Bright Week: Everything you need to know about the first week after Easter. What holiday do Orthodox Christians celebrate shortly after Easter?

Usually this holiday falls on spring days, when work on personal plots becomes relevant. The question is especially acute, how to plant your own beds and potatoes, if it is forbidden to work on church holidays? Is it really so we will try to figure it out in our article.

Historical summary

Many are sure that Holy holiday Easter appeared only about two thousand years ago, when the death of Jesus Christ was recorded. But this is not entirely true, initially Easter was, and even now it is for the Jewish people, as a symbol of liberation from Egyptian slavery. The protagonist was Moses, who led the Jews through the broken waters and freed them.

Considering that Jesus was a Jew, he also celebrated this holiday, but after death, and then the resurrection, Easter became the main celebration that was celebrated in honor of the rebirth of Christ. It turns out that Easter is celebrated in almost half of the countries of the world, but each on his own occasion.

Can I work on Easter?

Any priest will tell you if you need to go to work or have urgent business, then even working on church holidays will not be considered a sin. After all, the most important thing is to think about God. But many are wondering what can be said about working on personal plot. The answer can be heard about the same: if there is an urgent need, then you should not postpone, but fulfill and pray, asking the Almighty for this forgiveness.

On the Easter holiday, you should not do household chores, but should devote yourself to spiritual revival, prayers, Bible study, and help those in need.

Most likely, the ban on working on church holidays is due to the fact that in those distant times the peasants worked hard, they had practically no days off, so the big holiday was an occasion to take a break from hard work. Yes, and in ancient times, people with some kind of fanaticism related to traditions and customs. And according to them, on the Easter holiday for three days it was necessary to rest, celebrate, have fun and turn your prayers to God.

Now the population of the country has a completely different work schedule, so sometimes there is no time to do business, except on weekends. And if he still gets on a big holiday, what then to do?

If you have your own priest, to whom you always turn for help, then in case of an urgent need to fulfill dacha works on the day of holy Pascha, one must ask for his blessing. If he blesses this, then you can safely get to work.

For urban residents who do not have a summer residence, this question does not arise. But the clergy recommend not to work at least until noon on the holiday, but to devote time to reading spiritual literature or prayers.

On Easter day, it is advisable to go to church, celebrate this bright holiday with your family, putting colored eggs and Easter cakes on the table.

It is not forbidden to work the day after Easter, it just so happened that if it is celebrated for three days, then you can’t work all this time. But that's not the case at all. On the second day, you can safely go to the garden and do the necessary things. During witchcraft actions in your flower beds and beds, it will not be superfluous to ask God good harvest.

But, if you look at the customs of the Jews, they do not even work on Saturday, not to mention large church holidays. For example, on Easter, some don’t even bake bread, and then what can we say about doing other things.

Easter signs

In addition to the ban on work during these holidays There are also some signs associated with this day:

  • If a child is born on this bright holiday, then without any doubt he will be happy and lucky.
  • Birth in the holiday week gives excellent health.
  • If during the baking process the Easter cakes are badly cracked, then your family happiness is in danger of failure.
  • If on this day you hear the cuckoo crowing, then you should soon wait for replenishment in the family.
  • Cooking for unmarried girl promises her a speedy marriage.
  • It is necessary to start the day of the bright Sunday of Christ with Easter cake and painted eggs, which had previously been consecrated in the temple.

In conclusion, we can only say that everyone should decide for himself whether or not to work on the second day after Easter, the main thing is that God be in your soul and heart.

The week following Easter was called "Fomina" (after the name of the Apostle Thomas, who believed in the Resurrection of Christ after he felt the wounds of the Savior). In the people it is called Wired. According to tradition, it is at this time that the dead are commemorated.
First Sunday after Easter in church calendar is called Antipascha or Thomas Sunday. In the people this day is called the Red Hill. The name Antipascha means “instead of Easter” or “opposite to Easter” - but this is not a contrast, but an appeal to a past holiday, its repetition on the eighth day after Easter.

Since ancient times, the end of the Bright Week has been celebrated in a special way, constituting, as it were, a replacement for Easter. This day is also called St. Thomas' week, in memory of the miracle of the assurance of the Apostle Thomas.

The death of Christ on the Cross made an incredibly depressing impression on the Apostle Thomas: he seemed to have established himself in the conviction that His loss was irretrievable. To the assurances of the disciples about the resurrection of Christ, he answers: “Unless I see the wounds from the nails on His hands and put my hand into His side, I will not believe” (John 20, 25).
On the eighth day after the Resurrection, the Lord appeared to the Apostle Thomas and, testifying that he was with the disciples all the time after the Resurrection, did not wait for Thomas's questions, showing him His wounds, answering his unspoken request. The Gospel does not say whether Thomas really felt the wounds of the Lord, but so faith kindled in him with a bright flame, and he exclaimed: “My Lord and my God!” With these words, Thomas confessed not only faith in the Resurrection of Christ, but also faith in His Divinity.

According to Church Tradition, the holy Apostle Thomas founded the Christian Churches in Palestine, Mesopotamia, Parthia, Ethiopia and India, sealing the preaching of the Gospel by martyrdom. For the conversion of the son and wife of the ruler of the Indian city of Meliapor (Melipura) to Christ, he was imprisoned, endured torture, and finally, pierced with five spears, he departed to the Lord.
Starting from St. Thomas Sunday, after a long Lenten break, the celebration of the sacrament of the wedding is resumed in the Orthodox Church. In Russia, it was on this day, Krasnaya Gorka, that most weddings took place, festivities and matchmaking were arranged.
Also on St. Thomas' week, on Tuesday of the second week, on the ninth day after Pascha, Orthodox Church celebrates Radonitsa - day special commemoration the departed, the first after the feast of Pascha.

Every day of St. Thomas' week has its own name:

On Monday or Tuesday of St. Thomas' week, the church established a commemoration of the dead. They serve funeral services and go to the cemetery.
Monday called "wires". It is believed that during the Easter period, the dead visit their homes to celebrate their own Easter. We, who live in this earthly world, are supposed to meet the dead, accept (treat) them, and then help them return to the next world. Thus, according to tradition, on Monday, they begin to see off their ancestors to the next world.
Tuesday- this is the main day of St. Thomas' week, which is called Radunitsa, Radonitsa, Radanitsa, Radovnitsa. In the 19th century, Navi day and Radonitsa united into one and began to celebrate in a bright form. According to scientists, "Radonitsa" comes from the word "joy", which brought the resurrection of Christ.
The most ancient Slavic custom was the Radonitsa holiday, which was held in the spring in honor of Rod, the creator of the Universe, the first Slavic god. On Radonitsa, they turned to the dead ancestors with requests for the patronage of the house, its protection. Young people asked blessings for love and marriage. On the eve of Radonitsa, they usually heated the bath for the ancestors, prepared a towel and soap, but did not wash themselves.
Also, people brought gifts and crumbled them on the graves of loved ones (pastries, pancakes, funeral kutya, colored eggs, beer, wine, etc.). Then they ate for themselves. Funeral bonfires were lit on the churchyard. On this day, it was customary to sing songs and dance round dances. Sadness often turned into joy. No wonder the saying is known: they plow on Radonitsa in the morning, cry in the afternoon, and jump in the evening. And all because after Easter, spring began field work, on Radonitsa people visited cemeteries, and in the evening they had fun.
From these pre-Christian rituals come spring memorial rites on St. Thomas Week. The church charter prescribes visiting cemeteries after Bright Week: "Easter for believers is the entrance to the world where death has been abolished and where everyone who can be resurrected is already alive in Christ." On this day, a universal memorial service is performed in churches. People go to the cemetery to the graves of their loved ones and symbolically christen with them. Having tasted kutya, they drink vodka or wine without clinking glasses. They remember the deceased with warm words. It is believed that the dead share a meal with the living. The remains of the treats crumble, and a funeral glass of vodka is poured onto the grave. Part of the memorial meals (sweets, sweets, pastries, colored eggs) are distributed to others and children "for the repose of the soul."
Thursday is considered the most dangerous day of St. Thomas' week: on this day the dead come to their homes. In order to meet them with dignity, they left refreshments in one of the rooms for the night and opened the windows. It was strictly forbidden to enter the room before dawn. Protecting themselves from unwanted dead, at the same time they took certain protective measures: they sprinkled houses with poppy seeds in the corners and lit passionate candles in front of the icons. If there are drowned people in the family, then the treat was left near the water or thrown into the river.
On Fomin Saturday the expulsion of death took place in the villages. Old and young women gathered from all over the village and, armed with brooms, pokers and other household utensils, called out curses to death. It was believed that the longer and more fun to frighten a ghost, the more reliable you can get rid of any disease. In addition, people ran around the cemeteries with knives in their hands and exclaimed: “Run, run, evil spirits!”. In this way, they sought to alleviate the afterlife suffering of the dead.
Sunday on St. Thomas Week it is called Krasnaya Gorka. On this day, they tried to free themselves from all sad thoughts and experiences. Mass festivities were organized on elevated places, funny Games and led round dances. Also on this day, the bride-to-be bridesmaids took place. On the eve of the villages, hailers walked around the villages, who sang a majestic song under the windows of the newlyweds and invited all the inhabitants to the festivities.

The first week after Easter is called Bright Week or bright week. At this time, it is customary to relax, visit, enjoy life, find a reason for fun and congratulate each other, saying: "Christ is Risen - Truly Risen!"


From Monday you can visit. A man enters the house first. On the festive table the guest brings Easter cakes, krashanka and symbolic gifts. If a man has a family, his wife and, if he has a daughter, stay at home that day.


On Tuesday, which is called Bright Tuesday, women already begin to visit, and their men do not visit relatives on this day. But these traditions are now departing and they are practically not observed. More and more families are visiting. Previously, in some places, from Tuesday, and more often from Wednesday, girls began to dance, so Wednesday was called "round dance". Round dances continued from that day in the evenings until Trinity.


On Wednesdays of the "Great Yuletide" many villagers staged dances and fun. Both adults and children gathered "to the music" to spend Christmas time. These three days of the Great Day holidays were a happy time of visiting, youth games and fun. Adults were looking for ryast (corydalis) flowers these days, and when they found them, they trampled them, saying: "To wait for the ryast to trample on that year."


On the first Thursday after Easter, the girls called for spring, singing touching songs on the hills. Starting from Thursday, it was possible to arrange bridegrooms and young people looked after their bride. Once upon a time, on the fourth day of the Easter week, they "led a mare." They made a head on a stick, tied a tail, covered it with a rope. Those wishing to ride sat on top of this horse. The man dressed up as a gypsy and led this mare down the street. When the mare fell, then the gypsy "nibbled" her ear and she got up. The celebration is already over by Thursday, but Easter cakes, krashanka can still stand on the tables and sound: "Christ is risen - Truly risen!" So it was allowed to celebrate for 40 days - until the Ascension itself.


Friday was Forgiveness Day, which was celebrated especially magnificently and solemnly by the newlyweds, to whom close relatives came. On this day, according to tradition, the girls washed their faces. ice water, which is believed to help you stay healthy all year round.


The round dance was celebrated on Saturday. In the afternoon, the height of youth games and festivities began. For example, it was popular to play egg rolling. Everyone who wants to lay their colored eggs in a semicircle near a low hill, after which one of them rolls his egg from above, trying to knock down as many strangers as possible. The player takes all the downed eggs for himself, but if nothing came of it, then he loses his. Participants had to paint their eggs beautifully and in an original way so that they could be easily distinguished from strangers. By the way, this tradition came from pagan times, where it was designed to awaken the forces of the earth and ensure a good harvest.


Young people or girls, dressed in bright outfits, gathered in groups and called out to their comrades who had married the previous year. They walked around their village and the nearest neighbors. For the newlyweds the day had great importance, since before him the husband could not leave his wife alone, but after that he could leave for a long time to work, shifting the entire burden of household chores onto the shoulders of his wife. On this day, they saw off Easter, held the rites of the meeting of spring, mass celebrations.

Do's and Don'ts

Since the Easter holiday is the triumph of life over death, therefore, the whole Easter week should be rejoicing, and not mourning for the dead. Also, there are no memorial services on these days. But you can baptize children. It is also believed that a baby born during the Easter week will be endowed with good health, good luck and will achieve a lot in life. It is not customary to hold a wedding ceremony during Bright Week. But you can arrange bridesmaids, go to dances, have fun and enjoy life.

I spent most of my childhood in the village with my grandmother, a very pious old woman. Instead of children's poems, grandmother taught me prayers. At the age of five, I already knew the Our Father, the Mother of God, the Trisagion and the Creed, and on holidays I proudly stood for the entire service next to other parishioners of the local church.

Week after Easter

Village holidays are distinguished by a special atmosphere. Sometimes it seemed to me that after Easter they did not end until Trinity itself. But special place in traditions they occupy "coffins", when all the local people, young and old, dress in the most beautiful clothes, collect baskets of food and drink and go visit deceased relatives at the cemetery.

On such days, a quiet cemetery turns into a noisy feast, where everyone considers it their duty to commemorate those who are not around in the world. And those who survive until the evening gather near the river and continue the fun. Another party continues under a new name, because after the "groves" it is customary to "call for spring."


I remember how I envied the children who had fun until midnight and brought sweets and packages of sweets from the graves ... I asked my grandmother to go with everyone at least once, but she never allowed. We spent "coffins" in the church, and after mass went to the cemetery when there was practically no one there.

At that time, I felt a lot of things that were incomprehensible and insulting. But now I understand why my dear grandmother, may God rest her peace, acted the way she did. And thanks to her for this invaluable experience.


The tradition of sharing the feast of Christ's Resurrection with deceased relatives has been preserved even now. And although the days of remembrance are called in the old way: Fomino Sunday, Antipascha, Radonitsa, they celebrate them differently. The commemoration of the dead is increasingly turning into an ordinary booze.


The pagan Red Hill is called Fomino Sunday, which in 2018 falls on April 15. This holiday has ancient pre-Christian roots, when the Slavs celebrated the final arrival of spring. But with the establishment of Christianity, this day became the first day of the Radonitsa week.

Many of us have forgotten that first week after Easter special. The Church calls not to grieve over temporary separation from loved ones, but to rejoice in the victory over death received in exchange for the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ.


The joy of Easter should be shared with the deceased relatives, because they died in the hope of resurrection and eternal life.

The commemoration of the departed reflects human faith in one God, the belief that even after death people will remain devoted to Him. Easter commemoration at the cemetery (Radonitsa) takes place on the ninth day after Easter, on Tuesday April 17th. On this day, people gather holiday meals with Easter cakes and eggs and go to the graves of their relatives.


But if it is not possible to come to the cemetery on Tuesday, you can commemorate the dead in Parents' Saturday or Fomino Sunday. For yourself, it is important to solve the main question: “Why am I going to the cemetery? In the world to remember, eat and drink?

It is much more important to pray for the soul of the deceased, and any booze is unacceptable! The Church has established a strict order of commemoration for the laity a week after Easter.


Order of commemoration of the dead

Any commemoration should be done only with pious intentions. Radonitsa is not an experience of death, but the joy of a new birth their loved ones in eternal life. Prepare for this holiday in advance and learn or rewrite funeral Orthodox prayers.


Prayer for the Lost Christian

“Remember, Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the belly of your eternally reposed servant, our brother (name), and as Good and Lover of mankind, forgive sins and consume iniquity, weaken, leave and forgive all his voluntary sins and involuntary, deliver him eternal torment and fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good, prepared for those who love You: if you sin, but do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your God in the Trinity glorified, faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until his last breath of confession. Be merciful to him the same, and faith, even in Thee instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as if Generous rest: there is no man who lives and does not sin. But Thou art One, apart from all sin, and Thy righteousness, righteousness forever, and Thou art the One God of mercies and generosity, and love of mankind, and to Thee we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Holy Week is the week after Easter. Believers continue to rejoice at the great miracle of the Savior's resurrection, the victory of life over death, honor Christ, and pray fervently. And such prayers uttered during the days of the Bright Week are especially strong. What can and cannot be done at this time, we will try to tell in our publication. Let's not ignore and folk customs, signs, rituals by day.

Celebration of the Bright Week - the week after Easter (Red Week, Great, Great Day)

In this joyful for all orthodox time celebratory liturgies are served in churches and religious processions are performed every day. Fast Food Permit begins to operate. Weddings and funeral services are prohibited. Exactly on Bright Week the dead appear before the gates of paradise, where the Almighty grants them remission of sins.

In the week after Easter, those who pray ask the resurrected Savior for condescension, forgiveness, faith, health for themselves and their loved ones. Start the day and end it gratitude prayer. It is better to do this in a calm environment. Prayers and requests expressed in the first week after Easter are considered the most powerful.

Do's and Don'ts in the week after Easter


  • ring bells, give alms;
  • help those in need;
  • rejoice, have fun, laugh, be happy;
  • to be baptized;
  • relax, enjoy life, postponing urgent matters for later;
  • give up negative actions and thoughts;
  • on Friday, bless the water, honor the Blessed Virgin;
  • arrange a show;
  • burn bonfires, relax in nature, ride a swing.


  • get married;
  • visit the dead at the cemetery, make commemorations and memorial services;
  • work hard, especially on Wednesday;
  • fast;
  • stay at home on Sunday;
  • hunt and fish, as everyone rejoices at the miraculous resurrection of the Savior, even animals and birds: they are also creatures of God.

Customs, signs, rituals on the days of the Bright Week

Tuesday of the week after Easter (Kupalny, Bright Tue.)

It was imperative to wake up and go to the morning service. Otherwise, dormouse will bring misfortune and poverty into their home. Therefore, those who overslept were poured with icy water. Women went to visit with Easter cakes and krashenka. The men were doing household chores.

Wednesday of the week after Easter (Gradovaya, Khorovodnitsa, Svetlaya cf.)

In the morning, those who have not yet married should offer up a prayer to the Lord for the speedy acquisition of family happiness. After the whole day, it was necessary to be among people so as not to miss the fateful meeting with the betrothed. It is absolutely forbidden to work so that the crop is not damaged by hail. It is highly recommended to go to the tavern to have fun with friends.

Navsky, Svetly Thu.)

Time to visit your ancestors. On this day they visit cemeteries. They take care of the graves, leave a slice of Easter cake and krashenka there. The bird that landed on the monument is a deceased relative who went down to receive gifts. Such a bird, if it flew in during a visit to the grave, was considered good good sign heaven. It is strictly forbidden to be depressed. This is a day for a bright greeting to your dead relatives. The day when they descend from heaven to share bright joy with the living.

Friday of the week after Easter (Forgiveness, Bright Fri.)

This is the day of all beer lovers. On Friday, they brewed beer, treated and treated themselves to this drink to a light hop to invite good luck. Excessive drunkenness called trouble. My son-in-law and his family were invited for a beer. They put up with the mother-in-law and father-in-law, if they had time to quarrel with them.

Saturday of the week after Easter (Saint Artos, Bright Saturday)

Believers visit the bell tower in their temple, ring the bells to see off Bright Week. They go to visit, wish others good and well-being. The clergy hand out consecrated bread-artos with a pattern of a cross to the faithful. They washed houses to get rid of misfortunes and evil. Those who live in the private sector need to water the roof with a hose. Those who live in apartments can limit themselves to washing the front door.