Riddles about snow, ice, sunflower, leaves, rain, forest. GCD summary on the topic: “Near a winding path a sun grows on a leg. How to prove a riddle description about a sunflower

School assignment: come up with your own riddles for the words: ice, snow, leaves, rain, forest, sunflower.

Options for ready-made riddles:

  1. The crystal lies or hangs, but it drizzles under the sun. (Ice).
    Water falls from the sky, sometimes dripping, sometimes like from a bucket. (Rain).
  2. The sun began to grow, it would soon be out of reach, but at first it turned green and quietly matured. (Sunflower).
  3. They fall, spin around, lie down on the ground, but in the spring they made noise and turned green together. (Leaves).
  4. Stands, is silent or makes noise when the wind suddenly blows. (Forest).
  5. She came and brought joy, and she filled the fields with sunshine, turned all the forests green, she painted the fields, who had been so awaited since February. (Spring).

1) The pond is covered with a thin crust
And under it the fish sleeps.
What is the “bark” of the pond made of?
Let's say in unison: “Iso...” (Ice)

2) White, fluffy soft,
Hid the fields, meadows and beds,
Covered the roofs of the houses.
Who did all this? (Snow)

3) They grow on a tree,
They give us all oxygen.
They are green in the summer,
Autumn colors them yellow.
Then they will fall to the ground.
Tell me, what are their names? (Leaves)

4) What kind of precipitation is this?
Who drove us under the umbrella?
It's been pouring out of the clouds for two hours now,
And it will not subside soon. (Rain)

5) Consisting of trees,
But much less frequently.
The squirrel is sitting there on a stump.
“What is this?” tell me. (Forest)

6) It grows in farmers' fields,
It produces seeds in a basket.
There is a lot of oil in the seeds.
What colors are we talking about here? (Sunflower)

  1. There is water on the ground, but we cannot drink from it. And transparent and clean, but too cold. (ICE)
  2. Does the water lie light and white like fluff? (SNOW)
  3. In spring - small. In summer they are green. In autumn they turn yellow. And in winter, I fall off and cover the ground. (LEAVES)
  4. A cloud runs across the sky and cries. When does this happen? (RAIN)
  5. Nature's pantry where you will find a berry, pick a mushroom and meet a bunny. (FOREST)
  6. There is a flower so magical that it grows under the sun. He looks too much like him. And that’s why it got its name. (SUNFLOWER)
    1) The river ran merrily in the summer
    In autumn the river became cold
    The river was covered with a shiny fur coat
    What is silver on the river? (Ice)

    2) We woke up early in the morning - what kind of miracles?
    Where is the grass, where is the path, where are the fallen leaves?
    Everything is covered with a blanket, fresh, clean, blue
    What happened this night that we overslept? (Snow, first snow)

    3) These are not birds, and their flight
    Very short and low
    These are not stars, they cannot sparkle
    They should lie under the feet of passers-by
    But it's a long summer and early spring
    We admired the green... (Foliage)

    4) When it’s hot and sultry
    When you're not yourself
    You look at the sky all the time - you wait
    When will it fall - (Rain)

    5) The evil wind will make noise,
    It will frighten anyone
    But only the sun, the wind will subside
    There is nothing more wonderful in the world
    Giants, like foliage,
    They cover their image. (Forest)

    6) What kind of golden miracle bloomed under the window
    It’s like the young sun is looking into our house. (Sunflower)

Vera Vakhromycheva
Abstract of GCD on the topic: “U winding path the sun grows on a leg"

Summary of GCD on the topic"U winding path the sun grows on a leg»

Tasks: introduce children to plant« sunflower» , teach the measurement of bulk solids using a yardstick, consolidate the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting, designating the number of objects with numbers, develop cognitive interests, interest in nature; develop color perception, visual attention, fine motor skills hands, binocular vision.

GCD move

Making a riddle: U winding path

The sun grows on a leg.

How it ripens Sun,

There will be a handful of grains.

Look at the picture. It depicts blooming sunflowers. We are talking sunflower, but the scientific name for this is plants - sunflower. Let's repeat it and remember it.

Big flower sunflower reminds us of the sun. But it’s not just the external resemblance that connects the flower with the sun. Have sunflower amazing ability to turn the flower head following sunshine, accompanying him from sunrise to sunset. No wonder about sunflower says:

Antoshka stands on one leg.

Where the sun will become, he will look there too.

Gymnastics for the eyes « Sunflowers and sun»

The teacher invites the children to the tables, where they circle sunflowers through tracing paper.

-Sunflower grown all over the world, and here too. A is used sunflower for making sunflower oil. Here it is (show). Have you seen the kitchen at home? sunflower oil ? How is it used? (they fry it, add it to salads, grease baking trays).

Sunflower - honey plant. How do you understand the meaning of the expression "melliferous" plant» ? (this is what it is plant from which bees collect honey)

Roasted seeds sunflower people eat it as a treat and call it the seeds. The seeds are very useful product, since it contains many vitamins and others that are beneficial for health substances.

Not only people love to eat seeds. Remember who is treated to seeds in winter? sunflower? (poured into bird feeders).

Dynamic pause "Yellow sunflower»

Yellow the sun looks at the earth,

(hands up, stretched, looked up)

Yellow sunflower follows the sun.

(with a turn from left to right, draw an arc with raised arms)

Only his yellow rays are not hot.

(head tilts to the right and left shoulder)

He grows on a long stem

(arms along the body, stand on tiptoes)

With petals like horns,

(spread your arms to the sides and slightly up)

Its head is large and full of black seeds.

(join rounded arms above your head)

Di “Assemble the parts into a whole”(children assemble a picture with the image from the cut parts sunflower)

Now look at this picture.

Count how many there are sunflowers?

What number denotes the quantity sunflowers?

On what account? a bird sitting in a sunflower?

Which one? sunflower leaned down?

On what account? sunflower village bee?

Well done!

The teacher draws the children's attention to two jars and cups.

How can you find out how many seeds are in these two jars? (suggest using a glass and a doll cup)

Equal number of seeds in jars? (equal)

How many cups of seeds did you get?

How many cups?

If the jars had the same number of seeds, why were there more cups than cups?

Now take teaspoons and measure yourself two teaspoons of seeds, pour them onto a saucer. You will need these seeds to complete the task. But first, let's do some finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics « Sunflower»

Gold sunflowers, palms touch bases,

Petals-rays, fingers spread to the sides

He's a son sunshine

And happy clouds

In the morning he wakes up, palms in the same position,

The sun is shining, fingers slowly bend

Closed at night

Yellow eyelashes.

In the summer our sunflowers- fingers open

Like a colored flashlight.

In the fall, we tap the black finger of one hand on the palm of the other

He will give you some seeds.

Children lay out the centers from the seeds sunflower

Golden sieve
There are plenty of black houses.
How many little black houses,
So many little white residents.

Yellow Antoshka spins on his leg.
Where the sun stands, that’s where he looks.

In the garden, on the path,
Under my window
The sun has blossomed
On a high leg.

On a winding path
The sun grows on a leg.
As the sun ripens,
There will be a handful of grains.

Planted a seed -
We raised the sun.

Amazing sun?
There are a hundred windows in this sun
They look out of those windows
Hundreds of little jackdaws.

Yellow Demid
He looks at the sun all day.

He stands thoughtfully
In a yellow crown,
Freckles darken
On a round face.

There is a town.
How many gray houses,
So many little white residents.

Split it -
There will be a grain
Plant a seed -
There will be sunshine.

In the garden by the path
The sun is standing on its leg.
Only yellow rays
He's not hot.

I'm like the sun
And I love the sun
I turn after the sun
I head my own.

Planted a seed -
We raised the sun.
Let's pluck this sunshine -
We will collect a lot of grains,
Let's fry them, gnaw them,
And the guests will arrive -
We'll give them a handful.

Antoshka spins on one leg,
Where the sun is, that’s where he looks.

Who has poems, riddles about sunflowers in English?!? and got the best answer

Answer from Gol Corner[guru]
Here are a couple: I am black of eye and bright of hair. I go fast into the ground and follow my lord as he races around the world. What am I?Forth from the fruitful turf I spring unsown,My head gleams yellow with its shining flower;At eve I shut, at sunrise ope again;Hence the wise Greeks have given my name to me.Well, a rhyme:POEM TO A SUNFLOWERI see you there in glory shining bright,Following the sun and its path of light.Standing tall above all others in the field,You grow, conquer, and do not yield.The little birds take great delightIn playing round you, from day to night.With your petals of yellow and leaves of greenHow very easily you are seen.But there is more to you than first sight,More than beauty and grander to delight.Every beautiful aspect that appears,Gives praise to the Father dear.He made you a part of creation,And you praise him in glorious celebration!The beauty that within you is expressed,Gives testimony to his greatness.Sunflower, how I long to be like you!Glorifying God in all I do.Following the Son and His path of light,To worship Him in His glory shining bright.I can learn from you, my friend,With every breath, praise to God, I might send.With all of his creation telling the story,Might I, with you, proclaim His glory.~By Katherine R. Lane (April 19, 1995)~=)

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Who has poems, riddles about sunflowers in English?!?

Loktina Antonina Petrovna

Story sunflower

Greek myth tells how

Clytia, daughter of the king of Babylon, was abandoned

In love with the sun god Apollo, since

He turned his attention to her sister Levkotoya.

Clytia's jealousy caused the death of her sister.

She herself, rejected by God,

slowly died and turned into a flower,

who always turns his face towards the sun.

Target: Development of environmental and aesthetic education of children.

Tasks: Give an idea of ​​what it is sunflower. Teach children how to plant and grow flowers correctly. Mark role values sunflower for human life and activity, animals, insects. Develop constructive, children's visual abilities in making sunflower, applying different material And technical means. Cultivate a caring attitude towards flowers and the ability to take care of them.

Cognitive - speech development.


Conversation with children on the topic: « Sunflower»


Teacher's story topic: "How did it appear sunflower on earth»

Memorizing poems, solving riddles.

Consideration: illustrations, drawings of other children.

Progress of the conversation.

Educator: “Children, guess the riddles.

In the middle of the courtyard there is a golden head.

Golden sieve, full of black houses.

How many black houses, so many white residents.

The golden bottom turned towards the sun. (Sunflower)

That's right, that's sunflower. That's how many different riddles people came up with about sunflowers. Look at the pictures, admire them. Guess why this plant was named sunflower(sunflower? (Looks like the sun, turns after the sun.) Tell me why a person grows sunflowers? (Oil is made from its seeds and used as a seasoning vegetable salads, they fry on it; the seeds can be chewed; they are made from them sweets: halva, kazinaki, etc.)".

Tells children:

"In the seeds sunflower many useful vitamins. It is grown in the fields. So big "hat" sunflower grows from one seed. How does this happen? In spring, the seeds are planted in the ground. After a while, two small leaves appear, then a stem. It is usually long and thick, as "hat" at sunflower is large and heavy. In the beginning sunflower looks like a flower: It has many, many yellow petals. Gradually the middle of the flower begins to turn black; these are future seeds. Autumn petals dry out and fall off. This means that the seeds are ripe, it’s time to harvest. The seeds are knocked out sunflowers, dried. And then they make them sunflower oil, halva, various sweets. A lot of people like to chew on the seeds.”

Sunflower very beautiful - like a little sun. Let's draw it and it will become lighter in the group.

Children examine the contours sunflower, trace with a finger, clarify the shape, colors, do an exercise - warm-up with a brush and get to work (first, paint the core with black gouache sunflower, wash the brush, wipe it dry, then apply yellow gouache to the petals).

Physical education moment: « Sunflowers in our garden» .


They planted a seed in the ground.

The seed sprouted and it began

Grow - and grew up sunflower.

Rejoices sunflower to the sun,

It sways gently from side to side.

Suddenly it blew strong wind, the sunflower began to sway.

The wind has died down the sunflower breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down.

Squat down.

Slowly they get up

They raise their hands.

They sway left and right.

Lean forward, backward.

Take a deep breath and stand calmly.

After a physical minute, children pick up green gouache with a brush and draw stems, leaves, and grass.

"Many sunflowers grew in our garden. There will be a good harvest of seeds!

Poems about Sunflower


Sunflowers, yesterday's beauties,

They beg for something from the ground.

And they have a withered, thick brown shell

Sticks to bowed heads.

And it’s cramped - neither add nor subtract

The seminal flesh hardens in everyone,

Connected with tiny foreheads,

Accumulated dew like hard sweat.

Just yesterday the sun painted them

Thin brushes of rays.

They looked festive and juicy

And even the sun was hot.

Today everything is so openly dry,

That I don’t undertake to struggle with the solution.

Resigned to the fact that the same as sunflower,

Having given birth to life, I will withdraw myself.

O. Lebakina

I am sunflower seeds sunflower

That summer I planted

I loosened it, poured some water on it,

He fenced it off.

And grew up sunflowers

I'm much taller

Delivering with your hats

Almost to the roof!

And the seeds are ripe

I'll feed it to the birds in winter:

Sparrows, doves,

Crows and titmice.

S. Bogdan

I - golden sunflower!

The children all know me.

That's why my outfit is yellow,

That I grew up under the sun.

My seeds are ripening

For adults and children.

Look: how many are there

On my hat!

Sunflowers smell

Sunflowers smell

Sunny freshness.

Also, definitely

Morning tenderness.

And they always smell

Despite the weather.

Take a look at them

And forget the troubles.

Alexey Antonov


On an autumn but harvested field,

Lonely sunflower is standing.

I didn’t cut it down, and until then,

He looks at the gloomy sky.

Everyone knows that winter is coming,

The sun in the sky is most desirable.

So let it be in my garden,

My sunflower will replace it.

I take care of him and feel sorry for him,

And I won’t let you bend and fall.

He is like a maiden with his beauty

Awakens dormant passion.

L. Nelyubov


Gold sunflowers,

Petals are rays.

He is the son of the sun

And a cheerful cloud.

In the morning he wakes up,

The sun is shining,

Closed at night

Yellow eyelashes.

In the summer our sunflowers –

Like a colored flashlight.

In the fall we have little black ones

He will give you some seeds.

Tatiana Lavrova

I remember how the sunflower cried bitterly:

I haven't grown at all in a week!

Hey buddy, take some advice -

Don't be sad, because all summer is ahead!

Wash your face with dew in the morning,

Don't be afraid of the rain - toughen up,

Pull your leaves towards the sun,

Don't hide your cheeks under the petals -

You won't recognize yourself soon!

Well, grow up, baby, and I’m off to the sea!

August is already coming to an end.

I'm in the same garden again -

Came to visit an old friend

At the same time, try some seeds.

In the stately giant I first

I didn’t recognize the little one as before -

Grew up! We didn’t have time to look back.

Bend over, otherwise you won’t be able to reach it!


Sunflowers...So small child

He sees the miracle of a fairy tale in simple phenomena...

And it’s joyful that in the morning, awake

Everyone smiles with wide eyes...

Sunflowers like children, they are drawn to the Sun

Their radiant yellow heads.

They have such a knack,

As if they themselves will soon become suns...

They are brave, clouds are no obstacle,

They strive to touch the rays with their eyes...

The fields will correct the summer with children's laughter,

There soon again sunflowers will wake up...

V. Pakhomov

Bloomed sunflower in the garden,

And the sun stretches all day long,

He leads his head after the sun,

So that she doesn't fall into the shadows.

When the sun goes down,

He waits until the morning

Sighing in the dark garden:

Get up, sunshine! It's time!

T. Umanskaya

The sunflower turns its head:

What day is it today?

I have to run after you again! -

The shadow grumbles sleepily.

The titmice are all flocking to him,

Well, the seeds are ripe...

And he gives his: "Which? Which?"

Titmouse's day of the week!

O. Kudinova

I planted a seed

I poured some water on it.

Little girl

Long eyelashes.

Summer is bursting with sunshine,

The air became hot.

The girl laughs

How handsome sunflower.

Yellow basket

nods his head,

Little girl

It grows with summer.


Tsvetova T. I.

What a field - miracles!

He looks into the eyes of the sun,

Like a brother to him ts branches -

Bright yellow petal.

In his heart, like an eye -

The seeds are ripening for us.

The sun teases, leaving -

The eyes follow again.

The whole day goes by like this

Until the sun goes into shadow.

He lowered his head

Utoro waits, slightly sad.

Your long leg

He will expose everything to the wind.

The wind won't bend the stem -

After all, it grows under the sun.

V. Pakhomov

Bloomed sunflower in the garden,

And the sun stretches all day long,

He leads his head after the sun,

So that she doesn't fall into the shadows.

When the sun goes down,

He waits until the morning

Sighing in the dark garden:

Get up, sunshine! It's time!

F. Sokolova

Sunflower with red head,

Tell us, honey, what's wrong with you?

You follow the sun all day long,

Perhaps you don't like shadows?

Little sun

Why, why

Reaches towards the sun sunflower,

Even in the morning he is awake

Looking straight at him?

I'll tell you why:

U sunflower with sun

Very close relationship.

Blooms on the ground sunflower-

Little sun

Lots of grains full of oil,

It's on the bottom.

And they say there are no spots in the sun,

And they say that it is higher than the sky

I don't understand this conversation at all.

Here, after all, it was shining. And with the smell of bread.

It will stand still and it will get completely dark,

However, there are countless miracles in this world,

The withered sun, as soon as it ripens,

We'll have fun eating the seeds.


On a winding path

The sun grows on a leg.

As the sun ripens,

There will be a handful of grains.


The yellow sun stands on a leg,

there are a lot of little black houses in it,

and how many little black houses,

so many little white residents.


The golden sieve of black houses is full,

How many little black houses,

So many little white residents.


Bright sunny flower

He bent his stalk,

For the piggy to come,

I took his seeds.


In the middle of the courtyard is a golden head


In the garden, on the path, under my window

The sun blossomed today on a tall stalk


He stands thoughtfully, wearing a yellow crown,

Freckles darken on a round face.


Chop it - there will be a grain,

Plant it and there will be sunshine.



group No. 29

"Field Sunflowers»


group No. 29

« Sunflower»