Artifacts contradicting official science. Unexplained Artifacts

Fragments of meteorites with the remains of unknown life forms, metal parts from alloys unknown to science, spheres of incomprehensible purpose with unique physical properties - how to explain the appearance of all these amazing artifacts on our planet? Many scientists are inclined to a completely logical explanation and believe that such finds are of extraterrestrial origin, and they came to earth during the next visit of aliens. Others find such explanations frivolous and regard them as an attempt to "hide behind the backs of the aliens" from hopelessness. The debate about whether representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations visited our planet has been going on for hundreds of years. The amazing finds that the most ordinary people discover in various parts of the world are increasingly making us think that we are not alone in the universe.

Stone head from Guatemala, Guatemala

The impenetrable jungle of Guatemala, which has been inhabited by the Maya since ancient times, hides one of the most mysterious artifacts on earth. Here among the dense thickets exotic trees rests huge statue from sandstone, which was discovered by researchers in the 30s of the last century. At first glance, the head of an impressive size is unremarkable and resembles the surviving part of the statue of some ancient deity, but is not at all like that.

The fact is that the facial features of the statue are strikingly different from the classical appearance of the Maya, the statue is absolutely unlike those stone statues that were found in the nearby territories of Guatemala. A more detailed study made it possible to find out that the area in which the statue was found was never inhabited. In addition, it is much older than the Mayan sculptures found nearby.

Discussing the version of the origin of the statue, the researchers disagreed, some of them hastened to note that the head can depict the face of an alien creature. A worthy alternative to this version is the assumption that the statue could have been created by more ancient peoples who inhabited the jungles of Guatemala even before the Maya. A few years after the discovery of a unique monument, its location became known to the general public. The troops used the stone head as a target for shooting, and therefore the unique monument was almost completely destroyed.

The mysterious enigmalite of Williams has been disturbing the minds of modern researchers for more than 15 years. The find was named after its discoverer, electrical engineer and traveler John J. Williams. In 1998, he managed to discover an unusual stone with a built-in element of an incomprehensible purpose, which in appearance looks a bit like a classic plug from an electrical appliance. Photos of the mysterious stone were published in UFO Magazine and Fortean Times, and the find itself was carefully examined.

One of the most amazing mysteries of the 20th century is the metal sphere, which is owned by the Betz family. In March 1974, a large fire broke out on the lands belonging to the Betz family, destroying more than 35 hectares of forest. On March 26, when the family went to inspect the farm area affected by the elements, they discovered a strange silver ball. The diameter of the sphere was about 20 cm, and the weight turned out to be quite impressive for its modest size - 9.6 kg.

An amazing scientific discovery was made by one of the inhabitants of Vladivostok. In a piece of coal that he wanted to use to start a fire, the man noticed a strange metal object that looked a bit like a gear wheel. The nature of the unusual metallic element found in a piece of coal is still a mystery. Initially, the man took his find for another detail from the car, of which there are many in the ground.

Each meteorite that has fallen to the ground is unique, not only in its shape, but also in composition. The latter is evaluated by researchers especially carefully, because the elements contained in the meteorite may be evidence of extraterrestrial life forms. An excellent confirmation of this theory is a meteorite found on the island of Sri Lanka, in which the fossilized remains of the most real alien algae were found.

In the 19th century, the scientific world was shocked by the discovery of the famous physicist Friedrich Adolf Gurlt, in 1885 he discovered a "strange metal meteorite" shaped like a parallelepiped. It stood out among the others precisely by its unusual shape, on four sides of the parallelepiped there were deep cuts.

In Azerbaijan, not far from Baku, there is the miniature island of Bulla, also known to the locals as Khyarya Zira. It was on this island that geologist Konstantin Mamedov discovered mysterious spherical formations in the 70s of the last century. In total, scientists discovered 21 balls, all formations had the same structure - they were clearly delimited into two equal halves by a deep incision.

The impenetrable jungle of Rwanda also hides many secrets. It was here that the so-called alien cemetery was discovered by Swedish scientists. Initially, archaeologists took the find for the ruins of another ancient settlement, but soon realized that they were wrong. The ancient cemetery had nothing to do with people; in its mass graves, the remains of strange creatures were found, the growth of which “during life” was at least two meters.

The crystal sarcophagus with the mummy of an alien creature, discovered by Turkish speleologists, is another unique artifact that has caused a lot of controversy in the circles of researchers and ordinary people. The opinion that the transparent sarcophagus was made of crystal turned out to be erroneous; the scientists failed to accurately determine the composition of the high-strength and transparent material. The age of the mummy, according to rough estimates, was more than 10,000 years, the growth of the creature, whose body was stored in the sarcophagus, during life was about 120 centimeters.

On the border of China and Tibet is the remote mountainous region of Bayan-Kara-Ula, which began to attract the first explorers in the early 20th century. The works of scientists were not in vain, in 1937 they discovered a complex of miniature caves in a mountain range, which in structure was a bit like a honeycomb of a bee hive. Strange caves turned out to be not empty, they contained the skeletons of the unknown modern science creatures.

The Narada River is located near the eastern border of the Ural Mountains, and for many years it has attracted enthusiastic gold prospectors. In 1991, another group of gold rush researchers managed to discover a unique artifact - miniature tungsten springs and other metal elements of unknown origin and purpose. At first glance, microscopic "garbage" is of no interest, if you do not take into account their more than impressive age - more than 200,000 years.

Over the past hundred years, many artifacts have been discovered that cause at least bewilderment. In other words, these are those objects that, by their existence, do not fit into any of the accepted general theories of the origin of human life on Earth and the entire earthly history as a whole.

Based on biblical sources, you can find out that God created man in his own image just a few thousand years ago. According to orthodox science, the age of a person (say erectus - erectus man) can be dated no deeper than 2 million years, and the beginning of the formation of the ancient civilization only tens of thousands of years.

But could it be that the Bible and science are wrong, and the age of civilizations is much deeper in the centuries than it seems? There are many archaeological finds that indicate that the development of life on the blue planet may not be as we know it. Here are some artifacts ready to break the usual pattern of opinions.

1. Spheres of the sphere.

Over the past years, miners in South Africa have raised strange spheres made of metal from the bowels of the earth. The origin of objects several centimeters in diameter is completely unknown. And what is curious, one of the balls has an engraving of three grooves parallel to each other, encircling the entire ball.

The amazing balls-artifacts can be classified into two varieties: some are made of metal interspersed with white, others are hollowed out inside and filled with a spongy white composition.

How it was cast and what purpose is unclear. But what irritates some scientists even more is the date of origin - 2.8 billion years! Erectus, for example, learned how to fry food only 1.8 million years ago. It is difficult to imagine who could make spheres during the Precambrian period (rock layers speak about this). - unless, of course, this is the terrible weapon of the mythical aliens who destroyed the dinosaurs.

By the way, criticism about these areas is also curious. Some believe that it is clearly made by an intelligent being. But others claim the natural origin of these unwanted artifacts. By the way, it is precisely such finds that are also called “forbidden archeology” - such objects do not fit into the framework of the outlined theories about the origin of man.

2. Incredible stone balls of Costa Rica.

As you can see more than once, our ancestors liked spherical shapes. So, pushing through the impenetrable thickets of Costa Rica in 1930, which was justified by the development of the territory, they unexpectedly stumbled upon the ideal roundness of the balls.

The sizes of spherically flat objects vary, from giant ones weighing 16 tons, to small ones, the size of a tennis ball. Dozens of stone balls of Costa Rica lay as if the giants with children had arranged a bowling game here.

The balls turned from a single piece of stone are certainly made by a reasonable, able to think being, which was in the not so distant past, but the mystery of the unknown is present - who, why, and with what help is unknown. How did the masters of antiquity manage to achieve the perfect circle without the name of a bunch of necessary gadgets?

3. Incredible fossils.

Archeology, paleontology, very important sciences that reveal to us the secret of the life of the planet in the past. However, sometimes the bowels of the earth give out something amazing. Fossils - as each of us knows, this formation occurred thousands and millions of years ago, and it is pointless to object to this, but it is also difficult to believe in the finds stuck in them.

Here, for example, is a fossilized human palm print found in limestone, whose age

is about 110 million years old. The question is, who could imprint his imprint on the Walk of Fame, when there was no human yet? Here is another case from the same category of forbidden archeology: an "abnormal" find of a fossilized human hand was discovered in Bogota (Colombia).

The rock formation, which “fixed” the remains for centuries, dates back to 100-130 million years - an unthinkable date, since then a person could not yet live. This is really an artifact from the category of "forbidden archeology."

4. Metal objects before the Bronze Age.

A piece of pipe 65 million years old is kept in a private collection. According to all theories, man is a young creature on earth, and, in theory, could not process metal. But then who made the flattened metal pipes they dug up in France?

And in 1912, shop workers saw a metal pot fall out of broken coal. But they also found nails in sandstone from the Mesozoic era.

However, there are many other anomalies of this kind, which it is not clear how to deal with, since they clearly fall out of common idea development of mankind.

5. Disks of the Dropa tribe, ordinary stones or an alien artifact.

The history of the Drop disks is very, very mysterious (also known as Dzopa, who calls Dropas), their origin is unknown, and often the very existence is denied for some reason despite the facts.

Each disk, 30 cm in diameter, has two grooves radiating towards the edges in the form of a double helix.

Hieroglyphs are applied inside the grooves, as a kind of marking carrying the source of encoded information. By different sources At least 716 stone disks have been discovered, dating back to around 12,000 years.

The discovery of Dropa stone discs occurred in 1938 and belongs to a research expedition led by Dr. Chi Pu Tei in Bayan-Kara-Ula, a place lying between Tibet and China. It is believed that the disks belonged to an incredibly ancient and grandiosely developed civilization.

From conversations with local residents, it is known that earlier stone disks belonged to the ancestors of the Dropa tribe - which were aliens from distant starry worlds! According to legend, the discs contain unique recordings that could be played back if there was a “phonograph” - the discs are unusually similar to small vinyl records.

According to the legends of the tribe, about 10 - 12 thousand years ago, an alien ship made an emergency landing in these places - (the event successfully echoes the Flood). So, the ancestors of the present Dropa tribe arrived on this ship. And the stone discs are all that survived from those people.

Briefly speaking about this find, the following can be noted; disks were found in rocky caves-burials, in which the remains of small skeletons lay, whose growth during life did not exceed 130 centimeters. Big heads, brittle thin bones - all those signs that are formed from a long stay in weightlessness.

6. Ica stones.

From the beginning of the 1930s, the father of Dr. Javier Cabrera, studying the burials of the Incas, found stones with engravings on the sides in the tombs (now there are over 50 thousand stones and boulders). Dr. Cabrera, continued his father's hobby and by cataloging andesite artifacts, he collected a huge collection of amazing objects of distant antiquity. The age of the finds is estimated to be between 500 and 1500 years old, and later they became known as the “Ica stones”.

Very amusing and curious stones, it must be said, were found near the Peruvian town of Ica, small, weighing 15-20 grams, large, half a ton in weight - on some there are paintings of erotica, the sides of others are decorated with idols. On the third, the absolutely impossible is depicted at all - a clearly traced battle between a man and dinosaurs. It is completely incomprehensible how the ancients found out about brontosaurs and stegosaurs in order to draw animals that died out hundreds of millions of years ago so clearly.

It's scary to even think about how it relates to other images - these are heart operations, as well as the practice of transplantology. Agree, such finds are shocking, and of course contradict the modern chronology of events, or rather, such pictures completely destroy the entire chronological chain of earth history. This can be explained by one, listen to the opinion of Professor of Medicine Cabrera, who says that a powerful and developed culture once lived on Earth.

Doctor's pebbles, and over a decade the collection has grown to 11 thousand copies, have not received recognition, and are considered a modern fake, but this does not apply to all copies, some actually came from the depths of centuries. And yet, the paintings on them do not fit into the framework of the current theories about the age and development of civilizations on Earth, which means that they also fly into the "forbidden archeology" basket.

By the way, Dr. Cabrera is a descendant of Don Jeronimo Luis de Cabrera and Toledo, the Spanish conquistador and founder of the city of Ica in 1563. It was M.D. Cabrera who made the artefacts widely known.

7. Millennial Ford spark plug.

course engine internal combustion device is not new. Although when in the California mountains in 1961, Wallace Lane, Maxey and Mike Mikesell stumbled upon an unusual stone, they did not think that the artifact lying inside was about 500,000 years old. At first it was normal beautiful stone, for sale in the store.

This was later, something made of porcelain was found inside, in the center of which was a tube of light metal. It is not clear with the help of what technology this could have been done about half a million years ago. But the experts saw one more thing - some strange formation in the form of a knot.

As revealed further work with an artifact, including an X-ray study, a small spring is located at the end of the found riddle. Those who have studied this find say that it is very similar to a spark plug! - and this is a little thing which counted half a million years.

However, the investigation conducted by Pierre Stromberg and Paul Heinrich, with the help of American spark plug collectors, can be traced back to the 1920s. Allegedly very similar ones were used in Ford Model T and Model A engines, made of stainless metal. So, in principle, this artifact can be considered critical in terms of age and origin. Although it is surprising how she managed to petrify in such a short time of 40 years?

8 Antikythera Mechanism

This artifact, which caused bewilderment, was recovered by divers from the shipwreck of a ship in 1901 off the coast of Antikythera, a place lies to the north-west of Crete. Divers, mining bronze figurines, and looking for a different cargo of the ship, found an unknown mechanism covered with moldy corrosion with a bunch of gears - which was called Antikythera.

As it was possible to determine, an ancient device with many gears and wheels was made from 100 to 200 years before the birth of Christ. At first, experts decided that this was some kind of astrolabe instrument. But as the x-ray study showed, the mechanism turned out to be more complicated than it was thought - the device contained a system of differential gears.

But as history shows, at that time such solutions did not exist, they appeared only 1400 years later! So it remains a mystery who calculated this mechanism, who could make such a thin instrument about 2,000 years ago. However, it can be assumed that once it was quite a common manufacturing technology complex devices, just once they forgot about it, and then rediscovered it.

9. An ancient battery from Baghdad.

The photo shows an amazing artifact of rather deep antiquity - this is a battery 2 years old.

000 years! This curious artifact was found on the ruins of a Parthian village - it is believed that the battery dates back to 226 - 248 BC. Why a battery was needed there and what was connected to it is unknown, but a tall vessel made of clay had a copper cylinder and a rod of oxidized iron inside.

As the experts who studied the find concluded, in order to obtain an electric current, it was necessary to fill a vessel with an acidic or alkaline liquid - and here, please, electricity is ready. By the way, there is nothing surprising in this battery; according to experts, it was most likely used for galvanic work with gold. Maybe it was so, as experts say, but then how could this knowledge be lost for a long 1800 years?

10. Ancient plane or toy?

Yes, looking through the artifacts from the “forbidden archeology” section, one never ceases to wonder how advanced the civilizations of antiquity were - for example, the Sumerians owned the world 6,000 years ago - and where, and most importantly how, these technologies important for the development of life were forgotten.

Look at the artifacts of the ancient Egyptian civilization and Central America, they strangely resemble the planes we are used to. It is possible that in an Egyptian tomb in 1898, they found only wooden toy, but it painfully vividly resembles an airplane with wings and a fuselage. In addition, according to experts, the object has a good aerodynamic shape, and is most likely able to stay in the air and fly.

And if the issue with the Egyptian "Saqqara bird" is quite controversial and criticized, then a small artifact from America made of gold about 1000 years ago can easily be mistaken for a desktop model of an airplane - or, for example, a space shuttle. The object is so carefully and carefully worked out that there is even a pilot's seat on an ancient plane.

A trinket of an ancient civilization, or a model of a real aircraft from ancient times, how can one comment on such finds? - Knowledgeable people speak simply; intelligent beings lived on Earth much earlier than we think about it. Ufologists offer a version with an extraterrestrial civilization that allegedly came to Earth and gave people many technical knowledge. Did our ancestors possess the greatest secrets and knowledge, which, under the influence of a mysterious factor, were forgotten / erased from the memory of mankind?

Since the time of Darwin, science has more or less succeeded in logically fitting and explaining most of the evolutionary processes that have taken place on Earth. Archaeologists, biologists, and many other ... scientists agree and are sure that already 400 - 250 thousand years ago, the beginnings of the current society flourished on our planet.

But archeology, you know, is such an unpredictable science, no, no, and it throws up new finds that do not fit into the generally accepted model neatly folded by scientists. We present you the 15 most mysterious artifacts that made the scientific world think about the correctness of existing theories.

Spheres from Klerksdorp

According to rough estimates, these mysterious artifacts are about 3 billion years old. They are disc-shaped and spherical objects. Corrugated balls are of two types: one of bluish metal, monolithic, interspersed with white matter, the other, on the contrary, is hollow, and the cavity is filled with white spongy material. The exact number of spheres is unknown to anyone, since miners with the help of kmd still continue to extract them from a rock near the city of Klerksdorp, located in South Africa.

Drop Stones

In the mountains of Bayan-Kara-Ula, which are located in China, a unique find was made, the age of which is 10-12 thousand years. Drop stones, numbering in the hundreds, are like gramophone records. These are stone discs with a hole in the middle and a spiral engraving applied to the surface. Some scientists tend to believe that the disks serve as carriers of information about an extraterrestrial civilization.

Antikythera mechanism

In 1901, the Aegean Sea opened secret to scientists sunken Roman ship. Among other surviving antiquities, a mysterious mechanical artifact was found, which was made about 2000 years ago. Scientists managed to recreate the most complex and innovative invention for that time. The Antikythera mechanism was used by the Romans for astronomical calculations. Interestingly, the differential gear used in it was invented only in the 16th century, and the skillfulness of miniature parts from which the amazing device was assembled is not inferior to the skill of watchmakers of the 18th century.

Unique stones were discovered in the Peruvian province of Ica by the surgeon Javier Cabrera. Ica stones are processed volcanic rock covered with engravings. But the whole mystery is that among the images there are dinosaurs (brontosaurs, pterosaurs and triceraptors). Perhaps, despite all the arguments of scientific anthropologists, the ancestors of modern man were already flourishing and engaged in creativity at the time when these giants roamed the earth?

Baghdad Battery

In 1936, a strange-looking vessel was found in Baghdad, sealed with a concrete plug. Inside the mysterious artifact was a metal rod. Subsequent experiments showed that the vessel performed the function of an ancient battery, since by filling a structure similar to the Baghdad battery with electrolyte available for that time, it is possible to obtain electricity of 1 V. Now one can argue who owns the title of the founder of the doctrine of electricity, because the Baghdad battery is 2000 years older than Alessandro Volta.
Ancient "spark plug"

In the mountains of Coso in California, an expedition that was looking for new minerals found a strange artifact, with its appearance and properties, it strongly resembles a “spark plug”. Despite the dilapidation, one can confidently distinguish a ceramic cylinder, inside of which there is a magnetized metal two-millimeter rod. And the cylinder itself is enclosed in a copper hexagon. The age of the mysterious find will surprise even the most inveterate skeptic - it is more than 500,000 years old!

Stone balls of Costa Rica

Three hundred stone balls scattered along the coast of Costa Rica vary both in age (from 200 BC to 1500 AD) and in size. However, scientists are still not clear how exactly the ancient people made them and for what purposes.

Aircraft, tanks and submarines ancient egypt

There is no doubt that the Egyptians built the pyramids, but could the same Egyptians have thought of constructing an airplane? Scientists have been asking this question since a mysterious artifact was discovered in one of the Egyptian caves in 1898. The shape of the device is similar to an airplane, and, given its initial speed, it could well fly. The fact that in the era of the New Kingdom the Egyptians knew such technical inventions as an airship, a helicopter and a submarine is told by a fresco on the ceiling of a temple located near Cairo.

Human palm print, 110 million years old

And this is not the age for humanity at all, if we take and add here such a mysterious artifact as a petrified finger from the Arctic part of Canada, which belongs to a person and has the same age. And the footprint found in Utah, and not just a foot, but shod in a sandal, is 300-600 million years old! You wonder, so when did humanity originate?

Metal pipes from Saint-Jean-de-Livet

The age of the rock from which the metal pipes were extracted is 65 million years, therefore, the artifact was made at the same time. Wow Iron Age. Another strange find was mined from a Scottish rock dating back to the lower Devonian period, that is, 360 - 408 million years ago. This mysterious artifact was a metal nail.

In 1844, the Englishman David Brewster reported that an iron nail was found in a block of sandstone in one of the Scottish quarries. Its hat was so "grown" into the stone that it was not possible to suspect the falsification of the find, although the age of the sandstone, dating back to the Devonian period, is about 400 million years.
Already in our memory, in the second half of the twentieth century, a discovery was made, which scientists still cannot explain. Near the American town with the loud name of London, in the state of Texas, when splitting sandstone of the Ordovician period (Paleozoic, 500 million years ago), an iron hammer with the remains of a wooden handle was found. If we discard a person who did not exist at that time, it turns out that trilobites and dinosaurs smelted iron and used it for economic purposes. If we discard stupid mollusks, then we need to somehow explain the finds, for example, such as this one: in 1968, the French Druet and Salfati discovered in the quarries of Saint-Jean-de-Livet, in France, oval-shaped metal pipes, whose age, if dated by the Cretaceous layers, is 65 million years - the era of the last reptiles.

Or this one: in the middle of the 19th century, explosive work was carried out in Massachusetts, and a metal vessel was found among the fragments of stone blocks, which was torn in half by an explosive wave. It was a vase about 10 centimeters high, made of metal resembling zinc in color. The walls of the vessel were decorated with images of six flowers in the form of a bouquet. The rock, in which this outlandish vase was kept, belonged to the beginning of the Paleozoic (Cambrian), when life was barely born on earth - 600 million years ago.

Iron mug in the corner

It is not known what the scientist would say if, instead of the imprint of an ancient plant, in a coal block, he would find ... an iron mug. Would the coal seam be dated by man from the Iron Age, or still, the Carboniferous, when there were no even dinosaurs? But such an object was found, and until recently that mug was kept in one of the private museums in America, in South Missouri, although with the death of the owner, the trace of the scandalous object was lost, to the great, it should be noted, relief of pundits. However, the photograph remains.

The mug had the following document, signed by Frank Kenwood: “In 1912, when I was working at the municipal power plant in Thomas, Oklahoma, I came across a massive block of coal. It was too big and I had to smash it with a hammer. This iron mug fell out of a block, leaving behind a recess in the coal. An eyewitness of how I broke a block and how a mug fell out of it was an employee of the company named Jim Stoll. I managed to find out the origin of coal - it was mined in the mines of Wilburton, in Oklahoma. According to scientists, the coal mined in the mines of Oklahoma is 312 million years old, unless, of course, dating by a circle. Or did man live with trilobites - those shrimp of the past?

Foot on a trilobite

Fossilized trilobite. 300 million years ago!

Although there is a find that speaks precisely about this - a trilobite crushed by a shoe! The fossil was discovered by a passionate lover of shellfish, William Meister, who in 1968 examined the vicinity of Antelope Spring, in Utah. He split a piece of shale and saw the following picture (in the photo - a split stone).

One can see the imprint of the shoe of the right foot, under which there were two small trilobites. Scientists explain this by the play of nature, and are ready to believe in the discovery only if there is a whole chain of such traces. Meister is not a specialist, but a draftsman, in free time looking for antiquity, but his reasoning is sound: the imprint of the shoe was not found on the surface of hardened clay, but after splitting the piece: the chip fell along the imprint, along the border of the compaction caused by the pressure of the shoe. However, they do not want to talk to him: after all, man, according to evolutionary theory, did not live in the Cambrian period. There weren't even dinosaurs back then. Or... geochronology is false.

In 1922, American geologist John Reid conducted a search in the state of Nevada. Unexpectedly for himself, he found a clear imprint of the sole of the shoe on the stone. A photograph of this wonderful find is still preserved.

Also in 1922, an article by Dr. W. Ballou appeared in the New York Sunday American. He wrote: “Some time ago, the famous geologist John T. Reid, while searching for fossils, suddenly froze in embarrassment and surprise at the rock under his feet. There was what looked like a human print, but not of a bare foot, but of the sole of a shoe that had turned to stone. The forefoot is gone, but retains the contour of at least two-thirds of the outsole. A well-defined thread ran around the contour, which, as it turned out, attached the welt to the sole. This is how the fossil was found, which is today the biggest mystery for science, since it was found in a rock that is at least 5 million years old.
The geologist took the cut piece of rock to New York, where it was examined by several professors from the American Museum of Natural History and a geologist from Columbia University. Their conclusion was unequivocal: the rock is 200 million years old - the Mesozoic, the Triassic period. However, the imprint itself was recognized, both by these and by all other scientists, as a game of nature. Otherwise, one would have to admit that people in shoes sewn with thread lived with a number of dinosaurs.

Two mysterious cylinders

In 1993, Philip Reef was the owner of another amazing find. When tunneling in the mountains of California, two mysterious Cylinders were discovered, they resemble the so-called "cylinders of the Egyptian pharaohs."

But their properties are completely different from them. They consist half of platinum, half of an unknown metal. If they are heated, for example, to 50 ° C, then they retain this temperature for several hours, regardless of the temperature. environment. Then they cool almost instantly to air temperature. If you pass through them electricity, then they change color from silver to black, and then again acquire the original color. Undoubtedly, the cylinders contain other secrets that have yet to be discovered. According to radiocarbon analysis, the age of these artifacts is about 25 million years.

Mayan crystal skulls

According to the most common story, the "Skull of Destiny" was found in 1927 by the English explorer Frederick A. Mitchell-Hedges among the Mayan ruins in Lubaantun (modern Belize).

Others claim that the scientist bought this object at Sotheby's in London in 1943. In any case, this rock crystal skull is so perfectly carved that it appears to be a priceless work of art.
So, if we consider the first hypothesis correct (according to which the skull is a Mayan creation), then a whole rain of questions falls upon us.
Scientists believe that the Skull of Destiny is, in some ways, technically impossible. Weighing almost 5 kg, and being a perfect copy of a female skull, it has a completeness that would not be possible without the use of more or less modern methods, methods that the Maya culture owned and that we do not know about.
The skull is perfectly polished. Its jaw is a hinged part separate from the rest of the skull. It has long attracted (and probably will continue to do so to a somewhat lesser extent) specialists from various disciplines.
Mention should also be made of the relentless attribution by a group of esotericists of supernatural powers, such as telekinesis, the emission of an unusual fragrance, color changes. The existence of all these properties is difficult to prove.
The skull was subjected to various analyses. One of the inexplicable things is that made from quartz glass, and therefore having a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale (a scale of mineral hardness from 0 to 10), the skull could be carved without such hard cutting materials as ruby ​​and diamond.
Studies of the skull, conducted by the American company Hewlett-Packard in the 1970s, determined that in order to achieve such perfection, it would have to be sanded for 300 years.
Could the Maya have deliberately designed this type of work, which was scheduled for completion in 3 centuries? We can only say with certainty that the Skull of Destiny is not the only one of its kind.
Several of these items have been found around the world and are made from other quartz-like materials. Among them is a whole jadeite skeleton found in the region of China/Mongolia, made on a smaller scale than a human, according to estimates, approx. in 3500-2200 BC.
There are doubts about the authenticity of many of these artifacts, but there is something that is certain: crystal skulls continue to delight daring scientists.

Archaeologist Damian Waters and his team have discovered three elongated skulls in the Paille region of Antarctica, reports. The discovery came as a complete surprise to the world of archeology, as skulls are the first human remains.

Questions without answers . Three elongated skulls found in Antarctica.

Archaeologist Damian Waters and his team have discovered three elongated skulls in the Paille region of Antarctica, reports. The discovery came as a complete surprise to the world of archeology, as the skulls are the first human remains discovered in Antarctica, and it was believed that the continent had never been visited by humans prior to the modern era.

“We just can't believe it! We didn't just find human remains in Antarctica, we found elongated skulls! I have to pinch myself every time I wake up, I just can't believe it! This will force us to reconsider our view of the history of mankind as a whole!” M. Waters explains excitedly

As is known, earlier elongated skulls were found in Peru and Egypt.
But this discovery is absolutely incredible. It shows that there was contact thousands of years ago between civilizations in Africa, South America and Antarctica.

Giant footprint discovered in South Africa

It is located near the town of Mpalusi, close to the border of Swaziland. It is estimated that the time when this imprint was left is at least 200 million years. Geologists were surprised by this giant footprint about 120 cm long. This may be one of the best evidence that giants have existed on Earth since time immemorial. The fact that the track is now in the vertical plane is not surprising - this is due to the shift of tectonic plates. Several similar formations are found in India and Australia.

Stone plate from Nepal

The Loladoff Plate is a stone dish that is over 12,000 years old. This artifact was found in Nepal. Images and clear lines carved into the surface of this flat stone have led many researchers to the idea of ​​its extraterrestrial origin. After all, ancient people could not process stone so skillfully? In addition, the "plate" depicts a creature that is very reminiscent of an alien in his well-known image

Figurines from Ecuador

Figurines very reminiscent of astronauts found in Ecuador, their age is over 2000 years.

lizard people

Al-Ubaid - an archaeological site in Iraq - a real Goldmine for archaeologists and historians. It was found here a large number of objects of the El Obeid culture, which existed in southern Mesopotamia between 5900 and 4000 BC.

Some of the artifacts found are especially strange. For example, some figurines depict figures of creatures with heads similar to lizards. There were suggestions that these figurines are images of aliens who flew to Earth at that time. The true nature of the figurines remains a mystery.

Jade discs: a puzzle for archaeologists

In ancient China, around 5000 BC, large jade stone discs were placed in the graves of the local nobility. Their purpose, as well as the method of manufacture, still remains a mystery to scientists, because jade is a very durable stone.

Sabu Disc: unsolved mystery Egyptian civilization.

The mystical ancient artifact, supposedly part of an unknown mechanism, was found by Egyptologist Walter Bryan in 1936 during an inspection of the tomb of Mastaba Sabu, who lived around 3100 - 3000 BC. The burial is located near the village of Saqqara.

The artifact is a regular round thin-walled stone plate made of meta-aleurite (metasilt in Western terminology), with three thin edges bent towards the center and a small cylindrical sleeve in the middle. In places where the edge petals are bent towards the center, the circumference of the disk continues with a thin rim round section about a centimeter in diameter. The diameter is about 70cm, the shape of the circle is not perfect. This plate raises a number of questions, both about the incomprehensible purpose of such an object, and about the method by which it was made, since it has no analogues.

It is quite possible that Saba's disk had some important role five thousand years ago. However, in this moment scientists cannot accurately determine its purpose and complex structure. The question remains open.

Petersburg archaeologists found in Kamchatka petrified metal gear cylinders, which turned out to be parts of a mechanism. Their age is 400 million years.

This is not the first time that ancient artifacts have been found in this region.
This find is encrusted in stone, which is quite understandable, since there are numerous volcanoes on the peninsula. Spectral analysis showed that the mechanism was made of metal parts, and all parts were dated 400 million years old!

The creations of human hands, immured in rocks, whose age is estimated at millions of years, were ignored until recently. After all, the finds violated the generally accepted fact of human evolution and even the formation of life on Earth. What artifacts are found in rocks, in which, according to the existing theory of the origin and development of man, there should be absolutely nothing?

600 million year old vase and 300 million year old bolt

A message about an extremely unusual find was published in a scientific journal in 1852. It was about a mysterious vessel about 12 cm high, two halves of which were discovered after an explosion in one of the quarries. This vase, with clear images of flowers, was located inside a rock that is 600 million years old.

In the Kaluga region, a fragment of a stone was found, on the chip of which a bolt about 1 cm long was discovered, it was not clear how it got into the rock. The find was examined in the laboratories of leading Russian institutes, museums, and simply well-known experts. The assessment is unequivocal: the bolt got into the rock in the process of its solidification, it happened 300 - 320 million years ago.

Hammer from Texas

In 1934, an ancient hammer was discovered in Texas. Its length was 15 cm, diameter - 3 cm. During storage in the ground, the hammer handle turned into coal - still - the age of the rock in which it was discovered was estimated at 140 million years. Another very interesting fact is that the hammer is made of almost pure iron (97%) - even modern people cannot produce this.

And the next item can be admired by anyone - just by going to India. An iron column 7.5 meters high rises near the Qutub Minar tower in Delhi.

The diameter of its base is 41.6 cm, it is slightly narrower towards the top - the upper diameter is about 30 cm. This column weighs 6.8 tons. Who, when and where (it was not made in Delhi) created it remains a mystery to this day.

But the most interesting thing is the composition of the column. It is 99.72% iron and only 0.28% is impurities. There is almost no corrosion on the black-blue surface of the megalith (only barely noticeable specks).
The strange thing is that the production of pure iron is very difficult and is not done in large volumes. And iron of such purity, even possessing modern equipment, to produce is simply not realistic.

Stone head from Guatemala

Half a century ago, deep in the jungles of Guatemala, searchers found a gigantic monument - the stone head of a man of enormous size. The face depicted on the statue had beautiful features, he had thin lips and a large nose, his gaze was directed to the sky. The searchers were very surprised by their find: the face had obvious features white man, and differed sharply from any representatives of the pre-Hispanic civilizations of South America. The find quickly attracted attention, but it was also quickly forgotten, and information about the statue disappeared from the pages of history.

The researchers believe that the statue's facial features depicted a representative of an ancient civilization that was much more advanced than the locals before the arrival of the Spaniards. Some have also suggested that the head of the statue also had a torso. Unfortunately, we will probably never know for sure: the head was used as a training target for revolutionary troops and its features were destroyed almost without a trace.

However, the giant stone statue did exist and there is no reason to believe the photo is a fake. So where did she come from? Who created it? And why?

Shigir idol

In 1890, on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals, northwest of Yekaterinburg, an idol was found in the Shigir peat bog, which later acquired the name of the large Shigir idol.

The Shigir idol is a completely unique archaeological site. It has no analogues, not only in the Urals, but also in the world! The Shigir idol is the oldest wooden sculpture on our planet, made in the eighth millennium BC - in the Mesolithic era, according to a carbon analysis made in 1997. This archaeological miracle has been preserved thanks to two factors. Firstly, the idol is made of durable larch. Secondly, the idol was found in a peat bog and peat, as a natural preservative, protected it from decomposition. Its height after reconstruction is 5.3 meters.

Stone atoms of antiquity?

There are five unusual carved stone balls in the collection of the Ashmolean Museum of Scotland. Archaeologists find it difficult to explain the purpose of these objects. They are made of various materials - sandstone and granite.

The age of the stones is dated approximately between 3000 and 2000 BC. In total, about 400 such artifacts were found in Scotland, but five of them, stored in the museum, are the most unusual. As you can see in the photo, strange symmetrical patterns are applied to the surface of the stones.

Most of the stones have the same diameter of 70 mm, with the exception of a few larger ones, which measure up to 114 mm in diameter. The number of bulges on the stones ranges from 4 to 33, with spiral patterns on the surface of some bulges.

The five stones of the Ashmolean Museum were formerly in the collection of Sir John Evans, who believed that they could have been used as projectiles for throwing weapons of antiquity. However, this explanation does not seem to be correct, since all the stones do not contain any damage, which would invariably happen if they were used during military skirmishes. And the very shape of the stones, the complexity of their manufacture suggest that it is pointless to use so much effort to make throwing devices.

Other versions suggest the use of these artifacts as cargo for fishing nets. Or as ritual objects, giving their owner the right to vote during various ceremonies. But all these versions do not explain why it was necessary to make stones of such a complex shape.

There is another possible explanation. Perhaps these stones are a schematic representation of the nuclei of atoms? Such an image of atoms is widely used in the modern world. Is it possible that the one who made these artifacts had a deep knowledge of chemistry and could depict various atomic structures?

At the very least, the method of making these artifacts leaves no doubt that the master was well versed in geometry, having a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcomplex polyhedra. However, it is generally accepted that during the Neolithic people did not have such knowledge. Or is it not?

"Genetic Disk"

On this disk are several images of those processes that are in ordinary life can only be seen under a microscope.

This disc, which is 6,000 years old, was found in the jungles of Colombia. The disk has a diameter of 27 centimeters and is made of lidite or radiolarite material, which is not inferior in hardness to granite. However, it is layered and difficult to process. Nevertheless, the entire process of the birth of a human being is depicted with pinpoint accuracy along the circumference of the disk - from both sides - from the arrangement of the reproductive organs of a man and a woman, the moment of conception, intrauterine development of the fetus through all its stages - to the birth of a baby. Scientists have seen many of these processes with their own eyes relatively recently, with the help of appropriate instruments. And here authors of a disk possessed this knowledge in perfection.

Images of a man, a woman and a child are visible on the disk, the strange thing here is how the human head is depicted. If this is not a stylistic image, then what species do these people belong to?

By the way, in the same Colombia there is a little-known "Valley of Statues" or the San Agustin Archaeological Park with hundreds of stone statues depicting some unreal creatures. In my opinion, they are similar to the images on the "genetic disk":

Elias Sotomayor's Mysterious Finds: Ancient Globe and Others

A large treasure trove of ancient artifacts was discovered by an expedition led by Elias Sotomayor in 1984. In the Ecuadorian mountain range of La Mana, in a tunnel at a depth of more than ninety meters, 300 stone products were found.

The exact age of the finds this moment it is not possible to determine. However, it is already known that they do not belong to any of the known cultures of this region. The symbols and signs carved on the stone clearly belong to Sanskrit, but not to its later version, but rather to its earlier one. A number of scholars have identified this language as proto-Sanskrit.

Before the discovery of Sotomayor, Sanskrit was never associated with the American continent, rather, it was attributed to the cultures of Europe, Asia and northern Africa.

Among the finds was a pyramid with an eye and a stone cobra. The stone pyramid most of all resembles in its shape the pyramid in Giza. Thirteen rows of masonry are carved on the pyramid. In its upper part, the image of the "all-seeing eye" is applied. Thus, the pyramid found in La Mana is an exact image of the Masonic sign, known to most of mankind thanks to the US one dollar bill.

Unusual Items

Another striking find of the expedition of Sotomayor is the image of a king cobra made with great skill from stone. And it's not even the high level of art of ancient artisans. Everything is much more mysterious, because the king cobra is not found in America. Its habitat is the tropical rainforests of India.

However, the quality of its image leaves no doubt that the artist personally saw this snake. Thus, either the object with the image of a snake applied to it, or its author, must have moved from Asia to America across the ocean to ancient times when, it is believed, no means existed for this.

Perhaps Sotomayor's third stunning find will be able to suggest the answer. In the tunnel of La Mana, one of the oldest globes on Earth, also made of stone, was discovered. On a far from ideal ball, for the manufacture of which, perhaps, the master simply spared no effort, but a rounded boulder, images of continents familiar from school times are applied.

But if many outlines of the continents differ little from modern ones, then from the coast South-East Asia towards America, the planet looks very different. Huge masses of land are depicted where now only the boundless sea splashes.

The Caribbean islands and the Florida peninsula are absent altogether. Just below the equator pacific ocean there is a giant island, approximately equal in size to modern Madagascar. Modern Japan is part of a gigantic continent that extends to the shores of America and extends far to the south. It remains to be added that the La Mana find appears to be ancient map peace.

No less interesting are other findings of Sotomayor. In particular, a "service" of thirteen bowls was discovered. Twelve of them have a perfectly equal volume, and the thirteenth is much larger. If you fill 12 small bowls with liquid to the brim, and then drain them into a large one, then it will be filled exactly to the brim. All bowls are made of jade. The purity of their processing suggests that the ancients had a stone processing technology similar to a modern lathe.

So far, Sotomayor's findings raise more questions than they answer. But they once again confirm the thesis that our information about the history of the Earth and mankind is still very far from perfect.

Artifacts of Tertaria

50 years ago, in 1961, in the town of Tarteria (Romania), archaeologist Nicolae Vlassa discovered three unbaked clay tablets dated to the middle of the 6th millennium BC. The Tartarian tablets are the earliest written evidence, being at least a millennium older than the Sumerian writings in Mesopotamia.

The discovery remained practically unknown even after similar tablets were found in other areas of the Balkans: in Bulgaria (Karanovo, Grachanitsa), Greece (the shores of Lake Orestiada), Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine, Moldova.

Thus, over the past decades, a number of arguments have emerged in support of the hypothesis that pictographic writing appeared in southeastern Europe long before the Sumerian writing system in Mesopotamia.

In the Sahara desert in Egypt lie the oldest known, astronomically aligned, rocks in the world: the Nabta. A thousand years before the creation of Stonehenge, people built a stone circle and other structures on the shore of the lake, which has long since dried up. Over 6,000 years ago, stone slabs three meters high were dragged over a kilometer to create this place. The depicted stones are only a part of the entire complex that has been preserved. Although currently Western egyptian desert completely dry, it was not so in the past. There is good evidence that there have been several wet cycles in the past (when up to 500 mm of precipitation fell per year). The most recent dates back to the interglacial period and the time of the beginning of the last glaciation, which was approximately 130,000 to 70,000 years ago. During this period, the area was a savannah and supported the life of numerous animals such as extinct bison and large giraffes, antelope different types and gazelles. Starting around the 10th millennium BC, this area of ​​the Nubian desert began to receive more rainfall, filling the lakes. Early humans may have been attracted to the region by the sources of drinking water. Archaeological finds may indicate that human activity in the area is known from at least sometime between the 10th and 8th millennium BC.

Chinese mosaic of lines.

These strange lines are located at 40°27"28.56"N, 93°23"34.42"E. There is not much information available about this "strangeness", but a beautiful mosaic of lines does exist, it carved in the desert of Gansu Sheng province in China. Some records indicate that the "lines" were created in 2004, but nothing seems to be found to officially support this assumption. It should be noted that these lines are located near the Mogao Cave, which is a World Heritage Site. The lines stretch for a very long distance, and at the same time retain their proportions, despite the curvature of the rough terrain.

Inexplicable stone doll.

In July 1889, in Boise, Idaho, a small human figure was found during a well drilling operation. The find aroused intense scientific interest in the last century. Unmistakably man-made, the "doll" was discovered at a depth of 320 feet, which allowed its age to be dated far before the arrival of man in this part of the world. The find has never been disputed, but only said that such a thing, in principle, is impossible.

Iron bolt, 300 million years old.

It was found almost by accident. The expedition of the MAI-Kosmopoisk Center searched for fragments of a meteorite in the south of the Kaluga region, in Russia. Dmitry Kurkov decided to inspect an ordinary, it would seem, piece of stone. What he found is capable of turning our ideas about earthly and cosmic history upside down. When dirt was brushed off the stone, on its chip was clearly visible somehow got inside ... a bolt! About a centimeter long. How did he get there? A bolt with a nut on the end (or - what this thing also looked like - a coil with a rod and two disks) was tight. This means that he got inside the stone back in those days when it was only sedimentary rock, bottom clay.

Ancient rocket ship.

This ancient cave painting from Japan dates back to over 5000 BC.

Moving stones.

No one, not even NASA, has yet been able to explain this. It's best to just watch and marvel at the moving rocks in this dry lake in Death Valley National Park. The bottom of Racetrack Playa is almost flat, 2.5 km north to south and 1.25 km east to west, and is covered with cracked mud. The stones move slowly along the clay bottom of the lake, as evidenced by the long footprints left behind them. The stones move on their own without the help of others, but no one has ever seen or recorded the movement on camera. Similar movements of stones were recorded in some other places. However, in terms of the number and length of tracks, the dry Lake Racetrack Playa is unique.

Electricity in the pyramids.

Teotihuacan, Mexico. Large sheets of mica have been found embedded in the walls of this ancient Mexican city. The nearest place is a quarry where mica is mined, located in Brazil, thousands of kilometers away. Mica is currently used in energy production technology. In this regard, the question arises as to why the builders used this mineral in the buildings of their city. Did these ancient architects know some long forgotten energy sources to use electricity in their cities?

Dog Death

Suicide of dogs on a bridge in Overtown, near Milton, Dumbarton, Scotland. Built in 1859, the Overtown Bridge became famous for a number of unexplained cases in which dogs apparently committed suicide by jumping from it. These incidents were first recorded in the 1950s or 1960s, when dogs - generally of the long-nosed species, like collies - were observed to quickly and unexpectedly jump off a bridge and fall fifty feet to their death.

fossil giants

The fossilized Irish giants were discovered in 1895 and are over 12 feet (3.6 m) tall. The giants were discovered during mining in Antrim, Ireland. This image is from the British magazine Strand, December 1895. “Height 12' 2", bust 6' 6", arm 4' 6". There are six toes on the right foot." The six fingers and toes are reminiscent of some characters from the Bible, where six-fingered giants are described.

Pyramids of Atlantis?

Scientists continue to explore the ruins of megaliths in the so-called Yucatan channel in the Cuban region. They have been found for many miles along the coast. The American archaeologists who discovered this site immediately declared that they had found Atlantis (not for the first time in the history of underwater archeology). Now the place is sometimes visited by scuba divers to admire the majestic underwater structures. All other interested parties can only enjoy the filming and computer reconstruction of the millennium-old city buried under water.

Giants in Nevada

A Nevada Indian legend about 12 foot red giants that lived in the area when they arrived. According to American Indian history, the giants were killed in the cave. During excavations in 1911, this human jaw was discovered. Here's what an artificial human jaw looks like next to it. In 1931, two skeletons were found at the bottom of the lake. One of them was 8 feet (2.4 m) high, the other - just under 10 (3 m).

inexplicable wedge

This aluminum wedge was found in Romania in 1974, on the banks of the Mures River, near the city of Aiud. They found it at a depth of 11 meters, next to the bones of Mastodon - a giant, elephant-like, extinct animal. The find itself is very reminiscent of the head of a huge hammer. At the archaeological institute of the city of Cluj-Napoca, where the artifact supposedly went, it was determined that the metal from which this wedge was made is an aluminum alloy coated with a thick layer of oxide. The alloy contained 12 different elements, and the find was classified as strange, since aluminum was discovered only in 1808, and the age of this artifact, given its presence in the layer along with the remains of an extinct animal, is determined to be approximately 11 thousand years.

"Loladoff's Plate"

Loladoff's Plate is a 12,000 year old stone dish found in Nepal. It seems that Egypt is not the only place visited by aliens in ancient times. This clearly demonstrates the disk-shaped UFO. There is also a drawing on the disc. The character bears a striking resemblance to the aliens known as Grey.

Hammer made of the purest iron alloy

A puzzling riddle for science is ... an ordinary-looking hammer. metal part The hammer is 15 centimeters long and about 3 centimeters in diameter. It has literally grown into limestone about 140 million years old, and is stored along with a piece of rock. This miracle caught the eye of Mrs. Emma Hahn in June 1934 in the rocks near the American town of London, Texas. The experts who examined the find came to a unanimous conclusion: a hoax. However, further research conducted by various scientific institutions, including the famous Battele laboratory (USA), showed that everything is much more complicated. Firstly, the wooden handle on which the hammer is mounted has already petrified on the outside, and inside it has completely turned into coal . So, its age is also calculated in millions of years. Secondly, specialists from the Metallurgical Institute in Columbus (Ohio) were amazed by the chemical composition of the hammer itself: 96.6% iron, 2.6% chlorine and 0.74% sulfur. No other impurities could be identified. Such pure iron has not been obtained in the entire history of terrestrial metallurgy. Not a single bubble has been found in the metal. The quality of iron, even by modern standards, is exceptionally high and raises many questions, since the content of metals used in metallurgical industry in the production of different steel grades (such as manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten, vanadium or molybdenum). There are also no foreign impurities, and the percentage of chlorine is unusually high. It is also surprising that no traces of carbon have been found in iron, while iron ore from terrestrial deposits always contains carbon and other impurities. Generally speaking, from a modern point of view, it is not of high quality. But here's the detail: the Texas hammer's iron doesn't rust! When in 1934 a piece of rock with an ingrown tool was chipped off the rock, the metal was badly scratched in one place. And over the past sixty-odd years, not the slightest sign of corrosion has appeared on the scratch ... According to Dr. K.E. Buff, director of the Museum of Fossil Antiquities, which houses this hammer, the find comes from the early Cretaceous period - from 140 to 65 million years ago. According to the current state of scientific knowledge, humanity learned to make such tools only 10 thousand years ago. Dr. Hans-Joachim Zilmer from Germany, who studied the mysterious find in detail, concludes: "This hammer was made using an unknown technology."

The highest technology of stone processing

The second group of finds that pose mysteries to scientists are artifacts created after the time of the appearance of man on Earth, accepted today. But the technologies that were used in their creation became known to us relatively recently or are still unknown. The most famous find of this group can be called a crystal skull, found in 1927 in Belize during excavations of the Mayan city of Lubaantuma. The skull is carved from a piece of pure quartz and measures 12x18x12 centimeters. In 1970, the skull was analyzed in the Hewlett-Packard laboratory. The results were stunning. The skull was created without respecting the natural crystal axis, which is impossible in modern crystallography. When working on the skull, no metal instruments were used. According to the restorers, quartz was first cut with a diamond chisel, after which silicon crystalline sand was used for more thorough processing. It took about three hundred years to work on the skull, which can be taken as an incredible example of patience or recognize the use of high technology unknown to us. One of the Hewlett-Packard experts stated that the creation crystal skull not a question of skill, patience and time, but that it is simply impossible.

fossil nail

However, most often, objects are found in the rock that are similar in appearance to nails and bolts. In the 16th century, the Viceroy of Peru kept in his office a piece of rock, which firmly held an 18-centimeter steel nail found in a local mine working. In 1869, in Nevada, a metal screw 5 centimeters long was found in a piece of feldspar, raised from a great depth. Skeptics believe that the appearance of these and many other objects can be explained by natural causes: a special kind of crystallization of mineral solutions and melts, the formation of pyrite rods in voids between crystals. But pyrite is iron sulfide, and at the break it is yellow (which is why it is often confused with gold) and has a clearly defined cubic structure. Eyewitnesses of the finds clearly speak of iron nails, sometimes covered with rust, and pyrite formations can be called gold rather than iron. There is also an assumption that the rod-shaped NIOs are the fossilized skeletons of belemnites (invertebrate marine animals that lived at the same time as dinosaurs). But the remains of belemnites are found only in sedimentary rocks and never in bedrocks, such as feldspar. In addition, they have a pronounced skeletal shape, and it is impossible to confuse them with something else. It is sometimes argued that nail-like NIOs are molten fragments of meteorites or fulgurites (thunderbolts) obtained by lightning strikes into rocks. However, finding such a fragment or trace left millions of years ago is extremely problematic. If the origin of the nail-shaped NIOs can still be argued, then some of the finds can only be shrugged.

ancient battery

In 1936, the German scientist Wilhelm Koenig, who worked at the Archaeological Museum of Baghdad, was brought a strange object that was found at the excavations of an ancient Parthian settlement near the Iraqi capital. It was a small clay vase about 15 centimeters high. Inside it was a cylinder made of sheet copper, its base was covered with a cap with a seal, on top of the cylinder was covered with a layer of resin, which also held an iron rod directed to the center of the cylinder. From all this, Dr. Koenig concluded that he had before him an electric battery, created almost two thousand years before the discoveries of Galvani and Volta. Egyptologist Arne Eggebrecht made an exact copy of the find, poured wine vinegar into a vase and connected a measuring device that showed a voltage of 0.5 V. Presumably, the ancients used electricity to apply a thin layer of gilding to objects.

Antikythera mechanism (other spellings: Antikythera, Andythera, Antikythera, Greek Μηχανισμός των Αντικυθήρων) - mechanical device, discovered in 1902 on a sunken ancient ship near the Greek island of Antikythera (Greek Αντικύθηρα). Dated to around 100 BC. e. (perhaps before 150 BC). It is stored in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. The mechanism contained 37 bronze gears in a wooden case, on which dials with arrows were placed and, according to reconstruction, was used to calculate the movement of celestial bodies. Other devices of similar complexity are unknown in Hellenistic culture. It uses a differential gear, which was previously thought not to have been invented before the 16th century, and the level of miniaturization and complexity is comparable to mechanical watches of the 18th century. Approximate dimensions of the mechanism assembly 33×18×10 cm.

Figurines of astronauts from Ecuador

Figurines of ancient astronauts found in Ecuador. Age > 2000 years. In fact, there are plenty of such testimonies, if you want, read Erich Von Denikin. He has many books, one of the most famous is "Chariots of the Gods", there are both physical evidence and deciphering of cuneiforms and so on, in general, quite interesting. True, it is contraindicated for ardent believers to read.