What is the American Dream

The American Dream is an ideal of freedom or opportunity that was articulated by the "Founding Fathers"; spiritual power of the nation. If a American system is the skeleton of American politics, the American dream is its soul.

The origin of the term "American Dream" is James Adams's Depression-era historical treatise entitled The Epic of America. The Epic of America, 1931) :

… the American dream of a country where everyone's life is better, richer and fuller, where everyone has the opportunity to get what he deserves.

James Adams wanted to encourage his compatriots, to remind them of America's purpose and achievements. This phrase stuck and then became the title of a play by Edward Albee (1961) and a novel by Norman Mailer (1965), but in these works it was rethought ironically.

The meaning of the term "American dream" is very vague. Thus, the historian F. Carpenter wrote: “The American dream has never been precisely defined and, obviously, will never be defined. It is both too varied and too vague: different people give different meanings to this concept. However, almost all US presidents, when taking office and making responsible decisions, have to promise their voters that their policies will advance this dream.

Since people are created equal and ... endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, ... then everyone's life should be better, richer and fuller, with opportunities for everyone according to his abilities or achievements- regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.

The concept of the "American dream" is often associated with immigrants who came to the United States in search of a better life. The fact that they left countries where, unlike the United States, there was a fairly rigid estate system that limited social mobility determined their commitment to the philosophy of individual freedom and free enterprise. The concept of the American Dream is closely related to the concept of "self-made person", that is, a person who independently achieved success in life through hard work.

The components of the "American dream" are also the ideal of equality of all before the law, regardless of ethnic origin and social status, as well as the veneration of symbols, models and heroes common to all Americans.

The theme of the search for the "American dream" was touched upon in his works by Hunter Thompson.

see also



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See what the "American Dream" is in other dictionaries:

    From English: American Dream. The expression became popular after the publication (1931) of the book The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1878-1949), written in the genre of historical essay. In the epilogue of the book, its author wrote: “... The American dream of a country ... Vocabulary winged words and expressions

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    American Dream (disambiguation): American Dream is an expression denoting the ideal life of the "average citizen" of the United States. American Dream is an American comedy about the attempts of a television host to increase the ratings of everyone possible ways... Wikipedia

    dream- DREAM - an image created by the imagination of something valuable and desirable, however, in this moment inaccessible. In psychology, M. is often interpreted as a kind of imagination, turned to the sphere of the desired distant future. Category M ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

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    American exceptionalism is a worldview based on the assertion that the United States occupies special place among other nations in terms of their national spirit, political and religious institutions. The origins of such ... ... Wikipedia

    Colonial American dramaturgy was almost entirely imitative; it used ancient drama as models and the so-called. exemplary (standard) English play. In 1787, R. Tyler's play The Contrast was staged, which ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

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  • "The American Dream" Today: The US Middle Class in the Late 20th - Early 21st Century, Varivonchik I.V. The monograph examines the problems of the formation, development and current position of the middle class in the post-war USA. The main part of the monograph is devoted to the study of ideas about ...

Beginning somewhere in the 70s of the last century, elements of American culture slowly began to seep into the USSR, and this despite the "Iron Curtain". Gradually, a kind of bright image of the United States of America was cultivated among the youth in the country. Several generations of young Soviet people In the 70s-90s they adopted the American way of life, fashion, style, music, ideology. They thought the USA was very cool. Many dreamed of going there, because there is freedom, democracy, the opportunity for self-expression and other delights of life.

An example of the American way of life

What is so special about the USA? Why do many people around the world still believe that this country is perfect? The concept of "American way of life" has become an ideological cliché. And for good reason. After all, they painted a picture of a state of abundance, general prosperity, freedoms and opportunities. It is believed that the way of life of American people is very active and dynamic, they are businesslike and decisive.

Mandatory attributes of any self-respecting American are: a car, loans, two-storey house in the vicinity of the city. And, of course, how can one do without liberal democracy and religious pluralism?! Regardless of social status and origin, everyone is equal before the law, at least that's what the propaganda of the American way of life sounds like. In general, everything that every self-respecting person should strive for, and in America it is very easy and simple to get it.

How did the American Dream begin?

At the time, James Adams wrote the treatise "The Epic of America", where for the first time such a phrase as "the American dream" was mentioned. He imagined the States as a state in which everyone can get what they deserve, and the life of any person will become better, fuller and richer. Since then, the phrase has taken root and has been used not only in a serious, but also in an ironic sense. At the same time, the very meaning of the American dream is vague and has no clear boundaries. And it is unlikely to ever be clearly defined. After all, everyone puts their own meaning in this concept and that makes the American dream all the more compelling. Also, this concept is very closely related to immigrants from other countries, where often there is not such an extensive individual freedom as it is promoted in the States. It is believed that it is in America that one can achieve success in life through hard independent work.

What is its essence?

The American Dream is a dream of a beautiful life, and above all of wealth. In Europe, for example, there was a fairly clear class distinction; for many people, achieving prosperity was simply beyond reality. The states were the country where for the first time individual entrepreneurship was so developed that everyone could achieve material well-being. And the dream has become the goal of millions of people in pursuit of getting rich quick.

colonists North America in the 18th century they quickly understood endless possibilities that gives this new continent. In their communities, the hard work of a person for his own enrichment became a virtue, while, naturally, it was necessary to donate to the needs of the community itself. On the contrary, poverty was known as a vice, since only an insolvent, weak-willed and spineless person could not achieve anything with those unlimited opportunities that the new continent gave. Such people were not respected.

Thus, there was a formation based on material goods. It was a new morality, a new religion, where success became a sign of God's love. The 19th century was a milestone in the mass emigration of desperate hunters for fortune from the countries of the Old World to new world, where there was still no real culture and civilization, but unlimited opportunities were provided for obtaining wealth. For these people, the main values ​​of life were material goods, and not moral, cultural and spiritual development. Accordingly, what other vector of development, besides capitalism, could these settlers give to future generations of Americans?

Thus a new way of life was created

If in Europe wealth and property were inherited or the struggle for them was carried out only within the privileged class, then in America they became available to absolutely everyone. There was fierce competition, as there were millions of applicants. In turn, this unbridled passion for the accumulation of wealth has led to an incredible greed that has engulfed American society. Due to the fact that it consisted of emigrants from all possible countries, representatives of various nationalities, religions and cultures, it turned out to be just an incredible symbiosis.

America provided Free access to enrich absolutely everyone indiscriminately, which gave rise to fierce competition and the prudent pragmatism of the population, which was simply necessary for survival. The United States created its traditions from diverse and unusual realities, fusing them into something new.

Incredible combinations

America is a land of incredible contrasts. So, at least, back in 1890, Bedekker, a well-known travel guide from England, commented on it. It did not just coexist, but coexisted with phenomena that were opposite in nature: ardent religiosity and a materialistic worldview, participation and indifference to others, good breeding and aggressiveness, honest work and a passion for manipulation, respect for the law and rampant crime, individualism and conformism. All this was bizarrely combined and organically woven into the new American way of life.

Actually, conformism has become one of the foundations of this way of life. Since America did not yet have a strong state that would, with the help of public structures, social institutions and established traditions were able to organize and streamline the entire motley crowd of migrants, conformism became the only possible form of survival. In the United States, the creation of all public institutions began from scratch, from scratch, and, having no support from the past, citizens took the only course convenient for them - economic. Humanism, culture, religion - everything obeyed new system values, where the dominant role was played by monetary units and shares. Human happiness began to be measured only by the number of banknotes.

Country of idealists and dreamers

At least that's what President Coolidge called America. After all, this is a country where every worker can become a millionaire, because he has a dream. And it does not matter at all that everyone cannot be millionaires, the main thing is to believe, dream and strive for this. And no one is going to debunk this myth, because the value of a person in the States was directly proportional to the bank account of its owner. Over time limit top level moved further and further: hundreds of thousands of dollars, millions, billions. Because the achievement of a dream is a collapse of the system, a stop that is not permissible. You just need to move forward. In this, perhaps, the American way of life is similar to the communist one.

USA and USSR: similarities and differences

Despite the fact that the Soviet way of life was radically different from the American one, there was still something in common in these two such dissimilar countries. Oddly enough, but the desire for the growth of material values ​​was a common goal of both the American and Soviet dreams. The only difference was that for America the end in itself is individual enrichment, while for the Union it is collective, universal material well-being. But in both cases, the idea was based on progress - non-stop industrial development, movement for the sake of movement.

In order to advance progress, the conditions of life are constantly changing, and a person must constantly adapt to new and new realities. To do this, he must work, and thus work has become tantamount to freedom. Work became even a kind of religion, because one who was nobody could become everything. Such propaganda was carried out both in the Soviet Union and in the United States of America.

If earlier the peasant, cultivating his land, could provide himself with everything necessary, then as a result of industrialization he became completely dependent on the state, and he had to sell himself on the labor market. Thanks to labor, discipline and self-organization were developed, which brought society closer to absolute order, which was a utopian ideal. Any work was for the benefit of the economy, which became an instrument of control. On the banknote of one dollar there is a symbolic inscription " New order forever”, which perfectly characterizes the position of the United States in world politics.

Freedom, equality and...?

At one time the slogan French Revolution was "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". Something that in all ages has been the ultimate dream of any society. In its Declaration of Independence, America puts forward almost the same theses, only instead of brotherhood it says "The right to seek happiness." A unique and interesting interpretation. But is everything so idealistic and transparent?

If for European states in the first place was a person with his personal qualities, then the equality of all people comes to the fore, regardless of cultural and spiritual development. Freedom is the right to participate in competition, and equality refers to the same opportunities for entrepreneurship development. Well, the “right to seek happiness” speaks for itself. Personality, cultural development and other benefactors in this society are not needed and not important, there is only one concept of strength - this is the economy, which subjugates all spheres of human life and the state.

Mass character as the basic principle of a new way of life

Thanks to individual entrepreneurship, America has turned from an agrarian country into an industrial one. Handicraft work has sunk into the past, and began mass production general consumer goods. The population became part of a huge economic machine. People became consumers, material goods began to come to the fore, of which there were more and more. But all the actual reins of government ended up in the hands of the owners of large concerns and corporations, who dictated the conditions of life for the whole country, and not only. They were eventually able to extend their influence over much of the world.

The economic elite began to subjugate and control society. For the most part, people from the lower classes of society, far from high culture, from spiritual development and enlightenment. Yes, and the American people consisted of ordinary people, so the culture of the United States began its development from market spectacles. As a result, she conquered the whole world. Its principle was that culture became a part of leisure, recreation for a working person who, after hard working days, needed to relax. This is still the way of life of modern man, and not only in America.

High and thin matter clearly could not contribute to this type of relaxation. Therefore, the United States corresponded to the goals of the American economy. As a result, a person's way of life was established in which he lost his spiritual values, completely dissolving in the material world, becoming only a cog in an incredible economic machine.

typical american family

What in the usual sense is the model of the American family, so zealously imposed by American cinema? This is a business father who works in solid company, a stay-at-home mom who hosts Saturday barbecues for her neighbors and makes sandwiches for her two teenage kids for school. They always have a big and beautiful two-story house, a dog and a pool in the backyard. As well as large garage because each family member has his own car. But this is only beautiful picture, which is diligently treated to gullible spectators different countries, and the States themselves. This is how only a small section of the population lives. The vast majority of Americans cannot afford to buy healthy food, therefore, eats low-quality fast food, due to this, America ranks first in the world in terms of the number of obese people. This problem is also facilitated by the fact that the lifestyle of modern man in America is mostly sedentary.

Some have a sedentary job, after which they spend time either in a bar or in front of the TV at home on the couch. Others fall into another extreme - the pursuit of ideal beauty. Therefore, in America, the beauty industry is so developed, which promotes the image perfect woman from glossy magazine covers. All conditions are being created for ladies, young and old, to pour huge amounts of money into achieving these standards.

It was also the United States that launched the technology race in the entertainment industry. More and more new gadgets are constantly coming out, which are especially interesting for young people. In pursuit of fashion news in all areas, be it cars, computers, players, smartphones, clothes, shoes, accessories and other attributes of modernity, a way of life is being formed. The system is designed in such a way that everything becomes outdated very quickly. To be successful, fashionable and popular, you need to constantly acquire everything new. As mentioned earlier, progress never stands still. And now humanity is beginning to see the fruits of its mindless unlimited consumption, but, unfortunately, the system does not care.

»; spiritual power of the nation. If the American system is the skeleton of American politics, then the American dream is its soul.

The origin of the phrase "American dream" is considered to be a historical treatise written during the Great Depression. James Adams, entitled "The Epic of America" ​​(eng. The Epic of America, 1931) :

… the American dream of a country where everyone's life is better, richer and fuller, where everyone has the opportunity to get what he deserves.

James Adams wanted to encourage his compatriots, to remind them of America's purpose and achievements. This phrase stuck and then became the title of a play by Edward Albee (1961) and a novel by Norman Mailer (1965), but in these works it was rethought ironically.

The meaning of the term "American dream" is very vague. Thus, the historian F. Carpenter wrote: “The American dream has never been precisely defined and, obviously, will never be defined. It is both too diverse and too vague: different people put different meanings into this concept. However, almost all US presidents, when taking office and making responsible decisions, have to promise their voters that their policies will advance this dream.

"certain inalienable rights" including "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

The concept of the "American Dream" is often associated with immigrants who came to the United States in search of a better life. The fact that they left countries where, unlike the United States, there was a fairly rigid estate system that limited social mobility determined their commitment to the philosophy of individual freedom and free enterprise. The concept of the American Dream is closely related to the concept of "self-made person", that is, a person who independently achieved success in life through hard work.

The components of the "American dream" are also the ideal of equality of all before the law, regardless of ethnic origin and social status, as well as the veneration of symbols, models and heroes common to all Americans.

Ownership of a private home is often seen as physical proof of the American Dream.

The theme of the search for the "American dream" was touched upon in his works by Hunter Thompson.


What happened to the American Dream? No more sounds of a single powerful voice expressing our common hope and will are heard. What we hear now is a cacophony of horror, reconciliation and compromise, empty chatter, high-sounding words "freedom, democracy, patriotism", from which we have emasculated any content.

see also

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  • Mark Lapitsky


Excerpt from the American Dream

Smiling contentedly, Caraffa literally “dragged” me by the hand along a long corridor until we finally stopped at a heavy door decorated with patterned gilding. He turned the handle and... Oh, gods!!!.. I found myself in my favorite Venetian room, in our own family palazzo...
Looking around in shock, not being able to recover from the “surprise” that had so unexpectedly collapsed, I calmed my jumping heart, being unable to breathe! wonderful years, then not yet ruined by anger cruel man... recreating for some reason here (!) today my dear, but long-lost, happy world ... In this miraculously "resurrected" room, there was every personal thing dear to me, every little thing I loved! .. Not able to take my eyes off all this sweet and so familiar environment for me, I was afraid to move, so as not to inadvertently frighten away the wondrous vision ...
– Do you like my surprise, Madonna? - Satisfied with the effect, asked Karaffa.
The most incredible thing was that this strange man sincerely did not understand what deep mental pain he caused me with his “surprise”!.. Seeing HERE (!!!) what was once a real “center” of my family happiness peace, I wanted only one thing - to rush at this terrible "holy" Pope and strangle him in a deadly embrace until his terrifying black soul flies out of him forever ... But instead of realizing what I wanted so much, I just tried to get myself together so that Caraffa does not hear how my voice trembles, and as calmly as possible said:
“Excuse me, Your Holiness, can I stay here alone for a while?”
– Well, of course, Isidora! This is now your quarters! I hope you like them.
Did he really not understand what he was doing?! .. Or vice versa - he knew perfectly well? .. And it was just his restless atrocity that “had fun” that still did not find peace, inventing some new tortures for me? !.. Suddenly, a burning thought slashed me - what, in this case, became of everything else?.. What happened to our wonderful home, which we all loved so much? What happened to the servants and servants, to all the people who lived there?!
“May I ask Your Holiness, what has become of our ancestral palace in Venice?” I whispered in a shaky voice. - What happened to those who lived there? .. You didn’t throw people out into the street, I hope? They have no other home, Holiness! ..
Caraffa grimaced in displeasure.
– Have mercy, Isidora! Should you take care of them now? .. Your house, as you, of course, understand, has now become the property of our holy church. And everything that was connected with him is no longer your concern!
- My house, like everything that is inside it, Your Holiness, after the death of my beloved husband, Girolamo, belongs to my daughter Anna, while she is alive! I exclaimed indignantly. – Or does the “holy” church no longer consider her a tenant in this world?!
Everything was boiling inside me, although I perfectly understood that, being angry, I only complicated my already hopeless situation. But the arrogance and arrogance of Caraffa, I'm sure, could not leave anyone calm. normal person! Even when it was only about desecrated memories dear to his heart...
- As long as Anna is alive, she will be here, Madonna, and serve our beloved holy church! Well, if she, unfortunately, changes her mind, she, one way or another, will no longer need your wonderful home! - Caraffa hissed furiously. – Do not overdo it in your zeal to find justice, Isidora! It can only harm you. My long-suffering also has limits... And I sincerely advise you not to cross them!..
Turning sharply, he disappeared behind the door, without even saying goodbye and not informing me how long I could stay alone in my so unexpectedly resurrected past ...
Time stopped... ruthlessly throwing me, with the help of Caraffa's sick fantasy, into my happy, cloudless days, not at all worrying that my heart could simply stop from such an unexpected "reality"...
I sadly sank into a chair by the familiar mirror, in which the beloved faces of my relatives were so often reflected ... And in which now, surrounded by dear ghosts, I sat all alone ... Memories choked with the power of their beauty and deeply executed with bitter sadness our departed happiness...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

… the American dream of a country where everyone's life is better, richer and fuller, where everyone has the opportunity to get what he deserves.

James Adams wanted to encourage his compatriots, to remind them of America's purpose and achievements. This phrase stuck and then became the title of a play by Edward Albee (1961) and a novel by Norman Mailer (1965), but in these works it was rethought ironically.

The meaning of the term "American dream" is very vague. Thus, the historian F. Carpenter wrote: “The American dream has never been precisely defined and, obviously, will never be defined. It is both too diverse and too vague: different people put different meanings into this concept. However, almost all US presidents, when taking office and making responsible decisions, have to promise their voters that their policies will advance this dream.

"certain inalienable rights" including "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

The concept of the "American Dream" is often associated with immigrants who came to the United States in search of a better life. The fact that they left countries where, unlike the United States, there was a fairly rigid estate system that limited social mobility determined their commitment to the philosophy of individual freedom and free enterprise. The concept of the American Dream is closely related to the concept of "self-made person", that is, a person who independently achieved success in life through hard work.

The components of the "American dream" are also the ideal of equality of all before the law, regardless of ethnic origin and social status, as well as the veneration of symbols, models and heroes common to all Americans.

Ownership of a private home is often seen as physical proof of the American Dream.

The theme of the search for the "American dream" was touched upon in his works by Hunter Thompson.


What happened to the American Dream? No more sounds of a single powerful voice expressing our common hope and will are heard. What we hear now is a cacophony of horror, reconciliation and compromise, empty chatter, high-sounding words "freedom, democracy, patriotism", from which we have emasculated any content.

American writer,

Each of us has dreams and we all want the moment to come sooner or later when we say "Dreams do come true!". So Americans very often pronounce this phrase "Dreams come true." They know exactly what this phrase means and how much meaning, time and effort have been invested in the realization of this very dream.

What is the American Dream?

If you want to find precise definition or break it down for yourself that the American dream is a house, a prestigious job, a car ... then you won’t be able to do it.

American dream is an abstract phrase. There is no clear definition of the "American dream". The American dream is life ideals, which are invested with material and spiritual meaning. This is your chance to get what you deserve. This is not the goal itself, but the path that you follow in order to achieve the goal and everyone has their own. That is why it is impossible to give an exact definition of the American dream.

The very concept of the “American dream” is often used to describe a certain national ideology that unites Americans. Every resident of the United States puts into it their own ideas about a wonderful future.

Concepts related to the American dream

  • freedom of the individual and freedom of enterprise;
  • "self-madeperson" (that is, a person who independently, through hard work, has achieved success in life) and a well-paid job;
  • reputation and the process of moving from one social class to another, higher, of course.

American Happiness Standard

The American dream has become a kind of standard for happiness in a consumer society. Although for many people in the United States the American dream is identified with own house, built on their own income on their own land with a large courtyard, a car, a large friendly family and friendly neighbors. One of the main symbols of the American dream is the Statue of Liberty in New York.


In conclusion, I would like to bring a quote from the American columnist David Brooks about the American dream: “Americans live their lives dreaming about the future. Understanding America requires taking the central cliché seriously. American life- the American Dream. Even though we face the boredom and banality of everyday life, this dream revitalizes us, empowers us, and forces us to work so hard, move so often, invent so vigorously, and change so rapidly. We continue to strive for the new and different, even though it doesn't always bring us benefit and pleasure."