I dream about being shot. Types of gun: toy, gas, etc. You're hit, but you're still alive

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    If after a shootout in dream you woke up with relief with a joyful thought: “ IN me shot But Not hit!”, then the dream book promises in the near future many sexual contacts that will leave a pleasant memory in the soul, but will not lead to a relationship. Had a dream, What I I'm under execution, from the side shooting. I take the gun and start kill these people. Twice shot And both times hit And killed.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    If dreamed, What V me shot, what does it mean? Dream- this is a sign that you should definitely listen to. So, aiming at a target in a night dream means striving to achieve your intended goal; get in into it - to success and universal recognition, and to miss - to a colossal failure and collapse of all hopes. If shoots a sleeping person, it is possible What V real life he will greatly insult his opponent and humiliate him in the eyes of the public. Read more

  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Why dreaming dream when in you they're shooting? Fire in dream is a good sign. In reality, wealth and success await a person; everything will be given to him easily and in the most short terms. Based on what weapon was used and to whom the shot was directed in dream, you can correctly interpret what you saw. If in a person in dream shot purposefully from a pistol and never Not hit- in reality he will be able to resist his enemies. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Why dreaming, What they're shooting into you? Dreams are our constant companion, and when a person wakes up in the morning, he wants to understand what his dream meant. dream. For this purpose, since ancient times there have been many dream books. Early failures in work and dissatisfaction with one’s position are possible, however, this is a consequence of one’s carelessness. Esoteric dream book. Had a dream, What V you they're shooting in dream warning, someone around you is targeting you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Why dreamed about it shooting according to Freud's dream book. If in dream You shoot from onions or firearms, expect to have sexual intercourse with your partner in the near future. Why dreaming I shot or shot? If in dream you see yourself shooting at someone, means that soon someone will insult you quite strongly, or blame you for all the problems. If you see yourself shooting at someone, but not at all Not you get there on target, this means that serious disappointments await you in business. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream as mom wants me kill from a machine gun. She shoots V me and like hits.But then I I discover that she Not hit and I begin to hide it from her. I I start explaining to her that she’s doing something stupid, and then I grab the machine gun. She’s chasing after me And To me dreamed, What I I live alone in an apartment on the second floor and there large windows. And in dream me every evening a car follows and as soon as I I appear in the window from a black car (jeep) V me shoots some man is torturing kill.. And Every time he doesn't succeed. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    If a person in dream hits comes under fire “out of nowhere,” then he will face difficult and unpleasant circumstances, the occurrence of which is absolutely beyond his control. If in dream shot And hit person in the heart, then it is worth getting examined, as this may indicate some health problems. New interpretations on the site. What does it mean dream: dreamed, What I Am I sleeping? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnis"

    Had a dream, What V me shot, But Not hit. explained 2092 Scary dreams.Dream, in which in you they're shooting, can mean anxiety, worry, which are transferred to the subconscious. You are worried about something, you are engaged in self-flagellation. With the same degree of probability such dream may mean a threat, possibly from loved one. In you shot, But Not hit- the threat will pass, will pass aside. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.guru"

    Why dreaming ShootingShooting in dream people or just the sound of gunfire in dream- mean discord between lovers and spouses caused by excessive selfishness, as well as dream promises dissatisfaction at work and failures caused by one’s own carelessness. In-in... to me today too dreamed, What V me they're shooting, But Not fall, A I crawling on the ground... but I also saw bullets! Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    If in dream You shoot And you get there in a bird - this is prophetic dream. It means for the merchant that he will achieve his goal; for a lover - that he will strengthen his position and marry happily. But if you see in dream, What missed - this is a bad omen promising To me dreamed What I in the car with his parents hit into some very terrible shootout, we are driving, and the car is heavily they're shooting, And I I’m very nervous, and I constantly ask my dad, Not hit hit him, but here the bullet is very sharp hit.to my mother.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    to me dreamed,What I I'm running away with someone I I don't see with whom I I'm running. Well in dream I I'm trying to run away me big chase people in military uniform they're shooting in us and they are trying kill the one who runs sleepily next to him, to me in dream scary me some woman is hiding in dream well in the end me they find everyone and take them away. Hello, to me Today dreamed That, What V me they're shooting And I running away, bullets Not fall V me. Why this dream?Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Fire in dream means the desire or ability to achieve a goal. If shoot you and you get there- achievement, luck. Fire into a bear - if dreamed for a woman - to conquer a admirer, the desire for a man to become a husband, to get married. If such dream dreamed about it for a man, the desire to get an opponent out of the way. Fire from a bow - achieve your goal if hit at your target. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Why in dream dreaming Fire: Fire– Find something, gain, wealth, good, success; for someone - a long journey; shoot - achieving your plan; into you they're shooting– a guest from afar; shot - insult. Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov. Shoot someone, get in the goal is success. They're shooting you have business or love contacts (being under someone’s close attention); ill-wishers; guests or anticipation of a visit. Kill you - victory, gain. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "fb"

    Why dreaming, What V you they're shooting? It can be very unpleasant to see in dream something similar. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of this bad quality in order Not get in screwed up. Esoteric dream book. It is also important to consider why dreaming, What V you they're shooting, according to this book of interpretations. To me dreamed, What me killed- what does this mean? Oksana Firsova. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    To me just now dreamed What V me shot,hit in the chest, but not killed.shot man. seems in dream I rejected him as a husband, well. In dream, V me shot from a pistol (it seems to be a man) he hit 5 times. twice in the legs, once in the heart, once in the stomach, I don’t remember the 5th wound. there was no blood, as if the scars remained. He said we count to the count of 10, I started fire into it at “8″ but never Not hit.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "bolshoyvopros"

    If in you they're shooting And fall, then this means an imminent illness that will soon pass. If you dreaming, What Dream in which you saw What V you they're shooting fire into someone in dream- a sign of insult, dishonor. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    from Thursday to Friday dreamed,What around they're shooting,But I Don't know, hit V me or not, but I I fell and I’m lying on the road (all this happened while a pedestrian was crossing) And Not I can open my eyes, and in the end I open all this dream.What what would that mean? Just shot in dream in buckets and old square barrels Then shot on the windows and hit into a person. I ran away, hid the pistol and the cartridges, and then I woke up.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation IN me shot dreamed, why dreaming in dream IN me shot? To select an interpretation sleep dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams starting with the letter Most fire into your portrait in dream hit in dream Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    3 of them shot V me, one shot into the girl and killed her. in every story sleep, V me shoots intruder, I I see a bullet flying V me and she Not hits. in one dream, there was a bank robbery. the robbers were already walking around, and suddenly one decided to intimidate the hostages. And shot V me, But hit in the binding of a book that I held. I clearly felt the. To me dreamed What V me shot young woman. In dream I knew her. But in reality she To me I don’t know.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream book fire from the Automaton dreamed, why dreaming in dream fire from the Automaton." To me dreamed about it a girl in a long white robe, and in her hands she was holding a machine gun and shot but pretended that shot but bullets I I didn't see it. And people were crawling opposite, but they stood in a dog’s pose. In this dream there was also I but when did she start fire I crawled on her knees to hide, but she V me Not hit.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation IN me shot now dreamed, why dreaming in dream IN me shot now? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream fire into your portrait in dream means that you will have no one to blame for your troubles but yourself. See interpretation: weapons, bullets. hit hit the target - a sign of good luck, miss in dream portends disappointments and losses due to mistakes made. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    In dream You shot at someone with a bow or crossbow - you will meet a woman (man) whom you will fall madly in love with. If you dreamed, What you were wounded by an arrow - your love will remain unrequited. But he seems to want me scare - none of the arrows Not hits V me. I wake up, then I see the sequel sleep: husband is at home, lying on the bed. I I want to hug him, but he won’t allow me to hug him or touch him - supposedly for me this will be bad. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation IN me shot womanbut dreamed, why dreaming in dream IN me shot If in you shot And hit, then you will be severely insulted. Fire yourself - take a decisive action. If in dream feel What V you...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation New pond fire I dreamed, why dreaming in dream New reservoir fire I? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get online yourself fire into your portrait in dream means that you will have no one to blame for your troubles but yourself. See interpretation: weapons, bullets. hit hit the target - a sign of good luck, miss in dream portends disappointments and losses due to mistakes made. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    If you will dream, What If you were wounded in a shootout, then be afraid of being insulted when you don’t expect it. Dream in which you saw What V you they're shooting, predicts a meeting with a person who has come from afar. Himself fire into someone in dream fire into your portrait in dream means that you will have no one to blame for your troubles but yourself. See interpretation: weapons, bullets. hit hit the target - a sign of good luck, miss in dream portends disappointments and losses due to mistakes made. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Fire from a pistol to dreamed, why dreaming in dream Fire from a pistol in? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation yourself fire into your portrait in dream means that you will have no one to blame for your troubles but yourself. See interpretation: weapons, bullets. hit hit the target - a sign of good luck, miss in dream portends disappointments and losses due to mistakes made. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Then he switched to a pistol, and when I I saw it then I started to get really scared and I walked away and did some maneuvers to get away from the bullets and me it worked! He V me never Not hit from a pistol, having used up the entire clip. and then he switched to the knife and I there he picked up some kind of club and fought. To me dreamed, What V me shot. it was bandits or something like them, they attacked my family. They said that I must die ( in dream I I'm sure that everyone else will be alive if I just die I). Shot 2 times. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    If you will dream, What If you were wounded in a shootout, then be afraid of being insulted when you don’t expect it. Dream in which you saw What V you they're shooting, predicts a meeting with a person who has come from afar. Himself fire into someone in dream- a sign of insult, dishonor. Himself fire into your portrait in dream means that you will have no one to blame for your troubles but yourself. See interpretation: weapons, bullets. hit hit the target - a sign of good luck, miss in dream portends disappointments and losses due to mistakes made. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    If you will dream, What If you were wounded in a shootout, then be afraid of being insulted when you don’t expect it. Dream in which you saw What V you they're shooting, predicts a meeting with a person who has come from afar. Himself fire into someone in dream- a sign of insult, dishonor. Himself fire into your portrait in dream means that you will have no one to blame for your troubles but yourself. See interpretation: weapons, bullets. hit hit the target - a sign of good luck, miss in dream portends disappointments and losses due to mistakes made.

Shooting in a dream symbolizes receiving shocking news. If you had to shoot yourself. then you will find yourself in a difficult situation. What do other dream books think about the interpretation of such an ambiguous sign?

Why do you dream about shooting according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller's dream book says that a dream in which you see shooting is completely unfavorable. If in a dream you see a shootout between two or more people, a series of troubles awaits you soon, which will not be easy to cope with.

If in a dream you only hear the sounds of shooting, you should prepare for failures that creep up on you. Very soon they will overtake you, so you must prepare to meet them. You need to be careful at every step so that misfortune does not take you by surprise.

If a girl sees shooting in a dream, in reality she may have problems with her boyfriend or husband. The matter may end in a breakup or divorce. Seeing shooting in a dream foreshadows misunderstandings between work colleagues in the future.

Seeing a person shooting in a dream means that it is time for you to gain strength and energy to achieve your goal. You must stop being selfish, otherwise you will face troubles in your personal life.

Shooting - Vanga's dream book

According to Vanga’s dream book, to see several shooting people in a dream, or one shooting person, means that soon people will be overtaken by severe famine, and there is also a possibility of large masses of people dying out.

Also, to see shooting at Vanga’s dream book in a dream means the onset of the most difficult times in family life. If in a dream you see yourself as a participant in hostilities, shooting at the enemy, trouble will soon overtake you and your family.

If in a dream you come under fire, very serious troubles await you that will accompany you and your loved ones.

Why do you dream about shooting according to Denizz Lin’s dream book?

Hearing shooting in a dream means that you will soon become even more vulnerable and you can easily be finished off. Enemies expect you to lose your remaining strength in order to harm you to the end.

What does shooting mean - dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing indiscriminate shooting in a dream means that you should expect various conflicts between you and your enemies.

Why did you dream about shooting according to Freud’s dream book?

If in a dream you shoot with a bow or a firearm, expect to have sexual intercourse with your partner in the near future. If in your dream a stranger shoots at animals or birds, this dream suggests quickly getting rid of complexes associated with the inferiority of your reproductive system.

Dream Interpretation - shoot in a dream. Why do I dream about shooting or being shot?

If in a dream you see yourself shooting at someone, it means that soon someone will insult you quite strongly or blame you for all the problems. If you see yourself shooting at someone, but do not hit the target, this means that serious disappointments await you in business. You better be prepared in advance for such life situations.

Why do I dream about being shot at?

If you see yourself wounded during shelling, in reality expect insults from the person closest to you, whom you trust very much. If you see yourself killed as a result of a shootout, in reality you will enjoy love adventures and fall in love with incredible strength and inspiration.

We can talk for a long time about why you dream about being shot at. But it’s worth telling about the most famous and popular interpretations, because they can tell a lot of interesting things.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream that they are shooting at you, according to this book of interpretations? So this is good sign. In fact, it does not foreshadow dangers or troubles. But in order to get a more complete answer, it is worth remembering the details of the vision. So, if a person saw that he was shot at in a chase or in a shootout, then this means that he will soon have to take some active action. It is possible that some kind of perspective will soon appear in his life, but in order for everything to end successfully, he will have to show his risk-taking and fearlessness. And the result will be worth it.

If nothing like this is expected, then in this case the dream book still advises the person not to lose Fortune. Perhaps he has long wanted to make some serious decision or take a risk. Well, you shouldn’t miss out on luck and it’s worth taking a risk. Even the most unpredictable action will turn out to be useful and correct.

Miller's Dream Book

It’s worth talking about why you dream about being shot at, according to this dream book. In fact, this is a manifestation of the dreamer's mistrust in life. He is not only afraid of a dirty trick on the part of loved ones and strangers, but he is also afraid of the whole world. The dream book advises being more relaxed and finally saying goodbye to suspiciousness.

If a person, in addition to all of the above, also saw his own blood, then this completely indicates his paranoia. This is what you dream about when they shoot at you. A dreamer who often sees such visions is very vulnerable. Many people around you can soon understand this, and most of them will not be ashamed to use this to their advantage. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of this bad quality so as not to get into trouble.

Esoteric dream book

It is also important to take into account why you dream that you are being shot, according to this book of interpretations. If the dreamer managed to be wounded, this indicates his concerns regarding personal relationships and business issues. Perhaps his worries about his personal life are too great. But don't worry so much - everything is actually fine.

If there was a lot of blood, then this means that the dreamer is worried about the actions people have committed towards him. In order for torment and suffering to stop putting pressure on a person, he should let go of everything that has happened. Forgive people for their mistakes - betrayal, deception, lies, treason. Everything that happened has already passed. So it had to happen.

It is also important to consider where the bullet hit. If a person was wounded in the heart, then this means health problems. It would not hurt to undergo an examination and generally pay more attention to yourself.

English dream book

There are also a lot of different interesting information, talking about why you dream that you are being shot from a pistol. English dream book assures that such visions do not arise easily. The person is likely to be hit by close friends. If he managed to survive being shot in a dream, it means that there will be reconciliation.

Hearing shots or seeing a person trying to hit his living target usually means an imminent quarrel between lovers or a final breakup. Sometimes such a vision also promises troubles at work or depression due to dissatisfaction with one’s life or financial situation.

If a person sees someone he knows aiming at him, it is possible that this person is not “aiming” at him in real life. In general, caution should be exercised.

In fact, there are still a lot of interpretations, but, as you can see, all of them do not portend something positive and pleasant. Therefore, after such a vision, one should be wary - what if this is really a warning sent from above?

Miller's dream book says that a dream in which you see shooting is completely unfavorable. If in a dream you see a shootout between two or more people, a series of troubles awaits you soon, which will not be easy to cope with. If in a dream you only hear the sounds of shooting, you should prepare for failures that creep up on you. Very soon they will overtake you, so you must prepare to meet them. You need to be careful at every step so that misfortune does not take you by surprise. If a girl sees shooting in a dream, in reality she may have problems with her boyfriend or husband. The matter may end in a breakup or divorce. Seeing shooting in a dream foreshadows misunderstandings between work colleagues in the future. Seeing a person shooting in a dream means that it is time for you to gain strength and energy to achieve your goal. You must stop being selfish, otherwise you will face troubles in your personal life.

According to Vanga’s dream book, to see several shooting people in a dream, or one shooting person, means that soon people will be overtaken by severe famine, and there is also a possibility of large masses of people dying out. Also, to see shooting at Vanga’s dream book in a dream means the onset of the most difficult times in family life. If in a dream you see yourself as a participant in hostilities, shooting at the enemy, trouble will soon overtake you and your family. If in a dream you come under fire, very serious troubles await you that will accompany you and your loved ones.

Why do you dream about shooting according to Denizz Lin’s dream book?

Hearing shooting in a dream means that you will soon become even more vulnerable and you can easily be finished off. Enemies expect you to lose your remaining strength in order to harm you to the end.

Seeing indiscriminate shooting in a dream means that you should expect various conflicts between you and your enemies.

If in a dream you shoot with a bow or a firearm, expect to have sexual intercourse with your partner in the near future. If in your dream a stranger shoots at animals or birds, this dream suggests quickly getting rid of complexes associated with the inferiority of your reproductive system.

If in a dream you see yourself shooting at someone, it means that soon someone will insult you quite strongly or blame you for all the problems. If you see yourself shooting at someone, but do not hit the target, this means that serious disappointments await you in business. You better be prepared in advance for such life situations.

If you see yourself wounded during shelling, in reality expect insults from the person closest to you, whom you trust very much. If you see yourself killed as a result of a shootout, in reality you will enjoy love adventures and fall in love with incredible strength and inspiration.

In reality, shooting occasionally ends in something good - only when the circumstances are more than successful, or when you saw the plot at the shooting range.

However, shooting in night dreams is a rather favorable symbol for the interpreter. In order to more accurately determine what such an action prophesies, you should refresh your memory of all the nuances of a dream vision.

One of the most important values surrendered to the weapon, from the muzzle of which bullets were flying. In addition, the denouement of the dream itself plays no less a role - the person who was shot at remained alive, or he miraculously avoided being hit.

The main thing in the interpretation of the vision is who specifically carried out such aggression - the sleeping person, or the personality of our inner consciousness.

Why do you dream about shooting at a dreamer?

When, having woken up from sleep, you are without a doubt ready to confirm: I was hit by a pistol shot, then the explanation of the small Veles dream book is favorable only when the enemy missed. This portends positive news from your distant friends or relatives.

Why do you dream that you are being shot at, according to the Wanderer’s dream book. This action in a dream warns of systematic control over you, but this does not apply to your plans. You were surrounded by attention from your significant other or business partner.

Seeing yourself as if you are taking part in a shootout is a sign of competition with people in reality. Remember who exactly was unpleasant to you - this person will be your enemy in reality.

When you dreamed that after the end of a shootout in a dream you easily cheered up with happy intentions, the dream book foretells a lot of intimacy, leaving happy memories in your head, but not concluding a serious relationship.

A business co-founder controls your every move, if in your dream you were shot. Don't worry when he's aiming for your face, but if he's aiming for back torso - be prepared for betrayal.

The dream book provides a fascinating explanation of what it means in a dream when you were shot to kill. This is a sign that all your debts will soon be returned to you.

What does it mean if you are being tried in a dream? If the result is sad, and you were killed, then this is a negative omen - in essence, you will be saddened, your heart and soul will be torn apart.

As the dream book indicates, to shoot means expect a quarrel between the faithful. If you treat others well and minimize your selfish attitude towards life, conflicts will be prevented.

Another explanation for dreams where partners were shot at means that fruitless contracts and loss of finances cannot be avoided.

The dreamer is the shooter

According to the explanation of the Egyptian dream interpreter, shooting with help in night dreams, while carefully aiming, to hit the target is a favorable sign. Expect an improvement in your financial condition.