that I have a loved one and I’m expecting a child, to which he replied that he also likes me and that’s why I’ll go with him, he tied me in the car, but didn’t close it, here the police attack him and I manage to escape to the lair of the same police, where my mother was already there, I told them everything. Afterwards, I took the sawed-off shotgun of the man who ended up with the police when he was detained and wanted to go rescue my friend with them, but they didn’t let me do this. Afterwards I was waiting for them, very nervous and worried. They gave me a small combat pistol, which the police use when making arrests, and then when the police returned, I shot out of fear of seeing not them, but that same man. But I didn’t get it, and that’s where the dream ended. I don’t know if my friend was released and I don’t know if they detained that criminal.

Dreams are a reflection of our real life. Experiences, worries, joys and other emotions result in dreams, sometimes not the most pleasant ones. For example, our subconscious gives a sign in the form of a dreamed weapon. This time we will turn to dream books and try to find out why we dream about a gun.

The meaning of the symbol in the interpretations of various dream books

IN everyday life Not every one of us held a gun in our hands. Most often we see this type of weapon on the TV screen. And as a rule, it does not bode well. What's in a dream?

Interpretations of a dreamed pistol various dream books They differ a little. But everyone agrees that this symbol is alarming, talking about actions taking place around you that make you angry or irritated. Perhaps it should be taken as a warning against rash actions.

  • Miller's dream book interprets a pistol in a dream as an unlucky omen.
  • In the dream book of the soothsayer Mara, a pistol is described as a negative sign that carries destruction.
  • The lunar dream book associates this symbol as real threat occurrence of conflicts and quarrels in the family.
  • Miss Hasse in her dream book describes the gun as hostility and anger.
  • The dream book for a bitch (yes, there is such a thing) calls for being on guard and showing attention and caution.
  • The modern dream book associates a pistol with failure.
  • An intimate dream book states that a person who dreamed of a gun is inclined to use violence in his personal life in real life.
  • And Freud points to the unconscious tendency of aggression in the manifestation of even tender feelings.

A dream about a gun is often an alarming symbol

Interpretation of sleep for men and women

It turns out that a dream about a gun can be interpreted differently depending on the gender of the dreamer.

What does interpretation depend on?

For correct interpretation The following factors should be taken into account:

The dreamer's actions: hold, shoot, kill, etc.

If you dreamed of a gun, then actions related to it are quite possible. They are also interpreted differently.

  1. Shooting from a pistol in a dream means get ready for some decisive action. If you dream that you are shooting from a pistol, then most likely this means your readiness to take revenge on someone for an insult or insult. Perhaps this is a hint of strained relationships in the family, which can lead to breakdowns and scandals. Shooting at targets indicates that your life has clearly defined goals and you are moving towards your goal. Shooting and hitting the target accurately foreshadows a series of luck and controllability of situations. If you shoot with someone, it warns of the possibility of robbery or attack.

    Shooting in a dream indicates decisive action

  2. Aiming a gun at someone in a dream but not shooting may mean that you are plotting and spreading gossip about someone.
  3. Shooting from toy gun dreams about your insincerity in relationships with the opposite sex.
  4. Kill someone. In general, shooting a person with a pistol in a dream is good sign. This reflects your confidence in solving problems. If the murder occurred for the purpose of self-defense, then this means a feeling of security. In Grishina’s dream book, the identity of the murdered person is of no small importance. A defeated enemy in a dream means success. Shooting a specific person in the head in a dream symbolizes an attempt on your part to influence the course of thoughts and actions of this person.
  5. If they shoot at you but don’t hit you, then be prepared for someone to show passionate feelings towards you. This is stated in Vanga’s dream book.
  6. Hold a gun in your hands or look at it. The gun in your hands symbolizes a certain trump card, the ability to keep the situation under control. Perhaps manifestations of aggression from someone else await you, dangerous or unpleasant situations will make themselves felt. But you are determined. If you are looking at an antique pistol in a dream, get ready for unnecessary expenses and losses.

    If you look at a gun in a dream, it means you have some trump card in life

  7. Hide the gun. This dream can be a harbinger of a peaceful and calm life. This is a warning against dangerous hobbies. But there is another interpretation - you are trying to shift your blame onto someone else and avoid responsibility.
  8. Buy a gun. You are the architect of your own happiness; simply put, you yourself must choose the path that you think is right.
  9. Stealing someone else's gun, whether intentional or spontaneous, means that you will interfere with someone else's plans and possibly ruin them. Finding a gun means being responsible for the actions of others and bringing trouble to your home.
  10. Losing a pistol in reality will result in losses.

Weapon color

The color of the gun that appears in your dream should also be taken into account. The Golden Gun warns you that the pursuit of material well-being can lead to dire consequences. The values ​​of life are what is paramount, and everything material should fade into the background.

Golden gun - you have to make a choice between material and spiritual

Types of gun: toy, gas, etc.

  • Seeing a gas gun in a dream means tears.
  • A toy gun means a misunderstanding that will make you smile.
  • A dream about a Mauser portends material well-being.
  • Colt - participation in affairs that are doomed to failure in advance.
  • Walter dreams of love adventures.

Some nuances

To more accurately decipher a dream, you need to take into account some nuances.

Other interpretations of a dreamed pistol

  • A faulty gun indicates an unwillingness to solve the current problem in real life.
  • Cleaning or loading a gun in a dream means an inevitable and serious conflict.
  • If you play Russian roulette in a dream, you enjoy communicating with cheerful people who love risk.
  • Hearing someone talk about a gun in a dream means that you are about to learn about insidious plans against you and perhaps frustrate them.
  • Giving someone a gun means an inevitable fight.

A pistol seen in a dream is an unpleasant symbol. But you shouldn’t be very suspicious and take everything literally. Remember the saying: “Forewarned is protected.” Having made the right conclusions, you will definitely find the right way out.

Shooting in a dream is a good sign. In reality, wealth and success await a person; everything will be given to him easily and in the most short terms. Based on what weapon and to whom the shot was directed in a dream, you can correctly interpret what you saw.

What if you dream about being shot at?

To correctly understand the meaning of a dream in which you are being shot at, you need to pay attention to the following features. If you are shot in the back, it means that in reality a person will face betrayal and deception on the part of an acquaintance or friend.

If a shot in a dream was carried out in the dark and the bullet did not hit a person, then in reality he will set incomprehensible and meaningless goals and achieve them in unique ways.

A dream in which a person died after being shot indicates that his friends will quarrel with him and will never communicate.

To dream of being shot at point-blank means that a beautiful stranger or a handsome man is showing special interest in the person. Pleasant romantic dates are possible, which can develop into a strong friendship or a long-awaited marriage.

A dream when someone shoots at you from around a corner means that a person can suffer both physically and mentally at the hands of bandits or criminals.

If a person is shot in a dream, then in reality he will be able to fully pay off all accumulated debts.

In a dream, when a person is shot with an arrow, it means that he will receive consolation among his friends and loved ones.

A person was shot from a weapon in a dream - small monetary rewards await him. Also this dream indicates that for some time a person will be irritated over the slightest trifle.

What does it portend?

A dream in which the sleeper was wounded means that in real world baseless insults will fall upon him. You will have to spend a lot of effort to restore your bright name.

If a person was purposefully shot with a pistol in a dream and was never hit, then in reality he will be able to resist his enemies.

In a dream, they shoot from a toy weapon - a person will achieve what he wants only if he is completely focused on his goal.

If the shot in a dream was loud and sharp, you should expect news or a letter, the contents of which will be very surprising.

If in a dream they not only shoot at the sleeping person, but he also responds in kind, then in reality the person will meet his rival or competitor. Depending on how this duel ends in a dream, the same outcome of events awaits a person in reality.

It is very good when in a dream the sleeper himself fires shots. This means that in reality he will achieve what he wants and will be happy. However, if they shoot at him, then you should be wary of the people with whom the sleeping person comes into contact. Such a dream is a warning and a signal that there is an ill-wisher next to him.

“I was shot at in a dream,” the dreamer recalls. The vision is very unpleasant, which clearly poses a direct threat to life or health. But when interpreting such a nightmare, it is necessary to remember all its details: who shot and why, from what weapon, and also did the bullet reach its target and with what outcome?

The information presented in the article will help you find out what you can really expect from such a dream and how to interpret it correctly.

I dreamed that they shot at me, what is this?

  • If, upon waking up in the morning, a person confidently says “I was shot,” the Wanderer’s dream book states that this may mean that he is under constant surveillance. But it’s not necessarily with bad intentions.
  • Veles's book interprets such a dream in different ways, but a good interpretation is only possible in the case when a shot occurred, but did not hit. This means that good news will arrive to the dreamer. Moreover, from afar. For Miller, such night dreams promise conflict between spouses.

No less important in interpretation are the organs through which they fall. First of all, it is advisable to carefully examine them, as this may indicate health problems. Besides, It matters where exactly they shot: in the head, and the sleeper saw who did it - the situation is under control, over the head - fate offers a second chance.

  • In the leg - the collapse of a person’s life foundations, deceit from loved ones;
  • in the stomach - the need to concentrate;
  • in the back - the presence of secret enemies;
  • You dream of shooting in the heart when emotions can get the better of reason.

Why do I dream that they are shooting at me from a pistol?

Any firearms in a dream means internal aggression:

  1. pistol - personal grievances;
  2. automatic – a feeling of insecurity, attacks of a social nature;
  3. gun - hunting instincts, the desire to obtain and achieve;
  4. a tank is a greatness that carries danger within itself.
  • To shoot from it is to defend yourself, and if you take the shot yourself, you are to be someone’s victim.
  • If you dream that they are shooting from a pistol, according to American dream book, this means a gross invasion of the dreamer’s personal space.
  • The interpretation of the esoteric dream book indicates a desire to harm him if a person of the same sex fires a shot, and to please him if he is of the opposite sex.
  • The meaning of a point-blank shot is interpreted as an opportunity to have an enemy; I dreamed that from around the corner I was going to get hurt by bandits.
  • Seeing the dreamer being shot means paying off debts, paying off all bills.
  • A dream where a person himself participates in a shootout means rivalry in reality.

I was shot at in a dream and wounded, what does this mean?

  • When the dreamer remembers: “I was running away, but they hit me,” this means that in reality he is a very risky person, and excitement is the most important thing for him. Similar dream may be a dream if there is an important bet at stake ahead.
  • A wound from a soldier’s bullet, which a man dreams of, indicates not only the presence of a rival in love affairs, but also the irreparable damage that he is capable of inflicting.
  • If a soldier appeared in a woman’s dream, her reputation is at risk.

If a person was wounded in a dream, Miller’s interpretation promises insult from embittered friends, English dream book indicates the presence of enemies plotting intrigues, and Vedic indicates the need for changes in personal life.

  • In the case where death can be avoided through awakening, correction of the situation is possible.
  • If the dreamer was killed, unkind people will cause a lot of inconvenience. Seeing yourself dead means illness.

Why do you dream that they are shooting from a gun and a machine gun?

  • If the dreamer says: “I was shot at in a dream from a machine gun,” it means that he is already emotionally ready for attacks from the enemy. At the same time, hitting the target means considerable difficulties in solving previously set tasks.
  • If you dreamed that the sleeping person was killed, it means victory for the attacker.
  • For a girl, according to the interpretation, shooting a gun, in which she experiences fear, means dissatisfaction with her loved one.

And sometimes in a dream you have to participate in entire military battles. Such actions, according to the dream book, signal that the body is working to the limit and requires rest.

  • Shooting from a rifle, machine gun or even from a tank can be a harbinger of pleasant events. Especially if you dreamed that you fired the gun yourself.
  • At the same time, hitting the target exactly promises victory over life's difficulties, flights of enemy planes - a business trip, and if you knock out an entire tank in a dream - a trip to a very interesting place.

As you know, every person spends a third of his life in a state of rest. While our body is resting and gaining strength, we find ourselves in the world of dreams. Dreams can have both positive and negative character. Some will seem cute and funny, while others will seem scary and strange. Many people who managed to remember a dream turn to dream books, trying to look into the near future. Often, it is thanks to the competent interpretation of dreams that it is possible to avoid unwanted life situations or find a way out of a difficult situation. Let's look at why you dream about being shot at.

Miller's Dream Book

One of the most famous dream interpreters claims that a dreamer who sees himself being shot at in a dream is a rather secretive person who is distrustful of others. This is a signal that it’s time to get rid of internal tension, be a little simpler and make contact with people, and not look for another catch.

Esoteric dream book

When asked why you dream about being shot at, he is able to answer esoteric dream book. If you were wounded in a dream, this is a symbol of absolute uncertainty in own strength. Perhaps you are too attached to your workplace and are afraid of getting laid off or are overly jealous of your loved one.

To see a lot of blood after a serious shootout - you do not understand some of the actions of loved ones, which you strongly condemn.

Modern dream book

This source tells us that dreams of this kind are positive. A person who sees in a dream a weapon from which they were shooting will be favored by luck in every possible way. Even an adventure doomed to failure will end in absolute success.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

In this dream book you can also find information that answers the question of why you dream that you are being shot at. In the near future, the dreamer may receive extremely negative news, for example, about the illness of a loved one. If, after waking up, there is pain in the area where the bullet hit in your sleep, then you need to seek help from a doctor. Most likely, you have an internal organ affected by the disease that needs urgent treatment.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

According to this dream interpreter, dreaming with a weapon is a rather positive sign. Soon a person will appear in the dreamer’s life with whom it will be possible to build a strong family or business alliance.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you believe this dream interpreter, then such a vision does not bode well. As a rule, it indicates that in the near future there will be people in your house whom you have not seen for a long time and have already missed them.

Idiomatic dream book

On the pages of this dream interpreter you can find the following information. The dreamer needs to be extremely attentive to the people around him. It is possible that someone close to you will do a disgusting act or even betray you. Prepare yourself mentally so that this does not become an unpleasant surprise.

To be under the gun

No one would want to sort things out with a person who has a combat pistol. A dream in which a weapon was used against you may indicate that an unexpected meeting will take place in the near future. Perhaps that person will appear, contacts with whom were lost long ago, and the time and effort spent searching for him did not yield any results.

If you were shot from a crossbow or bow, this indicates that you are accumulating internal energy that you are going to use to complete one very important task. Perhaps you once decided to put it on the back burner and managed to forget about it, but now it’s time to bring everything to its logical conclusion.

Seeing yourself hiding from bullets from a heavy machine gun is a symbol of your moral exhaustion. You worry excessively about wasted time, thinking that you had the opportunity to do more. If you really don’t have time to cope with the tasks, turn to colleagues or friends for help, who will gladly help you out in difficult times.

If you dream that you are being shot from a machine gun, then in the near future you will be able to show your best quality and independently make a fateful decision that will help radically change your life for the better. Most likely, you will have a desire to tell everyone in the world about this, but we recommend that you refrain from such a manifestation of joy. Such information can only be trusted by people who have been verified by various life situations and time.


What does it mean to have a dream in which you saw yourself as a professional killer who masterfully wields a pistol? The dream indicates the presence of an insidious ill-wisher. If you had to shoot a crowd with a machine gun, a colleague who has antipathy towards you becomes more active. He will watch you, track every step and wait for the moment when you stumble. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he will strike at the weakest point.

If in reality you have never held a weapon, but in a dream you shot quite well, then you should be prepared to compete for the heart of the person you like. You don't need to invent anything to beat your opponent. Just be yourself and show only sincere feelings. Luck will be on your side.

If you see yourself in the role of a killer, tracking down his next victim, wanting to take revenge for something, a conflict with your superiors is not excluded in the near future. Try to abstract yourself, do not react to provocations and do not be guided by emotions alone. A scandal in the workplace will not lead to anything good.

Why do you dream about being shot at?

To be in the center of a firefight, and after waking up to feel incredible lightness in your soul, is a sign of a fleeting romance. You will have passionate meetings with a person who has been your acquaintance for a long time. But despite the fact that you will remember the time spent together for a long time, this relationship will not end in anything serious.

To experience extreme horror when someone shoots at you - the dream warns that there is no need to enter into confrontation with enemies. They will have more trump cards up their sleeves, and they will beat you in a matter of seconds.