GCD summary on the topic: “Near a winding path a sun grows on a leg. Lesson summary “Sunflower Golden utensils mentioned in the riddle about the sunflower

Golden sieve
There are plenty of black houses.
How many little black houses,
So many little white residents.

Yellow Antoshka spins on his leg.
Where the sun stands, that’s where he looks.

In the garden, on the path,
Under my window
The sun has blossomed
On a high leg.

On a winding path
The sun grows on a leg.
As the sun ripens,
There will be a handful of grains.

Planted a seed -
We raised the sun.

Amazing sun?
There are a hundred windows in this sun
They look out of those windows
Hundreds of little jackdaws.

Yellow Demid
He looks at the sun all day.

He stands thoughtfully
In a yellow crown,
Freckles darken
On a round face.

There is a town.
How many gray houses,
So many little white residents.

Split it -
There will be a grain
Plant a seed -
There will be sunshine.

In the garden by the path
The sun is standing on its leg.
Only yellow rays
He's not hot.

I'm like the sun
And I love the sun
I turn after the sun
I head my own.

Planted a seed -
We raised the sun.
Let's pluck this sunshine -
We will collect a lot of grains,
Let's fry them, gnaw them,
And the guests will arrive -
We'll give them a handful.

Antoshka spins on one leg,
Where the sun is, that’s where he looks.

Driving next to a field where only sunflowers grow, it is impossible to look away. It is like a sunny lake, full of warmth and light. After all, the sunflower is considered a symbol of the sun, happiness and joy. And how much pleasure the plant gives when it matures! Both children and adults love to eat its seeds. The sunny flower also gives us sunflower oil, with which we can prepare various delicacies.

We offer a selection of riddles about sunflowers for children 3-4, 5-6 years old and for grades 1-2-3 with answers. Spend time with your children in an informative, interesting way, broaden their horizons.

In the garden near the path there is a sun on a leg

Riddles about sunflowers for children 3-4 years old with answers

The field seems to be covered in yellow waves.
A flower grows here...

In the garden by the path there is a sun on a leg.

An amazing flower behind the sun
Can turn his head
And he himself is like a little sun,
Each petal is like a ray of it.

He lives under the sun
The sun rises early.
The sun loves him!
His name is -

Oh, what a beautiful flower
In the garden for nettles!
Blueberry seeds,
Yellow eyelashes.
Wakes up with the sun,
Morning smiles.
He is the son of the sun,

Satellite of the sun, little sun, children of the sun - this is the name of this flower, which always looks towards the sun.

Senechka is in the yard, seeds are in my head

Riddles about sunflowers for children 5-6 years old with answers

In the garden, on the path, under my window
The sun blossomed today on a tall stalk

It’s Senechka in the yard.
There are seeds in the head.

Planted a seed -
We raised the sun.

On a winding path
The sun grows on a leg.
As the sun ripens,
There will be a handful of grains.

Flower with a yellow head
Tell us, honey, what's wrong with you?
You follow the sun all day long,
Perhaps you don't like shadows?

The yellow sun stands on a leg,
There are many black houses in it,
And how many little black houses,
So many little white residents.

Bright sunny flower
He bent his stalk,
For the pig to come,
I took his seeds.

Amazing sun:
This sun has a hundred windows,
They look out of those windows
Hundreds of little black jackdaws.

It grows on a long stem
With petals like horns,
His head is large
Full of black seeds.

In the garden by the path
The sun is standing on its leg.
Only yellow rays
He's not hot.

Sunshine on a leg
Right next to the path!
It grew big
This is delicious!
Seeds - in rows.
Guess for yourself:
-What's that on the leg?
Right next to the path?

Who's this huge?
Uneven grows from the ground,
Long as a crane
Is there a giant in the garden?
When the time comes,
He will give the children seeds.

Who's that on the peg?
So similar to the sun?
Sieve on a peg
There are grains in the sieve.
In each such grain
Future sunshine.

According to one of the ancient legends, the gods sent a sunflower to people so that the sun would never leave them. Indeed, no matter the weather, its flower is always facing the sun.

The golden sieve of black houses is full

Riddles about sunflowers for children in grades 1-2-3 with answers

In the middle of the courtyard is a golden head

Golden Demid looks at the sun all day.

Black crown,
Yellow edge.

He stands thoughtfully, wearing a yellow crown,
Freckles darken on a round face.

Chop it - there will be a grain,
Plant it and there will be sunshine.

The golden sieve of black houses is full,
How many little black houses,
So many little white residents.

In the garden in summer
Blooms yellow.
Glad to rise above everyone else,
After all, he is the sun's younger brother.

Golden Vanyushka,
In black hemp.
Follows the sun with his head
And he finds it everywhere.

Antoshka spins on one leg,
Where the sun is, that’s where he looks.

In this black hat,
Dense grain formation!
Where they grow beautifully
Three glasses of butter?

If you find seeds,
You'll stick it into the loose soil,
And for a while you will forget,
Soon you will be surprised.

From the seeds - the root,
From the root - a stem,
From the stem - the head,
There are a hundred seeds on the head.

Planted a seed -
We raised the sun.
Let's pluck this sunshine -
We will collect a lot of grains.
And the guests will arrive -
We'll give them a handful.

In the vegetable garden Long
Tied to the Sun with a hat.
The sun hid behind the clouds.
He has a key to the Sun!
Heads of curly bottom
Always unfolded it in the sun.

What kind of sun is this in our garden?
The whole summer shines on us in any weather.
With yellow rays on a high stem.
I can stroke the sun with my palm.
But the magic sun, to be honest,
You can admire it only until September.
And when the autumn rain starts to drizzle,
The sun will generously treat us with seeds.

Vera Vakhromycheva
GCD summary on the topic: “A sun grows on a leg near a winding path”

Summary of GCD on the topic"U winding path the sun grows on a leg»

Tasks: introduce children to plant« sunflower» , teach the measurement of bulk solids using a yardstick, consolidate the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting, designating the number of objects with numbers, develop cognitive interests, interest in nature; develop color perception, visual attention, fine motor skills, binocular vision.

GCD move

Making a riddle: U winding path

The sun grows on a leg.

How it ripens Sun,

There will be a handful of grains.

Look at the picture. It depicts blooming sunflowers. We are talking sunflower, but the scientific name for this is plants - sunflower. Let's repeat it and remember it.

Big flower sunflower reminds us of the sun. But it’s not just the external resemblance that connects the flower with the sun. Have sunflower amazing ability to turn the flower head following sunshine, accompanying him from sunrise to sunset. No wonder about sunflower says:

Antoshka stands on one leg.

Where the sun will become, he will look there too.

Gymnastics for the eyes « Sunflowers and sun»

The teacher invites the children to the tables, where they circle sunflowers through tracing paper.

-Sunflower grown all over the world, and here too. A is used sunflower for making sunflower oil. Here it is (show). Have you seen the kitchen at home? sunflower oil? How is it used? (they fry it, add it to salads, grease baking trays).

Sunflower - honey plant. How do you understand the meaning of the expression "melliferous" plant» ? (this is what it is plant from which bees collect honey)

Roasted seeds sunflower people eat it as a treat and call it the seeds. Seeds are a very healthy product, as they contain many vitamins and others that are beneficial for health substances.

Not only people love to eat seeds. Remember who is treated to seeds in winter? sunflower? (poured into bird feeders).

Dynamic pause "Yellow sunflower»

Yellow the sun looks at the earth,

(hands up, stretched, looked up)

Yellow sunflower follows the sun.

(with a turn from left to right, draw an arc with raised arms)

Only his yellow rays are not hot.

(head tilts to the right and left shoulder)

He grows on a long stem

(arms along the body, stand on tiptoes)

With petals like horns,

(spread your arms to the sides and slightly up)

Its head is large and full of black seeds.

(join rounded arms above your head)

Di “Assemble the parts into a whole”(children assemble a picture with the image from the cut parts sunflower)

Now look at this picture.

Count how many there are sunflowers?

What number denotes the quantity sunflowers?

On what account? a bird sitting in a sunflower?

Which one? sunflower leaned down?

On what account? sunflower village bee?

Well done!

The teacher draws the children's attention to two jars and cups.

How can you find out how many seeds are in these two jars? (suggest using a glass and a doll cup)

Equal number of seeds in jars? (equal)

How many cups of seeds did you get?

How many cups?

If the jars had the same number of seeds, why were there more cups than cups?

Now take teaspoons and measure yourself two teaspoons of seeds, pour them onto a saucer. You will need these seeds to complete the task. But first, let's do some finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics « Sunflower»

Gold sunflowers, palms touch bases,

Petals-rays, fingers spread to the sides

He's a son sunshine

And happy clouds

In the morning he wakes up, palms in the same position,

The sun is shining, fingers slowly bend

Closed at night

Yellow eyelashes.

In the summer our sunflowers- fingers open

Like a colored flashlight.

In the fall, we tap the black finger of one hand on the palm of the other

He will give you some seeds.

Children lay out the centers from the seeds sunflower