Constitutional monarchy on the world map. Constitutional monarchy: then and now

Exist in modern world? Where on the planet are countries still ruled by kings and sultans? Find answers to these questions in our article. In addition, you will learn what a constitutional monarchy is. You will also find examples of countries of this form of government in this publication.

The main forms of government in the modern world

To date, there are two main models government controlled: monarchist and republican. By monarchy is meant a form of government in which power belongs to one person. It can be a king, emperor, emir, prince, sultan, etc. Second distinguishing feature monarchical system - the process of transferring this power by inheritance (and not by the results of popular elections).

Today there are absolute, theocratic and constitutional monarchies. Republics (the second form of government) are more common in the modern world: they are about 70%. The republican model of government assumes the election of the supreme authorities - the parliament and (or) the president.

The most famous monarchies of the planet: Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Japan, Kuwait, United United Arab Emirates(UAE). Examples of country-republics: Poland, Russia, France, Mexico, Ukraine. However, in this article we are only interested in countries with constitutional monarchy(a list of these countries can be found below).

Monarchy: absolute, theocratic, constitutional

There are three types of monarchical countries (there are about 40 of them in the world). It can be theocratic, absolute and constitutional monarchy. Let us briefly consider the features of each of them, and dwell on the last in more detail.

AT absolute monarchies all power is concentrated in the hands of one person. He makes absolutely all decisions, realizing the internal and foreign policy of their country. The clearest example of such a monarchy can be called Saudi Arabia.

In a theocratic monarchy, power belongs to the highest church (spiritual) minister. The only example of such a country is the Vatican, where the absolute authority for the population is the Pope. True, some researchers classify Brunei and even Great Britain as theocratic monarchies. It's no secret that the Queen of England is also the head of the church.

A constitutional monarchy is...

The constitutional monarchy is that model state government in which the power of the monarch is significantly limited.

Sometimes he can be completely deprived of supreme authority. In this case, the monarch is only a formal figure, a kind of symbol of the state (as, for example, in Great Britain).

All these legal restrictions on the power of the monarch, as a rule, are reflected in the constitution of a particular state (hence the name of this form of government).

Types of constitutional monarchy

Modern constitutional monarchies can be parliamentary or dualistic. In the first, the government is formed by the country's parliament, to which it reports. In dualistic constitutional monarchies, ministers are appointed (and removed) by the monarch himself. Parliament only has the right of some vetoes.

It is worth noting that the division of countries into republics and monarchies sometimes turns out to be somewhat arbitrary. After all, even in the most individual aspects of the succession of power (the appointment of relatives and friends to important government posts) can be observed. This applies to Russia, Ukraine and even the United States.

Constitutional Monarchy: Examples of Countries

To date, 31 states of the world can be attributed to constitutional monarchies. The third part of them is located in the Western and Northern Europe. About 80% of all constitutional monarchies in the modern world are parliamentary, and only seven are dualistic.

The following are all countries with a constitutional monarchy (list). The region in which the state is located is indicated in brackets:

  1. Luxembourg (Western Europe).
  2. Liechtenstein (Western Europe).
  3. Principality of Monaco (Western Europe).
  4. Great Britain (Western Europe).
  5. Netherlands (Western Europe).
  6. Belgium (Western Europe).
  7. Denmark (Western Europe).
  8. Norway (Western Europe).
  9. Sweden (Western Europe).
  10. Spain (Western Europe).
  11. Andorra (Western Europe).
  12. Kuwait (Middle East).
  13. UAE (Middle East).
  14. Jordan (Middle East).
  15. Japan (East Asia).
  16. Cambodia (Southeast Asia).
  17. Thailand (Southeast Asia).
  18. Bhutan (Southeast Asia).
  19. Australia (Australia and Oceania).
  20. New Zealand (Australia and Oceania).
  21. Papua New Guinea (Australia and Oceania).
  22. Tonga (Australia and Oceania).
  23. Solomon Islands (Australia and Oceania).
  24. Canada (North America).
  25. Morocco (North Africa).
  26. Lesotho (South Africa).
  27. Grenada (Caribbean).
  28. Jamaica (Caribbean).
  29. Saint Lucia (Caribbean).
  30. Saint Kitts and Nevis (Caribbean).
  31. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Caribbean).

On the map below, all these countries are marked in green.

Is constitutional monarchy the ideal form of government?

There is an opinion that the constitutional monarchy is the key to the stability and welfare of the country. Is it so?

Of course, a constitutional monarchy is not capable of automatically solving all the problems that arise before the state. However, it is ready to offer society a certain political stability. After all, in such countries a constant struggle for power (imaginary or real) is absent a priori.

The constitutional-monarchical model has a number of other advantages. As practice shows, it was in such states that it was possible to build the best systems in the world social security citizens. And we are talking not only about the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

You can take, for example, the same countries of the Persian Gulf (UAE, Kuwait). They have much less oil than in the same Russia. However, in a few decades, from poor countries, whose population was exclusively engaged in grazing in oases, they were able to turn into successful, prosperous and fully established states.

The most famous constitutional monarchies of the world: Great Britain, Norway, Kuwait

Great Britain is one of the most famous parliamentary monarchies on the planet. (as well as formally another 15 Commonwealth countries) is Queen Elizabeth II. However, one should not think that she is a purely symbolic figure. The British Queen has a powerful right to dissolve Parliament. In addition, it is she who is the commander-in-chief of the British troops.

The Norwegian king is also the head of state, according to the Constitution, which has been in force since 1814. To quote this document, Norway is "a free monarchical state with a limited and hereditary form of government." Moreover, initially the king had broader powers, which gradually narrowed.

Another parliamentary monarchy since 1962 is Kuwait. The role of the head of state here is played by the emir, who has broad powers: he dissolves the parliament, signs laws, appoints the head of the government; he also commands the troops of Kuwait. It is curious that in this wonderful country women are absolutely equal in their political rights with men, which is not typical for the states of the Arab world.


Now you know what a constitutional monarchy is. Examples of this country are present on all continents of the planet, except for Antarctica. These are the gray-haired wealthy states of the old Europe, and the young richest

Can it be said that the optimal shape government in the world is precisely a constitutional monarchy? Examples of countries - successful and highly developed - fully confirm this assumption.

CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY, (limited monarchy) a kind of monarchical form of government, in which the power of the monarch (see MONARCH (head of state)) is limited by the constitution, there is an elected legislative body parliament and independent ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

A state in which the power of the head is limited by the constitution. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. Mikhelson A.D., 1865. CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY A state in which the power of the head ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

a constitutional monarchy- Monarchy, where the power of the monarch is limited by the constitution, i.e. Legislative functions are transferred to parliament, and executive functions to the government ... Geography Dictionary

A CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY- a kind of monarchical form of government, a state in which the power of the monarch is significantly limited by an elected representative body (parliament). This is usually determined by the constitution, which the monarch has no right to change. As a rule, K.m. ... ... Legal Encyclopedia

A constitutional monarchy- (English constitutional monarchy) state structure, in which the power of the monarch (king, emperor, etc.) is limited by the constitution (legislative functions are transferred to parliament, executive government) ... Encyclopedia of Law

- (limited monarchy, parliamentary monarchy), a form of government in which the power of a lifelong ruler - a monarch - is to some extent limited to one of the political institutions, which are the constitution, parliament, supreme ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

A constitutional monarchy- a monarchy in which the power of the monarch is limited by parliament (England, Belgium, Sweden) ... Popular political vocabulary

a constitutional monarchy- see also. limited monarchy. a special kind of monarchical form of government in which the power of the monarch is limited by the constitution, there is an elected legislature parliament and independent courts. First appeared in the UK at the end of ... ... Big Law Dictionary

A form of government in which the monarch, although he is the head of state, however, unlike an absolute or unlimited monarchy, his power is limited by the constitution. K.m. It is customary to subdivide into dualistic and parliamentary. AT… … Law Encyclopedia

See article Monarchy… Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Metamorphoses of the history of Russia. Volume 3. Pre-capitalism and constitutional monarchy, L. S. Vasiliev. Third volume research project dedicated to the fourth metamorphosis of Russia. The reforms of the 1860s and 1905 created a sociopolitical and private legal basis that made it possible to make a leap towards ...
  • Metamorphoses of the history of Russia. Pre-capitalism and constitutional monarchy. Volume 3, Vasiliev L.S. The third volume of the research project is devoted to the fourth metamorphosis of Russia. The reforms of the 1860s and 1905 created a sociopolitical and private legal basis that made it possible to make a leap towards ...

Do they exist in the modern world? Where on the planet are countries still ruled by kings and sultans? Find answers to these questions in our article. In addition, you will learn what a constitutional monarchy is. You will also find examples of countries of this form of government in this publication.

The main forms of government in the modern world

To date, two main models of government are known: monarchical and republican. By monarchy is meant a form of government in which power belongs to one person. It can be a king, emperor, emir, prince, sultan, etc. The second distinguishing feature of the monarchical system is the process of transferring this power by inheritance (and not by the results of popular elections).

Today there are absolute, theocratic and constitutional monarchies. Republics (the second form of government) are more common in the modern world: they are about 70%. The republican model of government assumes the election of the supreme authorities - the parliament and (or) the president.

The most famous monarchies of the planet: Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Japan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Examples of country-republics: Poland, Russia, France, Mexico, Ukraine. However, in this article we are only interested in countries with a constitutional monarchy (you will find a list of these states below).

Monarchy: absolute, theocratic, constitutional

There are three types of monarchical countries (there are about 40 of them in the world). It can be theocratic, absolute and constitutional monarchy. Let us briefly consider the features of each of them, and dwell on the last in more detail.

In absolute monarchies, all power is concentrated in the hands of one person. He makes absolutely all decisions, implementing the domestic and foreign policy of his country. The clearest example of such a monarchy can be called Saudi Arabia.

In a theocratic monarchy, power belongs to the highest church (spiritual) minister. The only example of such a country is the Vatican, where the absolute authority for the population is the Pope. True, some researchers classify Brunei and even Great Britain as theocratic monarchies. It's no secret that the Queen of England is also the head of the church.

A constitutional monarchy is...

A constitutional monarchy is a model of government in which the power of the monarch is significantly limited.

Sometimes he can be completely deprived of supreme authority. In this case, the monarch is only a formal figure, a kind of symbol of the state (as, for example, in Great Britain).

All these legal restrictions on the power of the monarch, as a rule, are reflected in the constitution of a particular state (hence the name of this form of government).

Types of constitutional monarchy

Modern constitutional monarchies can be parliamentary or dualistic. In the first, the government is formed by the country's parliament, to which it reports. In dualistic constitutional monarchies, ministers are appointed (and removed) by the monarch himself. Parliament only has the right of some vetoes.

It is worth noting that the division of countries into republics and monarchies sometimes turns out to be somewhat arbitrary. Indeed, even in the most democratic states, certain aspects of the succession of power (the appointment of relatives and friends to important government posts) can be observed. This applies to Russia, Ukraine and even the United States.

Constitutional Monarchy: Examples of Countries

To date, 31 states of the world can be attributed to constitutional monarchies. The third part of them is located in Western and Northern Europe. About 80% of all constitutional monarchies in the modern world are parliamentary, and only seven are dualistic.

The following are all countries with a constitutional monarchy (list). The region in which the state is located is indicated in brackets:

  1. Luxembourg (Western Europe).
  2. Liechtenstein (Western Europe).
  3. Principality of Monaco (Western Europe).
  4. Great Britain (Western Europe).
  5. Netherlands (Western Europe).
  6. Belgium (Western Europe).
  7. Denmark (Western Europe).
  8. Norway (Western Europe).
  9. Sweden (Western Europe).
  10. Spain (Western Europe).
  11. Andorra (Western Europe).
  12. Kuwait (Middle East).
  13. UAE (Middle East).
  14. Jordan (Middle East).
  15. Japan (East Asia).
  16. Cambodia (Southeast Asia).
  17. Thailand (Southeast Asia).
  18. Bhutan (Southeast Asia).
  19. Australia (Australia and Oceania).
  20. New Zealand (Australia and Oceania).
  21. Papua New Guinea (Australia and Oceania).
  22. Tonga (Australia and Oceania).
  23. Solomon Islands (Australia and Oceania).
  24. Canada (North America).
  25. Morocco (North Africa).
  26. Lesotho (South Africa).
  27. Grenada (Caribbean).
  28. Jamaica (Caribbean).
  29. Saint Lucia (Caribbean).
  30. Saint Kitts and Nevis (Caribbean).
  31. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Caribbean).

On the map below, all these countries are marked in green.

Is constitutional monarchy the ideal form of government?

There is an opinion that the constitutional monarchy is the key to the stability and welfare of the country. Is it so?

Of course, a constitutional monarchy is not capable of automatically solving all the problems that arise before the state. However, it is ready to offer society a certain political stability. After all, in such countries a constant struggle for power (imaginary or real) is absent a priori.

The constitutional-monarchical model has a number of other advantages. As practice shows, it was in such states that it was possible to build the world's best social security systems for citizens. And we are talking not only about the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

You can take, for example, the same countries of the Persian Gulf (UAE, Kuwait). They have much less oil than in the same Russia. However, in a few decades, from poor countries, whose population was exclusively engaged in grazing in oases, they were able to turn into successful, prosperous and fully established states.

The most famous constitutional monarchies of the world: Great Britain, Norway, Kuwait

Great Britain is one of the most famous parliamentary monarchies on the planet. The head of state (as well as formally another 15 Commonwealth countries) is Queen Elizabeth II. However, one should not think that she is a purely symbolic figure. The British Queen has a powerful right to dissolve Parliament. In addition, it is she who is the commander-in-chief of the British troops.

The Norwegian king is also the head of state, according to the Constitution, which has been in force since 1814. To quote this document, Norway is "a free monarchical state with a limited and hereditary form of government." Moreover, initially the king had broader powers, which gradually narrowed.

Another parliamentary monarchy since 1962 is Kuwait. The role of the head of state here is played by the emir, who has broad powers: he dissolves the parliament, signs laws, appoints the head of the government; he also commands the troops of Kuwait. It is curious that in this amazing country women are absolutely equal in their political rights with men, which is not at all typical for the states of the Arab world.


Now you know what a constitutional monarchy is. Examples of countries of this form of government are present on all continents of the planet, except for Antarctica. These are the gray-haired wealthy states of the old woman-Europe, and the young richest countries of the Middle East.

Is it possible to say that the most optimal form of government in the world is precisely a constitutional monarchy? Examples of countries - successful and highly developed - fully confirm this assumption.

Modern political science can give complete description any form of state (device political organization society) based on the form of government, the form of the state-territorial structure and the type of political regime.

Forms of government

The form of government is the way in which the supreme state power. There are two forms of government - monarchy and republic. Monarchy, in turn, can be of such types as:

  • absolute (all the fullness of executive, legislative and judicial power is concentrated in the hands of the monarch);
  • constitutional or parliamentary (the power of the monarch is limited by the constitution, the real executive and legislative power is in the hands of the parliament elected or formed by the people);
  • dualistic (power is divided equally between the monarch and parliament);
  • theocratic (power is in the hands of the spiritual leader who heads this or that denomination).

The republican form of government exists in such forms as

  • presidential (power is concentrated in the hands of the elected president);
  • parliamentary (the country is led by parliament or the prime minister; the president performs only representative functions);
  • mixed (power is divided between parliament and the president).

Form of state-territorial structure

The forms of the state-territorial structure are a way of interconnection and interaction of individual parts of the state, enshrined in the constitution. There are forms like

  • federation (an alliance of relatively independent subjects, subordinate in all important matters to the political center);
  • unitary state (a single and indivisible state, consisting only of administrative units);
  • confederation (a temporary union of states completely independent from each other).

Political regimes

The political regime is a set of methods and ways of exercising state power. There are such types of political regimes as

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  • democratic (power is in the hands of the people, civil rights and freedoms are both declared and actually work);
  • undemocratic (power is in the hands of the ruling elite, the political minority, civil rights and freedoms are only declared, they do not work in practice).

A non-democratic political regime also has certain subspecies: authoritarian and totalitarian (the difference lies in the level of control of power over society).

Most countries Foreign Europe- republics different kind with democratic political regimes. The Republics of Foreign Europe are France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria.

But despite this, there is a large number of countries of foreign Europe with a monarchical form of government. How many are there?

Monarchies of Foreign Europe

Which states can be included in the list of "Monarchist countries of foreign Europe"?

It can be represented as follows.

Fig. 1 Ruling royal house of Windsor


Form of political organization

Form of government


Kingdom (ruling house - Gluckburg dynasty)

A constitutional monarchy

Kingdom (ruling house - Bernadotte dynasty)

A constitutional monarchy

Kingdom (ruling house - Glücksburg dynasty)

A constitutional monarchy

Great Britain

Kingdom (ruling house - Windsor)

A constitutional monarchy

Kingdom (ruling house - Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty)

A constitutional monarchy


Kingdom (ruling house - Oran-Nassau)

A constitutional monarchy


Duchy (ruling house - Bourbons of Parma)

A constitutional monarchy


Principality (ruling house - Savoy dynasty)

A constitutional monarchy

Kingdom (ruling house - Bourbons)

Parliamentary monarchy with a bias towards dualism

Principality (ruling house - Bourbons)

A constitutional monarchy

Principality (ruling house - Grimaldi)

A constitutional monarchy

papal state

Elective absolute theocratic monarchy

The Vatican is not the only state with an elective theocratic absolute monarchy. The second state is Iran, where the spiritual leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, held power for a long time.

Thus, a fairly large number of large European countries are monarchies. They are especially large specific gravity in Northern Foreign Europe (if you look at their location on the map).

Rice. 2 political map Foreign Europe

Almost all modern dynasties are connected by blood ties. The royal house of Great Britain, the Windsors, are representatives of both the Saxon-Coburg - Goth dynasty and the Glücksburg dynasty. The oldest unbroken dynasty is the princely house of Grimaldi. The throne has been passed down in a straight line from father to son for 700 years.

Fig.3 Chapter ruling house Monaco - Prince Albert II Grimaldi

What have we learned?

Most of the monarchical countries of Foreign Europe are constitutional monarchies. This means that all legislative, executive and judicial power is in the hands of Parliament and an elected Prime Minister or Chancellor. The monarch plays a representative role, although he can speak out on key issues of foreign and domestic policy. In some countries, such as the UK, the monarch is a significant figure in the political arena. Elizabeth II, the reigning queen, actively interfered in the activities of many prime ministers: Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair and others.

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November 5, 2015

What forms of state government exist in the modern world? Where on the planet are countries still ruled by kings and sultans? Find answers to these questions in our article. In addition, you will learn what a constitutional monarchy is. You will also find examples of countries of this form of government in this publication.

The main forms of government in the modern world

To date, two main models of government are known: monarchical and republican. By monarchy is meant a form of government in which power belongs to one person. It can be a king, emperor, emir, prince, sultan, etc. The second distinguishing feature of the monarchical system is the process of transferring this power by inheritance (and not by the results of popular elections).

Today there are absolute, theocratic and constitutional monarchies. Republics (the second form of government) are more common in the modern world: they are about 70%. The republican model of government assumes the election of the supreme authorities - the parliament and (or) the president.

The most famous monarchies of the planet: Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Japan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Examples of country-republics: Poland, Russia, France, Mexico, Ukraine. However, in this article we are only interested in countries with a constitutional monarchy (you will find a list of these states below).

Monarchy: absolute, theocratic, constitutional

There are three types of monarchical countries (there are about 40 of them in the world). It can be theocratic, absolute and constitutional monarchy. Let us briefly consider the features of each of them, and dwell on the last in more detail.

In absolute monarchies, all power is concentrated in the hands of one person. He makes absolutely all decisions, implementing the domestic and foreign policy of his country. The clearest example of such a monarchy can be called Saudi Arabia.

In a theocratic monarchy, power belongs to the highest church (spiritual) minister. The only example of such a country is the Vatican, where the absolute authority for the population is the Pope. True, some researchers classify Brunei and even Great Britain as theocratic monarchies. It's no secret that the Queen of England is also the head of the church.

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A constitutional monarchy is...

A constitutional monarchy is a model of government in which the power of the monarch is significantly limited.

Sometimes he can be completely deprived of supreme authority. In this case, the monarch is only a formal figure, a kind of symbol of the state (as, for example, in Great Britain).

All these legal restrictions on the power of the monarch, as a rule, are reflected in the constitution of a particular state (hence the name of this form of government).

Types of constitutional monarchy

Modern constitutional monarchies can be parliamentary or dualistic. In the first, the government is formed by the country's parliament, to which it reports. In dualistic constitutional monarchies, ministers are appointed (and removed) by the monarch himself. Parliament only has the right of some vetoes.

It is worth noting that the division of countries into republics and monarchies sometimes turns out to be somewhat arbitrary. Indeed, even in the most democratic states, certain aspects of the succession of power (the appointment of relatives and friends to important government posts) can be observed. This applies to Russia, Ukraine and even the United States.

Constitutional Monarchy: Examples of Countries

To date, 31 states of the world can be attributed to constitutional monarchies. The third part of them is located in Western and Northern Europe. About 80% of all constitutional monarchies in the modern world are parliamentary, and only seven are dualistic.

The following are all countries with a constitutional monarchy (list). The region in which the state is located is indicated in brackets:

  1. Luxembourg (Western Europe).
  2. Liechtenstein (Western Europe).
  3. Principality of Monaco (Western Europe).
  4. Great Britain (Western Europe).
  5. Netherlands (Western Europe).
  6. Belgium (Western Europe).
  7. Denmark (Western Europe).
  8. Norway (Western Europe).
  9. Sweden (Western Europe).
  10. Spain (Western Europe).
  11. Andorra (Western Europe).
  12. Kuwait (Middle East).
  13. UAE (Middle East).
  14. Jordan (Middle East).
  15. Japan (East Asia).
  16. Cambodia (Southeast Asia).
  17. Thailand (Southeast Asia).
  18. Bhutan (Southeast Asia).
  19. Australia (Australia and Oceania).
  20. New Zealand (Australia and Oceania).
  21. Papua New Guinea (Australia and Oceania).
  22. Tonga (Australia and Oceania).
  23. Solomon Islands (Australia and Oceania).
  24. Canada (North America).
  25. Morocco (North Africa).
  26. Lesotho (South Africa).
  27. Grenada (Caribbean).
  28. Jamaica (Caribbean).
  29. Saint Lucia (Caribbean).
  30. Saint Kitts and Nevis (Caribbean).
  31. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Caribbean).

On the map below, all these countries are marked in green.

Is constitutional monarchy the ideal form of government?

There is an opinion that the constitutional monarchy is the key to the stability and welfare of the country. Is it so?

Of course, a constitutional monarchy is not capable of automatically solving all the problems that arise before the state. However, it is ready to offer society a certain political stability. After all, in such countries a constant struggle for power (imaginary or real) is absent a priori.

The constitutional-monarchical model has a number of other advantages. As practice shows, it was in such states that it was possible to build the world's best social security systems for citizens. And we are talking not only about the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

You can take, for example, the same countries of the Persian Gulf (UAE, Kuwait). They have much less oil than in the same Russia. However, in a few decades, from poor countries, whose population was exclusively engaged in grazing in oases, they were able to turn into successful, prosperous and fully established states.

The most famous constitutional monarchies of the world: Great Britain, Norway, Kuwait

Great Britain is one of the most famous parliamentary monarchies on the planet. The head of state (as well as formally another 15 Commonwealth countries) is Queen Elizabeth II. However, one should not think that she is a purely symbolic figure. The British Queen has a powerful right to dissolve Parliament. In addition, it is she who is the commander-in-chief of the British troops.

The Norwegian king is also the head of state, according to the Constitution, which has been in force since 1814. To quote this document, Norway is "a free monarchical state with a limited and hereditary form of government." Moreover, initially the king had broader powers, which gradually narrowed.

Another parliamentary monarchy since 1962 is Kuwait. The role of the head of state here is played by the emir, who has broad powers: he dissolves the parliament, signs laws, appoints the head of the government; he also commands the troops of Kuwait. It is curious that in this amazing country women are absolutely equal in their political rights with men, which is not at all typical for the states of the Arab world.


Now you know what a constitutional monarchy is. Examples of countries of this form of government are present on all continents of the planet, except for Antarctica. These are the gray-haired wealthy states of the old woman-Europe, and the young richest countries of the Middle East.

Is it possible to say that the most optimal form of government in the world is precisely a constitutional monarchy? Examples of countries - successful and highly developed - fully confirm this assumption.