How to wear a pin on clothes. Competent care of the amulet. How to activate the safety pin

For various magical rituals, household items are often used. The pin is considered the most common, it was necessary to fasten it from the evil eye, as our ancestors also thought. Even today there are many superstitious people who are sure that the pin can help protect themselves from the harmful effects of bad people. The main thing is to speak it correctly and know where to fix it.

Basic properties

Before you learn how to properly wear an evil eye pin, you should keep in mind why it should be worn. It does not matter what material the product will be made of, it can be an ordinary, silver or gold item. Each of them is able to protect those who are nearby from bad thoughts, while their actions can turn out to be both special and unintentional. If there is anger on the part of another person, then a silver pin from the evil eye will definitely help.

This object has a rather unusual shape, capable of holding both bad and positive energy. This leads to the fact that it is used both in rituals aimed at protection, and in those that can cause damage. If there are sharp objects near the threshold of the house, it can be said with certainty that someone wants to harm. This will never be hung to attract good luck. If such a plot is found, it will be necessary to remove the lining with caution. You should use a broom, then throw the contents into the fire.

Proper wearing

There are different opinions on how to properly pin a pin from the evil eye. Previously, they tried to fasten an item on clothes, while choosing its inner side. It was considered optimal to attach it to the hem, they wore it until that time. Until the lunar cycle ends. Further determined the following:

  1. The darkened tip of the needle indicated that someone was trying to start evil against a person. She was thrown into the fire, and another one should have been stabbed in her place.
  2. It was not necessary to attach a new one if the protection against the evil eye and damage to the pin remained light.
  3. If it happened that the object came unfastened on its own, this meant that it was full of negativity. At the same time, a sharp object had to be burned, saying a prayer.

Since it is correct to pin a pin from the evil eye, there is no unequivocal answer to such a question. If a a newborn was born, it was recommended to stick a pin or hairpin on the back of the pillow or on clothes that were worn when taking the child outside.

If the metal deteriorated, and the product was created from an expensive material, then it was recommended to place it in salt and leave it there for 3 days. It was believed that during this time the object was cleansed. Further, it was recommended to rinse, and be sure to bury the salt away from home. After such purification, it was possible to reattach.

How to make a pin work

In order to speak an object, you will need to perform a simple ritual. Wait until the moon begins to grow, get a new pin, any will do, you will also need a regular candle. Further should proceed to the ceremony itself:

  • using matches, light a candle;
  • after opening the pin, ignite its tip and head;
  • start reading the spell.

The reading of this conspiracy should be carried out three times. Each reading must end with a drip of wax into the miniature eye of the life pin. After it cools down, you should use the amulet.

Pinning algorithm

It is necessary to cling the amulet with the head down. English method, as well as Russian, implies wearing a talisman directly near the chest on outside clothes. You can decorate, for example, attach a bright bead or a small pendant to it. The presence of such a guardian dissipates energy negative character , he is able to make the evil return to the one who wished to send it.

Counts the best option if a close relative pins a sharp object, this will give the amulet even more power, since tribal spirits will join the conspiracy to protect the owner.

Many who practice magic know that sooner or later you will have to pay for any actions. This has a frightening effect on some, since one can often hear about the deterioration of health, the destruction of a career, and other troubles.

However, this is worth worrying about for those who wish to bring evil, and also seek to make life richer or to master love with the help of conspiracies.

Warding magic has no effect on future life the one who wears the amulet or speaks it. Thanks to defensive actions there is a protection of the owner from bad thoughts and angry looks. Pins have always been used to prevent bad things from happening, they have always become amulets, but no one has ever heard of retribution for this.

The evil eye is a negative energy effect on another person. Most often unconscious. He can jinx as a caring and loving close person, and an envious ill-wisher. People are afraid of such an impact, since it is impossible to foresee and control it. And although, in most cases, negative energy dissipates on its own, it manages to significantly spoil life.

Evil eye pin

Not only superstitious people want to protect themselves from the evil eye and damage. Many skeptics are happy to wear amulets, especially after their environment has reasons for envy. For example, a pretty baby is born or business starts to go uphill.

For reliable protection from the effects of black magic, it is not at all necessary to hang around dried chicken or hare paws, bear claws and wolf fangs. The strength of the amulet is not in its extravagance or size. An ordinary safety pin familiar to everyone is able to protect its the owner is no worse than a professional magician.

A pin is a universal amulet that not only protects the owner, but also allows him to show his individuality and creativity. This amulet can be used as an accessory for clothes by choosing a silver hairpin. It is allowed to add multi-colored beads or pendants with a name to the hairpin. And pins of gold and precious stones can be not only an expensive decoration, but also family amulet passed down from generation to generation.

Choice of amulet

For the amulet, only a new product bought in a store without change is suitable, on Friday afternoon. What is already at home cannot be used. Before buying, you need to check the hairpin mechanism, it must be strong and reliable. A good lock will help to avoid injuries and keep all the negative energy in its space without any problems.

The material the pin is made from, doesn't matter. It could be:

  • Metal.
  • Silver.
  • Gold.

An ordinary metal hairpin can be attached with inside clothes. And if over time the amulet rusts or darkens, it can easily be replaced with a new one. That, that the metal has darkened, suggests that the amulet has fully fulfilled its purpose and averted damage or the evil eye. The joke needs to be changed urgently.

The great advantage of the silver pin is that evil spirits fear this metal as much as they fear holy water. The protective properties of such a talisman are doubled. In addition, it can be worn in plain sight as an ornament. The only drawback can be considered that such a hairpin will not darken and it is impossible to understand when it has fulfilled its purpose. Therefore, from time to time it will have to be cleaned in a special way. Then you can wear it again.

The golden pin from the evil eye in its protective properties does not differ from the usual, metal one. But it can be worn in front of everyone, like a beautiful brooch. She will attract the views of ill-wishers and envious people, being a kind of trap for " evil eye". Like silver, gold hairpins need periodic cleaning.

How to improve protection

The protective properties of the amulet can be enhanced if additionally hung on a pin. This is an ancient Turkish amulet that protects from evil spirits and reflects evil. These two amulets complement each other perfectly.

You can also fasten another amulet to the hairpin, the “hand of Fatima” or, as it is also called, the “hand of Miriam”, “the palm of Hamesh”. All these charms look the same, like a palm with 3 fingers raised and 2 fingers bent. Sometimes an eye can be depicted inside the palm.

Strengthen the protection of pins and ordinary beads or beads. They can be attached to a pin in any quantity. It is important to choose the right color:

  • Green beads are suitable for protecting children and pregnant women.
  • Red beads strung on a hairpin loving wife, save her husband from the evil eye.
  • Blue beads are the best protection for the elderly.
  • Yellow beads will save a close friend.
  • Black beads should not be used in any case, they will work the other way around and increase damage.

Where to pin the amulet

There are two opposing opinions on how to properly wear an evil eye pin. In the old days, the amulet was stabbed on the inside of the clothes. In the end lunar cycle filmed and examined. If the metal darkened or rusted, the amulet was thrown into the fire and a new one was attached. Followers of the old folk methods advocate for the joke to continue to be worn inside clothes.

Another category of magicians and healers says that the amulet, on the contrary, should attract attention. This will reduce the concentration of evil energy, which is usually directed at a person. No matter where, inside or on clothing, the pin will still do its job well. Much more important is not where it is fastened, but how. Therefore, it is very important to know how to properly pin a pin from the evil eye.

The amulet should be fixed vertically. The head is heading down and the ear up. You can choose the place of attachment yourself, but most often it is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart. In addition, there is individual recommendations about where to pin a hairpin in special cases:

Conspiracies to enhance the protective properties of the amulet

The pin begins to work as a talisman immediately after it is hung on clothes. She can be additionally spoken, which will give her even more magical protective properties. There is nothing complicated in the ritual.

It is important to remember that despite the fact that the hairpin is bought on Friday, it is best to speak it on Tuesday. Do this only on the growing moon. In any way that is most convenient for you.

Conspiracy with a candle

For the ritual, in addition to the hairpin, prepare:

  • Church candle.
  • Matches.

After midnight, start the ritual. Only matches can light a candle for magical rites. Never do this with a lighter. Loosen the pin and hold over the fire for a few minutes. This will help cleanse it of alien energy. Say these words: “Guardian angel! Deliver from enemies and protect from evil. Stand before me as a reliable defense! Amen!"

After these words, drip 3 times with wax on the eye of a pin. Do not wipe off the wax. Over time, it should dry itself out. Now the amulet can be worn and worn constantly.

There is a second version of the ceremony, a little more complicated. In addition to the above attributes, for its implementation you will additionally need:

  • Clean towel.
  • A glass of holy water.

Light a candle, put a glass of water, and spread a towel in front of it. The pin should be dipped in holy water and placed on a towel. Take a candle, drive it over a hairpin. If the wax gets on the metal, it's not scary. You do not need to wipe it, let it be erased over time.

During the process, say the words: “Lord protect your servant (name) from an evil spirit, a dashing look, a bad word. Protect at home, on the road, in the forest and field. Let the bullets fly fast past, and the sharp sword will not hit me. Amen!"

After the end of the conspiracy, the protective amulet is completely ready. In this way, you can speak it both for yourself and for another person.

Ritual with coniferous smoke

This option is suitable for those people who live close to coniferous forest. Collect pine branches in a forest or a deserted park. At midnight at home, put them in a fireproof dish and light them. If possible, it is better to conduct the ceremony on the street, making a fire. However, due to the fact that it is problematic to do it on your own in the forest at night, you can transfer the ceremony to an apartment.

Keep the future protective amulet over the fire so that it is completely in smoke. Say these words: “Noble smoke, protect from evil, take away damage and the evil eye from me. Let the evil spirits from my amulet, like the devil from incense, move away without looking back. Amen".

After the conspiracy, the amulet is completely ready for use. And the fire must be given time to burn out. Ashes scattered in the wind.

Conspiracy with thread

In addition to the hairpin itself, for the plot you will need:

  • Red woolen or silk thread, no more than 10 cm long.
  • Church candle.

At midnight, light a candle, and thread the thread into the eye of the amulet. Now you need to tie knots on a thread and read the plot: “I call on a dozen forces. I call for a dozen shields. Serve me faithfully at the right time. Turn trouble away, protect from enemies! Fasten knots of anger and misfortune away from me. May it be so!"

Tie 12 knots. Wear a charmed amulet along with a thread. After the ritual, the candle must be allowed to burn out completely.

Conspiracies onion and rowan

These rituals are very similar to each other. Both onions and mountain ash are powerful weapon against the forces of evil. This power can be used to your advantage. For the rowan ritual you will need:

  • Three dried rowan berries.
  • Ladanka.
  • Church candle.
  • Barrette.

At midnight, put an amulet around your neck and light a candle. Taking one rowan berry, put each one in turn on the needle. For each berry, say the following words: "Red mountain ash brought me protection from the evil eye." Do not remove the berries, wear them along with the amulet.

The onion rite is distinguished by the words of the conspiracy. The process itself is very similar. The point of the needle must be stuck into the onion and read the conspiracy: “Bow fighter, you protect me, turn away all adversity!” It is desirable that the onion be as meaner as possible. After that, remove the tip and put on the amulet.

Home security pins

The house needs protection from the evil eye no less than its owners. Making a space safe is easy . It just takes a little effort. To protect your home you will need:

  • New pins.
  • Church candle.
  • Any icon.

New hairpins should be purchased on the growing moon any day. They should be enough to protect the entire house (at least 4 pieces for each window and door).

Light a candle on the table, put an icon and lay out the hairpins. Read the Lord's Prayer over them seven times. After that, stick 4 hairpins into the curtains from the side of the window. You need to do this on every window. The front door is protected by 2 amulets from above and 2 from below. If you can’t stick a hairpin, you can glue it with tape and even plasticine.

After 3 months, remove all amulets and bury them in the ground. Consecrate new ones. Attach them in the same way. Thus, the charms must be changed 4 times a year.

Care of the amulet and its proper disposal

Barrettes made of ordinary metal will begin to blacken or rust over time. This is due to the impact negative energy. Such amulets must be replaced with new ones. But you can't just throw the old ones in the trash can. They must be buried in the ground away from the house. In this case, damage will go into the ground and lose strength.

It is a pity to throw away silver or gold pins. In addition to being expensive, they do not change their color and almost always look like new. From time to time they need to be cleaned from the negativity that they have accumulated in the process of wearing.

The amulet should be cleaned in stages:

Attention, only TODAY!

The amulet "pin from the evil eye and damage" was invented a long time ago.

Like a lightning rod, a pinhead attracts and takes a hit. negative energy directed at a person, transporting him to his closed circuit. As a result, the energy clot circulates in a circle, gradually losing its strength and negative charge.

Many, not even particularly believing in magic, just in case, pin a hairpin from the inside of their clothes, hoping in this way to protect themselves from the evil eye. However, this is not enough.

In order for a simple device to really become a protective amulet, it is necessary to perform magical rituals with it, cast the necessary spells, and also know how to properly wear a pin from the evil eye. such an amulet will not allow. But he will be able to protect against a new energy attack.

Conditions for the manifestation of the magical power of the amulet

The color of the decoration plays an important role in this:

  • if the amulet is prepared for children, you must choose a green accessory;
  • for spouses or loved ones, red beads are used;
  • a blue decoration is strung for a relative;
  • for a friend or a friend, a yellow balloon is suitable.

In no case should you use a black bead - it completely neutralizes the power of the talisman.

How to activate the amulet?

The pin from the evil eye and damage will start working only after it is activated by a special ritual and conspiracy.

The easiest way to activate

With a lit candle, you need to say the following words over the accessory:

Close any evil on yourself, let everything that is prepared for me pass to you.

Then the talisman is worn fastened to clothing in a place invisible to prying eyes. If already in the first days of wearing the metal of the product bends, noticeably darkens or rusts, there is no doubt that the protection is working.

Ritual with the growing moon

The ritual is performed on Tuesday with the growing moon. Early in the morning before dawn or late in the evening after sunset.

An open pin is heated over the fire of a burning wax candle, then the metal is sprinkled with holy water. At the same time, they say quietly three times:

May I, the Servant of God (name), be preserved. May the Lord protect me from the unclean, from the bad word, from damage and from the evil eye. Amen.

After that, the product is covered with molten candle wax (may not be entirely). When it cools down, the amulet can be fastened to clothes or used to protect the house.

Ritual with water and fire

Before sunrise, you should collect holy water in the church. Upon returning home, it must be poured into a small container and lowered into a hairpin. The product should be stored in holy water for three days.

Twice a day, morning and evening, they say over him:

Protect me with a pin from the evil eye, demonic offspring and other infection.

At the end of the three-day period, the pin is removed, wiped dry. Used holy water must be discarded.

The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, move it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I fix the word with iron.

Now the talisman is ready and can be used for protection.

A conspiracy for rowan berries

Three dried berries are placed on the table. In turn, they take each fruit in their hand, separately pronouncing the same text over it:

The mountain ash is red, it brought me protection. Protected me from trouble and sickness.

The charmed berries are then strung on a pin needle and pinned to the chosen item.

Amulet with red thread

You can speak a pin from the evil eye not one, but together with a red thread - another a powerful amulet from negative energy.

To do this, 12 knots of durable red woolen thread are tied to the opposite part of the needle. When tying each knot, say the following:

Twelve forces, twelve shields will take away the blackness, save from anger-hatred. Take away the knots of bad weather, troubles and other misfortunes. Become my talisman from a minute to a century.

Amulet for home protection

big onion pierce the pins with a needle, then repeat five times:

Bow, my protector, protect from evil, protect from demons, protect from enemies. Carry away from me all the troubles and sorrows.

The bow is then discarded. The resulting amulet of the house is fixed in an inconspicuous place curtains, curtains or the top of the opening front door.

Protection for the bride and groom

This amulet has long been used to protect the bride and groom during the wedding. This event is traditionally attended by many guests. These may include people who happy couple causes envy or a desire to ruin the life of the newlyweds. You can protect yourself from intentional damage or accidental evil eye if you hang a pre-activated pin correctly.

To protect the bride, the amulet is pinned to the inside of the hem of the wedding dress. The effect of the talisman will be enhanced if you make a few stitches next to it with a blue thread. The groom will be protected by an amulet attached opposite the heart to the inside of the shirt (head down). Golden pins crossed among themselves have a special magic. On the dresses of the bride and groom, they are attached in the same way as ordinary talismans.

Charm cleaning

A pin from the evil eye and damage collects a lot of negativity. Therefore, it must be regularly cleaned or replaced with a new one.

The charmed amulet should be checked every evening. The fact that he took the blow of negative energy is evidenced by dark spots, rust and other damage. It will no longer be possible to restore the power of a talisman from ordinary metal. Such an item can be discarded, replacing it with a new talisman.

Products made of gold and silver have more powerful protective energy. They are not only capable of withstanding negative impact, but also amenable to purification and renewal of their strength. Therefore, wear gold or silver pin from damage can be for many years. But only if it is properly taken care of.

Silver and gold amulets are cleaned in this way:

  • at the hour of the full moon they unfasten, unfasten from clothes;
  • remove additional protective attributes - threads or beads;
  • rinse thoroughly under cold running water;
  • lowered into a container with several silver jewelry or coins and water from a spring or well;
  • after three days they take it out and cover it with salt at night;
  • in the morning, the amulet is cleaned of salt.

The salt used when cleaning the talisman must be buried in the ground or flushed down the toilet. And the amulet itself should be activated again.

By the way, you can create a beautiful name pin from the evil eye with your own hands. But you still have to activate such a talisman. Just colored decorations are not enough.


Many of us know that a pin pinned from the inside of your clothes protects against the evil thoughts of people and from. Although it is commonly believed that the pin is a modern thing, this is far from being the case. The first mention of this item dates back to the 10th century, when bronze pins were worn in Veliky Novgorod. This suggests that the modern pin has a very ancient history.

As early as the 3rd millennium BC, the Sumerians also used a certain product that very much resembled a pin. It was made of iron and bone and was used for stabbing various tissues. For the first time, pins began to be made in Europe back in the Middle Ages, since there was no stitching of paper yet, pins were used instead.

But we digress a little from the topic. Each of us has such moments when we live without knowing any troubles or grief. At this time, it seems to us that it will be like this forever, so we don’t think about what awaits us at all. But suddenly everything changes in an instant, the mood is at zero, irritation on others manifests itself more and more often, troubles appear in business, and life gives a crack. And if there is no end in sight to all this, then we understand that it was not without the intervention of envious people.

Those who live in perceive damage or the evil eye as something out of the ordinary and do not noteworthy because they believe that it simply does not exist. Smaller towns and villages are not so optimistic and are wary of any kind of trouble, believing that this is something more than just bad luck.

The fact that you can jinx it even with a thought, unconsciously, on the basis of envy of something - almost everyone knows this. Therefore, people became closed, hidden, we stopped trusting each other. Is there a way out of this situation? Of course, not alone.

One of the most popular and at the same time simple ways is a pin from the evil eye or With the same success, you can use an ordinary tailor's pin, only before that a small ceremony is performed on it. from the evil eye, they do this: hold it over the fire for 7 minutes until it is completely incandescent, after which it is necessary to pierce it 3 times with a pin that has not yet cooled down. The candle should be new, never set on fire. Then the pin lies on a smooth surface with the words: “Wax is easily pierced by a sharp pin, and the sharpness of the word hurts the soul, spicy food causes illness. The pin easily passed through the wax, so let it also pass the envy and anger directed in my direction, so that it turns out to be harmless to me and passes through me through and through. A charmed pin from the evil eye is covered with flour (three handfuls), salt (three pinches), ground red pepper (three pinches). There she must lie all night. In the morning after cleansing the mixture, such a pin is ready for use.

If many people know why such a pin is needed, then not everyone knows how to wear a pin from the evil eye. First, select the place on the inner seam of the clothes where you want to attach it, because in the future the location of the pin can no longer be changed, while paying attention to the fact that its head must look down. It would be nice if you prepare a few pins for different clothes.

There are some nuances in how to wear a pin. So, a pin from the evil eye for a child should be with a small green bead, if the carrier is your loved one, then with red, if parents, then blue, for friends we choose yellow. In no case do not attach a black bead to it, otherwise you will aggravate the situation by attracting the surrounding negativity towards you.

The evil eye pin should be cleaned from time to time. It is best to do this on a full moon, rinsing it in running water to cleanse from the evil spirits that have gathered on it. If this is not done, then it will not have the full effect. The main thing is in no case to attach such a pin to bed linen.

A pin is not only a “necessary” thing, but also a very important one. The pin protects from the evil eye and damage, can be a talisman and even decoration. An interesting use of the pin and the features of its use are described in this article.

Safety pin- it's familiar to everyone view clasp needles which is under the lid. This cap is necessary for protect a person from being stabbed with a point. The needle of a pin has a thin shaft that takes the form of a spring than involves easy and tight fastening, as well as unfastening.

The pin gained its first popularity during the ancient rome and Greece. People fastened their clothes with a metal needle. This needle is also played a decorative role and must be beautiful. The pin was very popular in Europe, especially in England, in the Middle Ages. She was the only one the right tool for paper binding.

classic metal pin

AT this moment the pin has both its direct and non-purpose use. She can:

  • fasten clothes or fabric when sewing certain elements of the wardrobe.
  • If a person happens muscle cramp s, then a pin at hand is an important item. One injection into the disturbing part of the body help relieve cramping pain.
  • Swimmers often attach a safety pin to swimwear and swimming trunks precisely for the fact that, if necessary, eliminate cramp lower extremities caused by hypothermia. The safety pin closure mechanism will prevent the point from pricking you at another time.
  • The pin is often used as decorative ornament , for example, in non-traditional musical directions: rock, punk rock, metal and so on.
  • pin often used in art creating decorations for man and interior.
  • Pin considered a powerful amulet for a person if stored fastened on the inside of clothing.

The use of a safety pin in everyday life

Evil eye pin: English, personalized, gold, with diamonds, silver

Since the pin is considered a talisman, it is often made from precious and semi-precious metals. But this does not affect how well it will protect a person.

Modern pins from the evil eye h often made of silver because it is believed that silver is the most noble metal. Besides, silver is able to accumulate, absorbing the negative, not allowing it to penetrate a person.

silver pin

Not uncommon pin adorned with a glass blue bead with a blue dot in the form of an eye. It is also a charm that enhances the action of the pin. blue eye protects a person from the evil eye and damage.

What is the secret of a simple pin? It is not that simple. Unique form of amulet attracts negative energy released towards a person. The energy gets under the head and begins to circulate endlessly along the closed oval of the pin.

Modern pins are also made of gold, platinum, decorated precious stones: sapphires ( Blue colour- a talisman), rubies, garnets (red color - a talisman), zirconiums and even diamonds. The cost of a pin that can ward off damage can be a penny, or it can cost thousands of dollars.

Pin to protect against the evil eye and spoilage: how to pin it up, how to wear it up or down your head?

Like any amulet, a pin requires compliance with the rules of its wearing. It's not enough just to have a pin with you, you need to know how to use it so that it works "for good".

First of all, on a pin often hang a bead. The most common small bead or beads, the color of which plays an important role:

  • green bead- effectively protects children and women in a position from envy and negative energy from the outside.
  • yellow bead- the best amulet that you can give to your beloved friend.
  • red bead- will attract blessings to you and drive away any negativity coming from people and evil forces.
  • blue bead- will protect from envious people and the evil eye, will allow a wish to come true.

It is important to know that in no case should you wear black bead. Such a charm will attract only negativity and bad luck to you.

Pinning the pin should also be correct. To do this, select inner part clothes in the region of the heart (on the chest on the left). The position of the amulet must be vertical. The head of the pin should point down. Check the security of the pin, it should fit snugly on the fabric!

Pin from the evil eye, how to pin on clothes?

Pins from the evil eye and damage to the child: personalized, gold, silver, English

Pin - reliable protection for a child especially for a newborn. The fact is that until the child is subjected to the rite of baptism, his the soul is considered highly vulnerable to evil forces. It is they who bring the baby to constant tantrums, ailments and developmental deviations.

The baptism of a child often takes place on the fortieth day after birth. To protect their child, parents buy him a charm - a silver or gold pin. In modern jewelry stores there is huge selection models of safety pins: simple, with images, beads and even personalized pins.

A pin made individually for a person, containing his name or some special information for him, abouthas a powerful positive charge of energy. Such a charm will reliably protect a person from any negative impact.

Personalized baby protection pin

Pin from the evil eye and damage: is it possible not to pin?

Pin - a powerful amulet, which has its own power to attract negativity and not "allow" it to a person. The only condition for the effectiveness of the pin is pin it to your clothes. Only in contact with the human body, the pin "starts to act."

Be sure to know that the effectiveness of the amulet also depends on how secretly you keep it to yourself. If the pin is “in plain sight”, then it is unlikely to be able to protect you.

Pin it on the inside of a blouse, T-shirt, jacket, sweater or underwear.

How to pin a pin from the evil eye?

Tattoo pin: meaning

Some people are so addicted to amulets, believe in their power and action, that they decide not just to wear a pin on their clothes, but fill it on the body in the form of a tattoo.

A pin tattoo can have several meanings:

  • "Charm"- a tattoo protects its owner from negative impact. It is believed that such a pattern closely interacts with the human body and has powerful energy.
  • "Symbol important event» - in this case, the pin symbolizes something that could happen to a person: a meeting, a date, joy, grief, parting. Any event a person may want to remember for the rest of his life and therefore “fixes” it in this way.
  • "Symbol of Wealth"- a person thus strives to show society his well-being, self-confidence, confidence and status.

Pin Tattoos:

Baby birth pin

Pin as a symbol of self-expression

Pin made "for memory"

A pin as a sign of self-expression of personality and fortitude

Read a conspiracy from the evil eye and damage to a pin

It is believed that in order for a pin to work, reliably protecting a person, it must fasten with a spell. The plot is read aloud while pinning the pin, in private, in full understanding of each word spoken.

The best thing read a plot during the growth of the moon, in any phase. This must be done in peace and quiet, in good location spirit. Well, if you light a candle. Fire scares away evil forces and improves human energy.


Conspiracy from damage

Evil eye conspiracy

Conspiracy on a pin: remove an opponent, separate, quarrel on a pin, from a mistress

There are a lot of conspiracies and each of them is oriented to achieve some specific result. Of course, most often people are guided by feelings: they try to fall in love with someone, forget, quarrel or protect them from betrayal.

You can also speak with a pin in this way. You need to follow some rules of conspiracy:

  • Read the plot in silence, looking at the pin
  • Try to make sure that no one can disturb you during the conspiracy.
  • Spread a snow-white scarf on the table, put it on her pin and start reading the plot.
  • Light a candle on the table so that it attracts positive energy to you and can empower the pin.
  • The plot should be read three times
  • After the conspiracy, the handkerchief is folded together with a pin and kept under the pillow all night of the person who read the conspiracy.
  • In the morning, attach a pin to the clothes of the person to whom your plot was directed.


Conspiracy from a rival

A conspiracy from a mistress

A conspiracy for good luck on a pin, how to speak a pin?

Conspiracy for good luck help a person achieve certain goals in life in such a way that everything turns out “smoothly” and without problems for him. Such a talisman customary to wear on those clothes that touches the body.

Pin "for good luck" accepted dress for a specific occasion or every day. Often a pin is worn for work, for an interview, for an exam or an important meeting.

The pin should be spoken in the usual way and also do it in a good mood. Such a charmed pin can be prepared for a loved one, friend or child.

How to speak a pin?

Conspiracy on a pin for love, how to speak correctly?

Conspiracy for love one of the most popular. It helps a person achieve the desired results in personal relationships.

The principle of the conspiracy is very simple:

  • He adjusts a person psychologically to get results as soon as possible.
  • He attracts positive energy to a person, which brings it closer to the best scenario.

A conspiracy to love should take place secretly, in silence and darkness, alone with your thoughts. The pin should also be fastened secretly, without the knowledge of your loved one.

How to do a conspiracy on a pin at home?

Damage to a pin: how to determine?

Damage imposed on a person with a pin, the most popular female ritual. English is used for this. oval pin with clasp. Damage is done in order to bring trouble on a person and allow him to experience a lot of grief.

It is possible to determine that a pin found on clothes or in personal belongings carries a negative visually. Please note that such a pin should have traces of wax, because the conspiracy to damage is read at the same time with pouring candle wax on the amulet.

If you are haunted by a series of bad luck and you find a pin on your clothes (even if you don’t wear this wardrobe item every day), it is quite possible that someone has done damage to you.

How to determine what a pin is for damage?

Sign: find a pin on the street, at home, under the door, under the rug

Very often a person finds a pin. He can do this everywhere: at home, on the street, on the road, in the garden, in the park, and so on. You should focus on the meaning of signs, noticing all the details of the find:

  • Find a pin on the street head towards you- good luck
  • Find a pin on the street point "toward"- to failure
  • Find a new shiny pin- to a new acquaintance, purchase.
  • Find rusty pin- much to bad luck, a very bad omen.
  • Find a pin pregnant woman- a boy will be born.
  • Find on the street bent pin- to problems
  • Pin on the ship- to an unsuccessful flight
  • Find a pin in the furniture, under the carpet, in the wall- to ruin.

Find a pin - a sign

Black pin in magic: meaning

Black pin - bright element witches and warlocks. Simply put, this is an element of "black magic". This item is aimed only at to attract negativity to the object of hatred, as well as damage.

black pin accumulates a huge store of negativity. If you find a pin in yourself, you must definitely go to church, to the healer and ask for forgiveness from everyone you could offend.

What does black pin mean?

A pin in the door jamb, what does it mean?

It is believed that a pin sticking out of a door frame or stuck in a doorway - powerful amulet. The amulet acts only if if she stuck kind person, a member of your family. Such a pin will clear the space of negativity, give peace.

You can stick a pin into the jamb in order to protect the house from otherworldly forces. In addition, the pin attracts prosperity and peace to the house, does not allow bad man» to the house. The pin must be closed, head up.

If you found in a joint pin with protruding point- this is a negative sign, which only indicates that someone wants to harm you. The situation is getting worse if the stuck pin is wrapped with black thread. Such an object can even bring death and disease.

Features of a pin stuck in a joint

What to do if a pin is thrown?

If you find a pin that was pinned to you without your knowledge or left in the house, you should know how to get rid of it.

Be sure to:

  • Do not touch the pin with your hands
  • Put the pin on the metal base
  • Take the pin to a deserted place (to the forest, field, clearing)
  • Give a pin to the fire (throw into the fire)
  • Read a prayer and ask God for protection
  • Wash yourself with spring (natural and clean) water

How to get rid of a pin?

Lining pin - what does it mean?

In addition to spoiling with a pin, it is also easy to do a lot more negative rituals. For example, lining It does not involve pinning a pin to a person's personal belongings and clothing. In this case, the pin charged with negative energy and just left in the house your ill-wisher.

The lining is usually done so that no one sees this process, and also for a long time could not find the pin itself. That's why most frequent places where you can find it: behind the sofa, under the furniture, under the carpet, under the wallpaper, in door frame, on the ledge and so on.

Pin - lining

How many pins to pin on a wedding dress?

Pin, attached to a wedding dress, is considered a powerful amulet for the bride. She is protects the bride from negative energy that can surround a woman on her wedding day.

Often not only relatives look at the bride, but also strangers, envious people, enemies. In this case pin "turns away" human negativity and does not allow him to get inside the woman. In addition, it is believed that the pin allows the bride to be more self-confident.

Pinning the pin should be correct:

  • Two pins should be attached to the wedding dress
  • They cross over
  • Pins should be pinned under the hem of the dress to the very edge
  • Pinned pins should not be shown to anyone.

Pin on wedding dress protects the bride

Decorative pins for clothes: brooches, bracelets, jewelry

Some of the most unusual uses of the pin are creating jewelry. Surprisingly, with this metal object you can make bracelets, necklaces and earrings of incredible beauty. The principle of their creation is very simple: required amount beads or beads. After that the pins put on the base(tape, fishing line wire).

Gold pin necklace
Pin earrings

Pin earrings

pins as well you can decorate clothes by creating with the help of metal objects drawing on any part of the body: on the back, ovens or chest. Often decorated with pins leather jackets, denim, black pants and even shoes. Such decorative element adds brutality and makes even the most boring piece of clothing incredibly stylish.

Jacket with pins

Decorating a jacket with pins

Trousers decorated with pins

Video: "Bracelet of pins and beads"