Qualification tests in social work. Tests on the theory and methodology of social work. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Part A

1. A root is formed from the germinal root of the seed



3) air

4) subordinate

2. By structure, the root hair is

1)cell outgrowth

2)lateral root

3) main root

4)adventitious root

3. Root cap covers the area



3) suction

4) holding

4. The root division zone is formed by tissue

1) basic

2) coverslip

3) conductive


5. A plant that produces a root crop




4) potato

6. Fibrous root system has



3) dandelion

4) potato

7. Name the plants that develop aerial roots





8. Name the root zone, the cells of which have root hairs



3) suction

4) holding

9. The main function of the root crop



3) storage

4) reproduction

10. Roots growing from the stem of a tomato during hilling



3) adnexal

4) respiratory

11. A plant that does not form a root crop





Part B

When completing tasks B 1-B 2, select three correct answers out of six.

IN 1.Choose plants with fibrous root systems.







IN 2. Root vegetables and root tubers

1)formed to store nutrients

2)serve for vegetative propagation

3)are modifications of lateral and adventitious roots

4)usually found in perennial plants

5)usually formed in annual plants

6)store water


IN 3. Establish a correspondence between the root zones and their characteristics.

A. Zone cells are constantly dividing 1. Division zone

B. Located above the suction zone 2. Conduction zone

B. In this zone, the root branches

D. Consists of educational tissue

D. The cells of the zone are small, tightly adjacent to each other.


AT 4.Establish the sequence of the zones in the root, starting from the root cap.

1) growth zone

2)dividing zone

3)suction zone

4)holding area


AT 5.Insert the missing terms from the proposed list into the text using digital designations. Write down the numbers of the selected answers in the text, and then enter the resulting sequence of numbers (in the text) into the table below.

The root system of plants.

Root - axial vegetative organ. Distinguish the main BUT, adventitious roots. Roots that develop on a stem or leaf are called B. The totality of all the roots of a plant make up the root system. Distinguish between core and AT root system. The tap root system has a well-defined G root.

1.main 5. rod

2.lateral 6. dicot

3.adventitious 7. monocots

4.germinal 8. fibrous

Part C

From 1

Why is it important to be able to distinguish between poisonous plants and know how to act if poisoning occurs?

1. Poisonous plants may resemble non poisonous plants.

2. In case of poisoning by poisonous plants, first aid must be provided:

1)Give the victim inside a large number of(5-6 glasses) warm water.

2)It is necessary to induce vomiting by irritating the root of the tongue.

3)Reducing the absorption of poisons contributes to the intake of a suspension of activated charcoal.

4)The injured person should be taken immediately to medical institution to provide qualified medical care


plant root hairs

It is estimated that the length of all roots (without small branches) in wheat is 71 km, in spring rye - 79, in oats - 87 km, and the total length of all root hairs of one specimen of winter rye or wheat can reach 10,000 km s common surface 400 m2. Due to the root hairs, the contact surface of the roots with the soil is enormously increased.

The main function of root hairs is the absorption of water and nutrients from the soil by osmosis, which occurs at the boundary of two media with different concentrations of liquids. The cell sap of root hairs is rich in various salts and acids, while soil solutions, on the contrary, have a low concentration of them. In many aquatic plants (susak, white water lily, water pine), which do not need to increase the suction surface, since these plants literally bathe in water, root hairs do not form. Other's aquatic plants(yellow capsule, elodea, calamus) the roots in the water do not form root hairs, and on the roots that go deep into the soil, they develop in large numbers.

Root hairs are short-lived formations, live only 15-20 days and, having fulfilled their physiological role, die off. The root in this place is covered with a thick bark and already performs only a mechanical function. An exception are the root hairs of some Compositae. Their walls thicken and woody, and they can live for one or two growing seasons.

1)What is the main function of root hairs?

2)What plants do not have root hairs on their roots?

3)Why do some plants have root hairs that live for several years, and not 15-20 days.


Roots Water, g Sugar, g Fiber, g Proteins, g Ash, g Vitamin C, mg The energy value
kcal kJ
Carrot 86-91 4,8-6,4 0,7-2,0 0,6-1,3 0,6-0,8 2,8-7,9 33 138
Parsley 64-88 2,9-10,1 1,6-3,7 1,5-3,2 1,6-1,7 18-30 47 197
Celery 80-90 1,8-3,9 0,6-1,1 1,3-2,5 0,8-1,2 4-42 31 130
Parsnip 71-75 5,4-6,9 2,4-3,6 1,1-2,6 0,7-1,5 24-29 47 197
Beet 81-86 8-12 0,4-2,1 0,1-2,0 0,6-1,3 14,5-18,5 42 168
radish 87-89 2,7-7,8 0,8-1,7 0,3-2,0 0,8-1,1 8-20 34 142
Radish 91-95 0,8-4,0 0,5-1,0 0,8-1,3 0,5-0,7 11-44 20 84
Turnip 87-95 3,8-6,4 0,8-2,0 0,4-2,1 0,4-1,5 19-63 28 117
Swede 84-90 5-10 0,5-2,4 0,6-2,0 0,4-2,1 23-69 37 155
The content of inorganic and organic matter in root crops, energy value of root crops

Which root crops have the same energy value?


Option 1.

    Which of the following functions is not performed by roots?

1) fixing the plant in the soil; 2) absorption of solutions minerals from the soil; 3) storage of nutrients; 4) the formation of nutrients.

    The roots of a single plant are called a root system because:

1) the plant has many roots; 2) all the roots of a plant perform the same functions; 3) the roots have different names; 4) have roots different sizes.

    The main root is called the root:

1) developing from the germinal root; 2) the most durable; 3) the most branched; 4) the thickest.

    Root cap:

1) protects the root tip from damage; 2) participates in the absorption of solutions of mineral substances; 3) participates in carrying solutions of mineral substances to the stem; 4) absolutely not needed by the root.

    Division and tension zones are formed:

1) main fabric; 2) conductive cloth; 3) integumentary tissue; 4) educational fabric.

    Root hairs are:

1) one elongated living cell; 2) one elongated dead cell; 3) a group of dead cells; 4) a group of living cells.

    The vessels of the conductive tissue move:

1) water with minerals from the root to the stem and leaves; 2) water with minerals from leaves to roots; 3) solutions of organic substances from leaves to roots; 4) solutions of organic substances from the root to the leaves.

    The strength and elasticity of the root provides:

1) educational fabric; 2) conductive tissue; 3) main fabric; 4) mechanical fabric.

    Root tubers are a thickening:

1) main root; 2) lateral roots; 3) adventitious and lateral roots; 4) any roots.

    Aerial roots are:

1) adventitious roots; 2) lateral roots; 3) adventitious and lateral roots; 4) any roots.

    What is indicated by the numbers in the root system:

Root systems, modification of the roots.

Option 2.

    Roots do not perform the function:

1) fixing the plant in the soil; 2) absorption of solutions of mineral substances from the soil; 3) photosynthesis; 4) storage of nutrients.

    The root system of wheat is fibrous because:

1) the plant has many roots; 2) wheat does not have a pronounced main root; 3) the roots have different names; 4) there is a pronounced main root.

    An adjective is a root:

    developing from the germinal root; 2) departing from the stem; 3) departing from the main root; 4) the thinnest.

    How many sections (zones) can be distinguished in the structure of the root:

1) 2; 2) 4; 3) 5; 4) 6.

    The root cap is formed by cells:

1) conductive tissue; 2) integumentary tissue; 3) educational tissue; 4) main fabric.

    Under the root cap there is a zone:

1) suction; 2) holding; 3) division; 4) stretching.

    The suction area is located:

1) far from the root tip; 2) near the root tip only in large roots; 3) near the root tip in each root; 4) along the entire length of the root.

    The holding area is formed:

1) vessels and sieve tubes; 2) only vessels; 3) only sieve tubes; 4) there are no cells in this zone.

    A root crop is a thickening:

1) main root; 2) lateral root; 3) adventitious root; 4) any root.

    Roots - trailers are:

1) main roots; 2) lateral roots; 3) adventitious roots; 4) can be any root.

    What is indicated by the numbers in the figure:

1)_________; 2)____________; 3)___________; 4)____________.

Answers. Topic "Root systems"

1 option.

adventitious root

main root

lateral root

Option 2.

main root

lateral root

adventitious root