Aquatic plants of the coastal zone of the pond. Coastal plants. floating plants

TWO-SOURCE REED, FALARIS - the most interesting variegated form. The leaves are linear, up to 2 cm wide, with white or cream stripes. Leaves and stems do not droop even during strong
frost, although they lose their color. Spikelets are collected in dense spicate panicles up to 20 cm long. Prefers moist or damp soil, but is drought tolerant. On fertile soils, variegation appears brighter, the plant becomes more spectacular, it is easier to endure the summer period. Winter-hardy without shelter.

HEADLEAD STRAIGHT or BRANCHING - plants 50-150 cm high with
creeping rhizome and erect branched stem. The leaves are long, narrow, triangular, covering the stem, similar to the leaves of irises. Blooms in June-August. The fruits are drupes with spongy pulp, collected in heads, looking like prickly green balls. The plant is decorative during fruiting.

IRIS MARSH, AIROID or YELLOW - in the wild, it is like As a rule, it grows in floodplains, along the banks of freshwater reservoirs, which are encountered along the path of its distribution. Marsh iris is a purely coastal plant, although it is capable of withstanding prolonged flooding with a temporary increase in the water level in a reservoir (landing in a reservoir to a depth of 30-40 cm is possible). When the soil dries out, the decorative effect of the iris decreases, especially if the decrease in humidity occurs during the flowering period. Its variegated form is interesting. a photo.

Marsh marigold is a perennial plant that forms loose bushes up to
40 cm high. The leaves are leathery, dense, shiny, light green, rounded. After flowering, the leaves darken and grow strongly. The flowers are golden yellow, up to 4.5 cm in diameter. Blooms from the end of April for about 20 days. Prefers highly moist places, can grow in dry places with abundant watering. Its garden forms are very attractive - with double flowers of pale yellow and white color.

- for cultivation in decorative ponds and reservoirs of the Moscow region, two species and their varieties are most interesting -
Lake reed (perennial plants 1 - 2.5 m tall. Stems are cylindrical, with scaly leaves. It blooms in late spring - early summer. It is usually recommended to grow variegated forms in an ornamental pond) and Tabernemontana Reed, Zebrinus form (with yellowish-white stripes across the stem).

Forget-me-not swamp - grows along streams, the outskirts of swamps, the banks of reservoirs in the western regions of the European part of Russia. Perennial plant with a short life cycle. The flowers are pale blue, relatively large (up to 1.2 cm in diameter), at first in dense curls, which are drawn out as they bloom abundantly and for a long time from May to autumn, due to constant shoot formation. Faded shoots die off.
SEDGE- these plants require rich, moist or moist soils in full sun
or in partial shade. There are a great many sedges, both domestic and imported, from the point of view of the gardener, they can be divided into two groups:
tussock-forming. They have very short rhizomes and form dense, clear tussocks. High sedge and its varieties, soddy sedge, fox sedge, drooping sedge, sedge sedge.
Sprawling. They have long rhizomes, from which bunches of leaves extend. They form dense or loose clumps. More difficult to handle because they require constant monitoring.
coastal sedge and its varieties and forms, water sedge, pointed sedge, nosed sedge, sharp sedge, blister sedge, black sedge.
cattail- the most common aquatic plant in Europe. perennials
shallow waters with thick, creeping, branched, starch-rich rhizomes. The flowers are very small, unisexual, in dense brown spike-shaped inflorescences (sultans), the upper part of which consists of staminate flowers, the lower part of pistillate. There is no perianth.
Suitable for cultivation in ornamental reservoirs of the Moscow region are cattail cattail, broad-leaved cattail, or reed, small cattail, graceful cattail.

SITNIK - a plant widely distributed in damp and swampy places from
arctic deserts to the tropics, but mainly in the northern hemisphere. In Russia - more than 80 species. Many species are suitable for ornamental culture in damp places, but are rarely cultivated, mainly in botanical gardens - Sitnik divergent, Sitnik mechelifolny, Sitnik filiform, Sitnik crowded.

ARROW LEAF - very original plant - underwater
leaves are linear, floating, with a heart-shaped plate. air leaves
erect, sagittate-triangular. Depending on the habitat conditions, mainly on the depth of the reservoir, the arrowhead develops leaves of three different forms.

On the shore or in shallow water near the arrowhead grow surface leaves, the shape of which gave the plant its name. Such shallow arrowheads usually bloom in July. The flowers have three white petals with a crimson speck and three sepals. The flowers are pollinated by insects flying over water. A plant that has settled at a depth has yellow-green leaves, translucent, similar to narrow silk ribbons. Plants with such leaves never bloom. Sometimes the arrowhead appears floating leaves of a rounded shape with an arrow-shaped base and with long petioles. The leaves of all three species are almost never found on one plant at once. Its terry form is very interesting.

SUSAK UMBRELLA - a large perennial growing at a depth of 0.1 to 1 m in slowly flowing and stagnant waters. This tall and beautiful plant can be found not only in the shallow waters of lakes, ponds, rivers, but also in swampy meadows, where the soil does not dry out all summer. The leaves are narrow, basal, flat, triangular at the base, 25-100 cm long and up to 1 cm wide, longer and thinner in running water. Peduncles without leaves, inflorescence - an umbrella of pink flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter. Susak inflorescence can have more than two dozen flowers, and they do not bloom at the same time. In each umbrella there are buds, and just opened, and already withered flowers. In the center of the flower are bright crimson pistils and stamens. During flowering it is very decorative. Blooms in June-August.

ORDINARY REED - a perennial plant 1 - 4 m high, with
long and thick, creeping rhizomes. Forms thickets in damp places and along the banks of water bodies. Stems erect, with numerous nodes. The thickness of the hollow stem can reach two centimeters. The straight stem after flowering becomes almost woody. The leaves of the reed are grayish-green, hard, elongated, wide. The inflorescence is a large panicle 8-40 cm long, dense, with many separate small spikelets. Blooms in July-August.

PLANTAINE PARTS - used for decorating damp shores and shallow water areas. A very good plant for a large pond, but keep in mind that its seeds germinate quickly and can clog the pond, so wilted flowers should be removed in time.

According to the site ONEGO.RU

And these are not necessarily ponds or pools, but simply sources of water supply used for irrigation. Not only decorative reservoirs, but also household containers with water supplies can be given a decorative look and then they will become elements of improvement.

To give the reservoir a decorative effect, increase the aesthetic value, completeness of the composition, its coastline can be decorated with herbaceous perennials.

For the design of the reservoir, plants that grow well in moist soils are suitable. But in addition to high humidity, the roots of coastal plants also need soil air. In other words, the soil for coastal plants should be moist, fertile and loose, well aerated.

If you select plants according to such requirements, then there is a very extensive group of perennial ornamental herbaceous plants: daylily, hosta, anemone, Thunberg's astilba, Japanese astilbe, aconite, Siberian iris, marsh forget-me-not, thin-leaved bergenia, heart-leaved maclaya, finger rhubarb. In addition, plants growing along the banks of natural reservoirs can also be used to decorate the coastal line of a reservoir: bathing suit, ferns, willow-herb, creeping ranunculus and many others. Coastal plants are easy to sort and choose the right height.

Aconite glomeruli (Aconitum napellus) - herbaceous, perennial plant, up to 1 meter tall, with carved, divided into 5-7 lobes, dark green leaves. Glomerular aconite is considered a poisonous plant. It blooms in July - August with purple, white or white-violet flowers, collected in loose racemose inflorescences.

Badan thin-leaved (Bergenia crassifolia) - a great plant for decorating the coastline of a reservoir. Growing bergenia.

Volzhanka dioecious (aruncus dioicus), or aruncus- perennial herbaceous plant, forms an ornamental shrub up to 1.5 meters high with a loose crown. The leaves are green, very openwork, twice or thrice pinnatisected. The flowers are white or cream, fragrant, collected in complex paniculate inflorescences.

Volzhanka dioecious reproduces by dividing the bush, root and stem cuttings. Prefers moist light fertile soils. Shade-tolerant, frost-resistant. Grows in one place for 7 years.

Highlander Sakhalin (fallopiaSachalinenses), or Sakhalin buckwheat- tall, up to 2-3 meters tall, perennial plant. Stems erect, rhizome creeping. The leaves are light green, broadly oval, very large. The flowers are creamy white, small, collected in paniculate inflorescences. Flowering period - August - September.

Highlander Sakhalin reproduces by seeds, root offspring, dividing the bush. Grows well on loose fertile moist soils. In one place grows up to 10 years. Shade-tolerant, frost-resistant.

Iris marsh, or iris yellow (Iris pseudoacorus) - is a strongly growing, dense bush with a height of 0.7-1.0 m tall. The leaves are green, xiphoid. The flowers are small, golden yellow. Flowering period - June - July.

Grows well in moist humus soils. Marsh iris is photophilous, but it also tolerates shading, and is frost-resistant. Propagated by division of the rhizome. In one place grows up to 6 years. There are variegated forms of marsh iris.

When decorating a decorative pond in a garden plot, flowers and plants are often used. Moreover, both the pond itself and the coastal zone are being formed. In today's article, we will tell you in detail how to choose plants for a pond in the country.

Boarding organization

An artificial pond in the country has various dimensions. It can be small, which does not require much effort for decoration, or a deep reservoir, the decoration of which is approached extremely responsibly. To give a natural look, natural materials (pebbles, sand, stones, driftwood) and plants are used. The latter are placed either in the reservoir itself, or landed along the coastal zone in small groups. The second type will be discussed below.

Aquatic plants and flowers are planted directly in the water. They do not take up much space on the mirror of the pond. Their role is to decorate the surface of a makeshift pond. In one group, it is advised to plant about two species in order to avoid strong growth.

You need to plant several types of plants

Often flowers are planted in containers or baskets. It is necessary to prepare the soil, place a flower in a basket, straighten the roots and tamp the soil. From above, the soil is sprinkled with pebbles. With the help of a fishing line, the container is lowered into the pond and installed.

It is not recommended to plant too many plants, because their reproduction rate is high. In a short period of time, they are able to cover the entire water surface and you will have to clean the reservoir from them. Choose a small number of plants that you like.

Video "Selection of plants for a reservoir"

In this video, an expert will tell you which plants are suitable for an artificial reservoir:

Pond decoration

For planting in water, several types of plants are used that perform different functions.


The peculiarity of these plants is the ability to absorb carbon dioxide and synthesize oxygen, which is needed by all the inhabitants of the pond. Most oxygenators are underwater. They are planted as follows: they are placed on the bottom of the reservoir, after lowering them into a container, for example, a pot. It is recommended to choose a couple of different types of oxygenators, as not all take root in our climatic conditions.

Now let's take a closer look at which plants are oxygenators:

  1. Rdest. An excellent choice, because it has a developed root system and easily tolerates wintering. It is food for many varieties of fish, as well as their breeding ground. Blooms with small yellow flowers.
  2. Elodea. Creates a favorable environment for other plants. It has long thin stems and protrudes above the water. Propagated by cuttings in spring and summer. The only negative is that it multiplies very quickly, so do not forget about thinning.
  3. Water buttercup. It has beautiful white flowers that will decorate the surface of your pond. Propagated by cuttings.
  4. Tilleya. A rather aggressive plant, which can cover the bottom with foliage in a very short time. Very good oxygenation. It is recommended to plant it very first and remove it after a while. So the water will be saturated with oxygen, and nothing will threaten the inhabitants.
  5. Conferva. A great solution if there are fish in the pond. This is where they can lay their eggs.


To create shade in a pond located in a sunny place, floating plants are planted there. Their roots float in the water column, and their leaves and flowers are above the level of the mirror. Consider these representatives of the flora in more detail:

  1. Duckweed. The most famous floating plant. It has three-lobed leaves and grows, covering most of the surface with an emerald carpet. Some experts do not advise planting it, because sooner or later it appears on its own.
  2. Azolla. It looks like moss, but is actually a tiny fern. It takes root in any conditions, however, it does not tolerate a drop in temperature, so it is better for it to spend the winter separately from the pond.
  3. Pemphigus. Unusual inhabitant of reservoirs. This plant is a predator, “hunts” for small insects that serve as food for it. By planting it, you will protect the reservoir from small bugs, midges and other insects.
  4. Pistia. This plant can only be planted at your own peril and risk, since it is extremely demanding and capricious. It does not tolerate even the slightest cold snap very well, so it may not survive in a cold summer. Despite this, it is often planted for its attractive ornamental properties.
  5. Vodokras. A plant with a low reproduction rate. Blooms in July and August. It has beautiful white flowers that will float on the surface of a pond surrounded by emerald leaves. It tolerates winter frosts well.

There are several types of floating plants.

deep sea

These plants are rarely seen on the surface. They are needed in order to maintain the microclimate of an ornamental pond:

  1. Lotus. The most famous and popular plant. In addition to underwater roots, it also has a surface part that will decorate the surface of the pond. The only condition is the large size of the reservoir. Lotus is a large plant whose flowers reach up to 30 cm in diameter.
  2. Orontium. It has very beautiful yellow leaves that will peek out slightly above the surface of the water. But in Russia this species is unpopular.
  3. Water lily. She has a beautiful above-water part, which is a large flower about 15 cm in diameter. Blooms until the first frost. It is recommended to plant this beauty at a depth of about 1 m.
  4. Little egg. It looks like a scattering of bright leaves. It can serve as food for mammals that accidentally wandered into the garden. It tolerates low temperatures well, so wintering will pass without problems.

Coastal decor

Plants are planted not only in the pond itself, but also near it. This is done to create a smooth transition between the coastal area and the rest of the garden. Shrubs, grasses, deciduous trees and needles are planted around the pond. Usually they do this: trees are planted farthest from the pond, shrubs are planted in front of them, and grass and flowers are planted near the water itself. This is done so that the leaves of the trees do not clog the decorative pond and you do not have to clean it too often.

deciduous trees

Such trees should have a beautiful, graceful shape and openwork leaves. In addition, they should be low so as not to obscure the water surface:

  1. Walker (tree-like caragana). This plant can be small if properly grafted. It has straight shoots, and the branches hang down under the weight of the leaves. In addition, the tree tolerates frost very well.
  2. Pendula (shaggy plum). A small tree that grows very slowly. It has an umbrella-shaped crown and twigs hanging down. Crown diameter - from 3 to 4 m. During flowering, it is covered with unusually beautiful pink flowers.
  3. Pendula (purple willow). It is grafted onto a stem. From a distance it looks like a small shrub with arched shoots, but in fact it is a small tree.
  4. Carly Locks (goat willow). It is also grafted onto a trunk. A small tree with twisted branches hanging down to the ground.
  5. Camperdown (rough elm). A small tree with a spreading umbrella-shaped crown. Branches and leaves "weeping", hanging down. If the crown is not cut, its diameter can be up to 10 m.


Coniferous trees for planting around a reservoir, like deciduous ones, should have a weeping crown in order to look harmoniously near the water. So, what kind of coniferous trees are planted near water bodies:

  1. European larch varieties Kornik, Repens and Puli. All varieties are grafted onto stems. They have a weeping spherical crown. The needles are soft, fall in the winter.
  2. Inversa (common spruce). Weeping tree, branches down. As a rule, it grows very slowly, although this depends on the method of garter.
  3. Pendula (Canadian hemlock). The height of the tree also depends on the grafting. Branches creep along the ground. The needles are soft, pleasant to the touch.
  4. Jeddeloch (Canadian hemlock). Within 10 years, the tree grows up to only 0.5 m. It has a small spherical crown. Perfectly protects the site from the wind.


Shrubs are planted in front of the trees that complement the landscape:

  1. Dwarf birch. The shrub is very small. It reaches a height of 0.5 to 1 m. It grows up to 1 m wide. It has a dense nest-shaped crown.
  2. Black Lice (black elder). This shrub grows up to 3 m tall. It has beautiful carved leaves of an unusual purple hue. During the flowering period it is strewn with small pink flowers. Not too demanding and capricious, it can be easily cut.
  3. Hydrangea. These flowers will decorate the coastal zone. Choose any variety from the presented: Bella Anna, The Original, Limelight, Magical Fire, Grandiflora, Twist-n-Shout. They will please you with unpretentious care and a variety of colors of various shapes and colors.

Shrubs complement the landscape well


But the area near the coast is decorated with coastal herbs and flowers. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Host. An unimaginably beautiful and graceful plant that is planted along the coast. The flowering period is extremely short, but during this time it will delight you with beautiful flowers. Reproduces vegetatively. Slugs or ducks can damage this plant.
  2. Day-lily. It blooms with beautiful one-day flowers of various colors - from red to blue. Keep in mind that these plants need sun, so do not plant them in the shade.
  3. Lobelia. It is planted directly into the water, not far from the shore. A characteristic feature of the flower is pale blue inflorescences, which will give the reservoir a charming look.
  4. Ostrich. A kind of fern. Used to make an artificial pond look more like a real one. It looks like large bird feathers. Propagated by dividing the bush.
  5. Volzhanka. Decorate the shore of the pond with cream-colored flowers. Note that Volzhanka grows up to 2 m tall. It is often used to create shadows.

Obviously, in winter, ornamental ponds, like natural reservoirs, freeze through. Some types of plants calmly tolerate frosts, while others need to be transferred to a warm place. There are several ways to ensure the plants in your pond have a safe winter:

  1. Plants that grow in baskets or other containers are kept warm. Perfect, for example, a basement or other room that does not freeze through. Remember to provide them with moisture by placing them in a container filled with water.
  2. Plants that float freely in a pond are simply placed in a large container of water. An aquarium is suitable for this purpose. In this form, they will successfully survive the most severe frosts.

Artificial Alternatives

Some summer residents find it too difficult to plant live plants, so they use artificial ones. Such plants have many advantages:

  • low cost;
  • no need for care and protection from herbivores;
  • easy to fix;
  • do not fade;
  • the pond does not overgrow.

You do not have to spend a lot of time and effort on pruning or weeding. In addition, in specialized stores you will find flowers of all kinds and colors, including those that would never take root in a decorative pond.

So, we examined the popular types of plants that are used to decorate a decorative pond and coastal zone. They require special care, but they perfectly decorate the garden. There are also artificial alternatives that also look just as attractive. Choose what you like and create the most beautiful pond, near which it is so pleasant to sit in the warm season.

Along the banks of rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoirs on coastal, moist soil, coastal plants grow - shrubs, herbaceous plants that form the vegetation background of reservoirs. These plants include:

  • Swamp swamp;
  • Forget-me-not marsh;
  • Cane.

Like all green spaces, they enrich the air with oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, emit volatile substances (phytoncides) that absorb pathogenic microbes, and protect water bodies from wind and solar radiation.

Coastal plants are also described in the following articles:

  • in the article "" - Belotsvetnik;
  • in the article "" - Black Elder, Red Elder, Kalina;
  • in the article "" - Japanese Astilba, Astilba Thunberg;
  • in the article "" - Iris Siberian, Iris yellow, Iris marsh.
  • in the article "" - Orange Daylily, Yellow Daylily, Middendorf Daylily, Hellebore, Funkia lanceolate;
  • in the article "" - Volzhanka, Arunkus.

Aroid family, common in Central Europe, Siberia, Japan, China, North America. These are perennial coastal aquatic plants, herbaceous, with a pleasant spicy aroma, the height of which is 50-100 cm. It usually grows in shallow areas of the reservoir, the depth of which is not more than 0.5 m, where it grows rapidly and forms dense thickets.

Calamus has a thick, creeping, brittle rhizome, the diameter of which is about 3 cm, the length is up to 1.5 m. The leaves are beautiful, long, linearly labeled, often with a wavy edge, the width of which is 2-2.5 cm, light green colors. The flowers are small, bisexual, greenish-yellow in color, collected in the original inflorescence in the form of a dense cob of yellowish-green color, the length of which is 6-9 cm.

It reproduces exclusively vegetatively, soils for the growth and development of calamus can be silty, sandy, clay, peat. Calamus can easily tolerate temporary drying up of water bodies, as well as slight shading. The powerful rhizome of calamus contains many nutrients, and the leaves contain vitamin C. Therefore, calamus is a valuable favorite food for muskrat, water rat, elk, and waterfowl. In addition, the rhizome contains essential oils, therefore it is used in the food industry, medicine, and perfumery.

The Cereal family is distributed in Asia Minor, Iran, Afghanistan, in the mountains of India, Pakistan, in the south of China, America, Central Asia and the Caucasus. This is a perennial herbaceous cereal - plants of the coastal zone, at home, the height of which reaches 6-8 m, in the conditions of Kyiv - 5.5 m. It grows along the banks of reservoirs and marshy places, resembling bamboo.

Arundo reed has a fairly branched thick rhizome containing large renewal buds. Of these, in April-May, stems grow, the thickness of which is 4-5 cm. Their very intensive growth is observed in the first two months and continues without stopping until the onset of frost. Stem-bearing lanceolate leaves, 3-5 cm wide, pointed at the apex. Inflorescences in the conditions of Kyiv do not appear in the plant, although they are laid and almost completely formed.

Reproduces vegetatively. Prefers Arundo Reed soil rich in humus, clay or sandy loam. However, it grows best in meadow soils. Used to create small groups along the banks of water bodies.

The Belorozovye family is distributed throughout Russia, except for the Arctic. This is a coastal, perennial, has a rather thick, upright root, one or more stems, the height of which is 15-30 cm. Basal leaves are petiolate, cordate-ovate. There is only one sessile leaf on the stem, a little amplexicaul. The flowers are solitary, 2-4 cm in diameter, white with dark veins, located at the ends of the stems.

The flowers of these coastal plants of water bodies have 5 short sepals, 5 petals, a thick ovary with four sessile stigmas and 5 pollen-containing stamens. These stamens alternate with sterile stamens that do not have pollen. Insects that carry pollen from one plant to another are attracted to golden yellow balls that look like drops of honey. They are located on long cilia that surround the plate of the sterile stamen.

However, these golden yellow balls do not contain nectar. The nectar is secreted by small depressions that are located on the plate itself. Belozor Bolotny blooms in July-August. The fruit is a capsule, the seeds are very small. The plant propagates by seeds, grows well in clayey or sandy loam, wet meadows, swamps, along the banks of rivers, streams, ponds. The plant attracts attention with its fragile, touching beauty.

Sedge family, distributed in the European part of Russia, in Siberia. This is a perennial herbaceous plant, whose height is 10-50 cm, has a creeping rhizome and a bunch of unbranched green stems. At the base of the stems are one to three scale-like leaves.

In the absence of leaves, photosynthesis (that is, capturing solar energy to synthesize organic matter from inorganic) occurs in this plant in the stems. Like most cacti, for example. In addition, the stems of the Bolotnitsa Bolotnaya contain a large number of air cavities, through which the air necessary for breathing enters the stems and rhizomes.

The flowers are solitary, collected in inflorescences - spikelets, the length of which is 6-18 mm and located at the ends of the stems. The plant blooms in May-June. The fruit is an indehiscent, biconvex nutlet, about 3 mm long. These coastal pond plants propagate by seeds and vegetatively, grow well on clay, sandy loamy, moist soils. In swamps, ditches - forms dense thickets; strengthens the banks of water bodies, and is also a valuable feed for livestock.

There is a popular belief about Bolotnitsa Bolotnaya. As if in the twilight, in the swamp you can see how the stems of the marsh bog begin to get fat, turn into long, long fingers. And then hands grow out of the swamp and a green old swamp woman appears with eyes that burn like red coals. She is busily examining her swamp, as if checking to see if she can see the lingering, picking berries and flowers, beautiful girls. And if he takes one away, he will certainly drag him into his swamp, taking him into his service.

Family Cereals, distributed in the south of Primorsky Krai, the Kuril Islands, China and Japan. This is a perennial grass, the height of which is 1-1.5 m. It has a developed underground rhizome. At the end of the growing season, lignification of the straw is observed, which reaches 4-6 mm in diameter. The leaves, which are 60-90 cm long, are light green in color. The flowers are collected in dense, fluffy inflorescences.

Under the conditions of Ukraine, Chinese Miscanthus does not form fruits. It reproduces vegetatively, the soil should be drained, abundantly moist. It grows well and develops in open sunny places. It is recommended to plant this plant along the banks of water bodies.

Family, distributed in the European part of Russia, in Siberia. This is a perennial herb. It has a creeping rhizome and erect, tetrahedral, pubescent stems, the height of which is 20-60 cm. The leaves are opposite, oblong-elliptical, petiolate, serrated along the edges, like the stems, pubescent. The length of the leaves reaches 7 cm. In the axils of the leaves are pinkish-purple flowers with a pleasant delicate aroma. They form rather dense false whorls.

The plant blooms from June to August. The fruit is four-nutlet-shaped lobes that can float on water. It reproduces vegetatively, rarely by seeds. These coastal plants grow well on the banks of rivers, streams, swamps and damp meadows; on wet, floodplain, chernozem soils. It can also grow on clayey peat soils. Field mint is used in folk medicine.

Interestingly, in ancient Rome, it was believed that the delicate aroma of mint creates a good mood. Therefore, mint water was sprinkled in the banquet hall, and the tables were rubbed with mint leaves. The author of Natural History, the Roman writer and scientist Plenius the Elder, constantly wore a wreath of fresh mint leaves on his head. I have recommended this to my students. He believed that the aroma of mint contributes to the improvement of human mental activity. This custom continued until the Middle Ages.

Borage family, common in the Caucasus, Western Siberia, Western Europe, North America. It is a perennial ground-blooded strongly branching herbaceous plant. It has a creeping rhizome, ascending shoots, whose height is 10-30 cm and a straight stem covered with short hairs. The leaves are small, lanceolate, slightly pawled, 3-8 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, as well as the stem, covered with short hairs. The top of the leaves is blunt or slightly pointed. Blooming, these small leaves resemble mouse ears. Leaves remain until frost.

The flowers are pink at the beginning of flowering, later - bright blue, with a pleasant, delicate aroma. Flowers are collected in inflorescences, which are a rather wide, but short curl, and are located at the top of the shoots. The blue corolla of the Swamp Forget-me-not flower, whose diameter is 9 mm, has a short, narrow tube, a flat limb and five yellow scales. It was the yellow scales that became the “signal lights” for pollinating insects, which, flying from one flower to another, carry pollen, that is, produce cross-pollination. The flowering of this plant is quite plentiful, begins in May, and lasts until late autumn.

The fruit is black tetrahedral nuts. Forget-me-not Bolotnaya propagates by seeds and vegetatively. These are penumbra-tolerant, rather frost-resistant, moisture-loving plants of the coastal zone, for good growth and development of which soddy, sandy, humus-rich, moist soils are needed. In one place, the plant can grow up to 5 years. It is recommended to plant it in small groups, forming "blue lawns" in the coastal zone of reservoirs.

Preparations from Forget-me-not Bolotnaya are used in folk medicine. This plant is interesting and attractive in that it has a classic, harmonious combination of blue and yellow flowers in nature. Apparently, therefore, it has become quite popular and is a symbol of true love. There was also belief. Allegedly, Damascus steel was tempered in Forget-Me-Not juice. After that, the blades could easily cut even iron and a grindstone like butter.

The cattail family, distributed in the temperate zone of Eurasia, North America. These are perennial, air-water, herbaceous plants. They have a cylindrical straight, strong stem, the height of which reaches 80-200 cm. The rhizome is thick, branched, two types of roots depart from it. Some are highly branched, thin, which are in the water and absorb nutrients from it. Others - fixing to the coastal part of the reservoir, absorb nutrients from the soil.

Grows well in muddy, sandy or moist, clay soils. It cannot grow in saline soils, and also does not tolerate prolonged drying. It is recommended to be planted as coastal plants for a pond, for the formation of thickets in the coastal zone of reservoirs. And also for decorating small artificial reservoirs. In the old days, the hollow stems of cattail were used as pipes. There are varieties of cattails: small cattail, narrow-leaved cattail.

Long, graceful, xiphoid, directed upwards, about 2 cm wide, the leaves are concentrated at the base of the stem. They have helical-twisted leaf blades. Leaf blades, stems, rhizomes and roots of the plant have a complex system of thin air channels through which the air necessary for breathing enters the leaf tissues and underground organs of the plant.

The flowers of cattail broadleaf are located on long pedicels. At the top of the stem are collected in a dense, brown color with a velvety surface, cylindrical cobs. An ear is a cluster of unripe fruits of a plant. Its length is about 30 cm, width - 2.5 cm. The plant blooms in June-July. The fruits are small, one-seeded, spindle-shaped. They have tufts of thin, long hairs. The plant reproduces by seeds and vegetatively.

The Cereal family is distributed in Russia throughout the country, except for the Arctic, as well as in warm temperate countries. This is a perennial grass, the height of which reaches 3-4 m. It has a highly branched, long, knotty, thick, creeping rhizome. The straight stem has numerous leafy nodes up to the apex. After flowering, it becomes woody, acquiring greater strength, while remaining quite flexible.

Flat leaf blades, like all cereals, are dense, hard, rather sharp at the edges, cutting. Inflorescences are dense panicles of a pyramidal shape, the length of which is 20-40 cm, located at the top of the stem. The inflorescence at the beginning of flowering is reddish-violet, yellow - by autumn. The inflorescence consists of many individual spikelets, which contain long hairs sticking out. Therefore, the plant seems fluffy. Blooms annually in June-July.

Since the thick, creeping rhizome occupies rather large areas, the fruits of the Common Reed are rarely formed. The fruit is a caryopsis, which received from the flower part of the spikelet axis with hairs. The plant propagates by seeds (rarely) and vegetatively. Soils for growth and development can be silty, sandy, peaty. Common reed is planted as coastal plants of reservoirs, for planting greenery in their coastal zones. In addition, Reed is resistant to water salinity.

The common reed has a practical use: its stalks serve as covering for roofs; various wicker products are made from them, and paper can also be produced. The plant, cut before flowering, is a favorite food for cows and sheep. The stems of this plant have long been used to make walking sticks.

Seed propagation of coastal plants

It reproduces by seeds that are dispersed by the wind.

Swamp swamp propagated by seeds. Unopened fruits are placed in a sieve with small holes and placed in water. After 1-1.5 weeks, the seeds are completely freed from the shells of the fruit, mucus, that is, they are ready for sowing. In autumn, they are sown along the banks of reservoirs. The following year, in spring, they sprout, grow rapidly, forming dense thickets.

forget-me-not marsh - seeds are sown in open shady ridges in late June - early July. In the first year, a rosette of leaves is formed, in the second - flowering stems.

- seeds are best sown in moist, clay soil in spring (April-May). Under natural conditions, the ripened fruits of cattail broadleaf, having tufts of thin, long hairs, are carried by the wind even over long distances. Once in the water, the fruits can swim for four days without getting wet, but sinking to the bottom, they germinate.

- Spikelets with hairs after fruit ripening, separated from the plant and picked up by the wind, can be carried over fairly long distances. This is how the seed reproduction of the Cane occurs in nature.

Vegetative propagation of coastal plants

propagated by segments of rhizomes. They are immersed in the ground in shallow water to a depth of 20-30 cm. So that they do not float to the surface of the reservoir, they are fixed with stakes (flyers). Under natural conditions, the reproduction of calamus occurs as follows. Pieces breaking off from a brittle rhizome float on the water surface of the reservoir. Other plants can join them. And this floating formation, gradually increasing in volume, can wash ashore, where the plant can take root.

- propagated by parts of rhizomes containing renewal buds, layering and stem cuttings. The optimal time for their planting is spring (April-May). Layers are the stems of a plant dug in July-August and rooted. Cuttings are harvested in late September - early October from lignified stems - straw before damage by leaf frosts. For the winter, they are buried in a hole 50-60 cm deep, and in the spring they are planted in a nursery, laying them in grooves 10-15 cm deep.

Swamp marsh, Forget-me-not marsh, Field mint - reproduce in natural conditions with the help of creeping rhizomes. In the spring, their rhizomes spread in different directions and grow rapidly, forming a dense grassy cover. These plants reproduce by dividing the bush in spring and autumn.

Also, like Wrestler, Aconite klobuchkovy, Water intake (Orlik, Aquilegia), European bathing suit, Shpornik (Delphinium, Larkspur), described in the article "", and you can also learn from it about such plants: Forest anemone, (Forest anemone), European bathing suit, Asian bathing suit, Frying, Chinese bathing suit, Marsh marigold.

propagated by parts of rhizomes containing renewal buds. They are planted in the fall, for the winter it is recommended to cover with leaves.

- in autumn, segments of the rhizomes of this plant, containing apical buds, or young shoots, are planted in muddy or sandy soil to a depth of 10-15 cm.

- the reproduction of this plant by parts of rhizomes is similar to the reproduction of the lake reed described in the article "" in the section "Vegetative propagation of surface plants".

Having built a reservoir in the garden, it looks boring and lifeless. It is urgent to populate the reservoir with plants, plant perennials, lush cereals and ornamental shrubs along the banks. A pond needs a decent decorative frame. Coastal plants are a prerequisite for the normal existence of a pond. Plants slightly cover the surface of the reservoir, preventing the water from overheating and “blooming”.

The coastal zone of the reservoir and stream is heterogeneous. Plants are planted near the reservoir, which are characteristic of swamps, wet and even dry places. In addition to humidity, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the soil, and the illumination regime of the site.

Daylilies are especially good in the coastal zone, where they form a beautiful curtain.

Ornamental plants can be planted near shallow water, for example: calla, calamus, calla, marigold, susak, Siberian irises, sedge, arrowhead, cattail and reeds.

The choice of marsh plants is very large - astilba, volzhanka, meadowsweet, gravel. A variety of daylilies, hostas, irises, and ferns are delightful in the swampy zone. Here is a place for powerful plants such as buzulnik, gunnera and rhubarb. Effective ferns.

The order of placement of coastal plants is by shape and color contrast. For example, slender swamp iris swords emphasize the delicate openwork of fern leaves. Delightful yellow bathing suit flowers will brighten the most shady corner of any pond.

When planting plants near a pond, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of marsh and coastal plants. The roots of shallow perennial plants are located in the soil under water no more than 40 cm, and the rest of the shoots are above water. These plants are unpretentious, they develop well not only in the coastal zone of the reservoir, but also in a miniature reservoir. With good humidity, shallow water plants can grow in wetlands and coastal areas, planted a few centimeters above the water level.

In marsh plants, the roots and leaves rise above the surface of the water. Almost all marsh plants can tolerate flooding. If the roots reach the water, nothing will happen to the plants of this group.

Too many perennials in the coastal zone do not need to be planted. The first years the view of the reservoir will be a little modest, but after a year the plants will grow and turn your pond into a real jungle.

Coastal plants are planted in groups, placing the lowest ones to the reservoir. Large plants, like the gunner, are only suitable for planting on the shore of a large reservoir. A fashionable element in the design of the reservoir is a weeping willow grafted onto a trunk. But when planting a willow, remember that the shadow should not cover the mirror of your pond. In the shade of a tree, you can arrange a composition of hosta, ferns and other shady plants.